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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1886, p. 5

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 ^Wf-j^^t^wr r.-^^'-ag'afc v-^p-^ ^- I ^«vbeid"its first meeting, ll^'^rJanl as moderator, on i^** r in the Presbyterian ** "'ik It i^ compos(»d of fOflf^Jl'formerfy included in ^-•^fof rorcnto, Grelph, H*me nes Barria There were the usual devotinal ,hP roll was called and the ***°^!, with their respective "•;«i-Mes3r3. McFaul, Wil- r Banter. Tait, McClelland. X\ Fowlie, Smith, Armst»ong ..1 w » »«ll. â- "'-^d^Uontine, Rev. A. McFaul ^irltor.liev.H.Crozier, clerk, 'neiunt of routine business "1 Eeports from vacant aud •^^e^atiuu^ were submitted and '""^^a^ual standing committees â-  tjje first mentioned being â€"llevs. Hunter, Wilson, vrali representative elders. =_-KeT3. Fowlie, McFaul, Eevs. Armstrong, .McClelland, Tait, regard James 5li5sions- ' ira;.?. \lL-sion- â- Â£Â«Dgelization r5i2*ntyne and aiders, 0BtiOU-R'^^'^- "'t-BevB. Crozier, McFaul. Wil- TLrtald and elders.- ,Bew Hunter, Craig, Ballantyne, r,gjigion-Ee7s. McFaul, Wilson, -Beva. Giiclirist, Tait, McDonald 1*^; jnd Oirhansâ€" Revs. McLeod, C (iraliam, of rrimrose, and J. C. iCoAetton. • ,ii«cussion took place in tance w be Rrauted to Mr. aiissioiiarv at Corbetton and Kiv- â-  ar, MadiU aud Mr. Peters, elder, [,. eiplanation, the nsed of their Itwasresolyed to apply 8200.00 IDtH M. funds for thtir assistance. Ijjs â„¢nted to Eey. J. A. McDonald Lrakiu a call from Maple Valley tifimvion. Key. Mr. Hunter and Vswtre appointed to give subjects to u^iiiiwundsof Presbyterj-. Presbytery jK hold regular meetings every two L-uext meeting on the second Tues- Jspiember. Itiiiic meeting was held in the evening iimlience chamber. Addresses on s:abject3 of church work were given iioaoffing ordftr by Revs. A. McFaul t:: I. J. McLelland, Shelbume; John jiiJ.W Cameron, Toronto; Mr. Alex- jiMle occupied the chair. The meet- lannuedtilla late hour, and the_ in- siii the proceedings was mantained OTt, •• M â-  A Fortunate Escape iCtinsKiibonie.Beamsyille, Out., had tiif supposed to be cancer on her nose. [ne about to submit to a cancer doctor's mt, wken s!ie coneludeil to try Burdock iBittffs. internally aud externally a liottlti of which entirely curea her. Ihiiior AABtonn Ttoatday •fteroeoQ, m Geoqte "Whittoker w«g w^ng his mtj to shdter fimn th* rain, he was stniekaDd in- BtanOy kffled Ij Uehteniiig. TEe '^i^i'mmhl had been plowing in seetion 11 121-72. for A. Strong. Peroeiving the storm approadiipg he anhaxnensed his tibree horses and prceed- ed to Mr. Crazar's whoe he was boarding. He was within forty yards at the house when the lightening struck him, killed hun in- stantty, also tiie horse he was riding and the other along side. The family of Mr. Grerar witnessed the bolt decend with its fatal re- sults. They immediately proeeeded to where Mr. Whittaker lay, butlife was extinct. The only marks of the deathly messenger was a very slight dislocation on the right side of he neck. The two horses fell at the side of the dficeused. Mr. Whittaker was about twenty-three years of age, and unmarried. He came to Edmunds county in 1885, from l^ankinton. with^his father, Arthur Whittaker and owned a pre-emption on the nw^ 18-121- 72, and a home stead on the ne| 30-121-72. The deceased was a young man of exemplary habits and highfy rospeeted by all who knew him. His death has oast a gloom over the neighborhood in which he resided. Deceas- 1 nCPOBTAiri! HEWSJXEM. Co omuM .â€" Ifa. Oamphwfl liad troobledfBr a mmbtr tf yean wiftladi- gestion and Gansttpatim, amd was iadneadto try MoQiflget's Bpeedj Cars atidioaBd it all that was needad. and would reeoauBflnd its use toaoypenon similariy tnmbied. Tina invahiabls remedy is sold in every part of Canada at 50a. and fl.00 per bottle. Soldat B.L. Stephen's DmgStme. 4 Notieei ef Birtka, Mafnaget, and Deatlu twetntyfiveeettU. BIRTHS. In Markdale, on the 4th inst^, the wife of Mr. James Hairy, of a daufrhter. In Markdale, on the let inst., the wife of William Crawford, of a daughter. In Tecumseth township, on the 6th inst^, the wife of Mr. Jfrank Averell, rf a son. JREAD! Of the Great Stock of PATENT HMGINES! AT By bnjing your Watches, ClOClCSy Jewelry, Spectaoes, Pipes, Ac. -AT- JA a JUfSSELL'S FLESH ERTON. A Beauti'M Stock to Sefect from. DEATHS- In Walter'slFalls, on the 6th inst., the wife ot Mr. David Brown, aged 61 years. MARRIAGES. edwas1xminPerthooanty,Ontario,Canada, I At Waskada, Man, on the^ 14th July, Mr. Feb. 10, 1863. He leaves a father (in Ed munds county) and a mother, brother And sister in his native land. The funeral service weiei conducted by Bev. 0. H. Conway, pastor of the M. E. Church, at the residence of Jiis ftither in 121-72, near where he was buried. The very large attendance at the funeral evinced the high esteem in which the de- ceased was held. â€" [Boscoe Magnet. Marshal Madem to Miss All'e, daughter of Mr. John Bowe, fermerly ci Yandelenr Aitemesia. Have you Toothache Use Fluid Lightning. Have yon Bhumatism Use Fluid Lightning. Havie you a Sti£F Joint Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Nenralfria Use Llnid Lightning. Have yon Lumbago? Use Fluid Ldgbtning. Are yoa troubled with Headache? Use Fluid Lightning. Haye you any Pain? Use Fluid Liehtning. It will cure yon the instant it is applied. Try it, 25c. per bottle at B. L. gephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 1 "YHiat is McGregor's Speedy Cure for It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world to-day. "Does it give satisfaction " We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "Where does it haye the largest sale " Bight in the City of Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there has been over on thousand dollars' worth sold in the last year retail, and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending it io another. For sale at 50c. aud $1.00 per bottle by E. L. Stephen, Druggist. 3 COLEMAN HAMILTON'S Farnitnre and Undertaking Establisbment IS NOW WELL STOCKED. All the leading lines of Frmiture at prices that will astonish you call and see aud be convinced. Also, have now in stock a large variety of Caskets, Coffins and ° Funend Furnishings which will be sold at reasonable rates. A good Hearse in connection. ripV Great Supplement. pitli its Midsumrper Number, our I53U3 conteraporatry, Grip, has ttJa magnificent supplement, in liorm of a lithograph plate, 18x24 pes, a group of Conservative Lead- Cauada. The picture is as fine |»p!]othgraph, and is well worth the hkeneasjand autograph! Iiaccnrate, and the whole picture is [ace striking and pleasing. It is s of the beat things of this kind ever mptedin Canada; and not only I tODserativeB, but those on the Itaside, will like to secure it. The K, togstber with Midsunmer Grip, |w 25 cents, and it will be for- tJed to anyone enclosing that at to the Company at Toronto. tiliis connection we may state that Wceess of the enlargement and mement of Grip (now 16 pages) 'l«d the companj to reduce the sCanada's Comic Weekly to $2. 'subscribers sending $1 (together 'Scents for tube and postage of -will get the paper for the last Jmonths of this year, to Dec. 81, ^We the Mideammer Number aiUfine Supplement Plate thrown PRESBYTEBIAN CHUECH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor Wm. Brown, S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services for August 1, 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. 8th, 7 p.m. 15th, 10.30 and 8. 22nd, 7. 29th, 10.30 and 7. Rev. Jas. Ward, Incum- bent. Sabbath School 2:30. J. W Ford, Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH. S^Wices every Simday at 10:30 a, m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thtursday evening from 8 to 9. Bible class Monday evening from 8 to 9. Rev. Geo. H. Cornish. Pastor W. A. Brown, S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T. Hill. Secretary. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meets eveiy alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, McDongall's block. Yisitirg brethren welcome. Markdale A. 0, U. W. No. 141 meets in their Hall, McDougall's block.every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A visit from brethren of neighboring lodges solicited. MabeoalbL. 0. L. No. 1045 meets in their Hall on Friday on or before full moon each month. Thos. Elliott, Master; IT. J. Blakely, SeoreUuT* Victoria B. B. Freceptoiy, No. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. 0. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W. P^ Thoa. Elliott, Registrar. LOVBLL'S CAZEHEER AND HISTORY â€" OF THE â€" DOMINION OF CANADA, IN NINE TO£.UMf:s, BoyalSvoM To be commenced whenever a sufficient num- ber of subscribers is obtained to cov4 cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75.00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec $12.50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia $11.90, to Manitoba or British Columbia $9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to Northwest TerritorieB f9.S0. Each Froviuce to have a Ifop. FliKASE BEND 70B PBOBPnCTnS. JOHN IiOVEIiIt, Manager and Publisher. Montreal, 4th August, 1886. 309-U STEf JHEJM'S DBUQ STOBE. Ayer's Sarsiqarilla. ' Chetrr Peotoral. " Hair Vigor. " Antibilious Pills Warner's Safe Gore. " fiervine Cure. • Dabetio Gture, » Safe Pills. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. " Catarrh " " System Vitalizer. McGregors Speedy Cure. " Lung Compound. " Carbolic Cerate. Allen's Lung Balsam. Lydia Pinkham's Compound. J' Northrop Lyman's Veg. Cure Cnteenra Resolvent. Dr. Sing's New Discovery. Fellow's Compound Syrup. Sulphur and Iron Bitters. Burdock Blood Bitters. Carson " " Green August Flower. Boschee's German Syrup. And all other Patent Medicines usual- ly kept in a- first- class drug store. /QOOOOOOOO ocooooooo It K a^ laet, as every one says, that RUSSELL is the nan rqmir your Watch or Clock properly. "boo o o o o 00000.0000/ I snys, )to r« \o o GIVE HIM A TBIAL. Every job warranted to give satis- faction. 217-269 JAS. B. RUSSELL. Also a fall line of Toilet Roods, Porfumery. Shoulder Braces, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' sundries. PARIS CR £H Best in the market. I "Stop My Paper" To Consumers Dealers IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's ROYAL PALACE LIOHT Dlummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOIt E. OIL. Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacttirers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. 808-6m N.B.- night. -Medicines dispensed day and R.L. STEPHEN. Markdale CARSON'S Implement Emporium. I beg to announce to the public that I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery. I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Reapers. Mowers. Sulky Rakes. Steam and Horse Power Threshing Machineo. » Grain Drills, Single er Combined. Plows, eight kmds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined i Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Rollers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scnfflers, three kinds. Root Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces. ' Road Scrapers. Wagons. Democrats; Open ft Top Buggies, c., c. Ofltce at Markdale House, 291 809 MARKDALE. TIE GENUINE SMER THOSE IN NEED OF A R EWiNC .:- MACHINE Should be sure and get the ooooooooooosoooo aENUWE NEW YORK SlieER 0000000000000000 rifter you get angry, and make up tjnund to 'stop' your paper to ««ae editor feel humiliated, jhSt J«yonr finger in water then puU it Jtta look for the hole. Then you ^oow how sadly you are nuiaed. ^^ who thinks a paper cannot y without his support, ought to r^ and stay awhde. When he " back he will find out that half lends didn'tlknow he was gone. l^u ^^" care a cent, and JZ t} ^^^ ^ad^' l^ept any iCl fi A.'"°^^^*'^*» whakowr. irjutmd things you cannot ip- Vi«h„ t^ P^P^"" Even the Bible ^« plain and hits some har4 « you were to get mad ud yow Bible, the huiidreds of •« would still go on printing .anaifyou^ere to stop your ^JJ'^*!! the editor all sorts of "ttfi' *^« Pape*- ^11 still C?" ^°d what is more, ifitX.^ '*?°°^ ^d borrow a copy f»ni]dK""M'°°^ yo" neighbor- l^on^^^ore wholesome, QT^drfkioOS « iiif«^ ' °^e' summer â- Â«M»- WOOL! •^nQXlJ WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture, will find it to theur advantage to call at the FLESHERTON WOOLLEN -:- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and having eagaged a staff of eompetent hands, we are now b usy manufacturing goods lumally kept in stock. Any custom work jrfhMid to us will receive prompt and earefol attention, and done at nadHMliBes. IS* DON'T FAIL TO GIVE US A GALL. â- â-  ..^__ -^ May8rd.l88(fe. ^^WTiJt Ifr jni^EWHER: The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is eertamly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 890 Markdale. irfmnssM NEW _BilKERY. I would tespeotfolly intimate to tbe in habitants of Mjffkdale and Borronndiag onntiy that I have opened in MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good sapply of BREAD, SCONS, BUNS, CAKES PASTRY Of my own manofaetnre, also BISCUITS « COMFECrWMMY. ORMKBES. LEKOKS. A BIST BB»MOS OF FLOUB. Flonr, Botfer and "Rggt taken in ezdange. I eordlally solieit a sharp of public patron^ age, and tnut by honest deaig and clobe attention to bnshiese torment your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Tonis respeetfolly, »1 WrM. 8f»EER. lAMDW BAKERY, B. CABNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sar- ronnding eoantiy that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to murafaetnre and keep on hand a latge stock of LIOHX and HEAYT HARNESS, long and short togs, STRAW CfKLLARS, WHIPS, COMBS. BRUSHES, HARNKSSOHi fte. I will vae adij fint elass matenal aad those r e quiri ng anything in the harness line will ind it to their intstest to edl at the new hameBs shop and get loioeb before go- ing ebewlieire; Bepaimig done with neat- new and diqwtdu Solidting a share of pablis patroMge. I am respeetfoUv yonrs. H. CARMAH AN. BREAD, CAKES AIR RMS, AT BEASOlitABLE BATES. BttCUnS ANft CONFIGTIMAIT of aH kinds on haud. SOIREES SURFfUSE PARTIES Supplied on the Shwtest Notice. Wtddim; JHMm Sptdaltva AjoaHis.j48I^tfnlly solicited. Bread deliveredrin all parts of the town iTBEMISBS: « IScxI D«or jto tkm Boiler Burii. 'm RUOKE. ft JOYS ii! "5 ^^jk"^^^^' ' â-  i^p^»^f?iRv ..,•â- .. .» ., .i- ACSNtSWANTCD, Staatfy Cmffloj^timnf 1o Sood JKen. NONEN^£DB£ VDLt FBnioB»aPEBiate mot asariML IhPtiftMmrMtufrtommh^m. 1 /Wl^tKi^T pn wanted ateswato JA/IJ^^vasafK jte iiai* el Caaeda FAflll FOR SALE. I L0T1I».S4, «p. 4. N. D. B.,OIeaelg. 100 aere^^fl be sold eneapi and on easy tenaa o^^ymat, for farther partieqlwta aUMy on iba.sianii«B. or 1^ letter to ^^X8,:BEftk. no-tf. Pwaona, P. O. V I \ic. -It' I. f- i^ â- Â» i I: H roMa 'mjf bomber wao.^naft worib Address VSS9^^^ WBLLDrOTON. m .^r- ft 8tnet!|y^Coi4)eBlkd. J. 8. BLACK. 1SSMnni^P;T^,lS% ?*0^. t3 '•-iiV" --ri^ttfrT tMmitm T --r "j^mi^

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