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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Aug 1886, p. 1

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 '^^^•â- â- â- P'PP m^^m. â- y »â- â-  " â- ** â-  *â€" »iawi»*wHiwm^wi II nw HSBJOH- iji.ln l.WltIO*-- •qI: 6.-N0. bOl». MAEKDALE, ONT,, AUG. 12, 1886. donas or xn Simdabb 1 FiTBOBimSAaB. r â-  Si*c'il grades, v.itli my owu name on, IrfCMte timers also Waltham. Elgin and iLjjgfielii AVatcLes. Swiss, full-jewelled. 1^50 Sctli Thomas Clocks, Silverware, and Ifeiral Gooas, in full lines Lazarus Pebble lit*!. Ijar^e stock. No misrepresentation. IfrieeJ clc^f. Goods and work fully war- It Reliable Jeweller, ITIark^ale. teal and Other Items. Notices in thene columns intended toienefit XfijMividual or Society rcill be charged ten Ifiits a line for the first insertion and five \»t! aline each mhieqtant insertion^ School will open next Monday. Canada Strav Hats only 5 cents each at J I E. Anderson's. Cash for Hides at the Markdale llannerj' • ?100,COO to loan at low rates of in- Iwest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Mark- Ide. Dress Goods aiid Prints away down in prices at J. R. Anderson's.. The Ecller Kink will be opened for iktiiig every Saturday evening at 8 I o'clock. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure no cure, BO pay. Ask Stephen, your druggist, I sbout it. Dress Mnslins only 5 cents a yard at J. R. Anderson's, Mammoth House. " W. 4 J. Anderson of Orange Valley I tave a qaaniity of pure Martin Am- t«r fall wheat ibr sale. s. George and James Lamb isTe lold the farm they had recently idTirtised in the Standabd. No. 1 Sah only 80 cents per barrel at J. R. inderscn's, Markdale. Thb cattle fair last Saturday was fell attended, and all marketable an- imals were bought up early. Pbepake for school next Monday by jrocnring your school books from A. J^inimore. A full stock on Jiand. Ttas, Sugars and General Groceries cheap- ttian ever at J. E. Anderson's. We will sell the balance of our fine «o«k of Harvest Shoes at cost for «Poi cash, W. McLeod, Markdale. 115,000.00 worth of goods to be cleared out "less than wholesale prices at J. R. Ander- Two mares for sale, one heavy â- **' and one light, both in foal. Cash j^^e cheap. Apply to S. Morrow, '"POBud at J. E. Anderson's, Markdale. ilUk*^°, it not be a good idea ior ^itne Sabbath Schools of the town nwte in a grand picnic next Wednes- wy.a^ holiday. friu^.^^su Mteeb. of Euphrasia, tsllrl^^"*® of ten feet last Sunday, rd!fr«?«f ankle.but is doing well "w Vt. Sproule's care. *iflo«^^l°5'"^g^"^e yo° jonr choice P«'toMit°*-^^'^y-'^^« Clothing at 26 *a«m;r'f "^P"" '^^' yo'i can buy (he " goods fcr from other merchants. «iiJ°'-^?^EBlostafine three-year afttw J!f .^ Monday. Inflammatiotf i^ Jewels was the cause. He alro •wo-yearold a few montbe a^. ** noIwt*'^° win sen you mora goods ' JS^ '^y o*^" aawchaut in thu y^ ior 11.50: ooao and M f|T V' Bev A Wilson la away m his holi- days: Bev. Mr. StepheBon filled his pulpit in Markdale last Sabbath. J. R. Anderson saya die goods mupt be sold. Money he must haTe, and money he will have, bo look out for bargains. Tbs uinnal financial meeting of Markdale District, Methodist church will be held in Dnndalk next Tuesday 17tb. Low's VisVtvXsv. iouf shonld be found witk every toilets It is cleansing and hiding. Markdale Christ Ch urob choir is to take part in concert given by Chats- worth English church in that -village this Thursday evening. AiiWATS BEQUiBEDâ€" A good Cathartic med- icine. National Pills will not disappoint you. â-  Bev. Mr. Woolsey, of Toronto, for- mely a missionary in the North-west, will preach in the Presbtyerian church next Sabbath at 10:80. Db. Low's PLEA8EMT WOBU STBTTP is a Sale and reliable worm remedy for all worms afSicting children or adults. The farmers go direct to the Mas- sey Agency, Holland Centre, for their implen;ients, because they are the best iu the market. T, Williscroft, Agent. I'm on solid footing, and do'nt tremble woitiiAeeat, and am prepared to supply this coun^ with Long Clear Bacon at cents oer lb. Clteapest and best pla'se in town to buy Flour,Feed, Bacon and Groceries, c., at Benson's. Next Wednesday will be a civic holiday in Markdale, and aa a conse- quence business places will be closed, so don't come to town to do business that day Fbeauans wobh powdebs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults' John Cabson, implement agent of this village, drove from Walkerton to Markdale last Monday in five hours. He reports the crops in that direction as being very promising for an abund- ant harvest. Cbotjp, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately reheved by Shiloh's Cure. For saile by £. L. Stephen, Druggist,MarkdaIe. A Notice. â€" All persons are hereby warned against giving goods or cash to any person on my account without my written order, as I will not be held responsible for any such. James Lackey. Berkeley, August 3, '86- FoB lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Potous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Lansdown Lodge C. 0. 0. F., Blantvre, is in a healthy and prosper- ous.'.^cmd.!tion. They have now' 88 meinbtirs, ' vid more coming every meeting. ' It is their intention to give a concert in the new town hall, Bock- lyn in September. Sleepless kights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's dure is the remedy for you For sale by B. L. Steptien, Druggist, Markdale. A We sincerly thank Mr. Fawcett, editor of the Advanct for his reference to as last week modesty prevents onr quoting the item^ We trust such high opinions may be merited and continued, each towards the other as now existing. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by OS on a guarantee. It cures Con- sumption. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Drug- gist, Markdale. A Mb Jaxbs Welsh of Holland had his collar bone broken while wrestlingwith an animal on his way tolCarkdale cattle fair a montii ago. Dr. Spronle fixed it np, and though ha has been laid off work for lome weeks we are glad to see him all 0. E. again. Sbiloh'r ViTALizxB is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all cgrmptomj of Dyspepsia. Prieo 91 and 75 eents per bottle. For sale byB. L. Stephen, Droggiflt, Markdale. A First-«Ia88 Milk Cow for sale, new- ly oalved. Will talte half the price in hay and gi-ve time for balance; also two gcade Haifa: Hoistein calves. Thisrii a rare opportaxuty to get into this popular milking starain. Apply to A. Dinniara, Markdale Book Store. Wb haTe left oat die market reiKort for BOOM wadn as thora was notbinjg; important to'iiDftaiii that line. It ia a^mi Wtdo'iiurfy ID fpen qaotationi ^at i^ fai^'fiai« xfot fixed a piia^ Batter is wactb 11 i^lp per lb. acd ^gn48 MitafW iop^vool 17 to M Banning fires are doing much dam- age. Alick Smith of Glenelg, lost his barn and nine tons of hay with part of his implements and a lot offences and cedar on Tuesday last. He had a hard fight, but owing to scarcity of water the fire was mastelr. His house had a narrow escape. No insaraoee. Catabbh CuBXk health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Madcdale. A GATHSBmO OF THE Ci.AN^^^TheSon8 of Scotland intend holding a monster demonstration in Gollingwood on 16th August. The Grand Camp of the Order meeting there on that date, and a grand programme of Caledonian games is arranged for. Excursions will be run along all the railroad lines. Will You Suftbb with Dyspeipsia and Livrar Complaint? Shiloh's Yitalizer is guaranteed to cure yon. For sale by B. L, Stephen, Druggist. Markdale. A Allen's "Smk hole".â€" The water is now very low and if there is any possibility of draining the above, it ought to be done before the fall rain comes. George Ireton wishes ns to state that he is prepared to make a permanent and satisfactory job for a reasonable amount, by draimng it, if allowed to do bo while the water is low. Six young men left Sarnia some five weeks ago, three from Sarnia and three from Watford, Otrt., fior a pleasure trip on Lake Horon with a steam yacht. They were to Man- itoalin Iiland,and had called at South- ampton on their way home, bat have all been lost; none left to tell the tale. They are supposed to have bee swam- ped by the wind stoim on Sunday night the let. The yacht was since found near Fort Frank washed ashore with three of the dead bodies in it. No trace of the other three. A Liteb Cure One single tnal of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will convince the most skeptical and confined better than thousands of testimonial that it is a sure cure. Medicine and Beeeipt Book VI. Sold by A. Tomer Co. Ang ')ne day last week a couple of Dnn- dalk ladies who thought they we re acquainted with the surrounding country, started at 7 o'clock in the morning to drive to Hopeville, bat to their surprise and displeasure after travelling the greater part of the fore- noon they found themselves in Flesh- erton. They succeeded in reaching Hopeyille, however in the afternoon, and returned to Dundalk safely in the evening. People travelling in a strange country should be accompanied by a guide. â€" [Dundalk Herald. Cholera will visit ns this summer. Be pre- pared by securing a supply West's Pain King to be kept within reach. Disinfect your premises, as cleanliness and West's Pain King will cari^ you sately through. Only 25 cents. Sold by A. Turner Co.DruggistBi Tbg bAops. â€" Barley harvest is about over; the yield is average, tlie sample good and it is saved in fine condition. Fall wheat is being threshed, is turn- ing out well and is an excellent quality. Spring wheat and oats are fast coming to maturity and are a good average crop and prime sample. Peas is being harvested and are also a full average crop. Potatoes are suffering badly for rain. We are constantly in receipt of the most flattering testimonials in reference to West's World Wonder or family Liniment. This re- medy has no equal in the cure of Bhetunatiam. A few bottles will cure the most aggravated case. It is also invaluable for Sprains, Cnts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds and all complaints required external application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner Co., Dmggists, Markdale. Ang. Bev. Mr Woolsbt, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit in Markdale Presby- terian church next Sabbath morning. He will also give a Lecture on Tues- day evening, 17th. at 8 o'clock, in the same place; subject, "Life and Labor among the Cree Indians. The Bey. gentleman having spent a great part of his life as missionary to the Indians in the North- wesc. The lecture vdll doubt- less be very interesting. Admission 26 cents. Off Wobx "I was oS work for two years suffering from kidney disease, and could get no reli^ until advised b^ a friend to try B. B. B. I was cured by two bottles, and considered it a miraculous cure." The above is the subst- ance of a oommunicatioa from Wm. Tier, of St. Marys, Ont. A number of town^eople have been wondering why we do not com- plam and find fault with our path- maaters for the terrible coarse gravel put on Mill Street in this village. We were under the impression that the road was thus obstructed m order to prohibit the farious driving of horses whieh had previously been in- dulged in on that street; and were rather inclined to forgive them, since the apparent good intentions were accomplished. A Livaio Qraanoa. (Question â€" "Is this life worth liring?* An- swerâ€" 'It all depends upon the livei?' If torpid or inactive it eaases a doll, tooj^ langnid feeling. Dr. Chases Liver Core gives health and bnyance. Sold by A. TnxiMr A Co. Aug The lawn party at the Presbyterian manse on Wednasdi^ of last week "was largely attnidea. Tha eraning was very pleasant bat ^aita diilly necessitating eoniidaraUa ezeiciaeni order to keep comfi»taUe oaMooca.. Thera was however lots of fiin aod pbttty ioh^^^a/ifMimM^ ifi lallj aigqyed thasnem. Qia xiitiMli- A Wise Pbecautioh During the Summer and the Fall people are liable to sudden attacks of bowel com- plaints,* and with no prompt remedy or medicine aid at hand, life may be in danger. Those "(rho experience has given them wisdom always keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbeny at hftod for relief, andaPbysiciao is sd^dom required. Civic Holidat. â€" Markdale is not an mcorporated village, (and it's a shame it isn't) but it is the expressed wish of the business men, (and business wo- men too) sanctioned by the vUlage police,agreeable to the school trustees, not objected to by the chief magistrate or his:h constable, and stamped with the post office registry stamp that next Wednesday, the 18th day of August, A.D. 1886, be and is hereby proclaim- ed a civic holiday. The public will therefore govern themselves accord- ingly, as business places will all be closed that day. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Mars dale. A The recent difference between the Flesherton and Markdale lacrosse clubs were, in ouri)pinion, quite too trifling to call for a newspaper controversy. In the first place un- called for reference was made to the childish matter three times in public print from l^lesherton after which the Markdale club of course had a right to defend themselves in a similar mode, but in so doing they oyer-stopp- ed the mark by the naia^c^)ing style of retort. We have nodoubt the boys on both sides were lacking in judgement and perhaps courtesy, but what need was there tor rushing to public print with such a trifling affair; the Advance even making a leader oh it two weeks ago. Z?-^ ,i---«*»i^MT*ii*."Mi-' 'i Yabiovs Mattebb. â€" J. H. Hull has purchased the lot where Grant h Co's planing factory stood and is preparing to erect a building for a cooper shop. Mathews' brick shop is lathed and ready for the plasterers. It will have a plate glass front. G. S. Bowee' double tenament house on ikilizabeth street is now vaneered, and will be comfortable dwellings when ccnnplete. They are already rented. George Hadtett's fine readence is looking handsome. The brick work will soon be complete. Isaac Stmson's house foundation shows excellent workman- ship. He is so rushed that lie can scarcely find time to do his own work. ^Mr. Johnston is budding the fonndation for Mr. Bowes' "Secton's" hoasa, upon which the vestry of the old Methodist ehureh -will be placed. SrBAnoBS, Ang. 6, 1885. ' HMJng saflend Ikoai Ubujy djwwMo from duUhoodZomuultM emiaent doctors in Chieeoo, New tork. and in Canada, .^triai Tufou' patent madidBes^ hat geltiog^lto uiDef fram iiiy;sii^Eee gate^ail.wiw mte aD||-'«Ne RED lOT Weather ^ANDâ€" RED HOT o o PRICES o o AllthisMonth â€" AT- I am not going to bore you one bit,, all I want you to do is to come in and see how much money I can save yoc 750 yards LACE, half price. 2,000 dozen Ivory Buttons, 5 cents, worth from 10 to 20 cents. A few more of those Ladies fashion- able Hats left, at half price. 160 pairs Josephene's best £id Gloves, in light and dark colors, per- fect goods, 50 cents, sold everywhere at $1.25. 60 Youths handsome Suits, $5.50, old price $7.50. 27 Mens' all woc4 Tweed Suits, welb made and perfect fitting, about half price. 75 Mens' and Boy's Vests, half price. A good White Shurt, all sizes, 50 cents. 82 ends Summer Dress Goods, live- ly goods, at absurdly low prices. See them, att ihcm^ About 100 ends of Embroideries, assorted lengths, being slaaghtered. Pink, Blue, Cream and White India Muslin 22^ cents, old price 35 cents. Colored Satins, half price. 48 ends Colored Silk Pocket Hand- kerchiefs, only 25 cents. (Jenta* Linen Collar, 6 cents. Blaok Cashmeres, 80, 40, 60 and^ 60 cents up, imported direct. 600 pairs SoUed Boots, Mens' Womaas' and Children's, starthn^ pcicsa. f. J. IcWLANI), HI ittMJMA UfaM^lMilUilltfHiiMMi^MiMttiiiUittl^ -i'i'-j II iiiilfli^-iilif TiitiiM

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