:;*»*- l^i^'^tr •. *-â- »». 3»m.,Jits. .*^ l»' ta*i*nBjit\ â- !.• Jt:s^-«»vMr««. '"'***"~r-""' Kfiii II umi n 7nii»Mi 55* J, riQie â- Utti. {« «itb«l, I hid ition At Last. ' w^ae " WM all Owrfl a»id. hflrror-stiioken. The reem •^.r and wMted no wordt. tildeeV rerUedthertriok. ^J5 J " " ' '" '""" fF^I*tSkef tb»tMW, CeoU; i' **«;. Dl»oa for me. I can leave '""^mother with Parkins, and bs^*^. • • bia face laoera«ed and aoar- ' (} u if he had endued with hia right arm in a i'1«Mto8 himself painfnUy and "Sio^n the deserted haU ef Itawbiohsfew of the rafferen in •* jl„y aooldeQt had been oar- rrlji Mid Madge Graham entered eventog. CeoU'i fierce werdi L'kiiliDs M the wietohedman oame fer- [«i the bnaband followed mutely lie bad tempted his unloved wife lIllMteioe led the way, with a •!• « Into an empty titting-room It wai Madge who firat fonnd iht ipebe hi a breathleta whiapar. .htw ii she I" 'died an hour ago," said Lswii fkiilily through hia let teeth, tnm- ^« pale gifli vboae eyes he oenld randoenfronting Cecil. "Shell ),( have killed her between u. [n tie I black aoooont written np I for tbii and you are worse than gh lam I"â€" and he spoke fast « If yon had shewn her one „...jer one atom of kindness, von I'iiw boand her to yon f erever. No- iMld bave tempted her to forsake [Myen made her mad with wonnd- Ld pride and jealonsy, and I took of her madneae. I would have ife to have saved hers just now," hii voice growing faint and •ad Sj. itrask to the heart, made bo an- Mftdge, her face buried In her I Kibbed andibly, while Lewis Daana t eat of the room and eat of the He waa indeed reaping the bitter igfremorae and ahame. « • • • Liiifigared boJy ef the onFortonate (lifeâ€" the once gay and innocent Nel- i brenght home, and burled litht pomp and circamstanoe of death, ifh tbe.-e was much Barmlsing, latiomegreat acandal and /auar • Dot wanting, yet as nothing was I hewn, the bereaved husband and ij Dppearhig in deep mourning, and ItutenanceB deceroualy sad, the nine- Imder was aeon fargotten, lu ui hitereating young v^Idower â€" iRmaitlc, yon know, my dear tbey y b«en married a month or two, and uicch a pretty little creature, wheim elont ef pnre love I"â€" was more a 1 ever. He had published a new nefpoema, whirh the critics had al- L'uimeualy preiaedtbut it was not 1 in which Argent Yeriston was im- Kd, The alight melancholy depres- fob buDg ever Cecil increased the in- tin the charming peet by some lUlei, who thought it was "so The ideai of seme cruel disap- at, leme tragedy in his life, of a Iput, vaguely hinted at, vaguely Ki, idded the crowing fascination ef ytethe fame of the literary lion. t to be wondered at that, petted Kty, snd hia conaolenoe thus gently p, Cecil should begin to look IliiiMlf as an illnaed individual, to ifitebad been exceptionally cruel; pibonld begin to pity himself as de- Nnther than as deceiver, and as un- rather than as reprehensible piliould imagine a bright untroubled bought new, in oemmen jastloe, to be "^L* '"'"" ^^ '^®" ^^^ himself, I Hy the dlsippaintment, grief, and »« Use past. Anyhow, that was the Hd at which he arrived within six • « nil wife's untimely end. CHAPTER Vni. [iaklihaligoover to Yeriston this V iid Cecil Graham carelesily to ^1, Mrs. Mill, as she brought him iW!" she replied, bleeming and r""w, still wearing black for her rB« beloved and lamented wife, as she 'M her aristocratic ledger, on her „",!! ^°™ »^f never dreamed of A ' U chear yeu hup a bit, sir " •wiped her. eyes with a comer ef her ^â- 'Htyeu be in no 'urry to get •te-. i" "*PP®° *« ^o've gone to fJ«venyt ^^j^^. and I'll leave jwaach U do nobody no good/" Put./n « " " changes at the l5'";vhiohthEr«..rf a*t. yw'U bati f^ ,644 yon'r* going to th« Mere Hoom. -It WM a gny •ftomoMi la Maroh. tiw kad«»p« iMkad IMW mP late M Oeaa wtfkad d*wa Um wwUr- memlMrad p«tli. throogh tha floirariHe snll«ilybeBeatii»ii«l,w«ingsky. FiUow- ^ng some f aiiey .f lU. ow.fi i^at fin* to SrjJffcr^*^ u««i tB dt .f vld with 'j^madmtlma^p,. He omild hardly ima- gtoeittelfeae aame plaoe. The gloomy silent waters, stripped of tlieir bra^y «3 flowers and Uvrn, ibm meluioholy leTol sliorea. tho Imupb trees, their btanshw wst- ingwitn a moaning sonndiatha diill aad wlc-lidea wind. flJkd Oeail with «iga* ditquiet. ' i^!???.** 'â- J?*^ *• •"• *^* Argent was lost to lilm, that she was pwhapa •â-¼Â«! new thepllghtad bride ef aaother, that aaothar had lekveto preeathe hand aha had with- dxawnfrem his, and tiiat another misht kuathalindaniad fta him Iha thoaSht atong Cedl to madaeas. No. it oenUaat. it ahonld net be I Sha waa his, and no mere power ea earth ahanid take her from him aaw Hia brew grew dark aad hta iaoa atara as ho harried aa, away fram the Biamary-haaatad mere, thtoadi the sodden graaa, the gloomy dalla and ahrab- barlea of the park to tha hdaaa. How familiar, yafhaw atrange it aU waa I Thara waa the garden, oaca ao blaoailng ud sweet, new a damp, dismal wndemesa. J^ere were the oreepepdesiared walla of the old nianalon, dwkaaad by the early twi- light of a dull Maroh day. Waa tha past a dreaai, or waa the preaeat a dreamt Cecil oenld hardly tell. All waa ao atrange aad so naaatnraL Oaoa witliia, however, tha aease af oa- (aallty paaaed away ard tha aotnal praaaat returned. A bright wood fire glowed oo the big hearth lathe hall, aad threw its fantaatio radiance on tha the grim armour, and traita. " Master's busy In the Ilber'y, air, and giy borders he waa not en no acoonnt to be distorbad," reapeotfnlly axolalmad the gray-haired domestic; "bat Mial Veris- ten " lH« woald draw hiaa back ta her. ** Aad yea aaa, it haa doaa ao r-aasO bg np at Um aa ttay aat ^Md an hii Iwtaal. tab hany to iho^bt to aaythbg bat thair pariteoaa. "Sayratiier It waa my lore for yoa, ho aaawwad, "whleh woold aofe lal m raat withoat yoa. Oh, my darltag" heitmlaed har to hia breaat nith vnUva mavameatâ€" "aotiiing oaa aaparate as aew, aetiiing oaa oeme betwaea aa aay aiera 1 I most haTa yon all my owa aoaaâ€" at oaoe " aad he ralaad the blaaUag taea and kiiaad the aaCtlips. •• When wfil yea gira yoorsaU wlwlly ta my kaqpiag, daar- aat?" "ItahallbairiiaByenwill, Csoll," was tha aaawar, in ao lew a taaa that he ooald scarody hear it. W^ «MrMbf Wfaid jMNday/* taallagb lhf)«|ii^liikK at^.^ha «^ "that tSsyWalfSiiM whytfiM tMlSmw aad iaata^aa^ipn*! OviMiM.daarOasili to waava saah f aalleal isiHlia saaai im !* Tha aHeaft aa[pUra mlnrar below ahowad har a laTaly Unaalag faooi ita teadareyaa aad ttaaaaiaas Iba aarfHag ap at har, ita gaidaahairfablagroaad it Uko a olMid, aa aha ilaopad ovar ta gattiar Mm fleatbig wazaa CHAPIBB IX. atainad windows, the anoaatral por- Yeriston is was a very Ll7°^» wonder -- g;1. Mr,. MUL it'n}' « their different fanolea f^nv. fK°°*."y "t what she ain't " j""l« long first." ,ed°i,!?p'"^^ I«8he going to kJ^ff^^CecU, bringing the wirda UtMr'st"'""' *. P«h»I» yon fetdtS'"!^! â- ,:«'y '»«h oharoh; f^ht\?i.^ he thought marrytag P VvlriW' «d he's nearlVM Sn•WH^"'"• How«iid. [Hie^lr"' »^y »• «ne el" need ^r^'!!'?^ '"breath.' iSeSjrT*" •» VariaSi; ShrSS^:? •^o* tt»ink thara ^jJjtSS^^fthora daaayalM '»«»th.7s*"£-" aalytitafa ittraa,atrboit aha had AyshaAwH â- ha had fait -aahiWf » alia' Oat ha WMid As it summoned by the mention, of har name, the drawing room door opened, and, closing it aeftly behind her, Mlsa Yariiten advanced tewarda the fire. "It is growing dark, Mapleson," she said. And her voice thrilled CeoD a heart' painfully. Then she started, aa she per- ceived a gentleman with the servant. "Mr. Graham, raiss," anncunoed the man, with deferential readiness. And then she left the hall. They were soon talking, apparently en easy Mendly terms, ever the glowing em- bers. Then Mr. Yeriston appeared, and the trio partook ef tea In the amall cosy room. As ef eld, Cecil sat opposite to the young chatelaine, letting his eyes dwell upon her ripe bean^, taking the cup she fiUed for him from her hands with trembling fingers, listening eagerly to every word aha spoke, envying the light that touched so softly the pale gold ot her silken tresses and the shadows tiiat Inrked la the folda af her blaok velvet dress, a dresa more than any ether calonlated to set eff her fair, delicate- ly tinted beauty. " We never thought we should see yen asfain, did we. Argent " the old man aakad once, of his daughter and, oh, joy and wonder 1 her eyes drooped before Cedi's burning glanoe, and her voioe faltered, aa ahe answered in low tones â€" " Tes, father Iâ€" I thought he weald come t" Waa he dreaming or awake? the young poet demanded of himself. Had this girl really rejected his love, or had he dreamt that she had O! one thing only was he sure, that be would not leave her again without asking her the queetion. Come what might, he would hear hia aentenoe from these sweet lips that very night I Fortune favoured his resolve for, after tea, Mr. Yeriston, failing In his attempts to lieguile his guest Into one of his favourite discussions, went off to his study, and Cecil and Argent were left alone, At first a constrained silence fell upon them. Then Cecil began abruptly, hia voice aennding unnatural in hia own ears â€" "So yoa thought I should ratam, Miss Yeriston I Are yon glad to sea me now I have come V "Tea," she answered, in sometliing of her old brief manner^ bat blushing aa aha had never been wont to do. " When I left yon," he went on, growing bolder â€" " yon remember. Argent, when yen crushed me with the oeld cruel words you spoke, I never meant, never thought ef such a tiling as returning or seeing your face again. My one idea was to forget you, and to pluck yon from my heart I" He paused; but tha girl made no reply, no movement evaa, "Sntloould not do it; I oenld net forget, .^gent 1 I cannot live without you, I must have your love i" Then, seeing that she did not 'speak, he added, " VHiat made you think that, la spite ef year rejection, I ahosll aeek yon again t" By thia time Csoll waa oa his knees be- fore Argeat's low ohair. He had sefzad the two oeld hands, totally oblivious ef the Bevaroad Mr. Stene'a supposed claims, aaid, aoaroaiy oansoioas ef what he did, he praased tliem in hia own natll Argaat'a ring* oat lata the tender fleah. Cecil waa looking np with intense passionate yearn- ing faito her blue witching eyea for Ar- gent'a verdict meant life or death ta iilm. " Why did yon thiak I ahould aeek you again?" ho demanded almoat fiercely in ha agony of auapena^ "It most havobaaa," oaaw at laat wall aigh fawadlUy from the awaet lipa which had grown pala whUe ha apoke, " beoaaaaâ€" beoanse I lovod yoa, Ceoil, aU the time " aadtho Ma ii«|"g girl hid iiar laoe oa hia aheiddar. la after yoara OaoD triad vainly to re- oall tha ooatatio Orlll whioh ran through him, alaiaat agaalriag ia its aoataay, at thla ooafaaaiaB. LltaebylitlIa,OaonwaafromArgettt a ooafaaaloaafhowhiawnda,aad Ua faeo. Witt ilB paasit- ef !•«•• haaatad har. BvatywlMia â- b««d U-J^ whan ahTwlrMi late aadrbi Ua latfaaailMMwhkhiMaMdMaaw ta ^^.d tatof» MiAiMg far ItwaaCaoU Chrahama waddiag memiag â€" a glotleoa glawiag windless meralag ia July; far, aa aooeant of Mr. Yariatsa'a ill- aaaa, a tedloos attack of goat, the waddiag had bean pat «ft mora thaa oaoa. Tliia had oaaiod good Mra. Mill ao ahaka her head oa^nonsly and prediot OvU thfaiga ta her goasipa. However all had gone well; aad thofatafnldayhadarrivad. Tha waddiag waa to ha a qoiat affair. There waia ta be aa guaataaad ao broakfaat tha happy pafr ware merely goiag to walk down to Eaat- hora Oharoh, where tha oaremeny waa to be qaiaUy parf armed by tha Rsvarand Mawioa Staae: Net avaa Madge Graham waa to be Ereaent for Ceoll had detormiaed to keep ia aurrlaga aeoret aatil it really was over, although his angagamaat waa ef ooaraa kaawa. Ha wlahed to aarpriaa his family aa onoe befaio, but ia very differout oiroonutanoaa, by the sight of his bride. Ha refleoted with happy prida aa tha aeaaa- tien her aaparlativa lovalioaaa woold pro duce and the love ahe would be oertaia to inaplre. Onoe more Cecil waa Ilght-heartod, genial, and intenaely, perfaatiy happy ao ahadow from the e^ past darkaaed. tha radiant glory of the preaent All ita hosta were laid to rest not one reproaohfol spirit dls tarbed Ida slumbers lathe aUeat lught, aad aat one remorsaful memory haunted his dreams, which were all of love, of joy,' and of Argent I And she t Day by day her soul and her intalleot expanded' in the sunshine which filled her Imiooent Ufa. It seemed to the lovers as if every one, even Nature heraelf, rejoiced In thebr love. Never had there been so fresh and exquislto a spring, never so royally beautiful a aummer and now it waa their wedding morning I Argent was awake before the sun had risen. Not feeling the slightest inclination tQ sleep, she rose, tiiraw the window wide open, and sat by it to watoh heaven and earth " putake the saorament of morning.' A few early songsters were already on tlie wing, oalling to each other from the dim fields and groves. A light braaza stirred the pink rose leaves that framed the case ment and dashed the girl's fair hair with dew as she leaned out among them. A large white star, "tha planet af love," shone In the east. ATgent watched it fade en " a bed of daffodil aky." that grew brighter every moment. A few rosy clouds hung in the Z3nlth; gradually these be oame yellow too, then white and loatroas. Presently the sun appeared above the dls tantsea, and rose grandly and silently In to the heavens. Another day waa bom. JoyooB songs barat forth from tha birda to haU ita birth, the dew drops fitahad in the sonlight, and the dancing waves SMrkled, A fair new day was bom â€" Argenrs wed- oiog-day I Suddenly an impnlae oame over her to viait all her old hannta once more, to bid farewell to the dear bowers of her ohild- hood and girlhood, and to bear away with her a speoial memory of their beauty. The ceremony was to take plaoe at nine o'clock. She would go now, and dress after break- fast. TiM white silk dress she waa to wear hung In her wardrobe. She glanoed at it lovingly, stroklD^ ita glistening folda with caressing fingers. There were her littie bonnet, her veil, and her gloves â€" she smiled tenderly on them all. Then she put on thtf blue morning dress she had worn the day before, took her large auashade aad stole from the room. She weat along the corrldera and down the silent stadroase for no one but herself was stirring yet. She passed through the hall, on tha fioor of which the light from the stainod glass fell in rich tinta, Seftty she opened and olosed the heavy doer and stood ontalde " ' The birthday ct my lUa Is coma my love Is come to me,' " sang Argent, as she passed through the (rarden with ita dewy leaves and awakening flewera. Argent felt like a glad ohildâ€" life aeemed aa/reah and ao joyoua. Her heart botmd- od'with gladnoH, and^ har Jeet were as light aa her heart the dsuld-aet help aing- Ii^, emulating the lark whi()h revelled «vwhaad. Cieaaing thej^k and ^taking brief Hsita t^aU tha;plaflaaha hel|; dear, ahe reaohad at length :tha daarsat i^(ace of all â€" thai mere. It lay before her in atill radlaat .heauty, with here and there pat^es-of dark leavea, snoW'Whito lily oupS'-rSeking in delidons oooiaoas an ita axore' beaom. J3a)^iB happy reverie, Argent ataad att $h* fiawaiy brink among the harebeUa:and.kiaaa,gsz1ng over the aarana expaase. How solitary, how empty,, save for Nataxo'a loveliness, bar Ufa had Mica bean I How iaU af plMaure and lova it waa aow I " Thaak Heawn 1" aaid tiie girl raver antiy from JtluJ daptiia af her gr^tefnl hsadt raialBg har eyaa to tlie natreabled aky.- A momaat iMiger aha ataad tiiaa har ayea raatad oa har boat. Yea, aha would float onoe mere alma an har b^vad mere aha woald have aaa aiara ^aw oa ita ia- vitiag aurfaoe. Laoaeaiag'iha Uttlaakiff, Ae taak bar place, aad, wm a 'few awift atrokaa,.wai " fleatbg ia haavaa, ' aa aha had aaaa tarmad it., Thsa aha lat tha Mails drop, aad thw trailed ilan^ with epalaaoent babblea m tiieir wake aa aha flasAad la.Inzarioaa idlanaaa, driakiag ia Witt HHpt^aa tha lovaUaaH af tiia aoaaa, ttlnking lumpy tjioaghta of lova aad af ttia iotarathathad dawaadfar har witt tids ^I wOl hava i baoqaat af ttBaa," tta marmoBad pwaaatiy. **I wiU wear my favaaiitoilawan at 0^ waddiag. CaaOlavaa Wiah ma joy, Mra. MiU." aaldOeoIl Cbrahaosb m}t», having jaat dsiipatshad hia ato^d ba?ora tMlitlla iqaafa mir- ror thai adainad hia efaiaaay-piaoa, ftkstaa- iaga wUto raaa-bad In Us oaat. Hal gidlty Boora had had a raatiaea aight^ distorbad by miaarabla dreams. The iaee aat af ids fair yoaag bride, bat of hb isjarad aad wifeâ€" had liaantod him tiv aogh tin of darknasa, aematimaaamHiagaad oliildish- iy gay, aoaaatiaMapala aad wild aa irhan aha left him ea tha bakaay tta laat time ha aaw bar in life, aomatimea daaa aad oald witt tf deep gash aoreaa ita gray paUar. Thaa it haaatad him, aad her voioeâ€" merry, re- proaohfal, raveagefal by taroa â€" ^raag ia hta affrighted eara. Altagethar ha had baea (U- treated by iaaaglaatien, aad he had awakea- ed witt tlirabbing head aad weary eyas, atraagaly dqnaasad aad melaaohaly. How- ever, a oald batt, tta lova^ moralag^ aad aiara pleaaaat wakiag theaghta had breaght him baok to hia aormal atoto of haaltt and spirita,. aad aa dark memory at tiia mid- alght'a treabia dimmed tha br^fhtaaaa of eyes aad andla aa ha bade Ids luidiady wiah him joy. "That I daaa. sir," responded Mra. MiU, wha had raplaoed lier blaok draaa by tte eld feattva flswared aflkâ€" far aftor aU na aarrew oenld bring baok the dead to Ufa and Miaa Yeriaton, aha ttonght, waa a mora anitabia bride far tte weU-brad youog poet thaa afan- pla oeantrified NeUia. " 'Appy ia tha brida aa tte aun sidnea on, and aure enough tta ann'U shine an ye bott thia day. As my WiUam aay, my tide nunate. It's a good he- men, and he's a rare one for luwwin' Is WU- Inm, ttoogh a bad one to apeak." ' Well, I hope he'a right thU time," said Oedl, laughing gaily "but how slowly tte tfanepaaaeal "I'U take a turn or twain tha garden by way af kea^ng ap my apirita, yoa know." " Mrs. MOl iohied in hia Uagh, but fiaaUy turned away witt a sigh from tlie oeatem- platiaa of Ida tall figare as he stroUed along, whiitUog Uithel^. ' How soon tha daad are out o' mind i" she mused, with half a eish, as ahe went to sae aftor har baking. •' Poor Nellie f TwUight aolanm aad aareaa-^warm. balm- ly summer twilight, adorned witt a cnsoeat moon and " one star ita chrysoUto," witt In- numerabla aaft myaterlooa soaada aaaoaao- ing tta advent of night. Tha geldaa hoara of the day had passed one by one, the birds' songs were bushed, tte lUiesoIoeed, tte dew falling, and Evenliw had sat her dusky seal apon Oaoil Graham^ wedding-day. TrasquU and baaatifol aa ever, tha mere lay beneatt tte purple aky, one ttin line ef sUver wavering over it oaat Inr the ainkii^ moon. BaaatUnl aa aver tta flower- wrmth- ed walls of tha Mare flaaie roaa amoag the treea, a faint olead of blue ameke rising from eae of tte ohimneysi, Ughta glimmering here and ttara tiurough tte muUiened puiea â€"a fair plolara iBdaad of home and paaoe 1 The bed-room belonging to Argent was a smaU pretty room facing the east. Tiie walls were delioately tinted, and the bang- inga aU ef white aad sUvar. A Imx of ndg- nonnatto oa tta aOl loantad tta whola apart- ment, and ollmblng reaes horded tte win- dow. A few photographa and stataettea were the oroammta of ttia maiden bower â€" a room, as har adoring lover would hava said, quite oharaoteristio of its ocoapantâ€" " white, pure, and oalm." ' It was not empty now for, on the Ut- tle bad, witt ita anowy draperlaa. Argent lay asleep. Over the aUkaa ooverlet hsr hair, amoatt aad ttining, traUad Ita amber ourla. A falat aweet amUe was on the month, so softiy olosed, and tte eyeUds rest- ed on tte pale cheeks. All, very fast asleep she waa I For even OeoO oenld not wake her, though but an hour aiaoe he had oallel â€" ^first, ia love's own. persuaalve aooenta, thaa ia agony that was almost frenzy^hor name. " Argmt, Argmt I Oh, love, love, soeak to me once mere â€" only onoe more â€" me word to keep my heart from breaking I" But atiU shJB slept unmoved- alept and amUed I Oaoil is alone with hia bride. Won oat witt his wild grief, wera out witt tte lova whose depths he has not even braun to fathom, he kneels by tta motienleaa.rorm af his lost love. His eyea rest oa oae of har cold hands, hidden In tte white folda of the robe she wears. His breast heaves with a painful effort, and now aad tten a oonval- sive ttudder shakea him from head to foot. The bittomeas af doatt, Uke a tide, b rising evw Ugher and higher round his shriiing spirit. Truly hia ain has found him ont I Truly Nellie ia amply avenged 1 Lsanfaig over for tte Ullaa. tta poor girl mast have oapdsed tte fndl beat, and, witt none to hear har deapairing oriea, nana to aid, aha had aaak beaeath tlie langhlag wators, Uke fair-haired aiad Opheliaâ€" to " muddy death." A Uly, witt ita loag atom aad large dark leaves, waa fooM tightty olatehad in one ef har handaâ€" tta woithlasa flower for whioh ahe liad given her gUd youBg Ufe I laatead ef tte lava- ly Uving bride who waa to hav9 met him at tha altar, tide daad, drowned form waa put lato tta brldegroom'a arma â€" anloviag aad naraspoaaive, wheaa gaatla aaul had paaaad beyaad hia laertal reach for oyer. CsoU haa loakel upon hia paat Ufa witt eyea fram wUoh tta aaa^a hava faUeo. At one atrokcB aU haa bam tan fram himâ€" heps, levie, aad joy aad, amittm to tha heart, aU hia "refuge of Uaa" ia raiaa arouadhim, b tta praseaoe of Death, witt bitter groaaa aad aoalding taara, ha has ao- kaowladgad ia the fnraaoe whioh yot ahaU paztfy his arriag aoal ttat his aanttar- aUewoeiridoh haa ovartokaa Idm laiadaad a rlghtaaaa ratribatioo. [tbe bis.] Na Baa kaawa alwayaol ;Hii kapaS: fabt^t^anwaahaddbi oai«fal af wkal wa aa^ WILSON'S FLY POISON KILL THBM ALL. Sold by Drnggists. THE POPniiAB StoryPaper.TheVireeMe^rceklr. Hxseilal BtoriesbythemoBttalentedaathors in each issue. A number of interesting Complete Tales qtlMve, Bomanee, and Adventure, Choice Poetry, Bhors gcetcheB,. Household Becipee, Science, Wit and Humor, etc.. contained in each issue of The naweido Weekly. 6c. per copy; or. with 4««r Uw BHaetdrabmble â- •aaa* of the day, $2.00 per year six months and SO pieces music, SI three months and !• piecee music, 60o. Baaiseilfca â- •w. Agents wanted everywhere. liberal oom- ndssion. Maasple c^lee A«e. Thb Fmasma WaaxLT, flS Cdbame St, Toronto^ Canada. SrMXAi. â- •n«».-oEAm urDuouonra eBon«toyenaaI«dlssaB«r May, sbal or MalhwauHaal een i ssSb an tegoMMt, at half ito Ngolar toUlon I disss laimsdisMy, Tas â€" Ont. SCH**K TeaOhen A Dniiar Bolldaya a Tsaoheis aad Btadonts, oa PalntUir. All who oaajhonld oosm. atsly for spseial dnmUn. Tub niMtttue AoAasMT. Aiosdt, CeioBlo. XUummml tss e( wlU b* ttvoa e( prirata BQBOOl Stawlaf or isnd iBunsdI.' Uhioi SBaCOrCVB Shonkaad aWI Bi lastttatc, Toronto. This is Mm oliieit mat ag Sheithaod and lypswiltlBg Bohool in 0«a sds. Its Tesrhers sod Ls«Nims an mm d langth* SBsdpisotloslezporisDoe. Speoial hidnoements dui' iBg rammer monlhi PoritloM scoured gnMlnatsa. aorthand books lor sale. OoitcepoiideBoe invHed. Asbhtb:â€" TOD oaiTT nm a book teas gives bstter saMilactlBn or tlial yen can maks Buaey (aster with than •• Worlds Woadefs." SsUsto all olassssâ€" OhrlsHaM and IwM^ls, CathOUos and Protestants, old and young; old agents who bave â- ol oanvassed for yean are going Into tbe Held wUh It; 0. r. JeDUassoldl88thefliAweek;J.K.Biaoe says t •' Xhs first week with â- ' Wooden^ netted me one hundred and sixteen doHais." A good ohaoos (or nnemployed penons; outfit (tee to aotnal oao. â-¼Meeis, write (or tema. BaADLiT OAaaaisonfc Oo. Brantloid MONEY TO LEND â€" OSâ€" Frodactive Town, Villatce Fazm Property. B. HITCHEU. McBOHAIA, BaxTtoter, C Vatoa Black- Toronto Btrost â€" Taroata* QUELPH CARPET WORKS. J.A.ARMSTBONQGO., HAHunoniaiBa or mOL. UNION DAMASK CARPETS, Of nsw pstteias aad deslgnsi Caelpk, •at* I B. 8PENCE ft CO. Oonsomers wHl And it to their advantage to ask the tTMle (or our asake o Files aad Hasps. Ba-Catttag a Specialty. Ssnd (or pilos list aad terms. â- amIltoB, Oatarlo. I f Felt Slate Boofer. M a wf ac it ntef and dealer In Taned Felt, Boofinc Pitdi, Bunding Papeis, Carpet snd Deefaidng Fwib Beady Koofing, dfcc lor Low prioss address H. WILUAMfi, 4 AdShdde Bt. E.. Totenta. lew Orleans Soal Cart Go't Winters Patent Road Cart, BagKiei.CamacMsSlelglu.dke. â- end (at Oatalogns. jr. Calt,«nt. SemA tor Catalecae. TENTS, FLAGS. HAMMOCKS, AND CAMPING GOODS. Macnair's, '•» '•"«,J*Lw. I^Byeiy enquiry aheer(nllr answeisd. Surprise Thresher. Vrlee. ManufiAetvred in 3 Siies. • MaaatadI* B^wa Powers, 8AM aarse, Uj Spcetalttes. â- •. S, Tkiasker aad Power i •.«, do do do Be«S, ^o do do Ma Vo.5, do ((k^steaas) S7S Dooont for Caah. ft t^ mske a better sipsistinn tksa aay other I invite ooiwapoa d snee (romlaniaia BSB. Ia soritg sasatloa what yon Psses^tlvs slwalas ssataa sf iilluslCa. I^ttoattlspopss. James Sharmaiit STiiATFOBD, ONT. vv o c L..^ ON D ENGF.AVf.R TORONTO t i