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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Oct 1886, p. 8

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 mm i;l b â- 'U j; Cegxl* P. McOullocifirb* BARBISTBB, SOlilOZTOft, Ac. OFFICEâ€" oven ncFMumrt %^he, MABKDAIiB^i IMConey to ILioa.ii« IaNDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (succBBSona to lavdeb tk hanos)^ BAUBISTEBS. Solicitors, Prootors, No- taries, ConTcyanoeri}, Ae. Money to oan at lowest rates of interest. Officw 16 Einff Street East. Toronto MASSON niASSOlf, BABBISTEBS, SOLICITOBS. «fte. OmcxB â€" Owen Sonnd, in ViAer's Block, Foolett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'g Store, on Friday and teinrday every week. J. Massok, Q. G. S. Massok. W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to inrest at from 6 to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, XSSUER OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner in B. B.c. Conveyancing in all its bnuiches promptlj attended to anil carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se surity. WM. G. 8UTHRIE, Plain A OmanMotal Pliuier Onwiite the new Pratbytariai jMnrch Mark- ilili. Azeliea, Comiees, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and omsBMntnl plastering ex- eented at cheapest rates. Calfradning Lime WaaliinK and fiepairs pcompfllj altered to, SOS EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, mam. furn isHiHas supplied on the sliortes notice. A. Splendid. Hearse for hire at moderate rates. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEELEY, Issufe.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few iarms for sale. Tarms easy. ' G. M. BRODIE, ^.D., CM., MEMBEB of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. tis'Office and residence, B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298-11 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, aBADUATE OF TOBONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the tliird Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HODSE, ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenlmm Street, MRKDALE. â€" All kinds of â€" FXJR]VITTJR.E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. MABKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMIVIERCIAL HOTEL PEICEVZLLiE. Out. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good. Bed Kooms, frc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEB OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEIVEP Carloads Finest Variegated Marble MarMalD Roller lUI. FABMEBS HAVING No. 1. WHEAT and preferring floor from their own wheat, eau get it by bringing twenty bnshels or mote. Flour always on Hand To give in exchange. "Baker's Patent" and best family flour for sale. Betail price p«r bbl. 94.60. Three barrels or more, #4.10 to f4.25. SHOETS, per ton â-  »13.00 BEAN, •• 10.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. Victor Roller Mills, MARKDALE. farmers are. driving from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor Boiler Mill, and are so bighly pleased with tue results that they always come back. No waiting, or return trip necessary as you get your grist home with you every time. No change made in the scale of ezchan(;e from the past. Parties wishing choice flonr, be sore and go to Pie wes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for which the highest price will be paid in CEish. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- The Markdale Is issued every Tl. TEKMs^HflperveaH '"**'^.I Profession";^" "l.^onth,. -pace and under, 4';;'^^ *ras 1 A, ' lljOi hole CO Innin » Half column "^^i\ »«i Quarter coliiiiu T[^ i^t^H Two inch space -^^^ S '• ThreeincbsS;--- 7 00 ,S « space as ual advertisemVni^OO 5 insertion, 3 cents Tpr • ""^PetH,. msertion,non^.a,.el'^^';;«ead.^^ Editonal notices n""' amnio cents per li'nelT'^sialort e^h subsequent inS^""" ttray animals p „/ f o paper d^o 'm ^eds^e, arb paid except at tl"""!.""" all •JOB \y_ The Staxd.ird office1«! ment of poste- as well a 1' 'Pl*'"tieffi,| cial attention to order L '"'".T*. vl fiUedwith dispatch '"^y"»»'l. ^^ 'roi. recommits iS^^^Si.^,. eases. ,^ '""'«s «iid sl^^ For Dyspepsia and Liver' Com.i â-  I .:'t, jirti Mrs. Mari, iUrs. Mary Tlioinpsou rf Tn.â„¢. 1 aifiicted with Tai,eV,Vn s?!?**! was removed by one Lctlle ofif Worm SyruxJ. '•U3i| Abe Â¥( Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will he sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N, B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin. Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HAEEISON. FOE SALE. MARKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above liremises for a term of years, and hopes by cater- ing to their comfort to merit a share of public patronage. Bar and Larder well supplied. Good Btabling and attentive hostler. D. McIjEAN, Proprietor. J, J- IR.^WI1V, ~V, S. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Horses exam- ined for sound- ness and certi- ficates given. Veterinary Medicines Kepi and Dispensed. Treats all dis eases of domeS' tic animals. ' EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may lelv on receiving every necessary attention aa to Eatables, Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 F'agsliioiiable Tailor, OVER MACFAKLAND's STORE. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED CHARGES MODERATE. CAIjLS promptly ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, MILL STREET, Opposite Standard OtSce, MAEKDALE. ISAAC STBiVSOM. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work Ruaranteed.. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Kesidence, MABKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, AECHI- Markdale Woolen Mill. Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done iu a workmanlike manner and ou very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solitited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 28, I88C F. J. BITCHIE. BE SUREi^g GET YOUR t.^t â€" ?KOM- 4 THOROUGHBRED DUEHAM BULL CALVES. All from noted fami- lies. "Will register in the Canadian .Herd- Book. Inquire of H. Parker, Diirham. TVEXIT VISIT Oct. 19th at the Markdale House. N.WASHINGTON, M. D., THROAT _LUN6 SURGEON- ^J± C. p. S. O., Graduate Victoria University, ii! iT' nonor, also passed the examinations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario the same year, and after having devoted years to the special study of diseases of the Throat and liiings, is prepared to treat nearly all the cases which may come before him successfully. Dis- eases treated. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Loss 01 Voice, Kemoving Enlarged Tonsils, Growths irom the ^ose also removed. Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. "The Method. Inha- lation." on JIai.e miserable liv Yellow ^in.Shilob-sViSi^tH cure. For sale liv P t t' " P*'it.| by B. J., btephou, UruMsst, Markdale j mg on ibeSu..mra-L, Liver and LeU moviD- all oLitraciiciis. _^ A IN-.TKCTOU free With eacl, Uk\ Shiloii :itaiTh H.iiiedv. Price SO Jl For sale bj; H. L. Stephe:., Drucast dale. ' 11 Freeman's ^Voira fordcvs weagimlilttt take, and exj-d all tinusof womsfroiiitH. dren or aur.itx. ShIL! ll's CaIA!;!:!! PiEMEDTâ€" apositiveCR ' "'â- ~' 'k^ Kpiioiia aud CautwMl ji. h. Stt-iilien, Druggist, 5ki-| for Cati'jTi For sale by dale. Dr. Carson's CataiTh Cnre; DO nii?l no ppiv. about it. A.sis: " :Slcf iieu, your diKjslI BUILDER, CONTEACTOE, TECT, Markdale. 1241T WEAVING. nil kinds of Custom Weaving. Besidence oM stand, opposite Preslijtcrian Churcli. Highest. Peaise.T1;o v,-?iI known drafinj N. C. Polspn A- Co.- of Kingston, witeito I Dr. Fowler's Extract of wild Sirawkm "x I long been coij^ the best remeiij.'-Tl Suimner coniiijpjntsin tbe'r.iarket.arJaJil that thiiir cnsiomers speajj in the lii;!s.-:| terms ofits mentS: AYild Ptrawbenri- k\ best kRo^vn â- 't-iijccly for Cboiera Moferj Dj-seu'.ry ai;d all Lov.o! complaiiits. WiEY Yi'iLL Yor coui^h cough when Sii- 1 loli's Cnre will. givo immediate relief. P»j 10 els., 50 otsaud il. For sale by B. If Stephfii, I3ra^'p:ist, rdarkdtle. i| In A Di:cfiKP.oi CoNi'rrioK.-Any nai women orcbild is a dai)gcronseo!!ditioii«| nfgk-c-tiiic n. constidate str.te of the 1»«1-M There ran be 110 perfect health witl)ontsii;| gular action of thi's function. BnrdocilB Bitters cures cMiffipatioii hv impai'iiS'l liealtli ytone to ell the secretions. Toronto, August 5th, 1886. CATARRH OF MANY YEABS STANDING CUBED. TO SCHOOLjrROSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School F'lwnitiire, Having returned to Markdale. iii order to S?,"f|f^'L*'^^J°^P°^ SEATS and DESKS, be more convenient fcr my customers. I beg j-'^A^^^i*' .^^^^' ^^-i °t tHe latest to announce tliat I am now nrerared lo do design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- exs, for cheapness, comfort and compactness wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for cataloi^ue to Chatswortii P. O. 181 28- AECH. BOYD R.J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Iieuder.' Dewte, Mortgages, Iieases and Wills drawn up andValuations madeou shortest notice Charges ver^- low. Aimlv to K. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster, Flesherton. MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there IS m the market, and' at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so cou- veuient for getting repaurs besides when bnymg from a distance. Have some style about vou and fr^oTouiur^ enter arise by buying r"Knto"aSftiI*??** "^^ ^°°8 Sm^««- "' c«?i^i^J^*'-/*â„¢ pleased to express my extreme satisfaction at the results of your "New Mkthod" of Inhalation which has cured me of Catrrh of a very troublesome character; m fact Ijl the Vou?Vreat1^«^n% ^?" ^^I^ "^« any'^elief but your Treatment, from the first, gave great ease and in a few months entirely cSrid m^fa S ^^°jr^ ^^T^- i **° honestly recommend cSe^raTiSL^' '"^^^ " '«« ^^^ ^«"1 Yours truly, GEO. GOULDINO, ^P*^9- Tnmbull, Gait, Ont., also W. H. Storey Son, Acton. Dr. Washington will make monthly visits ANPB£W McGILL. MONEY To Loan on real aetatc securitr. Simplo Interest, low rates, anfl ea»T terms, C. W. BUTLEDGE. 275 Standard Office. 6 PEB MOFEYTO LOA». Monev loaned on Farm or *«»wii 'nopatty â- * Upwost fate, of i»*«f ^^^*^ Convcjaafisr A.BB«tuiaat«^ ON real estate secmity, at low rate of in.tere8t, no oommisdaa chaised Bnsi ness Strictly ConfiilsBtnl, J. S. BLACK, ^^ P«n«na. P, 0. AGENTSWANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL We Pay either Salary or Commission ]()nSMABT MEN wanted at once to i-VU canvass for the sale of Canada Grown Nursery Stock. ^anaoa THE FONTH1I.I. NURSERIES LAEOESX IN- CANAI.A OVER 400 ACRES Don t apply unless you can furnish first- class Beferencesand want to work. No for hizy men; but can employ any nnmb^ of energetic men Who want work.^ Z7r!Z STONE fe WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, .. Toronto, 0.\t. Liver Uojii plaint Causes Dyspepi ti ou. Liver Coinp]aint Causes SiclJ Dizziiies.=, Liver Complaint Causes All Liver Complaiiii.C:iu.56sTiiree-fortbs oi»' diseases, rt,,»si Liver Comrlaint cuied by Dr. Lm Liver Cum. Hehdoche BiMOL-ssEss.-"Whe«w,^ feel out of sorts. biUous, my hvenw"' iuK right, 0,. racked ^vitll a l^^adaj Chase's Liver Cure. Them^fXi nelit from one dose of your W^fj^fj^i, in many bottle..' of some iB«dicine., McNasscr Boml Heail. lIoncBS in thexe e f individual or Si J a line for the a line each Buh Iis8 Minnie Dot Toronto. ;is8 Maggie Mi] (nths vacation. on't forget She sto-morrow (P: [iss Emily Ste] adon. Man., so: ft had a pleasa llough, of Walte SuiLOu's CcKE -srill iamed ,k1 .Bronchitis byXiVstepheu, Urnggist whooriuK cougii, «"" ^ifof^;;^^.. i I Health is Wealth FARM FOR SALE. e»Bjisnt Trill be sold eueap and on 1 of payment, for farther putiealais w premises, or by letter to }. S. BLACK. Have you ever tried McGregor Papk.„ Carbohc C«^ to sores of ^y kin* » it i' beyond doubt the very beat pien^ntmr. • the market for heS^ and^cSmg SSref Bourns. Cuts, Pimples. Blotches, an| ig S "^^°" *C^S"'« «^'»0"0 H«Te yon an old Sate, Cut. Born Rr«,»^ Boogh Hands OTP«!e? If so, th^ iTJJJi Dr. E. C. West's ISacye and Brain treatment a fSteSS^f'?:!^* torhysteriT'SiSSf^n* vTusions, fits, nerrona ueoraUtia. headache narv- ^^««y. d«»yanddSaS.l5S,5SroW^ eiS««l?^^ 5?«naato(rrhBa caused byover- SS'^M bain.«elf*bns6or OTer-indiUg- S?hS?*^'^* oontalna one month's trmtaoat, ««™, ^^ "^MMTiE sixMiels. wto2x*K,"*- ^tt»«»»l«rt«t.ei«rfby ?.tnteror^s^^iM-.Tr^f^ a core. » tim most p* Fat.vll Attacks.- Among U^e ^^. valeut fatal and sudden attach o f^] are those incident to the summ^^^^ such as Cholera ^^f Vi P"^, Diarrlia;a..D.v8eutr7 "â- ^Jf .,g, x^\ fatalin a few hours. Thf* 'f^^fffilj remedy Dr. Fowlerf Ext" ^5 Strawbery' should be at hana, emergency. .« a recent !«' fromE.D.Dowton.ofDe^»«^^ejf states that he has recojer^^£ ,«' ^^^ form of Dyspepsia after suffej^^ years and Avhen a ^^"f ' Ved ^Z^ I Lunced him iBcnraWe ie m^ Blood Bitters, six bottles 01 his health. _,^ eiiie.* A Speeey CcKE.-f^^^a C^/J Dysectry, Cholera Morbus. ^f "JMlg, JUiV_. stLach and Bowels, a°* jo ^â- '•toftner bw and there Summer Complaints, tfl^^j^^ f^^ more reliable tuau Pr- ' ^^0-" ' A.TcaqiBaACo. TV-iFd Strawberry. ^^'^Jntaral S^" those who buy it are °°"' confidencacfitsmonts. the only P^^^f ' S^ i»^ rS" Complaints. Indigf J, ol^}^l\ we are telling Pl».^:;3y. ho J^jTj uponhmi4ieds^;S*2iby'«J stored to perfect »2',on would therefore «Jji*«y„,boTeJf are a subject or«y^ core? '^- give McG^gor « Spew .^ »4o, ' letters, 'V their convinced. ^- -„x.„i,en It i«.«"LJl^Si^

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