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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Sep 1886, p. 1

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 m K l:-:^ HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' ^-VTH ITEARâ€" No. 314, MAKKDAIiE, ONT., SEPTBMBEB 15, 1886. C. W. KUTIjEDGE, Publisher* For IHE WATCHES Close Prices, and atisfactory Work, â€"GO TOâ€" Jevireller. and Otber Items. ,„ f ;„.,(• cohimns intended to benefit r^tidual or Society will be charged ten \line for the first insertion and five. *{liu ench siibieqiient insertion. i" Ifc. ^- J- Rowe is visiting friends in Jester. N-Y. Hoc don't say The Standard to Jan- 18!8, to uew subcribers for $1 tjcash. It. John Sproulc of Winnipeg lias J spending a sliort time with friends liis district. " Ivs will give the Stakdard the balance svear free to new subscribers who itIl'oOforlSBT. ^. Smith, of the Shelburne Econ- jst, was in JIarlidalo on Saturday itmd pave us a friendly call. I at the Standard office and sub- e for the Weekly Mail. We can get ryon to the end of 1887 for $1. Ifc Alex Dmican of Glenelg, died last iivagedSO years, after some two s Qlni-s^. Decline was the ailment- B.E. E. Hicks of New England, kpiirasia, will ^ilease accept thanks ill basket of lovclv "Dutches" apples. annual Harvest Thanksgiving Tieeof Christ Church, Markdale, jlUjeheld on Sunday, September the RicHABDSON Co wants to see yon call «arly. Gram ia ooming to market, but not in large quantities yet. Fob Ladies fine kid and Calf Boota. Go to Wm. McLeod's. Fob bargains in Suoabs go to M. Ilich- ardson Co's, Flesherton. Mrs. Drinkwater of Eitly, Leeds Co., is visiting friends in thilocality. Go to McLeod's for all kinds of childreos Boots, buttoned or laced. Factoby Cotton from three cents a yard up* atM. Bichardson Co's, Flesher- ton. 5 good Farms for sale and 2 to rent. Apply to G. S. Bowes, agent, Mark- dale. Double beurel gnn for sale, cheap and good. Apply to Smith the barber. J. G. Anderson is doing a rattling fine bnsin^B, at the "Mammoth House." W. J. MoFABLAin), Importer, is determ- ined to leave all competitors in the shade. Bead his chaise of adv. ALL wool Gray Flannels, prime value for 25 cents a 3rard at M.' Richardson Co's, Flesherton. The South Grey^biUs htcj something nobby, being done by thfe Buffalo Lith- ograph Co. Mantles and Mantle Cloths of the most elegant designs at M. Richardson Co's. Flesherton. Mb Hugh McLatjghlan, of Manito- waning, formerly of this town, was in Markdale this week. SuGAB.â€" Raw Sugars, Refined Sugars, granulated Sugars, Very Cheap at M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. 77 persons left Markdale on Tuesday Thihadeau will preach Jforthe Toronto Industrial Fair. 93from Flesherton and 98 from Dundalk. Huiit â€" In Markdale. on the 9th Inst., Hba wife of 3. H. Hall of a daas^ter. GuBBiB â€" In Markdale, on the 12th, the wife of B. B. Gnnie, egg merehaat, of a dauKhter, Rev. Mr. Hosking filled BeT. Q. H* Cornish's pulpit last Sunday here with acceptance. When money is sent to this office for the Standabd, receipts are given by changing the date apm the address np to the time to which the paper is paid. The Prize List of Markdale fidl show has been received. It is a creditable piece of typography issued from the Standard office.â€" rThombury News. We exceedingly regret to learn that Mr. Alex Mercer, Sr., had the misfortune to have his leg broken last Friday. It appears he was passing behind the horse in the'stable at home when the animal kicked him breaking the leg. above the knee. eRev. A Itlie Methodist Church in this place Itext Stiniiay morning and evening. lenterjirisiugnew druggist is bound "push the hr.ttlc to the gate;" see his • adv. tills Tveek. I Smith, the harbcr, -will be in Flesher- lonthe iSrd and '24th, Show days, Isttend to all who require his services. jSchooi 13ooks, Station- tj. Note Paper Envelopes, a new Ixkjnst received and will be sold at kesicasb prices. A. Turner Co., Meal Eall." i Flesherton Advance pertly re. that hcd and bread retails at it the same price as when flour and Fattle were nearly double the price urenow. â- S.Mabee. the only direct importer 'lte glass in Markdale, is preparing Ist in plate s;! ass fronts at very reason- ' rates. SGcl:im. EST escarslous are announced P' P- R. at the following low rates, p-On September 20th and21 to Win. Sgood to return in 20 days, for 834. ^posters for particulars. â-  George Wright, of Sault St. *e. Mich., formerly of this place, and faster }lrs. Thos.'riesher, of Hilly "^^iMauitoulin, are visiting friend district. t Smiuay the Rev. Mr. Cornish tlic pulpit of Cooke's Presbyter- Lr®=tand m the evening the pulpit f'Kai Congregation Church, Toronto. iT^eat Xorthem Exhibition will ijJ^^oUiDgwood from 28th Sept. 1 ^fwher. The manager will accept *r compUmentaryjticket, witha 'f'^d wceedingly conveniently got- "^^Titation to attend the show. J ' °^ °^r sahscribers havecomplied "^ggestion and are sending the **° a iriend the balance of ^w for 25 cents. Wljo'll be the i J^^^^e no postage to pay, we /l^ect from this office so that 26 »U it costs joa- announcingthe Eadi Grey Clothing Clothing.â€" A big drive in Mens and Boys Suits and Over Coats at M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. The Dress Goods department is this season completed with all the newest fabrics at M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. When you are in Markdale be sure and don't go away without calling at Wm. Mason's carrage works as he is deter- mined to sell the balance of his stock of Democrats, Buggies c., at a great reduction in price.. Wonder why we were not favored with a copy of the prize list of East Grey Fall Show, or even a poster. We have always shown a spirit of good will and courtesy to that institution and the village where it is held, and have yet no desire to give it a cold shoulder, but would like they would reciprocate. It will certainly be to their advantage. The East Grey Conservative conven- tion will be heldiinlMarkdale on the 11th instead of the 8th as announced m some of the local papers. The change was made to a ftyoid colliaon with local Agricultural Fairs. Wm. Mason is busy making up cutters, sleighs c., for the winter trade so now is the time to call and leave your-order so as to have it out in good time. He will be glad to have you call in and learn his prices c.; he is also giving great bargains in democrats c. W. McL«0D has secured the services of two first claw workmen, who have had experience in the best factories in the towns and cities in Canada and the United States, and he is now prepared to aui^ly a cUss of work wh ich eannot be excelled. Miss Love has returned after spending a few weeks in Meaford, her parental home, and a few days in Toronto stock- ing np her Millinery department. Fatal Accident.â€" Last Friday morn- ing Mrs. James Lawrence of Bentinek' an old lady of over eighty years of age, went to the well and fell in, being drown- ed before assistance arrived. It is sup- posed that the extreme age of the de- ceased lady caused a sudden fit of faint- ness as the well was only a few feet deep. Her ftmeral, which took place last Sun- day was largely attended. â€" ^Durhma Chronicle. Last week the heat was indeed op- pressive; this week a little fire is appreci- ated. The bills are out announcing the Glenelg Fall Show to be held in Mark- dale on the 30th September and 1st October. This gives promise to be the best exhibition ever held here. Our Mr. JaCkman has been indisposed for three weeks, but we are glad to' say he is again able to resume active duties. I W. A. Brown, Jeweller, is supplying his many customers with good goods at bottom prices. A splendid variety to select from. Bead his advertisement and call on him. We regret to learn that the Rev. Geo. H. Cornish met with a serious accident after his arrival in Toronto, by stepping through an opened trap door in his Son's store on Youge Street. He was seriously bruised and shaken, but fortunately no bones were broken. The fall was about eleven feet. It has been with consider- able personal suffering that he has at- tended to his Conference duties. Runaway. â€" On Monday morning as W M. Speer, baker of this place, was driv ing down Mill Street with his wife and young child, the horse bolted suddenly opposite the Revere Hotel throwing Mr. Spear out of the buggy; the horse then ran violently down the street and as the woman had her child to care for and the lines being down among the horses feet was entirely helpless, the animal again suddenly bolted near the Railroad House pitching Mrs. Speer and child violent- ly out on the sidewalk. The child was none the worse. Mrs. Speer was tadly shook up but it is expected not seriously injured, Mr. Speer was not much the worse while the hoiae and buggy are safe with the exception of a brbken shall. The concert at Holland Centre under the auspices of the C. O. O. F.of that place, on Tuesday the 7th inst. was a Mr. John Shea is visiting his son James at Cameron, Ont. Fi« a real good pair of Long or Short Boots, go to J. G. Anderson's. The trostees are making a tour to as- certain what children do not attend school the number of days required by law, and we believe they intend pro- secuting the parents. Thb present Industrial Fair at Toronto is a grand success. The receipts np to Tuesday night were $6,162 ahead of the same time last year. Mr. Wm. Ford xetumed-last week to Mount Yemon after assisting his brother, J. W. for several weeks. Just opened at J. G.Anderson's stacks of overcoats at all prices see our #5.00 ones. Ova: #1600,00 worth of ready made clothing to be sold off at 125 per cent, discount at J. G. Anderson's tlie cheap- est clothiig stoi;e in the County. A few Sundays ago a number of boys from Williamsford Berkeley and Mark- dale indulged in the harmless sport of breaking some 12 or 15 hghts of glass in the pubUc school here. Now they have to appear before the trustees and pay for the broken Ughts or appear be- fore the magistrate and pay a fine with the damages. Wb believe Mr. Robt. Mc Bride caught abeaver alive andhas him on exhibition. It spealffl well for the cunning of Mr. McB. Don't forget the bargains offered in Dress Goods at J. G. Anderson's its wonderful how we do it, but we do. The greatest value in "Teas ever offered at J. G. Anderson's, fie "mammoth House." W. J. McFARMND'S Is the oldest firm doing business -IN- H Established neatly a quarter of a century, â€"IT IS â€" Good common aense when yon want to buy anythmg to go to Headquarters for it, at least I find it so. The reason I speak of this now is at this time of year heads of famiUes and others are making np theur mind's what tc buy for Fall and Winter wear and where to buy it. CUBRENT NEWS, 1 8^ ' '^iiowicmgthe Eadi G «W ' *° ^^^ a* Fleslierton on "^I24th Sept., are oai. and- 'Meltable .outpi]* lot the **Ece. ,* W Skk our 8 cent Factory Cotton. See oar 6 cent Factory Cotto-a. See our l«i oeHkMetton Dress Goods See our very cheap Flannels. M Richardson 4 Co. Flesherton. BxatOBkm mtae the C. P. 3L on tiie 24tfa «od fSS^ S^«ood4q ietmfn Wf to 5th Ootdbez^ from Markdale to Detroit f6.a»,%o*8ii^w and Bay City #8.00, Qciba ll^i««9mi,'6iA3fAsftl, CUcaga fair success. Finan ci all y it would pay but not add much to the treasury, asCar as the ^ograanme is concerned it was of the first quality, comprising the best talent of Owen Sound and Markdale AemeechbyDr.Camecali on the orgin of tt^ Ordoc, was interesting and inst- mctive, two or' three redtationa from Mr. Calback of the same pboewenw^ receded «nd a redtotaon by F. Barter of Mai^dale received "^nplMX" '^^^" were intecroeraed-witiiBndstnxuigsMigB liyJ.B.AjidenQD and «k0 Boted 2ta Benson both of Ibikdale and Mr. lie- t.m^M^ of Oipai Soond. We moifc not Ibraettiie Glee CfaibfroB Markdale ledhyMr. A.HiU. They «• hard to SS^ueSsw/'^lw^vSgr'a 1 South Grey Teachers' Convention will be held in Durham on the 29th and 30th Sept, and 1st October. ' The University Confederation scheme was carried by a majority of 25 at the Methodist Conference. Mr. Colter, the Reformed candidate was elected last Wednesday, 8th, for Haldimand by 118 of a majority. A vote for a cake basket was taken at the CathoUc pic-nic, held at Rockford Grove, near Owen Sound last week, be- tween B. Allen, M. P. and Jas. Masson Esq., insulted in favor of the latter M/ Wm. Rough of Owen Sound has a car load of fancy cattle at the Toronto Industrial. Large quantities of plums have been shipped from Thornbxuty this year. Mr. Sam. McCullough is home from an extensive trip to the North- West- The Shelburne Economist is three years old. It is a spicy weU managed paper and friend Smith is just the right kind of stuff to succeed. The Advance office, Flesherton, has added a "Clipper" paper cutter to its plant. Judge Macpherson of Owen Sound was robbed of his watch and chain while in London, Eng., recently. The thieves were captured. The new Division Street Presbjrterian Church, Owen Sound, will beopened for public worship on Sunday the 19th. Mr. S. J. Plewes of Shelburne, brother ofonrAngus P., has been appointed a lioense commissioner for Dufferin Go. â€" ^The next General Conference of the Methodist Church is to be held in Mon- treal four years hence. â€" ^The Quebec Legislature was dis- solved last Saturday and the election will be held the 14th October. â€" ^The roller rink is detonct in the United States, but it has bequeathed a number shocking scandals to several citiea. It has bn^cen up xiee happy It ffnw wh oonaigned men to jail, blasted women's Uves, and started Ufctlegidson tike downward path. No ottier unnse- taant ererliad at cmoe aadi an intense, bderaaddestmotivepcpdaaty. The istjiift iiwiwfin ofmankiadiMfybehell- hrfbaped than file geoenpana of yen, hot Idrtocj of tbia aii^ ani devnisf • iUiiM cnuN obows Oa* 11^ ai* m. ff. J. Miwm Claims to be HEADQUARTERS FIBST. â€" Because he Imports direct from British markets thereby saving the Wholesale Merchant's profit. SECOND.â€" Because he buys ia large lots and pay3 cash on the spot for every dollars worth of stuif he buys. THIRi).â€" Because he understands his business and minds his business. FOURTH. â€" ^Because he does business on business principles' aad is satisfied with a reasonable profit. His preperations for Fall and Winter have been made on a big scale, just opening out Direct Im- portations of new dress goods. New Linings, New Silks, New Jackets, :â-  New Gloves, New Dolmons, New Flannels, His Millinery opening has been purposly delayed m order to get the newest styles and design. Don't buy until yon see hib styles. Baits t Suits 1 are selling more this season than ever before, why because prices and sl^laa are right, make no mistake godireei to Headqnartors for your -rji-^ lAMiiittJi â- â€¢^::m!^^ "'fL-^~i' ammtjim riii

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