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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Oct 1886, p. 5

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 P^!l^r fall, 8, O a large 1 consttoU, on methoiuanai sb, Door and Ph machinery, eveJ lollof BatI TS, kc, aanner second to i m eyery deparfa patronage. iers PromJ id Undrei nd Fancy Turning r Distance. S- McNEJ i: I M la i[ (0 fheir id» ON lCTO] er, asdb*Tiag SaetiiiinR g«xi" ai reeeite|iM» DON'T W 'X^»BBI lETOR. •««««MMM!I gjgg D9»v*«t of Mamtoba ia visiting I j^ife in this part. ' _-ffbe wife oi Bfe. Joha W«teoB, wf DOB!*-â€"*"" UiBBSP-Mr- J«^ »«ii«y Aarott, ^jBS Mary Stewart of HolljSid- iiUy |°jjjjappine8sbegi«e»t,andilieit 4N)«Ue8, Onr last cattle 4air was « iRood dae, but we jtbe-neitcme to fce the bdst of the -^^jji^.Sargenfs shisple facteay was dee- jj byiire ou the m^ of the 23rd nit, ^e undert-tand it was JHSured fat 1»50. i Tiie Chatsworth coprespondent to the 0. 1 AdveitisOT-ewdently feels ttocfa grieved Ljose tlie Holktod Conaca gave the flolland Centre fall show a grant of $15, l^ile granting but *10 to Hodlaai Agricnl- Society. SLe forgets that Holland Centre is in t^^ centre of tk» township and AttS in a position to aoconuosodate a much jreatei ?«imter of Holland ratepayers that a jlio* held «tt the boundiy •* the township. If ]5 ddiiars ia the wbole amoant to be -nnted to â- those institutioBsljy the corpot- jtioD, tb«K 5k25, or oae qvartei, wonld be jfair proportion for Chatsworth Show to receive, As to our Society being an illegal concern, as intimated by our Chatsworth neiglibor-. it is amusin? to hear a sane man exprosB himself thus. When Holland •Centre Ag. Society was organized, a great najority of the township ratepayers were ^tislied that the centre of the township was tue proper place for the township show. JISO MS then subscribed and offered to the Tp. Ai!. Society on conditions that the shew would be held at Holland Centre this offer was rejected, after which our enterprising citizens and neighbors decided to have an independent one, which has been a success, at least they have been able to nay their prizes in full, and that without the assistance â- of a government grant. Last year our soci- «tj- offered to amalgamate on conditions that ^he show would be held alternately in Chats- •worth and Holland Centre, bnt they a^ain â- declined which only makes ns all the more determined to go ou and succeed. â- ;,!2"i'" "â- â-  Be«*l«tlMi •i C m wu i m tmmee. m m mm. Holland Council. Holland Centre, Oct. 4, 1886. Council of the Township of Holland met ou the above date for the transac- tion of busiuess Members all present; Reeve in the chair. Williscroft, Harvey, i'hat we accept the proposition of the clerk to settle the matter of Alex Lyons for the sum of 816.00. Moved and sec- onded that by-law N • 6, for the remodel- ing of U. S. S. between Holland and Sullivan' and also by-law No. 8 for appointing collectors to read first second line and engrossed on the minntes. .\. commanication was read from Thos. Gordon in reference to by-law of U.S. S. V«. 2 Holland and Euphrasia, also his ic, for arbitrator in the above matter. Oalbraith, Harvey, that the council are ready and willing to pass by-law refered to in Mr. Oordon's letter at any time the expences incurred and paid by the petitioners in accordance with fleet. 72 on the Consolidated School Act of 1885. Oalbraith, Harvey, that we a^joom till the tenth day of November. " CabsonPbicx, Clerk. Ladi es tronbled with Pimples, BIOtebM, Bough Hands or Face, or Scree of any diaorip tion, should use McGregor A Parke'a CarboUe Cerate, it will leave the skin in pofwt aeslth, smooth, clean and good odor. Ve sue and get the Kennine. made by HeGr«goc Parac. Price 25c. Sold at B. L. Staphen'a On« Store. Markdale. 8 • t» Ratur Mnake Kilted One evening recently near ^.Mary's, lady was out for a stroll, andsaddenly «ame on a huge raUle snake by the road- side. She withdrew haistily and gave the alarm to the family, five or aixboijia ^daqnarterdozen of girls withtiieold gentleman, who all surrounded the te- ptiie, armed to the teeth with pitchfinfa, ttesand pieces of rails. They were unmediately re-inforced by a large famUy who Uves opposite, which stmgtti- ened their conrage, but still the excifte- ^ent ran high. One of the crowd, a strong and brave young man, thoo^t othisdonble-barrel gun, hastened fmr t, crept cantioosly as near the nuwater «s he thought safe, took cazefol Md deliberate aim, off she went; the motMter fikve one bound and fell apparently life^ ' less. One of the brave party ventoied ?ear enoogh to reach it with a ten feol He, while the crowd held their ponfcioit « safe distance backready for an enooB «r. »s they strongly snqpeeted thevfilaar *^ deadly teptQe migbt be only waiti^ The Fall season brings with it many neeessitie* which can- not and will not be neglected. The peo^e will boy what a change in the season makes neceesary, this makes Fall Trade, and as tall trade is what we want, no atone has been left unturned and no opportunity neglected m securing such sea- sonable goods as will naake oar store the most desirable spot for close and particular buyers. We ask the readers of this column to remember that nut- side onr store, we do our talking here, but inside our store we allow the goods and prices to speak for themselves; It is not our idea to exaggerate, but, as we are honest in the belief that we are this season. THE STORE among the Stores, we cannot very well refrain from Epeaking in glowing terms of our large, beautiful and tasty selections of everythmg tbrougb- out our immense establishment. In order ttiat you may receiye a beuifit it is necessary that you should see our stock; In order that you come, it is necessary that you should be c^viuced that it will be wortli your while. We must tell you of our attrac- tions here» therefore do not think that we bran, bnt rather say that we are trying to put you upon the well beaten path that leads to the old established store, where everything is good, where everything is just as rep- resented, and where everything is A 1 in yalae. We would especially inyite your attention at present to our Large and STYLISH STOCK of Dress Goeds in all the new shades and material, with trim- mings and Battoaa to match. New Silks. New Velvets. New Plubes. New and Stylish MilUneiy. New Shawls. Blankets and FlannelB, New lerseyi in Black 1^ and Navy handsom- ly bcwded; and don't fail to see that new fine of Ladies' Saque }oata, Jersey Coata, and also onr ready-made Ultters of the very latest make, style and finish. We have the only full line of Mens' Tontha' and Boys' ready-made Bnita and Overcoats to be had in town. We goaran- tee to save yon mmiey on eveiy purchase. SOOO pairs Boots just bemg marked off at elose prices. Oar TEAS are known fax and wide as the sweetest, strongest and dteapest to be had in the Dominion. Oome and see OS. We fear no eritieism or comparison, on tiie eontrary, we invite it. Bemem- bsr vrtiat we say here, and dom't loiget to eallon nie following reaolati«m was passed iMentlj on the oeeasion of the sad deathly drown- ing of Mr. Nort.m'a aon on the ISth ivij last at Walter's Falls. Wii.nB'B FAi.Lai Ang. 4. 1886. DxAB BsoTBKB NoBTOM, â€" ^Tho brothers ol Cascade Lodge, C. 0. O. F., hereby tenders to yoa and yonx wife and fami^. their rin- cere sympathy in the Ead bereayeaeniwliich has so recently fallm on you and them by j the death of yonr beloved son. Death is sad I in any form, bnt oomming in soch a sadden I manner adds to the bitterness. Yet there is a bright beyond to iriiich yoor son has gone a short time before yon, where he whIb I the coming of his friends who wih join liini at last, wiftking a tnll hapi^ famQy aroond that Throne where parting is forever over. In offering yoa yonr conddenoe we tmat yoa feel it isfrom onr inmost, hearts, for yoa hav- ing thefallest sympathy from the whole viein- ity, how mach more most we, yoar intimate friends and brothers feel for yoa, knowing the loveyon bore for yonr son. Friend and companicm, yons is a severe blow, bat it was God who struck it, and there is merey in it if we could only lift the veil and get a glnnpse into his eternal rest provided for all o|^ ns if we are only faithful onto death.' As the Psalmist cried in his Iamentati(»is over his son, "He cannot come to me bat lean go to him," so although yon cannot bring baek yonr son, you can go to him. Even thongh you c%nnot forget your boy, and all efforts at consoling seem a vain attempt, still in the Divinity ordained ttiat time will nutigate all griefs and heal ovnr all wonnds. Again we ask you to accept our truest sympathy, and trust yoa will trust Him who alone can com- fort you in distress. Yours in brotherly loye. (Signed in behalf of the Lodge,) Wh. Lsmom.N. O. Hy. Bonneu., Secy. '-.-\i-i 9»«ay to have hcw( Have yon seen the artistieally painted sign ci the town, Stephen's Drag Store? And its Magnificent, Grand, Imposing Pompous, Statdy, Superb, Angnst, Magestic, Iminressive, Noble, Cnmmanding, Aristocratic, Dignified, "Oh, Stop." liife is short, time is moving, ean't stop kmg. What have yon? We have the largest and best supply in town of Tooth Brashes, NailBmshes, Hair Brashes, Cloth Brushes, Flesh Brashes, By baying yonr Watches, QloGkSf Jewelry, Spectaoes, PlPee,Ac. -AT- JAS. G. BUSSEU'S FLESH ERTON. A BtautiM Stock fti Silecl from. ' OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO ISP It u a £set, as every (mel I says, that BUSSELL is the man I to repair yoar Wateh or Clock [properly. Vooeoooeeo eeooeedooj GIVE HIM A TBIAL. Ererj job warranted to give satis- fisction. WHISKS! WHISKS! WHISKS! GMND ASSORTMENT. 217-269 JIS. a. RUSSELL. revenge. This ever found that the shot had pm^ ^^ btal, but to thdr great dismay and f^ia it was a Uurge girth which hl4.t Wlen off a breachy horse. /* Credit (Sales W. J. Sbeperdson will have a credit sale on his premises, lot 23, con. 10 Euphrasia, on Friday the 22nd October commencing at 10 o'clock. This is a large sale, 117 head of stock, comprising a lot of bred sheep, Leicester, Cotswold and Shropshire. Free lunch at noon. See large posters for particulars or write him for one at Goring P. O. THE CHEAPEST YET IVe Sell as we Advertise. ALL //KINDS //OF // FURNITURE will be sold close to wholesale prices for The next Thirty Days. Having a large stock of Famiture from different firms gives customers a good chance to choose what they want. All kinds of PICTURE FRAMING done at lowest rates. We also have on band a large stock of Oaskets and Ooflftnei and Fnaeral Fansishtags. which will be supplied io those that wiB favw OS with their ea^tom, at low piices. Also A HMATtSE in Connection. COLEMAN h HAMIITOII, Next door to Enapp's store. Shaving Brushes and Sbaviug Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet article's and Perfumery. If you are In need buy AT STEPHEN'S Drug Store, ^arkdale. To Consunors ft Doalors IN OUjS, Buy the Empire Oil Co*e. BOYAL P ALACE LMHT lUummatiog Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOIt E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manuictxirer8 and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Bep. for NortViem Ontario, A Goodby. 'iOS-Bm THE GENUINE SINGER B ufTOck Blood THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING .:â-  M ACHINE bhoold be snrp and get the WILL CURE OR REUEVB mUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, f J. IcFftrland, ph*ebl Importer. RNAmCHALE. Croto Mrs* Olemeat** TVrAKKDATiW FOR Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Games, Fruits in Season, And prices in reasoB. ^^al atlMition to making department. aEMWEIEWrOMSIMHI The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certamly the bes;. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, S90 Markdale. Bv umss sior. B. CABNAHAN woald reepeetfolly intimate, to the inhabitants of the nir- ronnding eoontty that be hae opened a general harness sliop oo King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intoeds to nanofaetare and keep on hand a large stock ol LIGHf aad HEAVT HABHESS,lai« smI abort toga. STA4W CXLIiABS. WBIP1» COMBS. BBU8HSB. HABMR8S OIL *e. I will use only first class natoHal and those reqoiriag anjrthing in the hairiirsn line will find it to their interest to «iH at th* new harness shop and get yriesa before go. ingd^ewbeie. BqwiriiiM doae irfth neat- ness and dispatch. Solidtlag a diace of poblie patvMMfls. I am respMUnttr ynors. OrSPEPSIA, noMEsrioM, MUMDIOL tHrSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, UeAKTBURH, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERIM9 OFTHEHUm; AOUUTY Of THESrOMAOH. DRYMESR OF TKi man. T. IILBORR k CO. Cuiuui Puins I. iL. OWEK SOUM BBAMCH TIMS TABIiS. \J9lf»9tk,199S. OOINQ NOMTM. STATIONS. R. CARNAHAN. Heai«i le #e«lthl ToniMto.. ..Iisaya. *•••... CaBEhrdl Jonetion........ Oraasa- f Arrive. ....... villa. )Lcava. Oran^evQIe Jan.......... Shelbwne Onndalk Flesherttm ., Merh dale. « « « ••.......•.• Hc^land Ceatae ObMewortb Mail. 7 935" 1006 '• lew 10 W" 1068" 11 «" 1147" MOfl|» 19 14 " i»«8" 18 S8" £zp. floond...... .1 106" GOINO SOWTN. STATIONS. J. Bj^. *......« *.•..... Owen oonnd....... ...... ChatMrorth.. ftollaad Pa^tn JSerKclcw ....._... ........ ^B K. Kiuiie ................ Fieshetton ..........^... Pondalk ffiielbnme m.....*.. Oiwtge^rfOe Jvk.. ... OnuucB Anilre...«.. vfll*../lave â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ • •••••.• • e s CsMw^ J\n)(«ioB^ «• •«*• TonrnW. .. Jkirive. ... " Mail. e 10 " «8f " «47" 7«»f " 7M" 7 61" SW- UM" 8 46 " rios6"i 840iiaL, 8 07 •• 8 80" 8 40" 8 68 » 4 06" 4 81" 4 67" 6 88" 6 86* 6 65 " 8 80" 810" r 0MI, 8. ^MT.,* 8. iUbqr. Iiet 78.. ttaeaseoajrifl Oeaniitses tMHrtei^ bf ' 8l5-lt ¥«« •« aur. a. aoM nm J toytrsB ftd. The ha?f â- â- â€¢,%y. ftoving; QVperty JOHN McKAX, P !l 'i •A' !â-  I :1 â- â- \' 4 i' -I 4«0pm^. ' â-  680" 1 â-  7 08 " â-  f „ 'â-  7 82 " 784 -1-1 "â- ; 804 8 30 866 M5 j 910 .i}-':.! 984" â-  â-  i 9 88" • i 9 49" "' ' 1020" .\\\ ^^mtmmM ^^mm mm m ^tmm^m imtMrnM

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