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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Dec 1886, p. 5

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 y^ »on to ex- L^gJdatiTe yourselvftg cahn and e. In the the rea- ' to become tufconatry, •r waamgu Jontentiong l»at as song in-hand' to i». a pom naintaining » for onr- a creed or :e that lam ^y request. r vote and *e, what my Ontario at ursned and the Mowat eats of th» myself the its merits, to unnecoBs- ity as your legislation he interests been ignor- sially toiaeet cable in this i particalat speak with with yon «t constituency ,nd forming 5R0WN. IRl 1 Plam Fac. evervthjoi? kttODS, a to none io partment, 1 omptly. ressed JKIN, SHiiies rootice. rstea- disease--.' )[« )Is Ediiob.â€" Were it tapt for4IW ""*â- **» t*^9fftf'H9fW ' jlwhoods coataiaed in the reply of **^^* 1 ^*^^Mn^^Kjil|bM ffl£si»s' Chief Officer." to w artick^in «»' j M^I^^WWPH^fiS Jt^ ,o««?ed' 'jha" Ptper, turther notice of ttie mattar «6iUft(B« ttvp. HeemMdp, as OMfCwe 4te was -wilting onnecessary he charfiea ine^Tith having in. ' ^- 'â€" '^^ '• -« 4 u» » -\ n J fideatal accomplices, and says the "Union Stondard" of Thombury and Bob MyJiss, sppeal^d to me for advice. Botb thaaeatat* ments are untmeâ€" I challeuge Dr. Chtistoe ^t« w tor ihcTiuOi^ii^ifeAj^.i^ men^Mr of the eooneil^. tins ^Uwr SnHdd ^tta«h t6 me. as it dees to bim. ftTflt* I to writ* letten to ratepayns ediitaixui^ ^^laW â- tatsmenta about an opponent fm the ^te- ;o prove the contrary. ' Agaiu he says the notoriona letter was. ad* pose of .their^^Mcqnng vot^rX"*: h" ^^ the Br. hM di^) thai I wonii W goilty of -WHEKE at any time treats^ him chseo'urtMusly, and although he ^ys inhis letter^tha^J^"BMui to be^any bodys humble servant^ upon i«- flection he will no noubt see the untruth- fulness of the statement, and give ma credit for not being hid or any body eSses humble servant. Hsd I been a more pliant tool in Dn Ghristoes hands, he would no doubt haveless to forgive. ' • "'[.'.I A.BLLK)TT. Stray Gattle. CAME to the premises of Peter Smith lot 12 con. 12 Boiland, about tlie 10th Nov- ember 2 small heifers mostly white rising 2 years Jid. The owner is requested to prove proyerty pay expenoes and take them. PETEB SMITH, 326-8 Harkatray P. O. Stray Cattle. NOTICE is hereby given that four head of young cattle came on my place, lot 20 in the 8th concession, township of Eaph- aasia, about the middle of last October, one of these is a heifer all red rising 3 years old. one is a gray heifer rising 2 ^years old, and the other two are rising 2 years old all red The owner is requested to prove property pay ezpences and take them away. 327-8 JACOB NEELY. Bocklrn. STRAY VALINES. CAME to the premises of Andrew Nesbctt lot 110 2nd West T. S. Bd Glenelg late in September 2 spring calves, a steer and heifer. The owner is r^qaestedto prove property pay expeuees and take them. A. NESBITT, 326-3 Markdale. P. 0. STRAr HEIFER Jres^cd to A. i!:lliott Onlv, one^com^ciUor/toi a dishonorable act auotiier. This statement is also untrue. Would the Dr. be mor* ezjdiaitas to per- The address on the Envelope wa». A. Elliott sonai tavors I kpow of none that I Imto Dep. lieeve. The latter itself had neither I received from him; if he wfll mention ihem address nor date. It began "Since coiineil I wiUaeknowtedgo them witl^ pleasure Jay, aud more particularly since yesterday, I. tbiuk I was a xutle too mistrustful of Euph- nisia." The Dr, says he (t^t the council board] explained thoroughly regarding the letter, I read the letter at tne couactl board, aud the thorough explanation spoken of con sisted in tite Beeve's "objecting to its being read, on the grounds that 'the letter was private, I held that the letter was a public letter and I have no recollection that any member of the council except the Dx, expres- sed au opinion to the contrary. The Beeve didn't teh the council of the mag-c eSeci. the 4w^t peisuading words of Markdale's pro- minent inhabitc^nt had upon his mind. A thorough explanation is just the point the Dr. kept away from then, and will not touch now it he mn avoid it. The Ur. sa8 I weutfor repndiation as well as the rest of the council. This staiement is untiue and he must know it." When the bill wus presented, I made a motion for pay. meut, the Dr. read that motion, and asked jse if I would press it to a vote. I knew and Dr. Christoe knew just as well, that the motion would have been lost on a division. I admit that I made a mistake in not in- sistmg ou the vote, but it does not proye repudation. And the reeve is taking an un- air advantage, when he argues that, because he motion does not appear on the minute book no motion was made. But to get him- salf out of a difficulty, he has since taken a .similar position with Mr. Hogg, Be. Valley deviation. The most extraordinary part ol the Dr's. letter is the shaiaeless a,dmission that he swore that he did not sign the letter as Beeve and his attempt to get out of the difficulty by saying thiit "I wilifiilly suppressed the fact that I'le mistake was rectified as soon as made aud tne letter acknowledged in its entirety." The Dr. made no correction, neither, was the letter acknowledged in its entirety. There was no such fact to suppress. The Dr. appears to think if I had Ri\en the Judge's ruling it would have exonera- ted him from blame. I did give the ruling briefly. If he'is not satisfied, he can get a certified copy from the clerk of the court, by paying for it, and I have no objection to its publication. But the Dr's. experience before the court, is not a very happy one. In the case of Sulliv- an against Artemesia, he met wi£h a rebuff, and to screen himself, first charged the Judge with i)arnality, then, because the Jury was residents of Markdale and vicinity, they gave a verdict against the Township, and to make himself absolutely safe he shifted the respon- tibilitv athiid time and placed it on the shouklers of the council. So much for the Drs- reliability. The Ileove of Collingwood asked for a grant of §100 from the county of Grey. As an equivalent to a similar grant made by Simcoe to improve the county line between Thornbury and the lake on two occasions the Dr. spoke and voted against the grant, but wlicu it -^as introduced the third time, and the amount swelled to 8400. by the in- troduction of three other grants of a similar kind he got up in his place in the County Council and said, Mr. Warden and gente- men. I haye read the statute and taken legal advice ou this matter, I am going to vote for thesmendment, I knovr I am wrnog but I »ont do so again. Wasthatan honest vote. The Dr. poses as a Temperance advocate, and has used his influence with his neigh- bor to take out a Hotel licence, and became Ilia securely by signing his bonds. "Consis- tincy thou art a jewel." He says I am unable to point my finger 'at Miy Municipal irregularity or default Was ttere no irregul,arity in the Beeve withont aut'nority of council sanctioning survey of Talley road from Hogg's property to Duncan Campbells, at a cost, for sisvey plans *c^ of «ano «50 or SCO -^. â-  Is it not an irregularity for the TtMire to irge, and by sharp practice secur^ theexpetf*' "iiture of ?600 or ?700 on valley deviation â- "•fore the right ol way has beeft^ purchased r even properly located? Sorely if 'fire •council cried shame at the nnrealon^^ ex- penditure of 8150 onNelson'B Mli ti^wm '"se their hands and faUbMsk^ ^T ' *s did Saul before the ghost ^^' " ' *is nnbusiness-like «qenditgi^"of money. 1^ above are only a few "«CTlarities I might notice, tr" "'tbtheiatepayerefor their eonaidttatioa, iaayrelertotheBuhject The Dr do yoa get the best â-¼she lor your wmey? Stepbes's Drag M UVII8 PVR ::A â€" v •â- , ^WHOr I hardly think the Dr. will say. that I hare ^as tbe target stoek of nateht medicine i r'*^ '-.â- , t ' ' if A 'i â-  ' ,. ' in town Steplien, tbe Driggist â€" -WHBBE-â€" s^ ' do yon see the best assortment of Tooth-liruslies, andiirttdieeofall kinds f -AT â-  .v,t • ' â-  BoAt'byB. X. Maab. London, also baying a krs^ stoek «f Coffins, Gaskets and fnnend 'ftunishings, «e ue jwepiured to sopiAy the jHiUie in tbe nndotakioK Une on ibe shortest notiee. A largeetoek of fnmitnra alwaya on band 'at lowest liTing prices. Having a first-dasR cabinet maker^^JiM aro prepared to make all kinds of fomilnira to .order, also i epairing done promptly. 09LEMAN A HAMILTOII, Kext door to Enapp's stoie, VM A B K D A L E. ,0« to ]!tf i*s. Olement^ wmmuBr Josi'TeoeiTBd ait jAS. G. mfssm:s Stephen's Drug Store! WHO keeps the largest stock of Pipes ^nd Pipe-Moanta Steplieithe Druggist SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS I NOTE PAPER NOTE PAPER of tbe best quality and the place to get it is at STEPHEN'S Drug Store. R.L.Stephen. A fine stock to select from 19^ jiipch lines as tbe famous' Waltham, ElgbiFDllBois, whi(^ we salt from #9.00 up wmlei other dealers ahk £rom 112.00 op*, ^ok to yont own interests and bay at the noted Jewelry Store, FAOsherton, it will pay you to conae 25 nkiles to do so. CAMEtothayromisesof James E. Bparl mj?, lot 21, -con. 10, Euphrasia, about the first of September. A heifer rising 3 yrs. dark red. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take her. JAMES E. SPAHlilNG, 326-8 tSoring, P. O STEAY bTiililiE. p_e CAME to the ,» miscs ox Bobert Greena- way lot Wi "' con. 10 Hohand aboUk the 1st November, a red steer lising '6 years old. The owner is requested prove pro- pes^ pay expences auu take him. • BOBiiitT (iBlSKNAWAt, 226-9 ' ' .Lily Oak. P.O. STBAY STEER. CAME to the niemises of R. Smith lot 108 3rd line east Artemesia, about the middle Sept. a steer rising 2, spotted red and white. The owner is requested to prove property pay expences and take hiin, CUSTOM WEAVING. TBE subscriber having opened out la the weaving bndness next do®r to Haskett Bros, on Elizabeth Street, k pre- pared to do all kinds of weaving on short notice. Grood work and moderate charges. 313-26 WM. McBBOOM. Teaclier Wanted. FOB S. 6. No. 5, Holland, holding certifi- cate or permit. Apply stating salary to BOBEBT CLABK, Sec., ficjUand Centre. Or to James Qnum or 'â- Viia. Yktne, Berkeley. 3 w TEACHER WANTED. M%^ \^^ • â-  â-  • a .-• TORONTO -:- HOUSE MARKDALE. IKEAREDALE FOR. Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Games Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Special attention to tbe Dress- making departmeiit. The latest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. Dunlop's Block, MARKDALE. New Bakery. Iwonld respectfully intimate to the in- habicanoe of MarkcUte and surrounding country that I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of JJBEAD, SOONS, BUNS, CAKES PASTBT Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS A CONFECTIONARY. ORANGES, LEMONS. A BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. All Bepain peraonaltf Mttmi4*d~t»hy RuneM the Boss Watolimaker and Jeweler Of this District. ,. BONT FAIL TO CALL. No trouble to show goods at the NOTED JEWEIiBY STORE, Flesherton. JIS. 8. RUSSELL. To Consunert Dealers IN ohjs, Buy the Empire Oil Go's fSm PAU£E USHI Ulammating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOR, E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in* the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manafacturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, AGoodby. 308-fim FOB S. S. No. 19£nphmia, holding 3rd class certificated Daties tis commence 1st Jan. '87. Apply statiiw sal^qr^to Thos. McAieei See. or to H. Jtostoa Ind Chaa. ell. traatees. t" I ^^^ .B2«-8 ^mrel F OB^SLNo. 16 5aptauta« Katies \;h c«#i||oe 1st JMMDfi^ I8«t. inaiP or Wear-e now ofieriug extraordinary bargains in Scotch, English and JDanadiau Tweeds, and fancy suitings, â€"ATTRACTIVE AND STYLISHâ€" Men's all woolTweed Suits $6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upwards. Boys;and Youths Suits aud Overcoats $8.00. TO L.AII£:S. Wool Shawls and Mantle Cloths in the Sateat styles and patterns. Boots i^ Shoes from the finest Eid iiotbe serviceable Stoga suitable for aUelafises. With us the "Tea" busi- ness is -a specialty, 4 lbs. very choice Japan teaJ$1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dast" of tl»e last May pickings a splendid ariaele for the price. Customers requiring ordered Boots- Shbei? may tfily on bcS^g ^e^' with despatch as another work has been «dded to the at^. No pense^t )»ilF hi! spared in prompt meetin^-yoilt" Wants^' aol' as in MSit past nothh)^' put the best m.i^t9riiil^ .willbQ tsMUn the sfaop^' atnt F^)ii# will be kept down to the lowest paying ifigureai IS* GIVE US A CALL. .M^aiiriitBRowi^ Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of pnbUc patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and close attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Toturs respectfully, 291 W. M- SPEER. D«E.C«F5 FoKThc LIVER BLOOD Stomach GiNiDiAN Pacific RaB. OWEN SOUND BRANCN TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. July 28th^ tSB6. GOUIIQ NORTH. STATIONS.. AND HliNEYS DANDELION fWfciWKU Blood Pnrifler, Tonlo, Pintetla Jjom of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Siliooaaeas, Jaundice,«r Cumplaint,. â- .nmariaiM aQ Klduej IMhwmwih, Sci-utula, luKMoea peculiar to Ftsmales, Satt fiheuui. osema and aU Skin IMsesMS, HeadsAlie, alpitottou of the Heart, Sour atenuMsh and Bum. forely Vef(etable._^ Join C. witST Co.. Tai.Bto,0.^ Nov. ,HW- ,\-3 *-? my.V ' i2f aP^UMf of lok-14, eoB. II El J3 (ftRpJiiP ftcnn Mi^dale 100 «P towa^^and w^ ittiUag bone "on, jjbotr'tftHls " " td oif very 6.^7 tenps 06tob« 1888. for to ^iie Dr's object just now applies to be to 'iSmtm.-»ci^*m â-  oot so particular abiint the n^eans ba f,Atbir iMsfifioiarf i]9lX »t tli« 0Bm ef I " ^•' "• attainment of his paTp», JT'-XE io tbin'i that my ambition for-ye«s-^-8jf K All pad^ are hereby wavnad giving, goofeto ai^ pan a oof'Mimj ejEcepK to n^y^i^or my ti^xi^eii eicder |ii I will not be tesmobamte ftur Hie t$MB.' JCHfflfTlffcCAliLUM, Jte. 826-9 EuRhraaa, No^..39tli m V mm m. 'i. Toronto .... Leaye ...... .^. Cardvrell Junction.......... Orange- 1 Arrive ....„...., ville. jLeaye. OrangevillB Jun Shelbume^ .^..^ Dundalk Flesherton ..;.,. Markdale. ...... i Berkeley. .. ... .. „ _. Holland Centre. ....._.... Chatswortk Owen Sound.*. Mail..( 'Z4oam 9 25" IOC'S*' 1020" 10 32 " 10 58" 1122" U47" la 02pm 12 14 '• i2 23 " 12 38 " 1 05 " £z|it 4 50pm .1 6 30 " 7 08 " 7 22 " • 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 55 9 10 9 2i â€" 9 32 ' 9 49" 10 20" GOrNC- SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sounds Chatsworthu. Holland Centre ...... ^, Berkeley Markdale Fleshertoni -.......„..., Dundalk ...-.., Shelbnrne Oiangevillb Jun... ... ... OranKO- ^-AmTe :. ville.. liieave ... ....... CardwellJunction... Toronto Arrive ., Bxp^ 5 40am a 10" 6 25." 34" 47" 7 02" 726" 7 51" 22" 8 30 " a45." 9 25'» ie«65 " MaiL. 2:A0ftat. 3.07" 3530 " 3 40" 3J2^'« 4 06," 451" 4 67 " 5 23 " 6 85/ 6 55 " 6 30" 8 10 " SAVE MONEY! t« -rmrn- I B, GABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants (^the sur- founding conntiy that he ba.s opened] a general harness shop on King street m the village of ,4.: i HOLLAND CENTRE. wheraliauiteiMtoto mannfaetnre and keep on banda buffe stock of LIGHT and BEAttBABNESS. long and short togs. JBTiUW CO£LABS. WHIPfl, COMBS, BBUSHBS. SABNESS OILAe. I will nae vt^j int daas ' aatarial and tboso r wi a ifi n g anytbaiK inAhe iu u » â€" line iHll iod it to their intarest to tail at the awr bpnimM ebqp and get .poBea bsfora go- H^^ellwiriMnii Ikptttiag dona with neat- tuStmeaH diiytoh. ' Sobaiting a (diare of pobiie patroaage. I am respeetfnJly yonrs; STAKfrARli;" â€" AJH) TBBâ€" â€" â€" Rnril CAMMM. Snun npr, till 1st January, 1688,. FOK WE SMA^SUm. OF $1.50. By an i^fmigam^it with tbe puUulber o( the i{uribi417ax(Kltaik now m:! its teitfh Year of publication, we are ^uOfled to ' offer b^th papers for 11.50. Tii« VBgaiag.. price oi the twot2.00.f. " " Ths Bnn^ponad^ is ai«nfb!j fflitk%ted magazme^ Kr th» Farm ai^, H«B«.^^nM ' ieUewiniciace the leadimt D^partmtaita :â€" ' jraroi,8iid FieM; Horses and Caltle; Thar Dairy; .Sbmp and: Swine; Gk«dan,r and:- Onbaiid Bms aad'Hrawy; Pocd^ and Fata-,, Home Cinde; Tbe Gkaage Baeead Bond Motass: Hbosebitld 'Hiota:. loawr Gaiuida -,: SiMntido and Usefal. 1^- m^ ahMte is vntb.8e«erat jnltie snla p^ j^j^^s $1 -1^^*

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