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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Aug 1886, p. 2

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 ^IIR^P j^irHf ;â-  jsr«»**f-' i II ;;f "â-  I 111 I m •ii iOÂ¥ TO EABI IfOlST. BX-COUOXS BHUrABO* la iMkinf «t tida autttar flC lianlBff moa- 0f w« find th« p«*f la who nwoaad are in lava wllhtiMir were. Xkay aca to. aanuat* glad ta do M^ and taka prida in daiog U wall, aad Itdaaa aok aalwi nraah difianaoa whafttta work 'Bay ka. Ikpiirivwk paya baoaoM it Btaata a^utaaa wagaC, aad tiiay aapply the waat la the bait nunaar. Pae- «i waat ta aat. Here ia a hnmaa want. tenatmpplTlt;' lUa talk U Mr |^Ia aadtma Mja, **Oiit yoaaiaaa oaoUag. I oaolda't da H. If â-  aarraaf a wark I' All right, my girL It ia aot fine handa and dainty waya tint uaka Aa lady, aaMhar bit heaaawark that makea tha aarrant. Hany arealladywaara a hooaamaid'a cap. Many a wmnaa io a oaniaga wiahat aha oanld Idde iMr aaaa aad narrow a ha iaotar aaaai4yaaaha Udaa bar padgy haada in Ud i^aa. If yea ware a ladT you waald ba walTadneated ia hoaaawatk and ba a fualrata-oaak, whatharyea uMMla yanr awn ooffaa far braakfatat or aet. Than waa eaoa near New Yark a trna lady. 8ha had evarytinng aba ooold widi: a hama, a gaad adaoatian, raflnad maaaan, and waalth, and aha waa a lavaly aad lara- Ua wmnaa. Oaa day bar wealth flaw away. What did ahe dot Sit dawa ia idlanaaa, apbrald HeaTca far Ita omalty, er aaffer tha diagpraoa of dapaadlag an otharaT Not at all. 8ba lacked abant te aea what aba ooald da. labardaya af protperity bar gaaata aftan i^ke with aatbaaiaim af her loTaly â€" floklaa. Hara waa a bnman want Paa- pla want pioklaa. Hata ara piokla faotailaa ararywhara, pioklaa of every kind in the atnaa^ and araiy gaod boaaalMapar oan make bar aim. What ia tba oaa of makiag mere plokiea Sbe did net atap ta aak thia fooUah qaeattoa. Sheaald, « I wlU make batter pieklea than any ta Im beaght in tha ataraa. I will maka aadi axin ma pieklea that haoaekamara wHl bay mba in pteferanoa to making nair awn at bama. i will make the bat pioklaa ever plaoed en any taUa. Here waa a aenalbla ambitien, a clear good oommen aanae^vtew of the bnainMa. She felled up her aleevea and with her .own fair banda went to work and made a lot of plo- kiea, pat them ap In glaaa jara, aad pat her awn laltiala ea the labela. Slie took pride in ber work, and did not haaltate ta tell peepio aba made them heraelf, and that Idiey were goad hanaat, pioklaa, Aa a nstaial reaalt abaaaUaiaw battlea. People bonght them out of onrioaitry, jnat to aaa if tbay ware raaUy ao vary fine. It waa tree. They were prime. They told tteir frieada, aad paapla begaa to aend for more and mere. She had aaooeeded. She bad aatabliabed a bnaineaa, and in a ahort tima her prefita amaanted to over f 10,000 a year. Natnrally eaongh, ether women and glrla read of her woadeifnl auoceaa, and iiew maay hnndreda are trying to do tiie aame thing. Here ia a regnlar home baiineaa for glrla â€" heme-oooking, piokle-makmg, cake- making, potting np preaervea and frnlta, preparing oheioe diahea and aalada. Nator* ally the moreaenaible glrla will here aak If tha bnaineaa ia net being eyerdone. Are net ta many trying to lell pieklea and cakea No, beoaoae while many try the entire prednot ia conanmed at aeme price every jaar, aad aa long aa paople live they maat aat. A oertala proportion faila beoanaa they da poor work ami yen mnat kaow the baal- Bvarybody knawa yonr blackbeny jam. Itlatbafinaat jam in town. Manv a lady at year mathar'a tabia aaya aha wiabaa aba badtbaraodpt. Don't teU her. It ia year trade aaorat. It meaaa bread aad batter to van, if aba wanta that partionlar .blaokbanry jam, lot her bay it of yonâ€" bnaineaa ia baai- neaa. Yen mean to baae yenr hopea en bl aokbarry jam. How ahall you do it I Of, oonraa, nobody oan tell yon how to make It We all know yoa oan makeflt better than any ana aba. The thing to oeaaider bow b the bn ala aaa of aelllag Uaokberry jam. The firat thing yea need b a trade mark. Ibe jambtabapnt npin gbaa jura. Yea mnat go. to aeme wboleaale glaaa dealer and aabot a partionlar atyle of jar. Get a good jar of oaavenbnt aixe and ahape. Select twa aizea, a qoart jar and a pint ju-, and have tbamoarefaUymaaaarad to be anra thay vaally held a qoart aad a ]^t, and a UtUa mm. Start right hero ta give good hoaeat meaaera, for yen may be anre. If yon give Maatmaaaaie,peepbwill aeme day fiad It aat and then yon wUl wonder why tiiey bay so mere jam. Having aettlad.en the Jara, £nd ant tf yen oan always have that partion- lar jar, aad thea nae ao ether. The jar fa ta be oae of yenr trade marka, ao that whea peopb once aea that j tt they will knew it ooataina yoar aapeolal blaokbarry jam. Next gate the priater aad gat a aeat la- bel with yoor fall name and addreaa, and plaialy abewiag joat what u ia tha jirâ€" ** one fall plat (er qoart) blackberry jam." Ibb partionlar ttylo ef jar aad label b year trade-mark, whereby year work b known Hid aald aad If j ea rei^ater yoor trade-mark tha law wOl pretaot yea ia it. ^1 Hum anppeaea yoa mean bnaineaa. If yon ara Mily making the jam joat to aell a nw battlea to year frienda to get a little peokat meaey. It doea ent aiattar what bet- Uaa yen oaa, ba ea oaa In a year year trade will ba aa dead aa a door nalL In fact, if yon an anly going to play with the bnal- naaa jnat for eoa anmmer, and if yea ara jaat a little aahamadaf tha work and anly,do It tegataamamaaey, yonwiklba anrprlaad ta fiad bow qnlokly Oo whob bnaineaa wHl aallapaa and bava yon with only a lot of old jan and a baart fall of atetifiaatian. Yan ara in aa ra ii t, yoa laaaa baataaai. Bbokbaifiaa arcilpa, and yoa aia bnyiag ttabaitbaRlaa to ba iaaad. and pot Ummb apinlbalMi* and tartalal maBaar wa .wdDL paaiqniokly, and ihna Ihay laad a ludf ot Plata and qaarto â- My lababd aad boUBg Yon h»va kapl aamol Ta^d fittd tb«y oan joat 142 lac lOfVMiliaad llO.fiOlar tha ball C-4«WSr***' teitfiUil bat aal b. yM t^t to whotrbdaaaii "«**â-  '.!K4i?!iyi JaataaAtobgiaaaiMeoaidm^WM i and aold aMegl^ania^ ?* *!5f ^^ 2^ ^Blfi^ toBufcaVabaf prottof |NO«l» JleS^oeaMto^bo aallln«r Katamlly '*â-  ^!f jjS-Tir^ ^Ttri*t? ribS ttajoLaadidvatbfa aziok w b a l aa ib and iaikflpriae. ^nat ana^ ""*f^ Z!S fromttaiiad phoa. Charge fair priw aad stick to it. Do aot ea any aoooant, oaU aainsle j *r, even to yonr own aiater, ander the sd soab of prioea. If paepta want to bay ohaap bt them bay by tba deasnat tha wfaokaale prioe. Thb plan of -rfMng .*• frieada aiwweia a* firat. It b vary weU JM a beslnnW. bat It will never do to depend on them. Yoa moat aaU U Vbp geaeral nnbUo. To do thb there b eoly one thfaig •ebe doneâ€" advertue. If yoa live la a amallpUMabata abort card in the laoal nawapapar, wia a plaia atatamant that yon have aaparlor boawmado blaokbarry jm foraab. Give the price and aay yon will ddlver tha lata, aaatly packed, at aay benaa Intownfraa. Ifordanooma ta,ol oonraa, yanoaaeaaUyhlrea boy to dallvar the goeda. laaiat ea Ao oaah. Ibb b bnal- aeaa. Yon mean Imifainaa aad expect baal- aaaa-lika traatmaat. If yon roapaot yonr work, paoi^ wOI raapaoft yen. Anatberwayto advactba bto have a aaat obeabr pitated, aad to mail a copy to an Oo paopb who yoa tUak use jan^ but do Bot throw the oiroabra away tef aaadiag them to paopb who do not naa Uaekbanry j am. Use oommen aaaaa ia toe matter. With a little eatorpriae a amart gbl like yon ooght to aell the aigfataon dasan jwa In tiio oonraa of a numtb m two. Tha plan works. Yoa fiad yea oan make jam and with a Uttb efEsrt dbveae ef it at fair prioev. Now, do aot thfaik for a momeat thb aeUiog to f rtaada oan ba oentbwed. Thay will bay mere next year, bat yoa maat doable year aabaaadaell to toe general pabUo. Gat ready far toe aeaaan In the winter and apring. Keep a few ef tha JMra for aamplea, and begin to advertiaa toat yea will take ordera for next aeaaen'a jam. By thb meana yon will get an idea of abent bow maay doaaa yea oaa aaU alsd caa lay year plana aooerdingly. Above all, atick to toe jam. Do not branch off Into Into pieklea or otoer pre- serrea. It baa ooat yon to eatablbh yonr repatotion for jam, and yen mnat new naa toe benefit ef toe rmntotien. Da not try to cheapen the j^m. Make it jaat aa good aa laat year, aad, if peaaible, a little bettor. Hare b a bniinaai, and ahe wha oan may a n oooed ia It. Theae wha try and fail have alwaya toamaalvea to blame. It u aet good j ua, or it b poorly paoked, er toe jara are dirty, or aot matea, or aame etoer Uttb pelat haa beea neglected, and year bayera go off to find another gbl who oaa do bettor. There b ao frieadabip la the matter, for boabaaa b boaineaf Vot of a Fraotioai Xind' **Ab," aaidttie Snmmer tooriat, leaning over toe fence aad addreaaiag toe farmer, " may I make bold to inqabe what that great qaantity ef green vegetatlen over toere b V •' Cert'nly, mbtor thaf a com." ** Ah, toaaks. And tooae large aatmala ever beyead toe fence, they are, er â€" " " Oowa, my friend, every ene ef 'em cowa. Say, yon don't aeam to be very well posted on theae 'era thinga." ** Perhapanot. Tha faot u, my bnainaaa baa kept me ao oleaely ooafiaed that tola b toe firat chaaoo I've bad to gat oat in the eaantry." "Banning a faiank or aomatolag Ilka that?' ' No, afar, I am editor of aa agrbnltoral Tfaiptt. Ibava bald that peaitlaa fw thirty yanra." Puune Among Fiaheimen. The grtateat aaffisriBg iaianaable prevaib along thanertoamooaataefNawfeandland. So far 160 peraona bava died of atarvatfon, whib folly 2.600 ara aa ita verge. There are atlll no algaa ef the be broakiag np for 300 or 400 milea. Rsliaf from toe Govern- ment will be afforded. In one aattlamant af 42 panona 24 dbd dnriag Jaaa. Ia aa- other village ef 16 famUtea, oon^riabg 53 peraeaa, 11 have died from cold and deati- tation, while In another ef twelve famUiaa, oonsbting of 72 paraoni, 32 have died. The Hob. A. F. Widdell ef the New- fenndland Government haa arrived at Ot- tawa for the parpeae of iatarvkwiag the Govarameat aa to axtaadiag aid to tha atarviag fisbarmea on toe ooaat of New- foandlaad aad Labrador. Mr. Wlddell tolb an agoaialag tab aa to toe prevaleat local diatoeaa, awiag to toera boiog no fish- lag throagb toe ice aot breaking ap. Wia- teraeta laia October, aad toe oatbekfar toe poor peopb b torribb If ready aid b Bot fertocemtag. The Siehest Man in the World woald be poor witoeat health. The dyiag millionaire ooasamptive would exdiaage ul he b worto for a aew leaaa ef life. Hoooald bave bad It for a soag bad be aaad Dr. Pieroe'a •' Goldea Medical IHicovery" beftm toe dbeaae had reached ita laat ati^aa. Thb weaderfal preparatioa b a poaitlve oaie for ooaaamptlni If takea la time. For all dla- aaaeaof toe threat aad loaga it b aaaqaaled. All dmggbta. FailUa fraaoaiaa b atripad wito divar or whitoaatia. '*A Word to fhe Wise Is Suffi- cient." Oatoirii b aot ataaply an tnoanvaabBoa, nnplaaaant to toa anflanr aad dbgaating to otoataâ€" it ta an advanoed eolpoat af a»- proMhiagdiaaaM oi wocaa type. Do aal a ag b o t ita waraiag il bilaga deadly «vfb iaItatniB. Belenitb taalato, aaa Dr. Sagoli Cbtoitb R aaa a dy. it aaat ai tha ailaiaBt^ aad b tha anlv Ihtaa tbat wBL Tan may daaa yonnall wME qaaok â- l ij i i la u tBlIt b too btoâ€" •UD toa pro. lus- WB GIVB AWAY fi ITae tOBSd. lufe, cqtisw Haata**" •••••• *-'J|oo 25 ftaia 7B0 1000 1500 EOO ,«•â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •â-  700 4aaM (00 nan-oo^j"^^'" mmmwf ._.â€" â-  o noo gprnrt â€" "*• Ihe above magaifioeat Uatal rawardpwm be divided iatotoraaaata^ namely: Fibst, MiDBLBj and Co«aaLAnoH Bbwabss. The firat offlrfoataaawafraasivod will tika toe firat rawajd (aaa of Ibo Piaaos) m tho firat aat Tna avadar (A too aoooad 4WM* abawff wlU grt anmbar two, aad a» ob tlU elltoefllratMileaandbtaibBtad. ThaaJd- db oeneet aaawar af too whob oempeUtieB fw,m firat to bat wiU take toaflratprba (aaotoar piaao) in Iba middle aat ef rawarda, too noxt oortaot nnawar foUowJag Oa middb, anmber two, aad ao aa tiU all too Biiddbaeriaaaradlatribnted. Tho last oor- foot aaawar raoalvad. beariag pMtaiark wbara maOad of tba 30tb Oatober, fill gat toe first prlae (aaetoor piaao) fai tha third sat or Caaaalatioa Bswarda toe aaooad to too laat, BBmbar two, aad ao ob uu all toe pdzaa are diatrfbatad. Tba aaaiaa of tbe aaoeesafal prlaa winoert, wlto fall peat c ffioo addreaa, wHl be pab- liahed la tu Ladibs' Jobbnal at the oloaa of tho oompsHtiaa, Ook 30to, ao all maybe amaied of toe atoiaat impartiality. We bave toooaaads of toatimooiidB aa to toe value of oar prisaa aad tha fairaeaa wlto whioh they are diatrlbuted. Here are the Bibb qaeatioaa, where are toe foUawIng three worda first mentioned in toe B.ble 1, CiTT 2, Town 3, Villagb. Eveiy perwn campating mutt aend One Dollar wlto todr answor, for tour montha' BubsorlnkeB to thn Lasixs* JonBirAi. Ad- dreaa S. FRANK WILSON, "Ladies' JouBHAi. " Offiob, Tobonxo,- Casada. A Knight of the Bath- It b propeaed In Canada that our dbtin- gubhed and entorprbing Staton laland mil- lionaire ahall be knighted as a tokea of Oanadlan reoegnition for toe benefita be baa oenferred upon the Dominion. It b a fit idea, tooogh, of ooarto. we Yankaea and Demdwata woald aat toink any better ef him beoauae of Ua arbtooratio title. Bat Sir Eraataa Wimaa weald aeaad finely, aod when Cuada oemes to ba anaaxed, be would get tho right to be elected Proaideat^ all toe aame aa taough he had beea bora aouth of toe line. Have too Canadlana ever toooght of toat ia their poUtioal apaoalatleaB 7 -N. T. Bun DontnaeanymoiBaaaaeoaainirBaavaBBaidi aa Pilla, Salts, too., when yon can get In Dr. Carson's Btamaob BIttara, a medicine that movea the Beweto geatlT, oleaaaliiRaUiBpnrw itiee from tho ayatem aad readerlng the Biood pare aad oooL Oroat Spring Medicine fiOota. Some of toe new woeka laoaa are of very fiae quality and are quHa glosay. A WRB VOK HRVNlkSHNESS, Oj^nm, morpbiaa, obloral, tobaooe, aad isn2rei halnU. The medldae may be given in tea or coffee witooat too knowledge ef too peraon takhg It, ^•0 deiind. Bead 60 la atampa. for book aad taatlBMalab from toeae wbo bave beea oared. Addreaa M. Y. Laboa, 47 Welliag- tna St. East, Toronto, Oat Oat thb eat for fntue refarvioa, Wbea wrMag tba thb paper. A.P. £91 Jxl. good pay. twoladlsaâ€" as OaarMssiBi H. â- . Xaaaan, foooala. Oni A* itfni aiHTS IWHKW AaATT .aT, rAULT .» ntasliMlMS opaB^lAn^stfoM'aDd aa* swsis OB Bible nplw Bbeial tsnna. btsmattoaal Book and BlUfl HoBse SeBeale.OBt. A «Em WMMttm-IS XVKRT TOWH AHD J\. eoaaty, for tha O. K. Pant aad BUoar. I tUir enl i seDs at sight SMtt^de Kalfe seat ioos^afpiloe,Ua Q. D. Bit. Agvt «0 Toaaa M. tuoato. Oat. v/UU â€"1 nlla tram Doadalkâ€" UCQOO MUiig tatf-ptlee. BDPAMD. »7 Ktog-st W.. to wato. BAUD SAW MAflHimS-^aLL IgBBâ€" t^tICT ImMTWiiMis biMkatbaadsawsfn attaob- 'T»JJ â- â€¢Â«Â»U«**aB Md dnartjU I saod for JOES OILLm h 00.. OaiMoanaoo lag to einaun. SIPBUMt^nVBtaiaaehaoamyiosdl »rio- olionlaia. Int*n«ttonal Book lad Bibb sm. Am. â- AMOn A WOMJJI WABTSn Of lYIRT rr^ySS^^KSf^J**' **«««** ««» book, aps et m e a of ontny arar wilt n neariv 7D0 bbmiii oaly is; tnD paiHoBhia ot tab a^oHMT^'beSs rm_8ohnvlsr8BiUhA;Oe..ffablltom oadooloS fi^!*SL' "^^ff" Btadaata Attantlmt I w!S2!rJ?Jrfl!IS'2?***^'" '»• ••»«Mhooi xsacBeis aad nodMilSb ea ai.«« M.«- ,i iw..â€" 1,. __ Patainig. MawSoS'JSSMtSSriSST^" Btsly for spMlal eiraolam.- Tbb Uiraa \mTAMTmm nnUni4TBKT«â€" 'Tvo HimBn SSy'fM "?**^ ' 'â- â- aaday or ersalag. kSSm AUnadaMss oflSwrtatgaSL^^Ti A "gg» «-::«» OMPK warn a book nua v*aa oatMv aMMsaHoB "--- -«_ ___ jt.^ aNa9^S««ltajb7MSM;1nt2^^ •tomtom â- V* iJ*tto tast insk laMTM^aSss*^ iIimSS vSssaT'ttSf JTSSi ^S'U*** taaeliaSsS 1 lI\ 1:1^ K( lLECTR03,3TLRECTYPERS we mtmm d««imBI»«Myta^tbe day jaoo per year; 8ixiiio3^aaiaSO^«e«mnaio.2Br^ee mon^ and 0 piMe mosie, 50c. MAocrtoa â- wwTJUuibiraai^wrarywhercL^bn^ cook WBBKXiT, sFColbOEne St. Toronto^ Oaaada. Hams, Breaast^ jBacon. Oar nods are of tha Flaast QiuUty. I^iU FUTonr and B^w-ooNd. bBv-tmadalaawaidMlastorput â- even T»»ra tor exoeMeao* o) onie _^ â„¢u«Ka ov., 9 n«-r"HiB„.2 JAS.,PARK SON 53ifflK*'5^S^ Itoronte, â-  â-  • Oat.'-- •"• «»!•"••â€" i*.i- SNCW • MONEY TO LEND â€"OBâ€" FrodaotiTe Town, YillMee Turn Fropertjr m. â- nantu MevovAia, Banttter, QUELPH CARPET WORKS. J.A.AB1IISTB0MCI0., auDrionmaaa or WOSL, WIM DAMASI CAlVm MaawpattHaaaaddaaMiBBi Ctoal*h.Ol Ul -I B. SPBVCS COi Ooaaosgwn wfflfladlt to tksiradTaatags to aak ike tnde tor oar auke of Baapa. â- a'Cntttnca for prioe Bat aad â- amfltoiit O«tiurloii HI CO â- 0 I AMIIACB WACOM AXMg. el the Oalebiated ^g^ mm AXLI WOBKS K T. PBPPB 00.. Gttolph* Out Oa priad al BintaK Axlsa aia aB to be had at all tks al Haidaaia Stocss b lbs Dontatoa. The Royal Xaniictnriiig Oompany, L. a WIDEMAN COm latviaveA BBnslly Aad all Uada ol taoadiy AppUaaosa, Baigk» Pnol Wladew-Baak Looksii Step laddem eie., ato. Modal-llaktag, lOB-Wrightiag aad Oaipoatsriai Woik. M13BHD BOB PaiOB LUB. Agonta Wanted* AlJaD UnB Boyal lail stesDuMpi. BaOlac dnriag wintar fnmFortaa* •vacrHmndar andHautazswyBalardar toLtvarpooLaadlnnauBM Iroia Qnebee evair Satvday to Uvatpoei, oaUitts at Lon- dondawrtolaadmaHaandBaaiwiBiifiterBaoMand aai Iwlaod. AiaoffomBalMMOra. ria WaHllaT and 8t Jotot H. v., to Lifaipatf iDrtalghtIr M WesIqaiTufl^ HAMILTON BRANfpi I AddiesiUie PfOTblgi^ Pilaotpii, THEKINCOFBLACiDi -SOLDEVERYWHFPc j ABH8TKONC8 m BUGGY CARRIAGE LIGHT, STYLISH, STRONa m ANO THE EASIEST RIDINQBUOGri Al DOW improTed tha "Eaickt"flMiki detect* of aey klod. iM li mMttaiillM Hide to rait open or lop bonleMdiaa aUe b; all tha Laadhig Oairim Idiaii oar daforipllre piloa lilt j g mm M'PG CO. LD), GUELPH. CAMoT The â- taaaun of the Glaafov llnca sail duiarviatei to aad^ttoaa Halifaz. Fortlaad. Boatoo andPhUadel tola: aad dnrtag aommwr b atâ€" a a fllaaaoa aad Moa toeal, traaUr, Ofaisew aad Boatoa, vaaUy aad OUaa â- ov aad IWIadelpUa, tortnigktly. For trelBht, paaaase, or other loftmiadoB ' ' ' Iramaoher Allan ft Co.. ChioaBo; Love tt Aldeo. New Y ork H. Bonxlier. Toronto Allana, Bae ft Co., Qnebeo; Wm. BrooUe. PhlladelpUai H. A. Allan Portlaad Beaton. Montreal Scad lorCatiliiM. TENTS, FLAGS, N AND CAMPING GOODS. Macnair's, »•"•"" ~:rery enqmry ohaarinllT urmnl MANUFAOTURBBS AND MITiLRTlS WILL SAVE MONET BY 1 HcGoU's Lardine fry it tâ€" â€" IniTBunll Wa are Ike Bote â- anaiaetHMn of the fieaalaalasllBti w'AlM Cyltaidera Bagine, Wool and BancM •«{ McQOLL BROS. CO TOI Vfy Oar Oanadtan Goal OO. "SUNUaHTT Bnuid,:.nii"fl P L D. SAWYER CO., civ L. D. S." ENGINES. •S^^'.^S*" Mr. ^Miilltoa, aad Hoitbeia nii^ Walksiloa. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" SEPARATORS. OslslogBs Fries List. OXTZaitfB'V'dJ NEW HARRIS AND .„ STEEL DOME HOT-AIS FtntNA*

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