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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Aug 1886, p. 1

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 •'^- iim »«». !1S??' '223 « 12 38-" ?*«»»â-  «10" 6J5« «47" 7.^4... I 726..i| 7 51 ' 8»' 8 30 •• 8 45 " I925-., llOsS' ' |le. 6om8o' iTiz: j^ ni, anJ ^Opffl.anJ :ii M -No. 508. â- HT" Zf MAKKDALE, ONT., AUG. 5, 188.6. Co^UB or TBS STiSSABI). X STiSSABS ,i .. J jrradcs, witli my own name "on, l-v tinifis; also "Waltbam, Elgm and â- '^,1,1 ^Witches-. Swigs, full-jewelled, tii- Seth Thorua? Clocks, Silverware, and uuoils, in full lines Lazarus Pt-LMe .J Laru'e stock. No misrepresentati' .n. cldpe. Goods and work fully war- [ircliable .reweller, Ufarkdale. 9! Iial aid Otlier Items. I ViTicEs in these eiAnmns intended to benefit k ininiihml or Sorictji trill be charged ten Lu ""' for the first insertion and five V-,i\bue'achsuhie(itient insertion. ?h ' urnc is to have a Vobinteer VExiSaturilaj' is cattle fair in Mark- OiatsTTorth wants a brick yard iiily. Ictnimmiioatioii from Ratepayer, Isme too late for this week. Wizai'cl Oil for sale at the iyaiHall. A. TmnerCo. Off-'ii Soniicl races will be held on lie 18th, 14tli and IGth of August. Pb. Washington will be at tlio Mark- Jiile Hoiipe on his regular monthly l^t next Satiirdaj" ?100,OOO to loan at low rates of in- Itet. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Mark- tie. It's about time the pathmasters had j'iieir thistles cut â€" ^the village thistles I'emean. Ii if said to be hard for a ricli man ifiiie.find it is often hard for a poor IJMtolive. The Shelbuvne Free Vresa sys thai I Wh Durham editors invariably spell iSbelbume wron?. I ^- J. Anderson of Orange Valley pveaHjuantity of pure Martin Am f to fail wheat for sale. Messrs. T. Kells and J. Bolandbaye I *b a large field of fall wbeat wladi I *^ yield 30 bushels per acre. "H. DoDDs Started with a gang dt jienfor the woods in A'goma District I » make timber for Burton Bros. SwTHthe Barber, wDl be in Flesher- jDnext Monday, fair day, to attend iwlthoserequirmg his services. Two m^res for sale, one heavy I wastand one light, both in foal. Cash JJJIJ'ccheai.. Apply to S. Morrow, Jhe farmers are said to be adopting r«.?htbour system -eight before â- Â»Â«D and eight after with two hours I «fam harvest. «^ A. 0. U. W., and C. O. 0. F. I yr^^iafkdale have leased Sae's Rw"' *^' goat and oth«r •"nwre there to. kjTf^ to illness Mr. Wm. McLeod Slt"i^^^^°« «t"re t^o days UseeKr J^^*'® pleased hoirover ^turnabout again. Mr. Cbas. Littlejohns had about 65 cords of tvo-foot woiod burnt on Monday night last about «^ht o'clock. It must have been set on£re. Always bsjuiexo â€" A good cathartic med- icine. Natioaal Pills will not disappoint you. ABTKHEBiACouncil pas^sd a resolut- ion at its last meetiagbi^tagareward of $200 for information that will lead to the oonTictibn of ineendiary' s in the township, Low's STI1.PHTJB 80AP should be found with every toilet. It is cleansing and healing. We have just seen copies of Arte- mesia and Osprey voters hst for 1886. They were gotten np at the AekHtnce office, Flesherton, and are orieditable indeed almost as good as those done at the SfANOABD'Cfiice. Db; tow's PLEASENT WOEH STHtT* is a SafO and reliable worm remedy for all woi-ms afflicting children or adults. Notice. â€" All persons ai-e hereby warned against giving goods or cash to any person on my account wiihout my written order, as I will not be held responsible for any such. James Lackey. Berkeley, August 8, '86. Fbbamans wobh powdbbs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults' The Review and 7ArowicZ«of Durham were in harmony last week on a lead- ing political issue, viz â€" tho Franchise Act both condeming it in strong terms. Itis a most ridiculons,expensive and useless Act, and we cannot see bow any person can honestly favor it. Cbodp. Whoopino Cocgh and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Sbiloh's Cure. For saile by E. L. Stephen, Drugglat.Markdale. A Fire. â€" Neilsnn's saw-mill at Proton Station was burnt to the ground Wednesday morning, this being their second mill which has burned withm a year. The cause of the fire is un- known, but it is supposed to have been tlifi work of an incendiary. â€" [Dundalk Herald. Fob lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Potous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A "EuPHEisiA Knockers" of" Blantyre and the "Harkaway Clippers" played a match game of baseball at Harkawaiy on Thursday last, resulting in a victory for the Knockers by two runs. Knock- ers 16, and Clippers 14 mna. It was a very exciting game. The return match will take place at. Blajityre in about two weeks. i»i\^~A good pair Colts, two W 1 i/^^** °^^ respectively. months ci ^^^' balance in six H """"Shepherd Boyoe, Markdale J.B. Trimble mS'f Wicai!!"""^.' Stocl'wap 8oiaiy '^S)ihtwj'R^?^*"'^*^# illip„^l?y J- R. Anderaon^^ tUfc ^»ge. Th, *«»'*°'^«^'llbe re-opened Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible congh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for yon For sale by R. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A The prize list for Glenelg Fall show is now in the printers hands. 500 copies will be printed in pamphlet form for distribution, making it a desirable advertising medium. Any person who would like to give a special prize or have an ad. in the pamphlet can do bo by leaving instructions at this office on or before next^ Saturday, 7th. Sbiloh's Codoh and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con- sumption. For sale by R. L. Stephen, Drug- ^st, Markdale. A We have received a copy of a 83 page pamphlet, being an-jessay on each of the goddesses, "Flora, Ceres, and Pomona," by Mrs. Christina Moffat, wife ot Chae. MofEat, Esq., reeye of Glenelg, and dedicated to ihe mem- bers of the Grange Patrons of Hus- bandry. It is ably written, and may be read with profit by the pubBc. Mrs. MofEat will accept thanks for our copy. That Hackiho CoxjGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Care. We guarttitee it. For sale by E. L. Stephen, Druggist, Marx dale. A Pleasttbk SwnaBa .BtBASED and DiWGHTBD.^Tht MirtW. Currie, of WoeSbtpok^ MJft. and Mn- Wm. Oost- rie,of Mt. Forijst; Mtb^ Cume, of Anrora, and Mi» Miltohdl. of Wmter- lkl|ixa.wera the jroidtta oC Mr. R. B. Cnme, i*Ngfe /•fWW' *»?• ^^' They "todi^ IS^^**® bwttaag, Kimberlev^lanaiiflNT** m»ntain gcenery. ^i*^^ »»â- ' ^^^^ 1^ Boyal Templars of temperance will'hold tb(^ great Temperance Camp m^etingof isSBin HamOtonfrom the 8th to thelS^i Augatt. A fall pro- gram is arranged fpr eacK day of. the week, with the best Ij^raoiperance or- ator? of the continent, together with charming music and other attractions. Bedueed railway ' fair good on any regular train on Saturday next 7th, good to return' any day np to the 14th instfot $2.75 from Markdale, by secur- ing a certificate oin W-^* ^^^hanan 97 James St. l^orth, Ip^amjilton. We are constantly in receipt of the most flattening testimonials in reference to West's World Wonder or family Liniment. This re- medy hasno equal in the cure of KheumatlRn*. A few bottles will cure the most a^ravated case. It is alsoiuvaluable for Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Dams, Scalds and -all complaints required external application. Pi'ice2jceht8 and JO cents per boltlc. Sold by A.. Turner Co., Druggists, Markdale. Aug. The CANAmAN Pacific Bailwat, now that their train service to the Pacific Coast is fully established in order to encourage travel to British Columbia and give their many well wishers an opportunity of seeing the country and their line, have made a big reduction in rates. Second-Class passage is offered, to Vancouver or Victoria, from any point on their line, in Ontario and Quebec, fcr $50.00 First-Class for $75.00, and First- Class return tourist tickets, good for stop over at any point of interest on the route for 1 10. Passen gers have the option of going l)y their Lake Eonte or Bail Boute. Beturn tourists, going by one ^ute and reluming the other. This is to certify that I have used McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint, and do honestly say that if it cost me one hundred (tlOi.UO) a bottle I woold not be without it, as it has done me ' moje good than all the mediciues I ever used, and I feel like a new man.â€" Yours truly, Alex, j unwholesome sheet; and yet its editor Steel, Carleton Pia«e Out. This medicine ^jg g^ reckles's as to affirm under oath IS for sale at lOc. and 9l.(K) per bottle at ±t. ,., L. Stephen's Drug Store. 1 '^^^ " does not use any special means _r .. J to increase its circulation (he probably Impbovement. â€" Messrs. „„.„„„ all alike OsTABtelNbTiTUTioir FOB THX Blims. â€" The iBstitutido for title Blind at BrantfarU i^e- opebs far its next session on the fir^ioj^^q^* and as thers mp* almtysa iHimb«r -of pnpU# frraduati'«g at caeb yacskioiij spplkatwns to the Prineiifid fte theqdnuKdon of nevjcwDiars are BOW doobUeas^in order. Gonaid^ivg tb% iJmosI uttw hdpleseness and d«pendei)«e fft an oniastriMUd Uind person in alter UI0. no argaments iduoldlM. -needad toinduo^aU, «ho.have Mind childite oader their cure to â- . avail of this opporttmityof obtaining fiwtheo^.' a through tidacation with, instrocti^ni MQ9d- hig to'the {ftipil's capacity i in mnsie, in indpftft-, trial work, and, in fsot, in everything: by^; which the btrai may be made ueeftd and h(qpy. When, too, it is remembered that board afid%dncataon are provided for by a le^slative grant and so cost the Merd of pupils Net one cent., the last shadow, of^iv excuse is removed lor keeping a blind chUd-at bdme in idleness and thus losing g golden opportunifr^ faracquiring inestimable perman- ent benefits.' We strraigly advise ail. vha are interested in this matter to commustipatfy at OQce with Principal Dymoiul who is always ready to give full information to inqsirifii. It may -lie as well to mentien that the IusMt.' tution, is n6tfor those wbo are tctell.T hlind onfy, but for all young persons residing in Ontario between seven and twaity-one years of age who, by reason of impaired or defective vision are nnable to be educated at the public schools. Tliousands of lives «aved aimnally by' the use of West's Pain King, the household le- mcdy for chills,' colds, flnx, summer com- plaint, dysentry, colic and cholei-a. Only 25 cents. Sold bv A. Turner Co. Druggists. Mb. Jenkins of the 7Arcmu!Z£ appears lost for a weapon with which to ttssail-, and drawing on his imaginatioii, (bis native element) writes thusly in^ lasi week's paper, "Butledge is the only editor who ever squealed about ns gett^ ing subscribers m his own village or town." We have indeed heard some "squealing," but it had. been those who had been misledi^o subscribiag for the ChronicU. TlwyV say, when Jenkins, tackles a man lor a subscrip- tion it is worth a dollar to get rid of him, and thus they are led against their wUi to take the unpalatable and unwholesome sheet; and yet its editor ^is so reckless as to affirm under oath Impobtant Impbovement. â€" Messrs. James and Samuel Wiley, of the 7th hne Euphrasia, have purchased from Kennedy Sons, of Owen Sound, new machinery throughout for their saw milU The water wheel, one of Ken- nedy's celebrated Turbin's, passed through Markdale last Saturday it weighs 2,800 lbs. They are building new flume, bulk-head and waste-gate and expect to have the new mill run- ning by the 1st Sept. This Aiill has done an extensive business, and very satisfactory to the pubUc aud its pro- prietors, being men of sterling worth and commendable push, will now be in aposition to greatly excel all for- mer efforts. They have sold the old machinery, which has been shipped via Meaford to Manitouhn Island. Reasons why you should puiishaee FUiid Lightning in preference to all other remedies are Ptapid result â€" cures instantly. It is easily applied â€" no trouble â€" no lost time. It dose not require constant usen^ne appU- cationis effectual: One bottle will remove morepain than any other remedy in ex- istence Try it for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Theumatism. Sold at 85c. a bottle by R. L. Stephen, Itenggist, Mark- dale. 3 An ExTBA Passenobb. â€" The Aih- ahasea on lier last trip down had the honor of an interesting event which does not often happen on lake steam* ers. Mrs. Yellowlees, formerly of Bowmanville, but lately residing with her husband in Manitoba, was on her way to visit her firiends at Bomanville, but on Sunday night gave birth to a- fine boy. Though the interesting event was unexpected, the officers of the Athabasca were equal to the occasion. Capt. Foote as the father of a fam- ily felt qmte at home, wh^ Purser Chapman promptly decided not io cirflect fair from the extra passenger^ and Steward Fleck made eyety p^T, visipQ for the oom£n*t of tbr mother, and son. The jroill^ znad^.and IM] mother are both doit^ iteil,' aad i^ Tuesday ^tnr. " booMnilfo hi^ serves all alike, and thus .it is not special). It's a deplorable misfortune for the community that the manage- ment of a newspaper should fall into such hands; and afl;er {Ql, he is a sub- ject of pity, owing to mental deficien- cies -aod constitutional weakness, over which he seems to have no control, bringing upon himself the ill-will of the community in general and his su* periqrs in .|)a?:ticnlar. For our own part, We have no reason whatever to "squeal," and if we had a respectable riva| at the helm of the Chronicle, o^ eveii in our own village, we woUld be thelas|(,td whine; we are not t^at kind by any Jneans. â€" -i »» «â-  « ... " I ' 1^ 1 â-  • â- *:i. '•; -; .. ' â- ' â-  â- ' KS-' r,v-i â-  '• « ".,.â- .)...?* •'-• " -* b â- â€¢â- â- â- : â-  • y^' 1 *- •..•,.» .: « ' h -,r:--o... •.;...â- * i. i â- ^ r -• i" ^h »â-  • I â- â€¢ â-  S'*ii. '«.• r^' f 300 paii?s sdned B^t^; Shoes, half prica, ' ' McFARLANi'S. ' FasMonable Straw Hats 25c. A goocLFielt Hat 25c. "Women's Cor- setts 25c, McFAKLAND'S. Startling, 500 yards Laces in short ends be- ing slaxtghtered at McFAEXiANJD'S. Parisols 20c each, McFABliANto'S. Personals. ' MisS'Mandie Blackstock of Sing- hampton, and Miss May Gowan of Allistdn^has been visiting at .Mrs. Holhnaishead's recently. ' Miss Ida Miller of Owen Sound is visiting at Mr. Isaac and Samuel Miller'd^ ' Miss Maggie Foster is home for h^ holidays from Beaverton. Mr J. J. Irwin, V.S., is home Mrs. ;!rhos. Mathews and Leonie left on a visit to Parry Sound yester- day, r Mr. Beynolds of Norwood has been spendmg a short time with his brother of this vUlage. Master Willie Freeman of Milton has been visiting at his uncle's, Mr.j G. S. Bowes, recently. Mrs. T. Hanbury of Dohdalk, Miss Hn^s of Orai^f ^^ and Mrs. Tate of Brampton,; are ihe guests of Mis. John Whithyvthis weelf.. }i9^]£.^Jon«S;i8l;Q,'0a{M Croker tbis-^eek.-"^*^- â- â€¢â- ' â- â- *â-  -;,: â-  Xs selling 18i cent Print for 8 cents. 25 cent Dress Goods torl6 cents. 85 sent Dress Goodii for 2i5 cents. 6b cent Cashmere fee 40 cents.- ' 4 Buttoned Kid Gloves, 85 cents. i or Browu 807^ ydfc^^Whitei. Lawn, 18.oent6» ;:^p5cen1^.; oa ctized the.];i6Witprfa'bj^|iM "Herbert Athabasca."^OwexfcS4iic|cl Mil Vt||fiMlift7«lislJfM â- n â- fm ptMMi' "'^tf"'B!y WW ' ' Mrs. A. CLellew of «tflB0MrdM;i«i .^aaifo 2 pairs Women's £|lack Cotton Hose fur 20 cents. 6 fine White Pocket .Hinfterchiefs for 25 cents. ..^rii.' Fme Grey Flannel, IS^rits, rr.,1 .»\. e^,, â- Hi vi Magste Wrigjjt rettlttrtd to Tbroiitq lUofim^. „ r,i,.... ... ' â- a4ttO yiss;KmbMids»iai*tslangit- iSam. Boyd;4»timie(Vfe»ip Jli^Sll o- pngg„ ,ii»w. /j 'iatft-Wetki 'â- â- -â-  fl« i -eiw!tt «i •\, ,Ui» ' '^slf* " ,-^i:'L'psa«'v ,3.,^ ^.,f C» ^C# 25V :U'T5« » t» Sr^r^ -WI ««le«^8M4dMO uox ^/j "^g-rf-trl .1 !i â- J: I i-\ '^•. MMMto mtm ^â- k â- 'â- '^^^i^"

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