â- t V y't m t] i: r;' H« I 5 J; • I ;• ^1 m m I ^£Ml YOUNG FOIpKS. Bo-faep Ihafi what* kdy, Mj HtUti of Famou Ilea* jtekwUU bith« BftTUua tm^ MOcd th« pratty herd girl that â- hetMiaid to tova apM dlght Mrqwiatwoa. £*P««p's kaid vm B*t oompMad af â- baap, hawavarâ€" aaly eava. IhaTana dcobt jaa waoll â- wi Mw hm Uf e a dnary ooaâ€" •laapiag^ aaliiig, dnam- lag, all thrao^ tiia nmmar, with aoly oowa far aampaar. Bat ap«o Oa â- oa nta in- iM n, whara tlie hard waa catharad, aha had ana oompaoaatiaB for har ualktlon^-all wai â- 0 para aad UTal7 that tba "toaU af tha â- arpaat ' waa cntfralj fa^ottaa. Whila aha watohad har hard aha waa away from all tnmolt aad aaitsoBdad by â- oanea af inax p raaal b la loralinaaa Tha loiuhioa bathed tha lardy hlDa. Tha Al- j^na fliwara atarrad tha maantaia aide. Tha Uaa aky anfied abava har, and jkha faint aobo af the ohoroh balla in tha ToUay below aaemad Ilka raieaa from anathar world. Oae aammar d»y, tiia lady abava alladad to tinderteok, wittaont infarming har frianda, to olimb the maontaln alone. In aaaroh af a rare flower tiiat aha dedrodfar her oallao- tlon. She had the miafartona to drop har alpoiataok, to allp and fall, badly aprainlag har ankle, aa that abe oaold net riaa. Eraa la har pain ahe es j tyed the plaoa af har raat Noble treea goudad har, aad a gentle wind fanned har with ita law, aweat breath. Bat after a whOa tha palk grow warao, and aa twOight approaohed aha fairly aab- badaload. VHiat ahoald ahe dat Mait ahe Ue there aofferlngaU night t Why did net her frianda oame in leardi af her! •' Bat I deaerre it aU." ahe aaid " I'd no bodnaaa to wander off alena." She oalled aland with all her atrength. Fat abave iiar the herd girl wai liatenfng. " What la that aeond ' ahe qaeationed henwlf bnt only the marmnr af the maon- taln atream anawered her. " Hark I hev it again. la it the wind atirring the tree tape Or oan it be* bird'a oall 7 ' Very aoon ahe beaama paaltlTe it waa neitherâ€" It aonnded more like a haman yoloe in diitrea. " Came, Dolly," ahe called to her faith- {ol ball-oow, " we leek ap the loat oowi â€" we moat treat the lost human traveler as well." Tintth Dolly ahe walked down the moon- tain and plunged into a belt of wood*, oall- ing " We're oeming, oomihg, coming." Her oall teoeived a qaick, glad reaponae. Bkok and forth rang the beUa like ohimea " Here, here," and " Oeming, oomlog." ontilatlatt before the ftllm iaiy knelt the herd girlâ€" a vialen of beaoty, with her freah. glowing cheeka, her bright eyee taxi her Tyrolean hat, garlanded with Alpine bleuoma. "Yoa're hurt, dear heart," ahe aaid, irftyiogly, teking the lady 'a hand within her pretty brown one. " Yea I to aprained my ankle, and don't know what to de,^' oame the ana war, wearily. •' Bat I do," the herd-girl add, deoidedly. " Pat year arma aroond my neck, and dear eld Dolly wUl oarry yea ap the menntaln." "Bat I am tea heavy for year yoang arms," ezpostalated the lady. ' Try me and aee. Yea are a hetheaae flower, fair and frail, and I am a moontain bleaaem, atrong and sore," ahe aaid, oheer- Uy. Very aoon the " hethonae " flower waa en the baok of the bell eew, riding alowly np the moontain, while the ' moontain bloaaom," strong and anre, walked by har aide, aupporting the brolaed limb aa beit ahe ooald. Arriving at the herd-girl'a tent, the girl lifted the lady from Delly'a baok aa gently aa if she had been a child, and Idd her down opon a aort of hammook bad. No one oeold have tended the aprained ankle morn gently er effiaadootly than did the herd-girl. She bathed it with liniment oempoaed of menntaln herbs, and bandaged it with atripi tern from the whiteat of aprons. All night long the lively glrl-nnrae bent ever her patient in tireleaa watching, al- though the lady protested against It, as it was entirely onneceaaary. Toward morn- ing faoateaa and gneat bath fell adeep, with their faoea both .tcgfther and their handfe intarleoked. At early dawn the lady waa almoat aerry to aee aeverd of her party coming np the mountain after her. Ihey began to ntter profuse expressions cf sympathy when they were told that she had sprained her ankle, bnt ahe only laughed aa alio anawered ' I woold anffar the aame pain agabi will- ingly for another bit of such sweet ezperi- enoe aa I have had. I did net find the flowera for which I waa looking, bnt I found the swettaat moontain bloaaoma in dl the Tiyrols^-my strong, aweet, tender- hearted Bo-Peep, who in her qalet way la following in her Maater'a atepa. ' "Doa't Step There." The aervioea whioh John B. Googh did for the temperance oaoie were the repra- dactlon en a large scde of the warning af the little bey In the following aneodote from tiie ** Episcopd Beomder ' A man started oot for ohoroh ana Icy Sonday morning, and presently came to a place where a littie bey waa ataadfaig, wha, with choking vk'cs add. Please don't step there." " Why not." • Beoanae I atepped tiiero and fell down," aobbed the little fellow, who had thus taken upon himaelf to warn the unwary :-by of the danger into whioh he had fallen. Than are many man in the world who have good reaaooa far gtvingiooha. wam^ ing aa ttia. Hm man wha haatred the dark and alinpary patha ef Intemperanoe, nad aeea tha yoong laandng to take tha firatglaaaof qpirita or wiae «r boar, haa "^Doa't step there, for I atappod there and f eU dowB.^' Tha maa wha haa hsdolgad In gambling till ho ia daq^iaad by aflMra aad abhorred by himaelf haa gaad raaaan to aay to On ySoag wliea thay an aataring aa the aa garfM lal 4a gMlH of ThCviUba tamA to ba tha all of th««kpBciaator Vlgin toak thtoa yarn ^otwmUM tea iSttJa l a iaM mnm J-"^*" " ' gloa," aiJtinlTa y«an to paluh hii " â- aid." ThomdMaa wja ^warda aft twaatr f** la writing UaWatoryaf ana vdnma. SaMe^aT*k thagtMtt Fraadi oHtio, •(tea spaat a weak' apon two or throa ^(SiblMn aad Maeanlay wroto many ohap- tare throa timaa ever. « Ctrlyla'a haara af oemposldaa waragaa- ardly thiaa to fearâ€" (rem 10 er 11 a. m. fte 2 p. m.â€" nnlam ha were spedally engaged m harried, when he added an hear ar two to the ordinary nomber. He wrote ooevon- ly, at timaa alawly, than rapidly, bat al- waya with aara, never allawiag hia moan- ai^t tojo (rmn him oatfl it niited him ez- actty. He fraqoeatiy deatreyod whole pagaa npaa whioh ha had labarad hard aad l^ bahig exiraady faatidlaaa aa to poao; taatloa aa well aa to worda aad arraage- mant. Bat tha writing af hia bo^ka waa moch laaa tium Ua prqpantian for writing, whieh waa meat ttmoogh and oonaoientlooa. No man had a kaaear appetite for work, and yet ha woAad far faatar than moat aothora. Hia reading waa atopaadooi, and ha did it with aorpriaiag qd^naas, dispatohiag a volomo of ordinary siss while many per- aona woold be oooopied with a few ohaptera. For forty to fifty yeara of hia life he read on an avwage from aix to eight hoars a day, sitting np for that purpose (renerally until one er two o'deok in the morning. Dr. Eliaha Malferd'a • The Republic of Gad " ia atotod by tha " Literary World " to have been rewritten nine tlmea, and C^rta ef it fifteen tlmea, before being pot to type. Oharles Samaor add ' AU threogh my oollege life I labarad eighteen honra a day. I never labored leaa in any one day." Oharlea Dlokana never failed to be at his desk at ten o'deok in the morning, and to work steadily, whatever hia mood, ontil one in the afternoon. He never neglected, for any distinotlon, his lab3rs as editor of •• AU the Year Raond." He kept his bad- ness matlara in a oenditlen of oompleto reg- ularity. It waa found after his death that he had bestowed the minnteat care upon the aettlement ef hia worldly affdrv. Noth- ing had been left undone or forgotten. Cdeb Ooahing, one of the greataat lawyera in the Statea oaed to read aiztaen hears a day for months. When he was appoint- ed jostioe ef the supreme bench ef Masaa- ohuaetta, he read aixty vdnmea en different lawa in nineteen days. Ha often worked at his desk tlU four o'clock in the morning, oontinnously for twenty-three hours, and Uved to a good age. He waa a peer bey, and worked hia way to fame. TahatV9 • varyUlHf WtoDoUnShixt-Bpft toMiiiS« rpleooofolaaa aiotten toDow half •fa Botmeg. aad a tjMpoaa of adt bat la' net aa goad. Ste^ «• Aiyice to Country GKils. Cifcy Ufa la aot aU that it is painted. It haa ita ploaaarea and cenvonienoea, Irat it also has ita serioos drawbacks. Before making the plunge into life in the oity, oeuntaty girls abould aak themselves what is reaUy to be gained by it. Perhaps in their quiet, rural hemes soma atray adverttaoment haa reached them, pro- ndsfaig to young women high sdaries for light work. Handreds ef these advertise- ments are framed for the very purpaae of doedving tiie unwary. They aooompliah their purpoae, however, aad large numbera of yoang girla ruah up to the city, dizzied by the genereua profudon of promiaes. A girl from the farm anawera one of theae advertiaementa Life may have been alow at home, but there was alwaya good food, and in plenty, and there waa aome one to care for in the old farm honae. When ahe goea to the big oity aha finda that the " light work " conaists in working all day in a badly-Ughted and iU-smalllnjg work- shop, where scores of ether girls and wo- men are employed at wages hardly high enough to keep body and soul together. We knew what often comes next. The girl haa Idt home she is aahunsd or unwiU- ing to return, and ahe must take the conae* qaenoea, ofttimea one of twe thinfia â€" ahame or aaff iring* Many a girl finda firat in the frivoUtiea and next in the iniquity of the atreeta that exdtoment by whioh regreta and remorae may be deadened. If ahe ia too strong in principle, too pure and elevated in tone thua to aink down to one ef the pit- iable women of the atreet, ahe may find her- adf in aome oeld garret, lonely, overwork- ed, deapondent ami miserable. Batter remdn at heme than risk the fail- nre wUoh attmda ao many girls who go to tha city in pursuit ef high pay for light work. It ia theaaddeat ef aU ventarea, for- aaking a oaoatry homeior the illoalona and deoeptiona of a large town. An Improbable Tani " One af my anoeetara won' a battle dor- ing the Omaadea by his skiU in handling hia artillery," add the baron. •Bnt,my dear baron," said hia friend, 'at the time of the Omaadea gonpewdar had not yet been diaoevered." " I knew that aa well aa yao do, aad ao"" did my aaoaator." '• How did he win the battte, thaa I ' •• He braoght his artiUery to bear an the Saraoena, and the atapid (eola, aealag the gons, anppoaed tint powder had at laat been diaoovarad, aad fled in diamay," The Boudaty Ltnie Betwaea comfort aad dlaoemfort la often vary al^t. Hava yoo rliaomatiam or aeor- algU? ar ara yea a aofferar fram abaoore aarvooapaiaaT Why anffar longer T Yen oan porabaae for 10 oaata a beMe of that Ungaf^alnâ€" Pakoa's Noiviuin, ar yao oangetalarsabatUafor 25aeata. It cores proi^ptiy. It ia aora, pl aaaa wt to take, aad aavar iaila to eora aU kiada af paia. Daa't wail aa haar, bot aaatto any drag atora aad gat a trid balftU. Narviliaa,«lha auo paia thealsa staroh*hia«^a"iiteainar ara plaoa af ttto madia. Have tiia shirt turned wrong aide onti dlpthebsaomsoarafollyin the ataroh and (qoacie it aot. repeating the operation antU the beaoma are thoronghly and evenly aatarated witii atarch proceed to dry. Tnrea haura brfara Iraaing dip the beaoma In dean water, ring eat, and roU op tig wy FIrat iron tha baok by folding It lan«tow*" tiiroogh tiM oaafere next iron the wrlat- baadaaadbetttddaa af tha slaavoa; thea the ooUar band aaw plaoa tha beaam-baard oadartha baaom, aad with a dampened napkin rob tba boaam fromthe top Uman the bottom, ameotiiing aad arranging aaeh pUitnaaUy. Witha aoMoth, medarataij hot flitiron bfgia at the top and iron down- ward, aad oenlinne ftba oparattoa n^ the bosom la aatirdy dry aad ahiaiaa. R^*7« tiieboaom beard aad iraa the -front of tiia ahirt. The baaomaad onffi of ahirta-4n- deod, of dl nice; fine w»k-wlU look olaar- or aad batlar U they are firat ironed andor a ineoe a( thia old madia. It takoaoff «ha firat heat of the iroaa aad romovaa aay lompa of ataroh, BeoipeS' HoHi-HADi- Obackxbs.â€" One quart of prepared floor, three good- tableapoanf ola of batler, two tobleepoonfol of aogMr, one pint ef milk, one-hdf teaapoonfol of adt. Rab the hotter into the floor, pot the augar with the milk, mix lato atiff doagh, lay oa tha floured paatry beard, aad beat from aad to end with the roUing-pbi, atopping every five ndnutea ior ao to thitt the masa and double it over open itadf Keep this up far twea- tf miautos reU into a slieet leaa thaa a qaartor of aa inch thiok, out lato renad oakea, prick theae deeply with a fork and bake in a moderato oven. They are bettor the second day than the first. Vkby Good Pba Soup.â€" This oan .be made from the pods of yeurg peas, now in market, the same leaaeaiag and thiokeniig aa yon would use for the paree ef the psas, dther freah or canned. For the thickening of thia paree take one tableapoon^al of fliur, atirred amooth into one pint of boiling mUk whioh you have flaveond with either a mint leaf or a bay leaf tha latter la rather bettor liked. If onion ia liked, atiok fonr olovea Into one and boll in the mUk. When the peaa ore oaed aet en to beU with oeld wator and boil twenty miootea. They ahould boU dmeat dry Drain in a odander and maah, addfaig a pint ef hot wator and then thiokened and aeaaened mOk, Sprink- le seme parsley oyer it, aad salt aad pepper it to taate. Thia aarvea for a quart of peaa. When only the poda of a half pock of peas are used bell them In water to cover until soft enough to mash through a colander use the water and add one qvart of milk, with double the above thickening. You oan serve the peas as a separato dish, with a meat cenrae. ^ea tfiaMOa aflalt Kaka-ltow (Madias {tSToM wott«t who taraa tha kank of a ^ee^y haad-afgaa raaaa of tiia railroad vkdabla T Day^aftK m^, nimmar aad win- ter, rain w ahiae, iha is aeatad tiiara m a Itttta oamalad griedlag avtlbaaaaM eld distraoting tonao. Hot ar oeld, aha dwaya vaan tba Muna tedad â- •«â- # aad tim aame thtaadbaN shawl is ahnrni drawn tightly MM harshaaldav. AlMk Uaok bonnet, rasto witii ago. Is pulled weU doini aver har forahaid saas to hide har pinohed aad oara- worn f eaturas. Parhaps yao hava oanght a obanoa gUmpaa of her paia faea aad aaw â- omethtog in tfce ptffol expra«dan that eaaoad yoa to paooa far an Inataat and drap a ooin Into tha llttie tin Oop. Ik prabably never ooonnrad to yoa that tha Lira HiaTOT OI tBia STBMt bxooab la interlined with a ohdoe bit of romaaoa. Yoo oartaialy nav# dreamed that tha lun- bla oraatara bafifa yao waa anoa the beUe •f Sdt Lake City, a leader of faahlen, aad tha heiraaa af milliaas. Yak she waa. She is the ddaak danghkar of John Briaham Yenng, ana ef the waaUUeat men in Utah, anda favMurito nicoeaf tiia anoe famooa Mermen prophet. She waa reared In luxury and reoeiveda Uberd ednoatiaa. GIftod with rare moaiod talenta ahe beoame oele- brated amoag her people aa an aoeompliahed veoaUat, aad at ana time waa thapriaolpd oontrdto in the ohoir at the taberaaole. She was hn fatiiet^ joy, aad joat as die waa badding into wemaahaed ha pled(ad her h ^^ to a xiaing yonng elder who had been aollve la pteselytlng for the Mormon Ohoroh. The daoghtor remonstrated, bnt wlthoot avail. A abort time before the day aet for the wedding ahe waa aaoretiy HAPBIBD TO A TOVNQ HawSFAFBH UAV. He waa a 'Gentile. When her father got wind of the marriage he reneonoed hia daughter, aad oast har oot of his boose; She fled with her hoaband to New York, where ho obtained employment aa a reportor on a mordng newspaper. Shortly after, hia eye- sight beoame affsotod. and he was onable to retain hia podtien. Thea oame the atroggle for aa exbtenoe. Their littie aavings were soon exhaostod in trying to restore the hoe- band'a eyesight, and aftor three years' treat- ment he beoame totally blind. Though dis- inherited and reduced to poverty, the de- voted wife remained true to her marriage vows. She wfoto to her father, beggiog him to aid her, but rooelviog no rep'y, sought for employment Every one turned a d«af ear to her appeals for work, and as a last resort she accepted an engagement In a oonoert sdocn. There her splendid voice attracted attention, aad ahe waa able to earn enough to give her blind hoabaild a oomfort- able home. Their proaperity, however, waa abort lived, for net lovg after ahe waa prosr tratod by alokneaa aad Che fever robbed her of her voice and left bnt a wreok of her for- mer aelf. Dlaheartoned ia apirit and feeble In hed^ ahe began tha life it a atreet beg- gar, wandering from place to place, and fin- ally locating in Chicago, the Mecca for pev- er^-atarioken BohemlMia. Althongh dragged down to tiie very deptha of deapair and de- gradattea, ahe haa ataadf aatly oluag to tba aightlesa old maa who unwittingly caused her dosmf dL Reoentiy a woman who kaew the beggar many years age aaw and recogn- ized her, and by close queatiening eUcited the aad atory of her onfertonato career. Fetes For Honsekeepers. Strdn aeopa, graviea, eto., through a doth that haa been thoroughly aoaked in ookl water. The grea-y part wlU be re- peUed by the wator and not a particle wiU paaa thraugh. The poorest ohetring tobaooo (one plu{.) and the poorest of whiaky (one quart) mixed and well ahakea, makea one of the aureat re- medlea for bed-room inaeota. Apply Uber- aUy to the f amltnre with a bruah. Whan toweU become tUn In tiie middle out them lengthwise, aaw the advodgea to- gether and hem the twe cut aides. If rib- bon iashes or man's neck ties beoame aoUed near the enda out them in twe across the middle and aaw together the origlnd ends. The ordinary home method 'of renovating velvet ia to ateam It over boiling water tak- ing care to expoao the wrong aide only to the ateam. Af tor ateamlng it may be run baok and forth a few timea over a flat iron, the wrong dde next the Irm. Tiiia prooeaa fraehena velvet, but wUl not restore badly damaged portions. For giiwer beer take one large apeenfd of pnlverlzed ginger, one of oream tartar one pint of yeaat, one pint of Weat India molaaaea snd aix quarto of water stir thor- oughly and aet In a warm place. When it begfais to ferment bottle and cork tight. It wUl make a very nice drink. If liked one oan add twe tesispoenfuls of essenoe ef aasaa- fraa er wintorgreen for flavoring. Carbolio add ia tiie Ibeat dialnfeotant for in-door dnka. A amaU quantity ef it ia re- quirod and tt oan ba teadUy washed airay whan ita work ia done. If the pipea ef ainb have become clogged with greaay waato pour fai aome L'quid petaah, which sriU qaiok- ly form aoft aoap and ao of eoniae paaa ef. What Will Happen to OMb. Thirty-nine glrla. In ten yeara fifteen will have married. In tea yeara aeven of the .fifteen wiU be widewadepandent npea their own exertiona for bread and meat. In ton yeara fiftoi of tiie remanilngtwaa. four wHl be deeping beneath the aod. Aad « '" »P»rt WiU they U deepiag 1 One In CJeoigU, one in Odifomia, eieBi Ohio! onein yi«iDia. aaetiier perhaps la a ajs- simary'a Rave In qbina, aaothw amld^ aaheaef the aaoieat Aztaoa bf Mexioe, m- !S*!S;7'?* ""ly *»• will tdl where tiiey all irill aleep. ' In tea yeara the aiae I have nek yek tiea^ wiU ba|^ to lore tiidr aweetaaea aad ^^^•IVwmsliJBgeithaaenniaaa aoppaeed Sis £"2^?^ *«- ttiak «3K tiaedtobeddmaldo. «.'?.!?.?**" BO* »*«lkhatUrty.aiBebat **^*^^ ""*^ • MnSaaMthM "*â- *â- *â- *!â- • to all haaaa bdMaTifln! WiU behUgUiad. teaJuZeTJlliC'da «fryâ€" behsM josk Anecdotes of Freacheis In the reoorda of St. Catherine'a Church, London, under the dato of 1564, there Is thia psasage, iUnatrative of the palna taken to prevent {wdix preaohlag Paid for an heur-glaaa that hanged by the pulpit when the preaoher doth make a sermen, that he may know how the hour paaaeth away." In theae daya there waa one dergyman who, net heeding Luther'a aixtii quality of a good preaoher, ** that he ahould know when to atop," anaonaoed twenty four di- viriona to Ua diaoourae. Immediatolv a hearer atartod home for hia nightcap and dippera. A preaoher eoght to kaew, alao, when to begin. Melanothen waa very timid, and having on a certain occailon announced as hia text, " I am the Good Shepherd," kept repeating it over and ever. Luther, who waa in the polpit with him, add, " Yoo are a very good aheop," and toUing htm te ait doim, took the same toxt and preached an excellent sermon from it. There have been many hnmoroos preaoh- ara. One of this o'ass iras Father Andre, a Roman Oathdio preacher, who often oaed hia homor to satlrFaa the faolts of hia brethren. Praaohing onoe in a menaatory whioh had iMsn struck by llghtning,^he ex- patiated on the goodness of God, who took speoid oare of Hia chUdren. Said he,â€" " Oonalder, among ether evidenoea, what haa happened to thia holy hoaa^ in which I am new preaching. The lightning atrock the library and oonsnmed It, but iojored not a single monk. " If, hosrever, It ht.d onfortonatoly faUen opon tiie dining room er larder, how many brethren would haVa been killed 1" Jamas L ef England was alao James VL of So.otIand, and among hia ether fdlinga waa than of ladeoldea. The flrkt aermon preached before him In Bnghuid had for ite toxt ttda veree, (rem Jamea 1:6 "He that wavereth ia Uke a wave ef the aea." The king, deteoting the appUoation, exoldm- ed,â€" He ia at me already I" bot ha waa ao mnoh^pleaied iHtti tiie aermon that he made the preaoher a reyd ohaplaln. A rook weighing ever a toa f eU en the taraokafkhe Derby Rallread, aad was aeon by twe kwelTeyear-liId New Haven boya. Oaeeftilaa^WJUIe Kehoe, at onoe began sMppiag to get off Ma red nndershirt, bot the etiier, Ohristie Hdton, ran to aome beya withe bank and got a red haadkerohief. Thia waa vigerondy waved aa a tnda oame areoad the earve. The engineer slacked BVilpk,S9oiBg«haktha flag was waved by mall brn, slarlsd oa agab. Iha boys Bade snoii fraatie dgaals khak he dedded to skep, aad hteaihlklib^ leoemettve to a halt The paaaeageia I from dan- 100 leek fram the baolder. M pieced atbeiag taaoaed from khatlhiycR^^;aOtotfiebey8, whioh ,, _^ a. geed deal la saaae pertiens iably-^,72»:-0»i7 looked ferw,J\;.gtis5 'yâ„¢?- *fi»« »w!l*"*a3 edydena. Noul?»^tt »«.aat with their hLS^'S! »M« PMBesi ttJ^«tiE? •peolfiof„.eoldh•«^^5 know at tiis Um. *• «W T tt«ywersl»2r^S"*«lll^ he writes ufoUsJ^"*»«'Nl "TheabsvsiL. ,^' *»ble, so thattiriiSL«»V and rentad thsf 2^«|iU ought to bswIths«t5C^' roiadL Plantoldaff'Ji'l "d tiiey WiU o.»rj'jHi oarllerlatheSpriJirii tog- 6»»a ohilSraf 7JK khem nw.um^i^mi oaten; donotia|„t^«"l mess d raw eius„S^»* weak. WhenthsyttJiL?' to b. eaten raw.lS'5'X Daring nnhedthyi«tt«rjf andUkooontagiSEl* aught tebseateohftTsiL atleastonceada,. 0 tag and prephylaoBa ^} Further, I oWtag,liSy! O'^y "Other, to p»iatr7J" children have did frwiaiiu,' Utlna, anglcoja eto wST freely eaten." ' Sood Diainfjctimi, This Is th^ lauen of tb m Inf octants are of the gmtiit J, should be regalarly ospM i house where there h uj ooestii use. Everything whioh oun disposed of should bo bsnei ., rings, remnanti ot fooa inii all sorts ef gwbage on mi easUy diipoEoi ef b thli nj L ether. Sabstanoei whioh ouink rid ef b thia way, taoh ai hnsil may be disideoted bymeanols lulphate nf iron. It ta will ti k tlon ef diiideotant ilviji a |_^ solve two psnndi of ooppmihi l hot wator. Keep in i voda «1 vessel. A qnart ef tUi aolitia i onghly disinfect seven! gillai i posing matter in flaid fora, A Lemn- A beantlfai chtnoter away â€" a faithful and i and a ready helper in the mental and moral g ty. His friends looked u i L idyl, and en his home u u iial i years disease had been lnBdiiinl| upon him. He made hii horn i and fully hoped te ride biiAlih He evidently did not udsitail The extra work of the Weakd Fs' him utterly broken, A friend put into hii haadi thii atenrlnEirope. BatheretiiMib to be taken from the iteuurloj where, a week later, he died '" hours of his own beantlfai pu valley ef the Hbniktenio. We wish to emphsdMthel sufcgeated. That rich. life poMlblyB^Ml saved for years had th« go«/" and seeured expert adrioe m a of his trouble, whioh wm •• «»« than almost any other interoilP heart hide its orgsnlo lUnw kind friend who sent him t«BW at an early date, have sent lur skilful in the medio*! p»l« YerkorBohton,itlip»bil)!i« might have bean pwl«»«*\. fn the fir«t Pl»" »!f • wUely applied, oMi do mwjl« heart, in some forms onring J otheisholdlngltmoheok. H' place, heart-dlseasa U »» « ' fhan In most others, the p^; proper knowledge eb«oondW»^ quIckSistheaotlenofthehart" its strength. ,.i„,ketiili' SaysthewHteroffUj; we have drawn, "VJ^ tk e«ewasstlUunsnipMW.^I enoeofEaropeonly«»J^, der." 0: coarse ;siooe»y^a mentIsaprimecondltl««.. *«-""fhS'v'SSi neoessaiy that ev" carefully avoided. OarepeoUIpotot J'^foiii semstobernnmjg^fl^f^ able cause seek tlie o«' an early day. It Would b8 •TlB to -write tneo I've had pljafo*" " wi' "" loving J^^rdbeMP"' Butforonethtogi ^«