T ii 05. 122-1 l. 6.-N0. cnmiBtsnceB, Low's SDLPHiTR boAp BhoaM be found witi â- every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. Owing to yesterday lieing a hbUiday ^e are a half-day late ptiblisfaiiig. Catabbh Cokb. hcftlth.and sweet breath â- secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price Kn».„*„ Nasal Injector free. For sale by A 1 pades, -with my own name on. limprs; also WaltLam, Elgin and jela Watches. Swiss, full-jewelled. jfthThoraas Clocks, Silverware, and lods, i'l full lines Lazarus Pebble [arse stock. No misrepresentation. (ioJ. Goods and work fully war- \\\. A. Brown, Lllable Jeirellcr.lTIarkdale. Wsflij Other Items. fccES in tlie^e CdUimna itit'ended to benefit ^rniiud iir Soch'tij tcill be charged ten \i]m for the umt insertion and Jive iiliuench ^ub^ctjuent insertion. [tforest bad a water dearth last pEatisfactory meal â€" A domestic for Hides at the Markdale cen. iombsrj people can hear a violin ;in Meaford by telephone. UllO.OOO to loan at low rates of in- Apply to Wm. Jackson, Mark- hwC. P. Pi. statioH is bemg it It Harrison, to be completed this leople say dark- haired women first. We differ; it's the light- cnes. F McLeod is opening this week tal stock of Fall and Winter Be sure and see them. "sLacky of Berkeley has been ^liig large quantities of hardwood f to Toronto aud the States. •«»iIlBell the balance of our fine Iff Harvest Shoes at cost for »«5h. W. McLeod, Markdale. prizes amounting to oyer p liundred dollars, have been y tbe North bimcoe Industrial â- irtjon to be held in Stayner. J Sons' woollen factory in Dur- .â„¢^ly escaped being burned ^^^: It 13 supposed there were les m the wool, which took fire. Bd comparison.â€" "Aw, how uke my muthtath Mith ^^ispedadandy to a merry ««.«!"'"l"' It looks like the "^tiebackofacaterpiller." ' ^ce* to Owen Sound, will be 't have her Markdale friends "«^aBtonierscallonher in herj C! ?P^f^*^ Molson's Bank, " street, when thej visit town. J^onbledwith Pimples, Blotches. "^^Zlt'r^ °' ^°'1« of any discrip. »♦"â- ^e McGregor Parke's Carbolic f *ooS?J!!r5f«ki^ in perfect ••nnnti ., ^^^ *lie skin aiul good color. itaj „ " clean ""get the ""â- ^«"2o?S.w;ri?'-^y McGregOtl ""'â- Hatkdale. " flDmero avei rons -ittTPr. ®*®^°* whistles in iiea.o.Sf'ltlietime thus far *e onp r â- "^^ sometunes »'«WeJ""'"" controls -the ^^' so uniform is their 'yo» Cff^!^ ^^'egoc :**k, â- ate for '« for the;; 80r33 of 60 cents, B. It. Stephen, Ihnggist, Markdale. Neilson's saw-mill, which was burned on tbe ilat July, is to be re- built at once. The frame is to be raised this week. Always bkquibedâ€" A good cathartic med- icine. National Pills will not disappoint yon. Scliool Books^ Station- ery, Note Paper Envelopes, a new stock jnstireceived and will be sold at lowest cash prices. A. Turner Co., "Medical Hall." Db. Low's pleabent wobu stbup is a safe and reliable worm remedy fojr all worms afflicting children or adolts. Why does Thos. Williscroft take tbe lead in selling implements Be- cause be is a reliable man, bandies the most reliable Implements and ad- vertises in the Standabd. Fbeauaks wobm fowbebs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults' A MUKDEi: near Bradford is reported in yesterr?ay's dailies, a farmer named Andrew Sloan being killed on Monday flight. Albert Kelly, his hirei man did tbe deed, and is arrested. Fob lame back, side or chesc, use Shiloh's Potons Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by E. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A As THE party is pretty well known who burglarized McFarlaud's boat house, we would advise him to return stolen articles, or he may spend a few years in Kingston penitentiary. Cboup. Whoopino Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For saile by B. L. Stephen, Draggiat,Markdale. A A Whoppeb â€" B. H. Townsend, editor of the' Grty Revtetv, captured, not with bis winning .ways, but with hook and line, a two lb. trout last week. It measured 17 inches long. Ir- is not often an editor of a country paper secures such a "haul." Db, Cabson's Catarrh Cure no cure, no pay. Ask Stephen, yonr druggist, about it. First-class Milk Cow for sale, new- ly calved. Will take half th« price in l^y aud give time for balance; also two grade Heifer Holstein calves. This is a rare opportunity to get into this popular milking strain. Apply to A. Dinsmore, Markdale Book Store. West's Pain King is a pure vegetable com- pound for the certain cure of chills, colds, flux, dysentry, diarihoea, summer complaint, colic, eholera morbus, cholera and cholear infantum. Price 2fi cents. Sold by A. Turn- er A Co. Drogfrist. Mr Henry Meldrum offers a reward of $100 for such iuiormaticn as will lead to the conviction cf the party who set fire to his new dwellmg, which was recently burnt at Eugenia. Artemesia township has a standing reward of $200 which makeb$SOOin aU. SiMSTLKsa Nisan, made miserable by -that terrible cough. ^Shiloh's Cure is the reooiedy fxc 70a For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Tbii(si.b ^cKEUi oS0i a prize "^^ $5 for the spring colUa^^ by (heir imported stallion "6atfi«j[d ' also $10 forMBSlJJj^t five hea^ colts, 8ir»c(]brif anyboid^s ateUien, to be ^yiihi eqaaHy amoDg the successful compe- titors, to hi iown at Glenelg ,|*ftU Show in MM^il^ ' Seoijob's Oo0sh '^and Consnmplion Core Is Iteli^bjLiUKma ;ginniitee. It eoreB Con- tmmpfion. FtojHdertjB.L. SttophUiDrag- Stephen'^^^gist, Markdale; 4 Five hnnl«|4 copies of Olenelg Agtienitaral Society's fall show prize list bave been printed aud are this week bei^k^tributed by the Secre- tary. TIm grizes^ be awMded hav« been mateiiail^ioereased over former years, and .flifr neciai pr^es |moi^t. to ao6aÂ¥ $oG. Each niember is en- titled t^ a^^ieitaiini 11^; otberMto Be 3 Paik% very best 5 h^ali. '":L^/P^r,*'S±- Wsfc'efl, and euni^ ^^(ft Vwl '^^"ts per box any kind it is pccicnre Mie from the socretary, Wm. dak. HAcnaeCoooB wa be so qoidcfy ftfleli't/Owe. *^ giMrtntee' " ^^: Bri^/of Barrhead Hills, is doing, ^m extensive, trade ^i)i idmbe^ tiiis season. .^Hoiis now filling an '6r9«^^ 800,000 feet hemlodE,.lbr Messrs. J. B. McKay ft Go.of Tonhto for an elevator on the 0. P. B. and which he vvill soon haye coiiipleted. •Ho has also madfl other sbipipents to outside points. We beopeaik -for him that success which his pfash and enterprise deserves. ' Wnx Tou SnFRs with DyqpoiMia snd Livar Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizar ia goanoteed to cure yon. For sale by B. L. Stegilien, Droggist. Markdale. A Pbtb Mxtnshaw, of the Flesherton Hotel, has purchased a new bns which is a great improvement, and which is used fpr his passengers, express isail traffic between, tl|a^. Tillage and the station. Fete is always to the fore in looking after the comforts of the travelling public, who can now • rely on increased attention. All express per Dominion line will, be carefully looked after and delivered both ways. ShUiOh'r YnAUzEB is what yon need iat Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price $1 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A The Shelbume lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen will give their fourth annual excursion, to Owen Sound and via boat to Meaford and return next Thursday, 26th. This lodge have been immensely sncoessfal in their past excursions, and promise this time to eclipse all former ones. The train is billed for Markdale sta- tion at 8:15 a. m. Fare for round trip $1.25; children half price. For further particulars see adv. in another column. Thi« promises to be a big affair. We are constiintly in receipt of the most flattering testimonials in reference to West's World Wonder or family Liniment. This re- medy has n o equal in th e cure of Rheumatism A few bottles will cure the most aggravated case. It is also invaluable for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds and all complaints required external application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co., Druggists^ Markdale. Aug. The Lecture by Rev. T. Woolsey on Tuesday evening last was both interesting and instructive. He gave a thrilling account of his missionary work, (having been in that capacity nine years in the North- West com- mencing in 1854) together with vivid and amusing narratives of banting, fishing, fowling, and occasionaly al- most starving. Bev. Mr. Woolsey has been a missionary among the Indians for 28 years, so that he is qtute famil- iar witib their language as well as cus- toms. He is now superanuated and resides in Toronto. A Damobbous GortDTstas One of the dangerous conditions is a neglect- ful complaint. When you suffer from weary aching back, weakness and other, minary, troubles* appfyto the baek a BnrdoekPoians Plaster, and take Burdoek Blood Bitteis, the best system reg^tor knoim for the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. The garden party, given by the West back line, at tiie residence of Mir. Edward BaiJedge last Wednesday eyecing, 11th, was a vary entoyable aflair. The night was delightful, be* ing clear and warm. The beautiful spacious grounds were handsomely lit up by the fttll moon which threw the smaller lights quite ih ih«r: shade. Markdale wfil's largely represented, as is'alwi^s the case in the country giUierijogs as well as in town. Every 0^ ajirpeared to thorongUy enjoy ihemsejves by swinging on the merry- go-round and other ammemenfs. Pro- ceeda $20.75. • Personals. .â- Tj^' Bev. J. J. Morion of Birtle, Mad. and formerly of tfi^ place: paid lUdkddfe a visit recently. Mrs. MoMnrohy of Owen Sound has been spending a few JllffB*ynA tier BM^bar. Mrs. ^ophan^ J' f Hiss Jmnie Lyons MTara is visit, her paroits in MarkdaU. ^Misk Tame iMittmfvii Ifiv W lairay of .^misfiljiaye bean sfoidiiie a law weeks in this vkmufy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilaon of Traoaio at* the gndst* bfHi^. T. Bm. ifr. and lln. Jh, Mfm|l af Lmriz. tost, bavt b|ai tpea^igfl^ieir waeki' 1Mb friends in this vieimfy. Mr. A. HiU ja absent frond te%m6ii ' a trip fiist, brother. |rom lairk- dale, is ncianagmg the tailoring is .bis absence. â€" [Orangeville Advertiser. The Owen Soonn ddvertiser't, Chats- worth cor.-8ays"A dade struck Camp- bell's Hotel last Monday and bad- dinner. It eame from- the dsaotien of Durham and excited eon8idettUle cariosity Ibra while. It was on foot, but had evidently started from some- where on a b^eyclQ and lost it.' Ikdians.â€" ^Aingng "the pssengers by tiie A.thaha8ca on Monday morning were three IudiaBs.'irb«n:.the Nortb- West, whftm i^e Bev. Geo. MoDougal who acdompanied them,' is taking throngl) Cb €H^t#a' to interview th« Government there in regard to the^ grievances. They were rather an in- telligent locking lot, and attracted considerable attraction frmn the crowd on the dQck. â€" fO. S. Advertiser. A Big Blaze.â€" On Sunday the 8th inst., the baai and outbuildings of Mr. BobertBingland, lots 20 and 21. con. 9, Proton, tcgether with their contents which consisted of three calves, the season's hay, and his Harming imple- ments were destroyed by fire. The fire was communicated to the bailding from bush fiires which was raging in that vicinity. We learn that there is no msurance.â€" [Dundalk Herald. Chatsworth correspondent to the O.S Advertiser say's "Beports had been in circulation that the drowning of young Norton at Walter's Falls on the 12th of July was not entirely due to accid- ent â€" that in fact there had been some- thing like intention on the part of at least one of those who were in his company in the boat that day. Mr. Wm. Norton, father of deceased, wishing to have the matter investigat- ed, asked Mr. McGill J. P., of this village, to take the evidence of the parties interested. Mr. McGill and Mr. Simpson went oatlast week and arrested one of theyenng|men whose nanie were prominently conneotied "with the accident. Evidence was heard, but nothing was proved to just- ify intentional fotd play on the part of the yonngmen, although the magis- trate tiiooght there was yery great carelesness." McGBBGOB b PABKE'S ^CABBOLIC CEBATE. Have-yon an old Sore, Cut, Bum, Bnuse, Com,Bamon, SaltBheum, Pimples, Blotches, Bough Hands or Face? If so, there is but one cure, namely, McO^regor Parke's Car- boUc Cerate. If yon but try it, it will con- vince you. It costs 2ae. at B. L. Stephen's Dmg St(»e. Markdale. 2 ToBONTO Industbial Faib. â€" The snceesb which has attended the In- dustrial Fair in the past, appears likely to be eclipsed by the success of he'onefor the resent year, which opens at Toronto on the 6th of Sept. next. Already th* spac^ in all tbe large boildini^isi nearly taken np, and Uie character iOMlnovdty of tbe exhibits will be far ahjikd of thoscf of pretious years, 'the latest improvimeiite in farming in^lemcMuts, machinery, f^nd aU binds Mf manufoctnres, will be found thefe, and the nnmb^pf entries ensure a magnificent displt^. in Ibis respect. bm-sprnQ wdl .npt^ fe'4- miins to particnlarize, bui-aai «xeeU- ent programme of sjtecial attraWtibns has bee)) jarovided. and the repnti^qii of the Toronto ^ipw in Jtbis. resp^- jastifi9S]a8 la sa^a^ that «i»ey will of an inter^ting and novel character. Cheap' fex^^sfens and reduced " f ^es will ba^viikoii all tbe. rulwaya.^ A large winAerot oaavent^oas and oUer^ I attractions will bergiong^onrin^tkepify a|^ tbe |uue of the Fan;,-and tthy^ of oui; nadees poqtotiipli^^; ,ta)^' 'i^' 10- day, wUl imA luiiv« a joietlflr ^ipt^c^ity of spending ifwith pleastee aadipn^t ^tbto ^lytajmig atrip'tQtho Toronto; ^Ipnstrllt'Fiur.' /..^ritries'fh; ;a|l!r4|;^-' artments nJo^on,t^«8id^ il)6t. -J^fjr prize list aa$l all Mrti-2alars- drop a Kto^k^ *^"'^^* ^^"""y' " .â- "w..tr*.?.siiJJ_i.i.â€" £i;"' a -;'â- ' ..^8AftTJHg^lM^MI« ,.,, 4 meOimat k Farke'a Cu^ofie CmiJm Jm^ Mwkdale. '4 â€"ANDâ€" RED HOT o o PRICES ©9 AllthisMontiL â€"ATâ€" • *•: I am not going to bore you one bit, all I want you to do is to come in and see how much money I can save you. â- 750 yards LACE half price. 2,000 dozen Ivory Buttons, 5 cents,, worth from 10 to 20 cents. A few more of those Ladies fashion- able Hats left, at half price. 160 pairs Josephene's best Eld' Gloves, in light and dark colors, per- fect goods, 50 cents, sold everywhere at $1.25. 60 Youths handsome Suits, $6.50, old price $7.50. 27 Mens' all wool JTweed Suits, well made and perfect fitting, about balT price. 75 Mens' price. and Boy's Vests, half A good White Sbirt, aUBizes,^50 cents. 82 ends Summer Dress Goods, love- ly goods, at absurdly low prices. See tA«M, see ilunn. About 100 ends of Embroideries,, .lesorted lengths, being slaughtered. ' Pink, Blue, Oream and Wbtte ICndia- Mti^lin 22j'cenf^,- did price Sb- cents. .i.-; v; â- -.:•;./ ':.. :- /•- :JU* Go!pretl§atuia,ha|fptlp^^ •; 48 «nds Colored Silk Podc^t^and^ kercbieis, bnlj 2!6.c6»t8. ' ' '"?*•» Gents' LiBgn4J»tor^Xae'nts.,. 6a«eat8 np^ aapQrt9d,4ii^'a.« U.Ui4ii: 'â- .1 WO Jiirt Sbtied :9bt$^ ^-h^,- WW. dL_„. t-5i SI il ISO r V I â- 5 " â- J I 4 I V-^ iHHii " -•-â- 'â- " 'liii'ilillmiifiiitiii