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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Aug 1886, p. 4

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 ;mtf»at*A' m»m:.'tKf^.'x ,yL^ rftj.jaovi ii* »ts«s..? '♦ ii^ }; Hi." I; ' U )â-  i. i '^â- . â- I :-:i f ij"" II %;-. Th e standard. C. -W. EuU«dge. Editor AProp'r. .Tg- MARKDALE, AUG. 5. 1886. â€" The Icdepent order of Oddfellowp of Toronto are about bnilding a fine hall at a cost of $80,000. â€" The Toronto If orZrf, in advocating tiheap postage, goes so far as to recom- mend a limited gratuitous postal service for at least domestic corres- pondence. â€" Newppapers, extreme political, are continnally disregarding their daty of chronicling facts, and resort to every expedient for distorting or sap- pressing what is unfavorable to their political friends, while giving unfair prominence to what tells against its opponents. In this mean work of mis- representation, the public who pay for, and have a right to know, a state- ment of things as they happen, are deceived, not to speak of the mor- al harmfalness which results from a wide deviatou from truth. â€" Canada is destined to come into high fashion among those in search of healthful summer resorts. Its scenery is bO varied and interesting by lake and railroad,and the air of the northern route so bracms: and salubri- ous, while the work for the sportsman is cut out every where so attractively, that it is not too much to expect a large influx of foreigners wearied with the overcrowded resort of Europe as times progress. â€" Mb. Jb'osTEB, the Minister of Mar- ine and Fisheries, has been in the Maritime Provinces enquiring into the fishery question. Unlike the newspaper correspondents wlio report the worth over the inefficiency of the protection afforded by the cruisers, Mr. Foster finds that everybody is 'dehghted at the vijorous action taken "bythw Government to protect the fishers," and he reports that the American fishers are catching very few fish, which are patriotically keep- ing well within the three-mile limit of the Canadian shore. â€" The new English Parliament met yesterday (Wednesday). Lord Salisbury has made his selection for the new cabinet. The Toronto World says â€" "No English Parliament has ever had such a variety of parties as the coming one will have. It will contain the Tories," the Whigs, Gladstonian Liberals, the Radicals who out-Gladstone Gladstone, the Chamberlian Liberals, the Irish Nat- ionalists, andpossibly tne Irish Loyal- ists, who Churchill has promised stronger fare "than he may be able to make his English followers digest. The Welsh talk of forming a Home Eule party of their own, and the Scotch Crofters have aspirations in the same direction. If so many, cooks do not spoil the broth there is no virtue in old proverbs." r4). I »to snflleieBasr'wea kwH« m Dnr- ham to4ie better dM« of Boeitty thwe to mwe than refer any one who wiaherf to in- inqoire, io them. v. .• jt (5). The edito.- of the Unuw flteniordT. world mnst be verv smaU indeed, when he dnm not know that I have been and am rtiD, what many other High fiksbool teachers are not. a oontribntor to oar educational journ- als and papera. I may add that among the persons wi.h whom have been brought into correspondence, are â€" His Lordship, the Bishop of Nova Scotia Sn: Wm. Dawson. C. M G F. K. 8., Principal of McGill CoUege, Montreal; Dr. Newbem, of New York, the eminent American geologist Professor Mc- Vicar, Maemaster Hall. Toronto; the Eev. tlie Provost of Trinity CoUege, Toronto, and the Eev. the Professor of Metaphorics and Ethics of the same institotion. together with many teachers of Nova Scotia. Quebec and Ontario. I may add that I was also soUcited by Dr. McLellan for help regaiding his -Teacher's Algebra," and by H. B. Spotton. Esq., M. A., of Barrie, for help regarding his Botany, Part H., besides being one of the authors of the New Arithmetic (Eaton, Gib- son Co., Toronto and Buffalo). Trusting that you will kindly publish this, I remain, Dear. Sir, Yours sincerely, D. F. H. WiLKiNs, B. A,, Bee. App. Sic. Mt. Forest, Jnly 30th, 1886. To the Editor of the Standard. Deab Sib, â€" ^^As you have asked me to give you ah account of my trip to the North -TV est Territory I will endeavor to do so iu a concise way. I left Toronto at 5 o'clock p. m. on July 13th and arrived at Carleton Place where I exchanged cars for the West. On Wednes- day at 9:45 a. m. we reached North Bay. This is a newly built village, inhabited chiefly by workmen of the C. P. li. The country i-urroanding it is not agricultural as it is very barren. On Thursday we had a delightful run along the shore of Lake Superior. In going around one part of the lake the train passes over an iron bridge and then over a long stretch of trestle work. Here the view is grand. Looking down from one side of tlie train you can see the lake with large fish leaping up in it on the other side are rocks, almost perpendicular, rising in some places to a height of about two hundred feet. In this section the train passes through several tunnels. We arriyed at Port Arthur at 4 o'clock p. m. and shortly afterwards at Fort William. This does not appear to be a farming district for some distance West of Port Arthur, but it is reported that there are- silver mines in the neighborhood. The train reached Winnipeg on Friday at •.'20 a. m. and left at 9:40 a. m. There was soon notice- able a preat change in the scene. Now ap- peared the vast prairies on either side. Go- ing to Portage La Prairie, we passed through a beautiful country. The crops looked fairly well, and at the Portage there are a large roller mill and an elevator. West of Portage La Prairie the crops are not as heavy as they are east. Brandon seems to be the centre of a good agricultural country, for last year there were nearly a million bushels of wheat shipped. We arrived at Wolseley at about 9 o'clock p m. where I was met by Mr. G. L. Dodds, formerly of Markdale. who is now a prominent merchant of Wolseley. Mr. Dodds yery kindly drove me around the country during my stay with him. The crops here suffered from the dry weather and nlso from the gophers. These are animals about the size of a squinel. This is the first year they haye done very much damage. However, the .^1 farmers say, there wiU be very little trouble ' in getting the gophers to go, as a small bounty to the Indians wiU soon dispose of them. I was very hospitably entertained during my stay, by Mr. and Mrs. flodds. On Tuesday, July 20th at 3:25 a. m., I left Wolseley and arrived in Markdale on Friday, by the night train. In eleven days I travelled 2,000 miles and had a three days' stay in Wolseley. J. W. FOED. €5arr8SpaBdBBX)3. Notice. â€" ^We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opiniens expressed by our correspondents To the Editor of the Standard Sir, â€" Having seen in the issue of the Union Standard of July 22Dd, iu an article, re Dr. Christoe and the Inspectorate of South Grey, some sentences reflecting upon myself, I request you to kindly publish in your next, the sentence? and their refutation. They refer plainly to myself, since I was, at the time referred to, the only candidate for the Inspectorate. They are, "The Dr, bad a protegee, a strong personal friend of hia own." "Now, as far as Dr. Christoe's pro- tegee is concerned, we may state the doctor got him to apply for the Inspectorship last winter. He came to Owen Sound, got beastly drank, and remained so while there and fin- ished his spree, mildly so to speak, at Dur- ham." "'He is a mere nonentity." The facts are these (1) Having heard that there miglit be a changia in the Inspectorates of Grey County, in January, I resolved, uninfluenced by any then and discouraged by liiany] to apply in person for that of South Grey. (2). I did not have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Christoe until some time after ray arnval at Owen Sound before that time I was an- aoqaainted with him even by sight. (3). The assertion "He got beastly drunk. 4*.," is a lie issued oat of the futile imagi- nation of the editor or of some one else. My own word to this effect, and my honor as an English gentleman are quite sufficient but, should any choose to enquire, iio fewer than sixty perkons woold be summoned to show what an utter^ baseless charge is made. Among these may be mentioned the Hon. the Minister of Education for Ontario, tlie members of the Council of Grey, the two loemhers of Parlia#nent for North Grey, His Worship the ^j,or of 0«^eu Sound, the Po- lice Magistrate, the Sector of. Owen Sound, Uie Inspector of ^orth Gi^y. taiSi the Princi- pal of the Cd^te. Institute. I may add, too, that I hold a head master's certificate, equal to first-class A with honors, awarded not uzdy on gionnds of culture, ability and merit, but also on groonds of sobriety and moralitv. To the Editor of the Standard. Sib, â€" What an awful effect the hot days in -luly has upon some men's bile, nolablv so on the fighting editor of tke Advance. Last week, an editorial appears iu the Advance apparently wiitten by ye editor, abusing; a lot of small boys in Markdale, who it appears had played a game of lacrosse with an equal num- ber of boys from Elesherton on the 12th. Now, we are surprised that Flesherton boys are unable to defend themselves (eitlier in the lacrosse field or public press), but are under necessity of employing the silly noodle of a would-be editor to trumpet them over the country, as loosing a couple of dimes over printing; If the Flesh- erton boys held the opinion that they would meet with better success at home iu a match with us, why did they resort to the mean, contemptible course of abuse Did they suppose we in Markdale would do aught else than refuse to associate with a lot of whips, spoiled, mean spalpeins who stated what was untrue, viz., "that we gave them no dinner." Why did they not bring Fawcett along, and join their elub in playing against us We can at any time repeat the same thing in honor and decency â€" ^whip the whole junior club, including the edi- tor, for we are satisfied from his edi- torial he must be cutting teeth like a baby. The piece of advice, he gives the boys is funny â€" "to give u* a wide birth in future"â€" looks as childish ae his -boyish abearance decidedly iu dicatcs neither mental or moral cour- age, grand essentials in editors, bat painfully lacking in poor Fawcett. MABtoAijE JuMOB liAcaoBSK Club. V«« OMT own e«TM»aiul«iK- GOKE BTJT llOT^POROOTTBM.â€" thing ovet twelve itoouths ago there nlovei mta^bii looaUty oiia kaown among men as «. H. Spencer, having leased from Mr. W. Hogg what is known 9^ "Hogg's Mill," opened out in the lamW bubiness in a large sdale. employing a large number of Mnds. Mr. Speneer possessed the faculty of impressing the person or persons with whom he contracted for or purchasea from that if he could not pay them spot cash he had soch abuudant and large returns coming in that he cotild satisfy all or any in a very short time, until we think he succeeded in worm- ing himself into more people's finao- ces than any other man that ever 6trud£ this ,pai:t of Ihe country. A few months ago he epened out a gen- eral store at b lesherton Station.visited the wholesale market, and succeeded m procuring a lairJy good stock, but after a very brief ran, the sheriff took possesion, and on Thursday last the stock, consisting mostly of Boots shoes, groceries and crodtety, was sold by Sheriff Moore, a gentleman from Owen Sound purchasing the groceries and Mr. M. Bichardson, of this place, the boots shoes. Previous to the sale Mr. Spencer left for parts un- known, leaving a great many in this locality anxious to know his where- abouts. Considerable disappointment was experienced hejre on Saturday last when the announcement was made that the match between the Eugenia and Flesherton baseball teams would not be played, as tiiis was to be the decisive game, in two former matches Eugenia won when on the Flesherton grounds, and Flesherton won on the Eugenia field, both games closing with four runs to FJesherton's credit, the closing match was to have been played straight between the two teams, com- prising only their own men, but upon Eugenia arriving on Saturday with a professional player outside their own men, Flesherton objected, but was willing to play against their own team, this Eugenia refused to do and conse- quently the match was called off. Some weeks ago at a full congrega- tional meeting of the members of the Presbyterian church here, called lor the purpose of election of Elders, Messrs. J. E. Anderson, Joseph Black- burn and Henrv Meldrum were the choice of the members. On Sabbath last the solem service of ordination vas held in said ehurch here, the Eev. Mr. Wilson presiding. The speaker choosed for his^text the Ist, 2nd and 3rd verses of the 5th chapt. of 1st Peter, from which he delivered a very impressive, practical discourse, speak- ing of the office duty and work of the Elder, and reminding the people also of their duty to have charity arid kind forbearance with those whom they had elected to this office in the ch'irch. After the sermon the Elders elect were called to the front.surround- ed by the session of the church, the regular ordination service was per- formed by the pastor, Eev. Mr. Wil- son, when afterward a solem charge was delivered to the members of the church. Our townsmen, A. Munshaw and S. Damude, left on Saturday on a pleasure trip up tiie lake. They pur- pose camping out some distance above Sault Ste Marie, and there on the banks of the rivers and in the forest ^®6P ^ith line and gun enjoying them- the selyes to their hearts content. Aigejii --r ai HOLLAND ^CEHTHE. A FULL STOCK OP EEPAIRS KEPT 303 COJ^STAKTLY OS h^ REPAIRS STRICTLY CASH. r. IV/LUSCROFT, ilje Mj^l^KDALE EFAC! Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plaup tory, containing all the latest aod most approved machinery, even bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, Monldings, Holloi Bii|| FRMES, LATH. FENGE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to Donefl Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in every depattment,! would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to jail Orders PromptlyJ PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Torn; Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 308 THOS. McAEA. MASSACRED! I- Everything marked down to suit the hard times Don't throw aTOyMey] by buying at another man's figures, when you can save from 10u)2o per cent, by purchasing your Groceries at -•ii^i M^A^^^^m Startling Value in Teas and Sugais, 150 dozen of Canned Salmon, Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines. Tomatoes, Com Peas, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Peaches, o., to be sacrificed at cose price. Flour and Bacon Cheap as the Cheapest. A large stock of Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and ro6flcci»| ALWAYS ON HAND ^VEKY CHEAP. A I.ABGE. STOCK OF 3 THE LAST YKAIL1886. • After the a boe ]n«r is ^nded there need I*' no VBcte mfferiiig ^bom â-  Bheamttiam H«r»Igi». Tootharfie, fiewlaabe, Lnmbagoi Pain oannot stay where it is used. The name is Flnid Lightning. Sold by B L St^i^hec, Drrsjrgist, Markdale. ' g BE ON YOUK GUAED. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be eared for 25 cents. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will care chronic (ll^tarrh. f Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 'A5 cents per box. 812 » â- ! t Now doth the boay maiden ply Her handiwork 'neath carefol ^e. And every stitch is got jnst so To have it read^ for the show. How doth the farmer look aronnd "Where biggest apples can be found. And when the biggest sqoashas grow- To hsre them ready for the show. T^e farmer* son with conscious pride! Bis saddled horse he doth bestride. And up and down the road doth go To get him ready for the show. The farmer's wife doth make her way To where her flock of turkeys stray And feedeth them to make them mow And have them ready for the show x-iIQ'U"o:ks Mistake not the place if you want Good fioods, fiood Satisfaction and Low Prices. LEWIS KNAPP m sTiTm? ui -IN- DXJNLOFS BLOCK. G*MEC« ENVELOPES, MOTE PAPER. mviSltL^UT UJSTANTANEOUS hvTvE^ « w^eiwiywinstantlyKanovrf b « few dro^ of FIm4 Lightifiii a^SS over the effSw ptfta/ ^S^^^J neauseona medidnes guoided r ^t)o3k^" oc using gr««y liaiBieat^,. IftWU ibt blS PENCILS, PEKa. INKS. To the People of Markdale and wr- rounding vicintiy: Havii^ opened a Stationery and Fancy Chiods Store in Dunlop's Blocl£. I hereby solkdt a share of public patro- nage. Hoping, that our intercourse may ptove both pleasant and profitable,^ I am, 700X8 truly, MRS. CLEMENT, 'r3 i,; i J B DICE. I8CI1IT5 C0l^' Sweet test. ;iA. â- *"^*o;'ii i rf? fA«,!A caUiefgectftilly solicited, *,T MJRS. CLEMENl T?I^ CPA^

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