ii! r !:' • â€" ^Tbe recent elections in were all held xm Sunday. ' â€" The comer stone wac laid in HaiioTer last week, for a Lutheran chnrch. " ' â- â- â€" Dnndalfi is to be ac incorporated village on the Ift Janoary, and yet Las no magistrate. -^All the ministers in the new English parliament have beenre-elect- ed without opposition. â€" A by-law was carried in Stratford last Saturday to give the G.T.B. $120,- 000 as a bonus to establish their loco- motive work» and car shops in that city. The vote stood 880 for and only 12 against. â€" Mr. E. McKnight, Begistrar of North Grey and formerly a merchant of this town, shipped recently, to the Colonial Exhibition in London. England, aboat two tons honey from his own Apiary. ^-Advices from nearly every sta- tion in Manitoba and the North -West indicate that the harvest was nearly all finished last week. All reports agree as to the superior quality of the grain, although the average yield per acre will likely be under twenty bushels. â€" The new postoffice at Orangeville was opened Friday evening for public inspection. The building is to be lighted with gasoline. An expensive cut stond fence is being placed around the postofiSce. lOrangeville will then haviQ one of the fines c public build- ings in Ontario. The' mdais cntnM H^ tfifvap XfanberiCT. fieMMiartHsBifiMk^uMP is a Kood Mmple. with Mln*dniii Mte* an s«enee«op; tpriaf «wp li^ t^taatBt fair 8r0» potatoes, na«Il And not â-¼Mry many i» faOL ' Tbe Bev. Mr. Covoonut has flome nmovg xa here and has gone right to work ha is Ubslty to do sfiiae good). He does not seem to be lasy. The loan talked td -valley road wiQ.soon be ready for travel (Enphrasia pact of it) and it wiU not ooat tlus township moch as the lile moat interested built the bridges at tbeir own expense, and made a good job of them. FoUtios are being talked up cbcsiderably. The people will try to get a man to represent them who will try to do away with some of the extrayagance and Tom foolery the govern- ment has been practising. There will be no use in men coming here talking of dead issues or dead men, I believe we know what we want and we will try and make our representative understand it to. PPlHI^W^il .XfU.yMl,_4^ QUE CIVIC HOLIDAY. Wednesday was one of the most beautiful days of the season, and was duly recognized by our business men as a holiday. Some went picnicmg to Eugenia Falls in the morning, and others sought amusement and recrea- tion in various ways, but the chief at- traction of the day was the annual pic- nic of the united Sabbath Schools of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches, which was held during the afternoon in Mr. McDuffie's grove. The two echools met and marched to the grove where the company swelled until there were about 400 in attend- ance, over 800 of which were children and young people. The provision made in the shape of swings, games, c., was not near sufiScient for the occa- sion, yet all appeared to enjoy them- selves, and a very sociable and friend- ly time was spent. A detachment of "Knights of the Maple Leaf" put in an appearance about 4 o'clock, dressed in lull regalia, and very soon added several members to their band. The provision for the inner man was abund- ant and of a superior quality, also lemonade in abundance. All passed off most harmonious and successful. The Brass Band played a few choice selections on the street in the after- noon. IHeatord Road. From our ovn Qorrespondent. Mr. W. Badger, who formerly tanght school here, and is at present living in Mani- toba, paid a flying visit to this place last week. He looks as young and fresh as ever. The members of the Wesley Church are going to get it painted and fixed up generally. It is about time that snoh improvements were made. Messrs. Boss and Sparling are out on the war path with their steam thresher. Mr. W. Gilbert's house had a narrow es- cape from being burned last weelt. The roof canght fire, but with a few applications of water by Mrs. Gilbert it was put out before much damage was done. The brick layers are busy erecting a house for Mr, Carson. Messrs. Warling Brodie are building a new house. for Mrs. Foley. The iarmers are busy with their harvest, some of them being pretty well along with it. Notwithstanding the extreme dry season that we have had the prospects are good. Mr. D. Walker says that he has two fields of peas that '^nnot be beat. Osprey. Notice. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood ^hat we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by oar correspondents To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sib. â€" As there is a good deal •of grumbling, and some very uncomp- limentary remarks made about the village road work, and how it was ^done, or not done; would it not be VI ell for the pathmasters to give a detailed statement of Aoir and when and tchsre it was performed. Moke Light (From our Osprey correspondent.) Fine harvest weather with fair average crops. A stable was raised at B. Y. Burk's on Friday, size 25 x 40, with the usual amount of shouting and lifting. The hop at night was enjoyed by the young folks. Mr. A. Herron's shingle factory was burned on Thursday night or rather on Friday morn- ing. A quantityof shingles, ajgrain chopper, and traction engine were consumed. Mr. A. McGirr, Feversham, has sold out to John McAleer of Eugenia. Mr. Henry Hudson, jr., lost a valuable mare on Thursday. The Standard i« much sought after in Feyersham on Friday evenings now. Every one expects to see their name in it and find out the latest ne^s. We don't know whether the "Butcher Girl" has changed hands this week or not. Most likely she will as she is a rare beast and sportsmen are plentiful in town. What has happened "Phiz?" He and Bridget must hi.ve died, as he is never heard from now at all. T. L. B. Hamlin is visiting friends in Maxwell just now. Any other person whose name is not here and should have bsen, will excuse your cor. as I am in a hurry just now, and I will men- tion them again. THCtOWITNMkllDMIMDAt Of the Sfielbume Lod^e ANCIENT.ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN Will be giyen to hn W Heaforl' THURSDAY, AUS. 26, 1886, Shelbnrae jflercbants* Holiday. This splendid trip will be made via C P. B. to Owen Sound, whence the fast, staunch and commodious Boyal Mail Steamer New and Beneired Subscrip- tion since last report. Wm, Anderson, Maikdale, July 87. Arch. Boyd, " April 87. A. Dinsmoie, " (New) Jul' 86. Dan. MoFarfand " Mar 87. E. Bnmside, " Jan 87. Htev. R. J. Hosking," (New) Aug 86. C. Reynolds, " Jan 87, Heartwell Heartwell " April Vl. Wm. Parks, Proton Station, Jan 17. 8. MiUsap, Toronto, Aug 86. John Ritchie, Berkeley, .Tan 87. Rev. A. Thibadeau, Holland Centre (New) July 86. J. W. Bliss TrayerstoD, (New) July 87. J. F. Sproule, Winnijeg. Jan 87. Mrs. J. L.Wright. Kirkwood,Mo. Jan 88. Nellie Lamb, Latona, Dak. (New) July 87. Jas. Boyd, Maustin. Wis. April 87. A ScccEssrnii RbsttiiT Mr. Frank Hendry, writing from Seaforth, says-" purchased one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters to purify my blood. It did purify it, and now Ihaye excellent health., Ab a blood purifying tonie and system re- nlator the result of taking B. B. B. is alwim saeoassfnl. Card of Tbanks. To ike 'Editor of the Standibd Pbjlb Sib, â€" We wish, throogh your paper, to thank the Northern Assurance Company ioT their very prompt and satisfaoMny settle- ment of oar claim on oar mfll which was hamed on the: Slat of July, 1888. and the chAok fmr payment bemg forwasded to ttieir agent. Mr. Geo.Ratherf6id, of Sltdbnme, on the 4tli day of August, brnng fourteen days after the fire and we wo«ddltere reeommend the Kcntlteni Assntanfle CoHnpany and also tbeir AM»t, Mr. Geo. RattiaHbrd, to all par- tis* triidHng to iosore ia a good Company. Beapeottrily yoora. :» A A. Nsniaaei. PtotiMi Stiition. 7 i.«- â- '^^ DoMur ' CoaiiMWQt liowaver foralilbnaB quire pMMpttnfitlMat. Ask your ^d.«]ldR|bq|iap«lwti»edieiae8. Dominion Orange Hlntnal Fir« insurance Association, Owen Sound, Augost 12, 188«. Mr. Thomas Mann, Markdale: D«A» B,â€" This is io oertify that joa are the onfy acthorizad agent of this eompamy for the townships of Arte- mesia, Euphrasia, East half Gleiielg and ELoJland, and any Btatements to the contrary are not authorised from this offiee. ' Yours touly, Manager. Will give excursionists a delightful sail to the thriving town of Meaford. Tbe »€ituKen8«« Silver Comet Band, of €HrangeTille, And an excellent Quadrille Orchestra, hare been engaged to accompany the Pleasure Party, so that abundance of high class Music will enliven this magnifioent trip. FAST TRAIN, weU equipped, will leave as follows â€"Orangeville, at 6 a. m.; Dnndalk. at 7 26 Proton, at 7.40; Flesherton, at 7.55 Mark- dale, at 8.15; Berkeley, at 8 30; Williams- ford, at 8.43 Amott, at 8.56 Chatsworth, at 9.05 Rockford, at 9.20, arriving in Owen Sound at 9.45. The Steamer wiU leave her wharf at 10 reaching Jleafora about 1 p. m. and d^arting upon the homeward journey at 4 o'clock. MEALS served upon the Steamer at 40 cents each. The Special Train departs upon the letum trip fiom Owen Sound at 8 o'clock. lorn ol Bowel SztoMt wi ,.;ARf««HaJ)^- .liU â- Sutaa^jaMtL^. .Q„ _j3li^_Jmdaek LACROSiSE. At Meaford a grand Lacrosse Match for a Silver Cup, presented by oitiaens of Shel- bnme, wiU be played between the SfaelbQnie and Meaford Clubs. At Owen Soond, on tbe forenoon of the a7th, a uatoh has bfleo •"â- ORed between the SluUMnnr aad Owoti Soniid teama. TICKETS for Tonnd trip hare been Pl«ed at tbto following extn«,4in«7 low figTOsr-ProB Onagerille and th. Jm,otkm •LM Laurel to Markdale, tljts j Brtetey to Rockford, tlUK). Children, Bnder^ ^•tt-price. Prom Owen Sound to l^rfo«i •»dwtwn,on^yl5P,enfa. Tho«who!^ to «m,in to ^en Sound e«i «,i^ by-j «a7,Mit eiiMi^ail •»mtf faeintaertni. 'AS. 8. Oil «i6s; '1 'lOW "••••t WoASHUL jswm:D9QR ^^Ocit^ ' MANSION 50Us The 8iibecrJl)or, has opeced ana is tiow offering premises, a choice and well ass irted tjtock of Geueial Boob 'a jjreaVTariety Fancj Goods, ciMniirisiu},' Albums, Purses I 5^' Fjftiicy Bi^ckets, Fans, ftlonth Organs, Gonoertiims, Accordion " A.fpit supply ,0/ School Books iu all grmk-s, alao Bloti!^' ** • *«. Drawiag Books, Pens, Pencils, all kinds. **" Copy In a few weeks; wiU also have in stock, a choice assortment patterns ajid designs in Wall Paper, Borders, c. ' ™«iti A, full sspply o| Sheet Music, vocal and instrumental. All tb in cheap Binduigs. Sniiday School supplies a specialty. BibkV""" Methodist, ftredbyterian and Episcopal Church Hymn-Books anAP ' and Boman Catholic Prayer-Books in great vanety. ' ^^ Any goods ^ct in stock, obtained to order at shortest notice Subacriptioiis received for Morning and Evenmg editions f Toronto Papers. ""l ARTHUR DINSMOPt M/fF^KDALE R Fid! Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and PlmPfci tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, evetYtliii»| bemg new, I am nov prepared to turn out '^1 Sasb, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, Hollo? Batli^l FRMES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, b., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner secoiidtonoiieii| Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery departmeBt,l| would now respectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly] PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore.. all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tarniugdone.! Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOS. McNEA. MASSACRED11 Eyerything marked down to suit the hard times Don't throw away monej by baying at another man's figures, when yon can save from lOtuSo per cent, by purchasmg your Groceries at -Hg*l KltArr^S #^'H Startling Value in Teas and Sugais I 150 dozen of Canned Salmon. Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines. Tomatoes, Cm Peas, Pears, Plums. Strawberries, Peaches, c., to be sacrificed at cost priee.| Flour and Baco n Cheap as the Cheapest. A large stock of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tol»(Xi»\ ALWAYS ON HAND VEKY CHKAP. A IJ^BOE STOCK OF Mistake not the place if you want 6ood loMit, Boad Satitfaetion and Low PriMi- LEWIS KNA^ M sTimi 111 m â€" m â€" DUNLOP'S BLOCK- ENVELOPES, MOTS PAKK. PEKCILS, INKS. FKUCr WODS, e r« ike People of Markdale and tur- rounding vicinity: Having opened a Stationery and Fancy Goods Store in Dnnlop's Block. I hereby aoiidt a share of public patro- nnfe. Hoping fhaf our intercooise may prove botii plwiwint and profitable^ I am* TBors truly, MBS. CLEMEHT. 'ae?»% «»ucfao«6 .^ SWr GAME DICE. B ISC 01^^ Xh: A wdl â- MBtiKlftiMy flolieited.