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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Aug 1886, p. 5

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 â€"J t»" â€" froin forest fiflP-) vte liHve }It. Is" 'mon'tb: there are signs of " Latin soiue sections, and 'acts uot damage gram uru.[it peuerally does m -â- â- â- ".„ o'f Ontario. We mention 'f to «bosv that grain raismg '"fpWe for the majority of f' tiii and a.ijoining counties, '%,rmt.r friends odv srrain " --- outlook V gocstioiiâ€" mtheCRiie«KoCandati-|swdrâ€" 'It iill M ia wdl mnrfhy of a I'torpid or Im imenean « /i^ nri ia wdl mnrfhy piMeinaayCBBftdiuiionnml'Chit reibxesi th« promiring Intara swufidg; oar grakt iKhrtehekUliiui^baTanee â- 'â- ii- \iii 1= traii»contientaI fase "The completion and opening of the Can- adian Pacific Railway from ocean to ocean is one of those events which serve as a re- minder of the terrific pace at which we Americans are moTrng. To those of ns who hare spent their earlier years in Canada it seems bat a little time a{(o that the project of an Intercolooial railway was regarded as a mere sentimental pandering to imoenal Deiid cu their outlook I military necessities; brooght strikinKly home ' one: but cattle 1 indeed by the transport of troops from the ' sea-board to Quebec during the exciting weeks following upon the Trent affair in December, That road was simply to be connect- uniulio' Quutioy • 1; 4«iftulifo worth Iivb«^ An* d^iciida npcn the fireff InaetlTe it e«is«» a doU, tdoi^ lan$((ii4 t^itag. Dr.' Chaaaa Lrrar Can' SoldbyA-Tomee Ang Valu'Pe'ess ,. Ufc them " i sjiveu up as the prinpi- aud the sooner „„. lu'lii^try and cattle rais- "^â- "•a'-rviug substituted, the bett- ^•/"'r- iluutuiudi pro.^pectof the '" over- stocked with cattle 1,1 tlio following letter 1- Fraiikland, of Toronto j^o^t prcmineut shippers the Dominion to the belli? .{ til3 t.,:t;e ti-oni • uuntry. I fro sfcCtlOU ' -^ suitable for cattle raising we would urge on of Ontario being so â- ;,rain t'lo^vmg, we would â- ur fanners tp depend more ruuiu" ra:cl would .recommend "'"' ulaiitl consider the facts Mr. Frauliland's letter: Nortli-western hotel, Liverpool, 5th June, 1886. -yr,. n â€"Knowing the great in- ' 'take botli lAiblicly and piiyately, nt of the ocean cattle trade, reciprocity of I jjtorraaaiHl [.five 111 IS cattle |;ri ••" -Ja tlw V |,.„ naigiiiZ' LucVfloVlllt' ",. in iipiintainiiig i' iawetii tlui Mother Country and her Itike till' opportunity of saying, "'ileivf for London, that Canada "â- !';-i,cfr..nt witii first-class grade ';„tl.o,i"li for the the last four years pnces i,.' n low tliu trade continues to improve 'IwtolttumUus, shipping, and quantity. ,.fej.i has been accelerated by the â- ',• iuUTtst awikenecl through our â- ^iion mid Provincial Goyerumeuts. ' -,,j.- fhiLs and institutes are now organ- .Imost every part of Canada, the vaieiital care of far-seeing men, i; that agricultural science is .-uit. iiiiancv. Apart from the com- r^il'ulvHuta^'es following upon the in- '.iufiii" i.fcolouuiclattieinto Great Britain â- â- â€¢â€¢I, di tltf means of attracting thougiit- ' mu tu the lertiielielda of the Dominion 'cuwcreiueiiibertliat Great Britain, has 'pubttiuu of nearly forty millions and u-amol'ratL' 'iUowanceaf ou3 pound of .iiudluilf apouud of mutton per head rwk represents 3.-2(jO,000 cattle and 16, iiiHui^lii-tpaiiuiiaily required to supply -iuuii. it is r.o wonder the developmont Turwttle resources is being pushed for- -::i. We mean to he your meat purveyors :V-rtii iiosslbly manage it. I wish it were -;iii- to brint,' this matter more promin- l.vLifine tlie public. *--*l9*-* Bloino Happiness.' 1861 mg link between the maratime and upper proyinces; especially daring the season of clos- ed navigation. Not a quarter of a century has elapsed since then, in fact barely a de- cade since the inception of the road, and yet to day the Intercolonial is already earning dividends for a goyemment which was blam- ed for sinking Canadian money in what was by some designated as a useless and sen- seless enterprise. But if this railway, run- ning as it does, largely through that abso- lutely barren waste which borders on the south shore of the lower St. Lawrence, has already made for herself, irrespective of through business, a considerable local traffic, what may be expected of the C. P. R., which traverses the finest wheat belt on earth-a reg- ion whicn was so aptly characterized by the keen observer; LordDofferin, asacotmtry of unlimited possibilities, and which only await- ed the event of the iron horse for develpment into homes for teeniing multitudes 1 The marvelous energy whieh built Canada's greatest trunk line four years -nside of con- tract time is not likely to flag in its determ- ine.! effors to put the C, P. R. in the very forelront of oontintential railways. It began well, Its first through passenger train, leavinfr Montreal on June 28th reached the Pacific terminus on time. Possessing, by virtue of its following, the lien of a great circle of the globe, a route that saves 1,200 miles between Yokohama and Liverpool, its real termini, it is not sniprising to learn that already the second caigo of tea has left Japan for transmission over the C. P. R. to England, It will probably have the freightage of 12,000. 000 bushels of Manitoba and Northwestern wheat this autumn to swell the figures of its way business, a business which already complete connections on the two oceans. When the people can go from tlie old country to the aggregates at the rate of a million of dollars a month; and which promises to double it- self in less than two years as soon as the ordered Hoe of fast steamers are ready to Pacific within ten days the full import of the opening of the C. P. R. ana its relation to the older and competing inter-ocean hnes of railway will be fully r'^alized; and that w.e may expect to see in leas than eighteen months. But the subject is so fruitful in crumbs of food for reflection that we must just now be content with submitting only a few of them as suggestive of ground for that confidence in the tuturoof the country which is a marked characteristic of all trust Can- adians." A Co. IrNvfut Faos Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbeny will nernr tail yon when taken to cnra Dya- entry, Golie, Sick Stomadi or any form of ^Summer Complaint. Belief is abaoat in- atantanecns: a few dosea cure whea other remedies fail. 4 JU8I'THB.TinIIO W. J. Gappy, Druggist, of Newbnrv writes: "Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is just the thing for Summer Sickness. I sold out my stock three times last summer. There was a good demand for it." Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is infaUiU^ for Dysentery Colic, Sick Stomach and Bowel Complaint. READ! Of the Great Stock of PATENT MEDICIHESI AT OWEN 80UND COLLEGIATE Mtate TTTILL open on Monday. 80th Ang, inst. VV Excellent Staff of Teachers. Inspec- toi officially reports it the Beat Equipped School in the Province. Clasies for Fh-at, Second and Third Clacs Certificates, Junior and Senior Matriculation with honors, and Law and Medical Examinations. At the recent Teachers' Examination all the First Class Candidates and a large percentage of Second and Third Class were successful. Fees, ft2.(rt) for the Fall Termâ€" payable at entrance. Apply to F. W. MERCHANT, M.A., Prmoipal. or D. R. DOBIE, Sec. Board of Education. Owen Sound, Ang. 18, 1886. By bayingyoar locks, Jewelry^ ..^ SpectaooSy Pipes, ftc. -AX- JAS. G. RUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from.. COLEMAfI HAMILTON'S Furniture and Undertaking Establislinient IS NOW WELL STOCKED. STEfjHEJ^'S DEUG STOEE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Cherry Pectoral. " Hair Yigor. " Antibilious Pills Warner's Safe Cure. " ^iervine Cure. ** Dabetio Cure, " Safe Pills. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. " Catarrh " " System Vitalizer. McGregors Speedy Cure. •• Long Compound. " Carbolic Cerate. Allen's Lung Balsam. Lydia Pinkham's Compound. Northrop Lyman's Veg. Cure Cutecura Besolvent. Dr. King's New Discovery. Fellow's Compound Syrnp. Sulphur and Iron Bitters. Burdock Blood Bittei-s. Carson " Green August Flower. Boschee's German Syrup. And all other Patent Medicmes usual- ly kept in a first class drug store. 'OOOOOOOOO ocooooooo It IE a fact, as erery one (says, that RUSSELL is the mani^. I to repair your Watch oc dock I (prope rly. I ^oooo qcooo o ooog 00'0 o GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- faction. 217-269 JIS. 6. ROSSELL To Coiisiiinors Boilors IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Go*s RSUL PAU£E USUI Blummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our C^A^STOR, E. OIL. Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and ReflnerSj TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. .H08-6m All the leading hnes of Furniture at prices that will astonish you call and see and be convinced. Also, have now in stock a large variety of Caskets, Coffins and Funeral Furnishings which will be sold at reasonable rates. A good Hearse in connection. Probably iiinteen twentieths of the uppiuc^s yon wiil ever have you will |::; lit buiiio. The ludebenepnce that xi'.s to a m;in wlien bis work is over ,u.] ht tei Is that he has run out of Jcjtonu iutotlic quitr harbor of home I Tkero lie can rest in peace with his iimiiy, is somethinf^ real. It doea uot [sake luuch liiiTtveuce whether you wn yonr hons3 1 r have cue little room tiiat lunise, y(ra can make that little r.'om ti true huiao to you. You can I le.ipld it with such raoods, you can ;:;ru to it with such sweet faces, that ;: will bo fairly hiT-iinous (vith their vresiuce, and will be to you the very I'rrt'eetioii vjf a liome. Against this I'Ome nouo of you should ever tran- r.css- You bhould always treat each ^taer with courtesy. It i^ often not j- difficnity to love a person as it is to 'C courteous to hira Court- c'T is of great value,, and a more Kyal grace than some people seem to '"isk. If vou will but be courteous to ^acb otlier you wiil soon learn to love t2ch other mere wisely, profoundly, "Jttosay lastingly, than you ever did seforcâ€" â-  Exehause. Fall Shows. Gnelph â€" 41st Pov. Ex. of the Agricultural and Arts As. of Ontario; Sept 20 to 25. Torontoâ€" 8 lud. Exhibitionâ€" Sept. 6 to 18 Sherbrook Qu. â€" ^E. Tomiship and .Do- minion Ex.â€" Sept. 23 to Oct. 2. Hamilton â€" Great Central Fair â€" Sept. 27 to 30 Gollingwood â€" Great Northern Ex.â€" Sept. 28 to Oct. 1. Barrie â€" fall show â€" Dct. 4 to 6. Meaford â€" St. Vincent fall show â€" Oct.T- Markdale â€" Glenelg fall ahow â€" Sept. 30 to Oct. 1. Shelburne^-Melanchon fall show Oct. 6 7. Durhamâ€" So'th Greyâ€" Sept 2* to 29. Fleshertonâ€" East Greyâ€" Sept. 23 to 24- Sydenham â€" Annan â€" Oit. 5, Owen Sound â€" Horticultural â€" Sept 22 to 23. liOVELIi'S GAZETTEER AND HISTORY â€" OF THE â€" DOMINION OF CANADA, IN NINE TOL.lJMEfS, Royal Svo., To be commenoed whenever a sufficient num- ber of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75.00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec S12.50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia $11.50, to Manitoba or British Columbia S9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to Northwest Territories $9.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please â- send fob Pbospectus. JOHN LOVEIili, Manager and PnbUsher. Montreal, 4th August, 1886. 309-U STRAYED! From the premises of George Lawrence, lot 9, con. 5, Euphrasia, about the middle of May, two heifers, red; one steer, red, with some white stripe in forehead, all yearUngs. Infonpation which will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. GEORGE LAWBENCE, 306-18* Kimberley P. 0. Also a full line of Toilet Goods. Perfuinery Shoulder Braces, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' sundries. PARIS~CR£ Best in the market. night N. B. â€" Medicines dispensed day and K. L. STEPHEN. Markdale THE GENDINE SINGl YELLOW it CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM powders: THOSE IN NEED OF A R EWINC -:- M ACHINE iShould be sure and get the 00000000000^00 o o flEWUIWE MEW YORK SIHBEB OOCOOOOOOQOOOOOO Am pleasant to take. Contain VbxSx own Pnrsative. Is a safe. saro. and eOeetiua eaa-vrmr at worms in Children or Adaltfr Selocting Candidates. Isn't it strange that we select men •oreDresent us in our legislative bodies ilmost solely on their qualifications reveale:! by the gift of gab In any- ^-JiD? else than politics the same =sooth-tongued man is an object of ^Espiciou. The lightening rod man, ^i^fufe insurance agent, the patent •'glit solicitor are all to a certain ex- '«ft under the ban of public opinion beci «nse ot their Umber tongues and ^«r ability to work upon the gull- joUity of human nature. It is easily J^monstrated that the most success- " men in this world are, as a rule, J the best talkers, and while the «mty of expressing one's self clearly ^ca forcibly is not to be under-rated, secntive ability as demonstrated by j,,,f person has accomphshed, is a .^iw test of value. But so long as «« majority of people are more im- ton^^ ^e continue to select silver- sl,S°^ators to manage affaurs that iioZi "^^^"sted only fco meq. of the '^^est executive abihty. ""â-  â-  â-  â-  One =;„ ' Cure ^con.?„^ ^^' °* ^^- Chase's Jl^^wr Cnre better thl!u^^™°«* skeptical and oonfined 'Hsnrp !â- " "^o^sands- of testimonial that it *!• 8ouT\ ^edicine aud R'^t Book "°W by A. Turner* Co. A^ WOOL! WOOL! "H^ Those ha,ving Wool to sell or manufacture, will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESHERTON WOOLLEN -:- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and haying engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any custom work entrusted to us vill receive prompt and careful attention,^ and done at reasonable prices. tS* DOJ^'T FAIL TO GIVE US A CALL. May8rd,188 W-H. Kl^ESHER. The best is the cheape^st, and this grand machine is certainly the best. 290 C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, Markdale. irw imsss siDF. New _Bakery. I wonld respectfully intimate to the in habitants of Markdale and surronnding ountry that I have opened in MONTGOM PRY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, SCONS. BUNS, CAKES PASTRY Of my own mannfacture, also BISCUITS CONFECTIONARY. ORANGES. LEMONS. A BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Bntter and Egi,s taken in exchange. I cordially sohcit a share of puhlio pt^tron- age, and trust hy honest deahng and Ksiohe attention to liusiness to merit yonr confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W. M. SPEER- MRKDALE BAKERY, -FOB- •yLAJRJ5.TA.IJlE: OOOI scuL ATTornoM TO CummtmfiJiL TRAnums. IjiattM^wiP Standi opposttf Harlcdale House R. CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding countjy that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to mannfacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs STRAW COLLARS, WFIIPn, COMBS. BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL c. I will nse only first class matenal and those requiring anything in the harness line will find it to their to call at the new harness shop and get prices JMifore go- ing elsewhere. Repairing' done with neat- he-OS and dispatch.. Soliciting a share of pnUie patronage. I am respectfully yours.' R, OARNAHAit, ACENTSWANTED.. Seady Emph^ent to Good Men. NONE NEED BE IDLE PREVIOUS EXPERIENQE MOT SSSEMTUtL. ' We Puf ehker SakUf'^^miaitthit. l/\rv SMART MEM wanted at once to JLv/vf esnvusBfor tiie sale of Canada Orown Nnrseiy Btodi, ' THE F||ITH|l^|4lV1IB»ClUB Dm't HH^ly w J upe y B n eMi^ inniiA fttat* Befereneeenid want to jmek. Mo fMT Imv «Mn tat «M «M|ihv aiqr .of eu m asm Ma* «tM v«Mt workk. BREAD, CAKES AND BUNS, AT REASONABLE RATES. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY of all kindfl on hand. SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest Notice. Weddiiifi; Gak«$ a Speclaifv. A call ia' respectfully solicited. Bread delivered iu all narts of the town PREiniSES IKeXt Do^r to the Boiler Riuk. •80 RUOKE. JOYS FARM FOR SALE. IOT No. 24. con. 4, N. D. B. Glenel«;, U 100 aereMh will, be sold eueap and on easy.tenns of pi^ibentt for farther {.wticolars Hply uu tliB pramifes, or by lattvr to J. S. BLACK, liM-tf. m|ona, P. 0. wmn LOAH. rad Mtate aecini^, at knvf rtto- of ' noeeB«iiMlo«e|iai||a£, ^|iwi., J. B. BLA'CK^' Poaiqiift..]^0«. mam m

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