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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Dec 1886, p. 1

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 *ch other ose â€" e dothes. :!t»c?«**««r*':i--'»"««"'««i»iu" i»'S».«t*i (nilat6)afe â- ^*^^ ?«f.i*«' '.- • M" »'5sJiKB!«a«seiri.«*M«»"7ln«.«i,*.-«ii fl»w-jKBBjfe-^^.y MljHM iiriiaiiiaiwaw* iogiiiuaifiS'lBisBM^ mner, d such. nre sr glance ' creature pants. I Lightning 1 Lightning. Lightnings Lightning'.- Lightafaig, Use thiii Use Ploid instant it e at B. L, 1 o the party at -Tisit to SB him as oo glad to )unt to any. woTild not to let Jij it. ip. visited the id on Mon- Bet. S86. I there neetl Rheumatism, e. Lumbago, â-  purchase t^ ires instantly, i used, The )ld by E. L. cines. iboratory, at- ably chanRed- prejudices in ly known as " Of course- life when we Lf is a humbng: n that has not- •ieces. Being' to know how orations conld. The peilect is conducted ments for the- ith which we ificiently con- Floweb, for nt, and Bo»- roat and LoDK kints they are emedies, tni our praonoo, m prescribiiig niulas pubbc. it quantity of forwarded Dr. country, Mi ,ers, ministws- heir aihnenh, I feel liif tion that the ible formnka, ISO by giTin« ne as pareiUfl y. Vruggi*' RED. ac Cerate M» onlv positn* Blotches on bs. Bruises, yill heal. T-J7 Cerate. Pn«* Store 3 "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." Leve:sth y:ear.â€" :no. 326. MARKDAUE, OlST., DECEMBER 2, 1886. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, PubliBher. d and Otber Items. |,ricE8 M thege columns intended to benefit tdiridmal or Socv^y will he cliarged ten I line for the first ijisertion aui five ilinetach subjelfumt insertim. ssfintation Purposes. i/ artS Silver Watches, Fancy Clocks and Silverware. ices Close, inplain figures. MARKDALB. OTIC E.^^Corregprmdence, comvmnica- .. Advertisements, dx,, mngt be in this h^'^ioon on '£v£iday to insure publication Kt'ek ood:fieighing. easant weather. ismess booming, litics more interesting, re -wood mooving freely, eddings getting numerous. lbs. Raisins $1.00 at McFarland's. ext Saturday is cattle fair. bs. good Sugar ft 1 .00 at McFarland's boice Fruit of all kinds at Mrs. lents. ouN'xY Council in Owen Sound on the EACHEES wvNTED. â€" ScB advertising mns. esh Oysters the best in the market IS. Clement's. lbs. best granulated Sugar $1.00 at irland's. LK handkerchiefs in gaeat variety G. Anderson's. M. CuMMiNos is home for Christmas 3. GRAND Overcoat for $5.00 at Mc. and'B. iUESELO Council will meet at the hall on the 13th inst. )s. good Japan Hyson Tea for $1.00 fcFarland's. poLLA-© Council meei» tie on Sie 13th Dec. at Holland '3 Drug WILL DO. Boschee's has afi- of years, bout doubt the discovered iot bre of Coughs, troubles. « "principle irom by Physician^' •handleavetbae thecoBtrtfl heU9 the paidy on uble, tie keP* ^„, iB«ke tb«r bills »nd • Atrial**" ase r's It is po«* leralmtbel-d- E. O. W. 78 ITEM. af^f teeoB best Scotch Cap in town for 40c. IcFarland's. pT Monday, 6th, is Artemesia cil meeting at Flesherton. • J. McFakland, wants this winter cords first class stave bolts. Beo's20 lbs. Sugar for $1.00; bun, come and examine. IH the barber will be in Flesherton k Monday â€" fair day. yards All "Wool Unterable 50c. per yard at McFarland's. 1 for hides and skins at the Mari£ ^tannery, bring them along. 'lbs. Tea via. Canadian Pacific 'received at McFarland's. irsKEss Boonung at Hill Bro'sâ€" goods at half price the canse. 5s and Chinaware for xmas trade •• Anderson's. ss Maetha Weight returned on *y from a seven weeks visit to ifotd. t^Y department of Canadian farm- [P^tically dealt with in the EuKit DUS. PEST place in the ooonfty for framing is at the Mai^dale •GaUery. RittKR of stray animals «ie adver- nthe Staudabd. The owners Me ilyMranted. [^allkinds of mbberslgoto McLeod's »e, he keeps the best in the [^ Sale.â€" A house and lot ^eley. Apply to Mrs. Thoe. •Berkeley, P.O. *^»i Boaaa has heen ex- the Fenias Brotherhood «ad byMiobealDayitfc. 'loan Wanthd.â€" 2000 cedar piles 30 feet long with bark on, delivered at Berkeley and Markdale Stations. G. S. Bowes. ^ch.Speers Jr. and wife left on Wed- nesday for the North-West. Miss Min- nie Dnndas accompanied her sister. Pbesebve yonr health by keeping your feet dry, Sabins Water Proof Oil will do ii, Hill Bro's has it for sale. The Teeswater branch of the C. P. R, is to be extended to "Wingham, and the contract is let for building the same. Moffat Bro's paid $40 freight for one car moulding sand from Hamilton this week High rate we should judge. Some merchants are accused of giving short weight in return for long wait the printer can't get even that way. For a real nobby suit of clothes, ready- made or to order, go to J. G. Anderson's the mammoth clothing store. W. J. Spkers, of Owen Sound, former- ly of Markdale and late of the N. W. T. was in town last week. Hill Bro's continues to give 5 lbs. No. 1 Tea for $1.00; place your order soon. Now is the time for kid gloves, and you can be well suited in white, black or any shade at at J. G. Anderson's. Wood taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes, delivered at Berkeley and Mark- dale Stations. Come quick for fear you be too late. W. McLeod. Thk Home Circle and Music depart- ment of the Rural Canadian make it jin- valuable to the ladies in every house, hold. The editor of the Flesherton Advance says, in a half column editorial last week, that he is really a Liberal Con- servatiye. Mr. Cook, tax collector for ward Np. 3 Glenelg will be at the Revere Hotel on Thursday next, 9th. This is the last call without costs. I$- JLiawTrence's Cele- brated spectacles, a fresh Btock to hand, call and inspect them at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. Ant subscriber whose address label is not changed in two weeks after they have paid or renewed their subscription will kindly notifly us of the fact. Winter has set in and J. G. Anderson is prepared for it with the largest and cheapest stock of Furs ever shown in Markdale. Thb annual school meeting comes on the last Wednesday of the year. Tms tees should call in time and get their printed notices. The Scott Act breakers are being Â¥ro't to time in Bruce Co. at a lively rate, some weeks to the amount of $600 in a week. At a meeting of Dominion {Grange in Toronto, on Tuesday last Chas. Moffatt, Esq., Reeve of Glenelg, was elected Worthy Master- In stock now, famous Lazarus Moris Spectacles, Gold. Steel and Nickle frames. Largest stock and lowest prices in Markdale. W. A. Brown Jeweller. A great variety of Cards and motto's statable for Sabbath School Children at Mrs. Clement's. Reduced prices to teachers for presents to their pupils. Mabkiai.b Markets. â€" Fall wheat 65 to 71 cents spring wheat 65 to 71 barley 85 to 53 peas 46; oate 26; butter 10 to 16; eggs 16; potatoes 50 per bag; pork 5:16; hides 7:60. J. H. Huixhas his new and commodious shop well on towards completion It is a neat hoikling, and c^splays the "pto- prietors taste and enterprise fordhly. Tax last week of 1886 will he (me of bnstie. Monday Mmiicipal Nommations; Tneaday Ontario eleotifHis Wednesday annual School meeting and Saitnx^r New years Bay. Lost.â€" On Toesday ni|^t ttte 8M Novemher, in Markdale or on the xoad towsids the 0th liiieEnphiasift»aptteel ^dty goods, tj^flndflt/irfn IsBivefilttiisoliBe. Read Capt. Joseph Rorke's to the electors in this issue. During the storm on the lakes on the 17th and 18th nit., 37 lives and 88 vessels were lost. Mb.Cuibk, the Walter's Falls mill mercliant is regaining his old custom rapidly. Thobnburt pays their fonr School teachers for '87, $1,250^88 follows, Mr. Galbraith $450 Miss Stephenson $800 Miss Corroll $250: and Mrs. Hnlbert $250. W. McLeod, Markdale, will give you better value in all kinds of foot wear than any of those general dealers who are shouting so loud about their shoddy boots. Dennis Wright, who we reported last week as being seriously iujured by a gun accident, is doing well, but not yet out of danger. Wanted.â€" Before the Ist February, 1.000 cords body wood, 4 and 2 foot long, delivered at Markdale and Berkeley staiiions in exchange for Boots and Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers. Apply at once to W. McLeod Markdale. American Watches at W. A. Brown's Seth Thomas Clocks at W. A. Brown's Fine Silverware at W. A. Brown's Wedding wrings at W. A. Brown's Pebble Specks at W. A. Brown's. Municipal matters are comparitively quiet for this season of the year, doubt- less owing, in a measure at least, to the Provincial elections, which now engage the attention of ratepayers generally. Money to loan at lowest current rates of interest for the following Companies, Canadian Permanent North of Scotland and London and Canadian. Mortgages renewed or changed to other companies at trifling cost. Business strictly private. Hurrah for the Photo. Gallery. Par- ties wanting family groups come along at once before the HoUday rush. First class work guaranteed at the Markdale Picture Gallery. Go TO Benson's for Liquors, Brandies, Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Beer, aU kinds of Wine, Ail, Porter both bottled and draught. Just think-r-best bottled Ale 10 cents per bottle. We make all competitors shake in their booth as if they had the ague when we talk. The reason is easy solved â€" ^We buy for cash and get our discountâ€" We^sell for cash and save losses. Our Photographer has secttred the services of a first class Artist to assist him for a couple of weeks commencing next Monday. He must be something extra as he took first prize at the great Northern Exhibition at Collingwood this fall. Thunder Lightning and BlueBlazes what do you think Benson has got now TEA TEA I TEA Japan at 23c. per lbs. in 10 lbs. lots, or 25c. by smgle lb, the best value ever offered 'in town guarantee it, if not what' it is represented to be, bring it back and your money will be refunded. Come and get aom6 before it all goes. Mr. H. Baird, who has porshased Dnncan's Saw mill in Glenelg, is a pushing man, and we beheve will do the square thing with the pnbho. He has overhauled the mill and hai it now in a good state of repair, and is Uiere- fore prepared to supply the wants of the pablic In all kinds of lumb- er, lath and shingles. The finest Assortment 9t Glasswsre, (colored or nncolored,) China Cttps, Monstache Cnps, Slumng Mi^s, Pipes Briar- and Meerchan;m finest stock in town, Perhunes, Plorida wataTt and everything in this line dieaper by ithan any hoosie in town. Ceme zi^iht in «nd see prices, and then yoa will •eefor yoozselveB. At Benson's. OPBon out ttds week st BeiMrm's, Crate of Tea Sets, VBfqftvibgg Gbiaa, 8etB,D«»iatediSets,Colawd8aAB,Whife» Sets, -wU be sold for fuy Qlwe i* toiwi. j/ ^^^ v^. ,^ address! The Markdale brass band will give a concert in Chatsworth next Thursday evening the 9th. They have excellent talent for the occasion and will doubt- less have a good house. They are de- termined to excel all former efforts. West's Liver Pi'IIb, the standard remedy t$jc liver complaint, dyspepsia, indegestion, and siok headache. SO sugar coated pills, 25o. All druggist. Fresh Oysters on hand at Benson's, he gets them right direct from Balti- more, and of course will be able to give them to his customers, better, fresher, and cheaper, than any one in town, and will not be undersold. And don't yoa forget it. A FouBFOLD WoBK. â€" ^Burdock Blood Bit- ters act at the same time upon the liver, the bowels, the kiduey« and ihn skin, reUev- ing or coring in eyery case. Warranted satisfoction er money refunded. John. H. Anderson tax collector for Ward No. 2 Artemesia, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale on Saturday the 11th December to receive taxes. Those who have not yet paid will bear in mind that their time expires on the 14th inst. Dr. Brodie moves this week, his office and surgery, into Mathews new brick blockinp stairs, where he may be found and consulted by those requiring his services. He applies himself closely to business and is growing fast in the con- fidence of the people as a skilful phy- sician and surgeon. Sah Jones will lectnre in this Met- ropolitan Church Toronto on Dec. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the subjects being, (1) "The Troubles of Life and What to Do With Them " (2) Character and Char- acters " (8) "Prohibition and the Ravages of Rum." The number of tickets for each lecture has been limited to 2,500. The sale of tickets will be opened on 6th December, mmmxB OB^ THEE- ^^$)C1t38ift LOWER PRICES -THAN- EVER BEFOEE. I « t I .^t tbe Grreat Ii|iortii{ I011S6 -OF- W. J. McFARLilND. DO BE ^V^ISE I And don't give np yonr hard earned Mollar without first seeing Mo }ened on btn Lecember. Chilblains, frosted feet, and aU frost bites) FARLAND'S grand piles of cured by a few applications of West's World's Woneder or Family Liniment, the magic cure. Try it. 2ac. and 50c. All druggist. Mb. a, Dinshore, our enterprising Book Stationer and Fancy Goods Merch- ant has a very large and handsome stock now on sale. It would take a whole side of our paper to enumerate his thou sand and one useful and fancy articles suitable for Christmas Presents and staple use. Read his new adv. in this issue and then give him a call. You will be astonished at his. beautiful stock and surprised at the low prices. Economy should be the watch word these times of small profits and keen competition. Retrenchment is necessary in all reasonable ways, but when it comes' toldropping off the local paper, the item is so paltary, and only once a year, it is an act of economy which no onia ever feels the better for, though he feels the want of its weekly visits very keenly. How They Well Do It. â€" A lady door keeper, a lady to preside,Qadies to give ad- dresses and render the program through- out, lady waiters for the refreshments, and all young ladies at that. Where is all this going to be Why at the young Ladies social in the Lecture room of the Melihodist Church on Wednesday even- ing the 8th Dec. Only 15 cents to see it all. The celebrated "Peak Sisters" will render some popnlar melodies dor- ii^ the evening. Refreshments served at 7:30. Come. Colo Bath. â€" One day last week a little one belonging to a Markdale citizen fell into an open dstera. The ^ning was too small to admit a grown person and a yoong lad was let down by a rope and hxonght the yotmgster sale to its parent, who was by this time almost distracted. The littiei one, we are pleased to say, is nonetiie worse for its cold bath. MANTLE CLOTH'S, PLUSHES, MTTJilNEBY, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, CASHMERES, GLOVES, and the thousands of other goods he has piled on his Shelves and Counters. Don't be foolish and pay $L00for goods Mc- Farland will sell you for seventy-fiye cents. Don't be foolish and think you can do as well somewhere else, but Tkb rmiewals of sabserqttion to the Staxdaio) are coming in so fast it w»ld I take np. too modi spaoe to pvUish thej names as we bkre beendtrfng, howersc. tboeeidufayapor,|wpkewiHnll.Me hf the ehengs in file date oa tbor eAtaess flia*ift has been eredifead. ,ii|oda'take pkoe in Unf,' DO BE ^WISEl And let us help you to save money, DO BE WISE and come and get the benefit of a selection from the largest stock north of Toronto, and Importedt Direct from the English Markets ;, thereby saving the wholesale Merohante profits. DO BE WISE 1 and the wisest tbini; you can do is to go direct to McFarland's with your Cash, Butter, Poultry and Eggs, right away, quick. Cords of Overcoats, Cords of Men's and Boy's Suits, thousands of yards of untearable Tweeds. Stacks of Silk Eandkerohiefs, Mufflers, Undershirts, Drawers, Furs, Ties, Booots ft Shoes and Carpets. Hundreds of pmmds of Teas from 10 cents np. Waggon loads' of Sngars, Busins. Chirrents^ Peels, Spioes and Essences for the Xmas. Pnddinfts and Pies. Big Bargaintu Bojal 3ug^8, M cFarland'ft '.}-' H hi.\ â- y. â- â-  â- â€¢* i ]i ill I 1 ' 'â-  n:J)i'U icJ.iC'l i.-tol-, •â- "':.â-  â- 'ii '-^i or t -•• â- VtHr'J- ..a^a â-  vs^i-iiit.i'fMi lfij; 't;! •?â-  •»«â- ;; I:*o«jg i^d^i^ih %xkm i*'^-M-!r'i -ra'K-J^ sab V^ MnKriKiifij â- ;,,;â- â€¢ ?^-t.V::"j-^^"£t^-si»r'»?ai i NKjfekjt^c. ^.w .. -- ^^ji^ijjgjg^ M

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