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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Nov 1886, p. 4

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 '*»..«â-º .,.v. p? «*» " ' .;' '9; I i hK 1 i IJ! ' J" 'I i 4 The Staadad. O. W. Buttedge. Publisher. MARK0ALE, NOV. U. 1886, THE BUTTER PROBLEM. That Canadian farmers are loosing millions of dollars anually on account of the poor qoality of batter made, and consequent low price realized for this staple article, no one will stop to question, but the great problem is to find a tangible remedy for this deplor- able state of affairs. The profits of farming have been so reduced, that every available means will be eagerly adopted towards im* proving the quality and lessening the cost of producing the various^products, and besides, that branch of husbandry which yields the best return for capital and labor invested, will be closely watched, and receive special attention. The most successful class of agri- culturists of to-day, are those who follow mixed husbandry that is, they do not rely solely on one kind of grain or even all kinds, but a rotation of the various kinds of grain together with stock and dairy, and the latter is claimed to be at the present period, the most profitable, notwithstanding the very unsatisfactory state of the butter trade. Mow, to come back to the butter question, there seems to be no prob- ability of as improvement, under X^resent circumstances While butter is purchased by storekeepers, from their customers, and the price about the same for all kinds, (butter and grease) what inducement is there on the part of farmers and their wiyes to improve the quality Then in the first place a new method of purchasing butter must be introduc- ed. It cannot be expected that a store keeper will risk loosing a customer who leaves him say $200 a year, by offering two cents per lb. less for his butter than his next neighbor receiv- ed, while there roay be fully four cents ner lb. difference iu the quality of the article when looking at it from this standpoint (and we think it a reason- able one) we do not wonder that the butter trade is unsatisfactory. The local merchants cannot act as a strag- er would in the purchase of butter, though he may be an expert in induing the article then there should, in our opinion, be an inspector appomted to inspect, and brand each tub with it? true grade. One inspector could do the work of, say six villages, one for each day in the week, having a certain day appointed for each, village, for butter market and as ior the inspec- tors salary, we imagine our merchai^ts would cheerfully bear that expense, and find it a paying investment. Until butter is made in creameries. (as we claim it all should be,) the above system would doubtless raise the.grade and therefore very materially increase the profit of the dairy. T(Hoe, good delivery, excellent and nbandftDk laogoage and sofficeut wii »nd homor for seasoiiing. Hu critioums tie (m (he whole very fiur while he handles his salgeet wilb ability, which holds the close at- tention cf bis hearers and begets a feelii^ of respect firom all classes. He is not one of those who says things to create excitement and elicit applause, hence the noisy element was not en- couraged and the best of order prevail- ed. AIKRICAU WATCHES A Badicai. Changs. â€" Daniel Sullivan, of Malcom, Out., takes pleasore in recommend- ing Boidock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia. It cured him after years of stf ering. From beuig a sceptic he 'snow a confirmed believer in that medicine. SIR RICHARD CART WRIGHT. The demonstration in the interest â-  of the Reform Party of Eastand South Grey held at Flesherton last Thurs- day 'Was fairly attended and very respectably conducted. There must have been ntorly 4U0 present, a good €prinkUn? of whom were ladies this 4att«r bnbtlefis had it'^j^tary effect ««Q the meeuig. â-  "/:l^, .The fc^owing pimnioeDt Liberals were present, viz â€" ^B. Allen, M. P. for Nortit Grey, tHb^ Landerkin, M. P. Soath Grey, Mr. In^e, nominee for SoiSh Grey «d IftCf Clelaod ol Mesldnl, iKMmnw loir ilorth Grey, each of idiom.brtell^ Mdressed the undience. Mr. John Gordon of Flesh- ertoD occupied the chair while Mr- W. "G. Pickell read an address of welcome to Sir Ricbard Cartwi^ght, who ad- dressed the assembly fir nearly three hours, has a dear â€" Thbbb Ablb an© Honkst Mjen were nominated to the Mayoralty ol New York, Abram Hewitt, the jaom- inee of the Democratic party, wiich has, perhaps, the strongest organiza- tion, was elected. He now proposes to associate with himself his opponents, Messrs. George, the Labor candidate, and Roosevelt, the Republican candid- ate, in a sort of committee to put down corruption and mismanage- ment. This looks a httle like the millennium. Who would have ex- pected to see it make its first appear- ance in New York politics. â-  â€" One more Province will soon be add ed to the confederation. The North- West terrtiory comprising the district of Saskatchewan, Assiniboia and Alberta have settled their differences, and it now only needs the sanction of the Dominion Government to make legal the agreement to which they have come as to their local representation, and to premit them also to return jointly four members to the next Dominion House. Confederation is extending, not break- ing up. Fbof Low's Maoic Sulphub Soap. â€" Heal- ing, smoothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful fortoilet use. EVERY-DAY MANNERS. Children who '-ax-e not taught good manners cannot be made to appear otherwise than uncouth and possible rude when company comes to the house. Their daily home-life, and the manners of those with whom they are constantly associated, are examples they inevitably follow. Scenes like the following are sufficienly common to be recognized as truthful by the reader A lady makes an afternoon call upon a mother. The childr^i half-a-dozen in number perhaps, surrounds the visit- or with marked signs of interest in her personal appearance. '•It is a very pleasant day," the caller says. "Yes, very. Mary* run and sit down Janie, don't touch the lady's dress," "Are your fanodly all well?" "Oh yes, thank you. Tommy don't stare so at the lady." "How do you do, little girl " asked the caller pleasantly. The little girl pitts her finger in her mouth. "Can't you ta child?" asked the mother, sharply. Why fdonit' you say, "I am well, thank :you?" "I'm very well, if you please," returns the child with a giggle. "There now' don't giggle. Take your finger out of your mouth. Jane, get off the back of the lady's chair. Bim away, all of you?' "I haven't seen you out lately," the caller says. "No I've been very busy. My family requires all of my time. With several chddren one can't give much thought or interest to anytything.but home duiies." "Do you go to school " asks theSady of Johnnie. "Hey?" "Why, John Brown Now that's a nice way to answerthe lady I Never say hey' to anybody. Now answer moe.*' "Yes um I go to school." "Yes nm I Say 'yes, ma'am.' A :per- son woolflithuik yon children hadaiever been taugl^ how to behave." Very natnasl'S person woidd think ao. Tbt it.â€" Two of tiia most troablesom •omplaints to relieve aie asthma and whoop- ing Qoogh. Bat Hsgyavd'siPsatocal Balaam seldom fsHs, either in those* or otiier pte- vailing throat and long tr o uh h s AH dealan mosieal have thw remedy tat sale. GOLD, GOLD FILLED, SILVER, and Sflver-ore cases. 7, 11, and 16 jewdled, from ♦S.SO te #41.00 war- ranted fine timers. I can do better by customers on these goods, than any other dealer in Central Grey. Grade, case and warrant consider- ed. New lines in Chains, Rings, Bar Pms, Bracelets, Lockets, and Necklets. FxKESTOCK-Clocksand Silverware; also Musical Instruments, Watches, Clocks, Ac, carefully repaired. GOODS AMD WORK WARRANTED. TV. A. BROVTIV. A Reliable Jeweller, MABKDALE. Uird THE HlHliOTS lODSi, Markdale. 1 â€" ^B ^^ â€" â€" We are opening up a choice and finely selected stock of Fall and Winter GOODS at surprisingly LOW PEICBS, while all goods remaining of Mr J. R. Trimble's stock we will ran off at a slight advance on cost. Our Stock of Dress Coods s the finest ever shown in thi part of the country. Call and examine our Wool "Goods. An INVITATION to "When you visit MarkdaJp ^on't a to call at th0; new BOOK STATIONERY Tn GOODS and WALL-PAPER Store, Reynolds' Block, M^^y ' ^^ to the Mahsioa JHouse, where 3 ou will see a full "" stock of the above goods. TO^^SI TOYS! r|, in great variety, Dolls all sizcH and prices from 5 cents to |i ?^*^* variety of Goods suitable for Birthday and other pt ^^ oomprisiog Autograph and Photograph Albums, S'^^'N Cards, Vases, a splendid variety, Perfumery,' Set Moiuslache and Tea Cups, Children's ' Mugs, Ladies' Leather Bags, from 50c. up. Violins, Accordians, Mouth Organs, Eiutes, Writing Desks Ladi Papeteries, o., SchooUuppIies in full variety, also a large asslt ' Drawing Utensils, Paint, Boxes, Childs Compauion^s, 4c T"" Ail the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained to order on gi, A large stock of sheet music and music books kep^, constantly k I First instaluient ol wall paper just to hand, oyer one thousand 1 five cents pei Roll. A stock of Bibles and Psalms, sec«fed at from 15 to 20 pet regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hymn and Psalm Books variety Don't fail to call. 'piecai A. BINSMOBE, Prop; we are TO THE FRONT, ha^ng just opened, in GENTS' and LAD- IES' a choice lot of PERSIAN LAMB and aSTRACHAN, and other Fashionable Furs. Boots Shoes we show a very LARGE STOCK and will not be undersold; call and be convinced. Ready-made Clothing, Dont forget that we give 25 percent off anything in Reaby-made Suits. SiBe our $5 Overcoats. J. Gs Anderson, Succ0S8ortoJ.R.Tn'ii^e. Came Estray. To TJHE premisea of Uwaes Blaney, lot 6, coa.jl2, Enphrasia^^flfurly in October, Awhitefitoep. Theownf^. is requested to prove pr^p«rty pay cxpenfe? and take her. JAIES BIiANET, 323-5* Markdale, P. 0. McGBEfiOR'S LUNG COPOUNJ) Have you4a bod Cough, a Chronic Ho^. nss, a feehig of Lightsess in the Chest. Weak Lungajor any sladkr complamt If sti buy at oiwe* bottle of McGregor's Lon^ Componnd. -BwiU cnreyoq," ft oontZI entirely n«w,^ecificB, of which, one does is more effeeta«i than a whole bot^e of the old J1.W D«tU«s. Bold by B. L 8tanhAn Druggi.*. !Ryit.«idyou wm^^te reason to eomplam. f C^ *9 the pramises of Wm. B^aH. kt W. ooB. 1, East -ot T. 4 s bSIJ? HoUand, abwit May ImmL A heS, ®**^- old. spotted wd and white. T|» owner is Holland, abont May last. A heifer onr;^; old. spott«i«d«,d white. o^eJIf ^M.SABOERT, B«ki^y,P.O. M/cl^KDALE Dniiniii Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sasb, Door and m tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, evi being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollof U FMNES, LATH. FENCE PICKETS, tc., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second bnat Canada, and haying eiigaged superior mechanics m every departaeil, would now respecttully solicit pubhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptl PINE LU M BER messed and Undress Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy TnniiDsi Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. MciVE.4. twca^rkoai^b: livery. GOOT ORIOS. Moderaw Cha^l SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiRL THAVELL^'^^' Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale Hou9»| WJVI. T)tYU,OR, f ROPRIETOR. 810-tt «m you like nu^k. The beSKS^S "^â- s^^pife AU MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Village Property, Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contaan- ed in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, ffiere will toe offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 2Tth day of November, 1886. by 3. W. Morrow, Esq., auctioneer at the "Markdale House" in the VUlage of Mark- dale, at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon, the foUowing lands and premises, namely,â€" All and singular that certain pwrcel or tract of l^d and premises situate lying and being in the ViUage of Markdale (otherwise Comabuss), m the Township of Olenelg, in the County of 6rey, in the Province of Ontario, containing the fifth of an acre more or leas, b^ng composed of a part of lot number onehnndred in the first concession south west of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in the aforesaid Townriiip, and irtiioh may be more particularly known and deaeribed as Village liot number twelve on the north westerly Bide of MiU Street and foonting thereon aft shown on a plan of said^iUage madeby A. Maonab, Esq., P.L. S.,regist6redinaieSei^»try offloe for the Soaib Bidug of the Coim^ of Grey aforesaid. 1 On the premises above lUMMibed is a smal plaster dwelllhg house with UtcAien attached in fair state of repair. 91wpMpertv.iriU,lM4aaated for aale mbieet to a reserve bid. Terms and ooncUttoiM of «aleâ€" Twenty per eent of the purchase mon^ to be paid to the vendors aolieitanattbs«imeo(aal6,iiifflaiflDt with the â- aid twenty per flan* to make one half of the pn)^ c^aaenunMyvifliiiitwomonttiaiharaafter. and ^balaBoetobeBeentedbyflratiiMirt0i«e over tIteabovepirUfdaeawtlhintarMka« the rate of six p» cant par aannm paraUe hiOf yearly. For fonhar parttonlan wply to J. W. Monow, Baa.;Inndaili.ortolUaaA.llnkMk,Tnt. MiUer andCrowthesr, VsfidonMlialton. Norembar 8, UBS. CUSTOM THE subscriber bavins 0!*°^^ I Haskett Bros, on EMoei pared to do aU kinds of wj^g^ notice. tioodworkandffl^^«^^,nn!tl 313-26 TeacljyerWai FORSchool«Mtio"/^;"" holding |g»jdclss«^ female. Dut»stocr UtJ«»-' Apply 'statiBg^^^^,^,, SecreW. Toronto. TEACHER WANTED. Hddh^3nd orSdelMBOMiififlate, for 1887 â€" '" »• 8* No. a Artmaerfa.. Apply per- TeacherWaJJ^ ^SittWencelstJanniiryK^ 382^5 st: iveiy#^l' ^^t\^^^ Ths latest rer Ct6ai Whoopiu; .MoGregor'BLung ' remfdy in exister the active ingredi Lung Compound, taken everything for your cold or c be the same as all that it is the best, bottles by R. L. S dale. One of the in the Canadian F of imitation or were on the roa treal, an energe apron came t lunches. The wiches, cakes a tea or coffee, spread hefore neat httle table cloth. He can like a balancer swaymg cars, little silyer sancers were Each pot held and tihe charge !s8M-»

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