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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1886, p. 1

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 ^m^ «'"' KSIS 'm^. .Mi»-' "HEW TO Tms LIKE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHEBE THEY BIAY." f^ENTH YEAR.â€" Xo. 316. MARKDAJLE, ONT,, SEPTEMBER 30, 1886. C. W. BUTLBDaE, Publisher STOeK st: not PAbb lortment. rjuality and Price, eqnalleil in Central Grey. and Work Warranted. r.A. BBOWN Jeweller, MAEKDALB. icil and Othe r Items in tiiesf columns intended to benefit liihliridiMl or Society icill be charged ten f line for the first insertion and five iline each subiequent insertion. Diiisruorc's shop window's are 1 a picture, ja'ardavtho 9th will be Markdale fair, II continuation of "home atmosphere" toivded out this week. bsos's is the nobbiest grocery in [fetrict; anotlicr handsome nickle E recently at kled. I'rsTOM cabling, weaving, fulling, tii»i-c.. at Eitchies factory, Mark- See Ills chauf^e of adv. Iliand Mrs Jolm Eonnell of Walter's stock train here last Monday for to visit friends. Is. A. McGiLL of Chatsworth foundry liatiiigithe Owen Sound Public school ii his mc'lerii scliool seat and desk. B Washixgtoiv will be at the Mark- eHoase oa tlie lOth October instead '21st as previouly announced. |1e. D. J. Shanahan, of Penetang. Et a few days in Markdale. His K friends were much pleased to see KxASH Up.â€" A special freight colided 1 a wood train at Berkeley wrecking ^engine and seToral cars. The train s escaped uy jumping. AXD Uv.s: III. BnxKET, of Washing- U. S., ohsorAatory, visited their te,JIr. E. W. Moore of Holland, Sweek while on their wedding tonr. IHiis Cornish is preparing to give MS in 1 ainting. She is highly compKshed in this fine Art, and we «ak for lier a ipa-ge class. See adv. IBriLBKG operations have been ex- « in and about Markdale this seas The class of buildings erected are ntly improving, the majority be- K brick â-  "• Ford left us "a sample of spring fst gi-own by Mr. Patterson, Ptasia, which is the finest grain we years. It weighs Mas. Mj^HEBsoN, Bingwood, and Mias McPhersoB^ Toronto, are viating Mrs. A. McFatland. MarkdAb habkbts. â€" ^Fall wheat 65 to 76 cents; spring wheat 65 to 75; barley 40 to 65; peas 50; oats 26; bntter 13 eggs 14; potatoes 40. Hate you eyer stood at a store on the corner and witness how many will drive their team np, stop them right over the crossing and even hitch them there, when there is a post convenient They don't appear to think of how many ladies are thns obliged to step out into the mud and wade aronnd some other way. There is generally plenty of room without obstructing our crossings. Next week we will commence a New Story "Rift and Spray." It is of ex- traordinary interest, and we would in- timate, that those who expect to become subscribers to the Standard, at the end of this year who do not now take it, will do well to commence at once, thus securing this excellent serial, and also the balance of this year free only $1 to the end of next year. More Cheap Rates.â€" The C. P. R. is determined to give the public every opportunity, to travel, and see. The latest announcement is an excursion to Montreal, Kingston, Ottawajand Quebec, on the 1st and 2nd October Fare from Markdale, good to return by any regular train up to the 11th Oct., to Kingston S5.90; Ottawa, $6.90; Montreal, $8.90; Quebec, $10.90. For further particulars see bills. â-  We had a pleasent call from Mr. John McDonald of Chatsworth last Thursday. He was in town securing talent for a concert which is to be held in Chats- worth the evening of their Fall Show, October 4th. Messrs J. R. Anderson and W. J, Benson will "hold forth" at the above Concert. On Friday evening last while Dr. Sproule M. P. was returning from the Fair at Flesherton, and when entering Markdale village, a nut came off a front wheel of the carriage, suddenly pitchiug the occupants (the Dr., his wife and child) out. The horse, which is a very spirited one, made a bold at- tempt to get off, dragging the Dr. some distance, but was bro't to a standstill. Mrs. Sproule was considerably shook up and the child slightly injured, but for- tunately no serious hama was done. BUSINESS LOCALS. f seen for some i to the bushel |8riss3s JIen.â€" If yon wish to secure pge crop of business during the fall s, plant your advertisement in the Dsof the Standard, and then back I facts and fair dealing. IMT AucTios Sale.â€" W. J. Shep- ' will sell for Thomas Abra near Bor on Wednesday the 29th Septem- '»ge quantity of farm stock, im- "^ents, itc. Terms 14 months on "OTed paper. Sale at one o'clock. 1, 'lesherton correspondent gives/ f'ftailed report of East Grey Show, J ' '"-11 be read with interest. We waidwe cannot devote sufficient .^"nal spase to give the prize list, as r Monday, Oct. 4th, Rev. Dr. Kane, r «ast,aadilr. Hill Smith, of Armagh "^legates from the Ulster Anti- "Dion.wiU visit Shelburne and 5*ilass Jleetine, which will he **- o'clock p. m. «ai*^^^" *o say that our foreman is h ^^^^rkiag trim, as stated two weeks "lay not be for some weeks to e are thus reluctantly com- " stay at hame from the Fall Oies' Aid Society of thePresby- 1 iJttch, Markdale, will holdtheir "usn^T?^, °° *^e Agrirailtural "C^rl^S^V ^^*- ' Stow day. 2 5i,^^°^ served from 11 ^mtheCTening: for par- posters. Wm. McLeod has a quantity of good dry two foot wood for sale. Overcoats chap, where At Richard- son Go's, Flesherton. Wonderful value in all wool grey flannels, at McFarland's. Iye Stuffs. â€" All colors at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. A FULL line of Dress goods. Plushes and Velveteens at Richardson and Go's, Flesherton. Jackson keeps repairs, for Wilkinson, Fleury, Sylvester and McGill's plows Old met«d taken in exchange. Grey ajid Factory Flannels in abund- ance away below regular prices at J. G. Anderson's, the Cheap Gash Store. McFabland sells more Tea than any two merchants in the county. If you want water-proof blacking, go to McLeod's Shoe Store. DBss goods in all the new shades, trimmings to match, at McFaxland's. Beino with yon jost one dollar extra and get 5 lbs. of J. G. Anderson's pnre nncoloied Japan Tea. It's j^eat value. 2 do£. Clocks, Seth Thomas, Aneonia and New Haven. Will not be undersold on those staple lines. W. A. Brown. 2,000 yards Duck, damaged by sal- water, selling at cost price, at Mc- Farland's. It's wonderfnl how we do it, but we do. Go *• J. G. Anderson's, the MamnviKtli House for Boo**, you can gat Remembeb thk Mammoth Ci^THiNa Store J. G. Anderson's^ Gent's. I furnishings a specialty. Snits to order guaranteed. I keep the finest lines Spedos â€" Pebble, Lazarus Morris and Boss: Colored Gopuilles, of any place in Markdale Prices right. W. A. Brown. Thursday and Friday is Fair day go to the Maiomoth House and see J. G. Anderson's stock of $6.00 overcoats: now is the time to buy and don't yon forget it. Mantle cloth at the Mammoth House new and beautiful. Come in and see J. G. Anderson's stock of General Dry Goods completed in every line at wonderfully reduced prices. Rushed! Rushed! Ther's an old saying "I'm rushed to death," and when that's verified, it must be something ex- traordinary That's how it is at Mc- Leod's great Shoe Emporium; Orders are pouring in, thus proving the high estimation in which our boots and shoes are held and the popular prices they are sold at. They are undoubtedly the best in the market. Miss BuRCH has opened out a fine line of Berlin Wool and Fingering in aU colores, Tincel and Arrasene, Millinery and Fancy Goods, New styles in Dress and Mantle making. Everything cheap- er than the cheapest. My display of silverware Ac., at the Markdale Fall Show will be complete* I will give cheerful attention to all ask- ing prices, quahty, c. Leave your watch work early. See my windows that day. W. A. Brown, Jeweller, Mark- dale. 5 good farms for sale in the Township of Holland, Glenelg, Euphrasia and Artemesia. One first cl^ss Farm in Glenelg, 150 acres 110 cleared 76 of which you can run reaper or mower, good barn and dwelling. 100 acres Artemesia 75 cleared balance good hardwood with good spring creek good frame barn 40x24 log. dwelling 20 x24.. 112 acres within one mile of Markdale grand opportunity for any one desirous of commencing a market garden, good or- chard well watered and fine pasture land. 100 acres township of Euphrasia four miles from Markdale 50 acres cleared and well watered. 100 acres in Glenelg within 4 miles of Markdale 30 acres cleared. All these farms will be sold on liberal terms. Apply to. G. S. Bowes agent, Haskett's Block, Markdale. Call and see the best orgains in the cotmty, at G. S. Bowes* Haskett's block, Markdale. NeUson Bros of Proton Station will soon hitve their saw mill in opocstiom again. Potatoes are a poor orop in Thombnry neighborhood. Grey fall assizes commences next Monday in Owen Sound. A fire in Davidson Hay's wholesale grocery, Toronto, last Friday night did damages to the extent of $100,000. Wbt Will Ton congh oongh when Shi- loh's Core will give immediate relief. Price 10 ets., 50 ctsand $1. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A t. I HcFARLAKD'S Is tiie oldest firm doing bus ices â- m- CLIPPINGS. Newspapers. To write for a paper is one thing; to edit is another. There are some ex- cellent writers who "make a- fool of a paper," if they had the conducting of it for a few weeks. A good editor seldom writes much for his paper; he reads, judges, selects, dictates, alters, combines and to do;all this wellshe^has Uttle time to compose. Those people who have most to say about the way a newspaper should be conductedjare those who know the least of what ih^ are talking.â€" [Pioneer Press. Markdale EstabliBhed nearly a. quarter of a century. -IT is- want CUERENT NB'V^S. BY TELEGRAPH, OUB Aim e0NDBNSB9 exchanges. I80M A man in Durham recently swaUowed four babys' shoe buttons in mistake for pills they didn't hoperate worth a cent, but the Mr8.'did when she missed the buttons, and found out where they went. Mr. R. L. Mortimer, of Shelburne Free Press, is the winner of a ladies' gold watch and Mr. A. H. N. Jenkins, set of 10 volumes of cyclapsedia, both in Truth's Bible competion. Police Magistrate of Owen Sound has been fined t5 and cost for asaanltingthe Chief of Police of that town. ' On the 7th of -October the ratepayers of Chesley will vote on a by-law sub- mitted to them for the purpose of rais- iog #5,000 for the partdiaee of fttemgioe and aiqalisnces. s^«"-c Thursday tiie 18tb Nor. has been Hog shippments from the Northwest are becoming daily occurrtoce. Mein- ther Von-piggie-de-hoggie^de-porky-de- sausage is constantly making a big noise in our Uttle world on the shores of Lake Superior, and like the tramp, he don't disdain taking no quarters for the nigh in the old Neebing hotel stables. â€" [Fort William Echo. Mr. Jas. Noble, of the Royal, with his racing stock carried away $235.frooc the Industrial exhibition, Toronto, last week. That is a good record, and Jim feels highly elated in consequence. â€" [Meaford Mirror. Glenelg Picnic. â€" The picnic held last Thursday in McMillian's Grove Glenelg was a pronoTmced success. Rev Father Feeney excelled himself as a general host and made every one feel '•at fhome." The repast was a most sumptuous one, and the music by Mc- Donald the Highland piper was par- ticularly excellent. An exsiting contest took place, between twb lady nominees, for a gold chain and locket, which were won by Miss Mary McMillan. The proceeds wordd have been greater had not a drenching rain deoended just be- fore the allotted time expired. No one gives a hartier welcome to visitors than the Glenelg Highlandmen and next year, if their annual picnic is held earlier in the seasoa, large numbers will attend it. Markdale especially was well represented. â€" [Durham Chronicle. A young daughter of Mrs. Anderson of this village, aged about 13 got danger- ously Iwmed a few days ago. She sat down on the damper of the stove, fell asleep, and was awakened by her dress being on fire. She attempted to brush it out with her arm, which had only the effect of setting her sleeve on fire. She then got frightened and ran out, when an elder sister ran after her, but b^or^ they could get out the flames the young girls back and one arm was terribly boned, while the sisters hands wer^ badly blistered in trying to put the flame out. Dr. McCullou^hasbeen attending the snfferer since and considers the case a serious one. â€" [Chatsworth cor. •in O. S. Advertiser. Shebp Worbibd.â€" Mr. Tbo8.Scar ,of G. B. Glenelg, had six sheqp worried by dogs on Monday night last, fire killed outright. The sheep killed were the pidi rf the flock,a8they were the fattest and easiest cau^bt. Hie dogs i|known and the owner we understand wi • '«^e re Good common sense when you to bay anything to go to Headquartern for it, at least I find it so. Tho reason I speak of this now is at this time of year heads of families and others are making up their mind's what tc bny for Fall and Winter wear and wheie to buy it. V. J. Htritim Claims to be HEADQUARTERS qoeated to settle the appointed as Th|aik^f0:ring Day for the Review. Dominion. Chatsworth poblic Bdiool buiMing is opxtirefy QiSDffident ler^xefoiiement tf the aeciian. suited both in qualtty andjprioo. a. Kale Oioroag^y overlnuded, and it now in first class oidec jgl cbeeae factorieeharo aold their AohosI make at 10 oentBper Bk Of^ixu.lMroB«iKCB.-4tiii^»itk8en«Btal tlutfteluiinan Widy fhonldhaipTnire Uood, M *»«** a tiee or plant shoold hare mp tt naatidiaadiBTigorate- ite grsfwfch. Me«z^ â- I ov'ibdily ill»iiaM itcna JBikerilliy Ueod. Battiftkfikod Bittern potifiMtUs fonntai^ in Me, itad regobttfli aU the vitil?Mligaa» to a FIEST. â€" Because he Imports direct from British markets thereby saying the Wholesale Merchant's profit. SECOND. â€" Because he buys in/ large lots and pays cash on the spot for eyery dollars wortli of stuff jhe buys. THIRD.â€" Because he understands bis business and minds his business. FOUBTH. â€" Because he does business on business principles' and is satisfied with a reasonable profit. His preperations for Fall and Winter have been made on a big scale, jnst opening out Direct Im- portations of new dress goods. New Linings, "Hew Silks, New Jackets, New Gloves, New Dolmens, New Flannels, His Millinery opening has been pnrposly delayed m order to get tbe uewest styles and design. Don't buy until yoa see hia styles. Suits Baits I are selling more this season than ever hdote, why because prices and styles axe ng\it, make no mistake godireet sappiies. to HeadqaartwB for ^^Mr â-  â- ; :K^--- ,â- .'â- â€¢;â- â- ; :J^^!'^^ â-  '.t^^i^'fe-;!;!^;^/ â-  I mnamtM riaMiifeiiftMitt •iWHiii

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