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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Sep 1886, p. 6

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 ,m- .^a^ja^fflOaci^-^^ smasmmm 3 U: i" ' i Fit' I: il Jl YOUNG FOLKS. EonrlMiflHa^ad. H« BMM WM Ranlte birt aha «M HMh • liM* onMm ttet It M«D«1 BiM« aatanl ii Mil hw Bull. Bwidw tlM WM alwttya taamg Hm Ob this aMoiag whUa her faaha with Didc, sha havnad btwawi Oa atody â- adOaiairar gaidaii,iiaw g»tliariag har flawari, naw patftaghar haad latatha atady to aaa If papa waa aat almaat thraogh and taadytotiOktahar. Sha was ahy at Diok; ha waa a aaw boy, had anly baea with them • faw days, aad papa man tiiaa supaotad WM Bat a gaad b^ sa Boaie had strlot ar- dan Bat ta vUt him la tha stable, ar have aay talk with Um oaless papa ar sama ma dae waa within hearing. Only this manlng papa had heard DUk naa langoaga whiota BuuU htan feel afraid that he angbt net te keep hfaa ia hia empley. Yet bew senry he waa far poar or^ian Dick, that aabedy â- aamed ta oare for 1 He tried te make him feel that ha waa his frlaad tried te rease him te waat to be a maa aad ta averoeme his grave faolts. ' Yen â- ra just the age ef my bey Uanis," Roaie heard her father say, " and he ia jnat abent year aiss. Harria it a gnmd bey he never gave hla mether an hear ef anxiety, and I flan tmafrbim anywhere. I haw anob faith in his ward that when be aaya a tUtag, I do Bat have ta Inqoire into it, 1 hum it la trne. lan't it werth while fer a bey te have each a oharaoter aa thatf Den't yen think yea weald eojey hearing people aay: 'Tat thing ia ae, yen may depend en it, fer Dick Saandera teld me, and he b te be tmated, yon knew.' " Diok ahifted nneaaUy from one feet to the Other, and hia face aeemed te Iw growing tad aver aeme feeling, Eoaie'a papa waa not sare what. At Uat ne aaid, •• It ia all very well fer a bey like yeara te be heneet, and •11 that why ahenldn't he be Leek what ohanoea hehaahad; and then leek what ohanoea I've had I Kloked and on£fed abeat the world all my life nebedy oarea what beoemea ef me. I heard yen pray fer Harria thia meming, aad I theaght of It then. There never waa a person in thia world who oared enengh fer me temake a prayer abeat Biel" What a atrange bay IMck waa I For a mo* Biaat, Boaie'a father did net knew what te aay. Jaat then Beaie, her head framed in the window, where ahe had bem stan^ng far a few minnteo, her hands fnll of flewera, her faoe aweetly grave, apeke her trenbled theaght Didn't Jeaaa pray fer yea when he lived here T That time when he aaid •New I pray tor aU who ehail beUeve on me r " Diok atarted ao aaddenly aa to nearly avertnrn the little Uble en which he leaned, tamed te the window, and leeklng ateadily at Beaie, aaid hoaraely: "What deyea mean?' ' ' Why, that time, den't yen knew I When he prayed fer hla disciples then he said, ' neither pray I fer these alene,' and after that he prayed for everybody who shoald ever live, who weald love Um and mind him. If yen mean te mind him, he prayed fer yen, tee, mamma teld me. Djn't yea mean te mind him Beoanso it isn't nice to leave yearself eat ef his grayer." Wise little Besie I Papa said net another word. He theaght Diok had gotten his aarmen, text and ail. Neither did Beaie aay any more she did net know she had preaohed a aermen. She went away, hamming, I am io (ted that onr hthw In hMvea Xells of his love la tke book he has girea. Years and yeara after that, when Reaie waa nineteen, one day aha went to oharoh in • dty five hnndred mllea away from her ohlldhaod homo, and ahe heard a man preaoh on those worda • N altlier pray I fer these alane, bat for all them whioh shall believe •n me through their worda." It was a grand â- ermen Beialie Flerson thonght she had Bover heard one mere wenderfnl. At the olase ef servfoe the minister oame straight te her seat, held eat bis hand and aaid •• It waa a bleaaed text, Miaa Fieraen I never forgot the aermen yen preaohed from it. I knew now that the Lord Jeana prayed fer ine that day. And I knew that I believe en him throngh year worda." •• Why I" aaid ReaaUe, In astonlahment, ** I den't nnderatand thia anrely oannet beâ€" ** Yea," aaid the mfaiister, " I am Diok." ^SSL WOSKEBS H GOAL Fim lifciBtlM IHBEASTHQUAO IN GEOBGflA. It la reported in QrifSn that a leading oennaeler In the prohibition conteat mahed from hia henae into the middle of the road In a aingle nether garment and yelled te hla wife to oome eat, aa the whisky men were blowing the henae np with dynamite. The Jury in the Gilbert DavIs case, in Eastman, were in their room at the oonrt hense, nnable te agree, and. It is said, there waa no prebabQIty ef their arriving at a verdict. After the eartbqnake was ever they agreed in about throe minates. The eaithqnakeoame near breaking np an bqaeat on Hntohlnson's island. Oapt. Dixon liad crested ever to the island te investigate the death ef Cyras Campbell, an old negro, who was found dead in a oabln there at noon. The death was sudden, and no one was pre- sent, so the coroner oencladed te summon a jary. After swearing them they were all told to take seats in the oabln. D^vid Mere, a darky, was the only witness. He brgaa giving hia eyidoioe, and had get •bout down to the time when Campbell waa laat Been, when the cabin oommenood te rat- tle. "Thereaho goes again." the witaeoa aaid. Hia eyea grew double the ordinary die and he atarted for the deer, leaving lila evidence half finb he d The joror nearoat the door waited about half a aecnid, and he gave a leap eat. The athmr jnrors gave one glanoe at the oorpae aad they aaw It move. That waa enengh fer them, aad they weat oat in a banoh, leaving the oermier aad the oorpae to fiaiah ttio laqaoat. Dlokoaa aaya " No maa Aad It may be added Uiat ho doesa't to. He trill always find peopleâ€" parldonlar- ly theao te whom ho haa extended favors- ready to take that jab ofiF Ua haada. Tombstme dealer (to widow)â€" *• Would yoa like tha oonao of year haabMid's death andaiaed oa Ao steno, Biadam t" Widowâ€" *• WoDâ€" orâ€" poriuq^ It mii^t bo i^ropriata ta angrnva a oaonb oi oooomlNn on ttk it JOB wilL" A yoBBg BBBaRfed girl of 17 said Ib r^y toqueotiena ** My troA la tha otaiptm begias at 5 o'oladc Ib the maralBg aad betwoea 9 aad 11 at a|ghtL I had aixty te Mveaty oan every day, aad I 2 fraaoa (20d.) a day. I waat tegulariy to aoheol from my eighth to my twdfth year. I ooald read eaoo, bat I hsTO lorgotteB tt aU aaw. Pit work oaght ta bo prohitaMod for girla." Upaa beiBg pressed bmvo dosoly by tto Proddoat she wid it raiaod the marali of evtry good-looking giri. 'Ihe ove r see rs bribe the prettiest girls by giving diem the best paid work." A married wobuub isld ** Tha week bo- f»re last my husbaad earned 13 fraaoa (lis.) Ha had never earaed a larger sum la a week. Is is impeadUo for note live oa snob a wage. Whea I have bought our food aad firing the whole wage Is spent; It is Bot eaoughto cover rent and clothing." The mether of a famUy replied: "I sparcely know the taa^ of moat" Another young girl sdd that her working day in the pita b^an at 4^ or 5 A. M. aad closed at 11 P. M., fer whioh ahe reoeived 1 franc 80 centimee to 2 franoa. A younger aiator left oft work at 6 P. M,, but aba only eanied 1 franc 50 oentimea (la. 3d, Nearly all the girla volunteered, in almeat the aame worda, the emphatic atatement, **G4rIa onght not to be allowed to work in the pita " aad they were unanimona In their oomplaiat ef-the temptations put fai their way by the everaeera. The Prendent asked eaoh of them. " What nouriahment do yoa have I Do yon often take meat " One girl replied Three montha ago we had aeme meat on our table I have never taated any sinoe." Another said **I take a bottle of water with tha fruit every meming; I cannot afford ocffeo. ' The Presidnit asked an old workman whe had spent his life in pits why no effort bad been made by them to bring their oondltien bdore the notice of the public. •• I would ?ladly have given evidence," said he, â- â€¢ but knew that I should bo diamlaaed if 1 teld any atory about the worka. My oomradoa have urged mo to apeak fer them, aa I have had so long an experienoe. But I was afraid te do it." Hla present wages are 2 franca a day (Is, 8J) When he was younger and stronger he nsea to earn the sum 2 francs 50 oendmos a day. The Preaident inquired if the workers found regular wages or pieoewerk more pro- fitable. *^ "The day wages is miserable," sdd the eld man, " but piece work is no better, for if the overseers find that a man earns iroro by piece work, die terms are at once lower- ed. Oae ef the working-class leaders, who was examined at great length by the Preddent and Oommissionera, denied that the work folk were Sooialiat revolatlenarlea. They will follow any leader In their deapair, but thdr own actnd demanda are very aimplo. The Preaident aaked him to foimalata aa ahertly aapoasiblo the real programme do- aired by the workingmen and women in the pita. Speaking ef the employment of children, he add: "We want the work day for ohUdren limited to eight hoars, and their wages fixed as follows ChOdron of 12 to 13 years, 1 frsno 20 oentimea a day ef eight honra from 13 to 15 yeara, 1 frano 60 oen- timea 15 to 17 yean, 2 franoa. The Presidentâ€" Then you would not abd- bh child Ubor! "We would not aboliah families. My family consists of nine persons, only three ef ua earning anything, Wo have to keep dx who are net earners. The nnited yearly iaoemo of the three of us who are workers b 1.500 francs." The President atked if they would not like their ohfldren to go to school after the twelfth year. "Ne," re^ed the workman; "it b not poaalble for the parenta te wdt until a long aoheol term b ended, aa the family neoda the wagea of the elder children. We have net only to keep onr young children, but abo our old people. After hb fif tbth year a man oan earn little in the pita, and b uandly dismlaaed." Thta apeakerâ€" whom the workera were pardcularly anxious to have examined, aa he b in good repute both as a workman and an oratorâ€" teld the Oommlssleners that the average weekly wages of the head ef a house- held in fall work b from twelve to fourteen francs. " I need not say that a family can- not live upon that; the wife mast work when she can, the children as seen as they can.' A married woman, who had been a worker in the o(»l pit, said " I am the mother of six children. We are very poor; but I would rather starve than that one of mv girb should go to work in the pits. The overseers use all means in their power to ruin ***.?, '^^' „^. n»**»8 •!â- â€¢ tuooeeds, they will put a ttoud yeung girl to work in a sol- itary place unta she u terrified." men she was asked what wage her family earned, she replied that her husband had thirtoea francs a week, and one of her sons eighty centimes a day. To the qnoBtion as te the food of the family, die sdd: "Every Sunday and Ihnrsday I buy a pound of moat; on all other days we live en potatooa and broad," "You are maUmr yonrsoU rather ofBoioua ia thb crowd," said a burly poUoonaB ta a notorious piokpooket. " I am only trvlns to dbpnrso thnn," sdd the tUoL " Thaf s what I call hush money," ro- nuurked tha daddy when he plankod down die OMh for a bottlaof paregoric to tdko heme fer use ia the iaf aatUe portioa of die family. " Do you tiiiak Fm a simplatan. dr.' thundend a fiwy Sootoh laird tbUs aew fa,taian " Ye aso. m," i«pl|«d ttio oumy Soot, " I'm ao bag hwe, aa' I diaaa ken yet." feotlMi exhibited by Mark Twaia. aad hb vaaerabb mothar, now a rsddaait of yaolrak I'^^.tJ!^;""**^ Sho dwayi liad firmfdthia har sutSaaad. aad says of M" " H« w" *»w»Ji • gMd boy, SuBBd waa,ttOBghpwnataboMbohfaTOBa. Ho'b dwayi tho auao to THB UMS-KILI 0L1I Eailr Ib Hhm wook oaw b«iib "â- â„¢Â»~ ttalJma-KllB aBbtwalrad a oopy of •* BiBa I roiJOB I Ttm f Ton ar* haidv BotMdi ttallkolto^ :ilBGial».trUdihM baan on a wuatlaB KlIaGlabk _^ for tho peat two â- e nth a. win_ aeMatPWadtaoHaQoB 8»«n^y J^*^ at tt* rogalar boor. Evarj Bi eaib o r wlw eaa wdkb onootad to b« oa head at bast fiv* mlBBtaartefor* tha trbaglo aouada. No dogt allowed la the hall, aa uaaaL OwBors of nmbrdlaa wiU briag them at their OWB pariL Tho pMiword »t tho aeoead laading wDl bo ** Aauro Skioa." Anyone having hooka belonging to die Lninry wUl puM* retara thani at thb Bao. Qaxdwseb, Proa. Wativjwh Bbbbb, Sec When tho mooting opened 312 members anmrorod to rdl cdl, and Elder Toota de- lightedly roaaarked te Samad Shin «bat it did him good to aeo tho goaoral aiandon whioh aeemed to have taken root in every broaai When the trlaaglo aouadod Urothor or Gardaerarow aad add "My frena, two months age, at do almeat inonloaahuna of a Bwjortty of do membora of db dab, I dodded to ad jantn do meotia'a frow do. apaoo of July an' Auguat. I had grave d^oubta aa to do pro- priety of dob a atop, but yidded t« do prennre. Dereeult haa Un what I antid- patad. Db kentry haa almoaa' Ma plunged into war, do fiahery qaoahnn am atill oa ob- jlckof naahand dl^te, an' atorma aa' diaaatera bev bin rampant alloberde United Stdta. Blsneaa haa bin grievoudy neglect- ed. Peopb who depmded on db club hev had deb oonfldenoo ahooken. Wo mua' at once git book to i^'l** pnroeedtna, and pnroeed to grapple wid an' oberoeme do live toploa of do b oar. ' When db olab waa orgadaed wo bad ear annad leokahan an ' olab pionio on do fnat Saturday to oblige do Oonrard Sknle ef PhDeaphy. Dea we ohai^ged it agb to oblige do emaadpaahnn people of Mlobigaa aa' (janada, an' I haa new determined to make a third change. Owing to do faok dat de tnm^, carrot an' watarmdyon am not at deir boat ia db oUmbate imtU Sep- tember, an dat mnatard aa' pickloa, which play aloh important parta ia onr banqaeta, do not begin to develop ddr fl«vor until deng about do aanlvoraary of Forry'a vic- tory, it haa been deemed boot to aot de time fur do pionio at one week from to-day, I haa been In oerretpondonoe wid many of onr honoraiy members an' am aahnred of a large attendance. C«nada will be re- preaented by ebor 100 debgatea, an' ebery 8tdt in do Union will tend ita delegaahun. De place of de banqaet will be on Fighting Island, dght mllee below de dty. Wo ahall have de uaaal gamea, wid do uand priaea, an' I traat dat ebery local member will de hb lebel beat to ineonlate a reprehendblo time. ' HB WAS nUBl. Tte Bev. Penateck was en bard and ia hb ntaal ao«t, and the Pieaident had no atoner finiahed than he atoee asd Inquired " Did I nnderatand de cha'r to s*y dat we shenJd ineookte a tepreheaiibie tisie T ' " \on did, sab 1" was the prompt rryly " Wtll de cha'r please oxptun hb mo«n- bg a lottle dearer r, •' Bradder Pmsteok," said tho President as he arose and vigoroudy rapped tho desk with hb mallet, ' db cha'r haa nnffin t« ex- plain. If dar am any member preeent whe hasn't studied arIthm«tto long 'nuff to na- dorataad what de Inoonlashun of a ropro- hentible time means, den It woald bo for better far de rest ef at if he would ooUegiato to'rds impbcablo oblivion." Pendook didn't oellegbte. Ho sat down aad hugged a onuhed strawberry tohbaoh- ing beaonu COHMIITBIB. The following oommlttoei wore then ap- pointed: B«ceptien of Delegatesâ€" Oivaadam Jones, Pbkles Smith and Trattee Fallback, with authority not to hire mere than five mules and wagons. On the Btnquetâ€" Sir Istao Walpole, WhabboBo Howker, Elder Oaaiff and Col, Oahoota. with Instmotlons to canvass tho city for piovidona. Oo Gamea- Shindrg Watklna, Elder Toota, Haitahexn Davta and Old Man Soott. On Eleotlenâ€" BsY. Penatook and Uncle Begga. IBCIOKHTAL. The delogatee wOl begin arriving about Thuraday, and aa fa«t aa they oome in they will be eacorted to Paradbo Hall, furabhed with a lunch of iced tea, and thtn dbtribnt- ed among the cablna ef local membera. Any citizen having a bam not in nto whioh cw be â- eonred for temporary loiTglngawill pleaae addreaa the Secretary cf the dab, atatbe the bight between jeiata, condition ot floon and roof, etc. • J* *!* « " ^•' **»•" '^l no oppo- altton to Brother Gardner'a sevenths re eteo^ ttoD, dthoagh aeme of the miner peaitiena will be objeota of oentest. The BaUdIng Committee haa been buay during the aummer In eatimating improve- ?»«»â- â€¢ The Library b to be wUrS to ?hfaail'°^,'"!lrâ„¢^' •wobuwSSrf ahbglea wUl bo need en the reef of the hall, and It b dedgned to by a new floor in tS maaeam. â„¢" _Suoh dolegatai aa may arrive oa foot by highway anf not find membera of the re«S tten oommltteo at tho varioua toUmrtS S?"'Ji*^..°«"-* Poiloomwi toSSS them to Paradba HaU. No dolaaataa %^ out oredentiab wiU be roSlvad.* ' Bqaal to Him. ..X**' ^* •» oonuBordal travelbt)- •• Thoro'a roaat bed aad raait duok." ' ^^0«n«.rdd Traveller "C«»VM.b|^ Waiter Oirlâ€" Yeo." Oemmerobl Iravdbr (faootioody)-" I, OMiinordd Travdlerâ€" «• i woi «.» d It, I gaeat » ^^â„¢ "y aoaio •ntn^atr -â€"â- â€" »»t« or with- Waitar Gidâ€" «* '-V^-wih lood AaAadBvartaMirMMtty bddHi tgg b Ab Maoapal Oharoh la Mla B oa p ol h haa «h* opaidBg of ih* e^paddoB had theao wwdalabokllatteraoTardio door: •• Chanh open. Oome b, rwt aad pray." It b Botloed that a good maay pwaoaa do go la ovary day. ladbB bolba of Alaska wear a thbk ooat- lag of oil a«d aoot on tholr f aoos whoa aot la full toiht. Thb b said ta proaarvatho oompkxioa, whioh, alter a thorough aorob- bing, looka aa fair aad smooth aa a good â- rtioto of aof « soap. A Ddcota fumor, grnmUlBg at the poor ootlook for wheat fa dio early aammer, oflered to give bb wifo all tho wheat ho woald have over 1.600 bnaheli. Ho haa jnat threahed a trifl« over 2.500 baahob, aad tho wife b goiag to liavo a aew bbok ailk dreaa. Aoolpertour of the Amerioan Bble So- obtyfoaadia Biloy, Wla., tho ether day tho aoa of a dargyman who had ao Bible m hbhoaao. HowoaldatbayoaoaBdwealdn't aooept one aa a gifl^ and when tho oolper tear latimated diat he'd leave one any way the bad man became very angry and pat the B.ble mra oat of tho hoaao. A Seath Norwalk womaa who took gas tho other while ihe had tooth drawa, m- atead of rogaiaing ooaadoaanoaa after tho operation remained inaonaiblo and began to bloat rspldly. Her faoe, body, ^and Umbo sweUed alarmingly bat when a doctor was oallod, who rinped off her tight clothing and relieved the pressaro, she soon recover- ed. Djntlsts say tho case b a very rare one. Twelve years ago Joha Woadell wont West, leavbfif hb three- year-old boy wKh reUdves in Milton, N. H. Notiiing being boMrd of Wendell, die boy waa finally sent to tho almshotue nntll ho was 12 years old, whOB he was bound oat to a farmer. A few weeks ago a letter waa' sent from linoola, ill., to MUton, sayiw that Wendell had died there, leaving $25,000 to bo divided botweea a daughter by a soooad marrfogo and his aen Id Now Haaipshiro. Tho b^ baa atarted Weat te look after hb log- aoy. The Now York Indeptndent insists that it is true that a promlaaBt *motoe la oao of tho largest ohnrohos In New England ,suo- oessfallylopposod tho inangnration of revlvd meetings on tho ground that such a meeting woald destroy thob new church carpets. " Besides," ho b reported to have sdd ' what do we want with a revlvall Wo are oat of debt oar pews are dl rented oar hoase b fall, and a revival woald only dhtarb the qalet and orderly devdopmoat of tho ohiuoii." A few weeks ago two yeang persons went rowiogea White Bear Lake, Miaa., aad the yoang woman trailed her hand in th»( water and tbaa lost a ring. A week after- ward tho same couple wore again oat row- ing and the gentleman saw tho ring lying on the hard bottom of tho lake oevorod with ten feet of dear water. Ho dropped his knife by the side of tho ring to mark the spot, rowed the young woman to tho shore, and while ahe hid in tho bnahea ho rowed back, Btrippod, dived, and get both ring and knife. Henry Blevba of Poplar Bluff, Mo., while aqalrrel hanllag beard a pig tqueal aa if in great diatreaa. He went.teward the aound and aaw a big bear jnat b die aot of tquecdng tho last iquod out of poor piggy. Mr. Blovba'a gun was net loaded for b'ar, but ho found b bb poOkot a No. 1. buok- thot. Thb ho rolled b paper until die wad jaat fitted tho gun, rammed it hoaio on top of tho iquirrel ahot, aimed at the boar's head and pulled tho trigger. Tho aim waa 6no, tho buckahet did ita work, aad tho bear fell dead. They g^ dong fast b Dakota, aad te prove it a story b told of a recently oleoted Judge. He had boea a sort of boo laaoo b hb professiea, aad had boarrod tho onndty of a oertain bwyor., Thb lawyer came be- fore the Jadge tho other day witti aa ordb ary motfoa which shoald have boea granted b dne coarse of bw. Bat It waaa't, ' Mo- tioB denied," ydbd tiie Jadge. "But, your Honor " ** Modoa deaiod, I say." " Your Honor, one word, if you please." ** Not a word, sir." Your Honor aeeme to have a prejadloo against me." "You're just right 1 have," said the Judge. "I've been laybg for you for the paat throe years, and yon don't get any motions m thb court." Twenty-two years ago Patrkk Drisooll, jast arrived from Ireland, found a pocket- book conUbbg over S150 b Sdom, N. J. He told hb employer, who advised him to keep It until the owner appeared. The other day Charles W. Dunn happened to apeak b tho proaeaoo of Mr. DrbooU, bow a proaporsna merchant, about hb brother Samael Diinn, now dead, loaug a pocket- book yeara before. Mr. Dtiaooll at onoe took a book from hb pocket and hand^ it to Mr. Donn, who Identified it as the one hiB brother had loot. Ho waa a*k«d to oennt the money. There waa jnat $i51 78 Mr. Dunn tried to get Mr. Drbcoll to keep the money, but bo refused. He sud it wae a lead off hb mbd to get rid of that $151 78, "^y • p«i that S hi*55^ â- Sdnbanlnu,^^ *«l2i^^ fourth until the fthTt h "** •«* take tiie milk clstt i.?*^ *• 5ft Mob withsome1?iK!"i2»l»a5a n»Mket Thew»t».K*??*^S •Mowed to oiTS ^•S.' »53 l^yltl^destrSTaS^'-T!! oontata S^niewmnU«v??»! ttie mercury nSfm„*7^i there b tt^id dS3l»»lO(riJ oondittea It ««ti ^Sl^ '^l The aKi'ra'ittsff oomes sear, when it iTnift'^ii -«.^j:heheatingofll,«i^iff Dietetic Pallaciei, 1 That there h any Butrimini 1. 1. made from extnK.ta.lJrr'i'" ev»r, •â-  "BHii 2^That gelatine b nutrltlo«. i. notkeepacat-aUve, BaefSli' however, petaen a certain reianAS! we know not what "S^J 3 That an egg ii eqml t. ,^, meat, ai|d that every tick pni^Ji billoue temperament, oumat nt ZT' to tnoh, ogsB are itjurioia. ' 4 That beoanae milk b an imm^M de of feed, it moat be feroednplaJS*! Food thtt a person oanaot eadtn. Sd? cure. ^â„¢" 5. That arrow root ii nntrWiu, aimply starch and water, uefnl mid atlve, qdokly piepared. 6 Thatoheeaeii hjnritu hdtms It Is, as a rule, oentra-bdloated, b^ A naUy bdlgeitible; ihnt it ii ohhamI nutriment, and a waite repaber, ud i oraved. 7- That the cnvfagi of a piHalL whims and Should be denied, IhetaAl often needs, oravea fer, and dlgerti Hthl not laid down b any dietuy. M a\ for example, fmit, ploklai, juni,i)ih,ii^l or bacon with fat, oheaK, botttt ud ill 8. That an bfl«zlble diet aufbiuiUl out, whioh ahall apply te evtij mm, GUrI of a given Uat of artlclea allowkbk hilt^l en case mast be daddad by tb ifUsdl the stomach. The itamaoh ii ii|Ui all theory wrong, and the Judgmeat tishn appeaL A dbt which wsnld keep a balthr ^| healthy, might kDl a slok nun; ml i Al| anffiolait te anstun a tick man miilall keep a well man alive, loonaiid quil|l of food, espedally of Uqoidi, d*«nitsal boreased nutriment rather, deonwibi the digestion b over-taxed and vda|l| Strive to give the feed b ai omeabwl a form aa peialble. 0iimtt tha (ilWil atomaoh b prdarenoe to hlionTfaip; »M if tho atomaoh rejecta a oertata uiiii *â-  not force It. An Undentandiiu; Wanted. A merchant who was taking Ukbg- pewdor b bnlk from a firm, called at head- qaartera tho other day to aay that there waa aomething wrong with tho seeds. "I donTSbk^' was th.'KS, " we Biake tho best artido aeld." Jl 'fr^.^..o°gh »• have a more per. lyot mderstaadhg," ooatiaaed Uiodeiaor. «?^' •*â- Â»â€¢Â«*• before you i«id to VhrnttioretalkradBltarataa bderohTsolb aad tho oeasumer ean't bo bkmod fer growl- bg. Iwaatod to see if we oooldBt asroo OBsomepIaBtebeleUewed."^^ ^^ " What do yea mean t" SSriJtli^*" PeMontoTwhltfag, SSft 2in?" I«*i l» SOpwoontof flouf hl£T *»««?«»»9«f 40 peroeat ef hak! bSPhTSS J2f "fe ^^* »»» bog. JjJb^wjMdy mtWed. YeaseelfyJi !d£S!!? "T:?^ •« die atart, a£dl S!i!!!?*?r "'«*yM«» Mid die Ntdbr -SSTTJf â- Â«*«â-  beth'a B^^hard Iw tho eeMBiMrte Ml SfrnZm SLKSI^!!!^ â- ometfiatfer â- â- â- â- â- â- f»lll«o«|f:eh»ik,M â- . " Freyention of Oanoer. The predbposbg oanteaef oanoattfihhl haMts of tiie patlenti themulTM. J» •! dvIUution bthe oann ef tiMitnh^l wrooks so many fateUeot^ •• i* â- * ^1 cause of deprestbg the aaimil W^ •) tho bdividnd, and bringi b Hi tnb *l dread dbease. The mam oaoie d » •! ease b " eitablbfaed wealth »» i i»:i laxary. The appetite for eatitgw"" highly aeaaoned foed b biivivi,^' bJ^regubrly and h*W»«My. "'X* 3 b 1^ atate of establhhed cl»ft»f«' T oommnntitiea engaged b ^m^n^i tnnea and vietog with eaohrthw U^i tneua living." Thews o«^^^^'\Ze-\ with habita ef Indolenoe and «»»» *L, orobe, canae an Mcumulatlwef t" productab the "y't^ajftCM to cancer. Then an .«oldenW W«J^ revered of f ortnne, with B«t^7^ or any other exdttog came, n»i» " thb terrible dheaae. p^ujiMldl" Tbeleaaon.hobvleua. /tSfS*"" mere frugally and take pto^ '[^ the open dr, and fa 'h'^. *J"^^li modeVof llvtog, and the i^'JZ^ much mere remote. The care oj cult, but preventlen leemi »â- "• power of the fadiyidnaL A novel and im«?*?^^t0f- been performed fa ^*^^"^J*- The itient waa a r^^^ hb oM ohonrwho, fa '\S^^^Ji awollowed a brga '"V ^ftil !«** hb atomaoh. I* J* Jl tipi •* to set hb fingers d»*"..S.«L jb ***^ SrWehtole.Tejt*h.jVg that no harm woald «^^«ils^ however, he W|.«^ A^S whenhb â- *»»»S„'2(Jdtiw P-S; PoUillon waa unable «^ ""JJjiBtfy*^ tiio fork by »r "iotejS-^JJ faistrument, "^JJ^PSW^JS whidi ho ««'TjJ«m» rt^ HotiiOBmadewMgjfik. 1J*J domea and extracted w" ,^ ^^ port to tiie AoadaBJl foqrleea^**; j^ loblUon •n««»«»^ rfwk' J dmibrkind,fa ee^S***^ anly termed anabio*^»^^ „^- «Her.«.htelU»j;SijJj Qaarbtj^andM^'jSiMf-^ OBherage," rwariBB"

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