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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1886, p. 6

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 H 1 i Ml 1 i,:;i 1 I m HfiSBKH KI CSBJiT V*wla prate, M wdl m Med. gwtd pore, ««ld water, ecpeoiaUy in w*nB, nltry matiier. YeoBg flhiffkept Buy be •llowed the ran flithe gurden, the mether befaig coeped, ud Mb* h»Teothey nuke uneag inieeti le ui ex- «elleot thing. Influunfttlen ef the egg ercuu ia gener-. •lly o»naed by evetfeedtng. Ekttng the •eeda ef grapea, er irrain affected wltn erget, la amid te prednoe thla ingammatlen. Symp- tenu the hen gelng into the neat without laying j having a atraddling gait; laying alwUcaa tggt arraping egg* frem the perch •r elaewhere. Treatment: ene grain ef flalemel and ene-tweifth of a grain of tartar MMtio, given in oat or barley meaL It aaooaaary, a aeoond doao may be given. Wlian a dealer wiahea to add a knoolc- down argoment te all he haa aald about the aguHrita ot the breed of fewla he haa for aale, bo urgee tiiat their fleah la of extra qaality, Now there ia no breed ef fowla under the ann, the chiokena of which, if well fed all their Uvea, will not be tender, juicy and tootluome if Idlled befoie they ate tao eld. And there ia no breed that will bo plump, tender and fit for the table unleaa fed thua. Mind, we do not aay that there la no dlfiar- •BOO at all in breeda, but we aay, that of tlio two thmga, the breed and feeding, the latter ia moat Important. The white of an egg haa proved to be the moat (ffioaoioaa remedy for Irama. Seven er eight aucoeaaive appUcatlena of thla aub- atance will aoothe the pain and efisctually exclude the bum from the air. Ihla aimple remedy aeema preferable to oollodien, or •ven cotton. Estraordlnary atorlea are told of the healing piepertiea ef a new oil, which ia eaaily made from the yolka ef bona' egga. The egga are firat Soiled itard, and the yolka are then removed, otuahed and placed over a fire, where they are carefully atirred until the whole aubatance ia juat on the point of oatohing fire, when the oil aeparatea and may be poured cfi. One yelk will yield nearly two teaapeonfnla ef eil. It la in gen- eral nae in Soutta Buaaia aa a meana of curing outa, bruiaea and acratchea. I think the lime-dnat treatment the beat of all curea fer gapea in chiokena. It ia cheap, aimple ana effective. I put a whole broea of chiokena in a peck meaaure with a bag over the top. A barrel partly filled with air-alaked lime, aa dry aa powder, waa turned on ita aide and the lime waa stirred with a atick until the whole barrel waa filled with lime fieating in the air. The ohickena were put in thla, with the bag over the mouth of the barrel. They were put into the duat three timea, not more than a min- nte each time. They aheuld be kept in the meaaure all the time. We let one breed atay in too long and loat five out of aeven. The windpipea of the dead ohickena were found mote than halt filled with gape werma, which made it more difficult ter them to breathe. My little sen, aeven yeara old, treata hia chickena in thia way aucceatfnlly. The limp can oe tlaked with water and then allowed te dry le aa te powder. A lot ef lime thua prepared wili laat fer yeaia fei thla pnrpcae. Timely Snggestionn. G. J. Kramer, Cape May C3unty, New Jeraey, haa been very aucceaafnl in breaking a cow ef the habit of aucking heraelf by painting the teata with mucilage and then dnating them with pure oapaicum (red pep- per). It will net aicken the cow, but ahe will be entirely aatufied with ene taate of thoae teata. At thia aeaaen ef the year pruning defen- alve hedges, aa, for inatance, .eaage orange, and heney locust, ia a measure of economy. The immature shoeta are new eaaily out, and the work may m conacqnenoe faie per- fermed in at leaat half the time required when the weed ia fully ripened. Summer pruning haa a tendency te weaken growth, which la much te be desired in a full- grown hedge. The aeoend crop ef young ahoota are amaller and more numereua, thua very materially adding to theoempactneaa ef the •otalla «« the Cannibal Cewatr* The fall aaoooBt el tha Taftqall pm^ GoorgtaL oonnltaal affair ia aafoUom A nw daya a^ aon» ef tfaa oolond poopleintho loWer iwlo the oooaty had apUni^^Thay liad engaged aa oook and ovoiaoor of the culinary dopartoent an old negro womsA. Great preparatldiu had beenmodo for tho feetivltiea,andtlieraportran l^h. It waa a hungry band that gatherod for dinner nnd awaited tho aummona. It waa aervea at laat, and the merry-makera fall to with a wilL Hardly had the edlUea begun to dto- appear when â-² STBAKOa HUSH fell upm the b^toroua group. Oao had been aerved with a piece ef meat that olnng to a amaU jefaited bane. It did net look like anythug lie liad ever aeon oemo fr«m a frying-pan lieforo, and ha ahowed It to hia neighbor. The other looked at It attentf ve- lyfor a moment 'It la the finger of a oliUd," he aald There waa a aenaatlon whloh qnl^y aproad into a panio. A haaty ex amin a t ion of other platea ware made MOBI riKOIBS WIBB tOVSV, and pieoea of moat that were evidently hu- man fleah were hold upon forka and gazsd at by tto new thoroughly excited negreea. They gaa^d at each other in a frightened way, and then there waa a aimnltanooas break fer tho oabin, in whloh the oook had prepared the meaL She met them at the door, brandlahing a large knife. A wild lightâ€" like that h a maniac â€" gleamed from her eyea. The crowd pauaed aa the knife waa fleurlahod over their heada, all but one, a woman, who ruahed forward with a alirtek, "My child; what have you done with my child ' There waa no anawer from the eld cook. • I left it here in her charge," cried ttie excited mother, appealing to tho frlenda about her. « WHBBI IS HT CHILD I She haa killed it" Withfiendlah yallathe duaky army, fired by ber agonizing orlea, bore down upon the cook and in aplte ef her frantic strugglea tore the knife from her grisp. ETldencea of the murder were about them, there waa blood en the floor and the table waa smeared with it. The living child waa not here to be aeon, but in ita place waa a portion ot a little human bed/ whloh had been TAKBN FBOH THE OVBN. Fleoea of fleah had been carved from It, The excitement among tho aearchera waa ef the wildcat kind. They tore everything te pieoea In the oabin In their fury. It waa plain enough tliat the old woman had mur- dered the child there, and then cooked half of the body. Where was the ether half There were dropa of bleed aoreaa the floor. Someone, lest excited than the rest, followed the tell-tale trail. It led to a barrel joat optside and behind the shanty. A about informed hb oompanlena that the miasing pertShi had been found. They ruahed out te find him pulling it from the barrel, where it HAD BBBK 8AI.XBD DOWN. Then there waa a general cry for ACkatltnble jgenraUttlel •imoat before tho .,,- -f thk waa ^Mamved on Baaver rwiv- r^£.*Sl3irNSKweat weU «p ta wot* DrenieotiBg. hmiting. and taking ttlnga GS'oabto whloh hid b^^b-a**?*^: time before 'â€"- *»"â-  ««" for Jaly weather, irhioli S3lS£rindfVSii'"braMh^ out »d F/om thla oen Heraea hard at work in warm weather need water fiequently. If a handful ef oat- meal Is thrown in a pailful ef water, and ene or two awallewa given two er three times between morning and neon, er neen and night, it will stimulate them to renewed ex- •rtiena and keep them freah all day. This aert ef atimulatlon has no bad after effecta, aa doea that wliich men often take in the barveat field. The work ef hatveating with Mlf-binden la nowaa aevero for teamaaa ontting grain waa in the old timet fer men when dene by hand-labor, and It ia a time when grain feed for heraea haa been moatly need up. With the labor thua thrown on the teama they need proportionate good oara. We would repeat our advice to farmera not te sleep in the same nndergarmenta worn duting the day. It ia mere tlian worth tiie trouble to take off tho snderahirt aa aoen aa the day'a labor ia finished, rub the body thereughly with a harah towel, and put on underolothea whloh are perfectly dry. One ef the meat aucceaafnl dairymen wo knew keepa 100 oowi. Ho feeda hia cattle on corn fodder, ont when In bleaaom, bound and Bot up until cored, or until winter, when it ia removed to the Inum. He geta aeven tone of thia dry fodder to the aoro and daima It la aa good aa tho Mat of hay. Wheat oondnnea te be plenty and oheap. Lot na repeat that every farmer haa a good homo market In Ua ohiweii yard. Tliere b no better and no cheaper food fer growing ohiokena er laying bona than your $1 wheat Inm it into egga and chiokena and got fZ a • buahol and over every tinia. A Fnteenoe for Lou litbts. •• Oh, bn't it a lovi^ pM^ Addphaat tha Joat faioy how delightlol «bonltf»tB bo in tho Orient I The axon Ua* ak^ SSmaof thoflowora, tlio aelt tinkUng^" ^Iteny«^ Mfcanda dear. Iprcfartha "llvain Alaaka. Tbtfnjm •IghtitlMy eoortiag. Timfn â- â€¢ bog, •ImnMnaOtAdolpiir' ••Yea, far jaakaow." ' ami Six na, who Tnga Ida do- »n- and ^^^0 fmr aoveral daya at a time. We KdnrtreuMo with anything or anybody after we had ooooplad the plajo aeven^ tMmbr eighteen daya, a bad â- ?•"•* *•»«»" nSoon«ddro^aU tho *etoohed p-rtf- inforahelter. Wo were woU heeled In the matter ef fifMurma, and there waa aemothlng like A THOUBABD D0LL4BS IK GOLD unengthealx. For oook wo had an old loldicr who had bean dbohargod from tho reoolar army after long aervloe. ^oo morning. It b^lng fto thtd day of the bad weather, and tho rain itiU^t^lU?!* Joe, oor oook, wont down to tho forka of the Bjavortomeotaoanoowhtoh wo expected op wMi provbiona. Too door of the oabin waa shot, and there waa a bit of fire on tho hearth at which aomo of the men wore moulding ImUotr, and over which a kettle of porkand baaaa waa boiling. Two of the gang were playing cards, and a third waa nading, while I waa examfaiing some miner- al apeoimena. In thb atato of affdrs the door softly opened, and b walked a young man about 23 yeara of ago. H^waaameoth- faoed, red-ohoeked, and had aaoh a amilo en hbphiz tiiat tho eight irf hfan woold have aet anyone to grinning. He looked frem one to the etiier, aa If to make anre that all weropreaent, and then atepped baok and opened tho doer and called. "Gome In, William, they are at heme." A abort, atout, uKly-teoad man of forty puahed hu way in, abut the door, and atool with hb baok to it. That ho waa a hard pill no one could doubt after looking into hb face that he meant buainesi waa apparent from hb having a revolver in either hand. Had SOME ONS TBLLED " INDIASTS I think the aix ef us, each with a revolver ready to ahoot, would liavo been ont doora in twenty aeoonda. Here wo all aat aa dumb aa oystera and aa helpbaa aa anaila, fer we realizad that it waa a "atand up." " New, gonta." aidd tho young man ahow- Ing hb white teeth aa he tmUed, " I want to rabo a few hundred dollara for an orphan aaylum in the Statea. I ahall expect eaoh ene of yon to oentrlbnte. If any gentle- man aheuld ae far forget himaelf aa to pull hb gun, my friend William, who ahoota both-handed, will promptly attoud to hb oaae." r It waa only after this little apoech that wo fully oomprehended what waa going on. WilUam kspt every man of na nnder hia eye, with ilia two pbtola ready for aervloe, and wo were ooyed. I know that the average man wlU feel oentempt for na and aaaert geance, and the ven- frensled ahenta rang through the tr»ea. Some auflrgeated lynch- faig, but there waa no rope. Othera wanted to hack her in pieoea with the aame knife that took the life of tho little chfld. StiU another cried ' bum her," and the cry waa taken up and repeated until all the excited crowd were crying ' bum her, bum her." She llught llkea wild beaat. She crouched, ahe atraggled, ahe naed hor teeth and lianda. But her captera were too many to oepe with aucoeaafully, and ahe waa led out to the alaoghter kicking and shrieking. They dragged her to a tree and BOUND HEB TIOHTLT TO IT. Then they heaped broah around her, and fired itin adczen placea. A circle effiro anrrounded her, and f/om the midat of It ahe begged fer mercy one moment and ahrieked her Impreoationa the next and around her the excited negreea watcliing the flamea aa they asorohed her fleah and aeiaed upon her clothing and enveloped her in a sheet of fire. It waa a aoeno too terrible te paint, but net ene ef them took their eyea frem her until ahe fell into the aahei a blackened corpae. The woman waa undoubtedly insane. Social Impoitanoe of the Fireside. The fireside b a aeminary ef infinite Im- portance, It ia important beoauao it b oni- veraal, and iMoauae ttie edocatlen It beetowa, being woven in with tlw wool ef ohildhood, ilvea form and color to tlu whole texture of le. There are few who oan receive the benenra ef a college, but all are gradnatea ef the hearth. The learning ef the nnivar- aity nuy fade from tho roooUeotlen, Ita daa- ric lore may moulder In the halb ef memory i but tho simple leaaona of heme, enamellad npon the heart of ohildhood, de^ tho rnit ef year, and outline the more mature but leaa vivid piotue of after yeaia So deep, ao laating, indeed are the Impreaaiena of early life, that yea often see a man In tho ImbeoIUty of ago holding freah in hb reoel- Icctlen thoeventa of onfldhood, whOe all tho wide apace lietwaon tliat and tiie pro aent hour u a blaotod and forgotten waate. Yon liave, peroiianoe, aeon an old and ludf- obUterated portrait and In the attempt to have It cl e M Bod and reatored yon may have aeon it fade away, wldlo a brighter and more porfoot piotnro, palntod beneath, b revealod to viow. ^Ilua portrait firat dmwn upon the oanvaa uno Ini^ lUoatratleQ of youth and though It may Im oenoealed by aomo aftar-deaign, otiU Iho oi^glnal tnte wUl ahlno tiuroagh tho outward piotore giving it tone while freah, and anrviving It In dooay. Sooh b tho arerido^-tto grant InaUtBtlon of Provideiioe for tiM odocraoB of nan. to have "SiimaBe Fett^tr Tho following Inaident b o c e ur r o d at a l aas at volantee On a miaty night a aeatinol walkad'lua li lotted aombor ri paooawHh martial otona, all an eoMdoaa of danger. Bnta olaaldS tread otiikoa on hb ear. Ho atona ahortta hb oaaroli, bringa Ua rifle to tho ohaigo, oiad to a atamToioa demaada^** Who gaia ttanr Prom oat On gloom aeoiaa a ohiill. ealB T olea Dinaabofeart oodgar t fa jbt â- â€¢ 1" aa aa old wonum, wllhaVa- kotoTor hor arm, eeafrealBtba WHtriOK, 1008 ITuhm. Oloaio b a mlghtjr n*^ ^.â- ,,., aobolara, and temoaAato been writtoa for SdVgatoat«*OIo«i«iaBtam.*'but tho era- tor-a fame reaohehHkfuUert bleaaom when SdemEiropo,fonowIn!j|theItollana, crib a guide a^'otooroBO." C«iar fa one of the pAudeot nameaof »Il »»«'*«^'y* "'*»• » £unoltahIgheat glorification ta reached In tho prweat day lAen It aervea aa the tlUe ef the Eaiporora of Qormany, Anatria and Biseia, and aa tho Oriental doalgnation of our Q leen and Bmpreaa of India. Bio name ef tho old B^man patriot Cincinnatna la new beat known as tho name of the dty which b the g'oat pork emporium ef the United Stataa "Tno oorao o! Cromwell on yen 1" In the moutha of ignorant Monater poaaanta keopa alive In rometo hamleta a name which now llBgsra aa a mere phraae with Ita '^e*atery goai ib^»t tbe Pake of Welling- ton enoo "oha£bd" Lord Brougham aa a man who at one Umo bade fair to ge down ta poatarity aa a famona reformer of the lawa and enUghtoament of tho peopb, bnt who, after all would owe hb renown to the name of tho Toldole which had beoa ohrbtoned after him. Lard Brougham re- torted by aaying to tho Dako that hb name, whloh prombod to deaoond to alter timea aa the hero ef a hondrod battloa and the liber- ator ef Eorepe, waa to aurvlvo aa the doalg- nation of a kind of booto. Sir Ribert P«ora name b aimilarly embalmed In " bobby " and " peeler." Not a few namea, asaeoiated with the progreaa of goegraphloal dboovery aredeetined to Immortality In tho onrrent apeech of the world, while tho inattnotod claases alone appreciate the hbterical refer- ence in each oaae. Tho groat American con- tinent in thb way haa known Ita name from Amerigo Vespnoo! the namea Magellan, Hiom and Cook will live In plaoe-namea when tho record ef their diaooveriea ia known only to profound antiqnariea; and Baffin, Djkvis and Huiaon, and many othera, will In all probability prove .verbally eternal. Alexander the Great fa "boat remembered through tho towna founded in hb name, and Conatantinopio and Adrlanople eohe the names of emperora well-known only to the learned. Pennsylvania seonroly enahriaea the name of William Penn, Maryland b a perpetual monument to Queen Mary and Virginia entomba Raleigh a oompUmenta to the " Maiden Qaeon," her dator. MaohbvelUam and Ohanvinism are rapid- ly acquiring a meaning oelered by no per- sonal reference and peculiar views in the- ology and philosophy have elevated particu- lar namea to the rank of household words, and cauaed thorn to be apoken of by hnn- drada who have neither intereat in hor know- ledge of their blegraphHo. Braatni, Irving, Siredeubng, Glaaa, not to aay Calvin and Lather, may be reckoned in auch a category. Plato. Pyrrhe and MUthna ewe their faml- Uar fame mora to one apodal for which a name had te be coined frem their own than to the general weight of their intellectual significance. The name ef St. Phllibert b best known, -both te the religious and irre- ligious, as the name of the nuta which are THB that he would have done thb er that had he Vgappaaed te be ripe en the 22 ad day ot An been ene of the six, but he U misteken, Under like oironmstances, unleaa he waa a fool, he would have tamely cubmicted. That red-ohaeked boy, aa we were net long in concluding, waa a read agent named Col. L3e, and the man William had joatly earned THB NAME OF " BLOODY BILL." Only aix montha before they had held up the MaripMa atage, in which one of oor number was a piaaenger. •• Came, genta, time b money with us," aald the Colonel aa wo lat ataring at him. ' Hero'a my ,ow, who ohipa In the firat bun- drodf Ho held It toward me, and I dropped In four twentba, which waa all I had. The next man came down with f 200 the next with $150. and by the time the laat had con- tributed the Calenel had $800 in hia cap In tranafering it te hb pocket he counted the money, and aa he put his cap on his head he add " Thb will go a good way toward making the little orphana happy. I don't want any- thing elae, gentlemen, and wa wiU now toke our leave. I would ad^ae yon not te fol- low, though ef courae you can act your own pleasure. I iriah you good memfaig." The two backed out and ahut the doer, whbhawnag out inatead ef in. Sjaroely had It cleaed before we made a roah, but they were atill too smart fer ua. They had braood a log agalijiat It, ani there waa oaly one window In tlio houae. Bdore anyone had volunteered te crawl out of that the two fellewa had made good their oaoapo. In going away they met our cook on ub way baok, and the Colonel handed him a flsak of whiakoy and asked him to preaent It to oa wMi Ida oemplimenta. We took the traD and puraned It for aevcrd honra, but wo had aoen the bat of them. h, »f(i HBAH COHPITRIM. aure resort. Frem the ton* J ir I finger Ottawa sprang b, 2,1*^ • gllng hamlet to »52dStS,»»« than 30.000 sanl.. ""• *l «f i gust, the day sacred te him. Highland sna- ceptibilttlea may be tender, but scaroely any ane will deny that the name ef the clan Macadam-â€" presumably the oldest of even Highland familieaâ€" haa moat imperial aigni- fioance from one of ita membera' improve- menta in roadmaking aa alao that of the olan MMlnteah, frem the waterproob " of thatilk." Present Need. Mire gentleneaa, niore sympathy, more conaideratien, mire knowledge of charac- ter, mere real reapoot for one another, are needed ha all the rdatlena of life. Some- thing of the old chivalry noeda ta be reviv- ed. Lst there be more deference ef hna* band te wife, ef brother te outer, ef parent te child, and hemes will become mere bleaa- ed. Lst there be mere deference of em- pleyera to employed,, ef wealth to poverty, and many aookl problema will be a^ttled. Let tho atrong defer to the weak, tho healthy to the aiok, the wiae to the unlearn- ed, the akilful to the untkilf ul, the righto- oua to the erring, and the roota of equity will be atrengthened, and the rich frulta of human lave and happlneaa will abound. A hort Ontfic When Ethalinda DeWlgga vidted bar cousina in the country laat week, one of them add â€" " L'nda, don't yon want to he^ mo pick peaa this morning I" ••I'd like to. doui" repUed EthaUnda, " bnt I am notproperiy divaaod for ploUng peaa." •* Why, how b that T" " I forgot to bring apea-jaokot with me.' Aoomspendeatefrt' ttua describes ft, *»W The years can »,' '«»2' fingers of twrufe^? thedaywhsnanJ*J»t dons in North AaJi^^i.^, the Inspection of B»u** W ' and Ireland and vT •' (li august lady »•«! o! a capital- fot 111^? ' ».^. Mindful ef the mi^l»f,^' ousiesofthegrsaniTiSi realmâ€" MontoW t!^** 4a Q.ebeo-.he^'p^'J«t«.SL onthemapthS^^SiJdS- oompromUo bet^esTS ,** ' ^1 was the junction of tg^KmT ^^»«» U thersj^f ^;;XheUttlehaniUt,Bn,^J do'.;i3l*^'-«"«P^^a, So spoken so dona. B^ta^ who mocked the renl i^T"**! removed from thoTentlrirf' ^i a howling wUdemess «d!l 'f** Impeded navigation. Bit.!,I**« no.future ButtimsC'*^^ dom •« Viotoria's chotoT B«:ri Ottawa, has grown to o7\JT* S portan^ but a very ba.y 2 1',*! fie ^f*!""** "'•'J" aits fio. It posseaees an uasnSTi^ location, andU fart beoomlj? ' sure r-nrt P""n the towgi^" ngbym»glci than 39,000 senlt. At first sight the cspiteUf ft, ated Canadas hu a deoidrftl make a person tired. ThetlcbTd Canadbn Paclfij depot u t^Z,* some. Ithasalltbe»ppe»rla^J' woods lumber town. Tlie hjWil reugbly knocked together ud dZd .. different pigments. The oitv mbTL after twe blecki of thii, in i rim?! bluff. Bnt It is after the uottS that tho city proper bre»ki upon th* ver, a thing ef exseeding bwotr, K. it b, there b no prettier CiuiUu may be said that the itreeti tn u too narrow, and that there ii tN I an attempt to architectuallv 1 stufiy little bnildbgi. The Parliament bnildlngi ituiuj Imposing blcff en the tenth buk tittig tawa River. Te looatlen ii tdobihh 1 oemmanding. They front en Wil street, one of the otty'i prinoipilt.... fares, and at ttie baok look enttpootliit pause of the ;taw% River frem t te the Caandtere Fiili, Tae tnu ef the bnildicg diffsn frem thit structure in the United Satei of actor. The disign is Miui6othig,i the material need in their onitnictia] oream-ooIoT aud red landiteiM. $3,000,000. and fnrnish a very tli and commodieoa headqaarten l«r the ernment of 5,000,000 of people. Ihe li logs, which inclnde the departmenlilifia occupy three sides ef a tqnue and luj principal street of the oity. Tb( BUa Canal rcns through a leriei e! locki it g side of the grounds. In the prettf eaburb of New Eiblii^ across t le Bideau R 'ver, b the hotu i I Governor Ganeral, RideaaHall,vhd«l Marquis ef Lansdowne adminiitn f government as the viceroy et Vlotork citizens ef Ottawa are very prend tf I ahadewy aemblanoe of royalty. Iheyi prouder etill of what lome were plawl denominate the preoediyig "hIkd" if ki Royal Highneea the Prlcceii L^nla 1 her consort, the Marqnii ef Lane. downe dees net have enongh goTemiiig t do to trouble hie rest at night, SiiJa A. Macdonald relievos hhn of meitoM burthens. He tea very blnebleededn head and that te all, but he oorti C the pleasing stipend of $50.00() pw 1 besides the mafaitonanco of Kldean m. Looking to the northward from oU W racks Hill, the rocky prcmenlety en "« the Pariiamont buildtoge «t««»^,«» ' cresses the broad 0;tawa Kiveijto 1 fringe of settlement on Jke eppww " and then Boans a long vUta ef gw" ii« .Ki and then spans a long almost vb-gtn oonntry •â€"--,.,. o, for many iiles to the f Mt.hiUi ef thoHi of Land. It i. a beautiful landKipfc l»l all Uea in the Provtooe •' Q'l'J*' ^^^1 unbroken wilderness. «»P* '"ru^^l camps of the Upper G^tl^-^fi JXl alond very amall g^W'^irai Communication with ^}^^,i"^J/ti nana is ho BOK HATnrai, FOE OTM WTO^S^Rto SS^'fcl^ " ?2^ "^* " Jfr.-«.; Oh, T«| Ito. 18 *H. hi,^o Pabuam^ Binu»««,r ^Jl and petty aettlemento te J«7 ---.^ jh] m%j\» Uluatrated by the fact that joj J other day a horrible ""^.StooU' Gatineau lumber camp, ^^f^^^n^ nowapapera •benttw'^SpA* Irted In^tawa that the fewpwJJ oxpanae of oeuutry edy W » oniyw£*J onM in five years wj.»^^y Mt »| BoUdtation ef a miUtia oempaoi. from the capital. ^^ I Ottawa haa "O^^Sfto' worth speaking ef. »lS3oiU»«* are devdoping that !»'"» "V^, „d weat Stheoity «7 "Jft^A*; The city, new the -at dBriW.^ .M domain, may ?•* '".Tjeat-* ff of a mighty rival of »« ;SJS«]jf ' ernment en ^„^'^*^ has opened up te heran ei»J« loan ha. opened up te heran «J^. nia ood, gradnj! "«* ^Jf rf O** *ii droady knit the peo^ ^T^^ harmonleua whole. ,WjJ,«b»3j about the p-'U-^^^rsy* dontly expect to «"„J%oSir.l Oj PoUal" laaBtorB. Lady-- Your .tow h-JJ^rfk maadi^««-»^*^ ,^ 0* nawparaBobthrowi«»«y" iadeiihade/^ â€"«»ft^»*'l£^'^- lag tiMMiiga. • I* JfTth* tfs* „Jj;^afdler..Jj2JU*'*^ wa'd better lot loeaw^ lam'nado."

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