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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Sep 1886, p. 5

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 f eversliaafc fTO» a. Correspondent. i, brisk in town as the f armen r.hroaeb with their harvest. S Hannah, of Fleeherton Station. â-  town recentiy with the famooa --X,n .-Goiafinder," and heand ' r T McGirr, took him to Not- ,re him in charge of Mr. T. White at McCiin- has returned home from "iS^uSlt'o^\-ay hh«kamith. „n his holidays, intending to rait *^ Owen Sound and Toronto daring rJ^^on. We wish hiin a good time "' tfe booming in the S. A. Army. "has had his hau: cut and porch- 7.iK« smock. r tf is jnst about as proud as Aitknr .few weeks ago, his wife haying pre- I him with a bouncing boy. ^Pa^ and C. Neil are going ttf visit ^ibiSon. We hope they may have a ftjute. If Messrs. Telfer. of CoUingwood, have jt here fishing lately and secured about 'bjudred speckled trout. 1 teoally quiet village was the scene of "' ,f,il occurrence on Saturday even- One of the soldiers, Mrs. Wright, hav- •Jn forbidden by her husband to go to '^«kB -ifter the march was over, she *f^tainined to go, her huBband, Elija, Luiii lieli her for a good hour janglmg feuh other, while their son Ed. was in- jj between ttiem while old man Craw- j laying the law down to Elija. Fin- "uj, Wright give o'er and got in the •jwd Elija droye off, while the crowd aedthemlustlj. fSsT boys I wonder what is the matter hWill.McG's neck? he is walking around I, his head sideways. The girl mu!t have Qlsaning on it. ^orrtHos FROM abroad d*a3i Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure no cure J pay. Ask Stephen, your druggist, lOBtit. Fiesherton Station. from our own correspondent. I Ihe board of Arbitrators appointed by J connty council of Grey, to sit upon libe question of the j)etition of the rate- Lyersofa portion of School Section Ijo. 5, Artemesia, to have a portion Igi said section around Fiesherton IJtttioii formed into a school section by met on Saturday last in the iTownHall at Fiesherton, and after a it and most careful hearing of all lite parties en both sides of the question: Ikided unanimously that the petition Ijresented to tlie township council (and Imw in appeal) should be granted. So Itk inhabitauts of Fiesherton Station lind neighborhood will soon be blessed liiththe advantage of a school in their Harvesting or the unfinished |;ut of it, is slow work now on account loiruny weather, but on the whole crops JBOtmd here are expected to be above lia average in quantity and quality. 1 Cheap fares on the C. P. R. to I Toronto are taking many people down lid see the fair and attend to other letters. No new grain coming into market tereyet but the noise of threshing Isachines is often heard. Cordwood jnnges low in price and dull in demand, I Business only middling, improTement I eipected directly, i Now that there is a certainty of a I «cliool, people think that there should Jlieichnrchbuilt here too, there is not I so Episcopal church within less than miles, if that Christian body *oiild take hold at once, erect a church Mre and give regular service they »onld confer a benefit on the surround- R country and villages and be looked hponma frmdly light by other de- hominations as it would in no possible «2se be an intrusion. A Uamt onk in flMlMflklide of ftSn- Uvaa kilted aix skanlni few days ago, •ad in eouefDenea had to teke 19 his r wride n e e in awigwam nfc fee back end of a tiring liDndted acres. He datoit teave fbs place and no one goes near him and ha is begfamii^ to feel lonesome and alitlietiredin the stomadi.â€" [Chats, â- worth News. Sir J(dm A. Hacdonald has a happy knack ol making himself aooeptahly at home among all classes of mrai, whether at a Tory convention, an Badian pow- wow, a Boman Catholic picnic, an Orange lodge ,or a Methodist conference. His Tnesday night's speech was free from party politics, but all the more effective on that acoonnt. Sir. John has a great faBad.~[World. Piles of Fbsioht. â€" ^A visit to the C* P R. freight sheds here, shows that anim. mense traffic is being done at present, the yards are full of cars and nearly forty men are constantly onployed in hand- ling the immense quantities of freight received for British Columbia and Mau' itoba points.â€" [0. S. Advertiser. Scene in the Police Cocb. â€" ^A s atrial was in progress last Friday in the Police Court, Samael Piatt, Esq., Barrister, ap- peared for the defence, a dis- pute arose between the Police Magis- trate and Mr. Piatt, as to the matter in which a witness should be examined. After some words the Magistrate order- ed Mr. Piatt to leave the Court, which he refused to do. He then ordered the Chief of Police to nut him out, when the Chief told him (the Magistrate) to put him out himself, which he proceeded to do, calling upon the Chief to assist him. Mr. Platte was forcibly ejected, and has entered an action against Mr. Spencer and the Chief, laying damages at $25, 000, for assault in the discharge of his duties in the Police Court. The Chief of Police has also entered an action against Mr. Spencer, the Police Magis- trate, for grossly insulting language arising out of the above case, which, we understand, will come up for hearing be- fore the Mayor. â€" \0. S. Advertiser, «ien«ft DjrvirtaeoCa »« be fi'utoâ€" â-  tkm* Hmm at teHaetrvaliHB '.HiemhA^raf ber. K3i.1tm,tJt fhv^tenr o( Uofaiock in tta tomiMKm. aO aad siivdHr 1}isfe eattyn psiwal or •f luS aMaKtoateOe aemuOOfi vX Ba- in tiM Oowity mt Ctea^, etwitpJalm IflO miâ€" at Iw^ Bwupuwia of ttieBMtlnltof I«t No. 4, in tbe aOi CoBoewioii of ttM mid Co»«««y- ' \*",!f^^,,:V' 'i The iwup e itj l «tfliliiriti s^Ies ellfei»iMi mud witldh two miles of TCfirifwrley, and irtttln two miles of ebnreh, letiool boateaad iww-milL There la about twenty aeree •ii'vn^, andtbeie it a young ordiaid upon UMStoperty. nMaofl ia a clay loam, and ttie farm inU'vatarad. There ia » friune dwellins booae and etaUle upon the premiqw. The pioperty iffU be aoM •nbiect to a leeerve bid. Terma and o|iditione made known on day of sale. Tax farther pextienlais apply to BEMTTr, CHMDWICK. BUOrSTOCMA BALT. 58 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Dated at Toronto thia SOOi day of Angast AJ 1866 •ign of the to^,.^^ ,^, THE CHEAPEST YET We Sell OS we Advertise, ALl // MUDS // OF // FUSNITURI will be sold dose to wholesale ptioes for The next Thirty Days. Having a large stock of Fomiture from different firms gives customers a good cbanoe to choose what they want. All ^ds of PICTURE FRAMING done at lowest rates. We alao have on hand a large stock of Oaskets and CJoffi-iis aad Funeral FBrnishlngs. which will be supplied to those that will favor us with their cm torn, at low piices. Also A HiJiABSE ia Connection. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Next door to Enapp's stoze. â-  1 -i' :jv y^yiU^:-.\ 'â- â-  ' • â- â- â- [ 'â-  And iti lkgnifioent,On]id,Imponiig Poa^oiis, Stately, Saperb, Asffut, lUgeatie, Impressive, N^e, Gmnimui^g, AnsfcooBtie, Dignified, "Oh. Stop," life if shorty time eaa'i ali^ long, What hfivei yoa 3V-. t-J^ ft; iii* ^«X* ^V^. -^WSsNi.! -aw IBboiiuI Stock to Sehetfmii '•S" 18 moTing, •^i r o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o |^ 1^ It tf a et, as «T«iy oiie isays. that RUSSELL is the im^, jto repair your Watch or CSlodc properly. 10 o 0000000 0000 o e o e oj. (fIVE HIM A TBIAL. ... J Eifery job warranted to give ^tis- We have the largest and best snpply ^^qq' in town of Tooth Brushes, ^ail Bmshes, Hur Brashes, Ololh Brushes, FleshBmshM, 217-869 MS. 8. RUSSELL WI6KS! WICIS! WIGKS! SBAMD ASSORTMENT. To GonsiHNors Bo^ors IN OZIjS, Buylthe EmPJrelOII Go's RIUL PAUCE » »â-  « iipon having "West's A. Turner Pains connot exist after the patient has â- "en asmtjle dose of West's Pain King, the â- ^^c cnre. Do not be induced to take h^tKtitute-but insist jfanEing. Cisnuine, sold by â-  '•a., Druggists. Little Tommy.â€" "Can I eat another » of pie?" Mamma(who was some- nâ„¢gofapnrist) "I suppose you can." |iommy-- Well may I?" Mammaâ€" .p'^ear, you may not." Tommyâ€" Bother grammar, anyway; ^B'sCrEE will immediately relieve croup ^wopmg Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale ••*â- '• ^Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A There was a free fight in an Orange- ville coat-room last week between a constable and a defeated litigant about I the payment of a fine. Recently a number ol yoong men of Arran township chariraried a coaple three days before they were married, and were so depressed by the discorexy of the fact that they did wrt ve^tnre to repeat the performance after the mar- riage actually had taken place. A report comes from np the Peninsula that last Thursday the steamer Gen. Wolseley, bound from Owen Sound to Dyer's Bay, cau^t on fire and was burn- ed to the water's edge near Cape Groker. She was nmning ashore and tte crew escaped. Insurance $8,000, in two American companies. No further pas- ticulrs. Groto ]VJrs, Clement's MABKDALE FOR Shaving Brushes and Shavuig Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Perfumery. If you are In need buy -^â€" AT STEPHEN'S Drag Srore, Markdale. niuminating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOR E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils ia the market. EMPIRE OILPO., Manufoctarers and Befiners TORONTO k LONDON. Bep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby, StOS-Rm V. » -» • THE GENUINE SMER Stationery, 3 KSFZ-JSSt EAST GREY LIBERAL Conseirathe Conwention. *^|ast farewell- l^oisbusmess. -A shoemaker giving A CONVENTION of the Liberal Con- servative Association wiU be held in Markdale, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Monday the llti day of October, 1886, for the purpose of selecting Candidates, for the House of Com- mons, and Ontario Legislature, to contest the Biding in the Liberal Conservative interest. Polling Sub-divisions as constituted by the Dominion Franchise Act, to be the basis of representation in appointing delegates to ihe convention. T. KELLS. 314 17 President. Fancy Groods, Toys G-ajnes, Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Special attention to the Dress* making department. The llEttest fashions and neat fits guaranteed. Dunlop's Block, MARKDALE THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING â- ;- MACHINE bhould be sure and get the. aEMIIIEIIEWYOMSIMEB The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the bast. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. irniiraof. YE[LOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM rRxsacAZTs WORM POWBERS; Ar epleaMarttoteke. Contain thmr own PWBBtiva. Ia a safe. sim. and iaChUdrenari ^CKMESTACK." a lasting and fragrant '^rt'o.^ ^^^' *°d 50 cents. For sale â-  *• ij. btepheu, Druggist, Markdole. A biPB i^ ^°^ *^^® y°^^ boy across your of the IS sure to be a kneeâ€" dlipse B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- roonding countiy that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manofaetore and Itaef on hand a large stock of LIGHT aad HEAVY HABNESS, long and abort Xag» 8TAW GOLLABS, WHIPa, COliBS. BBUSHES, HABNESS OHi do. I will use only first claes material and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to thdr interest to eall at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elaewhera. Bepsiring done with aeat neas and dispateh. Soheiting a share of paUis patronage. I am respectfoUT Toors. R. OARIIAHAW. New JBakery. I would respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surroonding ountiy that I have opened in MONTGOMFRVS STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BBED, SCONS, BUNS. • CAKES PASTBY Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS A C0HFEC7I0MMRY, OBMUeES, LEMOMS, A BEST BRABBS OF FLOUR. Floor, Batter and Eggs taken in exchange.. I cordially solicit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and close attention to bnsineas to merit your confi- dence and rapport. My motto is No Credit. Health Wealth I "SSSZS 991 Yours respeetfolly, W. M- SPEER lARKDALE BAKERY, â€" FOB â€" BREAD, GMES AND BDNS, AT REAS0NAJ3LE RATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY of all kinds on hand. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES SoppUed on tbe Shortest Notice. WsMbu: Cakss a SpsciattVa A caQ is respectfully SGlicit^v ^livftrBll iff all ^naf^« ../*l.^ 1 â-  " »;

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