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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Sep 1886, p. 2

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 lMttl«»U«,..4?"" i u I m gf '?â- ; I Thsn( THE FABM- Soittored tdid Fanned. Why diaald tbsni'b* «oMi auiy MidprioM f«r mfllit air ior'bfllBt. oertftlnly are m mabgr ^Biilltie|, Aa ezohkoga oalli aMMntlM W tt»e erfle ef blsMfalng eTApsntod fraic vitli eiiWhar, and alM oalng hard, Immature fralt for drying. Working honea and warltiag men are far law dangsreaa khan the dranee, eqaina ar hnman. Work kaapt the dangareai ele- mante in both where they ought to Im, Fighting fliee ia about aa hard work for tlia heraea aa plowing. Rnb thab laga light- ly twioe a day wiln a rag wraag out of water that amella atrong of oarboUo ao d. To oil an iron axle-tree, firat wipe the aplndlo olean with a oloUi wet with apirita of terpentine, and then apply a few dropa of oaator oil near the alumlder and end. Oae teaspoonfol la lofficiaiit fmr the whole. Give the wheeli^a good ooat of boiled linaeed oil. Thia will fill the porea aa well aa water, awt 11 the wood, tighten the tirea, and ia mnoh more laating in ita effeota, and at the aame time ia aoting aa a preeorvatiTO of the wood. Weeda on gravel walka may bo diatroyed and prevented from growing again by a op- ioaa dreaaing of the dieapeai aalt. Thia ia a better method thui hand pallingt whloh diatnrba the gravel and rendera oenitant raking and rollmg nec«aaary. The Western Plowman givea the follow- ing hint which oar readera woald do well to heed: Farmers can get one valuable pointer from " plow jeokeya" they are alwaya oarafnl to have a aharp plow when ahowing up good work er l^ht draft. Moral, always keep your plow aharp. Put yonr akim milk and buttermilk into calvea or piga, supplementiDg then with oemmeal ana a sprinkling of oil meal, aaya the United States Dilrymui. Give both oalvea and p'gi room to move around in and keep olean. Both will be benefited by hav- ing good graaa to feed on in addition to what ia carried them. It will keep them healthy and contented and promote growth. F.enty of clever ia a good preventive of heg cholera. One of the chief reaaena why orchards ahonld vet be oroppsd ia beoauae it requbea cultivation during toe aummer aeaaon. When reota are deatroyed by deep working the grc uad it often reaulti in permanent in- jury to the treea, eapecially if dene late in seaion. Since the clearing of weodlanda haa given winda a free aweep the aoil driea out much faater thui foroaerly. and thia makea treea mere liable to injury from mutilation of their roota. There'a nothing like the agr^ciltoral fair ta educate the farmer. When he aeea the crowd tramp hia big ououmbsr and over- grown spring chickena into the ground to pay twenty five centa to get in tne amphi- 'thearj ta see a horse race that was sold out the night before, he realizM the grandeur of hia profession and takea his diploma and goes heme so enthusia?tic that he feels just Uke buying all the farms in the naighoor- heed, and going into the f xiluaive buaineaa of raiaing tiiisgt to snatch diplomaa^rom the grasp of fair oemmitteea. There sppeara to me to be a possibility of our achieving much greater things with dairy cattle than we have done. Toe more stock the more crop*. A maximum number of cattle en a mtaiimum quantity of land necessitates artificial feeding, and thia is just what makea the soil fertile, and ao the laU set rolling by heavy atooking, heavy feeding, and heavy cropping, brings grist to the tarmer'a mill. High feedera almoat alwaya find it pays, and the extent of the purchases of a jidi- oieus farmer in artificial feci ia often the measure of hia suooeaa and the condition of his farm. "If you should call upon us about aeven o'clock to me evening this summer, and see our yeung men all dreaaed up, you would hardly think we were fanners who had been at work in the dirt all day, perhaps. If you rxpected from the color of our handa and faces that we were farmera you would certainly think that we ^were ' expecting company.' Our boya visit the bath-room after work ia done and aleek themselves up, often pntting on olean clothes entirel), and then go in lor a gaod time until nine or ten o'clock." So writes Mr. T. B. Terry to the Albany CvJtivator, He insiata that farmera may be j ast as neat and tidy, when the day's work is over, as though they lived in a town or dty. Harness Polish. The Saienoe News gives the following reoipe for mftkiog a harness polish Four ounoea glue, a phit and a haU ef vinegar, two ounces gum arable, a half pint of black ink, two drams iainglaaa. Break the glus in pieces in a basin, and pour over it about a pint ef rixu ga; let It atand until it be- comea psrfoctiy aeft. Put the gum in an- other vt a lel, with the ink, until it 3 per- fectly dissolved melt the isinglass in aa much water aa will cover it, which may be easily doce by placing the cup containing it Dear the fire about an hour before you want to use it. To mix them, pour the re- maining vTnegar with the softened glue into a sani psn upon a gentle fire, stbring nntil it is perfectly dissolved, that it may not bum the bsttom, being oarefnl not to let it reach the boiling paint about 82 de- grees 0. Is the beat heat. Next add the gum let it arrive at. about the aame heat -again; add the iainglaaa. Take |f rem the fii^ and pour it off tac nae. To use It, put aa muoh aa ia required in a aanoer, heat It â- n£B jkntly to make It fluid, and ap^y a a thin ooat with a pleoo of dry apenge. If the article ia dried quiokly, either in the ann or ly fire, It will have the iMtter pelialk They tell aatery, aald to be a true one, of a farm-hand in Oatario who waa ao amaah- ed by the roay oheeka and bright eyee of a of a aolioel- ma'am bearding with liii em- ployer tliat he one day remarked with a aigh to tiie latter. "I wanld give a dollar te kiaaher." *• AU right 1" aaid Aeownplaia- ant employer, ** yen may." When aeMlBg time oame thus nan f eand hia oadi |1 abort. ' Why did yea take est tlmt deUarl' waa aakod. "OhI Haik waa far khikt tt« aoheol ma'am," wae rMUed. "BotldUhi't kiaaher," p««laetad man. "Well, if yon didn't it WMftv MM faolkr I a»Ta vMi leaTOi THB 0H£.SLE3I0ff ESTHQUAKR â- Teet afthe SkoA om tke VegMOS. It would bo aimply impaaAle to atagnr- ata or to depiot ta aoffijientiy d^irtptfv* laagnafethedieetaftbe vlaltatwa efthat Tipeilay n^t oa the oelond poapio of CharlootoB. A grant deal haa boe« viittsst aboat thee people and their aotioaa ondor the atrora feeUnga of aerrow or daapair bat tiiore waa aenr, aatfl wltiita tto paet few dava. aa opportoalty of aotiaing a pabHo ozhMtioa of enpontMeoa fear to the degree that haa edated among all daaaee of the oelerod people ateoe the tremoBdooa ahook ef that Toaeday ^ht Oaly a few mlautes after the warning voloo of the earthqualEO Iwd pawed away, the offsot on the mind and fanaginatleii of every oolored man, woman, and efalld te the dty waa oemplote. They fled from their faomea, they knew not. where, and aa they ran hither and thither, tlirongh blinding denda of pnlveriied mortar which waa ahafcea from honaea and areae agate from the atreeta, they filled the air with DISMAL OBOAVS OF DOSPAIB and lamantationa of terrified and terrifying diatreaa. Aa uanal with Aem te their funeral devotiona, t4e name Jaans waa meas f rf quently used, and aa th»ngh aupplloatlDg God faoe to face, they ahxieked out te tftie very helplaasnaaa and pathoa of deapair snoh aentonoea aa "Ds, my Maater, Jaaua, have meroy on me I" " 01, sweet Jeena, save me, save me I" ' I«t me live tlirongh this night, dear God, my S tviour 1 ' " Hold mo up onoe mere. Thou blessed Christ, my Maater I" and other tearful aupplioatlona, whioh tetendfied the horror of the aituatien, and went far toward demoraliiing the white people, who were alao rushing bUndly and blteded hither and thither in the fiifal glare of fliokering lighta, almoat eolipaed ly the shoirar of deaoendteg and aaoendteg dust. As usual, the faces of the white man and white woman te the time of danger waa a eight of Budden jay te the gloom to many a poor wandering oelerod bay or girl, who en- deavored to atop their white f rienda aa they ran by te the eonfnaion to aupplioate that they weuld remote with them uoUl the â-  Judgment waa dene," In many an teatanoa a trembltej[ oolored girl SANK DOyrS OK HXB KNXES and aeized with frantic energy the folda of aome white lady'a dresa, and, failing to express their terror te words, with aoaroaly movteg lipa betokened that they wanted only the moral support of a friend in the hour of distress and agony. But the white faoes were blanched a paler hue. There oeuld be no stop or stay te the mad race away from tottering house tops and topplteg parapeta. The tremblteg aupplianta were haatily thrust aside by these whom event i have proved were powerlesa toaavo themaelvea. Taere was death te the air â€" ^nay, more, it waa be- low and around and waa expected none knew whence. Only the feelmg waa ever preaent that every body atood face te faoe with the menace of inatant death. SCENES IN THE SrBBBTS ON TUESDAY NIOHTj Csrtate aoenea that were obaerved on the atreeta immediately after the firat ahook do- aarvo to be desoribsd, and espeoially one that tedicated the general feeling through- out the oity. Further north on Kmg street than the locality jnat mentioned there waa a tremendous throng of citfzins assembled. Nothing oan account for the foot qf the greaw crowd but the suppealtian that for aome reaaon the people left the side atreeta and were poured like a atream Into the prteolpal thoroughfares. The rem wk able inttancs referred to waa the exhibition of j y and the voloea of congratulation that were heard on every side, and all mteglod with words of thankagivteg to the DIvfae Providence. People olnng te each other like brothera and alatera. There were no atrangera there. Taey all knew eaoh other as pirt and parcel of a oommunlty that had eaoaped a terrible fate. Some, WITH VEABS OF BIPSNTANOB and jsy In their eyes, embraced eaoh other. Women fell on each other'o neoka, and, with hearts too full to apeak, rooked to and fro m the happy embrace, devoutly thank- teg Gsd teailenoe for Hia bleaaing tethe dreadful hoar, and the children te arma and at their mether'a knoea lisped oat they knew net what, but it waa plate that they all realized that aemelwdy had been killed, and immediate danger waa over. Notao with the tremblteg and demoralized oolored people. After the hand of Provldenoe had be«i apparenUy removed they began to pro- phesy, and to reoall all they knew te their confused way of Bible soanea and Bible hia- tory. "It'a the night of Sodom and Go- morr^," ahouted one te a frenzy of appar- ent delight. •• Ttie oity of St. Michael la down to the ground," yelled another " I told you ao." oried a third; "Aha, how about my wifo'a dream now I" aaid a fourth; " Lsok for the rock of Hereb to aplit," said another *â-  Pray, my white people, why don't you pray ' Old women began croon- ing over snatches of negro roligioui mole- diea and frantically aeizing eaoh passer by andtevitmg them to jete in the " song of praise to the Bedsemer." After an hour or ao prayer meettegs were orguiaed, and the singteg and eoreamteg were kep; up until daylight. At that time the watohword was puaed around. ' The battie ia over, but the aoldiera muat net reat " and thia order waa carried out en Wedneaday and Thaiaday nights. FBBNZIED NXGBOES. Oa Thuraday idght, however, on Marion aqnare, the aighta and acenoo b^fflsd de- aoiption. The colored people were anre- atrained and committed all manner of rlet- oaa and and frenzied exceea. A report of theb aotiona aa they took plaoe weald per- h^^ be osnaidered blaaphunooa te eaoh a ataid and oonaervative dffy ai Oharleaten. The firat ebjeot, and that one btereeted everybody'a attaotlen waa an aaaemblage of oolored boya, aboat a half dozen te aamber, who liad fallen^totho ground te a parozyam ef religleaa frepzy. They were groTellteg witii their teoaa down te the graae, and wen dnging a hynm ta a loud voioe. The hymn waa, *• The Angela a Bappte' aft tiw Deer," and the refrain, aaog n^ly, wee, **Oh. tell ole Noah fteUU on dearitffte bill en de afrk.ftebiUeadaark." Thhaee« theyr*- ppoied erar and erer aoata onto they wwe qoMa tired asd oeaaedttam atfter eshaoi- Utf. In a few mliialaa ttay wwe leal Seer O* bofi WM a laifle tanl wUok Im4 been gUly deooratod far aome fertlva eo- SSUffa tiM door â- â€¢^•/-^•Ji*!^? â- dimaa awayfag backward $»A forwMi, only niTteg, bat attariMBeaeuijJ. te Ireot of bar walj^^mhta- (y. Saddeol3rebeb«*s«fcwW^ H* nnw. '0h. Baalte Jacob, L^t He v^ md ttec^owd iotned ta tiie mWf liftnta- tiie right and te tiie left, adteiaately, jaat Uke a aaered daaoe, OLAPPWO IHMB HAHD3 W AH EOSIAOT of emetioB, Fiaatty eae man dropped to haay brought from tiieftent, «*^« J'J* aurreonded by a crowd ef women who held hia hands. He oried aloud tor meroy, and evimtaaUy awooned away «d »«â-  â- Â»Â»â€¢â- *•â-  rioid aa a corpse. The work of oonvoralon then vent oh, and la baa tiian a h^f hoar about ten men and women aacoambed to the emotional aonaationa ef tho oooaaion. Slml lar acaneawere being enaotod all ever the tqaare. The prayera which were offsred ap were simple te every aenae ef the word, bat they evidentiy oame from the bottom of hearta that were palaied with fear. One of theae prayera waa aa foUows Keep my brothera and alatera. What Is tho matter new? Oh, Lord look on last Tueaday night aome ia dead and gone. Ob, my haadaome God, dear air, look down on ua. We know what the Uttie floger of tho Lord can do. Ssmetimea the world oan kick up te thnnder, bat do take care of oar l»roth- era. Ate'tthe black lamb and the white lion done lie down togetiier te peace! Move along, my brothera, more along. God gimme graoe to move along. Atet I done promlae to be baptiz j Juat here tho crowd took ap theworda "promise te be baptized," and aaagltto the end with peonliar force and pithoa. Then the exhorter preceeded. " F^ht the battie, fight the battle fight out girl, fight it oat boy I Oh, yea, ma'am, the time la come. Wake ap, wake up, de laat ohanoe b oome te save old Caarleaten. Oh, my Lard, don't toaoh my dty any more I pray God to hold the world up. Ah, ah, I thank Gad. Take fort la oonntry people, fight for it people. Walk on brothera. Hip, hip, hip. Oh, Lord, take me te year charge to-night. Might before laat I didn't czpMst to aee Jeans. O'l, God look down at theae benoa te the valley. Didn't you hear Gabriol'a horn blow? Oal Gabriel, turn that horn to the land of Egypt on the the miaerable atenera and not on we« Oh, Lord, we are here to-night. The birda have neata. but we are here to-night for meroy. Oh 1 Lord, have mercy." After tills hymn about a dcz.m people were converted, and the work waa kept up te a aimllar atrain until broad daylight. To tho white people who were there the aoenea of Thuraday night oan never be f orgetten. Taken From the Gibbat and Broa?iit to Life. There waa a young man realding In Wake county by the name of Fitzgerald. B;- odving Information that hia mother waa lyteg at tho pstet of death and wished to apeak with him, he made Immediate haate. Hia horae beoame oxbauatod when he arriv- ed at the Catawba Elver. Hs app'ied for a froah herae. By centraot to return it te a 'apodal time he obtateed one, leaving hia own until his retom. He found bli mother still alive and convoraed with her. She a^n died, and waa bnrted, and he, re- memborteg hia appoteted time to return hia horae, beteg behmd time fonad a State warraot againat him for horae stealing, waa arreated, committed te jail te Slateaville, waa proaeoutod with all hatred, malioa, and vengeance, conviotad by the law, and exe- outed by hanging, and pronounced dead. Hia frienda obtateed his b»dy from the gibbet carried it a abort diatance from StatseviUe, to water, applied the proper remsdioB, restored tho body to life, wd re- turned with it to Tenneaaee. Ha there married and rdaed an tetereating family, highly teteUigent, wealthy, honeat, and reapacftaUe. A CVRB FOS DRVHKElirNESS, opium, morphtee, chioral, tobacco, and hindrtd haibiu. The mediotee may be given te tea or coffee without the knowledge ef the peraon taking It t/ so desjretf. Send 6o m atampa, for book and toatlmonlahi from theae who have been cured. Addreaa M. V. Lubon, 47 WeUtegten St. Eaat, Toronto, Ont. Out thia out for future reference. When writing mention thia p^ter. Hew â€" ^_^ T^- wafUa" Laweai Wi BialaWi* jAMctf pmIk a40bi#roitfNTo â- 5»J •69 YONQEi IJXTJEB O lIANUPAOTtTBERS AND MILLEB8 WILL SAVE MONby HcGoUVLardine Haclie' gmtir M eooe and yon will use n9.olhat.^a Wo an tho ••ta tf-Also Cylinder, Bngtate. Wool and Harneai on. MoQOLL BROS. 0^^ jq," VBT OUR CANADIAN GOAL OIL. "SITNLiaBT" BRim^ IN not MARKKT. ^^" FAMOUS DIAMONI I i u o 9 OB « Da THE LEADING WOOD COOl In 6 styles and S sizes. Don't Bay till yon see it. The Toronto Stove M'fg Co, (Lt'l| NEW HARRIS AND STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FUMACl «ho Moat Kaoetivo, Cloaa, Varaltle and â- eeaomleal Beaters la tke larket to â- ad venUUttas Ohnndias, Sohoola, PabUo BuIUUiigs, Stores and Ffivsta Baddsnoea. nmple b » Uoa and easUy maaaKed, etpabia of glring more heat with lew ooniampBon oJ fnel *»BMyo»tel apparatus. MT Abselately Oaa Tlsh«.-«ai Sight eiiee"Harrto" and fear itaei""" are made sad osa be lel etther ia Briok or Portable foim. Oorrespendeao* loUdtad. Foiwawi" (uithat iBtematioB eddisss TUB 1. i C. GBMET CO. (LiiM). HAIHU THE ORIGINAL WOOD COOl 1 1 ad .a â-º ta o •^« a •« § p e« u 1 g o o cs .Ctt s l-l SB HAS Oven ©"'SSk^ â- '«'â-  :^ tfMi

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