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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1886, p. 7

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 m^ FOIjKS. f ho Became FmuM, f^ wearfag toward evesisg L*^ Itjid, *nd darkn8«a wa* "•"^tfl creep ever the sfaad- ^j lens BUfrow pMaagea «f ?^nriintb« wall at the '••^f csrrlAor in the third â- tery, •f*m6d tfbe hard at work '" that appeared t* require !!!" Mzht entujh to lee hia J1 taw it would have been ' leoti3 el It. suUine and "fj.nkh of expresilBO in the "*r«y°h attracted the tlv bla f «r the fir»t time. '".cenld eaUly have gnea«ed ""Z one day te be. Bat ' *^t " WUd D*vle," aa he i% caUed, WW buiy with a ihao the dreteing np ef a ,i2ti»«n hi I playfeilow*. rMglit*' !»•' playfeilowm {•'â- 'ij^ at the end of 1 â- "' m'i'ble at*u3 ef Apollo the rn6 arm outsitotohed at if in '%nai^tuJ*t*lbo^' Oat. Km- wbttensH agftJMt the " 6t ot tiP «! bat nndemeath "jjof o'i- her a it v^as faat T- A citDRter that might have â- ^ g og wiita °*°^ •tanding ry .pect-iil a^aioEt the darlineM, tli 6 cioak around the body ' ' ii'A i«^' whiteness of the l«n over fcvtry here and there. Ti-e he fiisd a hideous red and :^Vith twiif^ 66J, while over r,^3 hatdkerohiei pinned to it, C lt;o distiitcce looked terribly U itlin o: bJosd, Ar*uud the ;i;8«ra?F=t P^°^® '•^ yellow tsiiite" ^P «s look like a Je oni tiien, by way of a fiaieh- k-kspljcrd at the mon»ter'a foet km, lisiit-'ig ^P *-^ '»® ghastly U t wfcJrd, u aearskly fel*re [itmike 'cm jimp 1" obujkled he, Li back ta look at the tff^t of fcreehsd told D*vie at that mo- ;i!8Wupi»sI=ga^ory e,-uel and Kljk. fftilch h»d frightened many » dei.t'i tnd Boarod many more In- idlsta, ha would huvo been tisdJ and shacked for with all 'itlesfiueaH he wai thoroaghly tted But all that he thought of 3 that it weald ba te himself, jtiDgthathe was j'lst about t« Ji;«onwbioj would cure him ef iBchtrlokafor She rest of his life. oaloud voice was heard calling i',ie oat of the btair .:DiTiel where are you Came i:k we're going te drive round by jna watch the sun set over the J^iM Divie " want off like a shot |rv6 lstad BO long and there were MJBgi to be loekwi at on the way l::e tima tbey got home again onr iDirle hkd ic-gstten bll aboui the tKtinel thiitbe bad left standing .ad of the upper corridor, and went lusgltat lull speed to get to hia til! Dument a howl of terror atart- Jwblshcnie, And three or four of iBts, hariyias to the spot in l:iEndD;vt? Ij^iog on the floor, half •-;tb ftiglit, la front of the monster |i! tad hlxAcli dressed up, uifoilovred may easily be imagtn- jiriiho! tho whcle household to see l^iufpntd, the wonder, the dia- icaluing htaptid upon poor Dtvie iiA ei cU for him to bear) the ^ae! the ether boj'S as thoy real- :ejtly hehad been caught in his r. [tare was ona pc-rson there who did Bin thd iaug'ctcr, and that was a Fijgsttismiin with a teng gray beard ^ttime ens of tuo most oeiebr«ted ItBritaicâ€" who had just come down [ieiictry for a w-.^k'a holiday. 'i'oey hai the eye of aitiit," said he, fc keenly at the tsrribls figure. " Ha j-wdefyet. ' pesldman wan right. Not many l*l«r "Wild Divle" was famous Nail England aa David Soott, the •Eavesdroppine:. tf«ethet in ths eott moonUght. FMrtx'ka andsfczwl out oer tha sea 'inwdKime. manly jouth, and quite t M a lovely girl as she. pitngpUce was a romantic spot, â- ;~ w tha lovers tuought, to them ^W Shaka would say, they did not '•» made their secret all my own. '«gaged. She'd named the liappy t a month the twain woull be made ^--eihey spooned, and I'm ashamed to '»hiie close by and w*toh the fun. night they sat there, slow to IJJ^I entranced in silent bUss i^w her c'.oae and on her cheek wioTera Will, a tender kiss. t^- 'leked and thmat aside his arm, S' *^"» lier head and softly crfed. â- â€¢hSmf' exclaimed. " what was ^tt't a fellow kiss his future bride ?* t^ Kbbed. And then down by her ilijj^^e knelt, and bf gj?ed that she â- 4*° 1 do' to soothe my sweet V he ti4j*f? the meaning of that dreadful it's! 'If^ a little, dried a tear. ak." .K Â¥" ^^ce hi one hot wave r.«di,f^^«hbed, " that if you really Ve,-- off somewhere and get a fe'V*^ daughters of lawyers) » iLJ J"^® J" received a ik^P°="^«Me,andI do want ae ,*Ph.Uter.sowhatBhani de liU, Tfl" setting it!" Fletft- »»«Tar ^^. father 8 law booka. "^^^tutbed there." THE LDIB-IIUI CLUB. Dal«gata« to Am MTMith Hmnal aleoMsii and pinio 9i tb» Llaa KOa Cmb begaa U arrive a* mldaight m Wednesday olght. The fint en* to pat tn aa appaarMioa waa OoL D^da Rookafallaw, of Covlogieii, Ky. Ho mad* tha trip afoot in exaotly twenty days. By midnight on FHday 207 honarary memlwrs and dalegatea had appeared and bean fumiahed quartera. The enly Skatea not rapraaented were Kanaaa. Oalifemia, ITabraaka, Maine and Varmant. The two Now Hampahlra delegatea were «n tha road six weeka, bat arrived here in a vary en- thoaiastio maod. Amang the very promin- ent degelgatea preaent were tUrty-fonr oolenela. seventeen m»J3ra, fourteen jodcea, twanty-ene profaMisra, thirty elden and aiz aira. The moat oommanding and the beatdreaeei dalegatlen wore fr^m Snth Carolina and, cen^sted of Judge Prehaaaile Sailth. C3l. DMiforth 6om. Prof. Ovula- tion Baker and tiie R,T. Carmine Path- flader. Aa eaoh delegate arrived at the ball he waa dusted off with a horse bnuii, given a pint of iced tea and aasigned to quartera with seme looal member. The only caae ef attempted fraud waa on the part of a strang- er olaiming te ba a delegate from the White Rose branch club at Sandusky, O. The credentials he submitted proved to be a reoipe for mixing a horse liniment, and when flang down on his taok and stepped en he admitted that he waa one Suniel X) ivit, ef Toledo J who wanted .to leain the iaside workings of the club and go about pereenaticg Giveadam Janea. The way he waa hustled dawn three pdr oi atalra will live in hia memory for a htmdied years te oome. A bnainesB meeting waa held ia the Library Friday evening, at which all oom- mitteea reported. The thanka of the olub are extended to the many D«txoItera who came to the frost to make the banquet a grand suoceas. A\ 8 o'clock OB Saturday morning, preen- ed by a band whiah threw off aweot atratna at every step, the procession marched to the foot of Eighteenth atroet and embarked on a bargo to be towed down to Fighting Island. Meat of the local members wera accompanied by their wivea and children. Among the banners in the proceaaien were noticed those bearing legends aa folio sva: "Nsverlet goof a apting chicken to look for an eld hen," " Five hundred yeara hence the black will be on top," " The man who poisons a watermillyon deserves the rope," "We have got our heada abave water," At the island everything had been arrang- ed for a good time, fisfore liegizming the games which wera to test the strength and ugiiity of ths members. Brother Gardner mounted a barral and made a brief speech, He-reforred to Cleopatra, the siege of Troy, the New Orleans Exposition and the recent trouble with Mexico, and •xpressed an earn- est wish that every member aheuld atand ready to lay down hia life in case the Uiiited States decided to go in and give Franco, Grermany, Austria, R mmanla and Rassia^a gentle drubbing. His remarks were received with suoh enthusiasm that Maj. Powhattan Green, a delegate from Virginia, fell in a fit and had to be soaked in the river eigateen minates bsfore he came to enough to misa his Watsrbury watch. Tne following is the lUt of the games, winner a and prizas Throwing an anvilâ€" Prize, an oil painting of a oanal bsat going ashore in a dreadful storm. Won by Capt. B.ihemoth Smith, who succeeded in throwing it en Elder Tosta' left foot. Standing jimp â€" Prize, a kerosene lamp with a gri}.n body and warranted not to ex- Elode, Won by Prof. Seiijus Whitia, who roke a pair of six shilling suspenders in as doing. Feot-raca of 100 yardaâ€" Prize, a decorat- ed wall basket, whioh can also be used to held potatoes, carry game or knock burglars out. Wen by Shindig Watkios, whose di- vorced wife was preaent, and felt ao elated over his victory that she returned home wi'h him. Boxing matchâ€" Friz9,^ittiograph of John L Sullivan. Wen by Gievadam Jones, who luaooked out three oapiranta in auoh a manner that they inqaired wiiat yew it waa when they had been revived. High j amp â€" Prlzs, a fine large bottle ef ooment to mend crockery and glasasware. Won by Snowball Catten, who cleared tha atiok held at five feet, bat 'came down en hia head and drove hia neck biok three inches. Whselbarrow tacjâ€" Pr'zj, fear bunches ef celery with hand painted stalks. There were eight cwteatanta, and the prizs waa borne off by Truthful Taylor. Playing the harmooican â€" Prize, a door- mat on wliich waa the word "Welcome." About forty members-oonteeted for thia pr fee,and during the half hour in whioh the atrnggle took plaoa passing soheonera were driven aahore and acyclone jast missed the island. The winner " as Samuel Shin, but he lay exhaustod for the next half hour. At half-i a it 7 o'clock in the evening Par- adiae Hall was thrown open and speedily filled. Brother Gardner made another apeech of welcome, in which he truated that the olub would at once turn Ita attention te the Bulgarian and Msxico questions, and he waa followed by Suewbali Cotton, Sir laasc Walpole and Col. Rigid Colemsn. On motion Of D Jimlty Jahnaen, of T«nneaaee, Brother Gardner waa re-elected Preaident by aoolamatlen. There waa conaiderabla atrifa far the ether paaitiena, and the follow- ing oandldatea ware eleoted Vice Presidentâ€" Col. S. Cantilever. Secretaryâ€" Alaolntk Smitli. Treasorerâ€" Sympathy Janea. Grand Keeper ef the Sealaâ€" Snowball The appidntment el local committeea from aotive membera will be made at the next regular meeting. The dalagatea^ began ta depwt abeat midnight Satorday night, and by Smday evening the great majority had headed for heme, each one aaemlng to feel that the^ooon- try had been pulled through a thrilling oriaia, and waa safe tor another year. Mil 1 CARRIE'S VISIT. Klngaton News rtatsa that the particu- lars regarding 0:is, the alleoed deteotive, who took pilaon while tn a Kingston hotel wtth hia bride, have bMn known for "ome time. «iat it is tiiovght wiaa to withhold them for the preaent, acd tiiat when thsy a^oar a aenaatitn «ill Iw oeeted. Cania Walton and ftliMiflir HaOkad baan lovoia. but tbay bad qwwsallad and HaUhadgaae to Dakota Wban ahe bad no langer any ohanoe ef aaofa^t bin Carrie faond that life waa a rafter dull aAAr. When, after aeveai meatha, bar itaehelar nnole in Dakota wrote her to oaaoe ant and take up a oiaim bIm quickly oonolnded to do ae. She wreto her nnole that ahe would arrive within the iMzt three weeka, and ahe waa witii him in laaa than two. ' I have tiie lumber all ready for your little honae," he aaid, aa he drove her from tha station. Smehow ahe waa lighter-heartod and happier siaoe ahe knew ahe waa in Dakota than ahe had been for montha. She knew why â€" ahe did not cheat heraell. It waa beoauae ahe waa in the aame ooimtry with Alexander H*U. It gave her a aenae of oompanionahipâ€" thia very knowledge "In the morning I will take yon out and ahoar you yoor oiaim," oontiaued her nncle. "And I've ohsson tliia aito for your oabin. It'll be about a mile (rem mineâ€" just a nice walk for yon when you get loneaome. " A few daya later, after the legal formali- tiea had been attended to, Uaole Tom drove Carrie out to look at the oabin that was in proceaa of erection. "Iwonlarwho will be my ndghbar ' queried Oanrle, **I can find out at the landoffijo," Uoola Tom replied. Hs did ao and gave Carrie the desired information the next day. " It's some fellow named Hall," he aald. Cikrrie felt a audden leaping of her heart and a curious excitement at the sound ef the familiar name. Bat waa it likely that this waa Alexander. It would ba too wonderful to te true- Ydt it waa Alexander She aaw him at the poatcffije the next day and passed him without so much aa a glance. He looked aa if he had seen an. apparition and took a stop forward and then stood atili, chilled by her cold glance, in which there was no recognition. Aftoif all, it waa his own fault. Ha knew he had conducted him- eelf like a b:ute and an idiot when he left Oatario. Ho had realized it a dozdn times since â€" realrzjd it oonatontly, in fact â€" with a dull heartoohe whenever he was alone with himself. A greater surprise awaited him in the knowledge that Carrie's claim and cabin were jast epposi^^ hia own. The two cabins were completed and furnished, and the occapanka moved in. Alaxander'a waa the more pret«ntioua of the two in the ex- terior, and Cdrrie'a the mare sumptuoua within. For she had brought her hooka and ahe liad a fbw plant*, and with thoae indeicriliable feminine einamente, which aome women aeem te create by a turn of their hand, her rooma were very cozy. She oocasienally saw Alexander, but they never recognized eaoh ether yet tiiere waa a sense of protection in the knowledge that he WBB so near. Oae November day Carrie waa "tacking a comforter," which ahe had pieced to- gether out of bite of calico. The wind had been blowing with increasing fury from the north weat all day. Toward evening It became terrible, and a aleety anew began to fdl. It seemed to ahaka the frail littte c^bla to ite foundation. Cirria felt her heart sink with fear. Thia waa aomething beyond any of her former experlencea and the remembered what nnole Tom had aaid of a "bSizzard." " This must surely be a bliSzard," ahe thought. Higher and higher roae the wind, loadar and atill louder it ahrieked. The walla ef the houae aheek, trembled, and then â€" Carrie waa oanaclous of being lifted into the air by some unseen force, and whirled through the darkness and then falling. After that all waa blank. Sjo waa only atunned, and when ahe opened her eyea she found heraelf in a con- fused masa ef ruina, and Alexander Hall kneeling by her calling her name. " It was not neoeasary to o^me ever," ahe 8^, " I am not hurt in the leaat," â- 'Come everl" he repeated, breaking into a laugh, "Itiayen who have oome ever, Mias Carrie and I am very glad to aee you, even in thia nnoeremenioaa manner." " What do you mean " ahe aaked. "Why, I mean that yon oame, honae and all, and planted youraelf rirht in my doeryard with a thunderona olattor. It is a wonder yoar neck wai not broken, my dear." "Do yen really mean, Alexander, that my houae blew over into your yard T ' "I moan juat that, Carrie. I alwaya thought your oabin rather ahaky â€" mina is twice aa anbatantial â€" and now you' will ba obliged to accept my hoapltality for the preaent. Fortunately I have a man and wife stopping with mi thia week. They have alspt aoundly through all thia blizzard. Thsy are uaed to the oonntry. But I will wake the good woman new, and ahe will attend to yen." The next dav Alexander aaid to her "Since yon aibent auffijlentiy to call upon me in aucb an unoeremoniona manner. Curie, before I beg your pardon for my eld diMgreeabla meanness, can't you steep atill fnrthw acd marry me, new that 11 do meat humbly crave your forgiveneaa? I have alwaya loved you." Of oourae Carrie could not refnae. XTnfoitonate Eacr. Maudâ€" "What a queer young lady'a herae, frightened SMoidaat. "A y • dog, reared and' plunged ia eaoh a manner aa to get the ridi^g habit faat in the aaddle and won tiirew bisr out ef her draaa into the atroet." Eiith- "Daarmel Wat ibe killed. "No." ' How ahe maat have wiabed ahe Always Prompt in Action. Thia is j ist what every sufferer wanta â€" !rompt aoiien, and ri^d relief from pain. 'he gr*nd«at discovery ef Mm age, tlie great pain onre, ia Poiaen'a NaaYiUKnâ€" prompt, powerful, pleaaant to ttu taate, and yet ae pnretiiat it may Im givaai to the yoai^eaft tofaat. Try a 10 oont aamj^ bettie, whieb yen oan par^aae at aay drug atose. Nenr- Uiae, the great, aura, aad prampfepaia oarri The Iwge boaaiee are enl 25 oeata. f Dr. Tbey oe*e to -(Minied wmi« aatog **Fl^aaaata«atlva PUirti.^ lato wftbontOattrbaaoe to 'tlie diak. or oeoapatlon. For â- bk-beedaebe, ooDBtlpatlMi. taipare bloodr illsslnaaa, aaar etaetatieaa tnm. the sioaaaoli, liad taato In maatb, biliena attacks, pain in region •( kidneya, latomal fever, bloated feeling aHont atomaoii, nuh of blood to bead, take Dr. Pieroe'a " Palleta." By dmggiata. Polenaiaea are revlvel. " Aa ia the bud bit With an envijua worm." ae b many a yvattt cat down by the gnaw- ing worm eoniumption. Bat it oan be made to releaae its hoid and atop ite gnawing. Dr. Pieroe'a " Galdon M'.dioai Diaoevery" will If tak«i in time, effect pennanent onrea, not only in oenaumption, but In all oaaea of ohron'o threat, bronchial and lung diaeatea. Violet weed fana are the fall fanoy. " Gaod deeds," onoe aaid the oelebrated Richter. ** ring ciear through Heaven like a ball " O 30 of the boit daeda is to alleviato human anffaringi "Latt fail my daughter waa in deoUne," saya Mra, Muy Hinaen, of Mintreae, KauM, " and everybody thought ahe waa going into oonananption. I (tot hor A hettle ef Dr. R V. Pieroe'a ' Favorite Presorlption,' and it oured her." Saoh fasto aa the above need no oommect. Two-piece fabric frocka are the rule thia faU. Dont use any more nouseoua vor^attveaauoh aa puis, iialti). c., when you oan get In fDr. Carson's Stomach Blttera, a medicine tliat movea «he Bowels {lently, cleansing all Impur- Itiea from the ay!- tern and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Great Horlna Medicine 60 ota. The Sohamaohor beya ef C neatogo, lean- ed their h*h palea against an apple tree in the garden with the Ibioa dangling. Aa their mother waa walking in tho garden the wind blew one ef the linea toward her, the heek oaught in her noae, and ahe aufiered for an hour before the doctor came and out it out. A Free Fi«bt. The great repntaWoh of Briggs' Eleotrlo Oil Is such that it has luc^uoed unprincipled per* sons to adopt otbar names as near like It aa possiblB. The proprietors of Brivea BUectrlo Oil have the name and style of the Electric CMl registered both in Canada and the United States, and no imecsn uaoii but themselveB. Others beariag of the aucceea o( Briggs' Eleis- lectric OU have adopted other names similar, nuchas «• Bclecttio Oil." " Electron Oil." o.. and are striving to induce tne public to buy them instead of the genuine Sleotric Oil. In fact so determined were they that they brought a suit at Law, in the Hlsh Court of Canada, te deprive Briggs Sons of their right to control the same but theConrta and tha Minister of Agrlculmre at Ottawa fully Buatained their registered trade mark. Briggs' Electric oil cures Rheumatism. Neu- ralgia, Sprains and Bruises, complaints arrla- ing from Colda sucb as So'« Throat. Cough, â-²athma. B roadiitia and difficult breatiiing. Habit fronte ef linen are faatened with amall aliirt atuda. ACVRBFOK DRUNKENNESS, oidnm, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and idndred hdbit$. The medicine may be given in tea or coffeo without tiia knowledge ef the peraon taking it */ so desired. Send 6o in atomps, for book and teatimoniala from theaa who have been cured. Addneaa M. V. Lnban, 47 Wellington St. Eaat, Toronto, Out. Cut thia out for future referenoe. When writing mention thia paper. A.F. 300. M ENâ€" IHREBâ€" sad wo ladleaâ€" sa Oaavasssia i good pay. H. B. KannDT, Xonnto, Onl A OEHTB yOB NBW PABALLEL FAUILT J^ BIBIiKSâ€" large typs, splsndid maps, bsautl- f nlluastiatlons contains 4,000 questions and an- swers on Bible Toplas llbeial terms. Intsnational Book and Biblo Honse Xoroato, OnL BAKD SAW IIACHINKBâ€" ALL SIZESâ€" LATESI Impiovemeats biaoket band saws toi nttacA* iC to posts; neat, ohsap aad durable send lot cironlars. JOHN GILLOS ft 00.. Oaileton Plaos OnL â- ~n EFBSBENtATiyE In each oonniy to seU ••FiO' jn, poeal and Espousal"â€" a book oa Lore, Oooit- Sip, Mstiimony and kindred hemes. Writs (oi olreulsia. Intsmational Book ind Bible use, Coronto, Ont. OTAfl 80 Acre Farmâ€" tM* M Acre W I UU â€"1 mile from Dnndalkâ€" 100.000 aothig piays, U cents i 100,000 6 cant mnslo instmments uU-piica. BUILAND, 87 Klns-st. W., Toronto. TjimAlE Tl«OKWOKT. TEE DEOOOTION M} ol one single hetb. Is a sure ours tor f dmale Inegnlatlties stamp lor partioalars. P. BTEVBVSON, tS Uaroer Street. Toronto, Canada. SCH009. Teaekers A Btndemta Attentien t Dtuing Holidays a special oontse of private lessons, by higheU 'assteis, will bo glvsa Soliaol ffeacheis and Stat! en 4, on Shorthand, Drawing oi FaintUK. All wlw oa i should oome. Send fanmsdl- ately for special olrsulais. Iks Unci Snoa*. HAnBBS* AOASBR, 39 and 41 Adelaide St. â- ., Up- stair, Xoranto. fwmnii- Tou OAirz wmo a nooK tHAS fives bettat sstlstaoUon or that yon oan maks SBoney taster with than " World's Wondeia." Sellsto all nlssses Ohriatlaas and Infidels, OathoUos aad Protestants, old and yonng old Msnts lAo havs not caavBBied tor years are going Info ths field with It; ar.JenUns sold 128 the first week: J. B.BTSoa says I *â-  ths first week with " Woadeia" netted ms ane bnadred and sixteen doUaia." A good ohanoa for naemployed persons; outfit trso to aotnsi caa* vasseis, write tor terms. BaasLiT. fiAaamoatE Oo, Biaatlord MONEY TO LEND â€" oaâ€" Frodnotiye Town, Villae^e Fann Property. m, IDTCHBU HcBOHAIA, Bairlato-. • VntoB Blockâ€" lofonto Strsst â€" Tereate* I UJ -J B. SPBNCE A CO. Ooasamers wUI find It to thslr advantage to aSk the trade for our make of lUea and Baipa. Se^CntttngaBvectalty* Send tor price llat and tenia. Hamilton* Ontario. CO Carpet Sweepers. LADIES, bay ear Bweoper, it will save your earpeta and tunitufo, also woA and wmr^. will last in dally nas at leaat 10 yosss. Baby Jaaaver. Swing Chair and Bed, aU ia one. If your msnhaat hai not got them, send ua atsmp tor p»ttf onlars. OTrERVlLLB MF'G CO., OlTIBVILLI, OHT. Gnelpb Business College OUBLPH, ONTARIO. ttolUtd BeholsaUeTeai bagtaaBepk lal. Palaea* agodiawBfNastlBiSrisaAnaPaovnRani Tenag " brnthosaBghly ' ... SNOWDRIFT PAVOBITB QVO 3RXEB -^-.-_^_^___-^_ Ike Saow Drift Baking ruwdet O^., uiaailain. On THE POPVLAB Bto^Paper.The VlicoMe i;r«ekly.~8iz aerial stories by themosttalentedanthors in each iaaaob A number of interestiug Complete Tales of I^tvOL Bomanoo, and Adventure, Choice Poetry Shcn Sketches, Household Becipee, Science, Wit and Humor, etc.. contained in each issue of TlM Viicoide Weekly. 5c. per copy or, with 40 mt the â- Â»â€¢â€¢ dralrable son){a of the day, 92.00 per year six months and 30 pieces music, $1 tfalre* months and lO pieces muBlc, fiOc. Buboolh* â- â€¢^. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal oanH mission. Mample cepiea free. Thx FmnaiiiB WXBXLT, 88 Colbome St, Xorontoi, f^'^^^^fn Armstrong's PATENT TEMPERED STEEL Gutter Sleigh Gears, Msds from Best Tevpeted Spring Steel. UGHT, HANDSOME, STRONG, AND VERY DURABLE We are having • largo damuid ^his ecason tiea (sotlans where ssmpla lots were ssld Ia»t wintsr, sad orders shoold be plMed e%riy toseonrepramptat* tenUoa. OorDlng, FoHIand. sad "Jomp aeat," Bodlte to salt, aad all »t very modtr«te prices. Bave you tued our Steel Bob-Sleight f te^id ar de- scriptive oiieula*. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'PO CO. LO GUELPH, CANADA. •!• THS HEW -f BROMIDE CRAYiN PORTRAIT Beantlfnl, Ufe-llke and Artistic Absdntely noth- ing to equal It. LUe-sised poriislts drawn from ordinary photograph*, and warranted fint nUss. Portraits painted In Oil, Water Oolcm, and India Ink. Photographers, agents and others should writo (endnaing stamp) tor olicalar Agents are maUi^ •83.00 per week. It will pay vou ta canvas tor Otd»r4. Look oat tor me at Toronto exhlUtlin. J. L, KAWB«NE. Artist. 95 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO. Allan Um Eoyal Mail sneafflsMps. Bailing dnrina winter from Fort an' evert Thnndayi and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sanuasi from Quebec every Satnrday to Liverpool, oalUoa at Lon* dondenry to land maila and panenven tor Scotland and Ireland. Alio from Baltbnore. via HaiUaz and St J'ohn'Si H. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during inmmer mOnthi. Che steamers of the Glaigow lieu lall diving wintet to and !traai Halifax, Portland, Boston an4 Philadel. phia; and during sikmmer between Glasgow and Mmii ureal, weekly, Qlatgow aad Boston, wceklr: andGIas. gow and Philadelphia, fortnightly. Tor freight, passwe, or other information apply to A. Sohumacher ft Co., Baltimore; 8. Cunard ft Ck)., Halifax Shea ft Co., St John'a^ N. F,. Wm. Thomson ft Co., St. John. N. B. f Allan ft Co., Chicago Love ft Alden, New York H. Bourllor, Toronto Allans, Rae ft Cki., Quebeq: Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia: H. A, Allan Portland Boston. Montreal BRANTFORD COLD WATER BTOR STARCH NEVER FAILS. MERIDEN BRITANNIA GO. MANUFACTUEE ONLY SILVER-PLATED Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. Hamilton, Out. Am4 laurf eat Tralalas Sekoeljia Caaada. Bead Car caieadar. ^UcKX"^^ THE KING OF BLACKING • SOLD EVERYWHERE • BICYCLES Aas Velocipedes Now la ths time to bnv chaaa. Olosiog out onr stock forfiUa yoar. Bend stamp tor Price IM. Ottewille Mantttaotcb- uro Co., OrasBTiLLB, Obt, J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER iO King S'East TORONTO. ASK GLOBE Washboard KEPT BYALL GROCERS ••I i **• MANUFaC '•'JRED 3Y ^Mi^iyrMu jrtti. 3T HAMILTON Walter Woods (iC? ^^rQRONTo â- as â- HOM Mj^^^^i^^M^

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