Wi wm mmt m m I ' \i-U N " Ml I*. Mi BABBISTEB, ^SOZiK oFF/eeâ€"ora ItefkRutp^ MARkDAXiE:' iWConey to L.oa,ii 274 PftilnMOrnpuneniid PlnpH' OpBoiite tha near PmbyttiMJ^ tait- TXAVING seeaied flie HANDS, ECHLIN :GARV1N, (BO0CK39OB8 TO IiAinEB ttANOs), BAIIBISTEBS, Solicitors, Proctors. No- ' tsries, Convcyancerii, e. Money to QUA ai lowest rates of interest. Offices 16 King Street Eant. 199-261 ToHONTo. "DABBISTERS, SOLICITOBS, «â- . Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block Poolett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday andSatmdey every week. 57-ly J. I^Iasson, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massox. N.B. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six to Eight per cent. agency from tbe Chatham Hairest Co., (one of the ^et in Ontario) I am pr^^^ to. nMgy^»° cheap, either for cam 'or igiTe to 'flj-j ifiree yeais credit. v Arches, Comioia, Centre mnwmn, vaA. *^\HeaOerS. MoWePS, Mf-BklderS, kinds of {rfain ana ornamental plastenag ex* i, ,^ .„ _j „! »!..•_,. i «.« .-.^^i^. eented at ofaespeat rates. Calsomining Lime " "â€"«-' â€" ".»- Washing and Bepurs promptly attended to. TjtABlIEB JH4yil«» 'M-X WEEA1 J?: and prefanina JipX' trgiP tt|^ owa wbeal,«Hi«et illif' biiDgifie,tw«(vte4a8hela oraqce;: --!•"•.' ,d u,.^. .; wst Alexander Broiw, ISSUER of Marriage Liceiues, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissionei in B. B. e. Gouvej'ancer and Money to loan for the County of Grey. Farmers, MM'chants, and Land Sales, Funotually at- tended to and charges made very moderate Priceville,Nov. 5th. 1885. " 1-y R.J. SPROULE, PliESHERTON. Conyeyancer, Appraiser, Yalaatot aad Monej Lender. Deeds, Mort- gages, Leases and Wills drawn op and ^Valuations made on sliortest notice. CLarges very low. Apply to E. J. SPROULE, Money Leader and Foetmaster, FlesbertoUi weavTnc, ~~ Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more couvenient fcr my customers, I beg to announce that I am now oreoared to do all kinds of Custom Wea^ng. Residence old stand, opposite Presbyterian Church. 282 ARCH. BOYD. in ^â- .j.:frv, VO Ui io Solky Bakes, and eiv;ei3(thiiig. L. Qie imple- ment line, ako steam thrediing ihachinee, an^ aU kinds of mill maohineiy, portable 40idnesfrom the Victor ^nginiB Works, Hamilton. All raachineiy w^nantcfd. ^•M« w vU )/. To gije Jw, flxy*nge. "BaketTs Pateol" and test ftiJaQy flpnr lor sale. BetaiL pdoe p«t bbl. S4.$0. Th^ J|{Bne{^br mqre, 14.11) tp (K.25. •'^ftO'frtS»,*t«r ton »12.00 BRAN, •' -^ .; 10.00 Come ^i *•%, ^ITII. Wm. Brown, JSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES.e Commissioner in B. R. %e. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se curity. WILLIAM STUART, K1MJ3ERLEY, issue." of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. Nov, 5, '85-ly G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBER of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. IS'Offiee and residence, R. L. Stephen's Drug Store. Markdale. 298-11 EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, FOIEML FUMISNWaS supplied on the thortea notiee. .:i SDlendid He^^e fur hire at moderate rates. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GRADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munsbaw's Hotel. Flesherton. the day following the third Wednesday in each mduth for the prac tice of his profession. 122,47. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HOUSE. ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenliam Street, MARKDALE. â€" ^All kinds ofâ€" F XJ R N I T tJ RE In Stoek at bottom prices. PICTURE f RAMING Done on short Dotke. EOBT. A8KIN. Viem-' Iklkr Kfilk, MARKDALE. I. • ' Farm era are drmng from one to twen^y-fo^j^fl.es^ to the Victor Boiler Mill. aD4:.af$^8^(!!^)g!ily .pleased with the reenitsrii^icli^y always come back. » "' ^al No waat^ft,; j^ifretum trip necessary as yoQ get yQiit grist home with you every time. No cbange.iQade in the scale of exchange from the past. Parties wishing choiee flour, be sure and go to P^wes Mill. Good mixed, chop, bran and shorts always .for sale. Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the fonr townships, for which the highest price j will be paid in edsh. 219 ANGUS PLEWBS- Toronto t â€" '^k. s«uv.-js- y ^iUe. /LeaTe.. Orangeville Jn,^â€" Shelburne ' Dundalk Flesherton'.." Markdale "'â- "•• Berkeley Holland Gem;;;" -.JUatswortli Owen Sound, iUj. Ill 47. Owen Sound Chats worth.. Holland Centre "â- " Berkeley " ' " Markdale..."""""" Flesherton Dundalk .."!..""" Shelburne ...!.""'" OrangevilleJun""" Orange Arrive vnie..fLfiaTe."'"' CardwellJunetion.." "••onto Arrive.' • IIO «10« 6is- «3l. 647" 7oj' 7^« 761" 82]' USD" 845" 92S" o a MAEKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVZLijE, Out. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Kooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINvSON, Proprietor wITY KCOTEL, MABKDAIiE. The subscriber begs to inlorm the travelling public generally, that he has leased the ab^ve premises for a term of years, and hopes by catering to their comfort to merit a share of tublic pittrouHge, Bar and Larclrr well snp- jlied. (ti. od stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLean, Proprietor, Markdale. Nov. 12. 18b5. ~EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Out. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may lely oii receiving every necessary attention as to Eatables, Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 Fastliionalle Tailor*, OVER macfabland's stobe. PEEFECT FIT G^AUANTEED. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKJ^ H. B. HARRISON^ MANUFACTUBER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE ' MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. Scale of Gristing: at BARRHEAD -:- MILLS. Tb«P A ?^RKDALE. JUST RBGBIVEP 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble XS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qoar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at piices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to bide the imperfections, and called VS^iite Bronro. H.B.HARRISON. WHEAT. 62 lbs. 6J •• 60 " 69 " 58 •• 67 " 6C •' 55 •• 64 •• 53 " 52 '• WEIOHIHO. 41 floor. 40 " 39 " 88 •• 87 •• 86 •• -Jlo " 34 " 83 " 32 " 30 " OFTAIi. 18 lbs. 13 " 14 " 15 •• 16 •• 17 » 18 •• 19 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 61 " 28 it 20 " 60 " 26 »• 20 " 49 " 24 •t 20 •' Remember I give you all your small wheat home with you which is considerable. 270 W^ J. ROWE. Mails closed as foUowrm- C. P. R., going North, 11,0,^ J South, 3:30p;;] TEAVERSTON Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdajuil HARKAWAY. ' Fnday, 12:30 noon. For registered letters and ffloner, fifteen mmutes earUer than aboT,! i O. will be open on Hohdavs ftoajj a. m., and half an hour afernuils, W. J. McFiimjii,p.| WOOL! WOOL! Health is Wealth! 6 PEB CENT, Money loaned ou Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to K. J. SPKOULE, Conveyancer and Fostraaster, Flesherton. De. E. C. West's Nerve axdBbain Tbbat- MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fi.s, Nervous Nen- ral$^a. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and- leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren- ness, Loss 'of Power in either, sex. Involun- tary Losses and Spermatorrhpsa caused by over-exertion of the braiu, «elf -abuse or over- indulgence. One box will cm-e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee sir boxes to cure any case. With each order received by' us Isr six boxes, ac- companied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refuni the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST CO., Sole Proprietors, 181 188 W Madison St., Chicago, 111. Sold by A Turner «fe Co. As the season for the new wool is at hand, ire would respectfully intimate to all those who may want any carding done, tnst we are how prepared to attend to all v ho may favor us -with a call. Having this spring put on some new steel cards, with other necessary improvements, and over thirteen years ex- r podence, we are confident that we can turn out onr work in a satisfactory manner. Weaving and Fulling Cloth done as usual oa- short notice. All work done at the lowst cask price. Wool taken in exchange for work. Markdale "Woollen Mill* May 17, 1886 248 P. J. EITCHIE. niE KEY TO HEALTH. FARM FOR SALE, Lot 8, con. 14, Glenelg, 100 acres. 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance hard- wood, soil day loam, well watered, log house and bam, and an orchard of 235 good bear- uag trees. Tnis rm is situated 8 miles from Markdale and 4from Berkeley; and is onefof the best farms in the township. Wi'l be Wld on reasonable terms. For full particulars appiyto ' 298^10 GEO. LAMB,) „ JAS. LAMB,P*^°^ors- Ghwcott P. O. BE SURE @S GET YOUR â€" FBOK â€" MARKDALE. He makes as good a pamp as there is in the market, and at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs 'besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterprise by buying from Quiun. ' ISAAC STI.^SON. ^Builder and Contractor In adi kinds of Brick sud Stone york. Estimates given. Ail work jtaMaute«l.- Orders by mail "romptiy nHp'^in-T fn. 329 L BeiDdenee, MABKDALE. V^trinary J, J. II^TVIIV, V. ,s., Hononuf Graduate of Ontan'e College. TreatsaOdift. « .Horses exam- eases of donwe- yi^HBV "^^ ^°' sound- tie animals. ,I^^^B^ ^^' and certi- I /^S^^^aPFflcates given. Hetenaary Medi eiaea Kefi t and D/epeaseif. CHABGES MTODBRATE. OAliLB PBOMPTLY ATTENDED; mUSneipr. ^halte Staifdard Om^- offff^lually witk5Bt{ISi,SSSe^SSF ^w%;^ffSS'S* •»* ^~»» TO SOmOLjrRDSTEES. The ondersigned is manafaotoring an ex- cellent assortmeat of School Furniture, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc.; of the latest design and most approved pattern. Eighty recommended by School Tnutees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compacthess, whtjreTer tried. An assortment of Farm and Sehool BeOS kept always oa hand. Send for catalogue to Chatswerth P. O. 181 AMDBEW McGIUi. larCom inflaenoe FeraakbjraUdealwa. Clover Seed, MBdiom Bed. I«ge Bad. White Dutch. A-aike, Looetve and PaQow. .- CRASS^CED, PEESBYTEBIAN CHUKE I Services every Sabbath at Iftaj Prayer Meeting every 'tt^nesdave 8 o'clock. Bev. A. Wilson, ttna] Brown, S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHUECH. Services for July 4, 0,30 a. it. dj nth, 7 p. m. 18t'h, 10.30 and! Bev. Jas. Wardilnrnmbent. Salbitbi 2:30. J. W-Ford, Superinteiideni. 1 METHODIST CHUBCH, I Serrices eveiy Sunday at 10:30 ill 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. IT Meeting every Thursday eTeniug frail Bible clasp Monday evening from 8 1 Eev. Geo. H. CcrnisL. Paster; W il S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' AiJ i nection Mrs. T Hill, Secretarr. Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meeli j alternate Monday evening »t 8 o'dot Hall, McDougali's block. Viffltirg welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. V^, No. Wl their Hall, McDougall's block, eve^Jj Monday evening at 8 o'clock, brethren of reigliboring lodges s Maekbale L. 0. L. No. 1045 meetsin j Hall on Friday ou or before full iw«| month. Thos. Elliott, Ma8ter,(r.J.B^ Secretary. Victoria B. B. Preeeptsiy.,"".! Meets in Lodge Boom of No. 1045, first Friday in ei ing Sir Knights always welcom*. W. P.: Thog. Elliott, Eegistm. MABKDALB VILUM «»«** Police Trustees -Wm. !-««• Haskett, E. Davis. „ Public School TmsteM-iJ- ^^ Lyons. Thos.HiU. B.Colemu.. coinrrr orncuLS- â- Judge, H.McPherson,Owen£ Deputy-Judge.8.J.I^e,^ Sheriff, C.H.Moore" Clerk of Peace. W.Ani.str« "Revising Barrister, Sortl'.J"' son Owen Sound- jjsJ, Eevisiiig Barrister. Sontn* ^T'pTorK."Al.an.,Ow»S^ M. P.. South, Gee' Lander*" M. P. P.. North. P. C^^, M. P. P.. East. N-MJJ^ M.P.P.,South.JolmJi^ Meadow «?h%e,l TelTdwOat ?, Jf^^e^PoxTua, Eng- \T2«i)adtMf Bihe, Bed Top. Tb Loan on lifS • its .Mioy "' sic DIVISIOS .. 2. DaTid Jackson.W^ •• 4.Thos.J^,jif '• 6 " 6, .0*0" rhos.J.^^"""7Tle J. W. ArmstrenJu^ nontuiff*^ Orangevilleâ€" TI* I)u"d3?-Tnesd.^^1 Fle8herton--MonW Markdale-8at«rd»yr i, «j*« Durham-Third Xn^^jwf Chatsworth-lifo^rb*?^ Holland Centre-B*^ ' HaHoverâ€" M««»J