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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Dec 1886, p. 1

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 .,--ai,----^-T» yf 3Sy\xT OLk za-^R '5ru 1/. }« i^l£ adi oO 0 »•] -.1 f !»« »^ ^ijj •* â- nj:!! V /i' 1.^ 'â- Â»-•« -ri- ii- .Jii! yi;'i =-.â-  \^l\^ ,f.t I .;j ,i' t T-^r •A^y iXi ' â-  :." • "T â- - If ,. _,, ,, ,, 1 y i i 'u jt â- â-  â-  ^U .., â€" 1 ' "HEW TO TH^'iilllfe LET THE CmPS FALI^ "WitERE THEY MAY." :^,y!•----• i" ' ^-! a^ ii â-  â- â-  f â-  „â- / I. ' li t! (1 il*^ l l lll i 1 -Vi SJ:VEXTH YEAE.-Xo. 32T. ;^!.. I MAitkDAIJJ, OIifT\, I)ECJiaiBE^^^ 9, 18)36. :C. .?Wf. BUTJ^|CKBi'P^qfe^ Local and Oto Items. 'oTii"rs in thi-ne cohtvinn intended to henefit y^y iitiiiridnal nr 'ocietij will he charged ten, I,.: '.â- â- â€¢" "" furflii' firxt iii^tertion and Jive IfiKts a Ihie each TAih^eqiient insertion. rFeseiitation Purposes. Hold and Silver Watches, Fancy Clocks and Silverware. Prices Close, inplainfigures. MAE KD ALE. XOTICE. â€" Ccrreafondence, comtmtviea- ».,. Advert iitcm/'nt" d'-c,, wnut he in thin â- â- fice hij noon on 'l\iesdaij to insure pitblieation that week. P. rj an B«t- itis.Cattf* ^flfliafaoP»» tar nerToa«« aints. •*• itivepowiff- » defflrt B»d to^ «* k Excellent Hleigbing, " Delightful weather, And business rushing, Dnriug the past week. Two weddings in town yesterday. HcMK si-lendid lines of clothingat Hill Bros. I!kv. J. F. McLaekn, Presbyterian, has had a unanir^ous call to Thornbnry. Ai?ouT 1.000 morcpileswanted to com- ;iletc contract. G. S. Bowes. RusixEss rushing, goods cheap at Hill IJros. Nkw Season Teas, extra 'alue at M. Kichardson Co's Flesherton. Wanted. â€" A young cow, to milk all winter. G. S. Bowes, Markdale. Maxwell correspondence and a lot of other n:atter too late for this week. Miss Sakau A. Noble, is home on a vibit from Toronto. Ij RiNG your Fowl, Butter and Eggs to fel Hill Bros. Bargains giyea in return, 5 lbs. pure undulterated Japan Tea 'fu Sl.OO at J. G. Anderson's. Try it. i Charlie Richards is home on a visit "'I from Eochester, N. Y. it-- \% Clearing out balance of Millinery at *i ;;reatly reduced prices at Hill Bros. ' Glenelg Council will meet at the g.' !ov,n hall on the 13th inst. %â- â-  Try J. G. Anderson's 30 cent tea best value ever offered, 28 cents in 5 lb lots. Casu for hides and skins at the Mark i dale tannery, bring them along. Holland Council meets at Holtand f Centre on the loth Dec. Poi' Sale- â€" A liouse and lot i in Berkeley. Apply to Mrs. Thos. [Brown, Berkeley, P. O. CHEArEST place in the county for .Picture framing is at the Markdale jFiioto Ciallery. Go to J. G. Anderson's for furs, you jcaneeta fur cap worth $1.10 for 85 I cents. Don't forget the bankrupt stock, good J^es left, come and realise for yourself iHillBros. There is no snow in Toronto, and the ' inst has been yery annoying the past I 'veek. HiBBERs and Overshoes repaired neat. I^iid warranted to stand, at McLeods ^ioe store, Markdale. Mastles, mantle cloths, a large stock 1 select from at very low prices at M. P'ichardsou k Co's Flesherton. Etery farmer should read the Kural K'lnadian, the agricultural authority of |Canada. Boots. Long and short, Heavy and hue. an immense stock at bottom prices *^ M. Ricnardson Co's Flesherton. The cTood value given in teas at Hill ptos, liettet the past will be found much at present. ^r- Bryden has been appointed Dejp- Issuer of Marriage lAaeaaet dntii^ I '• Brown's absence on the »hy*S. ^^•setorent for fonr months, 'pw«' T^ given 1st January: applf,#!k flfiB For seasonably hints on fanning, gardening, stock -ox ' poultry read' the Bnral Canadian. K. O, going to toccBpy the- tipper story of Hull's new building fot a paint shop kind of an Dbservatbry ' The Orangeville Advertisfer htes again changed hands, Monro Co., Igoing ont and one J. F. Kennedy taking control. Mr. Brown's address to the electors of Centre Grey may be seen in this issue. He is making a vigorous canvas. H01.IDAT presents, a splendid ^tock to select froin at M. ilichardson Co's. See their stock of Silver-plate China goods Ac. Dkess Goods in great variety and novelties for the hohday season at M. Bichardson Co's. Groceries Business booming in this line, bargains is Sugars and new fruits, at M. Richardson Co's. Flesherton. We cannot remember the time when roads were as good during fall and early winter as the present season. A Lively Business. â€" The salesmen and saleswomen are kept on the jump from morning until night serving custom- ers at McFarland's The address of Mr. John Blyth, M. P. P. to the electors of South Grey appears in tliis paper. Blyth is a very popular candidate. Found. â€" On Saturday last, about a mile north-east of Markdale, a pair of womans' leather boots. Apply at this office. John E. Richabds of Rocklyn was in town this week He has raised quite a crop on his face, scarcely knew him Ho reports business booming. The annual school meeting comes on the last Wednesday of the year. Trus- tees shoidd call in time and get their printed notices. Next Monday evening 13th is nomina- tion of officers in Markdale Lodge A. O. U. W. a full attendance is urgently re- quested. The Ruaal Canadian for 1887 will be better than ever before. Its columns will be fully alive to the best interest of the farmer. John McNeely is clearing out his old stock of wood as fast as he can get cars to ship it, and is again prepared to buy first class wood. CoLEUAN Hamilton have got up a ^e hearse the past week and having a large stock of. Caskets, Coffins and funeral furnishing are fully prepared to fill all orders with despatch. Our Photographer has secured the services of Mr. J. Hamilton, formerly of this place, for this week and next only. Bring along the babies and secure a lovely likeness. Get the best local paper and the most useful agricultural journal in the country at a nominal price. The Standard and the Rural Canadian only 11.50 fromnow till 1st Jan., 1888. A Social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church will be held at the residence 6f Mrs. Thos. Morrow, Glenelg, on Friday evening 10th inst. All are cordially in- vited. Admission 15 cents. Wool.â€" Cable advises report a steady advance in all lines of Wool goods. You can have all yonr present wants snppU- edatold prices at M. Bichardson Co's Flesherton. Thk car load that we noticed last wedc, which cost 540 freignt, was only ten cents per hundred lbs, being a 40,000 lb cu^ load. DcNCAK MoBBisoH Esq,, of thft firtn of Creasor Morrison, is a candidate for Mayor in Owen Somd: Mr-Bnthezfoid will likely, it is said, odnMnt t6 nm toe a third term. " Ok Saturday th»87th Not. thieelazge eferatoni 'irete hnmed iiolhiltttl^^tail- ii^alossx^ 150,000, ie«U*y •»»»»« .bnsbdsci graiKaad tfifr'iws rf jttwe •:i. â- 'sa-' You can get 20 lbs. nice brigh Sngar fpr fl.OO 20 lbs. Raisuxs for $1.60; 15 lbs. ^granulated Sugar 4lX)0; and all other groc^ies e^[BallY as cheap at J. G. Anderson's. Mabkdaia MABKET8.-^-Fall wheat Bto 71 cfflits spring wheat 66 to 71 barley 35 to 58 peas 46; oate 26; butter 10 to 16; e^:sl6; potatoes 50 per bag; pork 6:25 hides 7:50. In stock now. famous Lazarus Moris Spectacles, Gold. Steel and Nickle frames. Largest stock .and lowest prices in Markdale.- W. A. Brbwn Jeweller. J. G. Anderson challenges oompetitipn in Ready-made clothing See our black worsted or tweed suits for 96.95 worth 910 cash. Cap worth 92^50 for 9175. Cap worth 93 for 92. Cap worth 94 for 2.75. Seabchins Pboof FoB.-There is no trouble in ascertainig from any drcggist the true virtue of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for all pain- ful and inflammatory tronbles, rheumatism, nenralfpa, lumbago, frost bites, b«ms, tprains contracted cords, stiff joints, aches, pains and soreness. W. McLeod, Markdale, will give you better valne in all kinds of foot wear than any of those general dealers who are shouting so loud about their shoddy boots. Wanted. â€" A heavy sound mare rising 2, 3 or 4 years. Call at lot 18, con. 14, Artemesia or address James Hanson, Vandeleur, P. O. ' 327-8. Wanted. â€" Before the 1st February, 1.000 cords body wood, 4 and 2 foot long, delivered at Markdale and Berkeley stations in exchange for Boots and Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers. Apply at once to W. McLeod Markdale. National Pills are the favorate pnrgative an8 anti-bilious medicine tbej are mild and thorough. ' American Watches aiW. A. Brown's Setii Thomas Clodty at W. A. Brown's Fine Silverware at W. A. Brown's Wedding wrings at W. A. Bmwn'a Pebble Specks at W. A. Brown's. â-  .â€" .J "' Tmi ' EviBEHCs of A Justice. â€" Esquire Felton* of Grass Lake, Michigan, a jnstitie of the peace, was given up to die with mal- ai;ial fever. He tiestifles t9 i sore fi-om 3iirdoek Blood Bitters, after physicans' and other medicines tailed. SuBSCBiBEBd at a' distance who" wish .tbeir paper continued, will kindly be prompt in renewing when their subsoc^)- tioB expires. There are a large nnmber of such which expires with the end oi Hie year. A FouBFOLD WoBK. â€" ^Botdock Blood Bit- ters act at the same time upon the Uver, the bowels, the kidneys and the ^b, reliev- ing or curing in eyery case. Warranted satisfaction or money refunded. Grip's Comic Almanac. â€" ^We have re- ceived from the GripPrinting and Publ- ishing Co., of^Toronto, a copy of their celebrated Canadian Comic Almanac for 1687. It ntore than keeps up the reputa- tion of tins ' Annual, which has now reached its eighth year. â€" the greatest variety of the illustrations, and the first class character of the human matter, making St a decidedly attractive book. Everybody will want it and its price will not be an obstacle. Though eight pages of matter hartre been added, it still sells at 10 cents, and may be had from the pubh^ieacs or at the bookstores. WoEMS often destroy chSdren. but Free- man's Worm Powders destroy Worms and expel them from the system. Anntversaby Services. â€" The Ann- iversary serviees.of the Markdale Me- thodist Church will be held asfoUows â€" Sermons on Sunday morning and even- ing the 19th December at 10:80 and 7 o'clock by Rev. Dr. Stone, associate [editor of the Christian Guardian, Toron- Those who desire to improve them- to and on Sunday the 26th by Rev. Dr. selves in vocal music and voice culture should attend the concert of the Eetchum Co. in Haskett's Hall on Saturday eve- ning next. The annual meeting of East Grey Conservative Association, for the Elec- tion of Officers c., will be held in Mark • kale on Friday the 10th inst. (to-morrow) at 1 o'clock. MothebsTake Notice.â€" West's Cough Syrup contains no opiates, opium or sny minerals and can be given to the yotmgest and most delicate child with perfect safety. It is an infallible cure for croup and Vhoop- ing-congh. A bottle should always be kept convenient, as it is always a certam cure for coughs, colds consumption in its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung troubles. 25c., 50c. and 91 per bottle. All druggists. A communication without a signatore went to the waste basket this week, where all such are consigned. It seems a difficult matter to make people tkn- deratand that we must hsye the real name, not necessarily for publication* but as a guarantee of good faith. To The T»alllb--^ Daring the mot|th oi December W. J. McFabland would esteem it a favor if his many Village Cnstomers would do their shop- ping during the forenoon as nob- withstanding two additional as- sistants to his ahready large staff he finds it impossible to ssrve all his patrons satisfactorily. Aylsworth of Mt. Forest at the same hours. A collection will be taken at each service in behalf of the building fnnd. Tlie annual tea-meeting will be held on the eyening of Christinas. Day, when tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock, Admission 25 cents, Dr Ayls- worth wiB give an address together with several local men. All are invited to attend the different services. Unsafe.â€" "I never felt safe to be without Hagyard's Yellow Oil for s(»re throat, colds swollen glands, c., it has not failed to give relie. and for my children it is so easy to administer." Mrs. Henry Dodds, Berridale P. (X.Ont. -OF'THE- "WtMtf^M LOWER PRICES -THAN- EVEB BEFORE. j\t the GJ-reat lEi;grliij Souse OF- W. J. McFARLAND. A Change at Goring. Mrs. Bailey has resigned the post mistress-ship of goring, and intends removing to'Blantyre shortly. It is ex- pected that Mr. James Sparling will be appointed postmaster, and that until another occupanti-is secured for the building vacated by Mrs. Bailey the post offiice will be kept in the store of Mr. Wm. Curry, Mrs Bailey will continue the merchantile bosiness at Blahtyre and wUl have charge of the p. o. there. â€" [Meaf ord Mirror. â- ri ol Monet to loaa ^l^iiraSt cnanmit rate^ of interest for ^e frdlowing Companies, Canadian Permanent, M«^iirf Seiotfaipd and London and QaamSBaia. Ifettgages renewed or changed, to eer eompanm- at triffing cost. Siu^i^ "strictly private. Thos. Boland, Yandelenr. Wnftt's Liver Fills, th'd staadoid remedy for liver eosaplaint. dy qw p aia indegestiiHi; aod nek headache. sagsr floated pUis. JlSe. AUdrogpat. Tbb Ketcham Oonaertand Convntion Co. ci Caaadr^ wiU be here Safanday Dee.llthgi-^iig»JBaiieert]n Ibe tnmni- ing. TbK^jt^A^fnooadDgltio^^^t^ Kothino Lin a. â€" "I was nearly used up with H heavy xld,,hrom which I gbt no re- lief nntil I tned Hagyard Peetoral Balsam. I found it a sure cnie. There is nothing jike it," says Edward Cousins. Banson, Ont.*^^ ChilbbanB. frosted feet, and all frost bites cored by a few ^iphoationa of West'6 World's Woneder at Family Liniment, the magie enre. Tiy it. ' SSe. and 50^. AU druggist. AOmTtWANTED. ei^Ca^oyment to ^sod Mea, Nt)HC^-MECOK IDLE nsvious EXPERiEMce nor essektiml W* Fayw'ther Saleuy w Comniuiea. 1 /\A^^"^^ ^^^ irantad atoneeto XUvl eanvasafor the mim. of Gapada GnjWnlTnzBaiy Stock. DO BE "WISE ^And don't give up your hard earned- dollar without first seeing .Mc- FARLANDS grand piles of DRY GOODS. MANTLE CLOTH'S, PLUSHES, MILLINERY, TWEEDS. FLANNELS. CASHMERES, GLOVES, and the thousands of other goods he has piled on his Shelves and Counters. Don't be foolish and pay $1.00 for goods Mc- Farland will sell you for seventy-fiye cents. Don't be foolish and think yon can do as well somewhere else, but DO BE ^W-ISE! And let us help you to save money, DO BE WISE] and come and get the benefit of a selection from the largest stock north of Toronto, and Imported Direct from the English Markets; thereby saving the wholesale Merchan ts profits. DO BE WISE! and the wisest thine; you can do is to go direct to McFarland's with your Cash, Butter, Poultry Mid Eggs, right away, qniefc. Cords of Overcoats, Cords of Men's and Boy's Suits, thousands of yards of untearable Tweeds. Stacks of Silk Kandkerchiefs, Mufflers, Undershirts, I Drawers, Furs, Ties, Booots Shoes and Carpets. Snadreds of pounds of Teas from 10 oeats up. Waggon loads (rf Sngan, iUisins. Currents, Feeli» Bpiom and Essences for the Xmas. P^d^ixes and Pies. Big BargaiiUt Si!Q;^ Bargains* at •â- r- ' ;, i-.rrs-mi's yi I'W'*? ^:tat«Mi u£- *?;-' m n-'d wfi-'t 1 -;:^ •yro: 'f .,,i.ttmtiimia^tSili^lttiUk

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