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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Nov 1886, p. 5

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 dUiw oi:it j^mv k ij«('ja«« ^aiv*a bn* ,ie«iod :: li "tyro ^*;i; «i"'?^i rtwiTii k) -â-  f^itj ^l^r:m .cuaHaauoH n. j.«i»,#»4. 'â- %*â-  Sontbampton, Ont., No^ -Ajr^E^ly ll^jnorning the Tow:ofp|lfB4^i|ii^m Mtbe Rossin Block and occupied*!^ Kelly, were discovered to be'^^im block jimes was one mass of flames, on account of the strgng gale of wind blowing f^m tte soath-west. The fire ^n epietid to adjoining house and thence to the Basby House, which was soon alljablaae, The fillagers worked like heroes ix stop the flames, but as no fire engine was jvailable the flames soon spread to the jdjoining buildings, and in less than four hours the whole street was swept for two and one-hallftlosksiresirstreetto street. This is the greiECtedi eonflagra- tion that has ever occurred in this dis- trict. There were over 50 buildings burnt, and thirty families are rendered homeless and some entirely destitatfl|^ and unless assistance is given at onfce some families ^^11 want. The tdtalloss is about SG0,00O, -with only about ftl2,. 000 insurance. The following are the heaviest loosers â€" E. S. Bnsby 96,000 Alex. Spence, $2,000 Irwin Rusk, $3,- uOG; John Woods, $,500; B. A. Belyea, J2,0OO; D. Teahan, §3,000; W, Gilbert, $3,500; Episcopal Church, $2,000; Thos. Lee, $1,500; R. Buckley,*l,000. Great praise is due to the Port Elgin fire brigade, who came to the rescue and worked with a will. The latest remedy for Coughs, Uold » Croui Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, ^tc.i McGregor'ti Lung Compound* There is no remedy in existence containing any one off the active ingredients composing McGregor's Liuig Compound, so do not say you have taken everything until yon have tried this for your colder cough, and your opinion will be the same as all who have used it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in 50c. and 81.00 bottle? bv R. L. Stephen, Druggists. Mark- dale. " 1 »-«•»-• â€" â- â-  â€" A Flying L.nnc|^ '^V^O I'TOTjtMAH i iiVl '.hit ii enii jkK^ Ti Fm cuiii. One of the innovations introduced by the Canadian Pacific Railway is worthy of imitation on other roads. As we were on the road fronai Ottawa to Mon- treal, an energetic acrobat in a white apron came through the cars with lunches. The lunch consisted of sand- wiches, cakes and such, together vrith tea or coffee. When he got an order he spread before the hungry traveller a neat little table covered with a snowy cloth. He carried the coffee and things like a balancer at a circus through the swaying cars. The coffee was in neat little silyer j)ots, and the cups and saucers were of the prettiest China. Each pot held abont two cups of coffee, and the charge for a pot of liot coffee was ten cents. Sandwichea wore also ten cents each. It was worth the price of admissiou to see the waiter carry the trays without spilling or upsetting any- thing. The coffee was simply sap^hj and I hope when the C. P. R. gets through with the fellow who makes it, that he will take a tonr around the country and teach hotel folks how to get up good coffee. â€" [Look Sharp, in Detroit Free Press. McGEEGOB'S SPEEDY CURE. When we say McGregor's Speedy Cure is the only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Coinplaints. Indigestion and Impure 1 ood, we are telling plain facts, of which himdreds upon hundreds can testify who have been re- stored to perfect health by its use. We "ould vherefore advise you strongly if you are a subject of any of the above troubles to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial and be couviuced. It is sold in 60c. and ^1.09 l^etUes at E. L. Stephen's Dd^ Store. 2 WHAT TRUE MERIT WILL DQ. The unprecedented sale of Boadhee's German Syrup within a few years, haa as- tonishad the world. It is witho«t douWl the safest and best remedy ever discoveredis for 'he speedy and effectual cure of Cqfghl, Colds and the severest Lung troubles. It •eta in an entirely different principle we usual prescriptions giyen by Physi M it does not dry up the Congh and leave thee ^iseas still in the system, but on the contiKqr removes the cause of the trouble, heals the p*rt affected and leaves them in. a pnrd^ ^^7 condition. A bottle kqpt in tiie 'â- case for use when the disease make tiiMr *Ppearance, will save doctor's bills and a 'oog speU of serious iUness. A trial iriff «nvinceyou of these facts. It is ppsitit«|f ' ly all druggists and general in tiie I^pd. "Jee. 75 cts., large bottles. E. O. Wi, What is McGregor's Bpeedy Cure for "w.forDyspepma. Liver Comiilaint, ln9^ ?w«Km, Biliousness, and it isthe finert Uood Pnnfier in the known world to-day. 'Doetj » Pve satisfaction " We eaimotpomt •»•«• «"ttoce where it did not. "W£aA doWk, "•w the largest sale " Bight in the City oT ?*^ton, where It is mamnfaetued, there «" heen over one thousand dollin' •"Win the last year retail, and the ^ont» of the sale is by one neon e**^»t to another. l-or raleatSOcnndflUNI [pottle by R. L. Stephen's, Dmg Stow The Fail seascm bnngs with it many necessities which can- not apd wilt Diot be neglected. The people will ba]f:^i|i^t a ehonge in "tile seasoa -Boakes necessary, this ,jnakes Fall Trade, and as lall trade is what we want, no Btone kas been left unturned and no o^portenily neglected in seonring ^rach- sea- sonable goods as will nake oar store the meet desirable spot for. close and particolar bn3per8. We ask the readers of this column to is^wember hat .oat- side opr store, wei qojr^t^ing here but inside «ar store we allow the i^oods and prices to speak for tfaemseives. It is not our idea to exaggerate, but, as we are honest in the belief that we are this season, THE STOBE among the Stores, we cannot very well refrain from ' Fpeaking in glowing terms of our large, beautiful and tasty selections of everythmg ithrougb- out our immense establishment. In order that you may receiye a benifit it is necessary that you should see our stock In order that you come, it is necessary that you should be convinced that it will be worth your while. We must tell you of our attrac- tions here, therefore do not think that we brttg, but rather say that we are trying -to pat you upon the well beaten path that leads to the old estabhshed store, where everyl^ing good, where everything is just as rep- resented, and where eyerything is A 1 in yalne. We would especially inyite your attentum at present to our Large and STYLISK ^TOCK xf Dress (roods in i^ the, new shades and material, with trim- mings m'd Buttons to match. New Silks, New Velvets, New Plushes, New and Stylish MillineTy. New Shawls, Blankets and FlaniMesls, New Jerseys in Black Tan and Navy handsom- ly braided; and don't fail to scq; that new line of Ladies' Saque. (]oat8, Jers^tCoats^ and also our ready,-made Ulsters of the very latest, make, style and finish. Wq .have the only full line of iim.s' Youths' and Boys' ready-n^e Suit^and Overcoats to -be had in towa. We guaiftua- tee to save yon money on every .jrarehase. 2000 pairs Boots just being marked off at close jgirices. Oar l^AS a^e known fte and wide M tiJM sweetest, strangest and oheapMl to be had m tbe Dominioiu • i VWeare now ofieiiiig extraor^iiMury bargains in Scotch, Bi^iah aad Canadian T weeds, andacy soitiiigs, â€" A.TTBACTIYE AND STYLISHâ€" Men'8 all MTooLTweed Suits ^6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 japwards. Boys youths and Suits and Overcoats $8.00. TO 3L.Xri£:s. Weol Shawls and Manfh Cloiths in the latest styles and pattsms. Boots Jb Shoes from the finest Kid to the serviceable Stoga suitable for all classes. ' WMi us the "Tea" busi- ness is a specialty, 4 lbs. very choice Japan tea $1.00, 6 to i8 mm "Dust" of the last May pickings a splendid article for the price.,. Customers requiring ordered Boots iShoes may rely:on being served with despatch as another workman has been added to the staff. No ex- pense will be spared' in promptly meeting your wants, and as in the past nothing but the best material will be used m the shop, and prices will be kept down to the lowest paying figures. IS- GIVE ITS A CALL. WM, BROWN, Nov. 3?886. BM^ 70a seen the vcMiu^faM ngnofthe towot"' •' Stephen's Drag Store? #)ihtfliii; ixf: j-ii* -taoii • Iff i» ff., fq»(; 'sisti ;??«» i-hs.' Just receivM at ,,i. V.fl;*: And its.^Uwgnifiaeiit, Grand, Lnposing Pompous, Stated Superb, Auinist, Mage8tic,ilmprennve, Noble, Cnmmauding, Aristocratic, Bonified, "Oh, Stop," Life is short, time is moving, can't stop long. What have yon 9 We have the largest and best supply in town of Tooth 'Brushes, J^ail Bmshes, .Hair Brushei:, .CiothiBrusheB, Flesh Bmshes, vC; ifoted Jewelry Store,. FLESH^RTON. r-»- A fine stodc to select from in snch lines as the famous' Walttiam, Elgin, Illinois, which we sedlfram #9.00 up while other dealers ask from #12.00 up, look to yonr own interests and bny at the noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, it will pay yon to come 85 miles to do so. M RBpainMnoaatfy uttmtdtd to 4/ Mii»»»// the fioBs Watchmaker and Jeweler of this District. DONT FAIL TO CALL. No trouble to show goods at the NOTED JEWELRY STORE, Flesherton. MS. 8. RDSSELL. Q Goinc;«Bd see «•. We fear nft« exitidu»^ .eompanatei, ip the cootnulf iM ini^ it. B^^m- b«r whal we si^ bar^ jm^^^ont t.ll6ltrUid, T, jaAiq9.Ai« B H •i 3k P am H (A O (D (D O WnSKS! WHISKS! WHISKS! GRAND ASSORTMENT. Shaving Brushes and Shaving Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Perfumery. If you are In need buy AT STEPHEN'S Drug Sfcore, Markdale. 1^ GoBsmtrs Dealers IN ohjs. Buy the Empire Oil Go's RSUL PUi£f LIBHT Blummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOR E. OIL. Is guaranteed the peer of dl Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Bep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. 308-6m saw Important Sak yAIiUAQIiE F^jRH PBOP£BTYIN THB township of Enpla»sia. Under and by virtue of the powee^i aale con- tained in a certain indentnre of mortgage which will be produced, the foUowiug valuable inoper- tv wlU be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Markdale House, in the village of Markdale, on Tuesday, ttie aSrd November, 1886, at one o clock p. m., by Oeoxge Noble, Auctioneer, vis IiOt number Ten and the South half of liOt number Eleven, both in the Twelfth Concession of the said Township, containing by admeasure- ment Three hundred acres be the same more or less. This desirable Farm is situated about 3 miles from Markdale, and comprises a log house. A deposit of $10 for every $100 of the purchase money is to be paid by the purchaser to the Ven- dors' or their Solicitor or Agent at time of sale Vendors' are not to be caUed upon for any Ab- stract. Title Deed, or Evidence of Title except those in their possession. XESJIIS OF SAIE LIBERAL, and wiU be made known at time of sale. For further particulars apply in Mukdale to tile Auctioneer, or to 8. G. Wood, 12th Union Block, Toronto Street, Toronto. Dated Oc4t£9th, 188v* S. 6. WOOD, GEO. NOBLE Vendors Solicitor. Auctioneer m iiuiss siop. B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding countiy that he has opened i^general harness shcfk on King street inrtiie village of HOLLAND -^CENTRE: whae he intends to ma puf ke^are and kaep oa hand a IsiRe stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HABNESS, long and short tun. 8TAAW COLLAES, WHIPS, COlffiS. BBU8HBB. HABNESS OIL c. I will nae «nly first class mataml and tfaow leqniring anjrthin;; in the harness line will find it to their merest to eall at the •ew haraesB shop and set prices before go- in^elsewhere. Bepaijmg done with nest. nesB-and diqMt^ Sriieiting a share of paklie pirtramgeu I ms respectfoOy yobrs. J?.CARNAHAM. QlHUMH PUIFIG R. R. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. July 28th. 1886. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto.... Leaye. Cardwell Junction. C^nge- 1 Arrive. ville. /Leave.... Orangerille Jnn... Shelbome Dnndalk^ Flesherton. .i Markdale. Berkeley.. Holland Centre.... Chatsworth Owen Sound Mail. 1 74oam 925* 10 05' 10 20' 10 32* 10 58* 1122* 1147' 1202pm 12 14 '• 12 23 " 12 38 " 105" Exp. 4 50pm 6 80 " 7 03 " 7 22" 7 34 804 8 30 8 55 910 9 22 '• 9 32" 9 49- 10 20 " GOING SOUTHr STATIONS Owen^fioniid GkatB^rth. BoHMldf^eatze fierk^ley .. Markdale ;3!]Mberton Durdalk Shelbnme Orangeville Jun... Oraose.) Arrive... ville.. Leave GazdweU Junetiouc Toronto.^ ...Arrive o TENDERS mUlTED. HUOH ^MED; r.o i Advcirfcise ypi^ «tew THE CHEAPEST YET JfV Sett 08 we Athertise. KdrWOM-ll-^'lh Funimw wm ha aoU doM to wholsMde pikwi f or TIa ani TIfrly Nyfc Havfai^ahy stodE of Famitim tfim mAmm»g/^ rnsfaw as rs a mod ebaaia f« -TBE- STANDARD Ain The fP whitflMy wipL A]l finds iif PICTIIRC FRAMIMB ioveathmestnlw. IV^alMhaw _. aJvsB stoAer Oaslcets and " Miinl^MvplW totlMHiihatwfliiavar wJWkiii •»•»».•» IwrpikiBs. AIM in Conneotion. lle,4lloorto|6aS;r***^ COMBIKATION OPFEBl SAVE at ME Y! Raral CilWAN. ft« now «p iftjia^wy. 1881^ aw THE StUUtJL SUM 0F,$1.S0, By aa anngsineqt with, the pnUisher of fte JyiC eaadto,, iw# uTib'S^ year BFSjfr â€" '^^ fe^r Jriie of ^e the Vm^^iSi he ^^^,-.. •«jM*..S*»*i»;. OM^ab. and â- m lu I â- i\ m ii t J %.\ â- '\. 11 i J I i -i: .^tfMiiiiifii

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