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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Nov 1886, p. 4

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 mm'mBmTr' !•! i in fi J- I ii -t:^ J •II- I I ft ^^ ;.| III M ' " i 1 '• S m 2 1 «i 1 i The Siaodad. C. W. Rutl«dge, Publisher. By KiTuig tbe «love tpaee inyoar «otaBmi 7m vill oblige, Tonntroty. Nitn. McGouua, M. P. P. Th»n1mi7, Oct. S5th. 1886. MARKDALE, NOV. 4. 1886. SPOT Cash. A Badical Chaho«.â€" Daniel Snllivan, of Maleom, Ont., takes pleasore in recommend- ing Burdock Blood Bitters for dy»p«P«a. It oared him after years of suffering, mm being a sceptic he =8 now a confirmed beheyer in that medicine. The Editor oftheFlesberton Advance proposes adopting the strictly cash in advance system in regard tc news paper subscriptions, similar to city papers. If this could be successfully enforced, â- one of the greatest hardships and annoyances of the country publisher would be removed. A newspaper subscription is so trifling in itself, and when scattered generally â- over the area of twenty miles in diameter, besides occasional ones ail over the continent, it can easily be seen how difficult it becomes to make satisfactory collections. There are always those who pay prompt, and generally this class is in the majority, yet, even twenty five per cent are delinquent, while the lialf of that number are doubtful as to evjer paying, it makes the list at once unsatisfactory We can see no valid reason how- ever why the strict cash system can- uot be introduced and enforced. Our prompt paying subscribers would re- quire to assist in the undertaking, (what we mean by prompt paying subscribers are those who renew say within a month of the date when their sub. expired, as well as those renew- ing generally before it had expired) because if such a course was decided on by the publisher, all names whether first class or doubtful would be struck off the list at a given time, say two weeks after the subscription had ex- pn:ed if not renewed. This would doubtless have the effect of decreasing the list of subscribers, at least for a time, but we are inclined to think the loss would not equal the gain, first, from supplying papers from yeartoyear to many who do not pay, and also of securing the amount m all casesinad- vance from those who pay when in arrears. For our own part we have not fully decided our future course, but in case we adopt the "Cash in Advance" system for the year 1887, we will give due notice so that all can govern them« selves accordingly in the mean time we would like to hear from our pat- rons as well as our exchanges on the matter. McColBian Kicking. SALT RHKUM CURED. McGregor Parke's Carbohc Cerate has been tried and fcund to be the only positive cure for Salt KLume, Pimples, Blotches on the face or hands. Cuts, Bams, Braises, or any Sore that nothing else will heal. Try McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25c. per box at B. L. Stephen's Drag Store Markdale. 4 The i^ate Convention. To the Editor of the Sta»t)abd. Dear Sir, â€" Through your coulmns I wish to make following enquL-y, namaly, how out of 75 delegates legally entitled to yote at the Editob Standabd.â€" Inotice a letter in the Owen Sound Times over the signa- ture, of Neil McColman finding fault with the personal of thelate Conservative Contention for East Grey. He is the last man who should say anything about the manipulation of conventiofis. He squeals now because he was not so successful in that line as he was two years ago. Figures they say won't lie, but McColman tries to make them do some queer work for instance, he says Artemesia only sent 12 de.egates now I have it upon undoubted authority that there were 20 properly qualifi- ed delegates from that township, and when so far estray in one township, whynpt in all? Again. I would just ask hin^-oni question; when the first ballot was taken showing 110 ballots cast, why did he not then take ex- ception to the vote He is too old a politican not to have knuwn how many delegats were at the convention before the balloting took place, and I may just say nere that I have attended, during my residence in the county for theJast ?^5 years, every conservative con- vention held, and am free to affirm that a fairer or more representative convention I never attended, or one which was so free from wirepulling or secret caucusing; every de- legate appeared to have his mind made up to gel the very best man possible as their representative. The conservatives ot this riding have never been betterjsatisfied with the choicejof a conven Honthan on this occasion, and no convention, that could be «alled, of at all if a represen- tative character, would reveise the vote given for Mr. Borke. Both before and after the balloting Mr, McColman plebged himself to abide by the decision of the convention without a word of objection to representatives constituting tbe convention. His selfish attemp now to create disturbance and division cannot possibly result in any gain to himself either of influence or popularity, and will, if persist- ed in, only serve to prove to the conservatives of £ast Grey how ungrateful a man his type can be. The party oonnot now be divided to any ex- tent on the choice of Mr. Borke; ho is a gentle|manwhose character is without reproach whose ability for the conduct of public busines g has been proved by years of experience in the County Council where important trusts have been confided to him He is a representative that any constituency might be proud of. His acquaintance with phplie afFairs, general intdligence, culture and gentlemanly bearing will soon place him inparhament, as a man adding strength to his party, and having weight and^influencejwhen the interests of his cons tituents can be served. Tours truly A Conserv atiye Delegate. Tbt it. â€" Two of the most troublesom complaints to relieve are asthma and whoop- ing congh. But Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam seldom fails, either in those, or other pre- vailing throat and lung troubles. All dealers have this remedy for sale. TbeEngiisliCiiurcli and the masses. An organization similar to the Sal- vation|Army has recently been establish- ed in the Old Country in connection with the Church of England, and is meeting with hearty support from the working classes. It is known as tbe "Church Army." T^wo of its workers Captain Bobertson and Eocleston, are conducting a series of revival services at Gonservative Convention held at Markdale oa the nth inet.. could 112 votes be polled Mission HaU, Phoebe-streetrun'der"the The number of delegates entitled to vote auspices of St. George's Church. The IS as lollowsiâ€" " Artemesia 12 Collingwood 17 Euphrasia ....21 Holland 15 .Sullivan 5 Osprey nil TowQship Presidents 4 Officer#nt the association entitled to vote for candidates for the liocai, three of them voting, namely. Secretary, Treasorer and Corresponding Secretary 3 Total 75 Now, Sir. The aboxa fignrlM sbowa the number of kgal votes present at the above pouvontion and how was the balance pro- cut'oJ. I think U was by spaoial inntation to Rck the cmventiOB in favor of Mr. Borke and agaiu!it mjftU. Howerer I' hope aome of the oSLsera will explain bow thiavery lacgtt v!tj was polled frttaa Ae mnnidpaliliaa abor* «4it forth. Iforij^ • ^Muplaa of S7 -to he] placed. Whom shail I gire credit Smr the' manipu atlou Sneb work wiU sot be toler meetings are well attended, and will be continued every evening for soibms time. Branches will probly be established in other parishes. â-  â€" â-  â-  â-  Shiuib's Yitalizeb is what yon need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizainess. and all symfrtoms of Dyspepsia. Price fl and 7d cents per bottle. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A » » The Elections Not at Band. Ottawa, Nov. 1.â€" The CStizen this morning, mider the Iwnding of "No General Elections," aaja editorially: "The Cabinet had a long sitting on Saturday, from 2 p. m. to 6:80. We have the highegt aotfkfvity Ha atatiiig that the qoestioa «f « 'Renanl elefitiim has not been diacoMedbv the Gabinet, mnh less any dedskta airrived at." [Mr. A.1L Hclntyn, who cadM op from Ottawa yeitarday, wmid he «M not expiect the elections thisyear. Sir John he said, it was nndersiood at Ottawa, AdTertise the Troth. Stiek to it when soiling, give cas- tomers value. Uve on fair profits, knd success is ensured. All is not Gold that glitters. It is easy to be deceived on Watches, Ac. I AM 8 YEAKS IN BUSINESS last week, and from the steadily increasing patronage ot the pub- lic, I feel to conclude they ap- preciate my efforts to deal right, and to estabheh myself in their midst as a Bblubui J»wbl««. My heartfelt thanks are due to all for liberal support, and I trust for a continuance on the basis of honest representation on every article sold. W. A. BROWIV^ A Reliable Jeweller, MARKDALE. An lllVlTATION to "WTien you visit Markdale don't fail to call at the new BOOK STATIONERY T( A^ GOODS and WALL-PAPER Store, Reynolds' Block, Markdi " to the Mansion House, where jou will see a full au^ '"'kt^ TO^^S stock of the above goods. TOY!5i! comp^ THE HlHUOIl SOISE, Markdale. We are opening up a choice and finely selected stock of Fall and Winter GOODS at surprisingly LOW PEIGBS, while all goods remainiug of Mr J. B. Trimble's stiock we will run off at a slight advance on cost. Our Stock of Dress Coods B the finest ever shown in thi part of the country. Call and examine our Wool Goods. we are TO THE FRONT, having just opened, in GENTS' and LAD- IES' a choice lot of. PERSIAN LAMB and ASTRACHAN. and other Fashionable Furs. IIV Bootses hoes we show a very LARGE Si'OCK and will not be undersold; call and be convinced. Ready-made Clothing, Dont forget that we give 25 percent off anything in Reaby-made Suits. See our $5 Overcoats. J- C. Anderson, Suec»s9or to J.R. Trimbh. in great variety, Dolls all sizes and prices from 5 cents to $i 25 variety of Goods suitable for Birthday and other preset*""""' comprising Autograph and PhotoKraph Albums, Birtld Cards. Vases, a splendid variety. Perfumery, Sets " Moustache and Tea Cups, Children's Mugs, Ladies' Leather Bags, from 60c. up, Violins, Accordians, Mouth Organs, Flutes, Writing Desks, Ladieslniii, Papeteries, ftc. School bupplies in full varietj, also a large assort Drawing Utensils, Paint Boxes. Childs Compamous, c T^^ All the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained to order on abort A large stock of sheet music and music books kep!; constantly 011 1 First instaluient of wall paper just to hand, oyer one thousand ni I five cents per Roll. "'l P'«« fto, A stock of Bibles and Psalms, secured at from 15 to 20 ^r 1 regular prices. ' Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hymn and Psalm Books i I vanetv Don't fail to call. ^\ k notice. A. DINSMOKE, ^J^oprietor. M/tf^KDALE J, I Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Ft tory, eontftining all the latest and most approved machinery, everytb being new, I am now prepured to turn out ' Sash, Doors, BMs, Honldings, Hollo? fiatti^ FRAIES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, t., And everything needed in the buildiug trade, in a manner second tonoiiei» Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m every depa would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptlyl PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming dooe. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 308 THOS». McNEA. ^M.AJRJS.jyA.IJB' LIVERY. OOOT Moderate RIOS. WVf^l .-ated bjr tbctoie CooaervatiTaa of SaatGrw.- tmaldlea^jbwjiqglaiid about Nov. 16.J Important Sale OVo^S^^AlS^"^^^-^^ THE Undfflr and by virtue ot fhe power of sale eon- tatoed m a certain indenture ^mStMBTwMrfi will be produced, the foUowing vaJuSSTproDS the Markdale House, in the villaee of Ib^Male S^ili'^y- J?*?,"*^ NovembS. Mwrit^e « "*l£'S?*^ T«» »nd *be South haU^f lUt •*' "l®,Sf** Township, containins by a£a^^^ ^^* TJree hundreS »cre^^el^^^^ muM ttDm Markrt a l e. and eompriaes a lo« hon»r A deposit of «10 for every aiao^tthe n^nS!^ these w their possession.^^^ Metpt TKKns OF SALE LIBEBAU and will be made known at time o( sale. tt^An^aSWtoV5"^jSL'Sg^«^ «k»ck. Toronta'aSeX To^^M^SS s.e.woop, $£(LjmBu. -Tendon SoUeitor. Aoctlones».| stbaybdP~ *^"?!^.J«» «a whit* aS SSZl reoottiy «iU suitably imwHadT ,^GOBLOUOREAD. •^ KinArty.p.O. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CuMMthuiAL TRAVEUERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite IHIarkdale House Wjy4. T/rYbOR, fROPRIETOR. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Village Property, Under a«d by virtwtof a Power of Sale contain- ed in a cei^ain wwrtsage which will be produced at the time of sale, Idbctte wiU be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, tbe 97th day of November, 1886, bvJ. W. Morrow, Esq., auctioneer at the "Markdale House" in the '\miage of Maik- dale, at the hour of one o'elo«sk, in the afternoon, the following lands and premisea, namely,â€" AU and singular that certain jparcel or tract of laai ia Gre; in the Provin of Ontano, containing the of an acre more or less, beuig composed of a part of lot number oneUundred in the first concession south west of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad. in the foresaid Township, and which may be more particularly known and described as Village Iiot number twelve on thenorth westerly side of MOl Street andfronttns ttiereon as shown on a plan of said village made by A. Macnab, Esq.. P. Ii. B.. registeredin the Begisary office for the South Biduig of tbe Coonty of Grey aforesaid. On ttie premises above described is plaster dwelling house with kitchen atteobed in fair state of repair. The propert y wOI be oflaced for Mle rab jeet toareaervelmL Terms and eon d i t kweetâ€" l e T w wi t yp sKoent of the porehaae monegr to be paid to the veadors soUeitorsat the time tf sale. solBeieDt vtth tbe said tweatyper cent to make one half ot ttie por- ehaae money wlttifaitwviiMwftast" â€" "-^â€" â€" » thebateiee--tobe'aeeltta*l^flM ttMabowpnmiaaewitlilaiinatat tbe tato of six per q«nt annum payable bsif ysaify. Tor feather Beg- Doadilk, or aadCrowther. VendenrBcdleilon, WKiog CUSTOM WEAVIHi' mosoj P-r-LS are uns Lvet thorough, purgi r oTgctB'i prompt L lame back, side or 08 Plaster. Price 25 hen, Dni^Bist. Ma from ovr oun co F. has his liberty I wiser man. r. Kennedy, of t ^len Mills, died sud I illness. Inflamm ^d, was the cause c st Sunday Kev. irintendent of the tfhedhereto a f ul dtedRev. A. Thil istering of the sac he Ist of Nov. our tel hunt, choosing I H. Dunbar as caj J out victorious I Queen's Hotel. fe expect to haye â-  lour nimrods bei â- day ganung is re]j ^TABBH Cube, heall J,byShiloh'8Cati ents. Nasal Injectc Stephen, Druggist ukdale business ited for subscript of a Catholic Ch YoD SuFFEE with Bplaint? Shiloh's Vi you. For sale gist, Markdale. A po boil a tongui pee. ttOUP. 'WHCOriNG I Dcdiately rebevod b; by B. L. Stephen, T â€" ont ii ^fc-r-"^CoDOH and HE subscriber hann«_^r«;f^^, â- ^Xs^r^ Markdale. A business next iW the weaving di^I""' i^t iipfr Haskett Bros, on E/^.^^^^S^t. au-ed to do all kinds of ^««"°«di»«» 55ice. Goodworkairim^^j';^^ 81S-26 *^^- ^^st^^^^^^^^^fias^ 'ACHEHSWA0' TB p.OBFirst.S«K,ndgaThjdI)^ r AppUcations stating «P^ be 01 i««b*- I.IIB ••y* Josh, war f"^niondn' an S31-22 â- V^antei Movomber S. USB. Bast, Totonto. TEACHER WAHTEB. Apply p«- â- onaqy^bjr latter to VM. BUBNETT. 8m. •"I " Markdato.?, Teache^ £^e. Duties to eommen* Teacher Wan No-lB-^-^S^ F^ard ciaM certifi***' y ,iininencelrtJ.nuar7l»'

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