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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1886, p. 8

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 \y J: fill i i â-  ;:^ Iii ^^t' BAERISTBE, SOLIOITOfi, c. OFFICEâ€" 0Â¥EB McFMLJUtD'S StORE. MARKDALE. IMConey to C^^ai). "hands, ECHLiN GARVIN, (SITCCZBBOBS TO LXUpXB HAMDS), BA.KEISTEBS, 13oIiciton. Proctors. No- taries, ConTcyancens, c. Montry to can at lowest rates of interest. Offices 18 EinR Street Eant. T(nonto 9IASSON SIA8SOIV, BABMSTERS, SOLICITORS, e. Offxcxb â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Block, Poalett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFurland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Massos, Q. C. S.Masson. W. Massox. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent. JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, kc Commifisioner in B. R.iG. Conveyancing in all fts branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" ^Money to Lend on Real Estate se curitv. «•. fi. GOnWE, Plain A Ornamentd Master .;Oipo^ th« new • RreskyttriMi Ciirdi lark- Arches, Comiees, iTentre Flowers, and all kinds fA plain and onuBpantol plM to ring ex.' eeated at cheapest rates. Calwommng lisM Wasiunr and BepaizB luomptly attend^ to. aos WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates:. A few ifarms for sule. Terms easy. G. M. BRODIE, M.D.y CM. M' "EMBBE of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. IS"Office and residence, E. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298-11 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. OEIVflST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of f)entistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the Isi, and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor- ROBERT S. RAE. tailorV Sydenlmpi Street, ' RKDALE. EOBT. ASKIN» IHWERTiWER, FIIBUL FBRH ISIMBS BnppUMl on the shortes notice. JL. Svlendid Hearse for hire »t moderate rates. ^!-i^ kinds 0*â€" FTJItl^ITXJK^E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMIKG Doneoa short notioe. BOBT. A^KIN; "Bskei^s FMen*' «ad best funilj flour iat s^e. BetaO prioeper^bbL %iJMii 2D»ee barrels or aaore, •d.lO to «4.85. SHORTS, pef ton i^^ '♦ »1«.00 BRAN, " i* 10.00 The highest imaret price ^ald for FaQ and Spring wheat. /JHC FORD, OWEN SOUND MAnUE WORKS MARKDALE HOUSE, MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBICEVHjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, $-c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor •^. H.B. HARRISON, MANUFACTURER OP MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture ilarble, dc. Victor Rf^ler Mills. MARKDALE, Farmers are fitiving from one to twenty- four miles to the Victor BolJer Mill, and ate so 'highly pleased irith tue resalts that they always come back. No waitings or sekim trip aeeessaiy as you get ycmif griyt Iwifner' witli yon every time. ' ' ' .No change made in the scale of exchange from the past. Parties \»i6hing choice flour, be sure and go to Plet»es MiH. jQood^^nixed chqp, bran and shorts always for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for whidi the highest price will be paid in cash. ' 219' ANGUS PLEWES.- ^«**»9 effect Monday j^ STATIONS. Toronto.... Leayg CardweU Junction* Orange- 1 Arrive â-¼iUe. /Leave. Orangeville Jun. Shelburne, Dundalk Flesherton Markdale Berkeley Holland Centre.' Chatsworth.. Owen Sound.. IJJ^I Owen Sound Chatsworth.... Holland Centre Berkeley Markdale Flesherton Dundalk ,[[\' Shelburne OiangeviUe Jiin!..!! Oranee Arrivu...!! ville.. Leave CardwellJuuction.., Toronto Arrive. GC|KJC SOUTH. STATIONS. ^Jwttori). MARKDALE. Tlie subscril)3r beRS to inform the travelling liublic pener.allv, that lie has leasei the above premises for a term of j-ears, and hopes by cater- i;iS to their comfort to merit a share of public jjatronage. Bar atid Larder well supplied. Good stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLEAN, Proprietor. EUGEN/A HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may lelv on receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables. Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 J, J- IRA^'lIV, V. S., Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. m i „ T m« Horses exam- Treats aUdis- J[^j^ inedfor sound eases of domes â€" â€" «™~t'â€" tic animals. ness and certi- ficates given. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble 13" Largest stock ia the Dominion to select f roin. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABBISON. For S^glo, That valuable farm property ctntaining 100 acres moror less, about 15 acres cleared being composed of the half of lot 4, in the 11th con. of Euphrasia. One-third of purchase money down, the remainder in such time as may be agreed upon, with interest at 6 per cent, p^ annum. Application to be made to Mr. William Bradey, Markdale P. 0. or to B. BUNTING, Pickering P. O. Pickering, July 12, 1886. 305-18* IVEXT VISIT Sept. 9th at the Markdale House. N. WASHINGTON, M. D., THROAT _LUNG SURGEON- L. C. P. S. O., Gradusrte Victoria Umrersity, 1872, with honor, also passed the examinations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario the same year, and aiter having devoted years to the special study of diseases of the Throat and IiungB, ia prepared to treat nearly all the cases which may come before him successfully. Dis- eases treated, Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Loss of Voice, Removing Enlarged Tonsils, Growths from the Nose also removed. Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption, lation," "The Method, Inha- Veterinary Medicines Kept and Dispensed. CHARGES MODERATE. GALLH PROMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, Jit ILL STREET, Opposite Standard Office, MABKDALE. Fas!liional:le Tailor*, OVER MACFAKLAND's STOKE. •\ PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. ISAAC STlIÂ¥SpW, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work pruaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Kesidence. MAKEDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUHiDEE, CONTBACTOR, ARCHI- TECT, Markdale. 1241t WOOL! WOOL! As the season for the new wool is at band, we would respectfully intimate to all those who may want any carding done, that we are no?-- 2irepared to attend to all who may favor us with a call. Having this spring put on some new steel cards, with other necessary improvements, and over thirteen years ex- perience, we are confident that we can turn out our work iu a satisfactory manner. Weaving and Fulling Cloth done as usual on short notice. Ail work done at the lowest cash price. Yv'ool taken in exchange for work. Markdale Woollen Mill. May 17, ISSS 248 F. J. RITCHIE. IxtraciofMBI MABEDiLE VILLAGE OmciAIS. Police Trastecs-Wm. Lucas r k1 Haskett. E. iJavis. ' ' M Public School TrasteeB-B. CoIbâ„¢, j Lyons, Thos. Hill. B. Colemanir "' COU.VTT OFncULg. Judge, H. McPIierson, Owen Somid Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Own Sonnd Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong. O.Soii Clerk, Geo. J. Gale. Owen Souad Treasurer, S. J. Parker, Owen Sonad County Warden, Victor Lang, Registrar, N., E. McKnight, S., Thos. Lander, I ,. Revismg Barri.ster, XorUi, Judtje McPIhI soft. Owen Sonnd. " I Revising Barrii-ter. Soutlii- EasU#| Lane, Owen Sound. ' M. P., North, B. AUan, Owen Sonnd. M.P., East, T. S. Spronle, M,D.,MjilL. M. P., South,Geo.Laiiderkin,M.D„Hu.| over. M. P. P.. North, D. Creigliton.OwenSofflil M. P. P., East. N.McColman,Thonilw.f M. P, P., South, John BIyth, OrcM ' DIVISION" eOUEI aEEKS. ,No. I. John Stp.pbeus, Oweu Kunnd. " 2. David Jackson, Durham. ' 3. Thos, Plunkett, Meaford, " 4. Thos. J. liorke, Heatbcote, " 5. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. " 6. John McDonald, Ghatsworts. #=CU.RES eHQLERA INFANTUM 'ALL^OMMERCOMPLAINTS! Sold BY /J LL Dealers. WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to Tie more couvenient for my customers, I bep; to announce that I am now orerared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Residence rtd stand, opposite Presbjtfrian Church. 282 ARCH. BOYD. TO SGHOOL TBDSTEES, The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School f niTiitttre, Consisting of SC^TOOL SEATS and DESKS TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tHe latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended bv School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. 131 BE SURE m CET YOUR Toronto, August 5th, 1886. CATARRH OF MANY YEARS STANDING CUBED. Dr. N. Washington, Throat and Lung Surgeon, Toronto and Halifax ° ' Deab Sib,â€" I am pleased to express my extreme satisfaction at the results of your "New Methob" of Inhalation which has cured me of Catarrh of a very troublesome character; in fact all the usual remedies failed to give me any relief, but your Treatment, from the first, gave great ease, and m a few months entirely cured me of a most annoying disease. I can honestly recommend any who may be suffering as I was to your skilf nl consideration. Yours truly, GEO. GOTILDING. Kept. C. Turnbull, Gait, Out., also W. H. Storey fe Son, Acton. Dr. Washington will make monthly visits. HEfD OFPics8-ffl5 Yonge st, Toronto, and 35 Morris St.. Halifax. N. S. -FBOM â€" ANDREW McGILL. R.J. SPROULE, FtiESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Dp«1!" Mort?i4!e«. lieases and Wills drawn up andValoations madeon abiortest notice Charges very low. Applv Uj K. .T. SPROXTIiE. Money Iiender Fostmwter, Flesherton. MONET- To Loan on rral estate seenrity. Simple Interest, low ra^^ *nd pn*T ♦«""»». C. W. BUTLBDGE, 275 Stendard Office MONEY j;0 LOAN. /^N real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. ness Strictly Confidential, J 190 Bnsi- B. BLACK, Pomona, P, 0. B. J. BTOOUra, â- " CouTeyanoev ft Foatniaatsr, Fleahortoo; STBAYED! From the premises of George Lawrence, lot 9, con. 6, Enpttrasia, about the middle of May, two hdlesra, Ad; one steer, red, with some white stripe in^orehead. all yearlings. InformatioB wbieh \rill lead to tiidr reeovanr will be snitably reward^ â- iQBOBOB tA3I^BENCB. J MARKDALE, Hft ju^^^as ^p^ a pump as there IS in fOie -market, and at tlie lowest pobsible prices, besides it is so con- veuient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have so^e style about you and support heme enterorise by bnvi"ff from Quiun. •' j "e THIS SPACE belongs to 1 Parker DRUGGIST PEESBTTERIAN CHUECH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 i. e. I Prayer Meeting t;verv Wednesday evening « I 8 o'clock. Eev. A." Wilson, Pastor; %| Brown, S. S. Superintendent. CIIPJST CHUECH. Services for September 5th 7 o'docklMI 10:aOand 7. lOthT. 26th 10:30 and 7.1 Eev. Jas. Ward, Incumbent. Sabbskj School 2:30. -J. W Ford, Superintendot I METHOQIST CEUECH. Services every Simdav atl0:308,mw| 7 p. m. Suudny School at 2:30. PtW| Meeting everv Thursday evening from "R Bible class Monday evening from S-to ».| Eev. Geo.H.Ccrnisb. Pastor; W.A.Bnuil S. S. Superintondent. Ladies' Aid m '^\ nection Mrs. T. Hill, Secretarv. Markdale C.O.O.F. No. 78. marts 21 alternate Monday eveningat ScrelockmWI Hall, McDougaU's block. Yiat.rgb«tt»I welcome. ., ,ii mortsal Markdale A. 0. U. W. Ko. Ul ^Tl\ AGENTSWANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men NONE NEED BE rOLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL ^«PayeHherSalor,9rC»mmi8aion InnSMAUT MEN wanted atoiieeto AUU canya^afor the Bal« of Canada canTa^for the sale urown Nmsety HtoclE. THE FeiVTHlIX IWBSBBiEs. i-«ateT flrcAwaiu ons 40b mat l« mart I1-1--L r^'c !y^7- Bottber PallSli«ws. Guelphâ€" 4l8t Pot. Ex. of the Agricnltural and Arts As. of Oataiio, Sept 20 to 25. Torontoâ€" 8 Ind. Exhibitionâ€" Sept. 6 to 18 Hherbrook Qu,â€" B. Township and Do- minion Ex.â€" Sept. 23 to Oct. 2. Hamatonâ€" Great Central Fairâ€" Sept. 27 to 80 jja^'^jOOd-Gieat northern Ex.-Sept. Bawieâ€" fan showâ€" Dot 4 to 6. Meaford-St. VihoeAt faU show- Oct. 7. j^,â„¢J»»eâ€" Glenelg faU show-Sept. 30 Shelbnmeâ€" MeUneaim faU show^Oct. 6 »»ha^-Saoft Gfgy-Sept 38 to 29. *^«rtonâ€" East 0i«râ€" Sept. 28 to 24. Wdenhamâ€" Anattaâ€" O 3t. 5 ^^Owen Soundâ€" Hortionltur^â€" Sept 22 to S^r*^::5?«d *.«j«^-oct. 4. their Hall, McDougall's Wock.e^fJ" Monday evening at 8 o'clock, avu brethren of peighboring lodges »^J^ HaU on Friday on or before f^J^ ^j,^ month. Thos. Elliott, Master; If. J- » I Secretary. „ ..„ '», Victoria E. B. P^'^PfJLO-M Meets in Lodge Room of MarkJ*.^^... I No. 1045, first Friday ifl«ichnc ing Sir Knights always welcome. W.P.;Thos.Emott,lJegistrar. r«t-0flit^ f i^***^* m The P. 0. will be opei every worbng *»?' to 7 p. m. ,. Mails closed as foU"^^'!;' is^MKX tbaveSton. Tuesday. Thm-sdayaudS"'"" HABKAWAt. Friday. 12:30 »«'»• â€" ffijifi' I Forregisteredletters^a J.J.M fifteen nSnutes earlier th8n_ ^^^v^\ 0. will be open on a. m., ;Onr after " p jt 7. «bwaw),0i«. 01 U"1v Orangeyille-Tbe second 1^ Du"dS-Tnesday Jg^OitfJjV Fle8herton-Moi.d8ybe^o^0rtf« «Nadii|M4)ot.0.. aOABdOatl 5 and 6 •DuAam-ThirdTae«lg«p,^gJ^ :^ .irh«t»worth-Mona8y D« ^j^CH" lChatBWorth-Mow«^ jrf*^ Priceyille-Moi.dayW'^pcW^ HanoTer-Monday WOi" /.?-â-  n â- ^

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