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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Oct 1886, p. 1

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 ii m i m m t janij iw j i rjn » ^i«4 « «n u « « «« i A« »y mUggMRlHlMSIU'"' â- *â- â-  Wlim* ii«i-,s«»K.,a«l*»-*«««'aitww«Vir es Dyspepsia IndigM I uses Siok Ha 'aases AH Eidnjl iTbrev-fortlu of lUl 9d Ij Dr. Ouue'il SS8. â€" "Whenercr l| I, my liver not work-j t a heaiaeh* I taM here is more real bt- 1 our LiTer Core than I t inedidii«,"-Jolm I â- S-S »ir*H"'i' ' • i**!! ^uaDM.tii^ms-sn: (matRdafe •""Sl^^li* f?" "HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' r^ym YEAR.-]S^o. 319, MAKKDAUE, ONT., OCTOBEK 14, 1886. C. W. BTJTIiEDGE, Pnblislier FAbb artment, quality and Price, uot equalled in Central Grey. and Work Warranted. i.BBOWxV Jeweller, Ill lid Otlier Items. HESi'i "'•" I'dluiiins ivtended to benefit (i III r.r SicieUj will he charged ten lint lor t'lt' first line each iuhicqiunt insertion and five insertion. s-rs. [irci to eli or rent, see adv. Ibnrae talis of lighting her streets electric lij/ht. ision Court at Flesherton on the inst- Moffat has bought -out th^ â- V property. r. H. A. Cook of Wellington Port- ie^ucst of B. "VV. Eiiuis last week Whki:lek ofLijckport,Ill., is the of Ler conbiu, Jilr. liichard Doug- Iftibaslxts of plKDis have been ship liromiieaford per Vicker's Expres- kseasou. .Jas. Btattic of Brampton lias e guest of Mrs. Jchn McEenna t fortui;lit. catt'e fair here last Saturday a rattling fine one; over two I dollars changed hands. Cios. Ceck, collector for -ward No. 8 belg, mW be on the war path early Eovember; get your taxes ready. Mr. McLcUand of Shelburne, Mr. Wm. Walker exhibited a pair of cain cfayn at theMarkdale show, which were both ornamental and osefnl. They xvere made by Henry Lee of Holland Centre, a blind boy, and showed excel- lent taste and workmanship, and were awarded a special first prize and re- commended by the Society. GLBKELoPkiZE LisT. â€" In the Dreminm list published last week, we make the following corrections, some errors made 'by the judges, some by the secre- tly and others by the printer, viz: ^. McBride should be credited with Ist prize for |^de bull under 2 years W. J. An6terson 1st for 2 year old heifer W. J. Ford Ist for flour, A Novelty.â€" The Young Peoples' So- ciety of the Methodist church will give a grand entertainment in the RoUer Rink on Wednesday evening next, consisting of Dialogues. Tableaux, Pantomime, Charades, Whistling Chorus, and a grand Orchestra. The young ^^ple are full of enthusiasm and are itetermined to srupass all former efforts. 8 o'clock sharp. Admission 25 cents; children 15. Come. The Mania. â€" ^With the lowering of the franchise, there seems to be a correspond" ing craze for parhamentary honors: especially amongst that class whose mental incapacity especially unfits them to become rulers while unfit to rule themselves, personally. The government of a newspaper is a small kingdom in its way and he who tjau- not respectably wiekithe majestic quill exhibits his total unfitness to draw the reins over the steeds who pull the chariot of State. ;preacb for llev. A. Wilson in Mark- itami flesherton next Sabbath. Aechy Speers, Jr., of Griswold, • visit! d friends herelast week. He tJowu a sliijiatejit of cattle to Mon- lionbis trip. Artou;esh Aj^icultural Society's matcii \vill take place next day en the farm of Mr. Eobt. Oliver, iPriceville. 3 not be deceived into buying auc- ioo'.h Avhen yon can buy first- ly Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at â-  prices at liussell's noted Jewelry Chuech Consecration. â€" A large and intelligent congregation assembled at Christ Church in this village on Tuesday ev^iing to take jjart in and to witness the service of church consecration. His Lordship, Bishop Baldwin, of Huron Diocese, performed the rite of consecra- tion. He was supported by the Rtiv. 'Cannon Mnlholla,nd, Revs. Mr. Channer, V. V.-. Avers of Flesherton will Mr- Moore, Mr. Fairlie, Mr. Farthmg, ,,^vf c„„ ;„ • J I and the Incumbent, Esev. Jas. Ward. It L.xtj,unuay mommg and even- ^^ .^^^^ beautiful and solemn service. m tbe Jiethcdist Church here. This concluded, the regular evening church service was proceeded with, the Bishop and each of the clergy taking alternate parts. His Lordship preached an eloquent, lucid and most impressive sermon from the 19tli verse of the 2nd chapter St. Paul's second Epistle to Timothy- The church presented* very handsfflDoe appearance, being tastefully decoralbefl vdth eveTgTeens, fruits, flowers, ^cain, beautiful banners and baim^Klts bearing appropriate texts of scriptmse. The final payment on the church 'RWB made last spring. The In- cumbent and his congregation deserve credit far the energetic and successful manner m which they liave wrought to clear tbeir church from debt. R,Flei isutrioii first load of grain yon fetch to t, call and pay the printer, if you pm arrears. Uyaa don't take the *. call and subscribe. s following was omitted from the f«{ prizes aw^arded at Gleuolg fall •^.-Spring Colt, Roadster, 1st '".TO, 2nd John McGee. piB along with your grain for chop^ ?toW. J. Howe's mill, no delay iii 'trips as he can chop sixty bushels [110111, chopping done every day. » not be deceived into buying ano- 's^aoodswhen j-ou can buyfirst- batches, Clocks and Jewelry at '^ces at Russell's noted Je^wdry 'Hesherton. • I^. Stephen, dru^ist, of mark- 'P«i3 a Tisit to friends in Meaford Joaday. Dickis just the same boy ^=^ttwas,-hearty, jolly and full of oe reports business good in his r*'ilaikdale.â€" [Meaford Mirror. '^ason of the year is now at hand 1 Abating societies and mock par- ««£ ^ai be in place. Who will "leiaitiativein our village? Get ^!*^*' good time so that a good r*'°fi»able season's practice- will be. Bbead is said to be '•the staff of life" but if the bread is not over half cooked, djrspepsia will overtake yoa and hasten yon to a prematnre' grave. Haskett's Bro's are selling the best cook stoves in the market, as well as parlor, hall and others. Prices right. Call and see. CLIPPINGS. In the Chatsworth correspondents' re- port in the O. S. Advertiser, of their con- cert on the evening of the Fall Show, he says " But undoubtedly the soul of the concert was the Scotch singing by Mr. J. B. Anderson, of Markdale, and the comic singing in character by Mr. W. J. Benson, of the same place. Mr. Anderson bore out the reputation he has made for himself of being one of the best singers of Scotch song north of To- ronto. Of Mr. Benson it is sufRcient to say that he is a whole concert in himself. These gentiemen gave their -services gratis and received the hearty thanks of the committee. Markdale has reason to be proud of them. Ancient Order of United Wobkhen. â€" ^There are over 12,000 members of this Order in Ontario. ' There was no assess- ments for the months of August and Sep- tember. During the last eight months the Order has increased at the rate of three himdred per month in Ontar.o. The Order at large on 1st September was 167,000. During 1885 the increase was 24,000, and during the eighteen years over #15,000,000 were paid to widows and orphans of the Order. At last meeting of the Supreme Lodge the Province of Quebec and Manitoba were annaxed to the Province of Ontario. Kimberiey. From OUT own Corregpondent. here is The Methodist church vaneered. Andrew Wickens has sold his farm near Somberely to a man from British Colnmbia. One of onr citizens after hearing the Salvation Army said, it was Methodism set to music and dancing. The aimnal shooting match comes off on the 22nd. The boys always turn out in large nnmbers and have a good time. C. Cow and J, McOonnell are captains. There appears to be a good demand renowne dTOlley apples, as they are be- ing disposed of by loads. Now is the time to get them cheap before they are housed or- pitted for the winter. Onr politicians are inclined to put a candidate in the field who vdll work for the good of the country in preference to party. Maxvrell. Canadian i^iyc-StockJronrnal. BUSINESS LOCALS. p D Eepdtb.â€" Jameg McMnrdock jT,f"«aIe;e8yB: "B. B. B. as 'a. ^^iseases ol the Wood, liver and â- ^ an excellent repatstion in this .. 'f used it, and speak fnm er- ^efl as observation. It is the 'el want, and I advioe othws lOti-yit." .^ijbosinessissogoodak J^this fall? It is becaoie The 28th October vrillbe Division Court day at Flesherton. If you have a watch or clock to repair, take it to Bossell, Flesherton Iye Stuffs, â€" AH colors at tiie Medical Hall. A. l^tdfer Co. f 80,000 to ioan on easy terms and at low Tates of ist erest Wm. Jackson Mark- .dale. They are driving irom all parts to Haskett's for stoves. Their stock is immense. Jackson keeps repwrs for Wilkinson^, flenry, Sylvester and McGill's 'plows. ' Old metal taken in exchange. You can save 25 per cents by ' bnjing your clocks, jewehry, spectacles flfc.. at the noted jewelry, Keshertoo. fAngnAT.Ti Mabkkts.â€" ^Fallwheat'Voto 75 cents; spring wheat 66 to 70; Vai'ley 35 to 55; peas 48; oats 26; tatter 8' to 15; ^gB 16; potatoes "40. A suit that vdll fit you, or a fit that will suit yon, ajiyway you like to have itatDnaoani'li^Iplesbertontailoreslpifish- ment. «= â- : r " " Busssix, Flesherton, can eeill you watches, docks, jewehry and qpectacles at lower priOeAthaii any «»£bBr dealeir. One liiiBft tdal. '"» " T^ B^orj« (^i^JBnti $0 ««i^i^t parlianu There have been few more marked successes in Journalism than has been achieved by the Canadian Line- Stock Journal, of Hamilton, Ont. Started less than three years ago as a 20 page monthly, it is going on steadily increas- ing in matter and interest, as well as in size, first to 24, then to 28. and finally to 86 pages. Though devoted especially to stock-raising, it includes The Dairy, The Farm, The Apairy, Poultry, Hor- ticulture and the Home, so that the general farmer or such farmers as make live-stock breeding in ajiy of its dep- artments a leading feature of their business,, we. do not know where to find its equal in Canada. We heartly reck- ommend it to our patrons as the leading paper off its class in the Dominion. It is published at Hamilton, Ont., by the Stock Journal Co. Price $l!per annum. Those subscribing now for 1887 get the rema^der of 1886 free. We can furnish it a^ our ovra paper together from now to t^ end of 1887 ^for #2.00 The October andpfovember issue will coi^pin the â- priZfi list of the Industrial E:mibition, Toi^nto and the Province Fair held in Gtielph. Call at oui office and examine it, or send to the publishers for a free specimen copy. ' From our own correspondent Mr. James Coutts died last Tuesday and was buried on Thursday in the Presbyterian burying ground. Mr. Coutts was a respected old resident and his children to the fourth generation live about here. He was eighty- three years old. Miss Eliza Hamlin left last Thursday to visit her brother in St. Louis, Mo. She expects to be gone aU winter. Mr. James Buckuigham intends build- ing a commodious brick house, I believe the foundation will be built soon, and the house will be finished early next summer. It will be a nice large mansion, I suppose a sort of "Buckingham Palace." C- O. O. F The following is the result of the elnc- tion of officers of Markdale Lodge held last Monday evening. i W. J. Benson, N. G. Dan. McFarlane, V. G. John Caesar, Sec. F. Maidment, Warden. P. McCullough, L G. R. S. Rae, Conductor. Alex. Kay, R. S., N. G. S. Sarjeant. L. S., N. G. A. Plewes, R- S., V: G. J. E. Marsh, L. S., V. G. «» t Crieneig Council. McCnaiji; â€" ^Lamb, â€" ^That James SuUi' van be para t4.50 amount of oost of repairing plough broken on statute- labour, and certified to by pathnu»ter. â€" Carried. Lambâ€" Williams, â€" ^l^t John Orrbe paid 75 cents for repairing bridge at lot 20, con. 11. â€" Carried. Lamb â€" Binnie, â€" That the offer of W« J. Rowe and Mrs Reid giving a deed for a road between lots 101 k 102 con. 8, W. T. S. R. for $100 be accepted, and that the clerk is hereby instructed to notify the parties and attend to the seonrmg of a titie.â€" Carried. Wilhams â€" Binnie, â€" That cHnmis- sioner for Ward No. 2, be paid 112 for letting and inspectiiig special jobs. â€" Carried. Williams â€" ^Lamb,â€" That the Reeve be paid 92 for committe work at Allan's- sink hole. â€" Carried. Binnieâ€" McCuaig â€" That 0. William* be paid $7.76; commission on Ward appucation deed $4 for E{ecial jobs. â€" Carried. Williams â€" Bennie, â€" That the Reeve and Clerk be a committee to meet the Durham conunittee regarding the apportioning of land improvement fund and that they be instiructedto settle with Durham on the tldbaBis.-â€" Carried. Binnieâ€" Lamb, â€" That the Tovro of Durham be asked to pay to the Treasurer of Glenelg, the suin of $199 being amount due from Durham to Glenelg, on account of By-Law 174, (county,) and that the Clerk send copy of this Re- solution to the Clerk of Durham. â€" Carried. Binnie â€" McCuaig, â€" That $3.75 bo accepted as taxes in full against E^ of lot 24, con. 9, for year 1884. â€" Carried. By-Law 244 fixing polling places and appointing Deputy Returaing Officers, and By-Law 245 cofirming Dr. Gunn's appointment as Medical Health Officer was passed through all their stages. â€" Carried. Biimie â€" McCuaig, â€" That the Clerk instruct County Treasurer to erase taxes against E^ of lot 24, con. 9, for the year 1884.â€" Carried. McCuaigâ€" WiUiams,â€" That the Clerk be paid the sum of $15, for piltting school rates on Roll.â€" -Carried. Council adjourned to meet December 13th, at 10 a. m. J. S.' Black, Clerk. Honor Boll. Honor Roll of S. S. No. 7, Holland, for the month of September, 1886. Fourth Class â€" Jennie Irvrin, Maggie Price, Johnnie Price. Third Class- Willie Spears, George Hampton, Bertie Thibadean^ ..Sr. Second Classâ€" Katie Jackson, Thomas Irwin, Joseph Hamp- ton. Jr. Second-Class â€" ^Frankie Bailey, Lizzie Shea,' Jannie CampbelL Put Second Class â€" ^M^ggie Erwin, William Growther. Part., First Classâ€" £ma Price Susanna Hntton, James Holmes, L3rttie1Speqfti. ^^' " '" iLnzB 8. MpoBK, TtfwnHall, Glenelg, Sept. 27th '86. Oouacil met this day pursuant to adjournment, tJl the members present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. WiUiams â€" Lamb, â€" That cheques be issued for the following amounts for work performed in Ward No. 1 viz Robert Jordan, work at lot 6, con. 1 N. D. R. $12.50 James Staples, work at lot 41, con. 3, E. G. R. $12.00; Geo, McKay, work at lot 59, con. 2, E. G. R. #10.00 Thomas Davis, work at lot 6, con. 3, N. D. R. $2.50; Wniiam Watson, work at lot 5, con. 4, S. D. R. $20.00; William Davis, work ait lot 49, con. 3, E.G.R. $10.00; James Staples, work at lot 18 con. 1, E. G.' B. $18.00 John Davis, work at lot 56, con. 3, E. G. R. $10.00 Benjamin Staples, work at lot V 6, con. 4, N. D. R. $2.00; Total $97.â€" Carried. McCuaigâ€" Williams, â€" That the follow- ing amounts be paid viz Hecter Mc- Lean, building bridge at lot 50 con. 8, S. D. B. $38.00 Alex. Murchison grad- ing at lot 41, con. 2, N. D. R. $17.00; Alex. Livingston, buildirg bridge at lot «), con. 2, N. D. R. $82.00; Chas. Mc- Donald, half cost opening townline E. G. $8.00; James Tryon, graveling a culvert on townline A. G. i cost $16.00; D. Black, graveling on townline A. A G.^half cost $3.25 Total $159.25. â€" Carried.- Williams â€" ^Lamb, â€" ^That a cheque be issued in favor of Hugh McFayden to the amount of $5, for gravel used on tiie roads.â€" 7arried. WiUuunEH-Lamb,-^That Report oi committee appoint^ at last meeting^ of cooncil to report on pcnnt of deviation at lot 80 Dnrfaam Road be adopted, and that the cite-k beiastracted to- put nf notices, that aU parties havii^felioes or aOiet obstructions on the roads be CONSMUPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice^ baving had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption ronchitis. Catarrh,. Asthma and all throat and Long AJSiotions, also a positive and radical core for nervons Debili^ and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wond'eofal curative powers in Ihoosands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with fall dh«c- tions for prcparingand using, S^nd by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper W, A. NoYEBS, 149 Power't Block, Rochester N. Y, ^ivtti0ini* M. J. ^11 good whart, and prefer tto 1 pariiainfint wiU be heWmDn^ fteit own wheat ever? -^ li»-«-^^-^ -«M^^ i'-ivjtt ' lamowfeEi, Apr. 91^ un. ' My son, eight jiau old, hM been -^aHMted' %rSlf brmiciutis singe infinaf,,iiU hf^A^vnj k«i atttekewj wiiaei.^^iitortiifcBy two IbotUisirDf. Jqfi Vidiflfiie and Pill mm ^mndi in^nnM |tha«for«fi^aMirli» ttta not bQ|p;xtoiibled. lf.A,SKUite MABKDILX VILLAGE OFFICIALS. Police -Trustees-^ Wm. Lucas, G. Haskett, E. Davis. Public School Trustees â€" ^B. Coleman, Lyons. Thos. Hill. B. Coleman, Sec. coontt officials. Judge, H. McPherson, Owen Sound. Deputy-Judge, 8. J. Lane, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace, W. Armstrong, 0. Sound. Clerk, Geo. J. Gale, Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. County Warden,.Victor Lang, Owen Sound Begistrar, N., B. McEnigbt, " â- ' S., Tbos. Lander, Durham. Revising Barrister, North, Judge McPher- son. Owen Sound. Bevising Barrister, South East, Judgo Lane, Owen Soimd. M. P., North, B. Allan, Owen Sound. M. P., East, T. 8. Spronle, M.D.. Markdale M. P., South, Geo. Landerkin, M. D„ Han- over. M. P. P.. North. D. Creighton, Owen Sound M. P. P., Bast, N.McColman, Thombury. TOx P. P;,' South. John Blyth, Orchard. division cottbt glebes. No. 1. John Stephens, Owen Sound. " 2. David Jackstm, Dnrham. •• 3. Thos. Plnnkett. Meaford. " 4. Thos. J. Borke, Heatfaeote. " 6. J. W. Annslarong. Flesherton. " 6. John IfoDonald, ChaiswOTtti. Gompetted to remove Budi obetifncfions. â€" Caxned. "What is MeOhregor's Spee^ Cure I^iaob â€" ^Bianie, â€" ^That the eom i It is for Dy^iepns, Liver Cbmplaint, miasiiinr for Ward No. 8, inspects side gestion, toad 1^ lot 10, T.S.B.%ithd^wsrea(m- axy--|l|«ifer to z^inir side raid iiiiere he thexmd 18 being' 'injured or alaq the eointnitgionef for ]|o 4, ii«ipdit teld^ on oon. 8, •i ]«^ ffj witti desccetiaiairy powieK to do for T Indi- BOiOTMiew. sad it iathe finest blood purifier in Am known world to-day. "Does, ft give sstipJMtinn?*' Weesanotpofatttoono iaataaee whsMit^id act. **'Where does it bawthelnMl sslst" VSf^bimmCify of Hamiltoa; srtwrs It is BHoittbMlBnd. thei« has been ever on thooaad dolbxs* wmrUi'soId in tho tutkfjma aMall, and di*iMtt aiajori'ty of thoialasarefcyMM iteaoiiiiaittBg u to anoklur. For sale at Ws. and $1.00 vtr ^^ottf* br B. L. Btephm. Dtaggist. :: i 4.-i Hi' ' i.n- I ' ll Jit il 1! 'I n ' ti U\t 1 I I lUil |: -â- â- â- ^J i^smgiiaUim rfiiiik MMMiini jH

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