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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Oct 1886, p. 1

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 1 until au '"' ^^ a splendid eq, fi^e job type.â„¢ 'y°"^- All Old E OFFICULS. DQ- Lucas, G. ;8â€" B. Coleman 'Okman, Sec. ' ICIAL8. Owen Sound ane. Owen SonndJ Oweu Sound. I ustrong. 0. SoanJ fen Sonnd. r, Owen Sonnd. r Lang, Owen Son night, " auflcr, Durham. iith, Judge McPbJ onth East, h 1, Owen Sound, lule, M,f)., Markd 2d€rkin.]S[.D.,] ftigiiton,OwenSoi. Colman, Thcrnbui 1 Blytln Orchard. •T CLEKES. Owen Suundi Durham. Meaford. Heathcote. ng, Flesherton. d, Ghatswortb. 'ALE. itid fiom 3 o'clock j iii)g day. s, viz .1:40 n m, andTp^ 3:30 p m, andTp^ ;STON. Saturday 12:30 nw WAY. JO Boon. and money orda than above. Thel idays from 9 to 9:3 after mails arriTe. McFablasd.P.M. K CHTJECH ,ath at 10:30 a. 'ednesday eveni^ ilson, Pastor; W ident. 3URCH. jr 5th 7 o'clock L 26th 10:30 «i' bcumbent. Sab 3rd, Superinteni CHUBCH. ty at 10:30 a ol at 2:30. evening froffl8«. ening from/ J, Ladies' Aid m Secretary. No. 78. nie!-?„ t VisitiTB brei breflu^ 1045 meets " Master; »• "'• receptory.JJj welcome- â- " jgistrar. se] tl»« ff MaiMaec "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' LeVETH year.â€" N5. 321. MAKKBALE, OlSTT., OCTOBER 28, 1886. C. W. RTJTiiEDGE, Publisher^ |a! a^(] Other Items. f f i in thefe columns intended to beneft ,.,, â- /!(;/ rr f^ociety will he charged tAt ' 'ir,e forth" firft insertion and five e each subsequent iH$ertion. [F YOU WANT TO GET A â-  jaitham, Hampden, or Elgin Watch, ,iii save a little by purchasingfrom I^V. A. Broven, A Reliabie Jeweller, MAKKDALB. y,yH^vâ€"Correspnndence, commnnica- j,/r. rliementf. drc,, mwnt be in this [., 1.1 noil Tuesday to insure publication ll-xi teachers wanted, see advertising IllE. H. D. Ik^i^ is slowly recovering Ij. -ncvcre illness. (iiiiKiAY the 6th Nov. will be cattle fcr t-v.' Bk.Am Thhuk: animal has strayed to yonr advertise it at once. X. Bell, of Lindsay, formerly (ill el" is in town tliis week. I ox KATs" lias been tbining ;: of tlic town recentlj-. s a. ver}- heavy freigbt trafc ;t;;i:i!ieoftlie C. P. R. tbis fall. .iM. fraiii work is well advanced in vicinity. h. c osDY of Kimberley is to have a 1(1 shoutinw match at liis hotel on fit!! November. \in. Hannah, of Flesherton Station, raised his hotel and built a stone uuder, thus making a fine cellar. \ow IS the time to render accounts. and secure a supply of bill-heads, lo's or statements. Ori: Station yard is in a fearful con- an with mud. Wonder the company irati's such a state of things. ^iR Richard Caejtwright will address ' electors of South and East Grey, in t Drill Shed, Flesherton on Thursday. itli Nov. at 2 o'clock. B- RuTLEDGE, merchant of Fort 3iaa:. is down to Toronto and Hamil- stocking up for the winter. He call- oSbere for a day or two. iXGrs Beaton of British Columbia, of Ales. Beaton of Glenelg, is down 1 visit. He has been very successful B. C.- and become wealthy. Iaekcvle Markets. â€" Fall wheat 66 to BtoJ cents; spring wheat 65 to 70; barley* ' '"'y. peas 40; oats 26; butter 10, '^; eggs 16; potatoes 40 per bag. fuvER.â€"jij, James Bryan, proprie- t'ue Mansion House, Marbdale, the 1st prize at the Artemesia ip Agricultural Society's plowing "i last week. Pke time for raising root crops: itrson raised nearly all Mrs. •ta's potatoes one night recently die old lady was absent there is si-spieion as to where they went. •3*: -utlwdist S. S. Anniversary will ^l^e';llifcre on the 14th and 3r5th timber, s. S. sermon on Sunday ' lad entertainment on Monday eve- The wholesale Dmg establishment of llUiott A Co. Toronto, was destroyed by fire last week entailing a loss of 1100,000 in stock besides the building being a total wreck. It was insured for about the amount of the loss. OuK new Methodist Minister, Rev. T Hall, is an exceedingly pleasant gentle- man and has already made many friends Mr. Hall, it seems was a newspaper man before he entered the ministry and be yet gravitates naturally towards a print shop.â€" [Lehigh Vally Echo, Not so Slow. â€" As Hallowe'en comes on Sunday, a certain individual, taking time by the forelock, captured a turkey, entered a house in the village by a window while the folk were absent, and had his "hallowe'en goose" ail to him- self. A number of feathers and a quantity of soaked peas from its crop was all that he left. Our brass band have been very quiet for a long time, not giving the citizens scarce any music they turned out last Saturday evening however and gave the town a serenade which was much appreciated. Mr. Currie drove them through the principal streets in his egg wagon. The Mt. Forest Representative is agitating for a market day in that town. It would be a great convenience in Markdale as well, so that citizens could secure a fresh supply of vegetables, butter, eggs, c., on a stated day eyery week, and save farmers the trouble of peddling around their garden truck. Let there be light. â€" The dry goods estabUshment of Hill Bro's, the Jewelry store of W. A. Brown and the new harness establishment of Thos. Mathews were all treated alike last week, viz. â€" to a plate glass front. This is a great improvement both outside and in. There East Gbet. â€" ^We were surprised on reading the ' Meaford Mirtor of last wedi, that any dissatisfaction existed, or could exist at the resolt of the late £. G. L. C. Convention held in Markdale. Capt. Joseph Borke is in our opinion the strongest man the party has in the riding, besides his majority so greatand victory so easy, that we can see no reason to call another meeting of the convention. We know nothing of the supposed irregularities which the Mirror refers to, but even they did exist, it would not change the verdict. BUSINESS LOCALS. Lktter-Heads supplied neat and cheap at the Standabd office. The very best Oysters, at Mrs. Clement's served hot or cold. If you have a watch or clock to repair, take it to Russell, Flesherton. Mb. F. Munso of OrangeviUe has re- signed the position of police magistrate. Faemees wiU please bring their Beef Hides and Sheep Skins to the Markdale Tannery. $80,000 to loan on easy terms and at low rates ofinterestWm. Jackson Mark- dale. A choice building lot for sale in a first class location in Markdale. Apply to G. S. Bowes, or R. O. Whitbv, owner. You can save 25 per cent, by buying your clocks, jewelry, spectacles. c.i at the noted jewelry, Flesherton. HotrsE to rent in this village. ft3. per month. Apply to P. McArthur, Traverston, or at this office. Jackson keeps repairs for "Wilkinson Fleury, Sylvester and McGiU's plows. Old metal taken in exchange. can To-DAT is court day at Flesherton. The individnal who was injored bj the accidental discharge of his dnty is still very low. OwEK So vin Oct. 26. â€" Samnel J. Me- Call, acoonntant for the Grange Trost Insnrance Company (limited), has absconded with some two thousand dollars of that company's money. He has gone to the States. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, ycm have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It neyer fails to cure. For anle by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale. A Russell, Flesherton, can sell yon appears to befully twice the Ught inside ^^tches, clocks, jewehy and spectacles at lower prices than any that the old windows admitted. The Port Arthur Sentinel states that the East End-mine at Silver Mountain has been sold to a company of English capitalists; that $200,000 has been ap- propriated for the development of the property, and that active operation will be conunenced at once. CONSMUPTION CUEED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Ea^t India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption Bronchitis^ Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lang Afflictions, also a positive and radical cure for ijervous Debility and all Nervons Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in Ihonsands of cases, has felt it his dnty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to rrlieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to aU who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full direc- tions for preparingand using. Send by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper W. A. NoTEBS, 149 Power's Block, Rochester N. Y. !cf iHh OWUia. Kg to being short of help during I*st six weeks, (our foreman being 'â- oosIt indisposed) it has been im- ^we to present the Standabd m as shape, typographically, as we fjje- We trust our readers will "tli us in the matter. Geo. GfiANT of this town has to Paisley where he goes into lousiness. Sash, Door itwe Manufacturing. We re- "loose such a desirable citiaen as ^^t- He is a man of undoubted y. and is in every way highly re- also his better half. We old South Geet Refoemkbs. â€" ^A Conven- tion was held in Durham last Thursday the 21st inst., for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates for the Commons and Local Legislature at comming elections. A very large representation was present, when Dr. Landerldn wa« chosen for the former, andMr. Wm. Irvine of Bentinck, president of the Association, by occupation a farmer, was elected for the latter. The Canadian Pacific Railway are rnnnii^ a first class excursion to the Pacific Coast, Vancouver, B. C, Victoria, B. C, and San Francisco, Cal., and return on the 29th and SOth October, 1886, from all Stations on their line at the very lowirate of $90.00, to afford famUies and others a cheap and enjoy- able way of spending the Winter on the Pacific Coast. Tickets wiU be good for 7 months, and. enable the purchaser to stop over at any point on their line. Emanuel Spurgbon Wilson is the name of a "Boy Preacher" who adver- tises to lecture on "Heaven and its Glories," Ac. He sent .us a parcel of bills to poast about ten days ago, and requested ns to ^igage a HaU, c., for him. Not knowing anything of the stranger, we wrote him for some kind of guarantee or recommendation, but received no reply, and didn't act. We see by the Flesherton and Dnndalk papers, tiie same humbug was billed for their resjpective towns but didn't turn np. Picked up foe dead. â€" One day last week, JHmie Patterson, aged about six years, son of John Patterson of the Revere Hotel of fchis place, made his way into the Agrienltoralgronnds where some sheep w«e pasturing, and among them a cross ram. The boy was missed and when f omid -was lying senseless and the run standixig over him. He was \»ktm home and miedical aid called in, but fortunate he reoeived no serious injuries. A few days previous the f^tnti hay fell out of a window in in the second story, a distance of some 15 feet. other dealer. Give him a trial. B- 1-iaTvreiice's Cele- brated spectacles, a fresh stock to hand, call and inspect them at the Medical Hall. A. Tamer Co. RoBT. Cook, of Flesherton Station is now prepared to supply the public in the livery line. He has good horses and rigs. My stock of Violins, Boxes, Bows, and fittings now in also Concertinas and Accordeons. WiU not be. undersold in these hues. W. A^ Brown, Markdale. The finest stock and variety of books, papers, and all kinds of Uterature to be had, is to be found at Dinsmore's Fancy Goods Store, Markdale. SpLBNriDas8ortment|of Ladies' Gents' and Children's Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers at Wm. Mc- Leod's, Markdale. Have sold 6 fine Clocks this monthi Seth Thomas, Ansonia, Walnut and nickle spring, $2.50 to $8.50. W. A. Brown, Jeweler, Markdale. A. Dinsmoee's Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, is the place to procure dialogue and recitation booiffl, suitable for Sabbath School Aimiversary's and such occasions. Nobody ever died by taking Rejuvei- nator Bitters, butmany apersonrecover- ed their health and lengthened their days by their use. Sold by Smith, the harber. EvEEYBODY should call and examine the stock of footwear kept by Wm. Mc- Leod: great variety; new, fresh, styl- ish and good, at close prices. No trouble to show goods. Cheap Blankets â€" McFarland's. Cheap Flannels â€" ^McFarland's. Cheap Wmter Tweed*â€" McFarland's. Cheap Overcoatings â€" ^McFarland's. Cheap Boots â€" ^McFarland's. Cheap Mantles â€" McFarland's. Cheap Dress Goodsâ€" MoFacland's. The Earnest People are so few in thd world that their very earnestness be- comes at once the badge of their nobility, and as men in a crowd instinctively make room for one who seems eager to force his way through it, so mankind everywhere opens its rank to one who rushes zealously towards some object lying beyond them. -«â- Â»- THE LAST TEAR. 1886. After the abo^e year is ended there need be no more suffering from Bheumatismt Neuralgia. Toothache, Headache, Lumbago, or any acute pain, if they only purchase a bottle of Fluid Lightning, as it cures instantly. Pain cannot stay where it is used. The name is Fluid Lightning. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. 2 "Why is a young man likea kemal of corn?" asked a young lady. "Because," said moth- er, "he turns white when he pops." New lathe just received for ifbie re p a iring All work dcMie personally and fully wananted. 25 per cent jewdlers do the talking whUe I am 6,000 persons attended Sam. Jones' last evening service in Toronto on Tues- day night last, and fully 2,000 left, not being able to gain admittance, so great was the crowd. At the close of the service Jones requested all who would promise to lead better lives and work for God, to stand up, when the entire audience arose to their feet. The evangelists left for Georgia on Wednes- day. them prosperity in their I and escaped unhurt. NA«-i^ Pnx- are amild purgative, .at- 1 '^^^^f V "^^^IS!?* ?! iagoatiteStoniadi, L^or and Boweli, re- casD. w. 4. Brow]», pmeftieal wakih moviasi^obitrao^u. mak^r. Handy to Havh. â€" The most useful medi- eine yon can have in the houfehold is Hag- yard's Yellow Oil. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, aches, sprains, bruises, bums and all external or internal painfiU conditions. Keep it at band for ready use. A FIBE broke out in a frame three- riesident tenement house near the station at OrangeviUe, Friday evening. It was occupied by Joseph Taylor, Thos. Mar- shall and J. Saunders. The building was entirely oonsnmed, but its contents and the adjoining buildings were saved by the exertions of the firemen. The fire was evidently the work of an incen- diary, as the place was saturated with cool oil and ignited two weeks since, but at ttiat time was extingnisihed before any damage was done. Ladies troubled with Pimplas, BlotelMS Boii(^ Hands or Face, or Sores of any diserip- tion, should use McOregoc tfe Parke's OarboUo Cerate. It will leave the skin in perfect hestth, smooth, eleui and gocd color. le â- inw and gat the genuine, mnde hj McGregor A PsTKo. Price aSe. Sold at B. L. St^en's Dnig Stem. MarWale. 8 The Uariners Conpus has draw aotte of the adstimportaiit needle wo«k la the wodd. A communication from N. McCofanan, Esq., came too late for this issue.; High Pbaisb.â€" Hn. John Neelands, writ ing from the Metho^st Parsonage; Adelaide, Ont., says: '*I have used Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam in onr family for years. For heavy colds, sore throats and distressing oonghs no other medicine so soon relieves. A FEW more subscribers to the Stand AKD will be received at |1 to the end of next year. Be lively now before our Ust is complete. ShuiOh'b Gatabbr Bemsdy â€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For sale by B. L, Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale. ' ^A LrvEBPooL has had a $500,000 fire. Prof Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for all humors and skin dis- eases. Me. H. H. Stovel, editor of the Mt Forest Index, published this week his valedictory having severed his connection with the paper. He goes to the North- West on business. A Sevebe Tbial. â€" Those who endure the torturmg pangs of neoralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, and similar painful com- plaints aie severely tried, but there is a speedy relief in Hagyard's Yellow Oil as thousandis who have used it joyfully testify. It banishes pain and lameness quickly. OuE farmer patrons are not forgetting us when out with grain to market. Thanks, friends the more the merrier: keep on. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle ol Shiloh's Catarrh Eemedy. Price 50 cents. Foi sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist Mark- dale. A The Young Peoples' Society of the Methodist church expect to have a pan- cake social on the evening of Thanks- giving, 18th Nov. Are Yon Made miserable by Indigestion Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite YellowSkin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist Markdale. "YouB pretensions of ability to take charge of the school are not sat isf actory ' ' Applicant:â€"-' still have my leading feature in reserve." "What is that " "I am cross-eyed, as you may have no- ticed. I can keep the whole school in order at once." Shilob's Cube will immediately relieve croup Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale byB.L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A We haven't had a wedding in our town for some time. Come along young folks, let's have something in that line to report. Squire Brown is prepared to iurnish the license, while Bev'sWard, Hosking, Wilson, Cornish, or our new Justice, (F. Porter) will be most happy to do the splicing. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cnre; no cure no pay. Ask Stephen, your druggist, about it. Ceedit Sale. â€" Mr. .John Muxlow will sell his stock and farm implements on Wednesday, the 10th Nov., on lot 27, con. 8, Euphrasia, commencing at 12 o'clock. W. J. Shepherdson, auctioneer. Why Will You oough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOcts., SOctsandSl. For sale by B. LI Stephen, Druggist, Markdale.- A €. P..R. Branch Liinc to ham. Wing- Wingham, Oct. 26. â€" The right of way has been secured from the municipalities for a branch line to Wingham for the Canadian Pacific Railway. The con- tracts are being let. Work will be com- menced at once if weather permits and will be completed this year. ' The salt works commence at once, and salt will be manufactured this^ year also if the weather permits. The lands for the right of way were purchased through H. W, C. Myer, B. Willson, Thos. Gregory and Geo. McEenzie. DIPOBTANT NEWS ITEM. CooKBTowif. â€" Mrs. Campbell had been troubled for a number of years with Indi- gestion and Ccnstipation, and was induced to try MoOregor's Speedy Cum and found it all that was needed, and would reeonmeu" its use to ttay person simflarly troubled. This idvalnable remedy is sold in every part of Quiada at 60c awl |1.00 per bottte. Sold at B.U Stephen's Dn^ Store. 4 Cct-aad Bat may tiiyae, but th^ nevei; 111 'I '^: "' i •cil .if Ji t I jii^.-

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