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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Sep 1886, p. 8

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 •4 »i p m^ r 1 itei I' lA M m i^ u 9 K W ^M if Jl 1 1 HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (SDCCESSOBS TO I^UDEB HANOs), BA.KEISTEKS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, ConvcyancerH, c. Money to oan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 KinK Street East. Toronto WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/a/n Ornamental Plaster Opposite the netr iviAsison mAssoN, BARRISTEKS, SOLICITORS, o. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker's Block, Poulett St. Blanch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Satnrday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massox. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to inrest at from 6 to 8 i)er cent Presbyterian Churck Mark- daSe. Arches, Cornices, Centre Fl wers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Galsomining Lime Washiug and Repairs promptly attended to. 303 Â¥Fin. Brown, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. ItT'e. Conveyancing in all its brandies promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curiLv. WILLIAM STUART, KlMJbSERLEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few ijanns for sule. Terms tasv. G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM. M' "EMBER of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. l-sr'OiHce aud residence, R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298-11 ROBERT S. RAE. TAILOR, Syclenh.a-m Street, MRKDALE. mii^mmmm EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Sileiiclii Hearse for hire at moderate rates. â€"All kinds of â€" FXJIilVITTJR.E In Stock at bottom prices. FRAMrNG Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. PICTURE OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. OEJVTIfST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Deuti.stry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and thii-d Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesliorton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prae tice of his profession. MMilON house; MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, PrGprietor. MARKDALEfiODSE, MAEKDALE, ONT. Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PEICElVrLLiE. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, *c. The Bar and larde well sTipplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's j gases of domes- H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, d-c. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock ia the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, aud oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. \l.Yi. HARRISON. MarkditleJftBer Mill. FARBffilUS ftAjVlNS No. 1 WHEAT and preferriflR iTour from tbeir own wheat, call get it fiy bringing twenty bushels or more. Flour always on Hand To give in exchange. "Baker's Patent" and best family flour for sale. Retail price per bbl. S4.50. Three barrels or more. $4.10 to $4.25. SHORTS, per toa $13.00 BRAN, " 10.00 T«- kigbest mu'ket price paid for Fall • aud Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. Victor Roller Mills, MARKDALE. Farmers are dyiring from one to twenty- fonr miles to the Victor Roller Mill, and are so highly pleased with ttie results that they always come bask. No waiting, or return trip necessary as you get your griat home with you every time. No change made in the scale of exchange from the past. Parties ishing choice florir, be sure and go to Plewes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wlieat in' the four townships, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- Nat: lOXiL I bowels auii ,(,, A iLl* Ofl *lll r. «*^ be very C"^^ Prof. Low's s- handy fonn„f,;^^Vi. i recently for loagJ^^J^J^d^ yei,, loit- EXTRACTofWILDI FOR SALE. 4 THOROUGHBRED DUEHAM BULL CALVES. All from noted fami- lies. Will register in the Ganadian Herd- Book, Inquire of EC. Parker, Durham. SHiLOH's Cure wm â-  Teacher in ^^"' ;^'ould you correct tli" feller. ""Wt-^i For Dyspepsia and T- about it. "" "oui Woiijis Cause MUCH «?,.. ren that Freemau's AVn "^«k. •urelvcure. ^^"f"" PowdJ' For sale 1 dale -TLe: '"a% cure t^etj' A Xation-al Evir but that Dyspepsia r *,"""' to of our coi^ty,a,trww""""«l disease of tliahvranS?^«'*i of untold misery l"'^^"nev: will almost iiiyar known. If Youk Cei;.!) js administer me.iicine to n^^ " biJ For sale by li. L. dale. SrrBEoEx THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling inibiic puin'ially, that he has leased the above 'reiiiises lov a term of years, aud hopes by cater- iiifi to thoir comfort to merit a share of public liatvonage. liar aud Larder well supplied. Good stabling and atteutive hostler. D. McLEAX, Proprietor. J, J. IR^^VIIV, V. S., Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. m i 11 T imx Horses exam- Treats all dis- ^^^ ined for sound- ness and certi- ficates given. Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed. tic animals. CHARGES MODERATE. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, MILL STREET, Opposite Standard Office, MABKDALE. i EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may lely on receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 ^CMf?BS mM-vsmFmm nVEXT VISIT Oct 19th at the Markdale House. N. WASHINGTON. M. D., THROAT LUNG SURGEON- loJB; ^:.?-,^- ^â- ' Graduate Victoria University, 1872, with honor, also passed the examinations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario the same year, and after having devoted years to the special study of diseases of the Throat and ijungs, is prepared to treat nearly all the cases wmch may come before him successfully Dis- eases treated, Catai-rh, Catan-hal Deaf ness, Loss ^LZ°l'^^'^^^^°-^'^^^ Enlai-ged Tonsils, Growths from the Nose also removed. Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. "The Method, Inha- '--â- "â- /'• '^•â- '" .ssssi" Pains coniiot evjst „f, taken dose of £tte" magic -cm-,. Do uot be indi ,^ HOXP^STY mC'(li;i);e is tJie l;n1.] Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, FuU- g. Dveing and cloth dressing, done ^PIplERCOMPglNTS BE SURE ir^ GET YOUR 2 Fassliionable A. Tailor, ovfR macfaklaxd's stoee. PERFECT FIT GUAEANTEED. iu a workmanlike very short notice. manner aud on ISAAC STl.\SO?i, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Vm Eesidence, MARKD.ALE. B W. G. RICHARDS, UILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, ilarkdale. 1241V First Glass Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solitited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 28. 188e F. J. RITCHIE. lis/n â€" ?BOM â€" t«^. WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my cnstomers, I beg to announce that I am now urerared 1o do all kinds of Custom 'Wefi^ing. Residence otd standi opposite Presbj tt rian Church. 2S2 ARCH. BOYD. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHteETON. Conveva'icer. Ajipraiser, Valuator and Money Tjoudor.' Deeds, Mortsages, Leases and Wills â- drawn lip aud Valuations made on shortest notice Charges very lo^-Ain^^to^^^ Jfouey Lender Postmaster, Flesherton. TO SCHOOLjrROSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School Fiirnitur'e. Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- er.-,, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for cataloi^ue to Chatsworth P. O. 131 ANDREW McGILL. MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there IS in the market, and at the lowest pohsible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterorise by buvine from Quiun. ' j MONEY To Loan 'on real estate security, SimpU Interest, low rates, and easy terms. C. W. RUTLEDGE, ^7r Standard Office. 6 FEB GENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Fropartr at aowest rates of i-t^J^-tp/o^^jJe^ (^onveyajicer Pottaaaster, Fleaheortofk MONEY j;0 LOAN. ON real estate recnrity, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 19" Pomoiu. P. O. STRAYED! From the premises of George Lawrence lot 9, con. 5. Euphrasia, About the middle of May, two heifers, red one stew, red. with 8nne white stripe in forehead, all yearliogg. Information which will lead to thdr xeoovur will be suitably rewarded. GEOBGE L^TOtBNCE. • V dOe-18* KiBkoky P. O. AGENTSWANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL We Pay either Salary or Commission \C^ SMART MEN wanted at once to Av/Vf canvass for the sale nf r"„-j Grown Nmseiy Stock. °* '"' THE FONTHILL IVURSERIEs LAHGEST IN CANADA OVBB 400 ACRES Don t apply unless you can furnish firsU class lieferencesaad want to work. No room for lazy men but can employ anv ,,nâ„¢K of energetic men wno wanV^ork." SSs STONE t TVELLINGTON, J^rserymen, â€" â€" ^TosoNTo, Ont EAST GREY LIBERAL Conserratire Convention. A CONVENTION of the Liberal r Markdale.- at 1 o'clock p. m â€" '° Toronto. August 5th. 1886. CATARRH OP MANY YEABS STANDING CURED. """Kn'^^tel^r* '^^ ^^ Surgeon. of Inhalation which has cured me of C^S^h of a very troublesome char^^; in w*2j7 th« usual remedies failed to give me Mvrelief but your. Treatment, from the fi«tr|,f?e^|fStt ease and ma few months entirely ci^ ml^ff most t^^°J^ ^^^^- I can hon^ recommend Yours truly, GEO. GODLDINO, Bept. C. Tumbnll, Gait, Ont.. also W.H. Storey Son. A?ton. S-.^^SJS^*"' " «n»ke monthly visits mS;^.T.^|^^= !:»*« "t- Toro^ato.% 35 THE JiKST PoncT.-Ao â-  'â- "'If'^t WoikcfKininj" can as„r, o„r rr..krs that ftF? Extract of Wild .StrawLcJsto^^ liable. bntitisalmostinfa!l,l,Ietoc»rC Morbus, Dv.scntm-, Canker oftheSt,;^ fatal " """'*^' "' °""' " Ix Season.â€" It is now ii; seasnn to i our readers ajraijist the sudden 'ttackCidal Cramp, Colie. and the vai;:.» BoitdC*! plaints incident to the season of ripeii vegetables etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract ol rj btra^-beiTv 15 the grand specific for to I troubles. A WoKD OF ExpLAXATios,â€" The livetal retes bile to. move the bowels; tie a saciete urine to carry oi: uric, wMci Tsiil Jjoisou the blooJ t!ie stomacu eecrftegaajl juice to jligest or dissolve tie M, e\ Bui dock Blood Bitters tctsuiwjntlieseoijfil and purities tiic Wood by cleansiiig all lif secrets of the system. Thousands oive their recovery fromBieia- atism to Wa^V/t World Vv"onder or Famj Liniment. It is conceded eveinvhere to ii the best known romedy for ELennisfei Cuts, Brui.-;es, Sprains, Burns, Scalds ui all disease.' requiring external applicati* Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottje. Sali by A. Turner Co.. Druggists, MarkiJil Setl McGEEGOK'S LUNG COMPOUXl). Have you a bad Couru, a Chronic Hoc*! ness, a feeling 'of Liglitaess in the Cli*| Weak Luny s, or any similar complaint II* buy at once a bottle of McGregor's Laj Compoimd. "It will cnreyon." Itcontia entirely new specifics, of which one doa » more effectual than a whole bottle o}^*\ time remedies. It is put up in 50c. i» ei.OO bottles. Sold by E. L. Stepl* Druggist. Try it, arid ygn ""er W reason to complain. Are Tott Made miserable by ^^^\ C«n8tipation. Dizziness, Lobs of API^I Yellow Skin? Shiloh's VitaUzer is a pffl^J-] ure. For sale by B. L. Steptor J^ cMarkdale, MINERAL POISON. All persons are hereby warned against pur- *.^!??J"9 °?*«8 signed by William Smith, due fbo*^V^"°, °°*^« 6lh August and drawi 1«* March next; the other UO, iowa, as I have not ren^a^oA â„¢i„« *„_ *i:„ *^«i uajr OI ucwoer, 18%, for the n"!.^^*^! selecting Candidates, for the HoLe^^ °^ mon8,and Ontario LegislatW t« ^°™- the Riding in the T^^ k^^ *^*«8t interest. Polling Sub^ivS, j^°"«'^»«ve by the DominSS P,SS^..?"?*°1«*«t«d hasM of reiiresentation in ai to th^ oomTentiaa. 17 the other HO, la one the 1st Janu not recaiyed value for the WM Sept. 16th, 1886.. same SMITH, Flesherton P. O. •816-17 **? to be the T.KELLS^% fwaHeai, FAUM FOB SALE. apSy o^hf.SS?'**' '°' farther Oculars "PPiy on the prenuses, or by letter to 190-tf. J. S. BLACK. Pomona, P. 0. Nothing but pure extracts fK«" Pâ„¢^, roots are used m preparing McW Lung Compound, the modem sndPg • remedy for Colds, Conghs. Bronft^^^ and all affections of the throat, W tdiest. All mineral Â¥isons^i^ substances are avoided, '"^.rZgi^ safe for children or adults. SoW « »«^ I »1.00 per bottle at B. L. Stephen «â-  J^ Store, Markdale. Liver Complaint Causes Dyspepaa" tion. c;,t Liver Complaint Causes biw^ Dizziness, .,i 011 Liver Complaint Causes AU Troubles, „ Tju^fortif «"" LiverJComplaint Causes diseases, Liver Complaint cured Liver Cure. by Pr- of tb« "Eeader." in informiug you m ^^ ful remedy for Coughs. Coldg. Bronchitis. Consumption, ana of the throat aud lungs, wei doing you a great kindn^.'^,,,«floJ any Sf the above comP'»^S{^tion » «J try it we will guarantee s^ffii jfcG*J case or money refui^^^£'^3„ail-*'J Lung Compound P^,^ ,^, m bottle at B. L- '®P" feel out of sorts. bUions, m^.^^he I "T ing right, or racked wit" »^-j, j^rt Chase's Liver Cr^-/J^^U^^tS^ nefit from one dose « J;'"„edi«" inmany.bottle.of somen' McNaa8er,.Bondlieao. jg in titete eolnmnt jirtdtMl or Society w line for the fint i [line each tubieftisni

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