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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Sep 1886, p. 6

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 ^m .•£^#s-l.i5IWf*nSCttaȣi 1 a I y m 1 IPS i mi s? M! ^1 pi| 1 '4: â- Si A fi-.a ?â-  Ji â- â€¢1 SpftldiBK't Uaald ^Mb T» 6m pmmd •I gMd glm Mil tIftM -^iBli af oold wktor Mdl«t naMkfiftMB h«u-s ^^ lapH^i • iMl water l»lh; whcB pitfted «ML thcr- MipUy mixtd add «m qwtivWkhAf aMOo •ad and thxM •Hloap,.^ji|M»p clyoarioe •od atlr waU Ugttiicr. If to* thiok. add aKHT* aoetie mU. VJmcm inplMetf aold WMl'ft •atR^. tS TUMgU ll tilTM putl iriMlr at luiit mm only on« part aoatie add. Framhalfa daa«a oMl-dtten biteaed togel^ek a f My go«d froit-dryar i^ ' b« iaad*. PlMb^AaMCvwairaaatow^^bi â- a Iran plate laid abara tba flapia ta Moal- lia tkabMA 0|«i|a *« kpjrar ^1| tha tap'eTary'ilaw aod tnaa ana oa inra ta d^ «M fr«lt» Bot ta oaak It Frait aiay tea ba driad an a unall loala with graat aatii- Far falaaa and raity nulla hat water b Hid ta ba a apadfla Immeiaa tha part aflhatad in water aa hat as oaa be bama â- bW tha pain |a gona. Ihia la tha aura aa^layad By tha Shakan. Da not allaw yaw Uttla girla to f raiUa, for fraeklaa ara diffiooli te ramara, and ooma aarly, Ihay ara oaaaad by tha azy- ganin tha abaamUning andar tha faifinenoa af laaahiaa; thay may ba prarantad by â- hadhg tha faoa with a hat ar baaaat w prapar dlmaaaiana. If tha litUa faoa gate tennad, it wOl b* wall to waah it with aldar^owar. And, isfae^ is anmmar It ia •tiaiaa needed to oaal tha akin. Tha aeoret af goad mannera b to fargat ana'a aaU altagariiar., Xhapeapla of raally fine bwiediag are th» ante who 'narerink af themaelTea, bat only af tha pleaanre they oan glTO athera. Na adatnmant af beauty, af laaivbg^ ar aooanpliilui^Bt gaaa •* f ar if to pewa^ to attraot aa tte gKt of aympafliy. The Jaumal af i^tplbd Chemtatry raoam- menda tk* naa of a Baaadl qoaatty of oar- balio aold inpaate for laying paper-han^pinga and in whitowaah, and atetaa that it wtU rep«l ceokroaoboa and all inaeoto. It will alaa nantraliie the diaagreeable odor oanaa- qnent open the deoampaaltiaBaf the paato-, wlileh in newly- papered walla b very aflen- aiTai Ihe oheapoat and beat farm af oar- bello aoidb oryatal, which dbielvea in water at an exoeaa «f tamperatora, QnlokailTar mixed with the white of an egg will oanae the bedbnga to entfrely disap- pear, If put hi all tha orevioaa and nattraa- aaa. A nlokel'a worth of qnlokailTor and the whitaa af twa agga wDl ba avfibrient far twa ar three beda. iSl^.- 'ffwSiKMnSr, Choioe B«oipe Bcir CbqqubttHlâ€" Twa oopa j»f Warraateiahlre laaoe, paraley, aalt, Uta«i|Mta«i%ptii; Wfih fibi farn^JlAr^^liJ|Dimd into oraqnei '^lytsllP^'Wp ^** waoKor ornmbi, and qpiri gi^ brawn. Apflb OcsTABD'Tii^-^eei f«dr, anplee and anw ufliyaiih; «iM ttiah %hinh £ie, beat twa ^B" fo' "iMh pie to ba baked j pot in at tta rate of half- cop af bntter f^d ane onp aogar for twa i^. line tha pb- tina wtth paato pat in tlia •VtAm, angar,! and bnttor and a g^ted n« after they hare been mfxedriar top pat Btcl^ aoreii in iqnarea at biglal, and bake in a qniok aran. Dabdt FuBDiHa.â€" Twa qnuta. af aw^ milk, ana tobleapoaafal af oan atardh dia- aaWed in aeme el the oeld mk, .rfz egga, beat the yolka with enough angaritoaw^atefa Bay thiaa tableapoontula. EMr In the egg and angar before tha mQk gala ^at, tftia tha oata aiarob. Lit tha mixture oama to a boil, itiiM^g an the time to movent J^anS ing. Flavor with lemon. The pnftdtog' ahonld be about the oenabtenoy of thiok oream when dona. Beat the white* wMia llttW angar, flavor, apraad en Oo topl'itid brown. AffLB SirHP.â€" Pare and alioe one quart of applea, put them into a kettle with hall teaoap of water, half oup of melaaaae, half onp tugar, let them atow wbUe preparing the oiuat. For the ornat take one f^int af flanr, one teaapeenful ef eteam of tortar, half teaapoentul aeda, a Utile aalt, and milk to make It atlff enough to toll about an inoh thiok. Lay it an top the applaa, oover oleaa and let it oeek in even half an hour with a mederato fire. Do not lift the oover nntil dene. Serve hot with batter and oream. Fkinch Mcstabd.â€" Put an enbntoaoak In a onp of vinegar, let stand three daya, atrain and add ase teaipeefui aaoh of aidt, â- ugar, and oayanne pepper, mnatard to thicken, bell five minutea. Bnaaia'i Military Stienrth. Ihe growing diipeaiUan to oemputo the relative military fercaa ef Germany and Suiala finda more than uaually candid ut- terance in an article quoted in aame af the papera fram the Berlin Peat. Altar a de- tailed examlnatifn of tha Buialan reaervea their numbera and the state ef their erganl- zatien, the following lununaxy is given at the atanding armiea in the two oaontclaa: Ruaab Infantry, 823 battaUana oavalry, 936 iqnadrena; artniary 2.472 pieoea; pieneera*and raflway troepa," 31 battal- Uana. Germany Infantry 603 battaUana; oavafary, 372 iquadrona; artiUery, 1.040 plaoea pionaera and railway troepa, 21 bat- taUana. Attention boaUed to the nomeri- oal aaperlerlty af tha Rusdan eatabUsh- ment, paitlonlarly ia tlia oavalry arm} aa It b alaa ramarkad tiiat tha traapa af thaaaoaBd r aa arveara mare (ffioiaBAly^ar- gaalaad la Boaaia thaa la Gamaay. fiia Poet winda up to artiob aa faUawa :â€" •• la judge tha Roaaiaa army hnpartbUy, wa ahonld aay that it exhlbta a^ af a naw and wida-apnad arguilaatian, with giaat •tteation to devala^g tiia atrangth bat tha little hemaganeity, Uttiaaaifwmityaad oonaeoativaBaaB-HMmathi^g abaat it that aaggaate tin Idea rtjetka. lapafaitaf faet^ tha Ruaaian oharaotar toaU b dearly ra- fleoted in tiia army ayatam aa a whali^ and thaTAryaaaafaataraa oaa ba dbtingahbad in Oa pdilbal ooadition af Um ampii*." It take* mora oaaraga aharga a debt thaa H daea to aa tha paaaara* by aappyaed the oafau ware braaa aad da- oUned:totaa!ail._^ i^*. ii'*^. tt waa Mi-Wf**^^'^*^^^?^";?*^!! kingdm, aa aonalaa been faund who caald avooaaifaUy oaatemd agaiaat him far thla dbtinatiaB. 0«e af the nablemaa ef the court laid a wager that he could pra- Kduca a f«Ba« itt^fidng him' ba ^ib ra- tmdk A» tiia time appolat«d he eaaaed a nMMaaslyliaiaely fiinweman that ho had hoard of to be brought, wha atead by tha aba ef the ehamplan. With the approval of tiiei^aant wearer of the belt»thn palm waa »bea»to te awarded to her, .^«^* byatendk, pMkaUy intaaatad alaa in the raanlt af tb^ dedsleD^ aoggeated that tha Qbampian put an the eld lady'a boonat ia eiderto mi^o tt* oondMana «f tha oOnteat AtotetfqoaL He did aa, when tha added agllaeaa waa ao amphatio aad hideaorlbabb, that tha vlotary waa awarded to hto. Another wagar, which b aomewhat faarU- lar owing to the extraordinary oharactor of tha feat, waa tiiat of Sir John Ihrookmor- tea, whkh waa for one thanaand gabiaaa that ha would wear a aoit ef clathw In tha evening made fram tha waal taken from aheep the aame day. At 5 o'oleck on a Sum- mer morning in 1811 two Soathdawn aheep ware ahem, the wool waa waahed, roved, apun, carded aad woven the doth waa aconred, fuUed, dyed and dreaaed the mea- sure taken, the anit out and completely made and warn at a dinner given by Sir Jaiin at 6 o'oleok in the evening. The wagera made on the ipeed of herpea are ao common, and tiie tetma and oondi tiena ae unit mnly of a coBunonplaoe char- acter, that they liardfy command attantian an the adore of nevdty. Donkeya have timea been put en their apaed, a quaUty tliat they have not been popularly auppeaed to peaaaaa. Abeot twenty yearn ago a race (eo-oalled) came o£F an we Newmarket oeurae te dedde abet of £140 made by the owner of a donkey tiiat h« would go 100 miloe In twenty- four houra. The meek- looking littie ohap net aniv le« hb maater out ia good form, but had tolly three houra te spare. After the battie ef Gettyaborg an cfficer in oommaad ef aa infantry brigade made a wager whh a atoff efBoer in the cavalry tlM mote than one-haU the muaketa captured would bh found to have one or mere oliarsea atm in tba-n. Thb bdto tha diaoavary af a very abgular faet.' At that battle 28,000 muaketa wore taken, of whioh over 18.000 were found to Iw leadod. Same 12.000 oon- tainad twa laada aad 0,000 had tram tiiraa to tearlaada ai^. In numy Idataaoai half- a-debib' balla ware driven In en a aiagla charge of powder, whlla In net a few In- itanoea the fermar poaaaaaor had ravaraed the uanal order and put the ball in firat. Seme ludlcroua ana amuaing wagara ware paid on the mgM of tha F^iddatfUal elec- tion. A U eadillle (Pa^ girl bet fifty kiaaea againat a Wtaitor wrap tiiat Blaine would carry New York. T£BBIBIi£ DEATH OF A T£XAB bOI. Vreas the Blteef a Babid Bos- Ihe Mad Mane Pravoa Vsalcaa. Ob the farm ef W. K. Gandy, neir Fevt Worth, Kan., a rabid d*g bit Waltor Gandy, 4yearaold, In the face. Several of the anlnud'a teeth entered tlie flMh In the cheek and above the eye. The Uttle boy did not aafihr,* except from the laoera- tioa, but tha paraata at enoe took him to Denton, ^lere a mad atone waa applied. It would not adhere, and It waa aald tiiat no vlraa had entered the ayatem. jNot aatblied, tiie father took tha bcqr to Mana- field, where a aeoond mad atone waa allied. Itabo refuaed to adhere. Saturday the Uttie fellow aald hb threat waa aore and refuaed to eat. He would cry when water waa brought near him, aad aeon became frantic Phyddana went out ftom Fort Worth and exhauated their akiU, but tiie boy grew wane, and greeniah -team baued from hb mouth. Hb ptoena ctlea -cad centertteaa Were dmply hmbte. A llitli playmato came to aoe hto yeatorday aad Walter ini^pod at hln,.bltiBg him aUgit^ In the face. The physidana fear thla boy haaalaobeen isoonlakted with the polaon. In the evening the auflwer became quiet for awhUo and alept tor a few momenta. He awoke with the tremor, barked like a dog, bent himaelf nearly deubb, gnaahed hie teeth,, blood aad foam gnahed from hb mouth, and he waa dead. Mra. Gandy, the mother ef the boy, b preatrated with grief. It b feared aha will die fiom the ahock. The Place of Honor. A few daya age a fond mother gave a juvenUe daughter a chocolate aweotie, which however, ftom maternal fear of balmk'a ap- petite, waa not eaten at once, but waa to ba kept tiU the afternoon before baiag devoured. " Now, doUy, said the loving parent, "mind you have promised mo on your honor net to eat the chocobto before tea time, haven't yon I' '*Tea, mothar," anawaiad the dutiful mto, and went on her w»y re- Jelob« A very abort time aftorwardtha ohoootato dudppeared, aU traoea of It gone, aave a att^kv, brwn mark fvai the Uttle girl'afaiyllpa. ^DaUy, Dally," remau- atrated her mtthac, ** whai* -waa yanr haa- vt^hm yen ato the awaetiot ' "Ib myem- aoBSl waa tha praf^ond «pd oaanawarabb "P»y. â-  â-  '" I Smitt, tha Mbr af tha oSSTva^k.- '5*^*tl Meaoataweia aU riAl;" ••Yea. Thattawhara tiia myilaiy ciaaiM la. Thaita af maaey from nrmaata haagtag ia the dathea roam af a Mandaa faoS^ lad tta abetdoiaa af tha aataUbbnaBt to aatoh tha hitherto u ad a to a t ad tUal. Ea oaaaeotad a peoketbaokia tib* paekakafa pair af tranaara witti witea ttattamtoitod ak a V^ b a diataat taan, aad aa anaas- adthawlraatiuitthagaag w*dli tHagyritSa tha paokatbaak waa aaovad. Ilia aaokat- baak waa mavad, tii* iaar' ' ^a Olal waa oaaght. Ihe [, aad taaiiagll. â€" Mr. N. it Oanm, •«*«*•' Jâ„¢* ford,rapafte tiiat h* waa *-^'«» «•â- : aiderabla dbtanaa fr*» tt* "»W.5L' smaU lake an SiU'a laUmd by a â- Â«ka JS!J- artkaaa atovapfp* aad of axtraardlaary KBffsDa Jnat aa Jaha W. Benaal^ of St. Jeha, N. B. bad oamplalad a tiiraa yeara'tarmin tiia iiaaitaatiarr, for Ugamy» ha wai agam Sa5arbywaaNo.irwltii tiiaaaipaaf- R«aaatiy a boar aelaad a calf In a fidd af Mr. Alex. Watt, at Fart Oaulanga, and could not ba indnoed to rdoaao it until it had btakaa tta oaU'a baok in two plaoea aad otherwiae diaabled It. Mr. Joha McDaaeUtOf Obaroy. a Olea- oary Province^ baa joat died ai the ago of Tlyeara. He came to Canada In 1816 whan an intoit, and for a time lived in tte tawn- ahlp af Loohid afterward ramavf ng to Ohar- lottenburgh, where ha redded until hb death. John aad Miohaal Hbkay have baaa fin- ed SlOO far operating an ilUdt atiU near P»rt Parry, and Jaha aad Miohaal Bawlaa for patmittlng tha Ubgittoato buunaaa to beoarrladaanpanthalrptandaea woraoon- viotodaadwIU appear for Kntanoawhen aalladapoB. WUla iBianntod pdioaia purauit af tta Edmaatoa atage tobben were paaaing tha Sarcaa oaaipef One Arm at Oalgary, a braw rah at laapactor Maodia witt a awerd ttidthaiaivaotar, laaelf dofoBOO, ahathtm through the arm. Four bottioa of beer were found in tha Indbn'a ahlrt. Whan Ah Slag, aaw lyiag ia tta Now Weatmiaator gaol ondar aentoBoe of death, waa informed that ho had been granted a reprieve for a mantt ha waa very angty and mooh dlaappolnted. Ho u a beUaver in tta transmigtatlen af aaub, aad aftor exacutiwB ho expected hla aoul to hihablt the body of a bird, and counted on getting oven wItt tteaa who had given ovidenoe againat Urn by ploldag thate eyea out. A vigoroua fight b In mogreaa between tte School Board and tta Oeundl af Wind- aor. The Board want tte Oounoil to raiaa $16,500 far the building at a aaw High SohvoVt. Tiie CoancU voted an tta queation, and liy a majarity af only one deoldied net to make the deabed appropnatfoa. The School Board naw propoaa teUng legal meaaaraa to oampel tta Oooadl to veto tte money. The Oaonoil ara againat tta appropriatian beoanaa they are not pleased wItt the Sohool Baard'a aaleotlea of a dto. Mr. Themaa Kittle, af Maore Tawnship, whUa digging la a awamp far wator, upon the skeleton of a maatodon. tuaka or homa are over four feet long^ weigh about forty peoada aaoh. The up- per Jaw aad part of tte head b three or tour feet loag, and b morottan one man oan lift. TlM riba are af anarmana das. The whole remalna have ndk yet been exca- vated, but tte prooeaa of axhumatlaa b go- ing an, and scorea ef vbtora are golog'trem aU parte of Ijonbton to view the romatk- able diaoevety. 'rfoheet leaohar But, ef lyondidaga Sitlfc^ol Seotlon Na. 4, radgned hb oharge, *bi^aahe elatoed hla rea^gnatien waa not acted upon he had twa weeka to teach aftor vacation. On reaching tte aehaal an Man- day bat, hawever, he tooad Troatoe Brawn with a lady taaobar in paaaaaalaa and waa Infenhed that hb realgnatlen had been ao- ceptod. He teama to have diaputad thb atotoment of tte caae and to have attempt- ed to open tte achool whereupon tranble enauad and a magiatrato baa bean caUod in aa final arbiter In tte prembea. There b a squabble in legal cirolea in BellevDle. Theatoiy b told ttat whUo a prominent oounael waa abaent from the cMirt room an attorney donnad. hla gown and entered upon the defence of a couple of oriminab In dock. Whan the owner of tte gown latumod he peremptorily ordered the removal of tte garment, but the judge aUowed the attorney to appear before hiâ„¢ wittout a gown. Several mambera af the ptofeaalon new threaten to brteg a oharge againat tte attorney. They claim that aa attetnoy haa no dght to oondnot a caae at any criminal court sxnept a pelice court. Several Geimana from Hay Towuhip teak tha train at Clinton the atter day. Near SebrlngviUe the liat of one ef the pwty blew off, and unconadously he atepped iff the train to recover It. The train waa tunning at thirty mllea aa hour at the time, and It waa taken for gianted that he would bo Inatantiy ktUed. Aa toon aa poanblo a step waa made and tte train waa backed toward tte looallty of tte aoddant wItt tte object of taking en the mangled remdna. Soeiii however, tha eerpae waa feimd running deng the ttaok to catoh up tottetraln. Ha had taoaivad a bad out on the aide of tte faoa and a dblooated ttoulder, but attarwiae waa uninjured. A married woman of Pettland, N. B.. when ptooeeding homeward a few nbhts ago waa attacked by an unknown man mi » deaortod Btreet. Her aoreama were heard by thieo men ahead ef her. They hurried to her aaatotanco and oaptored her aaaall- ant. The woman hedtated about golnv to tte police atation to lay an intormattonTand 4xpteaaed a witt that he ttould be pubh- ed in aoma athar way, vttetanpan twa of tte roBcuera aefaed held of the ruffian and hdd 1dm, whUe tte third boat Um untllhe feU equated npan tiie atreet. TheyUiaa Uoked Um oatil ttey wet* tired, andlaffe hto m avory badly naod-up '"fiditisn, A youDg man near BroaMb waa emnbr- ed to take the flax piokara bama to ttat town. He had a let ef dqr hay in hb new hay;iaok, and bdag aa^na to aaa h*w quiok about 26 man ooBld gatoffhtawMn he dropped aUghted mateh into thebw Everyman jomped for hb Ufa. ttahm man indoded, lad tot far a ianaar^^ jomped tiM Una feaeoaad oaaght titTtMrn tterawaaU tova beea araaaway. Bv^ doaperato eflbrt tiM heraee were detaehad fremtiM wages only Blightiyaiagerit« new hayraok wee deatnTad, koSm tSl o«-darabto matotolto' hrKtS wagon* rM Muur bhui â-  Bftft iW«M««vi_ in^reaaed wltt'^iLceee ae rhSn!^ b goad hcaia-fi .It i'OI lu triF ID. UN^iraa^aJtoy. itilitt^dtirfttad. thw**fa S^^iiMdaar'^nainMl I^eAe Bre- dhaxd, a DMlor tk ThnSiAgifiaaA a remark- ably flae'toohiBg naa of as, Witt a long bnwB boaid •! «M*ftianallaxarba:ee. Th* ladiotBsnt aeli forth tbat^a ttoSM *f Maroh iMt a aaalefiiotMr aaterad the Demfai- loaamoaaatov: »* UU* aad^iitt tiwaid af faba keya^HMoeadcd taij opealng the aafe in wUoh mmiay, Steok Exohang* aeooritiea, and otter praperty wok* kept He oariied off twelve debentorea of Aoatrbn Bento wartt 30.000 fraaoa, and npwaid af 9^000 fraaoe in bank notea and geld. Thb rob- bery muat tova been ooinaiittad by a p«nea tandliar wtth tte monaatery, aa no windaw waabrakea, nor waa uiy noba lieard by aay one beleagbg to tte hena*. foarre firoohard, it waa lottter eot forth, loft tte building m tte eve of tto robbery, and oa the 14sh ef May' aaanmod th* nam* of Berthlor, went to tt* cffio* *f M. MoBna, » in*n*y ohaaMV •(« B*fd*a«iZi and sought to got aavord Auatilaa debenturea caahed. Aa notioa hadbeea reoeived by tte money ohangera of Bordeaux »*t to pay tiie ntden fconda, M. MoliBa,LflndiDg the anaibere were tte aame aa thoae en tte Hat sent by ttia Demialcana of UUIe, oauaod Pteri^ Brechard to be arreeted. Th* monk, *n -bdag lator- rogatad, *WBed that he hadbeea aaabkod by fake key* whioh a LUle labbamitt maau f aotnred for him on tte model of tte real onea, to open the Iron aale af tto ardor. Ha oammittad tte robbery tte alghk after ho loft tte monaatery, when aU tta tamatee aero In bad. ain^ly by oalaoking evaiy dear thai oam* Itr Ma iriy. Oa quitting LlUa be decided to reaaqnoa airceotobatloel life. He itoulated auicld* by leaviag hb monaatto anlton tte bank of a rivor, where ttey wore found. Hoawam tott* «ther side, and, aa he had pieparad the Inether- haad for eaidde, they ,ooiiolnded, when hb frcck and nndcrolothiag Were foond, that he nad drownid KiiaMf Aon widor the name Bortluerho proMaded to Bordeaux, aad told every an* ha niet abant tto Imioida of tto mank Breohard, ae ttol to wae never anapeoted'of'tta vaUiexy, and wwdd not tovo boon dateotod bnt far tta money ohangernatioia^ ti)« nmabera. af tte Ana- trian debeattree. Nothing panid ba mot* full tiiaa tte avawaL On the judge aaking whetiher ho had anyttingtoadd In extennatbia of hb cftooa, to inld'ttot he tod a pave malady whioh adMMO WMpewerbn to otoe« and ttot owing to to efleota on Uh brain hevraa unable to preadi. It waa under tto la- floenoo of %hb deraagement ttot he plaanod aad exontod tto rabtory wbleh, to ewned, to wont abont ta a ooM and oanttona man- nor ttot aeemed inoMnpeftlbla wltt tta men- tal state to described. Hb otime wa* atom- tnablo, and hb repeatanoa waa deep aad bittir. A DeoiialcaBbrettor waa eaUod by Brochard'econaaol aa awitawa oftte dr- cumatanoea ef the robbery. He know to- tliing beyond what had bean qonfeaeed, lot ho mformod tte jnry ttot aooording to tte dvU lawttoie had been no robbery, aU talnga bebg In common ta a monaatoty. ' Breohard had perbi^ taken morottan hb abate, and prematurely,^ f ot pf a fund af which he waa a OB-pr*|iiftetor, for under the deoreo for the expnlHen ef tte reUglona order* thb money waa divided eqodly among the brethreo, whoirereto to regwdr ed aa a rangione famUy^ The preeidlig Judge indignantly preteetisd agatatt thb theory, bnt It wont tonle to the jurora, who returned a n n a nto e a a verdiot of aoqaittaL BBIBf AHDjBHIQHT. Thirty per cent, of tto bbtta in Parb are iUegittoato. Englbh b to to taught In tte oommon achoola of Japan. Extendvo ooal fielda have boon found In European Turkey. The BoUaat riota ooat many Uvaa and acoraa wore wounded. Dynamltobaa boon aaad eaoeeaaf uUy In Peatt for driviag pilea. ladta haa a greator aoraago of wh*at than tt* United Stataa. Straw hata tove toea worn lea* tUa torn- mer than ever before. So far thirty tmnia in (Mil* tova adapted prohibition under tto Dew law. A man named Swindler haa been appeiat- ed poatmaator at OUmax, Mo. A pleoe ef ddewaUc in Atianta, la., to- camie ao dry ttot tto heat at tta aun %kted nUnob haa tto ohamf Ion m^s ipttMrgi tto eattmated attendanbo^lDg rixty ttona- aad. " 7 Britbh OdvaUaVoeaat ia ai oa^toto VaUtoaiir aad mado defenriUa by i|^ at YaHitoaiir ether poiBt|. T'.^ (i T\f Fifty^girIalBaHe*^Haiv4 labbttttep atruek baoauae tte auperlntonctoit %onld not aUow ttem to tova-tto windawa apan. » V^ Molaee (la.) paper a*y» ttot wbea A.K.qattiBg werkadla ttot dty aa a ^tartowaakiiewaili*^ DIrtyiUrt Out- ttog."« "Rooking" at Meoat Deaert ooJkatala tweperaaBaeloppeiito eex aittlBg 911 a ae- oluded rook, jmdar aa omtooUa, •Hi con- â-¼oralag. Saootorine, a prodnot fnm eeal 4ir, ooata •12 a pMad.^ A toaipaeiM a iftlm eon. jAprisoner ia tto-ncton jaUobarged wfttrnwdwapenda hb tiBo'ieialtk the Bible. Bf,iaBtUhinJ3t%^^ata deep Boaadly who* wiQkiBg. • TK atiier wgit he uninbered throng a heavy shower, fenad bimadf dnaohed. Xto Palmer/otimat tellaef aoMaeawhe. wtoattoib»beUiaag tt* •tt*r *Teaiig, â- "â- tod to tto Baa attt* .B*p* ihMitinc. â-¼^ ' J^vvibs «ltaft toSrighft awivl Y*B aortnt daiti^U wato op B^1»byl" «irf*el taw, ialtai, ^Ob,m% '•fMaaowieta." ••Yea are mb- iSr ^^•^ "*»» «hato are nbJBS^ A JOB!] •*«Hihii4^'fT?^ AoutfiftH, *««1 «»MtodeB?htVh5;ja. »« P»pa»t% J?8kai!5 nBderstandlS»T|5,taft by hi, .w-A^Hn^ «r tte eldltdy «!!^B •tay b the heiT nJ^*-*^ J^W would ht'V, " *• I »i«D ot ainto,. While she hsd**"' a suit, none o| ths S.^ W take her o»m |lj?«»tl aa head WlUiambadihr^'lC! wdhehidto.^'W^J^ Je matte fiSS,^»wSa look out fetBllLbS^^ l»totheoaHrdiLft»l7' oeunaaUBUl.ri'SJ«»J^jM to aendfer IhatimjL *»tai ««y wt hb SBtiMir»'*J'^t awelverbu^Ka?iJr?5' ofwU.keybehl5Mj^«^, outaedtt, matosr.lLTN yeu«aketreublel.%Jij "ABdiiewyoul9,kh,«», Ibr.nghtort»,ix.,hZi' and whenever ,n M Uk, SL2I wait ftr me te be^" "^1 BiU was a htuktvAt^J turned white uflcBT, Id bS bloMalamb H,;riS like a our, bnt I kn«wth|Z|b; hb heart, and I realimt^aJ^5â-  BEING ABOCTWDBJi If to could de it withniitf kUm opened. Bill made hh thtnaall tot kept dears! me, ImMUkl fill up aeme day and oomTKl tteeting scrape, bnt he hid mi^i work en. WetadknteMTuu! Infoimed me, bnt hi vh diii blnater It ant. Myt-ffioawaisver s itonji by eutdde stdn. ThmvMihrtl back room, and the httii,Ib«M if lor, waa uasd fer ay bediMB, t fsahbn to leave dl dsm no \^ day, aad whan IMl my oia n l land, or te gate ocort, h vii Mt] When It beoane kaommod I taken Mra. Sharaa'i ciM,ai I aisn,BilI, IhadptotydniUL- loek alter, and «ia mndi «f tbiila] Courta One day, jtist beftn tiii Ug nt v, come te trial, I went into owitaal ary suit, and «m detdntd ttm c| hours. The office wm left ijn a r Aa I retamed te H, m « ted aooompanled me, and mi w« iwMjL af the stato we baud a terlbli dl tte rooms above. Next miml 1 1 ron came roshbg dews Dm ami tottoBS, eyea stalling bin UH and SUCH A LNK 01 miOl on hb face as I asvir mr brfn 1 j He mthed paitai, ihihUii d and It wu only whsa bi vh obd ttot we made eat tke bmlbli t* I great lattleenaksa were hisgbf bl en»oy tte tight wrW, »»4*' the right leg. IheyiqulmidBidl and flopped M ha rsa, and kh «â- , exclamatioDa brongbt entibi vMI He ran abant a black, aad tha hf tj tto atreet and railed ew lad ajjiL aaakaa let ga d bim ud wen UM«I crawled away. ^v_ j-,1 BiU had been bittoto »i«I«*J only aniidoto â- oig"»^**TSil good two qn«b were pKW iwi lmaxi% the sligbtirt reW. B «J tte leaat atapsfy btai «« q««*»" condition, and fa an h»« he wmob bloated body •»« P?' 'HSn herribk aiglit. It*«»|**f*JJ work to dlscorar bew It »« •" j BUI wanted '•«"8» "JJiT-l waatoUavetoe»t»ta«J-;M r^m. Hahadtskentte^wy after aaaing that tbe o-^JTT'jA dumpedttemoutentieflj' J waa there tepreve «». JfF" ^1 gone he bad been ««w^^a*l SentaweroloHenedtt^JJJ'iJ SrtenodttalrfaniibhhWij^q tributfen,bntnoaeefnii«M' hb horrible fate. "My dear, it's gS^tl "What makes y«n*»fr;^"' berry!' ••Beottie«vb'«5;^il ahame, Mr. ^^1,Z\0^\ table HumphlS»»»'^J Ayeuagoel«B|l»-j'^d ing money by g»'to|»*»2J|h JJ a performaacea. H. »«J^ opon.tapBhb.kdl*ftJ^y%,J- tGrpbyataneab«2i»*^^»H tte xylopheafc °* JTi-tf eaeiM awoeaeabeadbatia-*^^^ evangoUat af K^^f^'JrfdjJI wife, aen. "» *!* £• »^"J faitt. He fc^ ?^C i""" tot to pww*:'ix«.pport,»^ anoea even b "• """" "Tfiirff he made the i*^jS» "•"SM better or dead baaiw^ j family. -labij^? A Camden, »â-  '^•'Z^ «WTrf(l. to made entiraly •» if^y â-  ZaU pUti.nn »J«Vh. d^a diameter, i^i Jr-faidii^J:^*] keven feet from l*«jr •• rimthfa«.obto^t«**.*Jl eyoioi lil

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