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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Aug 1886, p. 7

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 f kwi '•mi ifr«a • Bind. ^^^ Idol of (Hay. ii^'rlrSik^'or wh.tevar I did 'iSj* ".^irt feet oMi down i^ ""^S dl dVyof my idol alone, /ifflykS?a»dmycfOwn. „fh« mm in the west gawk low, .^ ^%?? fttfeW-wind' breath TtW "'" hâ€"rt like the cut* e of a foe, *i'?§?my°e?r8. and my temple fair ••*^ Sid ruined for aye j,t^Aymyidolere. ' jj,atltul dream-gOd I crowned you }fit- -h^ Ton with Teetare bright; jdl"?^M TOur finger my true love'e ring â- ^f^tiTto ?onr Bmile for light t /jffv J"rt when die fain would i^i««r " Your idol U clay I" 2*^0- h^*^ 1' I ki««l y feirfTonoWbtanddayl h-rt rose uo. »nd I could not drown «»' '^^fh mv pr*yeni or teua W'^f^^Uomloii head the Jeweled r^.om ah I so many years. " tiJnS your face to the snn'i pure ^. hula me to look and iee ;i*«X, were and my miit-dlmm- iJSJ which W86 death to me. thlBB I had loved ao d had glorified '*• ,m?T it could not claim â- *i*8?mV beautiful idol died Stored but a dre am-a name 1 PETER-PATRIOK. ,)aa6;h^*^ " kilned your oheek O'Raorke oame dowo, odo Otg, Mthi Itht, *Hdd ward hi •Mill U reim, «j II of htll ioi i oUnoha wu ^mi woniet, uwer, 3ArP*toiok ., ifflber morning, into a world ihort of I bad to take that of two ef hii „.^:her4 oembined), ihort of juketa, (f treniert, ihert of bread and batter, of everything In fact, cxoapt "biya" II Mn. Roerke henelf tenely de- Jl^hU advent, " Anither o' thim grett Utrin' biyi " haaintoawerldof omitk and griatle Lj^af,, baatlngs and â- ooldiogs anl onff- L ggid ud buDKer and ragi, and â- traight' L^iti oot to grow a robust inch every day Vkii life on them, until as " old " Peter, itttber (there were three Peters In the jil,), Bj^olaimed, " The pigs In the pin, Ltte wades in the garden hadn't a show U« e' him 1 ' Ana when Mn O'Roeike, Ltqial aorimany, had pieoed him to- luiiieriome gaim=nts for his need, lol It Lged bat a week before there were his Uplnrnpams hanglrg away down out [ifliiem, with an equal amount of thumping te ud mnadle showing between the 'remitiaief hia trousers and those dilapid' li^dpirodiei on leather, called his "ahoet." Imnoatiire tricked him out with snoh a â- iindknt cr«p of tight-ourling red hair, as ijngh ibe hadn't already lupplled seven iRstrke brothers pltntifnlly with that LierUl, and hb eye had a snap in it lik? a [in c}al, and the weariest summer day jtildBt wilt the roaes In his oheek, and hte wtb made no more of cracking the hard ce'Uf walnut than they did ef disclosing umieWeB in a broad and j abilant grin, lilch waa the normal attitude ef his fea- aanddeiflaiH, for that matter. giteial Mirth and mfschief mixed in geueronsly noltj, h«. rththe abate shew ere 3 e i him trraugh the mk, tke klckiu gs and thraahinga m \nif old ri hera."'|isiltheD, cf a Sunday, to atand up in the :3arch at the head of all the choir boys, he -the little cheir-bey surplice pat en over :i!ngiâ€" relliog-out praire and gratitude to jl in a voioe that hadn't a single husky er Ulerlog note In it I Loud and sweet and Jur, clear above all the rest so that the iili matter loved him, as he listened, he had te thresh him very often, at â- De rehearaals, too. Bit now of a week day meroing, Peter- Pittick, having already had a ooffiog from oli Peter, and a rating from Mrs. Rdoi ke, iitdnp the faat-loosaning sole efhis shoe *i'li a tow atriog, drew a brn^h throngh his iili, which therefore only curled back on ils the tighter, atuok what was lef t« hfan if totp j .nntily off ever ene ear, thmst Ida uidiln hia psokets, and started for school ^th the air of a grand duke it being Im- posiible for anyone with so much gladness :f heart not to have, as Peter-Patrick him- alfexpreaiedit, "seme sthyle abont him.' fle Hopped as usual before the house ef tinHoD. Jahn Granville, up on the hill, to tui lomeraaults for the delight of poor Me Barney Granville, who, unlike Peter- itrlck, aidn't groxc. Unlike Peter Patrick 'Mi there had been j tokets enongh and jNuers enough, ef'the finest cloth, waiting luhlm, and the tendereit meats and iciest fnddings, and lands and houses and col- tgeaand horses and what net, anl new he jnv 10 weakly and ^tardily, as thengh he »md never catch up with him. Bat Bamsy thought it was as good aa a «cna brought to one's own windows, te see f^nsr Pttriok perform there, standing en « bMd, and oatchhig his heels In mid air, wung himself wrong end np and inside ««. »H for Barney's benefit, and clearing ,1T*" at last with a bound "Oome "», Mlsther Barney, and have a ride en me ""nldthers?' WMedhlm eat through the window te ««er-P»trlok irhi, setting him en Idsshonl- wi. forthwith trotted and neighed and •ntered, and pawed the e^rth with hu 'w-the most viUsinensly restive horse ^« aver carried riderâ€" and Unded him at 5 wSndow*! "^** ""• "^^ " "^^ ' all"" ^. ^*« ** â- Â«Â»Â®Â«1 »«»»». *»• ,r«»»g. won't yen, Peter-Patrick " said ,. n u".*y' .â- y«P*thetloally. Uoh thjn,' said Peter Patrick, cheer- 6 ^^l**"*^«y oncethave me there Qakin' »*'».• ^^^ "" *»• ••'oethin' worth â„¢ ef. MIsther Barney." PallwIf^L*""*^*"'" "kIdPeter-Patriok ^TL5J*'I°PJ'°« '•'••^ Interested; BtoLrt. 'i* »• ««y «o learn," lald UtUa ^T^l^A Â¥'«**• *»»• •howing against » ^lE^t *u* "^f^y '•* " gofi-bennd aJahsd "' •* " •" "' ***• rlohly-fnr. iJ^oT'"'?^ looked at him with genu- tk»uS;:*.'"^*»'» I «ke though jist tehave '^.q'UJtljf*""""""'"' by bbed Bd mfc Ithf loal »]» Ee tfty rem klU [%0 al- •f. •^ In lh« Mf Kt UrwBf » Itowiag j SSiLlLnffiiSL^'*^ qoeatom. ska f eri^ nU abMt H. aaked little Banray gnvnly. ' i .^ ?!2» .•" •'« »» "»»T *»- uSta- i!L^ «^ *• **y» Mlrther Aarnej T Faith, y« m||ht hmld np alltha ftogeno' yar two Uttte white hMda, and ye woaldn't ,*»'• •«»«£«» •• b« aamin' 'em Bat dmt bt ^t ba trrabiia' th« dHlia' kMrt o' y«. My hlda'i that febogh list, I dMt fal* 'mu at t;ll, at all. Santha|c^ •fT'a BMlikaO* raln-wather eff a dnok. And I tUnk mmm •' thIm eoght t* be haadln' in a bill, fw givia' â- !• M mash wnUapia' free I Dent ya h«ur •' wan aad aaattMr gda' aff t« th« owM, t« git their po«r bediea axaniaad ](at by poMsdia' aad wallmaia' aa they pay thedMthonabigprioefardela'af? Lnd kaows, Miathm ia«y, aa I feel iirt that gratafnlâ€" bain' tea peer ladada te pay the dootharâ€" togltae m«oh waUspla' traa." Aokaawbdglag with aaatiior hearty roar tiio haaar dam him by the laoghtor ef the leddka. Peter Patrick, with a aad, stnck Ilia oap e£f aver the other ear, aad aaaaterad an dawa the aveaae. Ss he met the Hon. John Graaville, re- turning home from hia memlng widk ta the GranvUle irenworka, liearing liia oerpolent Uttle peraen almg along with a minofaig though pempana tread that asnrted wittt eaoh emphatic little step, •• I own the town," " I own the the town, " Him havlrg safely paaaed, aa ha anppea- ed, Peter-Pasriok thmst back his onrly head, pretended what was la faot a very empty stemaoh, aad, iaatead of hia awn free Bwagger, proceeded dawn tha thoroi^^bfAre with a most striking and life-like reprodno- tfon ef the 'Hon. J«hn OranvUle'e grandiose and afif.oted ^t, te the vaat edifioatienef tha passers- 1^, as well aa the irrepressible delight «f seme servant girls at the upper windows. The honenrable gentleman heard langh- ter, and leaked back. " L9«k a hare I yen sir," he cried angrily. You Peter-Patriok O'Roeike, oeme here I' Peter -Patrick turned, blnahed affably, took eff hia cap, and approaolied, very sorry that tlie honorable gentleman slieuld have incensed himself by looking Imok, but bioaa yon I if there waa a mad bnll in the field Peter-Patriok would far rather be inalde the bars than ent. "You geed-for-nething miserable pad- dy," exolafoied the Hon. Jolm, la high dud- geon, ** what de you mean by mlmioking me/' " Dade thin I sxes yer honor's pardon," said Peter- Patrick, with sweet (engned moderation " If you'll lelave me, I waa only jist adhmlrin' o' yer honor's lllegant sthruvi 'Dade and It 'nd be a sorry idght te see a gnmd gintleman like yerU f, as oenld go a swhimmin' In his own money if he chuse, and henldln' all the higheet of- fices in the Stbate â€" and that, as they all say, to the glowry of it â€" and ylt wid nlver a athrut te Im I Faith an' if I'd see sueh a one, I wouldn't be belavin' 'im any gintle- man at all 1 B j dad thin, I have a little sthmt a' me own, serr," Perter-Patrick oenoluded modestly, " though of oenrse it don't come anyways np to yer honor's." Spite t f all he could do, the honorable gentlemen leallaed that all resentment to- wards Petsr-Patrick was melttng away in his bosom. The comers of his mouth twitch- ed np weakly. ** 1 11 tell your father to teach you man- ners, you young impudence I" he managed te'blare.ont, against his yearning conscience. Peter-Patrick laughed again. " Weelâ€" weel," he added, ' but I'm only fearln' the onld man ain't get many to taohe. Ail the better luck, yer .honor, for I get' em more free-Uke, ye see, plokln' 'em ap~ on the sthreet." And with a genial grin Peter- Patrick re- turned his cap L'ghtly te the verge of the ruddy carls ever nis left ear, and continued on his way. And as he went on with ever-Increasing Jubilance of heart, le I a Uttle stump tailed deg came ent of an alley way, and sniffed affeotionately about hk heels. Peter-Pat- rick looked around to see if any of the dog's qiendam tormentors were in sight and sat- isfied that there was no oall for Immediate vergeanoe en that score, thmst his hand into bs peoket and drew forth a crust, sav- ed from ^hla own scanty brealcfaat. This, the deg, having, like' Peter- PAtriok, been impeaed upon a ocmmnnlty short ef previ- sions, devoured greedily. Oh, bat the bat- tlee Peter PAtriok had fought in defense ef that miaevable our I batliee upon battlea, of eld .time. Well, there waa a peculiar quality of hardness in Fetsr Fatricra fiats. Xhe dog had suffered little haziag ef late. He never followed hia baaefacter heme. They both understood that there was al- ready ana too many there but .he oaold give him stolen sipu of affectioa ea the street, aad that waa a oomferi. It was Peter- Patrick's habit, whan ha reached the cnlvsrt, te leave the main thai* ]gbf are anl take a aaw ra:i • by crawl- ing tlirengh tliat dark and iatoreeUng pass- age en hia hands aad kneas and thence by a path aUny the cliff to tha expeaed treatle-werk ef tha railroad bridge. Here, soma twenty feet ar mare above terra firma, he was aocnstamed te pursue hia way liy leap- ing along the eutmostralls of the bridge. And though tha dlatance ta achaal waa hf theae means, oeaaiderably increased, adventure made it all seem but aa the fliotlng ef a draam to Peter- Patoiok. This memias. joat bayaad tiia Iwidga, ha diaoavaaad, ah bUa af af tha mameat I soma werkmea plaating aaw telegraph polos aleng the edge of the oUft Aad there waa Charley Granville, Bamqr'a ooasbl^ aad AegNa*Jadg*Oraavilla'ssoa,with writ- tM* «gniiM"fraaihii aaethar la hit p5Aat with which same azcnae ha liad atartad far school samatlaBa -about aa hear ar mare ago. Up ta kim^MiatBrad VMar Patrick, glad- â- OBM aa Mm daylight, thangh with aa txcuaa at allia hii paokat. New Oh»rlay had been braggiag, la aa^ fMhiaa, about hia iather'awealth, aadhlaawa sehdarah^f aadanatthuaad aaethar, ta the crawd of foadaatnrad, burly wwkiMB and when Pater PatrMc came np with ao mnah ««agto«t^aiwft« abont hia^ and nwh aa iaasffiiiaat jaokeVj^rudeaoa far- MokCharley'a brain aad nTthanght atOI Pjtw •allgn^ y«ib^«f liaaiial, la Ifcat p 'lr i tf ii l igy whieh li tha • aiBbUlofM rivalry. ••: FaMok. Ill be np aaa af palea btf M* yaa ara f 1Pbi«a lart, breathlaa^ lag a few mere ceaerens reata bs his woful trauaers, flaw Pater-Patcisk.- Saraly ha did leak oomleal from that paaitiaa, la hia fUatiag vags,«a Ohariay who had aot itir- red frwn his phoa aad aew ataod laaghiag iasaltia^y, with Ills hands la hia poekata. •• WaU, what de yaa aaa up than. Bed- Tap? 'iMaikad. '03h,thlB," said Peter-Patriok, qdatly grasniag tha pale with hia leg% aad fold- ing his arms, witii a narrowing aqdnt dawa at Ui quoatioaor oifa ogtly a Intta waad- chaek 1 saa Iwlow tiMra, I gnaaa. Or oiay- be," ha added, H'a a skoaak. Faith." said Patar-Patrlok, adjusliag hia oap to the tip ef his curls, aad a«ading a atOl mare ddl- berata aad critioal iqniat dawawarda, ** but I'm baUvtai' Itfa only a UtUa akaoak, after aU I • Bear ^tsr rear waat ap from tta graap af vatkoMB. Charley raaliiod that bath his wit and lUa oampaay wora ata diieouat. " Yaa'd batter ooma^dawB thoa, all afira," ha cried, la shrill wrath. "Oh, I'm a oomla'" said Peter Patrick, in a tana af same import whereat Charley made na farther qieatiaa, but took to hia heela. Peter Patrick avertook him, aad eailarad him with a grip of iron. "New I aiat sola' ta be givia' ye the litkln' ya deaarva, for I'm jist that stranger than ye baâ€" nor I don't bear ya no ill wUl, aayther, ye little lyla's decavar â€" Imt I'm onfy geia' ta give ye a little waUania'-liki, iiat for the health a' ye." This Peter-Patrick preoeeded te do but aa it waa not in hia nature te give otherwise than generously, it may be suppeaad that Charley received an amount calculated ta inspire him with a sense ef caasiderabla physical beaefit. On sped Ctiarley te achaal, breathing vengeance. Hia excuse 'or a qnartar-ef-an- haur'a tardiness waa of no use new, aayway he tore it in piecea, with mftlloiens intent, Aa for Peter- Patrick, he sauntered on, at his usimI gait. " An hour and a half late I Peter-Patrick," exclaimed the schoolmaster. Peter-Pateiok w»e/nsed to the statement, the the tone, and the kindly minlstratiena to his ' health " which always accompanied them. But "Isdthat se r he anawarad, scratching Us heid at the deer, with humorons bewilderment. ' Dade serr, but me do's '11 be wore out an me, afore night â€" the tim9 fliea sa en me I" And having had hia joke, ha went np and took Ida whipping. But the schaalmastar still retained his huid " And more tlian that, air, you threw down Mr. Charley Granville aa he waa hurrying on his way here, and beat him, and stole fron} him the exonse for a niMcasary tardiness which his mother had written me. Then all ef a sudden P^itor Patarick straightened himself up, and his lip curled, and 1 think it waa a very fine look that came into his eyes not vengeful, not re- vealing anything â€" ^but enly ef silent con- tempt and he held hii hand without a word, without ene sign of pain er shrink- ing, receiving stinging blow after blew and when it was ever, quietly tnraed, without a ward, and took his seat. There was one seat in the scheelroam that the snn seemed te follow up all day, with a psonliariy blinding and persistent glare. This seat had been assigned to Peter-Patrick When he took out his book or his slate, letters and figures shone all alike in the white maaa ef the snnlight. But he ceald see to whittle out tops and wheels undo, the shadow ef his desk, and he sharpened slate pencils for them all. It was " Please, sir, may I go te Peter-Pat- rick te sharpen mv pencil I" But oftn, when the day grew long, and Peter-Patrick'a head-sank down sleepUy onto his desk. It waa just wonderiul, the glory that sunlight made in hia ruddy leoka I Peter-Patrick get whipped for sleej^g, and whipped for not studying when he was awake, and whipped when he waa made to Btay m at reoasB, aad whipped afterwards for the pranks he committed when he waa allowed te go out. And whea he got home, and eld Peter aaked him tha preliminary qoastlMi, " Weal did T« g«t any Uokia's ia school, the day, Pater-Pathriok I'^^adPetar- Palriok aaswarad, " Faith, daddy, dida't I thia jist r* never emitting to auke ohaerf ol maattea, aa near ai ha oaold rtmandMr, as to the apprasimata niunbarâ€" old Peter, ao- cardiag ta nle, atada aaothar farcibla i^- pUcatlaaeftbared. Sa, oftaa after tha rahaaraal of the ohair- baya, la tha vestry, thaohaatiaamcBt far tha whi^psriaga aad giggliaga aad mlaohiaf- Bwktegs af ttie whole das a, fall aa Fetar- Patrlok's nashrfaiking shaaldaBs simply ba- oanaa tiia wlwla demaat af ria thara oon- VbanA seemed to point baok for a apaaaor- te the Uluminatioa afforded by Patar Fat- rick's radiant gria. Yet tha lad oealdat treMora a l|anghtof iajuatloa or bjary lla braaat, but waa ant, witii his cap evw liia ear, habaabbiag with the warld, the aext mondag â€" ^laTing, fari^ving, fargrttiag. Oh, Fetsr Patriok So .mndi far aa ordinary day. Thara ware eztraerdinary eaaa days net only af nnoanal whi^iag^, but af naasnal advan- torea, by river, bridge, and ateqple â€" far Ptfter-Patrlok sesmad net ta hava aa muoh raspeatUBtahisUiabatthathaballaTad it te be a commodity verj^ plenty, aad that ha migktbeeaafly snj^llaawith aaather, ia ease one sheold giva oat ia a good caosa 1 Itwaath^laat winter af FaterPatilok'i attempt at adioaliag, aad, fallowiag tiia cxampla af hia aamarana predaceaaers ia tta faodly, ha waa ta go dawa te tlm iran-miiia to work. " Wait tfiin, aad ra ba gatlln' ya a aaw gowad, 'adttur," aaid ha glaahdly. " Ye'd batter 'be nttfn' yetadf a new jacket," aaid Mm. OBoeike, aMorafolly. And it raakkd ia har breast baoaoaa aaar^ Ust, tpaadiag tiia prariaai nmvMr ia Gran- vUle, had paiated P«tar-P«trlok dawnâ€" red head, ragged jacket, aad al l a a d carried him off tea big tawa, aad add him thara far a thaoMBidoIlaia. Itwaapiattyhard, aheraflaotsd, to hava ^bsy "aa oairioal that tha vary piotara af 'im aaid far athaa- •and da*lan I" Aad lira. O'Baarka waald the pahUng tSst It^^ l Aai u m^ aa tiMi kit ^awk ttfifitavOU lfills,whehadtha aMst baaatlfal faaa In avoMawl" OkslatmM day t-aftd Patsi-P«trta^ kad oarvad tha gayaat madd af a baat^ maia- aadfaramaat, aaOa all a fiyiag, that ha IV hi his bare ra^ haada ta litUa .^ en Mie hUL Tha floor of tha library, where Baraqr aat^ was oovored with giftmMtawaaderfalaadanaadva. "OA tfata^SatabtitabaaatifBl right afaml- oriad Peter Patriok, his faon baamlag with aad delight. Baraey aoold aot bdp haw aaid aad barakiaMi^ looked, to |iwa Faltr-nlriok aama far aChrlsfaa praisai l, bnt ha had it. Petsr-P«trlok aovar tfaaaghtofthat. It waa a laot that aa oae kad aw made Uai aflft iahia llf*~bat thsa, ha had BOfvar thoBfht of Oat; OhriBtmae haUday l-^md aU tha lads aad laasieawara oat oaastlag with their aew aloda, Charley GraavUla with a famaaaaaa, a gift that day, a olippor with hroa swaa- heads ia freat^ aad o as h iaa od aaats far fbar or mora. Laaghiag, ahoatiag, ap aad ^ova the h n ftay weat, tha merrieat af dl Fetar- FatriA, oa a plaak I itaoriag it oa hia f eat, itoailiig it oa Ua ka asa maklag waadarfnl maalpalatiene with the orasy dd beard, ridiag down aayway bat the right iray. Thaa Charley Oraavttla, fat his excits- maat, ohoae a laager aad a steeper hill it tcokia a rallread .nrewing tee bnt is wm a braaoh road, ao traiaa one except at night and morning. **F4liawl" oried Charby, ' ao danger for lianrf." Jiat asmuohaathe hUl was lengerand ataeper, aa much lender anl merrier waxed the sport. Tnere, 'wavlpg hb cap, came Charley, a load ef little lada and laailee filling Ida deigh, tuokad la, wedged ia, piled in anyhow. Aad there, ah Gad! â€" aronnd tha baak tliat daad e ae d the sonal of Its rushing whoeli^ came an " extra" train an the rrad, ita whiitia bale'dag out a ahrill agony of warning. No use. Fata sat like death an that gUded Itttla sldgh, with its swift fly- ing, lidplees lead and with a face like deadi, Charley GranvUle threw htmaelf eff from the steerer's seat behindâ€" ao ho might save hfauelf Pdter- Patrick, returning iHth his p'ank had resw h ad tlie oroasing at tha faot ef the hiU. In ana brief instant he marked with hia keen eye the slight level place just the etlur side, and aaw what he could do. With ontatretohad arms, the young giant rushed forward, leaped the track te wait that flying, ornsbiag lead, that precious, helpless loaid the iron swan-head* pieroad. hlapireaatâ€" but he received it, held It, barred it from death, with ids breken arma, with hia bleeding and uneonsdonB braaat. Aye, they were saved and Piter rick lay with quiet, upthrned face in the sunshine, and with tliat glory en his head, aa whan h^ slept npen hb desk at voheel. F«r my part, I am not sorry that he wiU novo' go down to the mlUs to work, nor need that spruce new JAoket for indeed â€" it may be, Pjter-P«triok, that there ia life enoog i always to ttirew away in daeda like yenra. Bat when he by, with his arms falded, in hb white grave-clothes, and hb features so fine and peaoifil in tiie clustering hair that had been growing dark ef late, tfity betran to see npen his face something ef that baanty which tha pauiter saw. They bore him into the church for a little whUo to», and the ohoir-bojrs sang ever hlm. Bat the ohabf-maater's heart was bit- ter. Their vobea were aU husky, f dtering, weak. There waa na voice there new for him. He did net think hew Pater Pateiok had learned some ringing notee beyond hb sode, but on^ tha^ there was no vdce there now for him. Th« Hon. John Granville and tha honor- able Jadge Granville, brethere, agreed that It weald be a worthy and appreprbte act to pit np a monument to the memwy ef Peter Pittrlck, with some inscriptioa ex • pressive of the brave manner In which he had met hb death. Bat a threatened de- prearion in certain stocks made it neceaiary f«r then to mikke aeme change In Inveet- ments and I am happy to say that, like tha rest, they "forgot*' it. For on Petar-Patrbk's negleeted grave a slander dder and a sweet wild-then bash have sprang up, and In the wUd and wfaidy night thw ban against eaoh ether there, and It makea a oreaaâ€" net of polished aad oldsoUed marbb Indeed, bntrunadi thorny, â- harp, like tiie aaa Olirlst died oa i and In the wild and windy night, where ao foot pamea, the,infinite multttnde ef stara leek down, and they beheld It. â€" â€" â€" *B-^aa^fc-^»^â€" â€" â€" Forarty pragrossea arithmedodl/. Whan a maa meets with reverses, he advertieas Us hoaaa '2 Let." Wnea ha ta utterly raiaal, headvarttaaatt"4Sda." While eaaoaiag down tho MorrlauM Jaha Bayb O BeUlv disoovorod a bad af rod shamracka. Oar luck whib oaaoemg haa genordly bson te disoavar a bod of red taekti A Vr«eFicht. The sreat reputation of B ^sg)f Bleotrto Oil b oueh thatitnas inJuoed nnprtaolptod^per- to adopt other names ae near Uke it aa poaalbla. The proprietors oC Brign^ Elootrte cMI hava the name and styb of the Kleotrio Oil rsgistaced both in Canada and the United Btatee. and no oae can nee it bnt themselves. Othesb heating of the anooaas of Briggs: Sleo- tiio OUhave adopted other names similar such sa " Bcbotrio OiC'" Electron OIL" ftc, a«d an striving to ladnoa the jniblio to buy them ia- atead ot the aenoine Bleotrto OU. In faot ao aetermined were they that they braught a suit at Law, in the HIsh Oonrt of Caaaoa, to deprive Brig«s A; Sons of their right to contrd tho same: out too Caurta and the Minister o^ Agrioultnce at Ottawa folly sus- tained »««iy I wmIsIiWI f il trade maA. BrlggsT Blaottto oa onres Bhoumattam. Nen- lalgla. Spraina and Bnises, oomplalats arudng from OoHa aneh aa Bore Throat, Oooi^ Asth- ma. Bronchitis and diffloalt Braathiag, One jaatiee daeldaa ttat ahavlng is aat a work ef aiosasity, aad aaothar iaod jaatioa daddaa that H ta. Jdltloe, iaatead af baii^ bHad, Ji able to NO two waifi at anon. A CVBI worn. DBVNftBffHBSS, Onlaas, morphiao, oUaral, tabaooe, aad hmdni haNbTlha medioiae may be ghreo Ib taa er eoffee wMieat Hm bewtedge of the persan taUag i^ ifaodtimd. Ssad 6o ia stampa. far Dsok aad tMtbaaniata fram theee wlie have baea OBiad. AddraM M. Y. LvbM^ 47 WettiBf. tan St Eiit, Taroate, Oat. Oat thte eat 1^. maay a Bthaaofare of aikod vlHi abrakea-dewa tegetotaaBaariy fia?a. ttibehadbeea wiMtyeeaaeeledaad givwitha haaefft ef DrTFIoree'e •*fW«erlte FiSâ€" IpHsii' her bodily davdopm sat might have kwstpaoo witthar msatd grewtfa. aad haalfii aad baaaty woald aot hara gtvaa way te do dla e aad death. Farisiaai ae loma* wear high-heeled C •areata aaeal eatar D' Stfa^CateihBj "Sea guU " aad ** rebia red breaat " pbi- Ireaa oarre^sad in tint ta tteblrda far whom ttey are aaaaed. TImf are saade ef rilkaadMtiB. Yeoag er ailddb-agad mea aaffarlag from aerveos debility, lose ef asemoiy, pramttara eld aga, as the reaaltat bad hablta, ahanld â- ead 10 oeats ia ataalpa ter Imtgt lUastrated tNattaaanggeatlagnnfalliagoaN. Addroae Werld's Dispeasary Msdiod Aamabtiea, Baflhle,N Y. As oa ambigaeaa etatemeat ta adiiier hero aer lliere, where k It j Doat naa any mora naaaaoaaporgatlvaaanoh aaPfUa, 8dla.fte.,wlMn yoneaaset inDr. Oaraon'a Btaesadfa Btttsca, a medlolne that movee the Boweta leaUy. Oleaastaffallivpnr- Itieetrom the svatem and raaderiv the Blood ' ' Hedblaeiaots. » 893 pweandoooL Cheat Spring Me MUrâ€" THBKB-aad two ladlee-as Osai good pay. H. â- . Eanasr, foleata. Oat tani] UEKTB POB HBW PARAU.KL FAMILT BIBUS-lMtca type, wilia^H saap btaoM- tiu UhialnttlotNi: oonlalits i,oOO qwsMoBS and aa- eirefs oa Bible nplos Hbanl tennsk Book and BiUo HOoso tWdatcOat A «Bro WA«fS»-ni KVBBT TOWH AND /%. eoanty, for the O. K. Paier aad BUoer. Bast taur oat i ssDs at slfM ssauie Knits scat oa isoe^ of price. Ua Q D.dIt. Afsa«, M Toan et. tOioalo, Oat. ftTflA 8* Acre Varai-9Ma •• Aero L of UU â€"1 mila tiom Duadalkâ€" lOaOOO aothif vs. U cents 100.000 1 osat moslo t iastfnmaats â- piloe. BUTLAMD, 87 Kl^-sl. W., XOfoato. AND SAW MAomm-ALL taa-uxtn Piayi hall-1 B Inc to ataeaiaisl ImpravMBoats biattet bead saws for ath » pools: neat, eheaa aad donble send us. JOHH OiUna a OO., Oarietoa PI for Oarietoa Flaes O BPBnKIft ATIVB In ooaaijrtosell "Pio- M\t posslandBapoasal"â€" ahookoa Lore. Oooil' sup, aatrimoar aad Uadnd Manias. Write for eliealaia. latenaMeaal Book mi Bibto SosoBto, Ontb ' 8CH«*1. Teiaehcrs BtaAeatu ABteatt^ t Daring Htildays a spaeial cootse ot private lessens, by UshMl mssseifc will be kvoD Bdiiool teaoheis and Stndents, on Bborthaad, Dtawtng or Painting. All who can should eosae. Seaafanmedl- atriy for spectad ohtoDlais. In Uhkw BHoat- UiMBwmf AOABSMT, Afoad*, Toionto. V â-  WAlina UiMB»IATBI.T.â€" Two Hdhsbid Btodeats f ot Saotthaod, HookkesiilaK, Ailth- mstlQ, WtlSlBff. Art, and sU oomaMtolal and Bngllsh oouises, etc. Pilvate lessons day or evenli« 8p«oU T«tDu, All Ktadaate« helped la proenring good pari- tlODS. Addtaa •« onoe, THB TuBONTO BOSINBSS OOmOB. VI, 80, il A delaide 81. East. Toronto. ASBBmtâ€" TOU OAITT PIHD A BOOK THAT iivjs better ssMstactloB or that you can make money faster with than " World's Wondeis." Bellsto all classaeâ€" Ohtistlsas and Infldeis, OathoUos aad Protestants, old and young; oU agents who have act canvassed for yeaia mn pOag Into the field with It; 0. r. JenUBssiridlSBthoBislweek; J.B.Bnwo says t •• The lltH week with •' Woadeis" netted me one hnndtad aad sixteen dpDara" A good ohanos lor unemployed persons; ootlll tres to actual can- vaaseis, write tor terns. BaavLBT aaaansoaft Oo. Biaatloid MONEY TO LEND â€" oaâ€" " Prodnotiy eTow B, Village Farm Fropertj. m. aiTCHEU. UtmmiJaM, Banister. • Baiaa Bladtâ€" «BMto Bi wet ' â€" Tareate. BRANTFORD COLD WATEB BIOS STABOH NEVER FAILS. MERIDEN BRITANNIA GO. MANUFACTURE ONLY SILVER-PLATED Artistic Designs, combined with Uneqaalled Dnrability and Finish. Bamilton, Out. ABMllTK»ll«'JS PATEN f BUGGY CARRIAGE GEARS FbaetonCarriage ON OUB Insi^evcd LIQHT, STYLISH, STRONO, OUKABLE ANO THE EASIEST RIDINO BUOOY MADE. Aa now Improrad tha "Bareka" Gear le tree tiom defects ot My kind, aad ia meettag wMh • ready sale. sale by aU thelMdtag Oairiam Bailiff Band tor oar deeeriptlve ailea list j, b. ARMSTRONa M'PO OO. LD). OUEIJ»H, OAHAOA. GLOBE Washboard KEPT BYALL GROCERS .-..ANUFACTURLDBY HAMILTON WaiterWcudsJiC^ i Toronto J L J C N E L WOOD ENGRAVER '0 King 5 East TORONTO iM)i\ i:i^ iic •» ELECTRO STEREOT YPERS

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