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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Dec 1886, p. 4

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 mm mmm ^^ mmmmmiiimmifiK'fi'W"W^ iJK rai l â-  «ii i H i j gao-«r,.-. "'-r^. I TT-l The $tettdaA. O. W. Butledge, Publisher. MABKDALE, DEC. 2. 18p6, KEEP AT IT. If a peraoD is engaged in a line of bnsiness in which he makes little or no progress, not being partiealarly adapted for that sphere, the best he cau do ij to try something else, which his natural abilities are better adapted for. This is dangerons adyice taken in a general way, as it eccourages a changing from one thing to another and would tend to increase the num- ber who have no settled occnpalion, •and of whom|there are already to many in the world. Of coarse it is useless for a man to follow the painting busmess who is color blind, neither will he succeed at music if he has no ear for melody, and -in sach cases time is only thrown ^way. There are thousands of young men in the world starting out in life, and it is ot the greatest importance that such carefully find what they are best adapted for, then commence, and con tinue at it with all his might. The man of one idea is the man that makes his mark, while he who is, everything by starts and nothing long, seldom rises in position or wealth. The future of the country depends on the young men of to day, and accord- ing us their aims are correct and their efforts well directed will the result be. 'The man is not interested as much in the future prosperity of the country -as in his individual succeas, and the 'best way to suoiess is to find our best hold and never let go. Choose an honest calling and then keep at it, jou will thusiinsure ultimate individual suscess, and a country made up of such citizen cannot but prosper. From our own cormpouioKt. The recent light fall of snow has' caused a sportlin basmees, and tte Boond of the bella are sweet to tbe ear. Some of oar boys were taking the ad- vantage of the aleighing Tbty giving their sweet hearts a drive on Sunday. We are pleased to. see Miss Joliia Perigo aroand again after her severe iUness. Saltpetre and his partner have their contract of cuttiaff slabs complete and are looking for a job from Camp. Mr. Tboason AlUster has retomed from his trip to Mnskoka. He likes that country immense. The S. Army is prospering onder the able leadership of Lient. Bowe who seems to take a lively interest in the work crowded house every night. Leo. and the ex-Divine tramped all day Saturday and with the aid of Camp's Winchester and Colonal dog captured a Rabbit. Weddings are plentiful in this neighborhood. Two last week .and one reported to take place next week. CeDtnRii Umsatb. â€" "I never felt safe to be withou Halyard's Tellow Oil for sore throat, colds swollen glands, o., it has not failed to give relie. and for my children it is so easy to administer." Mrs. Henry Dodds, Berridale P. 0., Ont. On iriniBiin^s Biffhts. Thb Evidence or A Justice. â€" Esquire Pelton' of Grass Lake, Michigan, a justice of the peace, was given up to die with mal- arial fever. He testifies to a cure from Burdock Blood Bitters, after physicans' and other medicines failed. C'entre Urey Reform Conren- tion. The Reformers of the Centre riding met in solemn conclave in Markdale on Tuesday last. There was a good atten dence, every township being represented The chief bnsiness of the meeting was to nominate candidates for the Commons and Legislature for the coming elections which resulted as follows, yiz â€" Mr Robert Gilray, Barrister of Toronto, brother of Thos, Gilray, Esq., reeve of Euphrasia for the commons, and Wm. Brown Esq., of Markdale for the Local House. The canvass for the latter will now|be opened in dead earnest, and as the time is short between now and polhng day, Dec. 28th we may expect lively times in pohtics. Mr. Brown's addresses to the electors will appear next week, Holland Centre. The following are the opening senten. ces of the address on this subject, by Mrs. Skinner Miss President, fellow wimmen, and male thrash generally â€" ^I am here to-day for the purpose of discussing woman's rights, recussing her wrongs and cussing the men. I beheve the sexes Were created per- fectly equal, with the woman a little more equal than the man. I also believe that the world to-day would be happier if man never existed. As a success man is a failure, and I thank my stars that my mother was a woman. [Applause.] I not only maintain their principles, but maintain a shiftiess husband besides. They say man was created first- Well, suppose he was. Aint first ex periments always failures? K I was betting I would bet $2.50 they are. The only decent thing about him was a rib, and that went to make something better. And they throw in our faces about taking an apple. I'U bet five dollars Adam boosted her up the tree and then only gave her the core. And what did he do when he was found out True to his masculine instinct, he sneaked behind Eve's Grecian bend and said, "Twan't me, 'twas hey," and woman has had to father eyerything and mother it too. Whatwejwant is the Isollot; w'ere bound to have it, if we have to let down our back hair and swim in a sea of gore [Sensation.J GENTLEMEN:â€" The wite lor « General El e etioa for the Local Legiaiatoie, will be iaraed inuMdiatety. Oa Taesday the Slat day of Boeember pext, the nominatiims are t6 6e made and Taflsdar the 28th day of Deoembar fixed for poiluig. Having received tile aihaiimonB nomination of the largest and most influential Conserva- tive Convention ever held in the Biding, viiioh met in October last, and having since received the most enooarae^ug assurance, of support from the electors generally, I beg most respectfully to annoonce that I feel it my duty to accede to their wishes and aciept such nomination. I have been a resident of the Biding for thirty-eight years. Daring the greater part of that period I have been, more or less • actively engaged in the administration of your monicipal affairs and while occupying prominent positions of trust in your County Council I haye invariably been guided by a desire to protect and promote your interests. My long residence in the Siding and prac- ticttl knowledfre of the working of our municipal institutions enable me the more readily to anticipate your special require- ments, represent your grievances and obtaia reUef from oppressive legislation. If elected as your representative, I will endeavor faithfully to discharge my duty by giving effect to wholesome legislation and wili ad- viicate a more economical administration of the finances and of the Crown domain. As there is not space in a short address to fully explain my yiews I shall endeavor to attend meetings in the various Townships of the Biding before the elections and there discuss in detail the various questions now before the people. In conclusion, I shall advocate eqaal rights and privil^es to all classes and creeds of Her Majesty's subjects. Being a resident of the Biding and like many of yourselves engaged in farming operations, our interests are identical I shall do my best to advance them. Belying on your cordial and generous bui port to elect me as your representative I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, JOSEPH EORKE. Clarksburg, Nov. 26, 2886. â-  â- Â» « AIEKICAK WATCES IN ARB-:-YW«i â- TO-:-PORc] tTOU FRESENTSi mon goes. ^vj^J Where ywi can obtaio the newest, cheapest, and best selection r the coQttty, at the Head Quarters in Marltdale for BOOKs i'PA-?TA"°^«i TOYS. PAliCY GOODS, c.. c, ^^^' ^^ATIONEB^ REYNOLDS BLOCK HEXT DOOR TO Manaia. ^H O U S E.- "â- ^WSIOI When yoa want WALL PAPEli go where you can get an assort choose from, and ^t lowest prices, now in stock over tiiree then ?^"' from 6o. to 75 cents per Roll. Al« a choice selection of Borders In TOYS you will find the best assortment ever abown ir,' v Dolls all siaes from 6c. to $1.60. chadrens Toy Books from i t " Purses from 6c. to 75 cents, Moustache and Tea Cups from 20 • ^^" Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmas Cards af «""' ^\ will astonish yoa from 2c. up. ' ' P""^^ tbi Special to School Trustees, Sabbath School Supermtendents and T i no necessity going a days journey or sending to Toronto or 'elsewh? i your prizes or Librarys. you will find my stock large varied and in suited to your requirements, and prices satisfactory ed on all school orders. ever}' bpecial discount alW i'uU supply of School Books, Note Paper, c., c., at prices to times. liS- NOTE THE ADDRESS, ^^ priv-es to suit A. DINSMORE. i^ NEXT POOR TO MANSION HOUSE Agent for Domestic Paper Fashion Co. New York, a stocij of patterns stantly on hand. M/rf^KDALE J,, 1! Mothers Taxk Notice,â€" West's Cough Syrup contains no opiates, opium or any minerals and can be given to the youngest and most delicate child with perfect safety. It is an infallible cure for croup and \» hoop- ing-cough. A bottle should always be kept convenient, as it is always a certam cure for coughs, colds consumption in its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung' troubles, 25o., 60c. and Jl per bottle. All diuggibts. yrom our own eorresvondent. The merry bells are again heard. Mr. Joseph Fanning killed aud fed to the canine kind a 3 ^ear old steer, it being affected with cancer. Horse flesh appears at a disconnt in our town, at least one of our citizens shot his noble animal recently to save its life. Mr. John Sargent is seriously ill -with it is said, typhoid fever; Mrs. Frank Troughton died on l^e 120th Nov. consumption being the disease. The funeral was largely attended. The suit between Ward and Holland â- Council was dismissed at the last ratt- ing with costs in Wards Utvot, but the -council intend taking it further. GOLD, GOLD FHiLED, SILYER, and Silver-ore cases. 7, 11, and 15 jewelled, isom $8.50 to $41.00* war^ ranted fiae timers. I can do better lay customers on these goods, than any other dealer in Central Grey. Grade, case and warrant consider- ed. New lines in Chains, Rings, Bar Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, and Necklets. Fine STocK-Clocks and Silverware; also Musical Listruments, Watchc», Clocks, c., carefully repaired. IS- GOODS AMD WORK WARRANTED. A Reliable Jeweller, MARKDALE. Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sasb, Door and Plain Fac tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everytliiii being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldiiigs, Hollow FRMES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second tonoiiei Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every depaftment, would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage Every Effort Made to fill Ordejs Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressei Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 80S THOS- mc:n^ea. m: A.Ri£r A. i^F. -»-^s*«- GOOI TIIG^S. o^gJBig^gg^gayi' IVIoderate NatiojMI. Pills are the favorate paigative ^ud antirbilioaB medioiue; tiiej an aadand thoroughi Fntal Ste*«tiHK Ciwe nt Owr* OwBK SoraiD, SIoT. S8. â€" ^Last night Si .young leUpw nanwd Silvertiiom AceidsptlT abot hia yovBger brotiia a;;ed 10 year*. The ball attck him fai ^e lioau wbJ ho died abodt im hev J West's Gooeh Synipr i« a nue m» lor rUcz. eoafl^a,ouU«enMipaiilooiiBami*ti(m. "What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for r It is for Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Indi- gestion, Bilionsness. and it is the finest blood parifier in the known world to-day. 'Does it give satisfaction " We cannot point to one iastance where it did not. "Where doesit, I have the largest sale?" llight in the Citj o! ' Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there ' has been over one thousand dollars' wrorth sold in the last year retail, and the grearer majority of the sale is by one recommenda- tion it to another, iror rale at 50c. and f 1.00 per pottle by R. L. Stephen's, Drug Store Markdale. SEABCHiNe Paoor FoB.-There is no trouble in aaoertainig from anv drnggist the true virtue of Hagyard's YeUow Oil, for aU pain- ful and inflammatoiy troubles, rheumatism, nenralipa, lumbago, frost bites, bums, •praias contracted cords, stifi joints, aohes, pains and soreness. WoBMS often destroy children, but Free- man's Worm Powders destroy Worms and expel them from the system, "Vm^u^itnt^^fnpi* eakan and speedy eore for eoof^. oolds, and all throat and long diseases. Wots Congb Synq), the most rdiaUe ntMdyforallthMataDdiBngdiaMMes. For safety keqp ijt abratys in the heoaa. AH druggists. To BmoTB IA]n»BOtr ^-Cktaam thesealp i^Prof. Low's Magie So^nrc^Soap/Ji dttightfal medieafeift idap for the toflet TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty-one years have come and gone since I conunenced business in Markdale, uid it hecomes my pleas- ing duty to return sincere thanVg to my numerous customers for their liberal and constantly increasing patronage during that period. Having this season erected new busioess premises, into which I have just moved, I am now better than ever prepared to anp^ the increasing demand for a genuine article in my line. I shall contimie to n^ the best stock in the market, and employ the b^ mechanics which ^^ be procured, so that my custooieEaand the public can rely im an fo^cJe' that will give genuine satiateotioir. Maviag mmre room to dk^^la^ my ^od^ I have now a lama ate^ ot DoaWe and Single, ]K«»y uA Light momeM, as wdi a* «M «ii. aortment of Httw!loildiu»^ WldmL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiAL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYbOR, fROPRIETOR Entrance Examination. mHEfflGH SCHOOL BNTEANCE EX- X. amination will be held in the PubUc School, m the village of Markdale. on Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday 21st, 2Snd and 23rd, December. 1886 begmning at 9 o'clock each da}. Candidates wishing to write in Markdale, will please notify the Head ]|(aster not later than Deo. Ist. Bknk forms for applioation may be had by applyiitgto FBANK POBTEB, H. M., Markdale. [Eadiapplraatioin must be aooompanied by • Feeoftl.00.] AGENTS WANTED. -tMottjrnveiBtfittt."" ' iNiAR^lAGES. 1. 1. • " i-' I. 1)MhpiEiitr--miitatiMlf.--0i» tin SSrd tdt,. ^ablbe^riaMtta.oirth*brfan parents. Mr. ' W«.toi^aat;cit ToMMdr, Cattle boyw. Steady Employment to Good Men NONE NEED BE IDLE PREÂ¥IOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSEIITItL We Pay either Salary or Commission- 1 /^n SMAKT MEN wanted Ji*"" lUU canvass for the sale of Grown Nnrseiy Stock. _^„-,«i|!S, THE FOWTHILL ^^^^^^^ tABOEST IN CANADA I OVEB ^J^^^ Don-t apply unless you can toni» t can employ m WHO want wort. class References and want for hizy men but can employ wy of energetic men »u.-j~-^^^jOj, ivM i,'^i VlAQAK Haalett i through t viioon all s iS o'clock tending oi was a sim • JPottsran When the freight rea I r'^^hotrig and made the pool a wards the the outlet a large ed( around for were near them whei door on t. threw a roj secured au( After coniij to tramp al ing over br they could Miss AUen the tramp j than shedi( is a young very i^repos A SxEANt:! Coulsou, On a reioaikable with diopsy. about six poi him no hop( «uredhim. A 1 Jn past yet •and long bef Christmas ca venirs. This The Montrea Chrietisas n wondorous b of magnified «imile of tii !8ir Donald Si York, at a cos about which t] has been aroi Star's picture Besides the tin there are stor best authors. HSolledge, ha- WLhlch everv should read, the pen of I George Murr }by E. W.jTht Loureate Fr€ JarRe 22x28 most bewitcl «ide the Atla which compi liOndonGrai is sent to small sum oi The publishc who are givi of 1(300 to tl faithful shoi is really the was fortnna last Camiva prised at thi ACbting and ill when Worm Syru COOKSTOW troubled fer iHgastion and tryMcGregi that was ne use to any j inyalaable i OinadaatS ll.L.Bteph »BT. N. flienes ' big Asia on S STONfi ft Niirseiyn«fL. ToBOHTO. y»^1 «Baof the! hi4iieMe{ •ff»proof| are! ttti'tuinq â€" 7B0Kâ€" atprioeaiosBitt^ie' to •Il,io Jive u » imHI^ o«kiS "TBOl MA^CHEWS. iiMMnmi^ifiSi vim. MARKDALE. He makes as good *P«^P^»», iginthe mw'^^'vSL itis"" «?»' JSent for getting «P^^ j Whenbuyiugfrom-d.^ tfd sapport home onw». fgan Qui n n JIfSa a«ii

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