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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1886, p. 5

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 as Man iC p. B. £xlul»t. tii;^narM3(t 7A,1 and Columbia Yalley, in 'is attracting univerbal at- K very one who ^1.88. Aa, ets. '.Ac, ft, °"y on haa^l isand piece, ' per cent I ^., .. of grains, grasses, truito, roote, '•^^ Canadian Pacific Railway. rt-uiuipeg "' 1 utiuiiiauou '^aiturai Halls lin the North-Weat ,gr.)uuds), where the exhibit is -ea aitoaisJiment at the wou- '^f ss tliit is being made in agri- ""ui:= 1" t^*^ coontiy traversed by '"^VuvNay. Wheat. baJey, peas '°uo«n in perfection. There are m '-^-..j.. I'*- :.^K r^^HEc^Hi.^ •T;i/Hi|-" »V*; .^vr^'feiirtc^S' TilEdil»»|STYET We SSff W Mv Miherti^ wiS be' aotl dose to â- yfaoiwwila The nxf Tttrty tti^ HsTing -ft large eloek of AuiAiue fiom 4 B|M« jmt aeen the artidSeally pttnted L^' jrc! Booki 8 10 ProprietoJ mn If BattoDs] Sic, gecond to none io ry department, ige. PromptlyJ Indressedl icy Turning done.] nee. ^IclVJEA. lerate â- LLEBS. e Hou«« tfarl **J»^' aTii«,** tuau lilty difierent varieties of .rrasses. The exhibit of â- J'aimot as tine. as cau be Bich specimen, ore are on wonderful WOOL!! their advastt^ N OEY. hayiiig engaged Ig goods nsuwif live prompt ttj )N'TFAILT0 ,Hi. to eP" ^, part uf Ontario Jyper, sUver and iron ju. probably the most a uje coUeaiou ure ihe specunen^ of ,alougia^ tir trees from British ilie=e speciemens are seven and la Jiaiiiaei, and are admired of aU IlieiK are a large variety of the ,^ explain fuily. People who are in- •Jie natural resources of the great hould nat fail to see this exhibit i Ducker and Mr. L. 0. Armstrong j^ge, an J tbey will be happy togivo iormatiou they cau to visitors. Speci- al live stock, native and crossed fi-om " we=i of Cal-ary, are also to be seen. .0 tlic C. P. '• exhibit id one fi-om (irant district in the county of Hali- Onf The specimens of grains, roots jt are very creditable indeed. They j coatCteJ together by the natives and, 1 to the fare in charge of Mr, AVm. tlie Ooveiniaeut immigration agent ten, aui 3Ir- Fielding will always be near the exhibit.â€" [roronto World Ipeat "We sho'w I this week a complete stock of Boots Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Flan- nels, Blankets, Shawls, c., Purchased before the advance, consequently prices a.nd values are. exceptionally good, i We have also secured a large lot^ • 1 of New Japan Teas lately arrived per diffetoxt fimu gives eaaksmera • good ^lUiee toehooMwfaskdier^inurt. ABkinctetir • PICTORE FRAMlMa done at lowest taies. We fcbo have on baai a large stock jf and Fnineral Finmisbinss which .will be sopplied to thoee thftt willteror OS with their cm torn, at low piieea. Also A HKABSB in Connection. COLEMAN A HAmtTON, Next door to Enapp'e Acne. sign of the town, SavE f^r Stetfien's Drag Store? Oddlellows Concert. Wednesday evening a very gful Concert was held in Rocklyn, I the auspices of Lansdowne lodge ianre)oftne above Order, on the ion of the opening of the new Town ti, The room was tastefully decorated iiestooiis of evergreens, mottos, c., tojve evidence that the committee jnanagemeut bad spared no pains laider the oecabion a success. Your 1 of Mafkdale contributed a large » of the nutsical talent, and the i mnsityofouryuung folk were disap- ^sted at the absence of the (s)talwart iwho generally accompanies the |:iiBgent, known amongst our class as "jacket duster." iobt 31yles, Esq., Avas called to the which po.sitiou he hiled with city to himyelf and satisfaction to audience. Mr. A. C. Patterson [;e a masterly speech on the merits i workings of the Order, showing I intrinsic merits in an indisputable ffler. Music by Miss Turner and Ferguson. Song by Mr. J. R. iersoD, Markdale, wliich was en- istically encored. Dialogue, as.Currrie Brothers, fairly "took 1 the house." |1 Recitation bv Mr. "W. J. Benson fitdale, elictcd universal applause ily encored. A Recitation by J. E. ^tds was highly commendable. -W.J. Beuson â€" was the prime iistirrer of the evening, and encored. i?by llr. .\uderson, highly applauded, 'slso encored. ^â- '^.L. Young, Markdale, gave an fet address, adapting his remarks 5 occasion, making many excellent pcf practical value, and exciting lice to the highest pitch di nent. " â-  J. Shepherdson also addressed f isaablage iu an appropriate strain. "^^Comittee of management returned to tlie friends of Markdale for 'slanted assistance, and thus a enjoyable entertainment termin- he C. P. R. which far exeeeAs former values. bur Shoemaker's Sfeo^ cotinuet under the management of Mr. S.ay, and is supplied with the very best stock "Which the market aflfords. Parties intrusting there orders are assured of perfect satisfactljti. Groto TVJrs. OlementTs MAEEDALE FOR. Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys G-ames, Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. And its Magnificent. Grand, Imposing Pompons, Stately, Saperb, Augnat, Mageatie, Impressive^ Noble, Cmnnanding, Aristocratic, Dignified, '0h. Stois" Tiife is sbort, time is moving, can't stop long, What have you? We ha^e the largest and best supply in town of Tooth Brushes, NailBmshes, HairBmsbeu, Cloth Brushes, Flesh Brashes, Watches, Clocks Jewelry* Spectaces, Pipes, Ac. JAS. G. huSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. o o ooooooo Ooooooooo^ It IE a fact, as every onel says, that BUSSEILL is the manl to repair your Watch or Clock properly. Vooooooooooooooooooj -^^ II II GIVE HIM A TEIAL. Every job warranted to give satis* faction. 217-269 JAS. 8. RUSSELL WHISKS! WHISKS'WHISKSI GRAND ASSORTMENT. Wm. BROWN STRAYED. FEOM the premises of Michaal Mc('ann Lot 66, con. 1st, west of T. S. Koad, Holland. In May last three yearlings, two heifers one all white a^d one dark ired with white spots, one steer red with white spots. Any person Riving such information «8 will lead to their recoveiy will be suitably re- warded. MICHAEL McCANN, 216-19* Berkeley, P.O. OIL PAINTING. â€" ♦ Mtss Cornish, M" JS. JL. (Pupil of Prof. Martin of the Hamilton Ladies' College) is now prepared to give in- structions in Oil Painting on Canvas, Wool, Glass, Satin, c. Poonah Painting on White! Velvet a specialty. Classes may be formed on and after October 5th. Specimens of her work may be seen, and terms made known at her Studioâ€" the Parsanage, Mark Street. Markdale :â€" 216-19 [Obdemfob PAwmio PBoicrn.T kxkoutkd.] Special attentiou to the Dress* making department. The latest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. T)njilop's Block, MARKDALE Shaving Brushes and Shaving Mugs, iSchool books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Perfumery. If you are in need buy ^AT STEPHEN'S Drug Store, Markdale. To Consumers Dealers IN OHiS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's RfflTAi, PUJiSf LiOHT Ulummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our C^^TOR. E. OIL Is guaranteed, the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO^ Manncturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Kep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. 5M)8-6m THE GENUINE SINGER Wanted Immediately! CANVABSEES IN THIS COUNTY FOB THK NEW HOME BIBLE A Most Coufbehensivk Faiiii.t Bibi.e, containing the Revised and Authorieed venions of both the Old and New Testaments, arranged in parallel columns. It also contains a complete cyclopcBdia of B blical knowledge, 350 additional features, and nearly 2500 UlustrationB. The largest, cheapest and most elegantly bound Family Bible ever published. The demand nn- parallelled every mtelligent person wanting a copy. Some eigents are making from 950 to $100 w^dy. Our agent McCbae sold $500 worth in two Townships dnring his first few week's work Another agent reports 17 Bibles sold last week. Experience is not necessary. Send to the sole publisher for descriptive circular and liberal terms. Bibles in over 100 varieties. Also a line of Standard Subscription Books and cheap Photograph Albums. G. Biackett Bobinson, 5J0BDAN St., TOBONTO. Pnblisber. 313.98 THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING :- MACHINE btaonld be sure and get the woRja powders; An pleasant to take. Contain thov own Pnsatdve. la a aofe. aore, and mttaetmaM oesnamr mt wvrma in Children or Adalte aEBBIMEIEWYOBKSIMEB The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. I1Â¥I1MIL VIMDALE baker;, â€"FOE STRAYED To the premises of John McKay, ILot 78. Con. 2, west of T. S. Koad Holland township, abo«t the middle of ^^^ Steer rising three years, nearly all red. The owner can have him by proymg property and paying expenee JOHK McKAY, Markdale P. O Auction Sale. 315-17 I'jceeds upwards of $40. We hope, f '"tor, to see you amongst us on ' similar occasion. Com. Ik â- â™¦â€¢â™¦^ I "h Copper Jttinc ia Ontario. ""^eal, Sept '22.â€" Copper Mines, *^e said to be the most wonderful ^orld. have been discovered near 'â- Jj Juuctioa. Ontario. The Cop- Se, which is situated a few miles Mbnrydepote. is four miles in MKX) feet wide and 200 feet oe percentage of pure copper ' ^ge and no richer ore has yet â- ^ • t)perationshavecommenc- *°rk the mine to its follest "JourJ?"'*^^^? UseFlBidLifihtning. ^Joj^^^^atism? Use Fluid Lightning. P5oa\,5f°"" Use Fluid Lightning. ^JOBU^t^a? Use Fluid Lightning. toS^°?- â- Use Fluid Lightning. '"^Wedwuh Headache? Us^K^d aayeyouany Pain? Use Fbiid. « wii, cure you the iustiuit it sBr^.- of" '^•^' per bottle at R. L. "^^- ^^tor;, :,Iarkdali.. 1 • Sveal gn^es, with Bay own name on. .«^Wtetimen: also V*ltluun. Elgm and aTSoTSeth TiKffliM Clock.. Silven«««. and lKSiiaSd..lafiiaiin«:. I*«ni» Pebble SnST l*r«e stoet Jilo misieweMntMion. A ne!ifl»?e Jew cJJer, .^arScdake- EXTENSIVE AUCTION SAIUB of Pann Stock, Implements, c. The under- signed has received InstmctionB from TVm. Mntrie to sell by Public Auction ou Lot 90, Con. 2, GlenelK. 2^ miles from Harkdale, on Thursday. October 7th, '86, the following valuable property, viz 1 Span working horses, 4 Cows supposed to be in cmlff. 2 Steers rising three years dd. 2 Heilers rising 3 years old. 4 Steers rising 2 years old, 4 Calves, 13 Sheep, 1 Jiumber Wagon, 1 Single Buggy nearly tew, 1 S^tBob Sleighs, 1 Brodcast Seeder, 1 Set L;ou Harrows, 1 Horse Bake, 1 Plonw, Wilkinson make. 1 Turnip Sowar, 1 Scuffler, 1 Fanning Mill. 1 Set Team Harness, 1 Sftt Plow Harness, 1 Hay Back, 1 Wheelbarrjw, 1 Stoueboat, 1 Grain Cradle, 1 Grindstone. 1 Pick, 1 Oroas-cat Saw, " 1 Croliar, Chains, Forks, and other articles ti nnmer- ons to mention, also aboot 15 tons of Hagr, and a quantify of honsdidd fvmtare. TEBMS :â€" All snins of %1Q and vnd-r. Cash over that amonnt IS aontiM etedlt win be given on fuznidans approved joinc notes. Sai* U CoHunmet at f e'ctoek ^Mup. Noreaerveasfheprai^ietgrii oumi|g b eoonfyof VelUagttni. At same tiaia and I^aee fin farm wiU be offmSlir sale. Wm. Mutrie, 6eo.Nebht B. GABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- ronnding connby that he has opened a geneiai harness shop on King, street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to mannfactore and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HABNESS, long and short tugs, 8TBAW COLLABS, WHIPa, COMBS, BBUSHBS, HABNESS OIL c. I will nse only first class material and those requiring anTthing in the harness line will find it to their interest to eall at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Bepsiring done with neat- ness and dispatch. Soliciting a ^sre of public patronage. I am respectfuUy yours. R. CARN AHA.N. BREAD. CUES UD BUNS, AT EEASONABLE BATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTWNARr of all kinds on baud. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest Motice. Weddine: Cakes a Specialfv. A call is respectfully solicited. Bread delivered in all narts of the town Health is Wealth PBEmiSES Next Door to the Boiler Rink. '8G BUOKE. JOYS CiNaDiAN Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, ^ul/ 28th, 1886. 001NG NORTH. STATIONS. Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain treatment, a gnazanteed apMifle forbysteocia, (UssineaB. con- vulsions, fltit neorvons neuralgia, headache, nerv- ous looeteaSkMi. osmed by the use of alcohol or tobacco, wakef olness, mental depression, soften- ing (rf the bnin lesoltinghi insani^ and leadms to miaeory, daoay and death, premalnre old age, bMi wMietp, loss of power in «ither sex, involun- wry tosse s and spflrmatorrhoea caused by over- exertion oi tfao brain, self-abnae or over-indnlg- •oee. Each box contains one month's treatment. •1« box, orjix boxes for 95, sent by mail pre- paid on reeelpt of price. WE 9UMIUUITEE SJJt BOXES. To cure any esM. With each order rwseived by iM Cor six boxes, aeeompanied by 95, we will send iM porehaser oar-written gnanuitee to refund tMB money if the tre atm ent does not affect a coze. Onuaatees ianiad only by A.TCBMEBCO. Toronto. Leave Cardwell Jnuctiuu. ... Orange- 1 Arrive ...... ville. (Leave Orangeville Jun Shelimrue Dunialk *« Fleskerton. Markdale Berkeley Holland Centred Ohatsworth ......... Owen Sound... ...... Mail. Exp. 7 4.5am 9 '£0 •' 10 !. •* 10 20" 10 32 " 10 S8" 11 22 •• 11 47 " l*202Fm 1214" 4 a(i)m 6 30 •' 7 03 " 7 22" 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 55 t 9 10 22 " •2 28 " i 9 32 " ...J12S8" 1 9 49- ...1 1 05" '10 '^O" GOINC SOUTH- STATIONS. ropnetor,- Auc SALT BHRUM CUBED. Mc Ow g ar A Parke's Carboho Cerate has been toedaad frqucfto be tiie only positive core for Salt Btittne. l^imples. Bhitehes on tti» taee orliaadB, Cuts, Bnms. Braises, or vaj SaiMrtii^aothittg ehw win heal. Try l^Biesor A Parkes Carbolic Cerate Price ' ^^111 wi^^V. 2fc, per box at I!. L. .Stc;,ae:i â- ,.. ,r • ^â- ^-^^f » Jnnft»?« Owen Sonud. ............ Cliatsworth. Holland Centre .,...,.. jjGirKdGj •••«•*.«• • t.« • • • • « Flesberton Ihmdalk ..«....^....... Shelbume .... ........... Oraugeville^ Ton.. ;....... Orinae AxriTF.u ' •*•••••. ville.. fLuave, Exp. d40am 6 10 " 6 25 " 6 84" 6 47" 7 0« " 7 «6 "" 7 61" 8 22" « SO »* 8 4.5 " V 'i.^ " Mail. 240pnk 8 07 '• 3 80 " 3 40" â-  8 62" 4 06" 4 31" 4 67 " B28" 6 3' KlJS " :«-; â- ' n i. '.i • -ni ••.-•' J -J: ' tl i« li â-  .1 il i â- " I M ll- i â- -ill *^i i 11 ^â- " i t â- : \r-n i •r :â- !â-  nl I'i' fxr%^^W â- iVsa.O'i-.- I2^^^^_g|lg|g^ iittiiiiiiiii

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