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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Sep 1886, p. 5

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 Miilil Flesliertvn. 'rtm «"â-  "•* eorrenondent. I .^m Opening.â€" The opening l!^pf the New Babtist Chapel y situated on the banks of the Water" on the north side of Z. St. were held on Sunday last just. The Chapelis aredbrick {gj with white, in size adapted Ulib sigj^h#TeQOTediiwtniekiMi fiopp Miitrie to liell bj PpbUc Acetimi oo 4i0t 90, Con. 2, Otepdc. 2| jmiln from HariEd^, on Tara;, O^ber 7th, ^86, the f(dUnrs|g virinaUe prdpertj, via 1 Span working horaes. 1 drWiiffiw^^ Ual (nuDi L A^sresent wants of the congregation, of "D? comfortable accomoda- ' ° 200 persons. Sermons "reached morning afternoon and ' jjj the afternoon the Eev, Mr. '"â-  ^js expected to preach but owing .^ere illuess Avas not able to be J upon the arrival of the Rev. 'tliou. (Presbyterian Pastor here) ;il his ov.n appointment here, he was w fill fl' vacancy which he \x cnnccutecl to do, his own congre- â-  coing "ith him to the Baptist '" Laiitt altho' not coming with a â-º .jrcparetl for a special occasiofi a.i church opening his audience not ijissapoiuted, from the words of the lo and 14 verses of the 5th Iter ot i Corinthians, he preached stirring Gospel Sermon. In the the Rev. A. Grant of London ,lie(l selecting for his text the fltifnl. 'erses 5 and 6 of the- 137 ^. and in the evening the 4th verse ^Ist chapter of St. John's Gosi)el. fjjp-et space does not permit me r^M vour readers a synopsis of these ^interesting Sermons. The mormng liwarse was particularly eloquent itoacbinj.' "The Church the Lord's [jije' its key note. The Sermon louflded in good points and useful Csons. so touching aud heart softening liat frequently provoked tear drops to lias each other down over the cheeks Ljiany present. In the evening the Ijme speaker from the text already Icotej dihvered a thoughtful and xierfui discourse, "Life and light" the fssxil thought. The church was packed the doors. On Monday evening biowiuf; a Tea was given, which was ^rrediu Mr. 31. Eichardson's old store, j fTIO the premises of John McKay, Lot 78. ier which the people retired to the j -L Con. 2, west of T. A S. Koad Holland ,pel wlieu a very interesting program 'â-  townBhip, about the middle of July, a through, several speakers Steer rising three years, nearly all red. The ' owner can have him by provmg property and paying ezpenoes. JOHN McKAY, 315-17 ' Markdale P. O 4 Cows rapposed io be in eaU, 2 Steers ri^ng three yean Ad^^ 2 Heiiers zisiqg 3 year* old, I„i ^^,.i 4 Steers riring 2 jjfign fM, i.^f. ,^ ., 13 Shee^. ' .... ...^^.^^-^ 1 SihRle Bng{!y neariyife»; " " ' 1 Set Bob Sleighs, 1 Brodcast Seeder, 1 Set Iron Harrows, ' 1 Horse Bake, 1 Plouw, Wilkin«on make, 1 Tnrmp Sower. 1 Seoffler, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Set Team Hamees, 1 Scrt Plow Harness, 1 Hay Back, 1 'Wheelbarrow, 1 Stoueboat, 1 Grain Cradle, 1 Giiitdstone. 1 Pick, 1 Gross-cat Saw, 1 Crobar, Chains, Forks, and other articles t,t nnmer- 0U4 to mention, also about 15 tons of Hay, and a quantity of household farmture. TERMS :â€" All sums of 810 and under. Cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Sa/e to Commence at 1 o'clock Sharp. No reserve as the proprietor is moving to county of Vellington. At same time place the feirm will be offered for sale. Wm. Mutrie, Proprietor. liyTirtaeafaporihgofMtoiabttiajrtatfcaearttia willbe g« fc» a to rl fl a b a rT iW jM i e W- Iber. AiD.Mto; W flU lisiir rf Ho'eiMtt iJn'IM •=»v" f cnteoon, all aM ifa^giilar tliat ciMifai putid br tneli^ tend iMaatitdln tbe «owiiali^ %- pfazMia.'inile Cmintt'of Qxey. eiWtsUiiiit nO â- diss B^ioM iur Itim, eotapoOtSt fiie Bast hklf of Iiot. No. %. in tiie Wi^ Ccmoeeiion ik HbA nid County. ' -^ .. --^ ' ' .. ' The property is within Ux milw of ^Cutoliiie and wltbln two miles of ^mboHey, and within two miles of a cbmrch, school bonse sad saw-mHL There is'abont twenty acres cleared, and there is a yoong orchard upon the property. The soil is a day loam, and the farm weH watered. l^ere is a frame dwelling house and stable tqon the premises. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Tenns and conditions made known on day of sale. For forer paxtiealanaiiply to BEATTY. CHADWICK. BUCtSTOCr* GALT, 58 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this aotb day of August AJ 18B6 Oieartistiodljpfniitod $gOLoSXt» town, Ji Hv^' â- .â- â- Â»'â-  and Geo. Noble, Auctioneer. STRAYED THE CHEAPEST YET We Sell as we Adirertise. ALL //KINDS //OF // FURNITURE will be sold close to wholesale prices for The next Thirty Days. Having a large stock of Furniture from different firms gives customers a good chance to choose what they want. All kinds of PICTURE FRAMING done at lowest rates. We aUo have on hand a large stock of Oa,skets a.iil Oofl9.ii.s and Funeral Fnrnisliing:s. which will be suppUed to those that will favor us with their cuhtom, at low pilces. Also A HJbiABSE in Connection. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Next door to Knapp's stoie. And itelfKgnificeiit, Grand, Imposing Fompoos, Skttdy, Sioperb, AQgnst, Kageatie, ImprassEve, Noble, Cnmmaiiding. Aristocmtie, Dignified, "Oh, Stop," Life is short, time is moTing, can't atop long. What have you We have the largest aud best supply in town of Tooth Brushes, Nail Brashes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Flesh Brushes, mpm. 'y',i.f.4 .... ..*.- W ».' JASL wj, FuisitERTON^ J Bttaufffal Shek ttf Sekctfrom. .^ /O OOP O 6 O O Q O O O O O O O O O 1 *rcF It IE A faet, as every one says, that BUSSELL is the man Ito repair yoor Watch or Clock jpropOTly. \o 00000000 0009000 o. 1 '•^- ^-v "' â-  GIVE HIM A TBIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- *. faction. WmSKS! WHISKS! WHISKS! GRAND ASSORTMENT. 217-269 JIS. G. RUSSELL. interesting ln gouu \\\m uaiiies Avere on the program jiere miabic to be present, but their jilaces Were well filled. The first speaker, jEcT..\. Vui;-ou, delivered a very inter- Isting address his theme •'Success." ISeit folio wed Dr. Christoe basing his jremarks upon that great thing "Truth." IllieDr. was listened to with very great laicrest. J. W. Henderson, Esq., of lloronto. being i)rcsent, the chairman laM lii'iii fonvard -when in a jmutes lie gave some very ponglit.s iiiid jjiactical suggestions. liken folluv.od the speaker of the even- lag. Eev. A. Grant, Avho from the begin- [jgcarrici liis bearers with him, taking :]r Lis text "Church etiquette." The |i.«iireaboiui(ied in v,-ise maxims, and JTOty sa, iiiL's. frerniently provoking the lairth ot the audienco. At the conclusion I'iayery liunjorous address the lecturer loncludcl "by singing very sweetly a jslo.-The Jipsylad," and then asked sub liiitions to provide for the J falsucc ct the debt upon the church. peluililing cost about $1.0C0, over piiX)Lad already been subscribed, over I W)C oi taat paid now. He asked for the jaiouattiiat \vouId clear the building of Jtbt. the Sabbath collections over ^50 ffidteanicetiiig about $30. The people ffeseut ii! a siiort time responded to pe amount recvaircd when all rose and I ^:g twice '•Praise God from whom all smrs liow." ZJr. M. Richardson [•i-eJtbc chair during the evening in â- ^H'!l Kuowii racy and happy maimer. I 'f 'tist people hero express them- «'ts as deeply grateful and thankful '^aJ those brstbern and friends whoso ifoitably miuistered to them in their hnices. ^TEEET La:ip3.â€" WTiat use are street Maps on a tlark night when they are pWitnp. I caniiot see that they are â- faapeatal, much less, useful. Jasjnnaay night which was very dark, I aanger from cue of our eastern cities I ^=' beard by vour cor. to say, "well if IJfpeopleofFleshertonwho are such â- anxcii going jieople cannot Ught then: j7?^f^P-. the least they could do 1:^7 "2 1^ set a lamp in each of their S°" "' ^^«^'t people on the side am "t. "*â- "â-  citizens, we have street ^s both gasoliue and kerosene, Hght ~*â„¢'aofltt hare our tender feelings --^ again. All persons are hereby warned against par- basing two notes signed by Will'am Smith, Artemeia, in favor of Wm, Mason. Markdale. few I one ior $40, drawn on the 6th August and due the 1st March next the other $40, drawn same date, and due the let January, 1888, as 1 have not received value for the same. WM, SMITH, Flesherton P. 0. Sept. 15th, 1886. *315-17 STEATEDl From the Premises of John Brown, Lot 68 69, 2 range west T. S. Koad, Township of holland, the following Cattle. 3 Steers, 1 Light grey and 2 spotted with tail banged, also one red heifer with tail bang- ed, any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. » Berkeley, Aug 17 186. 31 0-13 Groto ]Vf rs, Clement's MARKDALE Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Games, Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Special attention to the Dress- making department. The latest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. Dnnlop's Block, MARKDALE Shaving Brashes aud Shaviug Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Perfumery. If you are In need buy ATâ€" STEPHEN'S Drug Store, Markdale. To Consumers t Boalors IN OIIilS, Buylthe EmPlrelOII Go's RfiXAL PAU£f LIOHT Illummating Oil foi; Machinery of all kinds. Our GJ.A.STOR. E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Mannfacturers and Refiners TORONTO LONDON. Eep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. .W8-6m THE GENUINE SINGER I'ioaloid Road. h Jlr. 'ii our ovn Correspondent. ^•A. Ciakely of Flesherton has I ^t^ecl the contract of painting and ""SOffiiniag the Wesley Church. •'^- ' Hutchinson has returned I erf â-  "â-  '^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^° visiting P ""'is far some time past. St) 7 ^^ '"'^^^ ^^" 5^^^^ ^o'" Messrs I "â„¢? and Soss 'With their steam esherfinisbecl threshing at J. War- S y^^"" o'^e mile and a half to C. UiJ' "^^ ^^eie at ^vork again inside ^yfive minutes. If there is any I r^^at can beat this record, let us* l*^ttOBithem. I TorolSi^ °^ ^^^ citizens were down to hfteoifT ^^®^^^^^°gâ„¢ *he si^ta I ^itthlf *°^ exhibition, and mmor *4er i«: ^^°^eof them transacted sooie '"nportant business. l^ontn^ ^njousNEss.â€" "Whenorer Special grades, with my own name on, accurate tuners; also Waltham, Elgm and Springfield "Watches. Swiss, full-jewelled. *7 50 Seth Thomas Clocks, Silverware, and Musical Goods, in full lines Lazarus Pebble Spex. Large stoci. No misrepresentation. Prices close. Goods and work fully war- ranted. A Reliable Jeweller, Markdale. THOSE IN NEED-OF A SEWING -M ACHINE bbooid be sure and get the BEHUINEITEWYOBKSIMEB The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. B. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count] y that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HABNESS, long and short togs. 8TBAW COLLABS, VTHIPa, COMBS. BBUSHES. HABNESS OIL c. I will nse only first class matenal and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their interest to call at the new harness shop and get priceb before go- ing elsewhere. Eepairing done with neat- ness and dispatch. Sohciting a share of pablis patronage. I am respectfully yoiirs R. OAR NAHAN. Health is Wealth! WILL CURE OR REUEVE BfU0USN£88, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYBIPELAS. SALT RHEUM. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE heart; AGIDTTY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, And cnwry speclosef dlM8M ariclnje from disordered LIVER, KIONEY 8TOMA0M. 80WEU8 OR BU300, "~*^ New _Bai(ery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surrounding ountry that I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BBEAD, BUNS, • SCONS. CAKES PASTBY Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS A CONFECTIONARY. ORANGES. LEMONS. Si BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dcal^g and clo^e attention to business to merit your confi- dence and snpport. My motto is No Credit. 291 Tours respetHfully, W. M- SPEER- I V^^uf ^°f«fyoM Liver' *^ Bond Head Dedicated t«T»bacc« Chewers. •Tm lonely to night, love withont chew, fm' hungry, sweet Nora O'Neil. I've no heart ui me wsiskit, alanna. He spirits are down to coIdveaL" "Ah now, Danrh. me jewd. «o ai^y^f I wajat ehew to tij for « while Do yon think I woirid kiw a wiH Ui^en Who swallows fi*»e cut by the.]^? Yon «Uk «^^^you Kke Luirk. Jadm'â€" BwfM ktbfaraMl(y«eA bis onU pipe Bntift only »!«•»• Aa^wwOd ert it, 3Un tiw dirty oidd â- Hmtt oqt/of Bifi^t." BIRTHS. jMtew •/^«»«»^ Mmrm^, amd Dtafh^ Wanted Immediately! CANYABSEBS'Ilfr TdlS COUNTY NEW A MoBTOoMP fcKiumHi tfa FumiT "Boom, containing the Beviaed and Au^bflcised Vfofoofr i/ of botta the Old and Kew TeatttnentB. •xnmsed tn raraUfil 'wrfTiiinm. Tl â- liiii m m li lM iMi i iiimiii ii ' cyuopcedia of B bUol kno wloctte, SWwiMitkiaal fMtnes, and neuly 360^, il hiiteat toM. 13t« luewt^ j^Mvei*' and nM* ^i^ai^ bou^ Jit. B. C. Wesfa Kerre and Brain treMmsnt. a gnjwJrta^tpeBlfie for hysteria, diz^SST^i^ SkSSSS^^^JS!^ '^^•. »«» alcohol n- °^?ft^ g??"'*° ' me«»tai depression, aoften- to*i^ *!SS '*^^*^ iiwmity and W^ Family BOde tfuaJleged evaxjr fnpy. Some inSlidMir for taaoM. Bl medieiaew "" 19^9 i^e ol Mr. H. Forter of a dtsgfet^r, BttteinovarUD reanuiBr.. tyorer-, â- mdnle- 0* tte bnte, Mlf-iteaeor oTBr-L.v.»*~ Sld5r,^5l^*^ ««t by n„fl p„. iir mu$Mr£e m Boxes. ^« 2^iS!!? "*i,Jy ?Â¥* "*3* i*JelT« by w^r8 femnanwte»terBfaafl MARKDALE BAKERy, FOB â€" BREU,G»ES ARDBmiS, AT K^ASONAULE RATES. MSGtfiTS AND CONFECTiONARIT of all kinds on huud. SOIREES SUfl^RlSE PARTIES Supplied ou the Shortest- Notice. WeMlBi; CakftS a S|MeM|i[# ^^ ,, A citll is re8pMtfii}]y's«Ji«ited.^*v Ms' Br^4e]ivra«d in all paiH»j6f the town 'Mi^i^' M :rj ' " oil ^A ,5^1 fi: '»5 ..A 5aa^**fc«^:i^,»^1^**

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