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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Aug 1886, p. 2

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 'i :-'.â- : u'm i if i ' 1^ 1^ t i â-  M â- ti i t i? Ftnnen Bayi «ad Their Fnt^^ot^ LcWj I ktM4^ oIlKUK* giTM to. w j««« jptoplfc Tb« !â-  lb* MV fBtam kb later Wdd b* red dom to â- % imw itnggU inr brMd." "LMk/'h* ooBtiMsd, •*â- *• pvofiti Moiuniilatod bj ttia mnohaat, th* Ikwjvtf Mid othar olaaaaa af mon with wham tfaa fannar ia aampellad to tmaaaot Abaalatoly ttw fatmar haa af baMariag Ma c»aditini ba« aa tha oontearf* ba moat, bj tba Taiy natara af tblnaa, nafecxallj risk lawar la tha and aaoiai wala." Thia talk lb mavaly windâ€" aril wfad, avU in ita tandan- Of to dagtada tlia aabla panalt af agrlanl- tara, and erU in iti drift to tarn tha Btaida af aor jaong man from agrionltiual oooqpa t la a a to tba already avarariMrdad prafaaaianal and meroan1|b oannala. Wa aan not call tUa talk anarohy, bat it b axtramely datrlvantal to tha baat kiteraata of aw labMbg damant. To my ndad Aa praapaota of famafa' baya wara narar ao an- Hdng aa now. Yaan aga, cemparatiTaly iaW( a bay waa azpaotad to toil from bafava dawn tlU nftar dark, with only time to partakaaf liia maala. Bran than to aak for a horaa waold bava baan all hla day waa wartii. Mind, I da not Intand to aay tlila waa tma in all oaaaa, -bat a majority wara w. Naw it ii diffaient. Haoaea ara mada bright by tlM a^gan or atliar moaioal in- atramant, Oood baeka, and pi^?*" come into tba booaa to aid in davalapi^ tiie In- tailaotnal faoidtki and ooltivatlBg tha mind. Halidaya ara moraplantifnl, «od maohinary tiaving uooaadad hand labor on tha farm in ao large a degree, the bey'c life ii rendered far aaaiar. Oae who oan Jto willing to 1m content with a fair ratnoi for hia labar ia better aitoated to obtain a good iiving than ever before. line, prodaoe ia maoh lower in prioe, bat proTiaiana are redaoed in a oar- reapMdlng ratio. Tranapartatlen obargaa ara hardly a tithe of the former ooat af con- Toyanco, and the modee of carrying to- gether with the poadbillty of aeoaring daily market reporta have praotioally plaoed the marketi at ear very doers. Improved methoda of farming have done a vaat amount to ad.anoa the eaaae of agricnltnre. In ralaing any prodaot for ear markato it maat ba bwne in mind tliat anly firat claia prodnoa oan command firat-elaaa prltoa. It will not da to pat op batter in Hl-leoking paokagea, ar to aand year egga onlan per- fectly freah. Frait and vegetables moat ba aasortod and neatly packed, beef and Erk mint be fattened in a iqperior maimer, kve a otandard and keep ail the prodooe np to that atandard, and year prespsota are aa bright to-day aa they would have bean fifty years aga. tactical Fooltty. Kioe is excellent to feed to yenng, grow- ing chicks, and is net very expensive. Docks, after commencing to lay, drop ane egg very regularly every 24 hours, al- most invariably after night. If your young ohicka appear droopy when about a week or ton days old, examine them carefully under the wings and on the bead yen wUl soon £nd the cause â€" lice. Jdix a Uttle sulphur and lard together and apply to these points. One implication is naually sufficient. If year hens lay soft shelled eggs, give your fowls plenty of cinders, oyator aholls, lime rubbish, eto. Thia season of tha year ia a good one to sat Bantam egga. Those hatehed in Sep- tomber and even autamn are, however, often the best, as the lateness of the season tends to keep down the size. Is the poultry business overdone t Does this, from a tradea paper, indicate such a state of affairs t •« About forty million dozen mere ogga are needed in America thia year than are supplied by nur fowls BO we will have to send across the water far the deficiency." Alwaya hava a tight roof to yonr chicken ooopa cold raina are very destiaotiva to young chioka. Keep yeung chi(^s growing steadily do not feed them too much at a time, but faad tham often, and with good, nourishing food. Those using brooders should exercise groat care about gettlBg them too warm the' heated and ralbxed ohiokan rnna out In- to tha cold air and gate inflammatton af tha Innga. Clean ant your ohioken hooaea at leaat •nooa weak. Thinnuig Soot Orapi. It may aaam aomatimea a hard thing to da to poll ap promiaing plaata and throw Ihem away* and a fatmaris thni toaptad ta permit tha roata to atand too olaaa la ttia raws. Bat It b hidbpensabla to snaoasa that tba planto hava plenty af room. tiargaraatowdgbiogfeaatoal3rte«i paonda oannet be grawn at lasa than aixtaen inohea apart, and eighteen inohea b iMttar BtUl. At tbbdiatanoe, with full rawa, there will la forty-nlna tana to tha aora. Atlialf tha dbtaaoa tha raota may only average tlurae poonda, making only little more than twanty«Bina tone to tha aon. The same •ppliaa to oam, far all planto need abund- ant faadtag apaoa for tba raota, and maat nat ba orawud maob. A StartUns Diseoyery* A atartiing and impattant dboavary mada iriian, aflar bog aad patieat ezparl- aiant, Vbm namblnatlan of Nerviline waa iMohed. A grand vlotary, ladaad, far ttia â- ofbHriag hava aaoror ready, prompt, af- fiiisMt, anii irtiTwr " â€" 't' Doyov kaaw that far 10 oanta yao oan bay a trial bottb of Polaan'a NervlUna and teat ba great pcwac avar pain af avacy daaoripliao? Pobaa'aNarylliBa oona tMBk, pain la tta t1ff^•-*i' aida, and baok, rhaoaatiam in fantaBpain. EMd by drdtfata aad oaantry daalara. It b arid Iba BagVik GoTani w Making a plaoa of oa nfln e m ai ciaiika. Itafy baa a«adlffiaal^ Shaattaohs^ttaatoa hiBd aiiaa itbvaia- far ha to«ta LATE ooMmoi nwB. TTaiifc^T aad 81. Jaha cxpaol to kara atiaol lallwaf aj i t tpa partly. ^. •Oa^^orMB, af tha AmarbM araf win B.a«ak«iily. Ezcribat'Mok b III faj ^l j*^* Tba oabr b a ataaiaaadtka prioe fl3 a tbo M a ad A ^Od waa bota aa tba Artkabaaoa dar- ing a roeoat trip aad waa-akrialaaad Herbert Arthabasea. Frem Olamargaa tawaab^ a story _ia thiaa walvaa chaaad aa aid haraaaatU tt waa tired aad thaa ato It. Twa magnlfloaat Beeky MaoatiJa aagba, eaoh meaeorbig 17 leat fram tip to tip, ware ^â- K|iJâ€"H ^t Port Arthor raoaatlj. APrfaoe Edward lalaadar haa a hana wblok haa laat aM af hb ayaa, breatha threugh tha plaoe aooapled ly tha misaiag aptio. A baby oanlaga la Stratford waa Uawn dowaabUlaad dashed topieoaa agaiaata tree at tha bettoas. The baby aaoaped with afawaori Mr. Van Horaa, af tha aP.R., tald a Cal- gary atoofcdaalar that bawauld ghraardara for tfia immedkto eanatroctien afataekyarda In that tawn. It b aald that ana raaalt af the vUt to the MarltiBM Pravlnoea by Hoa. Mr. Foatar, Mtoiatar of Marina and Fiaharlaa, wUlbe aa improvement In tha ayatam af lighting adapt- ed alons ttio ooaat. A Jtf etvllle haa prtdaa haraalf aa tha praduotlmi of twa Mg eggs, one meaauring 8^ indiee araund lengthwise, and 7 inohea aoroas, tba other 71 by 6 iaohaa, the aggre- gate weight bebg lonr aaaoaa. Mr. Wm. SMidham, of Mtddiaton, waa struok by lightning recently. It did net kill him, bat broke hb ahanlder bteda, left a thin red and black streak down hb iwdy, tore hb clothing, and mada a hob la the aele of hb boot. A big fish story comes frem New Bruna- wbk. It b Btatod that two peraana oanght, with hook andlbia in FaU Brook, St. Fran- ob, in a part af two days, 1.580 trout, and that on anatiier oooaalen two Frenchmen oau^t. In tha same time, in the same brook, 1.200 of the same kind af fiah. In Tumberrya little bay waa feeding some boraea in the stable, when he touched one of them on tba cheat with the fark. Tlie animal plunged forward, reoelved the prong in the heart, and died. The other horse waa frightened, and iMgan to kick, and the little bey waa rescued only after hb arm waa broken. Capt. B. O. Green, af tba Mantreal Fbld Battery, committed auioide by shooting ' himself at Chateau Limatbe, near Bar- deaux in France. Mr. Green waa a native of Birmingham, waa 39 yeara af age, and had many f rienda in MentreaL He was da- ing well in hb ImainesB, and hb aubide Is inejcplicable. At Laarenoeville a young farmer named Tibbita mounted hb horse and atarted for the river to reacne two drowning dieep. He was just entering the stream when hb horse piuhed him over hb besd. -He ap- pears to have been struck by Aa anlmal'a hoof and stunned, for he sank at once, and when the body waa recovered there was a black mark on his forehead. At L'Etarg, near the border line between New Bronawick and the United States, there haa been discovered a deposit of min- eral earth whioh Baa tha property of pre- serving frnit from decay, Tnla quality was accidentally ducovered. A barrel^of the stuff steed in a St. J^bn store ud a lad put seme Bartlett pears in it, where they were forgotten vnd remained some months. On emptying the barrel the fruit came out per- fect in siae, and with the taato unimpaired. Mixed into a paste with paraffin it imma, giving out a great heat and a light. It b also manhfaoturod into paint. The bed haa a surface area of 300 acres, and it u at leaat 24 feet deep. The subatanca comes out in a solid maaa, but ommblea easily into powder, *i »s« im A Steam-Boat Trip. Old hunters tay that tha tiger which haa tasted hnman fleah will henceforth take no other and it ia equally true that ha wha haa enoe traveled free on rail or river ever afterwarda seeks to ride on hb 'paaa." The Boston • B«oord" telb of sndi an in- dividual, once a reporter and lang a ** dead- head." One cxoeadingly hot day, having mada np hb mind that tha praper tiling to da waa to take a salt-water excuralan, tlua man of cheek stroUed along the wharvae of Boeten .In order to piok out tha likdbat exoanian steamer he oaald find. He salaoted ana at laat, want on board, banted up a ohalr, took a aeat In a shady place, put hb feet en tha rail, and began to read a nawapaper. In abant fifteen minntea a aaller-laokng maa apaaad a daar, bakad at hfan aboat a mia- ata,aaddfaappeared. Ia abaattenmiantea mare tha saUar-laaklng aaan oama baA and addreasad tha n a w ap ape r man. ** What are yta dalag hm I ' laid ho« ** I" axclaimad tha newspaper maa, "aalygaiagtotake a Uttb t^ wUh yao." And ba wbij^ad out hb card and preaaatad It. *• Member of tha pieaa, yau knowâ€" ghra yon a gaad aatba tai tka papor aazt waak.^' Tha saDar-laeking man said nat a ward, and want back faito tha boweb at tba vaaael. Fifteen nunntaa mare aad* Oa ataamar hadn't Btartad, ThaaawnM^er aHmbagaa to gat a Uttb weary. Ho wahod a llttia whib longer, aad went Inaida and »«w ated np tha BaUoi-loakfag man, wha waa appar- •'•*?.*'«!^** P«Wu»g tba Bblp-8 oabb. "Say r aaidttaaawnaparmaa. 'haw bag befasa tbb beat atartaf" ^^ •• Wall," aald the aaflorlaakiag man, aa ha weat aa whh hb palbhiag, " I tK«iW ihall aaU abaat a WMk bam aezt WadaM- day. Sba'a laid np for rapaira." that to aaftan tha Bdenoe Bafflad. Tanng Man--Ia tt tona, Dootor, bndat ,_?^2![*S~'**» *• ' "WW to that aftat bnt wWfc all aar baaatod asndam aobatiflo Iba eaa b aaa aavor bo varifiad. 'omg Maa---Why, Daetar t aobody with bndaa lb Avoid Ooatai«iB8nudl-FI»x. r. 0^ tka flrat a j pagi ag •! tha Wtbat dianldba flMal tea jZiSuit^aaaaar tkatoDoftha ISSmiSoald bo rcmarad, aad na faraaa ax •nitba BMdioal attoadaat aad tka »«»• ar ^^^ ahoSTba parmhtod to aatar tha 2 Akaab ooatabdag a aalatiaB af oar bono aeid ar ohlorida af lioa ahoold ba pbead tha bad f ar tka paHeat to apM ia. J Haadkaio^bfi akanU aat ba naad, batpbaaa of aaftkaga laataad. tojJJ" tiianaaaafthapatbBt^ Baok joaoa afa r ba ing aaad akanld ka Imrtaillatat y karnad. 4 A plaatifal aupply of water aad towala should bTkopt for tha oaa af tha nuaa, whaaa haada, af aaoaasby. wlU ba aoUed by thoaaaretkmaaftbapatbat. I« •â- â€¢ •»«5: barfa tha wator skanld ka Jmpmnatad witk Platt'a ar Cady^ oklorida, by whloh^ tabt on the handa awy at aaoa ba removed. 5 Ontiida the dear of tha alok a aheet abonld baauqpandad, aa aa to ooyor tha an- tfaa dearway tbb ahanld be k ^t o«iataiit. lywatwitkaaalatba aflima. Tha cffeot af tbb wiU bate keep araryathar part of the hanaa frae fram lafaotbn. 6. Tha dbohargaa of the bawab and kid- neyaafttia patieat shoaldba reoeivtd iato vosseb ohaiged with dbinfeotanta, snohaa tiia salatian af oarbolb add ar dilarida of Uma, and immediately ran avad. By these means tba pebon tbrowa off from internal smf aeea may ba randerad Inert, aad deprived of tha pawer of prepagatbg dbaaaa. 7. The garouBto aad bed obthing of the alok ahonld be plaoed In a dislnfesting floid until ballad In the wash. Saoh a flatd may be made thaa: Dbaolva together in water In tha proportloDB af fonr ounooa of the z'no Bulphato and two annoea af aalt to tha gallon of water. A Wet Sheet Faok Tbb valuable prooeu In wator traatmsnt maybe briefly described as folio wa: Have ready two or three comfortablea or thick blankata, one woobn bbnket, and a^ large linen or cotton sheet. It is important to ba certain that the aheet b soffiaiently large to extend twice around the patient's bedy. More blankata ai e required In oeol weather than In warm, although the pack ahould be taken In a raem at temperate heat. Spread upan a bed or atraight, bread louDgo the oomf ottablea, one by one, making them even at the top. 0/er them' spread the woolen blanket, allowing ita upper edge to fall an inch or two balow that of the laat comfort- abb. Wet the sheet In water of the proper temperatare, wring out ao that it will net drip, then gather the enda so that it oan be quickly tpiead out. Now place its upper end even with the woolen blanket, and spread it eut on each side of the middle sufficiently to allaw the paticint to lie down upon lia back, which he ahould quickly do, letting hb ears come just above the upper border of the aheet, and extending his limbs near together. Wrap the patient snugly, carefully first with the sheet and afterward with the blanket, taking care to txilade air from the neck to the toes. A(tor the bath give the patient a cool or tepid sponge batb, or a wet sheet rub, and he will probably feet greatly refreshed and invigorated. Tbi^ form of bath'b particularly uaaf ul in diseases of a febrile type. A Meteor Falls in Midday. A startling phenemenen ooourred at Valoartter, Qaebeo, the other day la the ahape of a fclazlng meteor making a rapid deecent The meteor waa probabiy 10 teat in oircumferenoe. After teuohing the earth It emitted a strange light, reminding one of the pictured scenes of the infernal regions. The sight worked on the minds of the peo- ple, manv c^DJoring npthe werat fears and lookbg forward to a speedy dbiolution of the universe. What meet enhanced tbeir feara waa the fact that jast previous to the ecoureaoe the sky lowered, the beasto of the field sent up unearthly and dbtreesiog aoraaohea, bringbg the orodnloua tromb be *r »J«fr kneea. Within the past few days the Ughtoing haa been very severe and earth quaka shooka have been frequent. Seme man hava greafneaa throat open ttem I eapaDbUy whan a fat parsaa sib next to them In tha atraat oaia. B^at^omootSSt^H^eto each tosua. ASSabtt of Intetoettng cJ»leto Taleiio«I«vfc aciriLâ€" and AdventoreTlGnoice Poetn^Sbori ggtdbS^Hoaaebold Becdpee. Sciento, %) and S^^lite.. OMjtadnod in each »»«» of The rinaide WaeUT. 6o. por copy or, ^â„¢ w •» Am wtMt drabwMe amsiia of the day, 98.00 per vear: aizmonthaandS* pieces music, |1; three montha and !• pieeaa mnsie, GOo. BaiaaeHke â- â€¢w. jb(entawantedeverywbetfBuIiiberaleom MHavtoc'P'aaAve. TaMVaxaxsm r, aBOSlbonw Bt. {Toronto, Canada. n, WBBXXiT, I ol gPBNCB CO. wffll And n to their sdvaatage thetssdetaioar makeellllee aad f^attiag a gpartalty. Bead lotpstoeHstas â- amlltoiit Ontario. CO â- 0 Gnelph Business College GUBLPH, ONTARIO. Ihe Third 8oholastieT«aT beatat beet. 1st Patrm. an drawn fiees Taa SrATae Asn Paoviaoas. Tonnr aiaa aad boy* thOMOgbty peapucd lor botfaass par- BcHa. Gradnatae tnlaaBtly soeoetilaL Pia-tloal wetfc. BOitaiata vatas and attaUAt d'alior obar»o- tctisathelcaUtaUoB Ladiaa admitted For infor- â- wtloa addises M. tUcOOKMIOK. Prmoipal. Allan Line Soyal lall steamsipp. tMliag dnilag whiter froaaPorlaa' avety Tbanday, and Halifax aaeerBatarday to Uvarpool, and in aaauaai from Qnabeo efat? BaiwdM to Uvaivool, ealUnc at bM- doadmry to land mails andpaaaangan for aeotland ked Inland. Alao from BaltlaMMe.viaHaiifax aad St John's, V. v., to Ureipool lortaWitlr dorlag tuaimar moatbi. Ito â- teamera of tha Olaagow Udm aaU dnrtaur wlntai to and from HalUaz. Portland, Boston and Philadal phia; and daring annuur botwaan QUaaeow and Itoi ireal, waakl*. Qlaisow and Boston, waekir and GHaa gow uid PhUadalphla, fortnlgbtlf. For fraight, paaaage, or other intoonadca apply to A. Sehumaoher ft Co.. Baltimore 8. Ctmard ft OOm Halifax: Shea ft do St. Jolm's N. V,. Wm. Thomson ft Oa, St, John, N. B Allan ft Co., Chioago; Love ft Alden, New York; H. Bouriier, Toronto Allana,BaaftCo., Qaebeo: Wm. Brookie. PhUadelpiUa i H. A. Allan Portland Boaton. Montreal ffiSRB Qvo BKTTBK." "»«»owDntt^ •M 8llgl^(mMd. St"** Qm. **rente. 1*8. PAR^ Ml ABEAUTIFULWATtl] A PATENT LEATH?» '•" FOR BOOTS, |5g\\N TEMTS,FlACSjrfc AND CAMPING oa Macnair's, *«**w«if W.ltyerj^eBquiryohe»iWlTi ' IBTB OTT^ MANUFAOTUBERS AND MILLEB8 WILL SAVE MOSEY HgCoU's Lardine M'Xiy It oaoe aad yoa wUI nee no olher.^n Wa an tha Sala â- waafhctarera af the Ceaalae laidisi, M-Also Cylinder, Baslne, Wool and Harnen oiUil McCOLL gROS. C 0.. TRT OUR CANADIAN COdLL OIL. "SUNLIGHT" BRAND,! IN THB MARKIT. NEW HARRIS AND MAMi STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FUSNAi f fe^ 'â- â- ^^*!?. o ^^5s *4 ^^ s^^s;^= gi 1 r ' » •4. j]ifj'ts=^?| a JJJV.^^;» 1 C •0 ^f* a3^3-*'Ji 1% ^(/.t '§â€"^:!=frV n m e 1 Im •1 1 'inii t sS| 1' ^^j^.T0 ==^^^^1 ':.([ -- Am Maat â- Oeettva. Claaa. narahle'and â- eonemleal Heaters la tha â- ^^1 aad yantUatlac Ohurohas. Schools, Public BnUdhigs, Stores and Pilvate BaddtniM. " 1 Hon aad aaally vanaKad. oapable of glvhig more beat with lets oonnDiplloa of hwl Iku W_J qntaiatoa. ST Akeatately «aa Ttsht.'Va Kla^t sixes "Harris" aad ftaribei an mada aad eaa ba est althar b Bilift or PorUbla loim. Oorrespondaaoa loUollA^n' Inrther mloiaialloB addfaas ni 1. 1 G. mm n. (Uiiw iW THE ORIGINAL WOOD COd o o •S f I .s SI •« HAS Tlie I^ongefiit ana Best â-  .A.Xft€3l-ZI IS V aa« Swinip and Drop m««'h Oven Pf ' a, Perfect -Brâ€" *. ca..p«M .to. ei«, SH». «„ .;^^"F.r MiT. w'«« *•** THE E. C. QURNEY CO lOBONl N

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