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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1886, p. 2

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 wmm^mmt iH ;â-  " TH£ FABM. ItlbkMallMof Bi It b Biit tb* wwtrt ii^g tt«* â- H^*fc«l pw»o»boy to b»littB»nrt^py JMpu tt WM the noks Hid Ite ataNifi "Hwl «iH h tbaway.ud wliiafc had ^la alwM â€"I to maim â- nuMkh bad fit fi that dev»Iop«d th^Mwrgjr u that haTs nwda teiiMof oorgBs^'ai^ tfaay ara. A bay that eaa aadaftokalha job af plokbg aiiMU atoaaa bom a faor-aera fiald and oairy it titrcagfa wttbaat earn- plaioiog, baa acquired a training that will carry bim thraogb almoat any diffioalty be may ba called npan t«« eTarcomo in wfter Ufa. The men wbo proj ot tonneia threogh manntalaa and under rivers, wba dig casala and baUd ndlrrada acroas oanliuaota. are not man wbe nban bey* bad evarytiilBg done for tbem, but they «re men wbe wlien beya bad to do for themaelTei or go with- •at,t who had to bee their own raw, cat their own swatii, and take their fair abare •f the diaagreaable wsrk that somebody mnat do ia thia buay world. Stmited AoiiEals ITever Beobver. Very rarely ii an animal worth raising that ia stnnted daring the growing p«iiwd o( ita lile. The prefits en raisiog eteck are toe small te allow of keeping and feeding yauDg animals that have for any length of time stopped growing. A matnre animal may get thin lb cold weather or on short feed and thin fatten ap again when the oonditiens are made favorable te a gain, but a month or a week of lost ttms in the life of m growing animid can never be re- gained. If the growing period is past with- out making the gro?7tn that is natural to the indlviauol that individual, whetber it be a calf, a colt, a pig, ohioken, or a child muit remain under aizs through life, Bs- oe nly while traveliog we met a boy from No v Scotia, lald t« ce 16 ysara eld, that was bat twenty -fear inches high, and v^ eigh- «d but eight pound?. Saoh dwarfs aa these â- mj enjuy a Lir degree of health, but by no fSyctem of f oeaicg can they be grnwn te tY e natcral standaia cf the species. Toe banes, thoDgh 8-nali, are matured bones, and can- et be made to enlarge. TaO m: j rity of farmers seem not to be ware of tee fac^, o; to heed it if they knew t. The fnndamental rola of growing feck may be expressed in these terms Weei a snfglency and of the proper kind of io«d to keep the animals always growing aa npidly as possible. As long as the rela- tive prices of feed and meat make stock growing profitable at all it will pay to feed after this rcloi Timely Suji^eotioiis. An old farmer says be never knew " a whistling laborer" who gave any trouble abaut his food, lodging, or any little extra weik. Such men are generally kind and genial to ohildzea and to animals ef all de- grees they come around Um without fear. Generally such men have ole»r con- sciences, clean tongues and morals, and are safer among young people than the mtj trity of atrolling hands are, whose presence among them, when not guarded, ia pollu- tion and perdition. Heaves is a specific disorder arising from indigestion as one principal cause. Musty hay and grain is one of the piedisposing causes. ^^oDg the mare prominent symp- tcmi is a grnatipg oo-gi, more or less emaOiatien, a starivg coat, and a general dis- ability for work. Tbe treatment ia to feed nothicg but the most digestible food, and with aa little bay aa will properly diatend the Bt»mach. Give but little water at a time, but as eften as neoecsary, and never immediately after eating, D« not drive tbe horse hard, and never vrltiiin an hour after eating. Grass, any f mite the horse will eat, Doalded sound eats, and 'bran mashes will be indicated. If the bowela are oonstipted give tbe following Five drams Btrbacees aloes and 1 dram each of gentian and ginger make into a ball with aeap or sirup and give. Aa a tonio to be given in soft food the following will be good One-half ouroe anlpbato of iron, 1 ounce nitrate of pot»8b, 2 urama fenugreek seed, 2 ounoea linaeed meal powder, mix, and give a tesapoonfnl morning and night. Lee tbe harae cool alewly and then groom him quite dry, first wlih a wis^ of atraw, then with a bruab. Tliia removes duet, dirt, and aweat, and allows time for the atomaoh to reoever itaelf and tbe appetite to return. Also let bis legs be well rubbed by the hand. Nothing so soon remevea a strain, Italsodeteota thorns or splinters, soothes the anlmala, and enablea him to feel cam- fertable. Suooeaa in tbe dairy dependa entirely apon the dairyman. A goad dairyman, firat of all, will see that be baa the neoea- aary applianoea to Inaure aucoess â€" good oows, ani table feed and buildlnga, and the proper ntensila and knowledge for tnmbig out a firat class prednot, la faot, the in- telligent and enterprising dairyman would be aadafied with nothing elae. I have a farm well tiled that was wet before tiling now it la a fine tame-grasa land, Abeui three to three and a half roda each side of the tiling the clover liaa grown a good aeoond orop, wbUe the land en the eutddoj mowed the same day, haa hardly atarted at alL My neighbor haa a com- fiold which abewa tbe aame tiling. No water baa mn tbrengb the tiling ainoe abcat Jane 25. Niagara Suspension Bridge. It having been found that the stone of the ionr towera ef the Niagara E Abroad aupan- alen bridge ia slowly diafntegrating, it Itaa been decided to r^aoe them by iron aup- perte. Althoogh the work Is a diffinilt and dangerona ondertaking, it ia lielag oaRlad en witiient interfering mudh with the traffia ever the bridge. E • y preoanllaa, lioweTar, liai been taken to prevent aeoidenta, The werimea are new engaged remevfa^ a a â€" ef the atonea frem tiie aidea ef the towera, to make nmn for the preliminary iten work. Ihe upper capa are being! drilled, ae tiiat, whan the time oomaa, kydraoUo jadca may be readily aUfliad into ^aloe, and the great cable tranafarred item tte Mao* lopporte to tin ilfaBi frwi trrt-B taUob ate to vaplaoe tiMB. Tba tawem ara Iwiag m anii f aiitn t a J in Detroit, aad wffl ahortiy ba shipped to Miagaxa. Thair oga* viU bc|40^000. FEOFLE. vBa ef 8k Wflilaa YsnMK Haiaewrt •f Meday, the eaaiaaait his- Fk^ eidehk Atlm» b stfU afttbe Pq«aft Vaip LiiaJiB, alawly bat tualy iin- ia^altb. Lata, aFtaaeh qoadxeeai af New iattatiokcat eelwrad man in Am- Ha ia warth about $!.000.000. Tbe wife of Preaidaat Disa af Maxioolaia Oe flower ef yontii. 8be ia not yet 26 yeara old, aad i» a devout £*man Catbidlo. Sir C isrlaa Dike waa taoeatiy reported ia M«kit3ba, and about a wtek ago he waa said to ba at Bsulegne, en route to Dinan. Altheugh the Prlnoeaa Laulae Is paid |30 000 a year out of the B.liisb TroMury slia oeofeases to being ** always out ef money." Cil. Ingeraoll says '*X do not like liqner. It does not agree with ma and I do not agree with it. It is tao heating, and so I rarely touch it. I prefer beer." Lduiaville has 40.000 colored people, many of whom are prosperous, and seme af whom are rloh. Seme of the beat real eatato in the city ia owiitd by colored men, Mrs. Mack ay, who baa been ao suooassful in London society, and whose entortoin- moDts at Cowea hare been th« tolk of £ ag- lL.h people, will in a week or so leave the l«la of Wight for S^iia^rland. Qi96n Victoria has denonned the ' lift " (E'^liah for elevator) in Buckingham Pal- ace as " that hideous thing." and ordered ito removal, notwithstanding it coat her Mtjnty nearly £2 000 Aoctrding to Prof, Richard A. Proctor, earthquakes shew that the earth ia still in ito infancy, and that tens of thousands of years will pass before the beginning of the end is seen. Sir Samuel Biker notes aa a osrioua fact that the negroes never tame elephante or wild aoimala. The elephant used by the 0«rtfaaginianB were t) a ned by Arabs and Csrthaginiana, but never by negroea, Mrs, rean?t Dudley, the Englishwoman who shot O'Donovan Rjasa, wante to be released from custody on the grounds that sh0 is now perfectly cured. She is at pre- sent in tbe asylum fcr insane oiiminala at Alburn, The blue fox furs presented by the Cz«r to the Saltan are described as two magnifi- cent pieces, made up «f tbe finest skias and measuring each three maters aquare. Their value is reckoned at 150,000 lonbles. Mr. Baldwin, of California, who gained tine sobriquet of " Luoky " because of hia many sncoeasful ventures, fin^s the twenty negroes that he brought from North Care- lliuk two yeara aso more servfceablo on bis ranoh of fifty thousand acres than the Chi- nes a, Hb mania la tree-planting, which he recently gratified by creating an avenue of white-Mtks and Eagllsh walnnta, five miles long, in the new town of Baldwin, where frost never falls and roaea bloom in Ddoem- beri Count Talatoi told an American who re- cently viaitod him in Russia that hia novels are the least Important work of his lif o, and can; be understood only by his religlona books. The diatingniahed author wai ploughing a field belonging to a peasant widow, and waa dressed in a Rassiui peas- antis shirt and drawera, hia obj -«t being to put;in praottoe the fundamental priaofplea of Cliriatianity aa these were expounded by Chnst. For thia purpoae he had abandon- ed hia magnificent eatate, and waa laboriag with his own bands for those who needed help. With his detective oamera under hia arm, ao disposed aa to suggest a grip-sack, and thus to disarm suqpicien, Mr. W, Hamilton Gibson caught on the fi/ hundreds of ohar- acteristic attitudes, costumes, and facial ex- preaaiona during ills recent trip Ssuth. Amoug bis Instantaaeeua photographs are aeveral that iUuatrate the prooeaa of felUng the huge cypreaaea of the Louisiana awamps, viewa of the oypreia receiving ita first blow from the ** awamper'a " axe, or joat^beginnlng to awervo from the perpen- dicular, or fiJlittg with a great aplaah into the water, or abandoned by the "awampar" in hb fiight from danger. Some of the eld slaves of the wharves of New Orleana â€" men aad women â€" are extremely pioturetque aa Mr. Glbasn took them, and he khowa hew to use his material in tiie production ef ar- tistic ptcturaa. No pea or psnoil akstohea oould have preaerved a hundredth part of Mr. Gibaon a phetogtaphlo oolieotion of vi- tal facta. â-  "-Tf 1 m A Model Sennon. George Franoia Train, the meat gifted crank ia America, used to deliver a bar- letque aarmoa from the text " Way ataad ye here all the day idle 7" Tho atyla waa something aa follewa Firatty, my frienda, why T why I where- fore "r what purpose t give a reaaos I Ex- plabil Why I Why! Seoe:a11y, Why atond Way atand Why net ait down T Why net lie dowa t Why aet walk T Wherefore do ys net roa I Why ata^d t Whv ataad I Thirdly, Why atond tr t Why dea't aomebody elae ataad 7 Way dea't year wife ataad 7 Why dea't your father ataad Why dea't year mother ataad I Why don't year brethera, or year alatora, er your uaolaa or your annta ataad 7 Why dea^t yoor graad- father ataad 7 My friaada, why ataad Ta Way ataad Ta 7 Faarthly, Why ataad ye hi7 Why dea't you ataad elaewhero 7 Way ataad in thia partioular place 7 Why aot ataad la the atreet, in the fielda, iu tiie buay marta ef oommeroe, ia the gilded palacaa ef aia 7 Why ataad ye hxbe 7 Fiftiily, Why ataad ye here all the cat 7 Whydoni't ye ataad la the a^ht 7 Why ataad lathe light af the aaeaday aoa I Why D«t ataad maatted la the ahadew ef abht 1 Way ataad wbea all mMifcjmi ig ^i Uber t Why aet ataad wimall aatore iahoahed la Bwoet tepeae T Why ataad ya haaa all tha DAT? Sixthly. Why ataad ye bera aU the day iDi,^ 7 Why dea't yea go to wmrk 7 Why waato tiie meoieaa memeata ia alteglBh la- aotivlty I B3 aottra I Ba atbriag IKtarp yaviaalvaa I Looaaa year Jafaito aad gat on aalduatl Why ataad ya baia all the diw Wo? AUtia ban Add. Ttb ol tha Two Atapniten. Ih.wa....i.mbatMaatba tiiecatf WaM •* Itdalaafarbaek, ha pilooa aad biltt ar latav b«n the Hato 1. Tear tmd fcaaa Taay ^..iSlfatle af Roaafe waa ia tha UUt ti SS£ tIhS^ £r^ .( bet WH^ to ^»T7faw wedn wttb bar bcettam. Alas- 2SJi'HJ2*Sd'Kia««^Du^* Leabni. They were ae maah ilkod by tbe S«Al««aderll tiiat, fai otd* b« "« them, he had flx.d bla aammar mUmot at the oaatie ef J»S»^^»'^^^,SS^ anmmaa aear him the twa littia Battanbatg bsrra, lib aerfiewa. Prince j^xaadar waa ae parftloularly a favorite of the emperor that the jsalana tl- valtyef biaewnaoaa waa thaiaby azolted. Thus were laid thajaeada af the eamlty wiilob baa attraoted ae maob attaatioa. Oaa day at Jogeahelm the littie Batteaberg boy, aeated oa the^csar'a kaaa aad toying (with hia erdera. aaked tha name ef ana parUcoIar atar. •* It is the oroaa of St. George," an- awered his usola, " a oroaa y»a will wear on your breast wbea you are a Rasaiaa geaeral aad have won year firat vktory," At theaa worda of hia fatber'ajfthe ossre witob tamed away. Impatiaatly muttering ao aa to be heard " Or oeorae all the good things moat be far Germaaa aew," " Are you aot a Germaa yonrtolf 7" aaked the dauBtleia Uttle boy. "Germaa bleed flowa ia your veina, imperial hii(hneaa." The oiarewitob never qnlto. forgave er wholly forgot the retort of the pampered ohild whom la hia heart he oeaaidored aa aa ebjactionable poor relation aad tberelaevar was thea or thereafter mnoh love lost be- tween the oonsfaia.. Annivenar/ of a Bell, The busy oity of Brealan, in Prus^a, found time recently to oelebrato tho five hnndtedth birthday ef a ohnroh bell. A tragic atory ef tha oaatiag ef thia bell has k*pt it fanoca threnghont Germany for a longer period than haa elapsed since tho dis- covery of America. The founder of the bell, en the aeven- teeath *f Jaly 1386. wbea the moltea me- tal waa j 4at ready to run into the mould, left the lenadry for a few momenta in charge of a boy, warning him not te meddlo with the apparatua. Tbe boy disobsyed tho in- j anotien, and set the metal numlng. Ter- rified, he called the founder, who, on seeing the miaohlef, auppealng the ball mined, Btruck tbe boy to the earth aad killed him. Wbea the metal cooled aad the bell waa tried, it waa found to be ef admirable tone and fiaiahâ€" the feaader'a maatorpieoa. Stricken with remorse, ho gave hfmaelf up to tha mgletrato, and was condemned to expiate hia orime by death. He walked to tho place ef exeoutlon to the tolllog ef hia own bell, oalling upon all the penpie to'pray for " the poor ainner." Tbe b*It haa ever since borne the name of the Poor Slaner'a Bell. At that early period Brealan was a coun- try village ef little note. It haa new grown to ba tho aeat of the linen maanfaotnre of Silesia, and next ts Berlin, the largest oito of Pmaala, The anniveraary of the found- in« ef the Poor Sfnner'a Bsll waa not for- gotten, however. Tho lell waa rung morn- ing and evening, and the psator of the ohnroh prtaohed a aermen in honor of the oooaaioD, ia whiob he told ocoemore the well-remembared tale. Fromotiflg Oxvilization. The oampaign of the Eogliah in Abyssinia, some ten yeara ago, aad the lator lavasion of the oauatry by foroea aeat to tha relief ef Gkn. Gordon, have led to aome unusual correapwDdence between the two Gavora- mentt. Dlplamatio nates have baea asnt, and aoknewledgod with the asa»l formali- ties. To emphaaize tha mere atrongly the expreadona of rnntu*! reapect, many pre- aeata have been made on betii sides. Same ef these oeurteaiea were attended with amoaing resulte, according te a recant Eoe- lish writor After the war iHtb Abysaiala, an Eag- liahmaa asked a ohief what gift he would moat like in return for aeme anistanoe he had rendered, and the Ethiopian at once re- plied that there was one thing above all ethers that hia heart oevete^ and that waa â€"not a rifle, or a teleaoepe, or evenaoan- n*nâ€" but the f oU draaa ef a British sen oral •ffisar. " Awninjps I Sausag SUH FOil.'PKlPC 169 YOI«QE STRBET, -PORONTO ie 0-H.rifa: HANUFAOIUBSBS ADD inTJiBRH WILL SUTg jua, HcMV Lardine Hacie m^tf It aaoa and van win uae ao olbar.m ^^***W We aia the Mto MaaaflMtuara af the tteaoua dvAIso Cylinder, Basinet Wool and Ham, CUNia^ •a«.^ M6COLL BROS, Q Q, T nLKS TRY OUR CANADIAN COAX. Oil.. **SUNLrGBT» IN THK MARKKT. FAMOUS DIAMON THE LEADING WOOD COd In 6 stjles and S sizes. Don't Buy till yon see it. The Toronto Stove MTg Co (IWll NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOI STEEL DOME HOT-AIB FUBNAO^ 1^ nt« â- eat Ueettve. Cleaa. »amUe aad â- eonomleal Heater* la the Martrtte ' and veatOathig (atnrctoa, BOwolai PcbUo Enndlags. Stores and Ftlvsts Beddenoea. Slmplt b " Hon and easUy nassgad, ospabla of glvlog mora beat with leisloomoniptloii of tnel ihwiayoy*! appaiatus. MT Abaelately Oaa Tlskt.^a Blcht alacs "HarrU" and foar ibet J^j'TA aia Bcdc and can b« act •Ither la Brisk aiFoitkUetoim. Ooitespondenw loUolted. ImOmwJ" I tartkaittitofniatloa addtass I The g. 0. GURKY CO. (IMtei), Mâ„¢ RIQINAL OOD OOON o P t i i I X.ARGEST THE LONGEST AND BEST FIRE-BOX, ^^ HAS SWING d: DROP FLUSH OVEN DOOH|. ^.j, «i.di^a^ AND A PERP'^^Lw* Ml ^--""" " ^^^ *^^ •^ •'^^ '•'"*• " " ^IJyd MANUrAOIU^BD â€"BY- TOBOm"' Im^^^miiiiii

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