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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Oct 1886, p. 7

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 m ?r%^^' HEALTH. nail ^t^«« it f a« heavy ' "7^1 II • how fogt ^: •' ana then mount «ni1 '^^ stroke UiX"l "'ge, and thp J jnde an ^^^^o| Hkelvl"'"°8 thai "Kelj to cross them I tiWe effect; But J 'â„¢l hence the Bigal ' bridges^.. Xen\iJ ster than a walk/' P eONTINTED.) SUPEESTinON. A-BappU at De b«J *hp C'oiorrd Mttr. "«^";sp*Per eorreepon inghtened colored i r- sleep on the hymn i bove words on the n It is.saidthattheiriu, Intelligent men, fan if earthquakes, and 1 was over, endeavoi bewildered and it they would not 1 led prepared and race is a mysterj- evJ ive been raised with tl] ther time nor iir credulity and sup el themselves safe witi ismanic protection, ts of conjuration, a OSS of their bag of cha deeply engraved in el t of their natures that f unjurer â-  as an imp his own tricks. IS and kind-hearted. ' curse of the race. K UK XO THRIFT, il rainy day never dis ve in a country whei tive, andean make- )ut they skim along a nd it. ' They care litL citation, and generally n the penitentiary is y have no avarice and swindle but with ther tiding, no contract i ;Ah]f and convenient, smonstrations of the n ring the earthquake the race. Their relif emotional and excess at times, p thm they go to the ministers are popn' ir power to induce it condition of ecstasy Hence of their precep of their examples, icy sing uproariously, their feet, and ties: ul wilder, untdthe „stobeascrazv»3tf 1 Pietvis judged who yell the loudest ul those who get strnU breathless, stiff, «»1 sanctitied. AFTER MirMGHT he music sweU, tie .ndthebillowj-ro^r he sermons area ter enaBdheU,theresu t The tumult is ff he singing is magj; hildren learn in the rapidity of the wto* onthenegw^l^, aaresuretobesn^ n for the most P»^a the! thtfi-, ,uld """T.tirriiig' ,n opportum^the ' V^ ^he ni" dations-tne ratch »nd»u uice, t" her •" Self." ** I'i Lit" Prescriptions. have cured dyspepsia. ' i;.fe.-tion Pen, omauce and Pretension. â-  ai;. '-•I'a FARM. is more to be desired r'^Ultiiitn living in the cities one fe-timatcl to be l^ald. .\e 'iris that the corset and tight ' ire t^he enemies of life. r^ ,,e nit;" beautiful face and a fine ' '"'rtlier than good health and com- '^e bcjt lung food, and, among all 'â- " lini: substances, fresh sweet -;;^l,iut the best and salt pork the ..jian organism is a savings bank '"^Itiwiiis'ii vital strength, and in ";rebh air it accepts the smallest de- ' V warm the back by the fire, and .intinue keeping the back exposed to I -after it has become comfortably ' To 'lo otherwise is debilitating. Jsionsmay freiiuently be cut 8"iiort, '^^^^ l,v turning the patient on his I if The nausea as an after effect of '„] or either narcosis may generally -•nilleJ in the same manner. Ix has been used with good success V'lnous croup. by Dr. C. S. Putnam Minnesota. He is of the opinion 'line Ix is as near a specific for rini'us croup as we have. ;, to feed the lungs on azetic gases, Kiali's aninialcula will starve and â-  ,r :w surely as maw-worms will ,::/i .lisappcar if we change a pork f iifkniut diet for bread and apples, • ytv .iiiniKt be ])re vented by throwing .loi.^iliility on the inebriate, and ,;ij him £"!â-  this, as if for crime. He • kiii'tii. aiiil must be taken out of his ;:ii!i. iiiid fully I juaraii tilled until he .[',.'" J/"""""' suggests the follow- pir iiuiidy for nettle rash: Dissolve ;;'..iii,iiitity of menthol in alcohol, and t!i" (larts as a lotion. This prepar- :.?ai'!tolie ei[nally soothing lathe ;ii;ti't stings. ::.iiins I'f chrysop hanic acid in an â- : iil.iriif'iriii ])nvides a very success- ;ii atinii tir tile treatment of ring " It .-iii'iidd be very cautiously applied ;m:; atiVcti'il two or three times daily ;i;!iiTs hair brush, cure being taken :i.:;,ilf tin- vapor, c. lU.HAi. AMI '.\Mi'iioK IX Chronic i.. A mixtuic cif cijual parts of cam .;)i aiiiiiud tluuvoal is recommended -:...-,i a: an ;i]]riication to prevent the â- .vc o.t'ir and remove the pain of old ,:fl iiktis. The camphor acts as a â-  tint, and the charcoal absorbs and â- ..~;iu nil'iii-iive odors. !!.• ti'iiiUf is said to denote a febrile lyv a Imlwu. moist tongue â€" indi- .:i!.:"\\ii, dry tongue â€" depression, i;s..i;iiiu' tyjilioid feve^-; a red, moist f int'aiiiniatiirv fever a red, glazed .!â- , .cniial fiver, loss of digestion a ' â-  moist tlaliliy tongue â€" feebleness, -1; .-s a -lazed tongue with blue ap- ..;â- â-  Uitiary syphilis. â- ,:i; rrl'i.lal tinimrs tive ilrops of a ten .: "l',;:ii'n or ]i!ienic^acid injected juto â- â- â- ^'.lA Veins almost iiuniediately â- â- .;aii. I Ir. Ke: .ire employs the fol- 'ri' u !ii;h he esteems superior siaiji'u- .-.'Intion. as the pain, which .-â- â-  is ortcii .-evere, is gre;itly lessened; •-â- .(.â- .tu-.. drachms ;uiil a half; phenic 'u'iii;. liri'iis morphia, live grains. I'll;!,! lit- tasteless andodor- rVesJi ,11- stale. After long :: â- :; 'r,i 1 li'iw uo sediment. If, â- '.l't It I'.in.s w'aite. it contains lime; â-  '.;â- â- ;., â- lay m- vegetable matter. If :.- staii.;i!i_; it h;is a slight moldy '" !Kis :;siil through marshy land 'â- ".\v.~ :.'inis and organic substances. â-  'atir sliriiilil l)e carefully avoided. \iTMi\T (.; ()/.r.\\.--l)r. Malacrida, â- â€¢"Kill:: the nostrils with a solution â-  riic ut soiliuni and drying the muc- -•1:1 'lane with dredgets of absorbent 'â- introduces a hit of cotton moistened .:(w,lr,.psof the essential oil of tur- •â-  III a number of places in which •ctr.rt,] T,vas employed, the disagreeable ^^â- â- w alnmst iiuniediately destroyed, â-  I'trriiunent cure was affected in less ' iii'nith. â-  L" '• JA' â- lirri/ ami '^tiyi/irn/ Jo2tmal â- -'t tor there is nothing to com- '"'i tlio tincture or a strong infusion 'li v. â- ,/,;,),,„ mixed with an equal â-  " ;.;L_-e .if gnm arabic, and' with â- â- itij'unf ;i tew drops of glycerine. â- ;!-K;..i !,e painted all over the surface -»^amers-h;iif jjeiicil and allowed to ^; a seciiiii rr a third coating being "â-  -i* s 'â- â- n a.- the tirst is dry. If done â-  â-  •;• -itter the injury is inflicted this -;it \vil! invari.ably prevent •â- ^Keiiin- of the brusied tissue. The â- rtiie.iy has no e(|ual in rheumatic, â- ^-rtiKvk. Scissored and Penned. The Country Gentleman has a correspond- ent who claims that tarring seed com pre- vents its coming up. The best time for soil pulverization is the autumn, because the frost will then pene- trate the earth during the winter. The farmers of this country waste enough feed each year to winter as many animals as they keep that is, by saving all food and feeding it judiciously, they would double their nocks and herds. 8ound potatoes dug in dry weather need little drying, and if it is required let it be in a dry shady place, where it is as cool as pos- sible, and as soon as they are dry they should be stored in a cool, dark place. Po- tatoes should be handled carefully rough handling is more or less injurious to them. Prof. Stewart says Apples are not only not objectionable, but are beneficial to the health of the cow, and improve the flavor of her milk â€" with the qualification that they are properly fed. A moderate quantity of apples, say six to eight quarts to a cow per day, will assist in the digestion of her other food, and their flavoring will improve the taste of milk. Many farmers look with distrust on the chemists' estimate of the money value of a fertilizei% and we observe that some agricul- tural papers instead of trying to present clearer views on the subject, are inclined to throw out surmises and objections and hints, calculated to increase this want of confidence. This is wrong. The farmers who get cheated are seldom those who place the most reliance on the chemists, but rather those who "don't care a continental for your analysis. " Do not forget to give the cellars a thor- ough and effectual renovating before com- mencing to store vegetables and fruit. Too much care cannot be observed in this. The health of the family, as well asthe preserva- tion of the articles stored, requires this work. Brush down all the cobwebs on the walls, clean out all the accumulated dust, and give the walls and ceilings a coat of whitewash. The fruit, vegetables, and all the musty smells will be removed from the most useful and necessary apartment on the premises of the farmer. A fall campaign against weeds and bushes is more efficacious than one in the spring, though I would not be understood as advis- ing the farmerto let theweeds steal a march on him in the spring, by any means. Yet if there is no growing crop to be injured by their presence, I am not certain but that, if they are allowed to grow to the point where they begin to form seeds, and are then turn- ed under, they will receive au*equal check, with less expenditure of labor, than if they are hacked down all summer. In the spring, vegetation has a strong vitality and recup- erative power, but in the fall, when foiming seeds, its force is somewhat spent, and it is susceptible to injury. pertinently puts the not the world be lappicr if we were to lay it rule that performance is '-^ ii"p. i-tioned to pre"tension " Cer- .. â-  ""^i'lccu of this, and to know "^j J a.s. 1 wi-iv convinced of it, would ^--^n stl;;;.j,.y J^.^j.^jj ^^ tllOSB who nOW •â- â- â-  •i-'.va .,f their energy and life in I'^-il'pvar ^yhat tliey are not. Insin- ""!•' '"'"" ^* '" o"b' 'WTong, it is .â- ..'"'""• " impotent, so short-sighted '" fi: ^^' ^^"'ier how any reasonable -?| '«!it man or woman can adopt it. "^:^* ^try iiw, and those few only for r i^.'" ^t prejudices persons against "â-  _w practkcs it, so that they are -^ a.imit his actual merit. ^hat 10 Onts Will Do. P^tiirn" â- ""'" ' ' I'olsou's Xerviline will R'en^' '"' l^^'^^dache. A 10 cent bot- '-Uie Will cure toothache and. face j_^ cent sample bottle of Nerviline ' c "^^'"'^^ '-â- olds, diarrhcea, spasms, ~^»iia' -^"""iliiie is just the thing Sn- Tn"" ^^â- "^ther mtemal or exter- â- ^: J ' ^ent sample bottle of Nervi- .v^;^.*'^^^!^ P-'iu cure. Safe, prompt, â- â- ::' "'^^1- Large bottles at any •'•^^"b-2.5.ents, How to Get Eid of Sheep Ticks.- R. ^I. Bell of Missouri tells how he gets rid of sheep ticks as follows We got as much linseed oil, Scotch snuff, tallow, sulphur, burnt umber, and pine tar as would answer for the whole flock. Three of us went at the job of handling each sheep separately, one at a time, to cover every part of its body with the mixture we made up of the above ingredients. We had no rule as to r uautities of each, except the umber and tar, of these very little of each â€" tar only to give a- piuey smell (juite per- 'eptible to the sheep of umler just enough to give a slight color. Each of us had an iron pan and a scrubbingltnish. Over a little fire we had an iron pot witli our mixture in to keep it warm. We had a stake driven into the ground solid, â- \\itli a staple and ring at the top end, some eighteen inches high. Through this I'ing we passed a leather strap that was put around the sheep's neck. At fii-st it was a job quite new and odd to us, and one that we did not care to have company catch us at, as there was a slight sense of fraud about it that we did not care to face before every- body. We greased every one of those sheep and lambs from end to end, and from top to bottom, and turned them into the pasture. They looked just alike in color, and did all the year. The little coat of tallow and tar â€" nothing more than a shadow on the end of a fiber â€" prevented the fleece from wetting and splitting, but in no way affected the quality of the fleece, and every tick was killed or banished by the tobacco, sulphur^ and tar, and from that day to this we have not had a tick in our flock. I know now that we could have used any old grease as well as the linseed oil, arid we might have used concentrated extract of tobacco as well as snuff, at the price we paid for it. It is the usual practice in England, as a precaution against flies, and among fancy breeders in America. At least to rid sheep of lice, ticks, etc. I do very heartily recommend it to owners of moderate-sized flocks. _____ London Leads the World. London, with the single exception, possi- bly, of Rome, is the only capital in Europe where the festivities of a court are to be enjoyed. Berlin was never very gay, and now that the -Emperor and Empress have become so very old the social elements of court life have become extremely primitive, as well as fonnal and restricted. The haughty aristocracy of Vienna decline to receive at their entertainments anyforeigner below the rank of a prince, even the at- taches of the different legations having but a dismal time of it. Since France become a republic the social prestige of Paris has wholly vanished. Spain and Portugal are too far out of the beaten track, and especially the latter, and the stiff etiquette pervading at both courts renders them anything but popular. Since King Humbert ascended the throne of Italy lie and his fair wife have done much to make Rome a brilliant and attractive social center. But it is now an undoubted fact that Lon- don, during the season, has taken tne place which was occupied under the second em- pire by Paris in the affections of society lovers on both sides of the Atlantic. Don't use any more nauseous purgatives such as pai« traits, c., when vou can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowels tentlv cleansing aU impurities from the system and rendenng the Blood pure and cooL Great Spring Medicine 50 cts. To CoBsiUiii^tiTes. or those with weak lungs, spitting of blood, bronchitis, or kindred afifections of throat or lungs, send 10 cents in stamps'for Dr. R. V. Pierce's treatise on these maladies. Address the doctor, Buffalo, N. Y. Subscriber " No you are wrong. Your brother's daughter in Japan might be Japan- ese, but his son would not be, Japanephew." ** How Can She Erer Love Hlmr* is what you often hear said when the pro- spective groHn is the victim of catarrh. ' ' How can she bear such a In^alii V "How- resolve to link her destiny with that of one with a disease, that unless arrested, will end in consumption, or perhaps insanity " Let the husband that is, or is to be, get Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and cure himself before it is too late. By druggists. Goethe said " We ought to look at spme pictm-es every day." But this wasn't an opinion in favor of an illustrated daily press. How Women Wonld rote. Were women allowed to vote, every one in the land who has used Dr. Pierce's "Fa- vorite Prescription" would vote it to be an unfailing remedy for the diseases peculiar to her sex. By druggists. There is very little real independence to be found in this world. Even the prisons are crowded with time-servers. Wesleyan Ladies' Collie, Hamil- ton. The Wesleyan Ladies' College of Hamil- ton has entered upon the work of the year with unusually large advanced classes. The President's smallest class contains a dozen, members. The graduating class of this year will be one of the largest in the history of the institution. The College aims at the hishest class of work, and it invites to its halls pupils who desire ,to work and who can appreciate superior advantages. Special- ists in music and art are furnishsd with rare advantages in these departments. This College has never employed agents, but al- though it is the oldest of the colleges and so complete in its equipment it can make its terms §160 to §200 per annum. For its effi- ciency and success much praise is due Rev. A. Burns, D. D., LL. D., the President. â€" Olohe. The man who frequents the pawnbroker's generally goes out on three balls. HEALTH. .4n«tnillnn Indian .Isthina C'nre.â€" We have the Skins discovered by the Australian Indi.ins â€" a sure cure for Asthma, or we will refund the price of $3.00. Full directions given how to use. Address AUSTRALIAN CUKE CO., AtTOX, O.VT., Box 166. Bulgaria ought to take out the Kaulbars and put in natural gas. YOI"XG MKX suffering from, the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also MiD- i)LE-.\OE!) and Old Me.\ who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and RF..\D M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to anv address on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address M. V. LUBOX, 47 Welling, ton St. E. Toronto. Ont. "The season's over," said Fogg, as he cap- sized the pepper box. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and kiudre • habit" The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if so dt-s'r- d Send 6c in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 ^yellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. Cut this out for future reference. When writing mention this paper. The conductor is a ladies' man. He is al- ways after the fare. A Free Fight. The great reputation of Briggs' Electric Oil is such that it has induced unprincipled persons to adopt other names as near as possible. The proprietors of Briggs Electric Oil have the name and style of the Electric Oil registered both in Canada and the United States, and no one can use it but themselves. Others hearing of the success of Briggs' Electric Oil have adopted other names similar, such as " Itlec- trie Oil," Electron Oil," c., and are striving to induce the public to buy them instead of the -geruine Electric Oil. In fact so detennined were thej' that they brought a suit at Law, in the High Court of Canada," to deprive Briggs k Sons of their right to control the same but the Courts and the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa fully sustained their registered trade mark. Briggs' Electric Oil cures Rheumatism, Neuralgias Sprains and Bruises, Complaints arrising from Cold, such as Sore Throat, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and difficult breathing. A. P. 304. M ENâ€" THREEâ€" and two ladiesâ€" as Canvassers good pay. H. E. Kbssedv, Toronto. Ont. REPRESENTATmS in each county to sell " Pro- posal and Espousal" â€" a book on Love, Courtship, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for oireulais. International Book and Bible House, Toronto, Ont. inn nnn sheets of 5 loc. music; '30,000 IUUjUUU Plays,' Brass last's, 'Violins,' 'Flutes,' ' Fifes,' and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at reduced prices. E. B. BUTLAND, 37 King-st. W., Toronto. AGEN'TS for NEW PARALLEL FAMILY BIBLES â€" large type, splendid maps, beautiful illustrations contains 4,000 questions and answers on Bible Topics liberal terms. International Book and Bible House Toronto, Ont. THE TOROXTO BI'SI\E.S!!i 'OI.LEiE.â€" The Largest, Leading and Best in Canada offers special courses in Shorthand, Book-keeping, Penmanship, Modem Languages, Mathematics, Draw- ing, Painting, and all other Commercial, English and Fine Art Branches. Terms, etc., low. Write im- mediately for large circulars. 37, 39 and 41 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. FEMALE VIGOK'WORT, THE DECOCTION of one single herb is a sure cure for female ir- regularities stamp for particulars. 1 P. STE^-ENSON. i 45 Mercer Street, Toronto, Canada GrELPH Bnslnes!) College, Gnelpta, Ont. Began the Third Year Sept. 1st, baring already- received patronage from Ten States and Provinces. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi- ness pursuits graduates eminently successful special courses in Shorthand, French "and German ladies admitted. For terras, etc., address M. MacCORMICK, Principal. AtESTS:- YOU CANT FIND A BOOK THAT gives better satisfaction or that 'ou can make money faster with than " World's Wonders-" Sells to all classes â€" Christians and Infidels, Catholics and Pro- testants, old and young old agents who have not can- vassed for years are going into the field with it; C. F. Jenkins sold 128 tlie first week; J. E. Brace says; " The first week with Wonders" netted me one hun- dred and sbwteen dollars." A good chance for unem- ployed persons outfit free to actual canvaasets, write for terms. BaAObsr Gakrktsok Co. Brantford. • ASK FOR THE â-  â-  GLOBE Washboard KEPT BY AU GROCERS MANUFACTURED BY HAMILTON WalterWoodsC? xt-qbonto SNOWDRIFT THERE I Fil THE FAYORilE li] BEHER! The Snow Drift Baking Powder Ca, Branttotd, Ont MONEY TO LEND. FrodactiTe Town, Village Farm Property. D. MITCHELL 3lcD03l.41D, BarriHter. 6 UNION BLOCK, TOBONTO ST., TORONTO. SAUSAGE CASINGS. New shipment from England, Ex-Steamship *| Nor wegian." Lowest prices to the trade. We are' sole agentB in Canada for McBride's Celebrated ;$heep Cm- ings. Write for quotations. J Ains PAKK A SON, Tmfmtm, H R. SPENOE CO. ig HAMILTON. ONT. Best equipped Business College in the Dominion. Write for handsome illustrated catalogue. R. E. GALLAGHER, Principal. Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. Br-CuttlKS Siteclulty. Send for price list and terms. U HAMfLTON ONT. Id CANADA PERMANENT LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED, A.D. 1S55. MEfHDEN BRITANNIA GO. MANUFACTURE ONLY X" X 10- XI SO? Silver Plated Ware. Artistic Designs, combined with Uneqnalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON, ONT. Allan Line B^yal Mall SteamsMps. Sailing during winter from Port and eveiy Thursday and HaUfax everj- Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum- mer from t^uebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderrj- to land mails and passengers for I Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Hali- 1 fax and St. John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly dur- ' ing summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during sumine.r between Glasgow anil Jlontreul, weekly, Glasgow and Boston, weekly; and Glasgow and Philadelphia, fortnightly. For Freight, passiige, or other iniirmation apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; S. Canard i Co., Halifax Shea Co., St. John's N. F., Wm. Thomson Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Co., Chicago Love Allien, New York H. BourIi'?r, Tormitn .AUan-i llae Co., Quebec ;Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia; H. A. Allan Portland, Boston Montreal. Crnili'sEnlilierPocMMaler â€"ANDâ€" OZONIZED INHAUNT. CURE FOR COLDS, CATARRH and BRONCHITIS AKvays ready. Recognized by the Pro- fession. 600,000 In ua«. See Drug- gists, if not kept by them, sent by mail or express on receipt of Si.oo. CONSUMPTIVES. Send Stamp.ior Pamphlet on LUNG FOOD. New and successful treat- ment, for the delicate, the enfeebled, the emaciated of either sex and oi any age. AfiTUIAA CAN BE CURED. â€"Send for HD I ni»M Pamphlet. W. R. Orumb, M. D.. St. CatLai incs. Out. Canada. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S" East TORONTO. Paid-HP Capital, • • Total As««ts, • • • OFFICE: Company's BvUdlngs, Toronto St., Toronto* SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of %t and upwards received at Current rate Of interest, paid or compounded half-yearly. DEBENTURES. Money received. on deposit for a fixed term of years tor which Debentures are issued, with half-yearly in- terest coupons attached. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. "The Capital and Assets of the Company being iledged for money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. Ad^â- ances made on Real Estate, at cui rent rates, and on favorable conditions as to re-payment. Mort- gages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HEKBEKT ]I.lgO!«. Managing Directot* A PERMANENT BLACK POLISH ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR LADiESCHILDREN^SFINLSHOES. Having purcha.sed one thousand Kennedy Rifles at satisfactorj- prices, we oSFer them at the following prices, subject to a discount for a nuniljer â€" 32, 38, 42caL, round barrel, glS.OO, oc-t. barrel, 819.50 Wand 45cal., " 19.r.0, " 21.00 Colt Lightning Rifles, " 20.00, " 22.00 Winchester Rifles, 18136 model, 10.00, " 17.00 " " lS73model, IS.OO, " lv.50 " " 1876 model, 10. .iO, ' 21.00 English Double-barreled Breech-ioiiding Guns, side action, 10-bore, packed in a case, jirioe Sil2.00. Will ship any guns c.o.d., with privilege to examine upon receipt of sufficient cash to pay express charges both ways, which will be deducted from price of gun. W. M. COOPER, Largest Gun Dealer in Canada, 69 Bay St., Toronto. The Largest Tnlnlng Sekeol in Scad for Calendar. Made from Finest Steel, tempered under the Arm- strong Patent Process, enabling all parts to stand under actual test 100 to 300 per vent, over Raw Steel. The runners will outwear the oniinary sleigh shoe steel fully SIX TIMES, and being temiered as above thej' do not drag on poor sleighing. Light, GrBceful and Durable. Send for our descriptive circular and ask vour carriage makers for these gears. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F'C CO. (L'D) CUELPH CANADA. MACH INE OILS! £0" Manufacturers and Millers will Save Money bv using "Si McCOLL'S imm MACHIl OIL. ^^ Try it once and you will use no other. "St WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE GENUINE LARDINE. Also Cylinder, Engiue, IVool and IIai*ness Oils. McCoU Bros. Co., Toronto. Try our Canadian Coal Oil, ' Sunlight" Brand, Finest in the Harkt t. GURNEY'S NEW HARRIS MAMMOTH STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES. KTlie Most EflSeetlTe, Clean, Dumble and Ecoaomleal Heaters In tke Matfcet tor warming and ventilating Churches, Schools, Putdie Bofldings, Stores and Private Residences. Simple in constructioB and easilv managed, capable of givinj; mora l^at with less consumption of fuel than any other beating sppat atus. i^.llM»lateIy Cias Titfet.'di EUkt sixes "Harris" and tear sizes "Mamniotfa" are made, and can be-oet either' Brick or Portable form. Correspondence solicited. For Catalogue and furthet information addreaa THE. I, « C. GUEJET CO. (LiiiM), flAMttTOI. â- .,:â-  tl \m

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