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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Aug 1886, p. 3

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 pBOPI"^- 4 8( INI lER ,^tf«' Pol Rub] A7expl"« "f Troy Mid the !iVnbofAg*m6iim« tow „d«elto bay gold dm* ".w.y b«k InthefliMh n vrler, prima donn* of ^h« fCupe'l'.P" bettor thw m«ry- '^.rkandwaBhingdtohet. u T^le.of the Univerdty ef ^f Ir »nd S«. Thomai Hospit*! ^^"SJen (Je3or«ted with the Order "Thvthe King ef the BalgUni, for ,,n the Upper CsDgo. 'dent ef the Cork Examiner k^Bgtbe peoullMitie. ot the ex^ I Ai'Cil8«*e»»' are â- peoimeni of YZntazo •ent by the Government ^S^ f-" book., by Mr.. ' ^the well known and gifted '.TiMne ohwming worke, are on ^Lc.t the«.. whiohlMipp«ie ••j M UlMtratlve typea of the tor»ry tendency, ihowa that the *!. the water are joining in the rjnrtteidlng which to either tee *Z teohnlcal I nnderetend that f !,rigin»Uf hailed from the mother ^ctM inteeda to pnbltoh ibortly In \Zk .ntiUed.'The Red Man,' ' I by permUiiea to the Dake of iaui Cainl'«"»o^i of mind reading «d at Victoria, B. 0., for the jf iriting an aoooont of the Oana- *di R*ilway renteJor variena i»ar- Tiva engaged hli lervioei. Mr. irlwdftr wmeyeanpait has devoted ji, politlM, and it is hto deiire to ii»pol**'°*' career. Ha to eepeol- «rned in the matter of Imperial Jon Before oomiDg to Canada he Dt months in Australia and New Previous to this he visited E^pt, rti maie the bearer ef a meiaage (Khedive to Lord Dufierin on hit {er India. While in India Mr. lid was the gnest of the leading lei, and in Calcutta he gave a _,^v3 for the benefit of the fund now [nlieiby the Viceroy and Lady Daf- L,gpplyiag female medical aid to the el India. Mr. CamberUnd will lirep«rtof. bis inquiries in Cuiada Lup.'rial and Colonial Gsvernmenta, sliJoB to his oentiibutionB to the ilTinnipeg Free Press says "Philip who ivas sentenced to seven years KDinent for complicity in the rebellion vu released from Stony Mountain ItD^iuy a day cr two ago. He ia now En. bat will ihortly leave f er the prov- |i!i;]ebec. He proposes writing a hto- [ilioerebellien from the standpeint of As he acted as secretary for Lanis lifter the lamented break-up of the lUr, Jackson's mind until the wlnd^np sreMJlion at Batoche, ha will be able sent the ether side ef the story btt iOr ^uy other person. Since his release ubMQ purchasing the pabliihed ac- isfthe rebellion, iacludini; Mrs. Da- kiind Mrs Gewanlock's accounts ef pitptnre. He says that all those Im- I for taking part In the rebellion I eow been sot at libertv excepting siram the vislntty ef Fort Pitt, headed |]|Bau, andtbey expect their prison Kilishertly be opened to them." |lihtei la the Piris Matin tells the fel- Biory: In 1S71, immediately after Imrender of Paris and when the Ger- iBinywasIn the city, Gan, Beulanger, N iCelonel, was ia command ot the U of the line. The regiment was en t^'aia the Rue S lint Honere gaudiug fiklt beyond which the Prussians were tpui. At tae interieotiun ef the Rue t Eiitre and another street, the name iichthe writer does not reoiU, bat he iberi that It waa near the R.athsohild appeared the General in ludef the Prussian army, followed 1 brilliant itaff They were abant to '«» line of demarcation, when Col. agst rode up in front ef them, " Gsn- uid hp, in a lend voica, " yen cannot The latter pretended not to nnder- 1 ind ippeired to be about to come on, • Bjulacger, pnrple with rage andfaat- lajned forward, sabre in hand, and ^Mtlaa savige voice: " Ganeral, ^a: loi pagg, if yoQ advance another -- Xhen, seetog that the brilliant ?1M come to a halt, he added, with an I gaature, the words, » Sespect a la "r'f " It needed but little," eaTa rto. 'to put the match to the pow- '«ttiat moment. There and then Ger- l^ht have lost some preoioni headi, «k. '^^^ Celonel, we grasped enr w. The quality of the game was Thrice Bound the Qlobe. IJWttn steamer,. ToJ!7ortVo, belonging ^^w Zaland Shlpptog Company, has ^^ Mr third voyage round the world l-^teiL " " "°"' *^P'" '^^ IW7 ""'"Mo. to from London Ji»airfT'i*""°«*' **»« Suez Canal, K k' Cape of Good Hope.^ tad In .^ 7**y*«« 'be IpftPlymonth, 1 Ch.i»°'*°^," 29. 1SS3, and reached ,ir»«" New ZesUand, byway ef ,JJ^. on December 11th. She waa •ifftfc Plymeuth, by way of Rie "ffc.mS""' of Febmary. She re- «m her second trip en the 11th ot J^ from her third on the 9lh ef • Cl?^?."" '^^ detention, in pert. ' -th^t" o«»PIed by the three 1 t.! u "twnn-ng timeâ€" w»« ihi,„,*%°'"«ired and forty days. .fyPMible to make the Sr- •^ w°^*, enly of the ei»tem Vhli u °^ " northern ud r»naal ' ^^ outward and the PPk, xCf'" '^Mt exactly ef cquat i »« f'J.SL'"' 'teaming time to New l^*»n! Jt?^"" *»y" J the ftvelrage hair. ' ^^ Expert in Hamaa Eair. Idme. Siiaw to aa eacpert la i w^ Sm atad ed 4h» eabj'ot. ,-« ** AM/*w$ifikH "-wkm. i«IIMk ladlMof j New Ywk. aiiSPp ^SmSLS^ any. lii^ M o«Mlc«« Ariit ymitSbiiSiW yoa haVe leet it, why â- â€¢ co3amBioal ia par- ohaaing thii adataaNafef Tea do aet heel- tetela gtrlngten, tweaty er mere deUan for m loTO of a bsoaet,' ba* will hâ€" itste ia bnyisg the rrtiatie amagemeata la liiJr made t« supply aaftare'i defeoto, aad that ue â- â€¢ eMeaiUlly acceaMqr fir year seed appaacMos." • ' " That to a nova! idea," aald the reporter, bat denbtleai yon are oerreot. Tell me why we leae oar hair while yaaacaad ether- wlae hearty." "Oh, for many reaaeaa. Flrat, yea do net teke proper oare ef it Fore^a wemea ef all olaaaee waab, oomb and braah their hair frequently. Take a praotiaal Ulnitra- tlon. Mra. Blank notioee ttiat the taih ef her oarrlage honee grew ahortor aad thianar every day and aakajeiu the reaaon for it. He profeiaea net to knew. She then goea to the dealer from whom the parohaMd the heraea. He qaiokly repliea. 'Ithbecaoae year oeaahman negleota to waah, eat, oemb and trim their teUa." ' 80," aaye madams, ' It It groM negleot with yea ladlea. Yea giro mere attaatioa to any other part ef year peraoa thaa the looka which ahenld be year orewn ef beaaty. Aod yea are ia a hurry yon have ae many dIatraotloBa. Year methert and women twioe year age have many of them laTariaat- halr, for when they were yenng It waa atUl the oaatom to brash the tialr at night and waah the aoalp frrqaently. Ladles oover their bald heads, Imi if they did not wliat a droll 'Ugbt any ordinary aadienoe weala preaent.^â€" Aewj York Journal. ^^a-^*e^^â€" Ho Arffloni foT the Back. Let me advlie yon to wear ao armeor for yonr back when yea have detormlaed to fallow the track ef tmth. Reoeive open your breaatplateof righteenaneH the aword- oats of year adversarlea the atom metal â- hall tnm the edge of yonr foeman'a weapon. L)t the right be year lord paramonnt, and for the reat bf free and year own maator â- tin. Follow the truth for Ita own aake follow her in evil report; let not maay waters qcench yonr love to her. Yield to no eatabltohed mlei if they, involve -a lie. Da not do evil that gped may oeme ef it. " Conacquenoea "â€" tbto ia the devU'a argu- ment. Iieave oene« qienoas to God bat do right. If frlenda fail thee, de the right. *If foemen anrroand thee, do the right. Ba geanine, rea' ainoere, trne, ni«ight, godlike. The world 'a maxim la, trim year salto and yield to olrcnmstanoea. But if yon wonld do any good In yonr generation, you mnat be maie of aterncr ataff, and help make your timas rather than ba made by them. Yen must net yield to onstoma, bat, like the anvil, endure all blows antll tbe ham- men break themaelvea. When mlarepre- â- ented, nse ao crooked means to clear yoar- aelf. Clouds do not last long. If In the oenraeof duty yoa ore tried by the distract cf frlenda, gird np your lelna and say In yonr heart I was driven to virtue by the en- oonragement of friends, nor will I be repel- led from It by their ooldneaa. Finally be juat and fear not " oorraptleo wlna not mere than honesty " truth Uvea and relgna when falehoed dlea and rota. JEis Beason for Quitting. " I am going to quit amoklng olgarettea," â- aid a young man who has led mere than one gernaan in Sk. Panl. " What'a the mat- ter I" I asked. "Well," he retponded, " it ian't beoause It'a a vile habit that is go- ing to carry me down to an early grave, or anything ef that aert. Oae placed me, or rather a yonog lady. In a very embarraaalng posltloD. There Is a certain charming yonng lady en St. Anthony fliU whom I ahenld like very much to make my wife, and I knew ahe feeia t» I do. But I am not yet able to anpport a wife, so I have never aaid a word to the young lady'a parents. Well, 1 the other evening aha and I took a atroU. It waa aboat 9:30 whea we retarned to the honae, ao I did not go in. We stood chat- ting a few minuteaand I lighted a olgarette, Wnen ahe went into the hooaal, e( oanraa, kissed her good-night. Well, withoat giv- ing It a thought she went In, bade her mo- ther good night, and kUsed her also. The old lady Immediately detected the odor ef the olgarette on her danghtor'a lips, and queatiened her about it. The •peer girl either had to aoknewledge that I Iriaaed her or that ahe amoked a cigarette. When the young lady told me about It I had not the ooaraga to ask her what oenrae ahe cheae. Now yon knew why olgarettea and I will be â- trangera In the fntare." ITHS HOUSBHOIiD. Ohapels for tke Qaeen. The Qieen haa reoently fitted np a private ohapel at Ojbeme, for aae when it to fatoen- venient to attend aervlce at Whippiagham oharoh, and above the altar tiuree now pio- tarea by Sir Noel Paton, which he painted l^ Her Mai wty'a oemmand, are to be placed. Tbe centre to to be filled by a work entitled Ylgilato et Orato, which deplete Chrtot in the garden finding the three dbuiplea aaliaep, and on each aide are to hang the Gaod Sliep- herd and the Mui ef Serrowa, tfaeae two be- tog replioas ef larger pictarea by the aame dtotlngaiahed artbt. Her Majaety to aboat to build a email private chi^ at Balmoral, bat aa It to t^ be arranged only for Preeby- torian ' werahip," theintorior will be per- fectly plain. Workmen haya bMa for aeme time eooopled at Glengelder qoarriea In hew- iog atone for thb atraotare, the erection ef wSleh haa been eentem|dated £ei mmre than twenty yaara pail. Whan it .to finlahed Crathle Ohnrob wIU oeaae to be the great centre ef attraofl«i on "Sabh^" tothe tenrlato at Braemar, ai the reyalttee wiU then perform their deVetlena in the oomf er- •aUe privaoy af BalmaraL A MiaaiMjbuaette camper haa aeea the aea aerpent, and eaya that ho watehed it for a longtime "glaas lohand " UadeabtacHy; thia to a oat the 01 ly way a eight ef the ««• aerpent oan be en] )yed. ' There to eome d«nbt aa to tiie aooaracy ef the acery tnat a deaoeii and hb' fomfly hava bee* p*imiP^'*nW«»^' "** "*•" "a*^ CawW'ltlmitdt l*"" h»*eaet beea aaapeotad of wOlintfy throwing away egg*â€" avaa if ?..F»i'??*J,j^^ SoMbody wmdd hava Don't fltot dbt faeae^ ptoM ef faraitora to aaether and oall it daatiag, bat take it ap aanfally la a daatfag aleth aadahakalt from tte windmr. To daaa boMM, pat irte thi baltiM â- evM famalg e( oeta, a taUaq^ianial af ashei poaur It half fall ef water, and after a vigereaa ahakiag and rindbg yea will find the bgM* aa good aa new. A toaipoenfol of bturaz' pat in ttie laat water in which ol^oa are rinaed will whiten them wandasfaliy. Poand th« bor- ax aa it wm diwiva iadlf. Tl«s ta e«Mlal- lygeod to remove the yellow that tfane glvea to white garmante that have been UAd away two or three yeara. Hew to taka greeae apbia oat af aUk Far â- aycalertkat water will net Jnjaie take whwtflower and odxwitfa wat«r to a thin batter, apraad en the grtoM apeta, and dry ta tte aon or by tlie fire oatll qaito dry aad orisp, ae that yen oan oraab It Ifte dry leave*; then broah It off witii abnuh;do notnae an Iron. ThIa to maoh better tlian any chemical preparation and doeenet leave any apet to abow where the grOaae apet waa. "Sofferer" wrUea: "Ha^iag aaffsred greatly from eoma, and havlag obtained oompleto relief, at oace, from the fellewiag â- imple treatment, I aend It to yea for the benefit of year readeri. Pare ^s corn and pat areond the toe a aMp of what dmggiata oall aargeena' adhealvo plaator. The atrip mnat Im wide eaeagh to oempletoly cover the com, and long enough, to endrole the toe er it may not May la place. Warm the plaator well before pntling It on. Renew when worn eat, paring the com eaoh time. Five oente' worth of ttito factor will anpply two coma alx mentha." Ohdee BiOQipaB' Plum Jsllt.â€" BaU tbe frait with toffi- olent water antll it tooooked. Strain throngh a ttiiok olcth to every cap of frait add a cap of aagar, aad let it remUn nntil next day. Tlian melt all together^ and then take small qaantltiee at a time and boU It nntil it jelliea, which yea can tell by trying a little at a time. Do not atir during the laat belling. Pkagh Battbb PuDDiyo.â€" Twelve ripe peaches, pared bat not atoned one quart of milk, abent ton tableipoena of prepared 3va, five Iwaten egga, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one wltspoonfnl ef salt. Set the peaohea oloaely together In a battered podding dtah. atew with, sugar, and ponr over them a batter of the ingredlenta above named. Baked Hucklsbibbt Pudding. â€" One pint of milk, two egga, one qnart ef flinr, (sifted), one gill yeaat, one aaltepoenfnl of â- alt, one teaspoonfnl of belling water, near- ly a qnart of berriea dredged with fisnr. Make batter with theae ingredienta^eav- ing oat the berriea â€" and aet in a warm place to rise for aboat fear hears. If light poar In the dredged beirriee, pear into a buttered cake meld, and bake one hoar lo a moder- ate oven. Tarn and eat with hard aaaoe. ELACKnEBBT RvLT-PcLT. â€" One qiart ef prepared flaar, one heaping tableapoenfal lard and the aami of batter rubbed with a little aalt ibto the flonr, enough milk â€" about two cupa â€" to make aoft dough. Rail out Into a abest a quarter ef an inch thick, S'^ew leaving a narrow margin at the â- Idea, with aonnd blaokberriea aprlnkled with angar. Kill tightly. Sew ap with a " felled Beam, ia a cloth leaving room for â- welUng. Pat lute a pot of boiling water and keep at the boil for an hear and a quar- ter. D4 the doth in cold water to looaen It, and tarn eat. Eat oeld with hard â- auce. Peach Lechs Cbbha, â€" Twelve ripe peaohea, pared, atoned, and out In halvea three egga and the whites of two mere, one- half cap of powdered augar, two tableapeon- fala ef oomataroh wet In cold milk, one tablespoonful melted batter, one pfakt of milk. Soald the milk, atlr in the oom- ataroh, and when it begins to tfiloken take from the fire and pat in the bnttor. When lukewarm whip in the beaten yolka until all are very light, Pat a tiiiok aabatratam of peaohea Into a dtoh, atow with angar, and ponr the creamy oempeand over them. Bake In a qnlok even ton minntea and aproad with a meringue made of five whltea whlp- ed attff with a little powderd angar. Bhat the oven doer nntil thia to firm. Eat cold with cream. A Strange Sect of Italiaa Bobbers. The capture of a brigand near Raoohlg- Uere, a hamlet altaated in a remote part ef the Calabrlanhighlanda, haa revealed the ex- btenoe In that region of an extenaive aect, remarkable alike for ttia wlldnaaa of Ita ten- eta and thanefarleu character ef Ita prac- tioee. Ita head to an ex-aergeant, Gabriel JDonnid, who olalma te be the Deity, and repreaenta the Advant aa atlll to oeme. During tlw laat five yean he haa been er- gantalng tbto aect which cooq^riMa nearly all tiie amall farmera and ahepherda of the dbtriot. Hto geapel aoema to be a eort of commnntom of the jloweat and meat aenaaal type. The olandeetine meeting ef the aect are alleged to be marked by orgiea and ob- aoene ritea, recalling the worat featnrea ef Oriental pagaatam, Dennld'a own abter in- law, fortefniing to oenferm to theae prao- tioee, iraa ahat ap In a cave aad left there to die. Tiito aaariy led to tha bredkiag ap of the oommonlty, aa Donald apd hb fol- io wan were arreated aad tried for morder bat owing to the JmpeaalbiiHy ofproooriag against thoaa, they were acqoit- Theaaot haa new beer br-Tivb' Q'«e *tir«3r notioe by tiie capture o S»afiie lune, eae of ita leading membera* «r aalatok aa they are ityled. TUm wertiiy, after mardeiing a xlootor, betook himself laat April fo the woeda, and with til* oonniranoe Of hb oe- T6ligi*a|*ta flaarbhad thMa m a h^hway f^ber. The polio* haviag failed to traek him. Bran* waa arreitod HI* ether day tw a local landowner, Oeaat Cenvaraano, ub oaptaraaosaaioned graat daaMaatraUaa* ef grief at Baert^R^iar*. whata faoadNl* «f manand wam«n hong abaat ttb praoiooi Mint fad UMd^^imnFtaioai^ U â- wrrap are SOS O00-l«allan a at W ar* la ««i« A rg e nti iaapaMta, «S08»ln Ibeail, 40^* OOOInnfH^.MdMOQiBlkaiM. .„ A fbiadWTLseh**! taantiar In IilteliBeld told hb ia6pN|rai5.isy MiiMiap lluf MI iaihair mtaid^ and aUtSLsMOMM t " When la tta dkon* avaai^l" A Near L-mdan oyitor d^tor kaa Invwt- •d a dredge with wfaiak â- lacSah.Ae. graat- e*t enamb* ef the «yator»^ oan ba tahaa. bom a bed witham dbttrblai the ay- Mr*. Haaaen. who* plokteg Uaekberrie* OaUand. IIL. waa bitten in «h* aaUe by a Ua* raoar. She waa at an** Bla**d In a wagon aad driven hamaward, Mfe ah* di*d o*fer* her heai* waa roachod. When an EJkhart^ Ind.^ fenner waa'xm- loadlag a lead ef hay aUeh he had dtt^im to market and eold, he f oand a verj^ ttrely rattlaaaake In the hay, and In til* aarpent h* found two meadow mole* atill alive aad klckiag. Tom Higi^ of Spirit Lake. la^ had a aaaatr^a th* ether day. Hb br*th*r atarted for the dootair in a hairy, and the hereo he rode atombled, tiirew th* boy ever hb head, and atepped on hb cheat, tnfltct- ing irjwrlei from which h* will probably dfe. A horae owned la Sprlagfidd, HU, choked while eating corn. Ita ownerthmat a wlilp â- took down the horta'a threat to remove the obttmctien, and the horae bit the atoek In two, leaving a foot or more of It In hit threat. A horae deotor oame and cleared oat the mooh obatraotod channel. They tell ef a otorgymaa ia Lynn who hired oat to a oharoh at a nominal aalar^, ef fi.OOO, agreeing privately to make the church a preaent of $1,000 of It. A oonarega tioB in Oeancotiont heard of the $1,000 preacher, thoaght he mnat be extra good, ofbred him $4,500, and get him. Then the Lynn people nnderateed why he pretended hb aalary waa $4,0C0. Ralph, a alx-year-old In an Eaat India misalonary'a family, waa mach Impr*aa«d with recent dboleaaroa of theft by native aervanta. After one of theae domeatio aen- aatlona, he indirectiy oonfeaaed to aeme pecoadUIoea of hb own, by thb oodldl te hb oaoal nightly petitiena ** And pleaae God, give me cloui haada and a pare heart, and don't let me atoal aaybody'a thiaga or take the meakey'a peasata." A clergyman at Lebanon. Pa ,. when he began hb aermon reoentiy annonnced that aa aeon aa three of the congregation fell aaleep he weald atop preaching. The af tor- noon waa rather warm, and aeme hoada be- came heavy. After a while the preacher obaerved that three bad gone to aleep, and atopped hb aermon. Thb made somewhat of a atir in the andlence, and aeon raiaed all drooping heada, when the aermon waa con- tinned. From Sam Jenea' aermon in Kanaaa City I have not chawed tobaooo alnce I left Chi- cago. If I had done everything I am ao- caaed ef I ought to be in tbe penitentiary. I am a great deal like tiie man who waa met by a friend who aald ** Why, I heard yen were dead." " Yea, I heard ao, too, but I did not believe It."' When I hear tfaeae atorlea I don't get mad, but if they are true I feel ao bad that they are ttae tnat I oan't get mad, and |f ttiey are Ilea I am ao glad ey are Ilea I oan't get mad. Aaatralla b again In the field with a werld'a fidr, which ahe haa appointed f er next Jane at Adelaide. It might have been aappoaod that with her doable doee of Inter- national exhlbltiena leaa than aeven yeara ago, when ahe held one at Sidney in 1879 and another at Mallionrne In 18S0, aiie would have had for the present a aarfoit of them. But theae ahows have oeme to be almoat exoloalvoly trade afiEaIra, and Aaa- tralla finds that bnaineaa pnrpaaea will be aerved by holding a fair in 1887. Denbt- leea American manafaotnrea will be well re- preeentod, aa before. In the antipadal ba- zaar. A two-foot alligater and two big artificial awana are In a fenntidn baain In MMon, Oa. The etiier day It waa noticed that the alli- gator waa not to be aeea and that one of the awani aeomod to be anchored cloae to the fountain, Inveatigation ahowed that aeme beya had tied the alligator to the awan to BOO him drag It rennd the baafai, and that tbe 'gator had wound hlmaelf ap aroand the fountain a'^d conld not come to the anr- faoe and not only that, Irat had weufld the atring tightiy around hto month. When relewed he abewed great pleasore, opening hisjawa totheb fall extent, laahlng the water with hto tail, and barking like a dog. In Almonte, dragglata are allowed to a*ll bnt one gallon of whiakey at a time. Know- ing thb fact, a thiraty man went to a drag atore with a two-gidlon jog and aaked to hav*ltfill*d. Th* droggbt aaid tiiath* oonldn't aeU bat agallan. The man add he moat have two gallona, and If the drug- gbt weald pat one gaUea ia the jag, he'd trl and get the other at aeme other atore. Thb waa done. Soan th* man r*tam*d and raid til* •th*r dmi^^t w*iildn'tieU th* ether gallon. The man aeemedaad. One gallon waa no nae to him; wonld the dragMat kindly take It baok and let him havahto monmr I Th* dmggbt woald, aad did. Bathe didn't take back the whbkey after aU. For the man had not been to an- other atore, bat to a oenvenlentpbce where he took *at a big half af th* gallon af whb- key and replaced it with water. He then retarned the whbkey and water to the obliging drqggl^ What Ailed A Sentimental Tonng Lady. In Llv**p**li net ksig dnoe, a aanttmental yonag lady fram t*wa waa on th* Omuvd ataainhlp qoay, whec* ahe aaw a yenng girl altting en a trank In an sbttitnde of ntter da- jeotien and deapalr. ' Poor thing," thonght the romantic lady, ** ahe b prtSably Uon* nd a atnyiger. Her pid* oh**ka and grc \\f aad aye* toll *f a broken heart aad a ye n- Ing f er aympatiiy. She haa probaUy brd aeme nnf ortonato aff ab and haa left her .« ver inftha iar Weat." Sh* went *T*r to tii* travalarto win har oenfidono*. ** Oreaaad lnl*v*t"ih*a^k*(l,mppatiietIoaUy. **N*." r*pli*d the gIrU wf a a^h " oreaae d in til* Sarvla, and an aMofly raaj^ ptwag*, tool" V" ' â-  ^^^ "••" ' 1^1 .tf I • r 'â- â-  aMv*nlatai far 0**p*r Ota* Wi-^Jfi. A IJIQ:Â¥S8BM 9PSFACIT0S. lUatenr b a anivepaal bcasiaetor. apeafar- lan^ hara bOilMTor k^tagda* haailig* ..! tanta(th*«en«Bi7« Hi^ aantatlaii and tiw alndy «f Cla pvodaeed Immaa** walt^ H* of^Adieaertwiaei tifiM thc^vadoo* ayptawa ovIoB, while hb reeearoh aad atn^e* into laei elaattl*, illk-wenM,«8d athar haa b**a m fB^ it bhwab l i y ' Paatoar aaama atiU'a yaaagaaa.. H* waa bwrn at Dale, in tiie JaM eoantry. Dm. S% 182^ and ata very iarit ag* waa alr*ady a proltaitr *f dwBaiatay tatiMgintat 8erb*nn*i ef Pacb. SIzty-taiur mmniMa have only ripened hb talasdih f*r hto faca byoathfoldeepitohbjg^oy beard, aad hi* hair, of nnoeaal tiilokaeaa, aearoely hlde*^ even an* white thread. Hb Uf* b en* af oeaatant trial, reaeareh. work, and pabllo benef action. Day, month, and year lii* aervioeaare given gratoitona^ to Ih* pea- pi* rkh aad p**r tar* allk* at hb klad^ handa, and If be had mllUena, all arenld b* apeat In dolag good. He give* on ah aver- age alxteen heara a day of hia time to hb. work and hb piatlento. Itaewna *n*nnona. y*t It b ii*t an *xagg*ratf on. "Dib, t**, WIIBOUT BIOOMPISaa for til* moment, "the wander b hew hia* own health oaa atand aikch a attdn Tha demanda apon hb time, th* r*aponaibIliti*» of Ua podtfon are w great, the Mab and werrioa attetiding It are each that at hia laboratorlee hb face waara an almoat Ibkbit- nalazproadonof perplexity and *a^eaa. It" aeema to aay :â€" " Even I acaroely knoir where to torn or what to do," and yet h* b ever there, oonatant, ready, oheerfaI» and patient. I wonld advbe any one coming to Parb, If they wbh to aaaut at a acene which they will remember for a life* time, to pay a vbit one morning at half past 10 No. 14 Rue VanqneUn. Vulgar onrioaity atopa before tneaiicoiaclo of aoob Individual hamanity, oenrage and greataeaa. Aa Dr. Pastenr bid me gaod-by, and as he let me oat of- the little aide door, I aald to him ' "Yea aheald be the happieat man on earth when yen tliink of all the good yen de." "I am afraid bumaa natare to mooh the aame," he replied, aadly " we never ttiink of onr good fortanea, bat alwaya of oar mb- fortnnaa. I alaa feel and appreobte only what I am nnablo to aooompli^" A Hai!-3tormte Brae; o£ It la aerienely aaaertedthat daring a atorm In the weatom part rf Texaa, recently, btdtotonea weighing from aeven to twelva poanda fell In great nambera, and the ooonr- renca to held np aa eemeAIng extraordinary. It Ian't a marker, however, aaya The Phlla- delphia Preas, as compared with the rip-and- tear atora whirh awopt down tiie valley of the poaoaful Ouaaewago creek in Crawford cannty dnrlng the bet aummer of 1848 An old Inhabitant who witneaaed tliat atorm remembera that the haO came down ao tliick that after the partlolea became pnlverized aomewhat there waa good aleighlng for thro* day* one cenioal-aiiaped haltoteae fell throngbt tbe roof of a blaokamlth ahep and panched a 3 loch hole throngh a oaae-hard- •ned anvil another atrack a 12-foot bar of railroad Iron aquarely en the end and aplit it In two aa perfectly a* If it had been aaw- ed one large haUatene wat honied ever and covered with aawdaat aod funbhed three famllles with Ice antll the new crop oame in the next winter, beatdea providing enough for the lemonade at two grangerr plcnloa the weather waa ao oeld for five daya after the ttorm that wood went op 50 cnti a cord, and when the cattle kUlod by the atorm were dreaaed theb hidea were fonnd punobod ao fall of holea that they were sold to a poma plaater foundry for a mere trifle the hall that fell Into the Caa- â- ewago canaed a gorge In that stream wluoh overflowed the whole valley, and the water waa ao cold that petatoea In tlie ground were f reien hard enongh to nae for billiard baUa in the cenntry tavorna and the plaoea where aeme of the hallatonea atrack the greand were afterward need aa peatholea by farmera In balidlng tenoea. If Texas ever wltneaaea a atorh of the Cnaeew^^o variety we ahall be ditpoaed to liaton to it, bat It won't do to aend np any little p«nny com- mohplaoe aboat aevan-poand halutonea. Entertaining the Egyptians. Mr. Jamea, In the "Wild Tiibea of the Sendan," glvea the fdlpwing deaorlption of a maglolantom entortdhoiont given by him to a crowd of the nativea, which moot have been qulto aa amaaing to the exhibitor aa to the andlence :â€" On one ocoaaion we exhibited the magic lantom to the Intenae delight of a large crowd who oame after dinner on pnr- poae to ae* it, and had never aeon anything ao wonderfnl before. We worked the lan- tom from tiie iasido ef a tent, with u aheet hni4[ In front of the door. We dwayi com- meaoad fte ahow by a dbplay of pertraita of the Qieen and Prince of Walea; the** wvr* both very popntar, aod invariably re- demanded. We had been carefal, befer* leaving England, to oho*** anbjeota f*r th* â- Udea that w« thoaght wonld Intareat th* p*eple and theb exhlUtien waa alwaya ancceasfal Tae moat popalar conslatod of a aerlea of animala found ui Africa, each ai the lion, hippepetamna, elephant, ka. and when we db|^ayed a reprOaentatien of a man eacaping np a teee from a orocedlle, with the boaat opaning and ahntting Ita month, and trying to aeba him, thay fairly ahrbkad with baght*r. Same *f th*alld** repr*a*nt*d tiie Saex Oaaal, Bnglldi aoonea, caravana in the deaert, Afrioaa vlllagea, a. aad all th«a* w*r* Tplala*d to thun in AraUc, to thob intona* d*Ughi whUa th* Arabki waa tranalatad into thdr *wn tangne for th* banafit *f thooe that fid not nnderatand that lat^aag*. Aaa t*nniiiatfott to th* *Bt*itUnmaat w* a*nt np «n* or two rackota and llghtfd a Bengal l^^ht or tw*. by which time ear repatation aa wondorfdl inagiolana waa fably eatablbhad among tiimi. Aa a hint tiiat th* ahow was evtt and it waa tim* for th* or*wd to rdlie, wa hit upon th* *^p*dl*nt af o*ndnoting Idb* ah*ik by th* light ef a Bang al light to hta h*r**, iHiiah waa waMng fm him entaid* of ear sardha. Tit* r**alt waa a moat happy mm; a vwHabb aftampada t*A pbo*. and titaoaaqpihHdaaMd in baa tiuaflvaada* â- â- liti

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