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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Oct 1886, p. 7

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 â- 'â- â€¢.-â- ^â- Â»w.swn*-vMf^ ^-^, a4rtr»t " â-  s ^mtu^^m jtjNO FOLKS. gluing Timothy TitM. • =ai.l mamma, " I can't think s' ,,. in the house all winter " â- f'fN'^u couldn't!" laughed pa- '^i hi« to give them away." •' tj the old kittyâ€" papa himself I?' „f tn vine her away. She had I' P pver since it was bnUt, and letter mouser anywhere. fere Toots and Jingle it did nart them, mamma could but ,fftre r^ to Cu^^^B'^fl4ok and white and so near {!!'*» th.^.ere W*^ ^^^.^ ^^jl ttem apart un- ,«erc â-  tpd at tbeu- noses. J •"" I Jingle's was white, jiere was Timothy Titus He •â-  d white, too but a good deal thAD blai-'k. '^,1 one," laughed mamma. give him .away first." ^inade a grieved Up, and caught J^^ -J g'he, cuddling him close to he's so sweet and cunning, mam- bear to part with him " â- }, when the three kittens were â- ^•/jter-diuner nap by the fire, Mr. in Mr. Davis lived on the other â- ^^ river, and peddled apples. He at the little furry heap, and â- oVt r.i w nay me you've got more than your â-  saul he. " We haren't got cfivf you one of ours," said 'viked d"W-n at her shoes. Mr.. Daria »hich way the wind blew, r t say »e make a trade " he said to ^Vll "i^e you a peck of sweet apples ,ae,^' and he picked up Timothy ,„lLeil up. A peck of sweet apples " Zv on every bush. Besides, maybe J -.wire too many. II will, it manmiaTl let me not give --.tiemlJingie,"' said she. '.:nu lau;,'hed she didn't like to ' 11 see about it," said she. "Three ' less than four, anyway. " \\' Uikvis measured out a peck of iltj and gave them to Ava. And jwnl ami kissed and cried over V Titus, and gave him to Mr. Davis, • hiiii in a basket and tied a bag over â- 'J'l' all right," said Mr. and away rumbled .ntss he'll be ••(iMiiil-iiay, It-cart. :,j s«jii as Timothy Titus was fairly ::n. way, Av;t l»egan to mourn. She i;i;!he window «ith a very doleful face, ;: ;unjss the river at Mr. Davis's big :.i"Ue. .iiv ha'l ;dl at once grown cloudy, and ,ilni,Mn ti I'lciw. And, as if to make :,i:t(.r w i)rr:e. Toots woke up and flew ;!iin"'ni in a fit. all cause he knows Timothy Titus ' S"bVii-il Ava, running to hide her .:: ii..uunia"s lap. " How'd I feel if '.Wisgavcil away, where I'd never see .V more. And the aj)plcs are bitterish, 'i I don't like 'em. Oh, dear " .;:.aia smiled in her sleeve, but she help offering Ava a, crumb of oom- hi- tuiil maybe Timothy Titus would :. -lut ;k:,'»in, though she didn't really i;c wiiuKl, herself. â- I- liiarci of such things," said she .til she told .\va a story about a cat |; travelled forty miles back to her old ;r I ilon't believe Timothy Titua can," ..\\:\. briglitening up a little, all the " â- i;ui3e he's over the river, and there 1:..:.} Lriilge only the ferry-boat, mam- I'.iii'st know he can't." '!: ' stranger things have happened," :..iiuiiia, hopefully. ^!;e waa as surprised as Ava was nert F.::.;.' though I won't venture â-  to say she 1.- much delighted. When the kitchen "'.i? openedâ€" wliat do you guess In â-  i Timothy Titus, as large as life. â-  -ivllii " cried papa. '^Vtll wtll " said mamma. " Why, -iiiy Titus " *: It that nuuute Ava came running out â-  nightie. She gave one look. She 'â- â€¢ci! Timothy Titus up in her arms. f ' !i 'â-  oh oh ' she screamed, too full of F-; '.0 anything else for a minuteJ " Oh, i.arliDgi ih, you darling! How dirf fr-.^m. mamma""' •â- 11 sure I can't tell," said mamma. â- '-icr could anybody else, unless it was â- n-v-inau who. when papa questioned â-  Sieved he did remember thinking he fa little black-and-white cat .somewhere, tight before. But he wasn't sure of it, £» Ava couldn't be. •V way, Timothy Titus has come said she. "And he's going to stay, •iie.mamma? And I'm going to give is back his apples." !-Ma. Davis said a trade was a trade, « wouldn't take back the apples. And '•ay Titus stayed. f nl an4 if f^rup^Mi^ painty j^aci^^||(,^lL|*£^, velvet and no carpet ever lookea^ fine to' me as the mapj hued bi^dcd mat that cov- ered thie centre of that room. There was a painfa^ dresser with htim liandles on the drawers and cupboard dbbrs, whose sh^es contained the best dishes a tea set of white china ^th l^e ssigs o| nok acal^t^ed over themvaMt ^Msigie con wil ^akcer% tea color and white, pitchers tfle upper and low- er parts of some shining substance and mid- dle of somethinff that looked like gramte. I think the knowledge of their make must be among the lost arts, for I have looked in vain for their like for the last ten years. But I must tell you why the lady of the house was so sad. Her daughter Irene was to be married and go away to Ontario to live. If you wis^ I .will tell vou moi^'tof Irene at some future tune, w shVwas a lovely maid- en, the prideand joy of the old home near the orchard. ^^e Old House Near The Orchard. queer little place where ' I was ish years wei-e pass- there is a law which requireis the proprie- h to send awav to ' tors of land to catch two qnar;ta of cock- •*as :aiid where my ohildi; â-  ;• Was old enough to send away to " 1 here were saw mills and car shops i^,.;" '*7^ards and lumber, and great â- J' Which always seemed so grand to me, r-!r,i '"*^"" designed for the vessels, the inat went over the blue seaand brought ^^^" cur stores. But I wUl teU about •;ips another time. They were dear to Ten Jt^s^ipuhltt ^haB|s iecfflhw' financial support from the government of Mexico. â- â€¢^ Mr, Goschen contemplates going to India for a few months next winter, on a visit to Lord DuflFerin. Spain has 600 generals, 1,366 colonels, 2,000 majors, 5,000 captain, and 19,000 lieutenants. Archer has caught Wood in the number of winning mounts, and the pair now stand at the top of the list with 116 successes each. Prince Bismarck's literary tastes are un- trammelled by conventionalities. He is said to be equally fond of reading the Bible and the latest bad French npveL A green crescent moon, of a most bril- liant yet delicate shade, was seen recently in New Zealand. The phenomenon was visible for only a quarter of an hour. Several East Kent sportsmen report the losing of their dogs through the great heat 5 while partridge shooting lately. In each instance apoplexy is described as the cause of death. At the i^venteenth anniveraary meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars in Glasgow there was a procession four miles long through the principal streets. Escaped prisoners from Khartoum state that the city is not destroyed. All the good houses are left standing. The Catholic Church and gardens and General Gordon's Palace are strongly fortified. The Jewish population of Jerusalem is constantly increasing, and now numbers 18,000, This is the largest number that has lived in the sacred city at one time since the destruction by Titus in 70 A. D. From the accounts recently published it appears that it cost £5,757 to make Prince Albert Victor a freeman of the city of Lon- don. The breakfast bill was £920, and the expenses of the coi^mittee £105. The re- freshments of the Guards of Honor cost £50. I Thomas Baily Aldrich, who has just re- turned from a three months' trip through .J the interior of Russia, says that the ciiliza- tion of Moscow reminded him of some wild Indian chief who in his old age puts on a pair of epaulettes or a high hat. " It simply emphasizes savagery." A correspondent in Rome says that a par- ticularly graceful Carrara marble statuette of an infant Bacchus has been found near ancient Subra. The legs are gone, and one hand and one arm. A goatskin hangs from the shoulders, and the head is crowned •with an ivy wreath, tied wit)| long ribbons. The yacht propelled by elflptricity which crossed the English channel and returned, a disti»nce of fifty iniles, in eight hours, the other day, made tl^ passage io noiselessly that a sea gull asleep on tie water was caiight before it awoke, .J^ people on the yamt. f" .... '" Ji' The exe«|iiiobi of the pQjb]|c executioner is theTare..iBectacl«? -fl^ich ' wilj sOon, be wit- nessed i^BOTeecc, irherfcJBekJBris, the execu- tioner (^ 'HHffmpire, murattlBd his mistress. AdClBma|ftn the prison oeCkflffti has been appointed^nfc succeed Bel^iu, and wilH prcjably oBnn his publitn^^er by t|i^. exechtion A'-great fire'-^^^^broke "SKjE^At Stanlej^ Po^ on the ConpOaK^^^ch^ifthe whole of* the^rthington Baji^^^lmSfSn Station was desfcoyed, and a losMJof property to the ex- tent of §15,000 incurred. Large shipments i are already made of stores and supplies, 'i and an appeal for help to sustain the Mis- sion has been made and is being liberally responded to. ♦ There is one plac6 in tiie world where the tenants haye proved more than a mateh for their landlords. A Paris landlord re- cently committed suicide because his tenants I refused to pay their rents. He said â€" " I ' screwed a little money out of them by re- moving their doors and windows, but when the abnormally hot weatheir began even • that proved useless" He asphyxiated him- self. In the cantiii of Zurich in "Switzerland frGermaay's Figfjon Bti(|aiu in rnmoe. 'A singukr atofy ^^|||b in one of the French ndlituy pqwng^^yiMiiif the deimO» are correct it k not wucaiS^ikg tikat the. cidents slmald have exeited -iBomrifliii^ a aensafion at the Freai^ War Ottce. stated -that a gentieman at liTerers, the day, shot a pigeon, and fonnd ita atamped with the inqwriai annaof „ while attached to theiq was a quill j^lEh cipher dispatch. TBe pigeon ^d/^HkC pateh werfi, if is "said, ienfr -m^^^ French war OfBce,-^ and te^oiries being made, appear to coidrm the belief that the Germans Imtb cktabliriied pigeon stattpns on French teiiit«|y, and that messages jjWflu even utewcrfaaciia^ed .between thtee i. •(|k|uM and the military staff at Berlin. Should these statements prove true they ihay well cause both uneasiness and anger in France. It is a V(^ â- trong step to organize pi^eotf stations, with a view to invasion, in a country with which peaceful relations pre- vail. It is certain that this system was, previous to the war of 1871, carried on in France b^ Gennan officers to an extmordinaxy extent, and that the invading army was far better acfluain^d with every road and byway and «f|i;f»tay -BdNticalar oT ih ' than w«iiB^4lie imeDidecs, butihui ment of pigeon posts in a friendly country for the purpose of eiving assistance to an in- vading army would certainly seem to be an indefensible step, and one which the French have a right to resent. •«5^»-»B»»W»cfJl ,. SAUSAfiE CASINGS. hi- MONEY ,^LENIX • AWhflNHS! i^ii clftioi u^ «'^ir«^il^*^s«"Bt iiDW»Rag,T8nt|CaMiBr|8pQl^ NewaU] wegiau i^nts in Canada for HcBride's Celebrated Sheep Caa- ings. Write for quotations. JAMES r AmK A sex, Torent*. l6»YONQK ST^ TOROiiTO. t » CARPET 'SWIEPERS. save your caipeto daily Will last in LADIES, buy our and furniture, also wi use at least ten yean. Baby Junper, 8. one. If your merchanl â- tamp for particulars. O f i sav U AH, Osrr. and Bed, all in got them, send ua "BiooawmTcu." Ties,- the old' adage is rig^t, but if thediv' s er IB disorderid and tl^ bloo|| b^ci^eV, thereby corrupted, the bad "blood will tell's in diseases of the skin and throat, in tumors and ulcers, and H£ tubercles in the throat and lungs (first stages of consumption) even' although the subject be descended in a straight line from Richard Cceur de Lion, or the noblest Roman of them all. For setting the liver in order no other medicine in the world equals Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery." Try it, and your " blood will tell " the story of its wonderful efficacy. Under-petticoats of silk in dark and light colors, white and black, are made with gathered pinked flounces. Perfection is attained in Dr. Sage's Cat- arrh Remedy. Gray watered silk is combined with black cashmere and gray camel's hair in gowns for elderly ladies. " Men must work and women weep, So runs the world away ' But they need not weep so much if they use Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription," which cures all the painful maladies pecu- liar to women. Sold by druggists. Rough camel's hair fabrics, plain, striped, plaited, and cross barred, are among the fa- vorite dress goods for tailor-made frocks. A Free Fight. The great reputation of Brings' Eleetric Oil is soclL that it has induced unprincipled peisons to *dont other names as near as possible. The proprieforf% Briggs-JBlectbijc (HI: hare the name soS fltyM' of oM Eleetrac Oil r^inered bothia Canafierabd tM^'nitMl States, and «o one can use itlnit th^nsebEcC " â-  Othen heariag of the snob^ iif ITJIiliV TTIi ipi i have adopted 3ai^ names similar, such as "â-  trie Oil," Electron OJl," c.,"and are stri' induce the xrablic to buy them instead of the genuine Electric Oil, In fact so determined were they that they brought a suit tit Law( in the High Coiut of Canada, ,to deprive Briggs h Sons of /their right to control tl^ ^me but the Courts" and the' Minister of Agriculture at O'ita'Wa fully sustained their registered trade mark. Brig^' Electric Oil cures Kheumatism, KeuriilgiaB Spraiqs and fimises, complaints arrising from Col,d, such as- Sore Iniroat, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and difficult breathing. ...:.'.:, A voice comes from Keewatin saying, " Send us wives " and a thousand unhappy Benedicts respond, " Take ours " ' Don't use any move nauseous purgatives such fiji Pills, Salts, e., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that movesr the Bowels gently, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cooL Great Spring Medicine 60 cts. • r Our religious editor wants any yOting lady who "jumps at conclusions" to.,fS# sider him a "conclusion." An, orphan is preferred. ' " opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, .. kindte* habit ' The medicine inay be gi* in tea or coffiee. without the- knowledge of the person taking it^ if â-  o deairt d ' Si^d 6c in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M. y. Lubon,^? iWeH^ngtonSt. Ea^t^Toroi^, Ont. "Put thi«' osit f6r,^,iuture refe^eq^ â- When writinj? mention this paper. 4.. P.j^l. EJfâ€" THREE â€" and two ladie»â€" as Canvassers' good'piQr. ' tH; S; Kbikbdt, Torodto. Ont; ' l*.^lMEMrinliii'4i. Silver Plated Ware. .=*. M REPRESENTATIVE in each county to sell " Pro-i posal and Espousal" â€" a book on Love, Courtship, Uatnmony and kindred themes. Write for circulars.' International Book and Bible Houke, Toronto. Onti ti^Tnn M 'C'« Farmâ€" 4(S00 M Acre «9 1 UU â€"1 mile from Dundalkâ€" 100,000 acting plays, 15 COTts 100,000 5 c^ht mudc instruments baU-price, BUTLAND, 87 Kinf -st W,, Toronto. AGENTS FOR NEW PARALLEL FAMILY BIBLES â€" large type, splendid maps, beautiful illustrations; contains 4,000 questions and answers on Bible T^oa^ liberal tenqa JjiVtntloiaaiHotk and Bible HoWTorofit6, Ont ' â- ' ' '^V I to this day nothing thrills me more j •^^ sight of a ship under fuU sail. i chafers every third year, when they are • supposed to app ear, if any proprietor fails j to responOe^;^%ffiW^'feiVny. It j was officially announceouiaf 1886 was the 1 cockchafer yea?, TJie jirpjwi^r^are in de- spair, for codtch^eips have, not put in an • appearance, tut ^e W is imj^jerative. Ptoii has a ne# BAatitution tiuit'-is popu- '•'fTrerpK t â€" »' "" ' laT. 'It is an eetabiaiiaentMiia AaSn boule- "llio farms near us and the yj^-^hfere, by paying hatf.»a franc (10 t'"e ?n^K* ^^^" ^^°^ *® *^® '°® *** j ceiits),' dne can -waBh hik ^aifdsy haive his FbvWi "*® ^^^ the orchard. My boots blacked, his coat brushed, write let- UyJQ, j'^onunandedaviewof bothand j ters, read all W»tf leaffiife Continental and Rhojse -^k'^^^^^P**^*"® ^^^"^^P®" • En^Uin«#«pip«i, consult a reference li- vUoTfvjj^ Sray roof and pretty j 1,^^,; ;^nd use a telephoitK fNew York's ree tloi 7*^Sreats^-eadin^ ' many hotels render sudi an-establirfiment tinnnip4|a||r(^re. rii'Y^ ^^ jftw " â-  iW 1" wilt' -\ Tbe Moon's Inflnenee •is aiecefitad t ty 4ome afe feenir ' t ^^° streteh"of green fieli iti t) 1 ^^^ "^^ winding away, for rsnive"r T ' *^^ farthest bounds of j i;ti T f!" 'lever lost its charm foFme, I i bout T went through bot^ .orchard 'iBktr ^® ^y I "'♦â- ent '"'ith my mother. ' W^ met ua at the door. She look- 'ttOBlj f 1 J^i^tressed- I wondered how •eljil .„ .^^ ^^ place so pleasant, with .Wh " " around; the orch'yd I V ^^^^ *PPl«8 danc^g in. the light Ptoon; tl^"'^°^she took uS intp (^, l**^si;» *o"Prue Pahnleaf'*for I s « to my mind) go bright «i^ *eer- Uiibn til* Wfetifer • r«»l,^«th«Mr*'ii;4i^*F?*»l' ilSie moot never ^tf«ic«#««*S fhttHai«*nder, achmg spot. P«ia«i'*Pifi^BaitieaniiPx*raetorre- inoves the most fel^itoafrnfc in three days. iTha' p«M? iWmedy makes no sore spate, doeni^ go 'f ooltHg around a man's foot, bnt imitati^i ~E^EHAI£ TICOKbWQKT, THE DECOCTIO)^ P â-  of one single herb, is a sure cure for female "W regularities stamp tor particular^ P. STEVENSON. 46 Mercer Street, Toronto, Canada SCHOOL Tescken A Stndenta AttentioB' Daring Holidays a 8p«oial course of private les- sons, by highest masters, will be given School Teas- ers and Students, on Shorthand, iSiawIng oi Pa^ntii^. AH who can should come. Send immediatay'fer'^e- cial circulars. Tbh Unioit Shoribanokss' Acabhit, 30 ai^41 Adelaide 3t. £., Up Stair, j;^r(^to. ,., '.. AGENTS!â€" TOU CANTT FIND A BOOK THAT gives better satisfaction or that you can make monev faster with than " World's Wonders-" Sells to all cmsses â€" Chrfatlans and Infidels, CaOiollcs itad Pro- testants, old and young old agents who have ^ot eaa- vaaaed for years are going into the field with it; C. F. Jenkins sold 128 the first week J. E. Brace A-fi " The :flTst week with " Woaderi" netted me one hun- dre(} and sixteen dollars." A good cdiancefor unem- ployed persons outfit free to actual canvassers, write for terms. Bradut Garerbov Go. Branttord. shorthand Institute, PubHc Xibrai^ "Bui Toronto. Specialties Book-keqing, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Enter any time write forciFci4»ra. J a CAMPBELL, LL. THOS.BENOOCOH, Principal Business ^t. President. REV. E. BAltK^l, T^ C. H. BROOKS, Sec'ir. Prindpal aioftlaui4iIMk R. 8PENCE Od.: l|^f^4^othcf.. IL j Consiuners will find it to their advaiitag^' I to ask the trade tor our make of FtiM toiP Baapa, Se-Catttais a Sjieelalty. M' for piicfe list And feriia. ' • • â-  ' â-  Sena h HAMILtpN O^ffS UnefiwiilMillfiB-; HAMILTON, ONT. FSaNAo4 iJE:klM^^ENT LOJN fc^VINGS eOMPANY. AM Line Royal Mail JleanuMps. Sailing di]giiNr*«hfcitrMfcri«W«n»riffrhurwl«y and Haliiax eveiy SatuidM-^to Liveippol, and in sum- mer from QuAec evei7 Snimay to UvMpool, MUi^ at Londonderty to UiMl maiU and paamcergffdr S^tland and Ireland. Abo. from Baltimor^^a Hali- fax and St. John's N. F^, to Uverpoo) t«itBJMtiy dur- ing summer months. The steamers of t)(e Glasgow liiMsjkU durimr winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston ikiid Phuadelphia and during: summer Mtween Gla^ow and Montraal, weekly, a\aagam and Boston, weekly and Glasgow and Philddpl)ia,. fortni^tly. For Flight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher 4[^..itaUuucaft;8fOunard Co., Halifax ahea Jc Co., St. Jofm'^^. Ff, Wm. Thomson a Co.; Sk-John, N. B. AUsn C Chicago lieve Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans Rde 4 Co., l^bec;Wm. brpckie, Philadelphia; H. A. Allan, Pordand, Boston, Montreal S COLLEGE, INOOHp\)RATED,' A.D, lS58. Fal«.uCaidt4l^ Toua KtA, i ' •88,99a,Me 8,7M,MO OFFI'CiS Co]i4Hinjr*8 Pwfkllwgs, Toronto St., Tofonto. SAYINGS BANS BRANCH, Sums of $4 and Awards reioleivied at Current rates of iatevest, paid oi^con^'uadediuklf, yearly.' *^E^a?TlS[Rlt8. Motte7"receiTed w deposit for • feed term ot years, for which DebentiMs tire issued, with half-yearly in- terest coupons atwdiedl Executors «nd Tn^te^ are authorized'by layr'ka Invest in. the Debentures of this Companj-. 'The Obpital and Assero of the Company beinf pledged for flj^ney thus received, depositors are at all times assured at perfect safety. Advances made on Real Estate, at current rates, and onisvorable conditions as to re-payment. Mort- gages and MmxieipE^ Debentures purchased. J. 9UKBERT MASON, Managing Director. fJIHtkhto^ The Third Scholastic Y^ begins Sept. 1st Patron- age drawn from tbk statbs ard FitovmcM. Young men and boys thorou^y pr^Hoed for business pur- suits. Graduates eminently suocessfuL Practical work, moderate rates and straight dealing oharacte- I rize the Institution. Ladies admitted. For informa- tion address M. MaoCORMICK. Principal. Anustrons'ji Patent Tempered Steel mm. 1 mm wm. ' Made from Best Tempered Spring Steel. Light, Handsome, Strong, and Yeiy Durable. We are having a large demand tjhis. season from sec- tions where sample lots were «old last winter, and orders should be placed early to secure prompt atten- tion. Coming, Portland, and " Jump seat. Bodies to suit, and all at veo' moderate prices. JUav« you u-ed ottr Steel Btb-Sl^ht? Send for descriptive circular. J. 6. ARMSTRONG MFC GO (L'B) puaPH CANADA. ELM CITY OIL. $UPERB IN THE "^^ L^^ WORLD IBASEDOMNEATSFOOTOtL SOLDBYAIl HARNESS DEALERS^ J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER !0 KlN.oS^EA5r TORONTO ASK FOR THE GLOBE Wishboarci KEPT BYALL GROCERS MANUFAC ruRED bY nAMiLTON ' Walter Woods CV jctqho.sto The lArgest TminJao. School In ' Canada. Send for Calendar. Hamilton Scale Co. 4B_ OSBORNE tlO., HAMILTON, ONTARIO. TflffiSffEMII ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN CIV nfll'fl'BCIIMC'BM^'e«B**^ed it during .the last three years. Try sJso 1 __.. OlA bULU InClJALO' AXLE GREASi^ for your W^ons and borse Pow^. Manufactured^ QUEEN GITViOU. WORKS y SAMUEL ROQER6 A OOm TORONTO. N HARRIS MAMMOTH STEEL DOME flOT^AiilFllRNAGES. t ioilliB«|J|Mtan tn the karttet for warminar .j^ Stores and Pn-rate Besidenoes. Simple in oonstriKlion •Mi less ooiisuiKtton of fuel-thaa any other heatinsr appar- ler â- IMrMka* ^jfcu^latiifiCh irJ'l 1 1,* |. ii â- \ I mmm wM mi iimi ^â- liiMiiik idfiiift^^iiiiiUkiittiaiSliiiluaiia -| "ililiiiB'--" ^â- '^^^'

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