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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Sep 1886, p. 6

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 'f- j*?- 4:1: •I â-  ' I i l4^ If ;^i' III 'li:(! I I ill I IS ii^ liii ft* 4r a^ LATE DOmfflOi VSWB. Ibn* bUUm ImI of b«uda wOl basMd b th« MW C. P. R darftlwr at M«BtrMl. Tba Manatad Palloe Mt OMtnat, 816.000 paonda, haa baan lat ta Ctuvlea Stavart at l^oapouad. A Sti Thamaa bOIlurdiaam ktaptr bM baan oammittad ta gael In dafaalt al pay- meat af a fiaa nndar tha Ssatt Aet. Thara la bad faalJBg bttwaen the whitaa and tba HaUbraada and Indiana at Fiinoa Albart, tandtbg from the reballian. An agad Ooatenu cffiaer. Lean Sanaen, •f La^ia, died raoantly* laaving behind him « daOy racard af fif^ yaan af hfa Ufa. PaorDaoglaaapinea wblohwara noantly ontnpia ttlah OalomUa oantainad to- Mlhar 20,580 feat. Tha Urgeat waa 56 in- mm b dlamatar. During a reoent rtann in Pngwaah, N. S., l^taing atniok tha ttaapla af tha aid Epia oSjfai Chnrch thrawingit down andaatfelBg fbra ta tba bnlldfaq(. Tha maoldpality af Bnnall, Man., b oanaidatiiic a j^piaaal to grant $1,000 ta aaaiatOr. Bttaarda la eatabiiahlng i^ ladna- Mal fatm withia ita baonda. LaTal Vnlwtinitf will aak for daaigni far lli naw bolldinga frwn all tba aidiiticta in the Dnnbiten. Priaea af fSOO aaoh will ba giraB far tha thraa beat dailgaa. A Waodatook, N. B phyaioiaa taak aama viraa fram tba arm •% a ohild which ha had â-¼aooiaatad. Tba father af tha diild anad tar tha Talaa af the Taooina matter and gat a Tardiot far 13.50. It inmorad along the Una of tha Wei- land CmuJ that the water ia to be drawn aff the larela thia winter. The Janmallnya that thia ocnraa will atop many manofaotar- Ifi td tltew hnfidicoa ci pcepla out of •mploymant, Whlaky pedlara viaited Leon Lake, near Part Arthur, reoontly, and did a thriving trade. The reanlt af their tialt waa that a panaianer drank himaelf ta death and tirat a fight areae in which a man waa ehot in the •ye. Prabably the yenngext preacher in the warld b I. £. BiU, Baptbt, anly 12 yeara of age, who preaohed a aermen on Sanday, the 27th nit at St. Martina, N. B., to a large oeagregatioD. He la the aan af Rav. I. E. Bill and the grandaan af Rar. L BIU, D. D. Manitaba crap reparta ware recently pnb* ilabed. The wheat yield ia meat aatiafao* tary. An aTaraga af 16 ta 20 bnahela ia amnmmly reported, and aata vary fram light ta fair. Barley la net np ta tha aver- a«, and roat orapa are a aatlafaotory crap. I tha whala tha reanlta are better than ex- paotad, and tha draath haa been leaa bjori- •na than waa leared, Rer. R. Y. Regara, a Kingaton clergyman, died on Tnaaday at tha age of 81 yeara. He waaanatiToaf Briatal, Bog., and waa tha â- an af a commander in the Ei^ah nary who aaw aerrioo at Banker HlU. Hehaareaided in Kingatan, with a ahart intermiadan, â- incal860. Two aonaâ€" Mr. R. V, Regara, barriater, Kingatan, and Mr. H. M. Bagera, merchant^ of Rooheater â€" and two nnmarried daoghtera anrriYo him. The wife of Rav. R Oampball, af Mantreal. With her aan and Mra. Erana, waa riding in a oaleche near Fraaar'a Parka. The haraa, wliioh waa attached ta thaTahiole, waa being lad by tha bridle by a bay, while the pick- nloken ware deioanding a ateep hill, whan it anddanly beoama frightened and belted off at a frigDtf al apaad. Mn. Campbell ratab- ad all her praaaaoa of mbd, and claapbg bar ohild ta bar braaat aba olnng f aat ta her laat. Tha animal left |he road at the foot •f the liill aad daaho^ tlirongh an open field, atndght for ttie Fraaar BiTar. They ware within a few rada af tha pradploo, which lioma b tha rirar, and had given tham- MlToa «p for loot when a boy who waa workbg in a field oani^t eight of them. Ibrewtag aaida a rake with which he waa workbg, hegraaped a largo fence nJl, and holding it ont at arm'a laagth ha raa baf are tlia bona and anccaadad b aaakbg him torn away fram the rirer. Hia act aavad the Urea of the aooopanta af tha carriage. The Antaiotio Ooeu. The Aataretic Oceaa ooonpiea a paaitiaa •ronad the aaath polo timila« to tiiat of tha Aretia Ooaan M tt« eppaaita aad af tha earth. It fllla all Uie apace to tha aoath of tta Aatarotio Olrolo. It difiera vaatly, how^ •Tor, from ita aorthera hamolagne, for. b- â- bad of haTfag laad at iti oatar oiroamfor- «Mo, It baa w»tar Whib tha North Amari aan, tha Korapeaa, aad the Aalatk oeaata •B o hro l o the Kertfaora Ojeaa, the PMlfic, the Atlaatio, aad the ladiu Ooeaaa mingle ttialr waton with thoaa of tha frearn awe atthANirtfa. Ai It diflan ia pbyaloal ooaditlona, aa alaa It difEara b having raoolTod mnob leaa attoBtien froia the world at luge. Whib thadmaf bnuBambla expadMaiia f or tha paat f aor hoadrad yaara liaa baoi ta fiad a aarthwaat paaaage ta Aaia, ta plaat a flag at btitnda 90°, or to reacva aomo nnf artanata oommander and hia crow from a harriblo bte, and while thooaanda of dollara liaTo bean azpeaded, aad hnndreda af IlTea have lieen loot, there ia a atrange oantraat offered when wo torn to the far aaatii. Tha expo- ditiona which have bean aent ont byue great nationa of the world to ezploro the vaat watery expanaa abant tha aoathem Klo are ao few aa to ba ooonted en the gera af ana hand, and all the ahipa which have left raoorda of any oxtenaiTo oxplora- tiona beyond the Antarotio Circle might be ooonted on the fingera of two haada. And yet " withb the periphery of the Aatarotio Circle," aaya Liantenant Maury, " ia inolnd- ed an area eqnal b extant to mm aixth af the entire landanrfaoa af enr j^aaat. Meat •f thia immaaaa area ia aa mikaawn ta the inhabitanta af tha earth aa tba mtariar of •aeof Jnpiter'aaatelUtea. Farttio bat two biuidrod yean tlie Arotio Odoaa baa bean a theatre of axplnratlMk bnt, aa far tha Aataretic. ao axpeditiao liaa attempt- ed ta make any peraiatent exploration, or •â-¼an to wbtar tiiaxa." It ia aotaworthy, too, tliat b the veyagaa wUoh bav* boaa made not a ah^ n«r a lib Ima iMen loat Booth of tbo oirda. "Itdoaaaot ^pear," aaya ana writer, "that AntanMo Toyaaoa woold ba attended with any •xoeaatra da- grae^ danger. • Itmiv avan b^ faoadtbat O* Ai^aratio bandan arelm- peaetrablo Imt tide liaa oartably aat aa yat b«aa demenrtntad." FOFDLATUO TEE I0BTH-WE8T. laflax ar attOm Ikia » •ci P"" Mr. S. O. Armatraac, •aloalsatlaa af tba Caaadiaa Paaiia Railway, thia aaaaOB haa ba^ br iaadvaaaa af â-¼baa yean aa ragaida tba aaaabat af graata wha have tokaa ap laad b tb« Nertii- Weat. Fram the bogianbg of tbo praaaat year to tba lat ot Jaly, 1000 mHaa af cooa- try In the Province of Ontarb between Mattawa depot en the Oanadba Padfio Riilway and Port Arthor haa baea Battled and partly cnltf^atod. lathe Lake Nipia- aing diatriot, immeoaa tracta ai fine laad have been recently opened np,-aad wbna- aa twa yean age there waa rawa far a deaea faariliaa, tha agaata new rapart plenty of gaod land capable of aopportfng hnndreda. Thia dlatriet b bo fa^erably re- garded that 1700 famllba ba^a fettled ba- tween Mattawa aad Cartbr depota, all b the Nlplaaing dbtriot, aad tiie llttlo dapeta ha^e beoome thrivlnir tawna wHh pepab- tiona af from 200 ta 2000 paapla. Among thaeemay ba maatbnad Mattawa, North Bay and Stargacn Falb. Th» aztanaba and campletien of the Algema branob of railway «e the Sanlt Sto. M«rie, whioh waa began tlib maath, wHI open np a atlll mora extenri^e region, where aottiiBra wOl ba Bear the Great Lakea aad take advaataga of the f aoilitiea f er aa^igatfaa. Weatward from Port Arthur there b a great deal af good land called "BrBia^"or laad ever whbh the fire baa ron ae^aral timea olear- bg it of the timber and wliidi qoiokly oevera Itaelf with a thick cohering of graaa. Narth-Weat from Rat Portage along the Winnipeg ri^ar to the Lake ia a goad atretoh of blaok loam. Thb aactien haa attracted a large nombar of French Canadlana thb year, the Reman Catholic Miaaionary at Fort Alexander having aooceaafnlly bWted them to come. The French Canadian aettlomenta S. E. of Winnipeg on the Rat ri^er have been atrengly reinforced by their fellow conntry- mentremNew England and Prorinco of (Shiebec. On the Manitoba Senth Weatom Railway near the Tnrtle Menntaina b a aettlement from Labrador and the north oeaat of tha St. Lawrence inoloding famllba from the bbnda af St. Pierre b tha Golf. Apart from theaa tha majority of aattiera are from Ontario and the eld ooontry. Thriving aattlementa of G^rmana, Scandina- â-¼iana and Hnngariana ba^a thb year boon formed on the mab line of the C. P. B. beginning aboot 250 mOea weat af Winni- peg en the Qa'AppeUe Rl^or, between WhUe Wood and Regba. About 700 famllieahavo aettied b thb dbtriot thb year, a larger nombw tlian daring any pre^looa yeara. Theae people all OKpreaa their btention of becoming natoralixed Canadlana and Biitbh anbjacta. They all exproaaa thamaol^ea plesaed and aatlafiad with the ooontry, and many of them ba^o written home to their frbnda orging them to come over to them. The Cdgwy db trict haa probably received the largeat nnmberand the bettor olaaa of emipanta than any other aeolbn. The immenaa quantity af aattlera' effecta and the nnmbar of cattle imported bto thb aaotioa haa baan aomethfaig nnpreoedented b the hbtory of Canadian Colaniaatten. Fi^e thonaand head of cattle were ahlpped tiioro by one firm alone, tiiat of Mcaara. Gilrey %and Co., and a oenatant bflnx af cattle la going en from the nei^benrbg Statoa of Montana, Idaha and Dakota. Acroaa tha Rookiaa, beginning at Golden City aad praoeodiag â- onthward to tha Montana aad Idaho beoadariea b a meat exteari^a valley conatry, poaaeuing a fine dry clfanato, goad aoil and abnndanoe of wood and water. Coal haa abo been f aond b thb dbtriot and b joat b^bning to bo worked. Aboot 100 famniaa ha^a aettied b thb region and there b ample room for thooaaada mere. Fron Golden City to the aeooad oreaabg of the Colombb rbar thara b ao bad ftnr aattlamaat, battbanoe weat- ward to Taaoan^er dty aad lalaad there ia a great qoaatity af good laad ready to be taken op. A aomber of aottbra ba^a al- ready boated tbtmaelvea there, hot tbo retnraa lia^a not yet lean iaaned. The Colombb andKeotenay rivera have aaany atreama ronnbg bto them, wliero placer mbbg b going oa, tha aiajarity af tha mbara bobg CUneao. A atoamer baa bean placed oa the Colom- bb river roaalag botweoa Geldoa City aad the CelambbB Lakaoi, At aavoral plaeaa b tha vbfalty qoarta mbbg haa began. Aoeaaldorabb amaaat af oapltal haa baea taveatad, eepaoblly at the lead of the river b tiio ahnilkamaaa and Oraaito Creek regieaa, aboat 200 milaa dna eaat of Yaa- eeovar libad. DIAMOHDS OF THOITGHT. Whea oao Uvea aatbely with ttia ooarae af aatore, evpry day u folly lived. There are three little wkka to tha lamp of a maa'a Ufa, brab,blaod and breath. Then b fraaan moaio b many a heart that tha baama af enoonragement waold melt bto gleriena aong. A^" V^*^ •' *•»• "•' »*«o wealth of dvlUnation, and dvilintfon b the froit of Corbtianity, Aa reaaonably expect oaka from a mnah- room bed aa great and dorable profita from amaU and haaty efforta, ..t.^*? *.• "" "*° "PO" *« •"»!» wo thbk of the paat when we look np to the aky, we thbk of the btore. The eye of the maator wUl do more work than both of hb handa. Net to ovoraoa warkmaa b to leave year poraa opea. A tyraat caaaot woU blad one end of a chain aronnd the arma er lege af a paoida. witbaot finding the other araond bta^ma neck. A anab b that man ar waman who b al- waya pretandbg to aanwtiibg batterâ€" eapaciaUy richer «r mere "kbiiaMa than they are. Grbt kntta twa haarta b otoaar bmda than bappbeaa ever can; and omnmen aafhrbgaarafaratrongar Ibka «!»â-  oom- mon joya. PatioDoo fa a moral macqolto aak. Pdita- aaaa fa like aa yr-ooahba j tiiar« may be aottibg aoUd b it, hot it aaaea laita wan- dartoUy. â- â€¢ Many apaar Imt hanaak bhi np feoUng ttiat babra n%^t may glv« him a dagna. oa U aga THS FABM. JoiaMndtBdPuaed. MaavbnaantraafetoomaeAto taok and tiMMM aad d* tM litlb akwa figarinf. Taa dMayad braaahea of old ^Ma^jMld bapcamptljramevad. Ihab aadgbtibaM bthabaatrf thairavDa. Keep tha rmdaldaa tea fram •*"«• aad mbbkn, aad neatly mawn. Dent lat tfaam ba a aoraery af weed aaeda. If thaaiaagararfaedbozba aofoolaato omit a aaor ameU fram aay oaoae^ it ibenld ba oarafolly daaaaad and waAed ^th a aobtloa of aoda ar potaih aatU perfeotly The boo daaa net dafaoa yoor fialdabj oUppiag tba grmrbg graaaea. Ilka tha da- aiaatb ^«it"i»ia it daaa aat mar tha garden l^antoor bvy tazaa oa yoor grab, Baea differ from the wlwb Inaact world. No tree, ahmb, pfaat or flower b bjorod 1^ A conaapondoat ot tha Gomtrj/ OeHtkman toUa of batter pnaiad ta a awald aa aa to leak exaatly Ukaa large fiaa at«wbarr7. Oaa af theaa barriaa atMd bidd* •aeh plate, aad aa «ztn amply atoad b theoea- tnef thatablaaaanitdtab. Otlt edged batter, b aaoh faaey abmaa, ahaold aeU for higher prkaa avaa b bard timaa. Tba Sdeiitifie Anuriean fa right whea It aaya: "Noteing will poriff and kaqpa ataiib ao free ttwo. odora aa tim free oaa af dry earth, and avary mm keeping boraaa or oatdo win fiad it paya to keep it at band to bo need daUy. A f«w abavata fnU of earth loatterad aver tha fiier after obaniBg wiU render tha air af tha apartmaat pora and whaleaame. In onr preaent ^yatam af adnoatlon â€" ^now, happily, rapidly paaaing away for a liottor one â€" ^wa waat oao man to be alwaya tlibk- lag, and another to bo alwaya worUag and wecaUono agontiomaa aad tiia other an operative; wnereaa the workaum onght often to ba thinking, aad tha thinker ebaa to be workbg, and bo ahoold be gentle- man b tha boat aenae. It fa eatimatad, and aafely aa, tlut a good woU-fed caw pota ton dollaxa worth of man- ora an aboat tha faor aoraa of laad it tAkea to keep her for a year oa moat farma. Pot- ting that amount of fertiliaatioa an tha aoU of a fairly good farm aeon makea Ha' pra- dooe aa that ana cow cannot aat tba pra- doot of faor aoni, and tha reanlt fa more mootha to feed and more milk, or larger grab oropa to aalL The deaire to get en b tbo world, to aor- ronnd ono'a lalf with tha oraatoro oemforta naoeaaary to bi^pinaaa, to paaaaaa avaa of the Inxorlea af life ahoold be atrmg b the breaat of every tiller of the aeH. Ha haa health aad atraagth. Tha freo^ pore air of beavea b hb to breathe. Beaatlfol orea- tiena freah from the band of God are apnread ont lieforo him. Bat theae ahmild not aatb- fyhim. Ha ahaold aeak to maka hb hnna a bawarof love and baaotyâ€" fl»wara, birda, and aonaliba arannd it, withb tha peace and content which oomea af makbg tha highaat aaa of the bleaabga God haa given Some frofitable £^eiienoei, Agentioman writea:â€" Two yeara age I leaaad feor aoroa af roa-aat paatora laad to ba pkatad with patataoa. One ton of phoapbato waa aaed for the crop. They were hoed twice, aad wtiaa dog a plaw waa ran tbraoghthe rowa, torabg oot meat af tba petatoea to tha aorfaaa. 634 boabab ware rabad an tha field. Ibteadodtoaow It to rye b thofaU bat did aot do It. Ia tba aprbg af 188S. I aawad tt to oata aad aacdad It dawn. I did aat keep aooooat of the aomber of boabab rabad aa the fUId, hot they wove very heavy oata weigbbsSS poimdB to the boahoL I did aot pbw the fiMd,bat batrawad It aver with a Shara'a barrow, Bowad my oata aad fartiUair, aad harrawad them bâ€" oabg oaa tan af Liatar bene and 10 boabab of oabadbad aahea at tbia af aaediag. Laat laU I oaald have oot a gaad orap af rowaa had tbo ataaa baea ploked ap. Thb abriag I picked ap the atoBo, and have cat eight tona of goad qoal- ^^SS^!^ •» "»y •rtimata, which I da aat thbk fa tea b|gh. I am Batfaflad If farmara weald oaa mere pore baaa aad leaa adoltaratad phaepbataa, thay waold reoelva greater aad aaoro batbg raaolta. OJDS TO LAO OBTABIO. BT 70HK IIOUB, tOBOXTO. Thoo blaad afatar-aea, Oatocb I Ta gUde apon thy boamn fa aobUma !»»«• f-*! tby peaeafal, ataady, aaward flow. CeaaabBa aad ooaataat aa tha coarae at flaw I Tby watera aaem tba Bama,.-yat aver aawâ€" Fed by a thooaaad atreanw aa either aide The aame dear akyâ€" ttie aama ttiy deptiia af bloa â€" Free aa the aatioaa bordering on thy tide I Vaat oppar-bkea feed tiiea wltii liberal band, Fram higher landa aa new aa thba hath Where atiU the Ludiaa aad hb wigwam â- taad. He baU amaaed wIUi what hfa oyaa hath To tiiy embrace, like gaUaat bver bold. Nbgara mdiea b hfa mad career Tm tired aad apeat, paat whirlia^ eddiaa cold. Ha oalmly «bki ta laatwbaa thoa art Laat af tba blaad aaaa 1â€" yat aaaraat __ Thy watera aaaa ahaU awaU tiia ^hty And mb«b wtth tiia aoaaa'a Way team. Hmn ahalt Hira reat-aad tiHn foT aleapl Paepb who Uto fa glata have oprtaba. •hMdd ItfaatatadtbakHMvaidapaBtUB ya«a bdraama if kavab daads aad impaaaibb â-¼aBtaraa fw tiio hiip â- ' abvattan 9i na* otvfliaBd aatiana. Bebg oaptarad wbUaat aaikby a Fraadi pcbataar, bb attention waa drawn to tba orooltioa praotbad an priaoaara, aad as hfa ralcaaa ha bagaa an bBpaetioB of the jail fa hb aativo vlUage. niarofonababaoiinratadaproad threnj^- ont aU the priaana m Boropo. OharloaDlokaiia, whiba boy b Jonea'a Bobool, waa b tira baltlt vi writbg romaaoea for tba amaaemaat of hfa oomj^oai of •f the moat vagoe aad bfty oburaotar. Hfa great fame came to him throogh hfa piotorea of Mra. Mlnab ever the way, of tha polloamaa, abopboya, botohara aad oeoka who oama b hb way b lifa.daUy walka b tha atraata of Loadoa. A middle aged marohaat b oaa of Oar bifo dtiea oompbtaad a oaopla ot yaara ago that ho liad boaa thwarted b hb troa wark bUia. ••Mybopowaatooarry Ohrlatiaaity aad dvOisstbn to aaai* heathen aatloa. Thaa I shoold aot have lived m vaio. Bat I have baoB aacbored here bexorably." •• The beathoa bavo oaota to yoa," Bald hfa frtead, a^ddbg to tiia Olibaaa Uaadry- maa,wltb hfa wa«daB Bbeae aad j^tall, who waa paubg. Tha hbt waa taken. Mr. Blaak waat to Ah Sbg'a boadry aad made a frfead tt him, peraoadad him to oama with foor of lifa f rieada to lib booaa, twice a weak, to leam ** MoUoan 'U|^«i." There are naw nearly aeventy Ohineae maa b a Kbb olaaa taoght by Mr. Blaak, of whom a largo peroaatue aro aboara Ohrbtiana. It la the habit of yoong and faiagiaatfva people to Boarob the far horiion for their career, their work and rowarda b life. Of one faot they may he aora, tliat Whan God baa wark for a maa to da b tha w«rld. He pota it withb hb raaoh. The great aotbora aad pabtora af all agea have earaed anooeaa by dapbting that whioh waa meat famlUar to them. Hare boar every- day life, b tha cam- manplaoe kinafolk, tradea-peeple and aervanta that aorroond oa, b material far aU the power b oor braina or aoob The religion, too, whioh wiU aava a aian fa aat a far-o£^ viabnary raptnro, It fa b hfa heart and b hu month whUe ho ia about hb daUy watk^ An homlla werk-womaa taoght ao Englbh abaamakar the bappbeaa af a ai^rttoal Ufa. Go tha ahoemakor'a waU waa a map, aad tha ahoomaker leoked at it at tImaa whib at worl^ aad it ooaveyed to him tha Impraaaloa that the largo part af tha world waa igaaraat et tha bward light aad jay that aiada of hb life a paalm. The nwp haonted him night and day. It baoame aa bapiratiaa aad b tha heart af thb man Engliab avaag«lioal mbaiiaaa were begon. Ha fa baaered hare, bot wo oaa net doobt that tbo poor work-womaa liaa bar reward b bebg amaag thata who, havbg tornad many to rightoooanaaa. " abbe aa the atara." Mba Alcott, whoao own life iiaa baea very praotioal and oaefol in meeting the datiee of her booM and town, waa onoo handed an autograph book, and naked to writo a aea- timent In k. She wrote, '• Da the dnty that Uea nemreat yoo." The thooght re- calla thoaa aimple hot toUfag worda of Scripture,â€" « Ho firtt findeth hfa own brother Simon." Bat work for othera doae net and whai» it began It fa progreaalva ha bflnanoo grewa, aad fa atomal. BOIEinnO AXD itSEFUL Bad aata wlU navar ba fannd b oloaato u drawara If a amaU bag af aolpbar bo kept fa Shaara with twa bladaa and a aprbg baek waraoaad bab B«nafar oUp^g aheap, hair and hodgaa. A gaod pen- wiper for atad peaa fa a plaoo of raw potato. I« removea tiia iak oraat aad oaoaea a imootb flaw af iak. Tha petrified akalatoa of a wbab ovor thirty foot long haa baaa dfaoovarod by aa effiowef tbo Oeaat Sarvay en a raagoof moontafaa b Mantaray oooaty, OaL, ovar 3.300 feat above tha aaa lovaL The paeoUar vamlab-Uka loatro ot tbo CtriB ol tha batturoap fa attribatad by Dr. abba, wha baaraoantiy be«a "' ^2? "A'sUy rafhMttvo yaUow aO odattBg mOoapltemalooUa, beraaaad by tba taM that tbo layer af oaUa ottho moaoBhylb deaady fiUaii wttb mfanta atarohgriEi?" Tha NawOrbaai ^^bM«-2eiiMeraaaUaat- bntba to tba rbb bot aadovolanod volphor ^*MMto«fI«aUua. IhaWorid*aFf at Now Orleaaa bi^poaod joat fa time to dlnatMtantien ta Mm atam at aalt, kaLlto •ad other leading fataiwta. Ia OdoaBlaa Aneordfag toWrfgbt, naayot ttofiaar gndeaottrauparaataaap aaldfa Bagbad ?n J!? •?•* gif oaitaa* ao advaMMd; bat of iaawy oa^Vtt antiio baapltalgriraS ud pwjdeditwiti. •.aoh^TSShrbZ/ S* i« tiia porpoN of traaUag aoaatioka ^aaea. are anffenng from heat araxhikaatiaa. ThetoUowbg, tii^ogb old to aomo, may a^r^il!;?^^ bawmatar for tiiemaelvaa s S!i2?V*'w ?•**•»*» half-dram at para •altpatea, half -dram .f mariata at amnSSa â- ni twooonoea afpraof apirita, bagbM IS iSiS?"i ^^W«i«»arUieaalatian wui ramafa dear. Oa tin apnroaoh at 2«W tafaota BtwTB wfflrfaa opfaXuidd, 2*^ â- Â»Â«n«»y wwthar will tS fadbalSllS «»J«y dfatari^d ooadMon af titaMmbfaS^ |Uay^^l25?.' !1S5!T SaUia'B b*aao aad "p»F' "?££?• ' •**â- "• farafas. wL m!!1 ?• •V •» â- Â«â€¢â€¢ when 'iX^ T^i s^* BayaaftantaU^^ tbam Me Ufa ta thl j* fi^ ^i aeblaat and trIiS'j!f»«»!fc. ^1 bvatiiem. An««k '*»^!f** pathetic .tary .utf"»4 hb Borrow. ' ^*'»«y»ko|j7«* Although he wa,A^„ "^^ 2~oohb way's *2l^ tiwytoaarve »tw«V***«Cb Uty of demaanerwhill*" ^S^ «JySharWGo2j^*2.' htai^dthraeX^JnTif bom time to tbna. toj frW bright oountiy^^^ '•*iiu,r â- Â« mldat of hia^ernJT NSLT«I •'"wiit'^jr-^**"' .d.tah:\^p^-5ft8drc btaprbener'iSee/"**»Pm »»k« yro pab aa » SL h^ There'aaemebady «|4L want ahoold Me ma. AuJ^^I^ to.".datii.,ffi°S"«'«i», BaU an hour Ut«* j tionloaawithgrtty'S-M; Midhtaha»dTBin,oSrt2fL*fc men came along. Xh^hJShj?^ "«*^^kadatc^i;Wh** Tao one who kept hia fw. LSSS " That peer boy'i rentntiii- .^ late,aharlff. Terrible I iSttu??.^ •^.l'Sl'J bjT, whom I have wt ,„? t^ Whether h."a living „d3?*« botrath.rthanhaf.K-' that I'd aee him Ivlna" "Father I don't? The hat waa flug eff, ud. â- Â» brimmbg with t«ri Jt! looked bto the faa..f th. hftL bo/ oototratohed hia handi-wd, free, the ether ahaoklad te tiutdi, â€"to hia father, wh. Mbad Vm igi. tiinn taoderly. Thay wer. pinrflM and talk together daring fti i«j|i,1 the ride, and when tha peattnyMit waa doted upon the Hn. the bthaiill gored near the tpot, u thoiihluonili leave it, AUofOneFamilj, It waa the firat of Jolj. Iha (wt M nllway atatlan waa crewdadwiapj,iSI dreaaed people, m their my te nm a»l mer ^â- eaert, b the moimtahi ci b; ^m\ In odd oontnat te thui wai i gmp iigf.1 ged Italian emigraota, with wh«Binila[ ed c£Solal waa argdag, I " I tell yoo thia ienetyonritattMl'iil bg hfa felce, aa pMple are ipt li dikl f areignera. '• At the ether end of Oi %, 1 Emigrant atatf en. Iwe mUn. Goat, bl out f' I The man of the party ihotk iiii wl BteUdly, mnttoriBg " ToIUde" u IuibIi| answer, and heldbgoat a bitilnbl P«P«f. I "Toledo, Ohio," read tbe tab fall " The Idea of a let ef wretohH h ilqlial dogs gobg half rennd tha mrid wiihi*l fag hot that aorap ef paper li faUibif 1 bo ejacolated to Ma oompaniwi. I He boatlad away, aad the «l|n*l shrank baok bte their o«Btr, IbBBr looked at hb pala, hnager-bitln libM and hb wUe, and then at the gmp^l were ohatterbB "d lasghiag iM wl Some yoong giria drew their Ug^*'""' aaida aa thay paned hLn, u^ *^"*| bg, middle-aged waman noM*""*! thtag ta them abont " the oeoatry b*|ii| aaylom far paopen." The f»J^\ aoowbd wUh bitter envy at •|*22!'J|I fadibnable me*, na ewnw â- -â€"».â- - a few ragi b a bundle; they win iqii||ii with oeatiy riflaa and flihing tMkk Mabteata leoked aa thaagh hi W» BaU an aotoaat from tha happr huH na There waana tb betwam Urn «*â- â-  waU-ta do people. 1â€" ,UL A moment later there " '5^ '2 and a aoddan roah •t^«^.^Z Hfa difld. a pretty Uttj. girl. J*l* J bar motiiar'a knee aadjay aa IhMj" aa If dead. The wretoW Wutm liliaaalf dowa bealda her. jj.k| "AhOflal W« •»«»^' tJSi TOloe ttiat made tha taari •«»*• "" aiaay a wofloan. .^ «i •*• In a moment tha great »»»" wbb hdp and fctoB3toi-i.i.Sl yoong men had the chIM « '^jT^^. "f am a phyiioian." •» ^JJ'S. "Shebnet^did It»*;J'J,'I: hanger. Jem, ge to the â- Â«Â»Â« "^^^ aBd*bring"-l.irerhig ^J^^^,^ Well, get "» "» *Si!iij The young men dropped «^^J. rod., aid ru j eW men. 1^ g^kJ^ negi^waltera crowded fonwdJJ- wSenthe ohild reo.Te»d,«Jj;„rf. bands bd Mdetoata Mdhbwtti ^, nana. loa maioin"" --- ^^ fRu • bg room, and aomebdy'Wrt' I^ hUt, ooUectfaig a and for ^^Wir yeiig doctor atiU ^f^^/^^m Li It oarefaUy, w*'"*^"^^^*^ i !l*i...,.i.«» an^ nnr. cunt «P " ' ,Tfc« .lAl arbiugh^yand..or.«»«J " Aa aeon aa the ^^f^XaB. l*"!! wUl toko them •" j"T'Sd^y i^^ fa a vbe^dreMar. it f â- "^^"J^. Ig b a grape.KB)wer «» N«»J,"Sir»^ sbaUbkVO their own roefow ^Cftdhi.J«i,^grS Todean a porwWn Wg,^ hot water wd.P" '"h!flr7B*,'fd3 rtmon aU the â- â- T'u-nx, robbed with ae.p-^J'^jj^ -J A backbiting w.m««, i-g^ tiirew heraelf toto "'t^T^" .. One half the *•' Wfiba't J^^ other haUUvefc"J"L,bir. qofatlyreapendedthaiiWB- • â- A.i

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