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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Sep 1886, p. 8

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 pnpvnnp ^^fWf^^S^f^ W P. fcOiiiioiifirii, BABBISTBB, SOUCSETOR, c OFFICEâ€" OYER KcFMRLMMD'S STORE, MARKDALE. iMoney "to IL«oan. HANDS, ECHLIN GARVIN, (SCCCZSSOBS TO LACDEB HAKOs), BA11BISTEB8, Solicitors, Prmrtors. No- taries, Conveyancers, fee. Monev to can at lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 Eintf Street East. Toronto BIASSON A mAssoir, BAERISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block, Fonlett St. Bianch office in MarkdaJe, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. N. B.â€" Private and Company's fnnds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent G. fiVTHIIIE, Plain Ornamental Ffistsr Opposite the new Presbyterian Church Ibrk- daie. Archea, Oomiees, Centre Flowera, uid oU kinds of ^ain and ornamental plastering ex- ecnted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Waahinff andi^epairs promptlj attended to, 303 i A^ No. 1 WHEAT from their own Wm. Brown, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ac Commissioner iu B. R. c. Gonvejanciiig in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Moneyto Lend on Real Estate se curiLv. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3EELEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loau on Real Estate at low rates. A few iJarms for sale. Terms easy. G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBER of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. fcs^Office and residence, R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298-11 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, ou the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Fleshertou. the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prae tice of his profession. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Syclenham Street, MRKDALE. ROBT. ASKIN. URDEITMER, FUHERIL FURNISHIHaS sapplied on the siiortes notice. A Silendid Hearse tot hire at moderate rates. â€" ^All kinds rfâ€" F XJ I^ IV £ T XJ R. E In Stock at bottom prices. FRAMING Done ou short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. PICTURE v !5 s n H o S3 sa 5 to zn a s 00 â-  c P B o 03 fe. P 2 O c a m f- J? VI- 33 5- o o C«l Hf o .»; ?: m s P 20 O Oq co5.§ CO n MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. J. E. Marsh, Prop. 8? O O H O o z H o e O OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble fS' Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON. -|-|1ABHEB8 .Hi^^KING JD «Bd prefecziuK flour wheat, ean get it hf faringing tweaty baskds ornuae. Flour always an Hand To fiire in exchange. "Baker's Ptttent" and b^t familyflonr for sale. Retail price per bbl. $4.60. Three barrels or more, f 4.10 to f 4.2S. SHORTS, per ton • J13.00 BRAN, " 10.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. Victor Roller Mills, MARKDALE. Farmers are driving from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor Holler Mill^ and are so liighly pleased with the results that they always come back. No waiting, or return trip necessary as you get your grist home with you every time. No change made in the scale of exchange from the past. Parties wishing choice flour, be sure and go to Plewes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran and ehorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- erg '••ti Asoth The Markdale StaI bourgeois andbrevit^»M.,:;^ll fnendRutledgeoDt.T" ^« hehasmadeU"*:*'^-^! the hope thattheSxr*^^ flo-sh.-rsheIbCE";^'ifl The Markdale SiAK dress lastwe.k.aDdlook, brighter for the change a umque newLeadin;^ wl,n°"I^ formofoure.teemed°;^;!;"^S. provement over tlie ,m ^^:^- large for the «J-:,^fS°f„!'HC!.' vance the "dard Slaixlard J,as few to iLoy page. How ^a^ '«(!( n^otto,viz....Hewtotheli;7' where n,,, ' ""« %1 ""ay.-.ji, Will fall Advance. National Ph.i bowels and resula:edi;«« The Markdale Stan.]a, J, ^, last week. Itisa^ve.l,,,!,"'^*^ sperous looking jo.u^alt'"" «HlSti;^J newish aaii M FOR SALE. continued sugrcss.â€" ^T),. ^. We scarcely i-ecorized the JlarH, ard this week in, gear. is a graud i^p.ovem T^ ledge, and we are gla.1 you are râ„¢' bratetheSxAK.AH.J,,,;;;*.^* an appropriate majiiier -nr* p "^i resentative. ' ' " •f^"-*! B,^ Pains connot exist after the «..: taken a single dose of West's P,f^®" l* magic cure. Lo not be indnc^.f '°'" "' substitute but "-=â- â- â- * â„¢."'o Pain Kin" tal«, (Tc;imno, sold bv t ^\ Co., Druggists: ^^ "^otl 4 COMMERCiAL HOTEL PRICBYILLE, Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Kooms, c.. The Bar and larde well supplied wfth the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's ' eases of domes THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor J, J. IR^WIIV, V. s. Treats all dis MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above jiremises for a; tenu of years, and hopes by cater- vj r r i^ iug to their comfort to murit a share of public „,, tfroecT patronage. Bar and Larder well supplied. Good '"'*•*â-  olhtti, stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLiEAN, Proprietor. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Horses exam- ined for sour d- ,^=., .^-^â€"^i^^ness andcerti- tic animals. ,J^^^^ ficates given. Veterinary fJedicines Kept and Dispensed. CHAEGES MODERATE. CALLS PEOMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, Opposite Standard Office, MABKDALE. EUGEm HOTEL. EUGENIA FALLS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. The pnbhc may leW on receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 Fash-ionable Tailor, OVER macfakland's stobe. PEEFECT FIT GUAKANTEED. I WOOL! ISAAC STl.\SON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Eesidence. MARKDALE. As the seas, n for the new wool is at hand, we would respectfully intimate to all those who may want any cai;diug done, tuat we are now prepared to attend to all v* ho may favor us with a call. Having this spring put on some new steel cards, with other necessary improvements, and over tliirteen years ex- perience, we are confident that we can turn out our woik in a satisfactory manner. Weaving and Fulling Cloth done as usual on short notice. All work done at the lowest cash price. Wool taken in exchange for work. Markdale ^Woollen Mill* May 17, 188 »48 F. J. EITCHIE. W. G. RICHAE?OS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. 1241T WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now nrenared to do all kinds of Custom Wea-^inR. Eesidence otd Stand, opposite Presbj tcrian Church. 2S2 ARCH. BOYD. R.J. SPROULE, ELESHEBTON. Conveyanscr. Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, jtortKaRes, Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notice Charges very low. Ap^^y to ^p^^ iloncv Lender Postmaster, Flesherton. TO SCHOOL TROSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School "F'umitur-e, Consisting of SC TOOL SEATS and DESKS TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- er-., for chenpness. comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm-and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. THE KEY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK BLOOD UnlodM all the elc^ged avenues of the Sewals, EidneyB and Liver, carrying off giadually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the {.ecretions at the same time CORectins Acidity of the Stomach, curing ^^ ousness, S^spepda. Headaches, Itiz- aneas, Heartburn, Constipatioii. IwynMs of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision. Janndice, SaltBhenm, gT^pelas, Scroftila, Flntteiiag of n 1^®" Nervousness and General i^eoillty all these and many other simi* lar_CompIaints yield to the happy influence ef BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles 10c Begtilar rase $1. For sale by all dealws. IMma CBlf a CO., Prapr Waw, l^rwiO BE SURE GET YOUR THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL CALVES. All from noted fami- lies. "Will register in the Ganadian Herd- Book. Inquire of H. Parker, Duriiam. sdelitatej CJ, â€" ?B0M â€" MONEY To Loan on real est'te security. Simple Interest, low rates, pnd easy terms. C. W. BUTLEDGE. 275 Standard Office. 6 PBB g;ent. Mousy loMMd on F«nn or Town Fropfirty at lowe.trat«ofi^«^^^;^to Conveyancer Postmaster. Fleaherton. MONEY j;0 LOAN. ON real estate secn-rity, at low rate of interest, no commission chai ged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, ^^^ Pomona. P. O. STRAYED! From the premises of George Lawren«!e, lot 9, con. 5, Euplirasia, about the middle of Blay, two heifers, red one steer, red. with pome white stripe in forehead, all yearlings. Information which will lead to their i«ooTery will be suitably rewarded. GEOBGE LAWBENGE. 306-18* KimberieyP.O. Aws Ton Madb miserable by Indigesfiaai Constipation. Dizzinera. Lobs of Appetite TdlowSkxn?Bhiloh'aVit«K«er is a poritir^" cure. For8aIebyB.L. St^hen, Pnsgist! Markdale. " MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there is in the market, and at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterprise by buying from Quiun. AGENTS WANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men. NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL We Pay either Salary or Commission. t \r\ SMAKT MEN wanted at once to AV/Vf, cao^»88for the sale of Canada Grown Nnrseiy Stock. THE FOIVTH1I.L NURSEeiES. LABQEST IN CANADA OVER 400 ACBES Don t apply unlRss you can furnish firsU class Kef erenct^s and want to work. No room for lazy men but can employ any number of energetic men wno want work. Address STONE t "WELLINGTON, Nnrserymen, â€" ToKowTo. O ut. EAST GREY LIBERAL Conserratire Conrention. A CONVENTION of the Liberal Con- M- i.^r***^® Assoeiation wiU be held in Markdale. atj o'clock p. m. on Monday the 11 Aday of October. 18««. for the poriMie of Sdtetog Candidatee.for the HousSTS! awis, imd Ont«no Lgndatnre. to ooatest SL2?Tiiâ„¢ 5^ 1?^*^ Conser^ve bytiMlanuiuonPcaMt«b« JUi. to ha SI A Sunday school teacher asked a little girl of her class if she had heen baptized." "Yes," said the httle girl, "two times." "Two times Why, how could that be?" "It didn't take the first time," said the little girl. Why Will You cough cough when Shi- loh's Cure wiU give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 ctsandSl. For sale by E. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A The maternal instinct "Look 'ere, now, Sal " yelled a woman to the oldest girl, "don't lean over the well so fur. You'll fall in there some of these days, and then we'll have to get our drinking water frona the creek." Thousands owe their recovery from Ekeum- atisra to West's World Wonder or Family Liniment. It is conceded everywhere to be the best known remedy for Rheumatism. Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds and all diseases requiring external application Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co., Druggists, Markdale Sept A CTTY editor, speaking of a fat rural contemporary, said ;i"If all flesh is grass, then he must be a load of hay." "I ex- pectlam," said the obese farmer-editor, "from the way the asses are nibbling at me." Good Valtje. â€" Many suffcrc baying med- icine have been disappointed, don't give up, huy a reliable article like Dr. Chase's laver Cure, and with it you get a reoeipe book alone worth the money. How to get along deep as possible. well â€" ^Dig it as -17 A Word of Explahation.â€" The liver sec- retes bile to move the bowels; the kidneys sacrete urine to carry off uric, which would poison the blood the stomach secretes gastric juice to digest or dissolve the food, ect. Burdock Blood Bitters acts upon these oragns and purifies the blood by cleansing all the secrets of the system. "My dear," said a sentimental wife, "home, you know, is the dearest spot on earth." "Well, yes," said the practical husband, "it does cost about twice as much as any other spot." In Season. â€" ^It is now in season to warn our readCTs against the sudden attack Cholera Oramp, Cohc. and the various Bowel Com- plamts incident to the season. ef ripe fmit, vegetables, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild strawberry is the grand speoiflo for those troubles. ,.f ^r all, the earthquake, -while it (UdapUe of harm, managed to do a Uttie good. At Columbia, S. C, a man who had been obliged to use crutches tor years on account of rheumatism cot up when he felt, the shook, dropped his CTutehes, and Ut out like a w^«head. Me hasn't been obliged to use crutches Mnoe, and is thinking seriously of Dowmg T^ gome of the earthquake, getting it patented and selling it to the ""Mses as a sure cure for rheumatism. HowsiT TBM Best Pouct.â€" An honest "^•^i- tha »obtei t work of man. and we The Markdale Stasdaed sixth a^iver^ai. by adding a neat and^: I ful heading.and evincing other sigts ofl vitaLty..Wea.e,,ladtonotetho!:eit Of prosperity 0:1 fne part the oi Suxii, hope the futu) e wfil be even aorepros»^ I than the pastâ€" [Xrutli, " " The Markdale Staxdabi. was sii ,^ I last week, an-i celebrated the eveut'bv d* ningancwdi-esR. Tiio Siasdam ij a"^| excnange aud v.-e are pleased to hw oft prosperity.â€" [-Aleaford Mirror, •Hackmextack." a lasting and bm\ I perfume. Price -iScts and 50 cen;s. Jot* ' by K. L, Steplieu, LruOToi:, Murtdoie, i Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure; no cure no pay. Ask litepbeu, Vocr drmgjst about it. -06 Shiloh's Cuse will immediately relieTecn^ Whooping Con-h, and I'.ronchitis. For ale by R. I Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. i Six Years Old.â€" JVe congi'atnlate k Markdale Standard on reaciiingitssisthsi- niversary, which it heralds, "byappeariiigiii new news type e, â€" rDurham CLronicle. Our old friend of tlie Markdale Simm celebrated his sir.tli year by puttisg theW and reading matter of his paper in ne? t^. We wish him success.â€" [GrejEeriew. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee ou every bottle of Shiloh'dVitahzer, Ii iieyer fails to me, For sale by 11. L. Stephen, Druggist, M dale. Setesth Year.â€" TbeMarlcdale Siasbju has entered upon its seventh year \ritheraj indication of a healthy local journal. Itl« also treated itself to a new diess which aab much to its appearance. Mr. Eutledge nil undoubtedly have the success he richly deserves. â€" [Wiarton Echo. Peof. Low's SuiPnuB Soa? is a chap and handy form of obtaming the healing virtues of a suluhur bath. The PKESs.-The Markdale SwBtD has entered its seventh year, andappean a a new dress, which gives it an ly neat appearance. We vrish its proprietor unbounded success- Herald. A Nasal IsJEcTOB free with each to^«| Shiloh's Catarrh liemcdy. Pnce J »» For sale by K. L. Stephen, Druggist sm^ dale. iMPEOviKG.-We neglected l«Bt "f^ notice the unproyements made on the JW» dale Stamdabd. It came out. with a heading and a fnll dress of new type^ Stanpabd is a good loeal-paper iBd ' glad to see that it is improvmg year }^ The SxANCABD has our best T'lhes.-! bume Free Press. A National EviL.-There is no^^^j^ but that DyspeP^i*;^ t^^ ^»twn «j. of our country, aud wh«^.f =!? jstheca* disease of the Liver af^.^f go^ Bitt* of untold misery. BurdMkWootta^ will almost invariably cure the known. jjarf •" IpYoite Child IS St^J'^^w's f^**^ administer medicme to, iJr. x^ Worm syrup will be appreciate*- STBATFOBP. September ledgementoftheg'^^hetfl yan°r valuable m^^JVr 1*2 c^old having seeded ;^^ and throat. I tried =^]^g»««^ kmdsofn)ediciBe'»^otUr- i_[DnBd«tt OeJUGS LUNGS LIVCR i BLOOO- uo relief,! tooj^jf^, 3S?fSS?cme and It ^;;^;«edi.»» ' lief.andIbeheveitistheW2^ Inni and throat troubles e»^ SmLOH'sCATAEBH for Catarrh. Dipbf"*. ForsalebyRL. Stej dale. JtBJO*" Sii WoBKS Cause MOCHbi^ I Mn that Freemaa'" «""" xm that sokIt ooie ' lM?:

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