i;i .jfta-tiia party and can y^L'more nsferly wretohed? I"' u t -^ people who have I'^^'especSftUy when, Uke my \f^ liiey ara of qalet going K«M means, and miut let 'r.*iatho dlalngroom and •^.he blggMt bed-room. '!°, after t!ie party, and every 'the li^ma wa« mUerablo. j" the P«ty had not boon k'J'-o^ »'" ""y **. if"' "'^wrhtheradianoo of hope •Qt»tl»n, while now nothing i»f^l and biHterneiB,- and " d B«t ^^^ "'"*® ***** order rtf ' Id bave seamel rather a 'u*?ny olroumstancei, I dare Vg'W^ly »gg"v»t«d by the ' »11 io very low ipirlt*. ,«er8 in dreadfully bad and all a apeoial â- tilt Ubeneitlf fs.H»g «"" fjjiire'"' homehblii oaniUted of hlm- 'â- ^7 Mr. and Mrs. Glbee. "'.! Chrlatopher and Voter, 'Sbter.. L.ttle and S ,phy. \l Martjn, the orphan l-annt's only shter. My '»W whan I wa« eight years f.tber, whese babita were by P'il domaetic kind, sent me to '•^,wed me te .p^nd all my ,, junta and, wnen he died !i diy» were aver, my tempor- Kme a P«m*nent one Thia fa ilta naturally, and was fP .»jr of ceorsa ^y my kiad- l',,.iu;»Dd aunt Ciarlotte, who tiressrJedmaasone of her own i"'er seemed to suppose that she *l,,ny p»rtieular favour upon L ma » happy """ amongst But I appreciated it, and en- ;,ppr6V8my gratitude in every L^jj I was elder than Lottie and left school beffcre they did jjj very nteful in the hoase. f'Jlotte was of a nervous timid 1 jj I happened to be self- iai c8ol and decided, she soon |,iy entirely en my j adgment and ad in year or two 1 was house- jjbief, and my advice was asked I generally taken en matters both Jjreit-indesd "Meg's advice" pti;v?rblal in the household, r 1 grew a little dictatorial, for [Jfondered what they could have Boot me, Chris was the only one m»n»ge. k,t the others aa much as yon like. Jut, " l)"' y°^ '^^' nevar bully iismehow or other I never felt sccurred aoiongst ua now and Is; sn the whole, we were 3 very Jiiiif uatil the diiy after the party, IjI hive Slid, \^-e were each and all le. My ancle \raa confined to his libiiioaa aU^ick, where he lay ^iaJani'henatiaSng " that cham- "My anjt looked vary haggard tc drat came dawn in the morning, tiher head ajhed badly and her ucedidnot brighten as she and I p:ed the atate of the crockery, u never £;iye a party again," she itj, bat it was tae qaietnesa of "Nine champagne gUases broken, ei, and three of the best china da great et^in on the drassiog- [i-p«t! Vi) might have been enter- i let oi bAtbarians " pher and Peter, uanally the mest- lie ef bro^hcra, were now not en terms with each ether, as my Ut breakfst time and, instead tsbasinMa togfcther. Pater linger- Tht!) had gene, and then started '-« olnates afterwards, This un- esitreaa, as I well knew, because iih disagreeable London belle, Mr.e frieads of eura had brought ea to the party, and who had ie'perately, bnt vhh maddening j".y, with ooth my deluded censins. tBtir co'dncea towards each ill! moroicij. As (or Lottie p:T, 1 wlaheil, before the '"' th .: they were not on speak- fer they wtrs nagging at each :eti!ne c.i fialkhsd just before â- i:c a iewcrlght spiteful qaarrel :.:»:.6:;3 cru«. Their grievance " t*9 brctbers, Tom and Harry i^rLittie lik'ed lUrry best, and 5td loni irl, trith the nanal con- icimar.kiu t, H»rry was deaperate- »^J with Sjpuy and Tom with :3it~i8 usuil, after every merry- /^e m'gh: have, for Little and â- â- ^^i'i oitab^a: them. I felt vexed ys'iBiy â- bat I thiiik I waa quite beiog s9, for thpy would all lotlitvln^â€".s- saying they believ- j 'I'as ia lovs with ridiculous 'f'f -it because he happened --ewuh m?, ftiidtosk care that '-=8nou!d ki:6.v::s was too! I did !«=« et tneai at least might have â- ;'=.!5ase. And now this fine Landon ' ?FP5i.r?d en tbo uoensâ€" oh, I f'i^(%"' '°'^^^^ inothtr best china "Uth-3 â- . en-.aluing sherry-glasses ;f:\!"^-" 't And. if aunt had â- tne stits (,f mind I waa in, she 'jernavctruated me to wash them ?,-â- them away. Even our New- -fg eeemed to share the general " n, acd kept coming from his ..* 'M as his chain would permit l^'^.V^" and dismal howls. The I -Oit it was the sign of a death iL?^?'â„¢"' pers.sted that it fore- :,^?«g I did net feel as if 1 oared â- "tt T ** or what happenedâ€" -«i* I fpc mere inclined for a I felt i*?* weddir^^g, espeolaUy If the '"6d a breakfast and another ' I. ^^^ ^^^ °P »â- early as moining_we had too maoh «».«. f^-*^' Ciris and Peter «dtb!i ""' dinner at the nsaal •«ck»i^ 'aacheens-which they al- IS tig '° "'am. and ate in a little baok Ui,^^."?â€"Pnt up J and then when '•WirT !?'"*^^*" weoemmenoed â- "^T^'t'gations through the hoase. ith^^'ijtaixe'clook, and It wu °®w before we had racosedad »n J J"' *« anything like erdar. â- "wd Sophy had their qowrel. In the midst of whieh Chris and Peter arrlT- ed. and we went to dinntr Ciria folded his armi aad put on a deggad and determined look as be took his place at table. "I breakfasted o£f cold fowl," he said (tloomliyâ€" " I Innched ofif cold fowlâ€" I re- fuse te dine efif It." My aunt grew tearful again. •• Thie U not oeld fowl," she answered " It Is turkey, and yea might eat It ld beef will keep a day or tweâ€" fowls and tar- keys, with sancs ever them^ will not. Bat " â€" taming to me resignedly â€" " ring for the beef to be brought in Meg we have had eneuKh nnpleaaantnsss for one day." " How is it there is a whole turkey left T' inaulred Chris, aomewhat melifiad as the beef appeared. "It was Meg's fault," replied aunt Char- lotte. " She put It en that dark shelf be- hind the oellar door, and I found it there thia maming qaite forgotten. Bnt I wonder Msg, you did net notioe that there were •nly twe turkeys at sapper; tliis weald liave been eaten If it had been there." "I did net have any suppar," I said, " for I thought there would not bs room." " Tliat Is merely an excuse," interposed L»ttle; "yon were spooning with John Howarth in the oenaervatory all sapper- time." I meant te leek defiant, bnt I may have loeked guilty. " Did he propose te yea?' asked Sophy staring at me. "I will pat a step te this nonsense ab^ut John Ho war th " I said determinedly. ' 'Ton shall all knew exactly how the oase stands and then there will be no farther display for stale wit at ear expense. As Sophy sap- poses Mr, Howarth did propose to ms last night." "Oh, Chris," Interrnptad i^ttie, "hew could yen hit my oat in such a savage way I Coma here Tip â€" poor pussy I" " You should teach your oat net to stick his olaws into one's legs at dinner time," retorted Carls " then he wouldn't get hit." "He was nottoaching yon I" returned Lottie warmly. Ha was begging quite in- eSensively," "Ha was sticking his olawa Into my leg," reiterated Chris, with quiet and most aggra- vating obstinacy. " Nov don't yon twe begin quarreling," said Sophy impatiently, "But let Mag tell us ab)ut Mr. Howarth. I have often read about proposals in tales, but I have never heard a real bona fidt. one described. Do tell us every word he sa'd, Meg 1" " Did he go down upon his knees asked Chris. "For, If he did, I wish I had been there to s'-« him." " I shall net tell you whether he went down open his knees or not," I answered oalmly "nor shall I tell'yea what he said. But," I added with sentlmanttl meditation, "he said seme very nice things indeed t a ma â€" me â€" nicer than you could put together Chris if ^on tried for a hnndred years," " I can assure yoa I am u^t going to try, even for a minute," answered Chris giviag ma a most savage leek. My aunt suddenly burst into tears. " This is the finishing blew," she sobbed â€" " Meg going te be married 1 I will never give another patty as Ion as I live 1 It was again my better j adgment that I yielded this time. I did it te pleasa you all, and this Is the resultâ€" fur aitu re ruined, eatables wasted, your father III, yoa all quarrelling like this, and Meg going te be married I No, never another party in this house I" " Whatâ€" net even when Mag marries John Howarth " sneered Chris, " No, not even then," replied atmt re- doubling her sobs. " Well, don't cry, auntie," I Interposed, " for I am not going to marry him, I gave him a vsry decided *N«,' Chris here gives a qaick covert glance In my direction; after which his assumption of perfect indifferenoa seemed to me a trifle overacted, "Oh," laughed Lottie, "that explains why the poor fellow ate trifle instead of fowl with his belled ham, and never found ont the difference. I thought what a cari- ous taste he had." Bat aunt refused to be pacified she had reached that state ef mind when troubles are positively preferred to blessings. "Spying 'No' to Mr Howarth will not buy a new drawing room carpet," she said, " er eat up all the tarts and custards and cakes. I am sare " â€" warming to her sub- jaot â€" " the waste has been shameful 1 Whxt the confectioner's man came this mornieg, I had not a single cake er jally or blanc- mange te send back, tor every one had been broken into I And I saw yea, Chris, take just a spoonful out ef that expensive por- cupine, when a plainer cake already com- menced waa clese by you." " Ok, don't blame Carls for that auntie 1" I excL\imed. " It was done for Miss Jones, If he had the pswer, Chris would out a bit effthe Keh i-neer itself if she asked him." " I wouli," said Chris " she is worth a hnndred Koh-i noors." " Raally " observed P«ter, aroused at last from the gloomy lethargy that had pos- sessed him all dinner-time, and addressing Chris. " What a pity she does not regard yen In the same light I She teld me last night how she hated dancing with yon, say- ing that yen were so clumsy you were con- stantly getting your feet en her dress." "Indeed I" retorted Caris. "Sha teld me the same thing about you " " I den't believe it," said Pdter, "Da yen mean to say I am tailing lies!" demanded Chris. " Another quarrel 1 cried my aunt. " Oh dear, dear, what will ba the end of It. all?" "The end ef It all might be pleasant eneugh," I replied with energy, " if only every one of you would display a little oeni- men-Muse. I un ont of patience with you aU!" "Well, Meg," said Lottie oalmly, "you generally seem te oenalder yourself capable ef setting the world te rights; se oan you set euT little world straight 1 It seems te me we are all miserable. What oan yen rag- ges to make na all heppy ' .. "Cenunen sense," I repeatedâ€" "only oommon-aense. Take mv advice and peaoe will be restored at eaoe.' " Let us have it then," ndd my aunt qaeruleosly. " Oh, let OS have Meg's advioe' at once!" neerad Chris agafai. " Hew u It we have net thought ef title puiaoea earUar?' •• I will oammenoe witii my nnole," I be- saa firmly. ' Let himâ€" at leaet, make him --Methedoelor te-nighik and he wHl be better befere mwning," " That bgeed advioe enmgh, ' eaid annt, "andlwiU teUhim." " As for yon auntâ€" to led at onoe and forget year werrlea. Wa wHl etort a sab- soriptien-liet for yon, whfoh I wOl head with five shniinga and, if the ethers give with equal liberality aoosrding te tl^ means, yen will be able to replace all the broken oreokery and have the white hearth- rug cleaned also. " That b good advice toe, and I will do my part by geiog te bed immediately," said aunt meekly. " I am much obliged te yen, Meg." " As fer yen, Peter," I oentinaed severe ly. " I think. Inatead ef qoarreUing with Chris about Miss Jones, yen had better tarn year attenHen nearer heme. I knew peer little Kitty Raynelds weald nearly ory her eyes out when she get heme last night, or rather this morning." " You know mere than I de than," returned Peter. " Yea, I do for I am in Kitty's ooafi- denos, and yen are net and I luiew what Kitty said to me when she waa going home, and yen do not- And my advtoe te yen. Pater. Is make it up with Kitty, and leave Miss Jones far those who want her." "Capital advioe! Bat I never asked you fer It, you ses so I don't oenslder my- self bound te take It " and he went on eat- ing tarts. " And new, girls." I continued looking at Little and Sophy, "make np your minds te the Inevitable, and change levers, They are twins, and se much alike you oannet always tell which Is which and I think It must be merely oontrartnass In you two to pretend you like either one better than the ether; and"â€" with just a oarelees glance at Chris â€" " contrariness never p%ys in the end. So take my advioe â€" transfer your aff jotiens qiiet ly, and say no mere about it." Then I helped myself te some blano- maoge, and went en eating my dinner. " Bat you have forgotten me," observed Chris " pray have yen no advlcafer ma!" I hesitated a moment, then loeked at him defiantly, " Well," I said, " I think the advioe I have given Peter might also apply te you Instead ef making yourself ridlonloas about Miss Janes, I think you might find some one to admire nearer home." Then, owing to Peter's delighted " Brave Mag I" and Chris's steady stare I had a sansatlon th»t I had nevar experi- enced In all my self-possessed life before â€" I think it was embarrassment â€" ^and I rose hastily from the table and left the room, presumably to see " why that dog howled so." And Chris must have felt carious en the point toe, fer he also left the table and followed me to Nero's kennel. When we oame In again, Peter was stand- ing In the hail with his top ooaton, brush- ing his hat very carefully, "Why, Peter," I exclaimed, " where are yon going T I should have thought yon would have been mere Inclined for bed tlian a walk. Where are you going T' Peter looked at us with a curious mix- ture of defiauoa aad shaepishuess In his ex pressien. "I am going te see F/ank Reynolds," he said. "Ha teld me last night that he has a little terrier he tlilnks I sball like, and he said ha would let me have It cheap se I am going to look at it," " But," remarked Chris pitilessly, " you know that Frank bas gone away from home to day, and won't be back until Monday and your j onrney will ba utterly fruitless, will it net, if yen find only Kitty In! " " I shall see the terrier," muttered Peter, putting ea his hat, " and shall leave word whether I will have him or not." "Oh, I have no doubt it will be all right I" I remarked, with an innocent air. Peter looked at me, anl then said â€" " What Vii th matter with Nero I" "Ohâ€" his ohainâ€" I thinkâ€" his cellar!" I stammered, taken abaok by the sudden- ness of his question, and ending by an appealing glanoa at Chris, " Never mind, never mlad "orIed Pater, wavins; his hands. " As yon said, Meg, I have no doubt It will be all nght; It's leap-year, you know, and Chris tias only acted aii any ether man ' Here Peter darted through the hall doer, and slammed it after him, ether irlsa the hat brush would have stru ]k him. When Chris and I entered the dlning- reom, aunt was there, " Your uncle has j ast seen the dootor,' she said, smiling a little as she kissed me before saying goad night " and, if any ef the ethers have been as ready to aot upon your advioe, you oan let us knew in the morning I think we are all ready for bed tonight." "I shall have to sit np for Peter," said Chris. " One of the servants can de that," said aunt. " No, they are all tired out," answered Chris "and I shall like te sit up, jast to see poor Patar's bewilderment when I ask him what Is the oalenr of the terrier," " Oh, he went be bewildered at all " I put In. ' ' Hell answer in all simpllolty, 'Plum- colored' or 'Navy-blue,' and then wonder why yon look surprised." When aunt had retired, I noticed that Lottie and Sophy were busy doing some- thln.i to their photograph albums, and, ob- serving them quietly, I saw them exchange two photographs, I said nothing but, when we all went upstairs together, they were merrier than usual, and quite friendly again. Thus the day begun se dismally ended right happily and its resnlta were happier still- for Pater and Kitty are married and happy new Lottie and Sophy are whisper- ins together about a forthcoming " denble- wedding and Olirls â€" having also oonde- scended te take "Mag's advioe " fer. enoe â€" has a wife who werriilpa the very gronnd he treads enâ€" and he deserves it too. Have Yon Thought About It? UPainls ona.of ths aura thioga ef life, aad it beoomes then a meat important queatiui te have at hand the qalokeat aad most ef- ficient remedy. Pelaen's Nervlline caaaafe fail te euro orampa, teotiiaohe, naoralcia, headache end all fsJa, iateraal er axtaraal. NsrvHiaa ia the most perfaet oemliiaatiaB aver afterad ta the pabUo far tiia rallaf ni piJa. It trill net eaat yon mooh ta try it, fer yon oaa boy it aft any drag atere fer 10 oaata a trial beiUa^ whioh wOl oanTiaca yoa of ita ndghty p^ NUtrbg pa^ 'lire-pmef Paper Vaybeltfdde.' aays a sdratlfio exohsoge. " from a pulp, oc-nsistiDg of one p^t vegetable fibre, two parts ailMB'oi, one tenth part bsiax, and ene-fifdi |Mrt «lnm." It Is a pity that snoh facts as the one foIlowiDg oannet be writ- ten, printed er etherwbe preserved, aten aoma aort of Indestmotlble paper. " My wife snfierad aeven years aad was bed rid- d«n, tee." said W. E Hneatia, ef Emperb, Kansas, ^* a number of physiolaaa fUled te help her. Dr^ Pieroe's ' Oelden Medical Dlsoevery ' onred her." All drugcuts sell thb remedy, kverybedy enght te keep it. It only needs a trbU Velvet bedioea will be worn thb antnn:a with skirts of dififeraat material. A perfeot apeolfio â€" ^Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy. Blaok fans edged with Ghantilly laoe are oevered with tiny geld spangles. What a Chance I A few short weeks age that young girl was the peraenlSoatien ef health, vigor and beauty. The blush npon her cheeka rivalled that of the reee her atep waa light and buoyant, her every movement waa a revela- tion ef perfeot physloal health. Yet now she b pallid and haggard, and her super- abundant vitality has given place te a strange dnllnass and lassitude. What has caused thb change I Functional Irregular- ities, whioh can be cured by Dr. Pieroe's " Favorite Presbriptlen," a remedy to which thousands of women to-day ewe their llvee. All druggists. Satin in combination witji laoa b te be a favorite for the coodng aaasen. A Free Flcht. The great repntaUon of Brigga' saeotrlc Oil is such that it baa Induced noprlnoipled per- sons to adopt other names as near like It as possible. The proprietors of Briavs Biectrio Oil have the name and style of the Electric Oil registered both in Canada and the United States, and no one can use it but ihemael ves. Others hearing of the success of Briggs' Bleo- lectrio Oil have adopted other names sio^lar, Kuch as " Sclectric Oil." " Electron Oil," o.. and ara striving to induce tbe public to buy them instead of the genuine Electric OIL In fact so determmed were they that they brought a sui^ at Law. In the High Court of Canada, to deprive Briggs Sons of their right to control the same but the Courts and the Minister of Agrionlture at Ottawa fully sustained their registered trade mark. Briggs* Electric oil cures Rheumatism. Neu- ralgia, Sprains and Bruises, complaints arria- ing from Colds snch as Sore Throat, Cough, Asthma, B ronchitis and difficult breathing. Silk gloves are elaborately embroidered tha entire length of the arm. Don't use any more nauseous rurgatlves su oh as Pills, Salts, c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowels gently, cleansing all im-s ur- itles from Uie syetem and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Great Spring Medicine fio ota. Danish cloth is shewn with printed designs as well as in plain colors. A. P. 598. â€" -rit*- AYOfilTI. M ENâ€" THBKEâ€" and wo ladlesâ€" as Oanvassers good pay. H. E. Kbhhsdt, loxoato, Onk AQKNTS FOB NEW PARALLEL FAMILT BIBLESâ€" Urge type, splendid msps, besnU- tnl UlnstnttionB contaiDS 4.000 qntstioos and an- swan on Bible Topics liberal tarms. International Book and Bible House Xoionto, Ont. A6EIITS WAETKD-IN EVERY TOWN AND oounty, tor the O. K. Psrer and 8nioei. Beat thing ont i sells at sight sample KcUa sent on reoeqjtt of price, 16o. Q- D. DAT, Agent, 40 7on«a M., Zoranto. Ont. B AND SAW If AOHINESâ€" ALL SIZESâ€" LATESl improvementa brsokat band saws lot sttaoh- Ing to posts neat, oheap and dnrable sand foi clroulatB. JOHN GILLIES k 00., Oarieton Plaoa Ont. RBPRESENIATIVE In each oonnsy to sell "Pro- posal sod Espousal "â€"• book on Love. Ooort- Ship, fbtrimony and kindred .emes. Wdte loi olrenlaia. International Book uid Bible use, Xoionto, Onl flt'Vllii so Acre Farmâ€" 9S00 «a Acre Farm VPlUU â€"1 mile from Dnndalkâ€" 100.000 acting plays, 16 cents 100,000 6 cent mnslo i instruments half-prloa. BUTLAND, 87 Klng-st. W., Xoronto. SCHeoi, Teachers A Btmdents Attention I During Holidays special coarse of private lessons, by highest masters, will be given Sohool Tesoheis and Students, on Shorthand, Drawing oi Painting. AU who oan shonld oome. Send bnmedi- ately lor special olronlais. Thb Unon Sbob*. HAiroBas* AoASBiCT, 39 and 41 Adelaide St. 1., Up- stair, Toronto. TSE TOKONTO BD8IJIEBB OOlUEfiB^ Be-openi Wedietdty, Sspt. let. Vaotnoy (or two hnsdred move students, on Shorthand, Type- wiitinK, Book-kerplne, Wilting. Arithmetio, Giam- mai, Drawing. Pslatlng and PeiapeoUve, and all other Oommerolal and English Oonises. All gtadn- ate 4 helped In proouilng good sltnatlona. Apply Im- mediately. 37. 39 and 41 Adelaide St E.. loroato. ASEHTSt- TOU OANT FIND A tsOOK THAT gives better satisfaction or that 70a oan make money (aster with than 'â- Wotld's Wonders." Sellsto all classesâ€" Ohrlstlatis and Infldels, Cattiolles and Protestants, old and young old agents who have not canvassed (or years are going Into the Held with It 0. t. Jenkins sold 1!8 the first week; J. B. Biaoe says I " The first week with " Wondeis" netted me one hnndred and sUtssn dollars." A good chanoe (or nnemployed persons; outfit (res to actual can. vassen. write (or terms. BaiBUT GasutsosA: Oo. B(ant{onl A.g'iricultu.i'a.l Oollegfe WILL RE-OPEN ON FIRST OCTOBER. Oonrse in Agrrlcultate, Live Stock, Dairying, Tet- erlnaty Science, andl English specially adapted to the wants of faimeis' sons. Tor olrcnlar giving in- (oimatlon as to oost, terms o( admission, etc., apply to JA3. MILLS, U. A., President. Guelph, AugDSt, 1S86. Please mention the paper in which yon saw this advt. BRANTFORD COLD W4TER SICB STABOB NEVER FAILS. 6aelph Bnsiness College GUELPH, ONTARIO. TheThbdScholastieTeai begins Sept. 1st. Patrsn. aca drawn from Tsv Staitss and PBOvraossi Toung men and boys thoronghiy prepared (or bnsiness pnr- scMs. Otadnates eminently snsoeeahU. Pra'tlckl work, moderate sates aad stialtrht drallng ohar*o- tnlse the Institation. Ladles a4mttted For faiior- address IL MaoOOBiaOK. Piladpal ASK FOR THE GLOBE Washboard KEPT BY ALL GROCERS MANUFACTURED BY ^^/iMILTON WalterWoodsC? 3, TORONTO SNOWDRIFT, iKINGPOWD[R THERE IS NO BKTTEB Ths Snow Dim BsUng Powder Oo.. BranttotO. Os Story Paper, The niwaide W^cekiy. Sixc stories by themosttalentedanthors in each issue. A number of interesting Complete Tales of liovck Bomance, and Adventure, Cnoice Poet^, Short Sketches, Household Beoipes, Science, Wit and Humor, etc., contained in each issue of The Fireside Weekly. Sc. per copy; or, with 40«f the moat dmlrable eenics of the day, $2.00 per -year six months and 30 pieces music, U. tliree months and lO pieces music, 60c. Ssibenlbe now. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal com* mission. Hainple copies free. Thb FisBsioa WebkI/T. 28 Ciolboine St,. Toronto. Canada. MONEY TO LEND â€" onâ€" FzodaotiTe Town, Villac^e h Farm Property. B. MITCHEU. â- eBOHAI.*. Baralster, • VsJem Bleekâ€" Tetoato Street â€" TeiVBte* OJ B. SPENCB CO. '•» Oonsnmeis will find It to their advantage te ask the trade (or our make o( Files aad Rasps. Ve-CvttUsK a Specialty. Sand lor prloa list and terms. Hamilton, Ontario. •t THB MEW •:• BROMIDE CRAYCN PORTRAIT BaantKnl, Lite like and Artistic Abtirintely noth- ing to equal It LUe-sIsed portraits drawn from ordinary photogaphp, and warranted first class. Portraits painted In Oil, Water Color*, and India Ink. Photographer?, amenta and others ehonld writs (enclosing stamp) (or olronlar Agents are making •Si 00 per week. It *111 pay on to canvas (or orders. Look oat lor me at Toronto exhtbltl vu J. L, R4WBONE. Artist. 95 KINQ STREET^EaST, TORONTO. Armstrong's PATENT TEHPEBED STEEL Cntter d^ Slejgli Gears, Made Irom Best Tenpered Spring Steel. LIGHT, HANDSOME, STRONG, AND VERY DURABLE We ara h.vtng a large demand (his season from sections where sample lota were sold last winter, aad orders shonld be pUoed ewly to secure prompt at- tention. OorDlBg, Portland, and "Jump Peat," Roditfl to aolt, aod all at very moder«te prices. B.avt vou u«ed our Steel Bob-Sleighs t "end lor de. Kifiptivo clrr-nla' j, b. ARMSTRONG M'PO C O. LD). QUELPH. CANADA. AUan LinB Hoyai Mail Steamsnips. Sailing during winter from Fort an' every Thursday, and Halifax every Batnrday to Liverpool, and In smnasat from Qnebeo every Baenrday to Liverpool, calllnc at Lon- donderry to land mtili and paaiensers (or Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore, via Haiitaz and St John's, N. F.I to LiTerpool fortnightly dnrins lammer months. The (teaaers of the Olasgow llDes'sall daring wlntai to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and PhUadel. phia; and doricK snmmer between Qlatgow and Him- treal, weekly, Qlatgow and Boston, weekly and Glas- gow and Philadelphia, fortnigbtly. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore S. Gunard Co.. Halifax Shea Co St John's, N. F,.. Wm. Thomson s Ca, St. John, N. B. Allan Co., Chicago Love ft Alden, New York H. Bourller, Toronto Allans, Rae A: Co., Quebec Wm. Brookie, Philadelphia H. A. Allan Pom and ttogton. Montreal MERIOEif BRITAKNIA GO. MANUFA.CTUEE ONLY SILVER-PLATED Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. £1 aimilton Out. BICYCLES AND Velocipedes I Now is the timj to buy cheap Olcstog out onr stock (or this year. Send stamp (vr Price List. Ottehville Manufactcb- ING Co., Otteevillk, Okt, ELECTRO STEREOTYPERS,,. e- XORONTO. -c ' J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Si^