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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jul 1886, p. 6

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 TBCB .1 yd .,,3. 1'Jl ii} i i ^::^! ^1 M ' lli .. To fttveot But The iiutiiig ef iron mium eadlen inoon* Tolnioe in all bnachea •! meo h a n iMJ work. Ino mat Impain tha Talaie of tha farmar'a nMhinery, ud the nutiog of mUt and baltaoauct woadweik to leae â- tr•ogtt^ ba- oame leaky and fall to pleocs. Bart may be banbbed aod thoraogb prateotien given to iron whenoTor it ia In anoh a paaitien that a coating a^^Utd with a briuh doea not intaiten whh te naefolneas. Bright and reogh work oan be alike protected, and ao may nalla, weod-acrowa and bolta. Qot two or thieo penda of red lead and â- one belled linaaed oil do not be peranad- od into naing raw oIL Getalaoaoma Jipan drier thia wiU 'bo Baedod at tiia laito of peAapa a tabkqpeenfol to the pint of oIL Bed load oaaaot b« boaght ready nizad baoaaM it hardona too rapidly. Hamove all tta rod nut from the fam^ atoeli tin or oOor metal; If painted, take eftallthatia not hard and flrtoly attached to the iron. Mix op a amall pot of the paint, bn) not mora than wl ba wan^Ml for the work in hand. The Japan ia naad beoauo qolok drying ii conTenient. One-tenth aa mnoh lHaargoin powder aa load ia Mmetimra an advantage. Otn the artlolea a tliia csat koop the paint well aUrrod i^ aa It aottlaa vary n^ldly. When one coat ia dry mix â- panotiierand apply aa before. Ifoleaely ooratod the mixed pi^t will keep twen^- fanr hoora or more. Thia paint ia water-proof and In making • tanker tronghit ia better tiiaa the beat white lead for patting into the jointa when liioy are pat ti^EOttaer. Dip a nail into rod load and pnfa drop ondor the head bolore it ia driren home and there will be litfle or no danger tiiat the wood will erer baoomo 'ironaiek" araondit. Swab acrowa or iMlt holaa witt it, and giro the aorewa or bolta a coating, and they will not mat in the wood. Tin pafla covered with two or three good ooata of red lead paint, reairt water aa thengh they were mbber. The coating ia liard and very darablo In thia reapect being neatly In advance ef any other paint. If uo color Is objectionable en iron, a coat of. ordinary paint may be pat on the ontaldet Red ieaid paint actnally forma a potfeo- protecting ceating for iron, aa well aa a ce- ment ef no nwan atrength. The roaaon why hit not generally ni^ by manofactoren may be aakad. The anawer ia aimpla. It cannot be mixed In large qaantitioa, in ad- vance, aa It hardena too aeon It ia heavy and aomewhat ceatly, aa compared with other painta it aottlea in the bottom of the Imcket and ii not to eaaily applied aa white load and ether painta. Te the farmer none af theie thinge are apodal ebjeotlonC The anperier protection ia worth idl the tronble remdied. Finally, try red lead in patty or make a gntty of it when a water-tight jab la wanted. Jointa of carriage!, wagopa or wheela, aet In red lead patty or paint will not open, and a red lead coating or priming en a carriage, cart or any ether farm ted, will insare meat perfect protection for the wood. By all meant, try it and teat it be- fore diflcauing its advantage! with a wagon maker. Indtvtdaal knowledge and practic- al expeilence ia worth cenalderably mere tiian good " trade " reaaona. Plotting Oat the Fmuie Finn. In atarting ahomoon tha prairiia one can aaaUy ahow hit good aeiiao in the leoatian ef tiio bnlldlnlfk nero yea have one hnndrod and lixty aorea, take pencil and paper, and •pan the anppoaltion that yon locate vo bolldinga all in ono oMnor, aa nine-t«attia of tto aottlora do, yon oan aaaOy eatimata tto aaaonntof ttamlng it will rrqaire ono of t haaa daya to gat tho prodnoe to tiio iMuna from tho forty aotea In tho onporito comer. TUa will lead yon to locate tho bnlldlnga near the centre of thedalm. Tha beat plu ia j^bably to lay oat the farm in tan-acre lots. Ton can than, by leaving joat ipaco anengh to drive a wagon, go to any part of the farm in the leaat peaalbie time, yea will alao have tiie advantage ef knowing jaat how mach land yon have to a given crop, the yield per acre, and many other thlnga yon ihonld thoroaghly nnderatand to work to advantage. Bcmdea by locating in the oentre yon can aeo all tiiat ia going on at any part of the farm, keep better watdi of yonr atook. If o«t In paatare, and aeo that doge or wolvea do not worry or deetroy ymr aheop. Tho divUon into lota of eqnal dimenalona, and the tamo â- pace oan not bo conveniently doBoanleaatiio land iavery level Ifon- dnlatlng, or cot into by a dry ran, or by alonghe, «r moiat meadowa, which nature laid ont withoot n^ard te aootlon Unea, yon will have to ont according to year cloth evan In that caao it will be a good plan to have ataaea every ten roda apart on the ont- ddo linoa. If, howovor, yen ^ant a rowof traea aroond the o\abn by aettfa^c tiiom a rod apart and naing a Lombardy poplar for every tenth one, yon can aoe from a dia- tanco, and locate any point with oonaider- aUo accnraey and it wilt aid yen greatly in getting the location or also of any plot on fte farm. What Ailed the Baby. Sbico tho inatallatlon of tho nuoe, ratter peoaliar aymptoma of aomo diawdor had boon notioad tai tha Oroo-maafth-old boyâ€" the firit baby In fto family. Ojo day, when theeo aya^ptoma apooand rather tatn alarming than nanal, I waa caUod npoaforadvioo. I had dabbled a Utlla in medieino, and tha mother thonght me lymptom-wlM. I wenrt to tko Mmmry an- •anoaaood mid ean|^t Ao nuae la tto aot •f taUng a ilnag poD at a big batUo, whidi Ao haatD^ ooaoM l od j«ik m fto yoong BMthor antvod Ite noau Ihora waa no â- oadofaaanalnlita pnvo ttet tho bortio oaBtalaodiriBfav of niter nnk «mlMy. Tha anno waa hA of it. Tho bay betrayed ' loBOOl faitaxioatlaH. I pat JgHgMdWanjjdttm bm b«M "aeata a l ii b i llâ€"' *â€" in a word, ha SdtakoBaaoTardfioaatmilkpaah. Tho bmHy phyaiein WM oaOad ha •dmydianaala. Tho amrao wi«, oi wmtitt* OB at eaoa. D^nglaa Jamld Sdhmr xBahyKb" h e n a m a a MjayTfaodooaldwaO PUH]FAoaifet^ loa^ whh thomodaleftho ^«al Sofaty for the PWtaottonof LHofromFifofer k»^ ing,attl*peri»ofher own 110,00^ fhak at a workman. • The women eriokatonrof SUUaf, Aoilra- lia, played a very ncoeorfal matoh reeantly. Tho two elevena ware tod by â- u*" the colore being reepeotlvely cardinal and bine, and black aad gold« PrincoiB Blanche d Ofleaai, daoghtor ef the Duke do Nemonr^ la a papO ef M. Aa- bert, aad givea proof «f groat artUtic talent. Thehotelof tiieDakode Nemonra contataa aeveral remarkahlo worka ef tho riiuooH. The temperance heapital jnat^eatabUahed in CUcago, ander the lead of MIm Fraaoea WlUard, ia the aeoond of Ita kind In tho world, tho firat ono havlag boon f oanded m London in 1873. A pedtion throe hnndrod and aaveaty oao yarda Ung, and aigned bv tiiirty thonaand women of Ulator, baa boon addroaaod to tho Qaeen, and baaeechea her to withhold hor aaaent from any Homo Anle bill whUk may bopaaaod. Lady Arohibald GampboU, the loader of tho**Faatonl Phiyna," baa obtained por- ndaalon from Lwd Tonnyaon and Mr. Irving to bring ont daring tho next •* paatoral aea- aon," the Bower Soeaoa from the Lanroate'a drama of "Beoket." MIh fdauk Marray, wheae reproaentotlona of Conatanooln Mr. BrowntaMfa "In a BU- oony," of Oolombe, and of Bsatrleo In tho ' Cend," have marked her aa an aotreia of high taitellcotnal gifta, b engaged for the Mtnmn to take the leading rolu at Drnry A yoang married lady, Mra. Leo, la Co- qooltai'a moat valaed papil. Her mother waa a native of New Orleane, ud her father ef New York, and ahe waa broaght ap in Eorepo. She oan declaim in five Ian- gnagea aa perfectly aa thengh each were her mother-tongoe. At the fifteenth commencement of the London Univeraity, ttilrty girla wore made bacholora of art or aclenco. 8evoral of them took -high henora. Miaa Mary Madeline Adamaon taking firat honor aa bachelor d adenoe over her male compotitora. The OoUege for Higher Edapation of Wo- men at Egham, England, ralBod by the man- Ifiocnoe ol tho late Mr. HoUoway, wm open- ed by the Qieen in peraon. Little abort of two and a halt mllliena ef doUara haa been apent on Ita ereotlen. A Miaa Glbbena, who laat year made a trip through nnfraqnented porta of North Ddvon, and pnbliahed an aocoont ef It. nn- der the title " J^ e Donkejfe in D*vm/* n- anmea her wanderinga tnla aeawm In the aame little cart, with donkeya driven tan- dem, and will write nn acooant onder tho head of "The Donkeyt on Dartmoor." Harlem haa a woman captain, Mra, Mary E. Cenna, who ia lioenaed captain of the yacht ef which her hntband ia engineer. Her application aatonlahed t^e inamctora, bat aa ahe ceald 'bex tiio oempaaa, knew tiio " rnlea of tibe read," and promlaed not to awear at the chief engineer, vho licence waa made eat, and Mra. Coena became the aeoond Ucenaed captain of the female peraaa- alon in the world. Lady Anne Blnnt^ tho grandanghter of Lord and Lady Byron, la ono of the dever- eatwoaionla England. She laaaaatiior, an adept in mnaio and painting, a atadent of Oriental polWei, » adiolar Oapablo of writing te hw Ooylon frian^ In thob owni laagnage, and capable manager of her bean- tifnl homo, Crabtoot Park, lod tho teacher of her only daaghter. Throngh tho foonder, the' Oonnteaa of Carnarvon, a aooiety oi Iriah wrann have aent to the Edinbarg bdnatrlal EzhibitiMi apedmena of hemeapnn and tweoda, knlttiag laca and OBoehet, embroldory and iprlgglng, beaidea plain aowlng and the making of pep- Una, fflovea, nmbreUaa, pepor baga, moatard cakea and Uacnita, Yere Foater'a copy •hooka ttery painting and atraw botUo-eovara. « Sedety for the E nploymeat of Women Ii tending aamplea of aorivenery, Ulnmlnat- ing, eogroaaing, and wood-carving, tent- making, tobacco, matdiea, Indian carpet^ artificial fliea, fiaUng-linea, poUen-nota, aad tennia-neta, pina, moalina, linena. and fana. L»dy WolaelOy haa originated the actaeme Ota "May- Fair" cart, which calla three timea per week at anoh epnlent hooaea la the weat end of London, whgao ownen are wllUngte aaaiatln thewoik. TfTfeed Ia pat Into different cana, and then ipAon to a oalfee-honaa, whore^ na^ •OpartOadonoo, Itia made np Into appotidngdiahoa, or ar- ranged in cold portlena. Itii then sold to laberera eat i^of work, or othera in atralt- enod dronmatancea, at a nominal fignro, which doea not cover tho coat of oolleodnB. Sixty faadliea, three hotda, and two dnba have already beoomo oontrlbotna, and there are many othera, who on tho ocoadon of a dinner or other entertainmeiit, have aignlfied their intenriea of aoadiog ibr tho May-Faircarl poti The Tho Qaeea of Denmark haa on aaveral oocaalona preoentod her own oOpaintinai for diaritablo pnrpoaee, and a new inataaao of her Majeaty'a Undnaaa haa joattraaniiod. The email aad peer paridi of Landoe, ia Jnttead, waa aadly ia waatofanow altar- piooo for the eharob, bat their fl»«»nw wonld aot allow of ttw azpcaao. Zho par Uoaoio. howovor, roaolvod to preowt a po- titloBtoQaooBLoaiaa.aakinghorto p£t one, aad aooerdlaglya dopntMon of^ men waa aaat to CSpo received thorn tofolillMr fiqatrt^ been aarvod Witt HorMajeoty Tho MB. hOvlig )«aon, who aalnd fintvldtto toeaehaC J«iV Tho envolopao oaa- r-'-- Chdoe Bedpet. TciumllvoTi'â€". #ailer add oao qma and ont ia one teaepooaful of _^^_ â€" _. j aattlwa oeaaed foUing. add one ptetol! mlS,foar rdlod oraAora, batter, pepper^ and aalt. and lervoveiy hot teaqMontalof beef «»»«»^,S* ^^j! " egg^oataB ap. » cop of boilinf water, a Uto aalt added, and aorvod 'J«»»«JS1„ hot toaat. makoB a palatable and â- Â«Â«Â«â€¢" lnnohem, and an exoelloDt repaat for in- valida. Quaur or FoDDiHosâ€" OiM quart of milk, one pint of bread ommba. tte yolka of two aggh^Aftar it ii baked apioad jsUy or any kmd of frnit over tho top. Beat tho whttee of two egga to a froth, mix witt angar. and pat on the top aadaatia tto evoa nntUa Uttio brown. SBowir Bbbadâ€" Throe oqp ooramoal, two oopa of lyo, half a oqp w o l aaB a e, Ii onpa aaS af aonr mift aad warm water. Mix moleaaitit. x^lk, and water ttorooghly, add- ing oao toaapooafal of aoda than atlr in themoal ataam fonr hoora. Ba vary oaro- fnl aelto lat tho water atop boUiag while ataamiag. LmoH TiJOâ€" Oao oap of aagar. two lemana, all tte jalco. and a taaapoonfal of grated peel, one toaapooafal of corn ataroh dieaolvod ia a little cold water, aad one and ono half doaen raiabta. atewed, oat bi two, aadaeeded. Beat op well, aad btdio witt nppor and lower omat. Obanoe Tabtlstsâ€" Two fine erangea, jdoo of bott and grated pod of one, one cap of aagarâ€" threo-foortha cap if tho orangea are very aweetâ€" ono tableapoonfal ef batter, one^half lomonâ€" jalce onlyâ€" to wet oao toaapooafal ef oem atarch. Beat dl wdl together and bake In tartlet ahella wlthoat cover. A Dbuoatb Soi?iTLaâ€" DIaaelve a qaarter of a poand of chocolate in lake-warm water add tte yolka of four egga and a cap of powdered aagar, and mix well to- getter antil yon have â-  amooth, frotty paate. Beat ap tto foar whitea tea atUT froth and add them to tto mixtare. Pcnr all into a bakiog diah leave it for twenty minntea In the even and aervo. Ihsiait Puddiho WrrHOCT Egosâ€" Bail a qnart at mUk, and aUr In a aoaat piat of In- dian meal mixed amooth with oold mlUc. boU for twenty miantea, add two table- apoonf ale of batter, ono each of ginger and ctamamon, and a tableapoonfal of adt. Stir in a oap of molaaioa, and bake for an hoar and a half, Thia oiay be varied by tte addition of a cnpfal of ralalna and onr- ranta. CoFFaa Cbsah â€"Beat one qnart of rich, Bweet cream to a atiff frott. like tte whita of egga for icing tton mix with one- qaarter poand d grannlated aagar, and ahertly before aerving, beat into it ono ciq^ of cold coffee extract, which haa been made by dowly filtering two cope ef boiling water throngh two onncee of finely ground coffee. Serve In a glaai diah, witt lady fingera or freah aponge cdie. SHOBT-CAKSa rOB SiBAWBXBBIBS, BlAOK- BEiouis, OB lUfiPBBBBiisâ€" One teaonp of ortam, one of aonr milk, ono taaapoonfal of aoda, one teaapeonf ol of edt, mix and beat In fienr, roll oat qaickly ono-ha^f^pn bich thick and bake. When taken from tte oveaapUt, apread witt aweet hotter, and then add berriea lay tte apper part on, ornat aide down, and cover witt berriea and aiwlnklo witt angar. Prepare year berriea witt aagar hdf an boor bd ore ndng. Be aare tte berriea are ripe. Aftu JiLLTâ€" ;Take aav tart- red appleo and quarter ttomtobe aoreofno wormy onee. bat not pod them. Nearly cover ttem witt water and boil all to pleoea. Sbain through a jelly-bag without naing mnch pretauro. aa it will not be dear If you got in mnch ef the palp. Allow throo- ffortta pouada of aogar to one pound of juloo and boil twenty minntea. Jolly from nab applea ia made fai tho aame way, tte littto applea making the nloaat and deareat jelly. Tkal SAlu).â€" Mix one half teaapoonful of mnetard witt half a oupf ol of vinegar. Beat the yolka of two or ttroe egga, with a little ad^ onto ttey are qoito thiok and light, tten, itirring briakly aU tto Ume, alowly add two or three tableapoenfnla of beat adad oil. and fonr tableapooalala of lioh, thick, aweet cream. Then add moa- tard, vinegar, adt and pepper to taato, and mnoTtty finely chopped paralay and tar- lagen. Poor thia aauoe over a headac pUtduI of cold roaated veal, out iatoptooea about an inoh long aad a quarter-Inch thiok. cover t^htly and lat It aland In a oold dace for an hour or two. Servo onadatterimd gamitt Witt nrlga of .or^ paralay and â- llcea da hard belled eg^. *^^ Jonriialism r ndar Diffiooltiei. When we firat atmok Yanceuver a â- m^ii medium aafe would have hdd ear coldwItt «»» "y "Peol*! •train, bnt when we had mtarvlowed the entorprlalng bndneu man of the olty, and dzed up tte praapeot aad no. iifeion d thia aplandid lay-ont thrtdaaraoh wiree wore worked, aad the firat atoMiegr from San Fraadaco breadi a aaat aad oom- Plata aowapapar plant, tedodiBg Am beat praa b the prevlaoe. apas wfaidi tho 4^*^**^'*nm printed for jaat aix abort woeta. Iheflre left oa joat aaoaah tvna tegl-t a mpeotaMa h-d W biSSJSE 2Sr.?^r"'**Pl**'«» aebhbora.aad tdldfaMiiathe fatoro of tST^,^ oe anne Boadb B ifceBiia » 14 X 17 bidkUaB^ wUdiladoweaoorih totnTa ma.-, gray aad old aao^ to md ^^ â- jMod ui OBoe iMto to wafiae a ao thia ovaamg M w»" f~«»' r7 *v partieriarly |ood apiiita. Af ter^tte I had dopartod ho reaaiked to hia wif he fdt mora like aiaging aad danoiiii agrofJadred miOA _^ ._,,.. ^dliagtow,* '•*r" '"^w ^t tag of frienda afthla hooaa. " ' *^ ZZin of aeo, and ©I reboot hedtb, fkiOB IhTownSi* •- '»^«^.sr*is ***** " ^..^ After the ^^ ' %hat ^Iwnflteg than gebgtobo4. Th^lottrod about hdf-paat 11 o'oloek, and ahe waa aaleq? bofcwe mid- wltta^Uoeof ^^*^^^^^ ^^.„ •«* fL^^'i* o'clock, bat OB tho morning fdlowlag tto party tto wife awoke at 6 aad fonad him Btlll eleeping. When ahe attempted to •ronao him ahe diaoeverod ttatho wa« dead. A dootor waa aeat for, aad he arrived ia the oooRO ef aa hear to pcoBoanoe Itaoaioof heart dtwrtT Ho add tte aua haa beea dead three hoavBwhMi tto irifo awoke. The uadortaker oame aad prepared tte body for burlaL It wae reaBaiAod that tto OMpea ro- talaed a life-like aipoaraDOo, aad that aone of the limba grew rigid, bat tte two other phyaidaaa oeed la vigoroudy oombattod tte Idea that he traa ia a traaco end might be reatored to life. Kovorthdoia. the wife aadaoaahad aaaorothepe ttat deatthad aet really eeme tohfan, aad tte funard waa put two daya diead. Daring thelntervd tte OOBPSB WAS COKSTAHTLT WATOHBD foraigna of returning animation, but nothing eoearred to dday tho foaard arrangemonta. Tho burld traa to take plaoe In a oonntey graveyard, aad moat of tte vohiolea gather- ing at the heuae bdeaged to farmora. Tho nand Oeremonlea took place evor tto dead, and the coffin waa bronght out and plaood In the hearao. While tto proceaaion waa forming, a team attatted to aa empty wag- oa oamo dowa tto xoftd. running away. The wagon collided witt the hearao and the latter veUele waa npaat aad the coffin flong out. Four or five men ran to pick it up, but bd ore a hand had tonched It a voice waa heard aaying " For God'a aake. let mo out of this 1' The people at firat moved back in a£Brlght. but aa the voice oentinaed to addreaa ttem the acffin waa righted and opened, and Wel- lington waa found atraggUng to got ont. Witt a llttie aadatanoo he pulled hinuelf Out d the box and walked bito tte honao and tat down in a ohair. In hdf an hour he had hia olottea oa aad waa moving around aaumg the amaaed people, to wham he rdated thia exporienoe '*i did not fall adeep until aometlms after midnight. Whan I awoke the olook waa atrikbug 5. 1 made a move to gat.ont of bod, but, to my great amftzameac I oould Btir neitter hand nor toot. I had the full uaa of my ean, but I oould not open my eyea. I argued at firat that I waa not yet wide awake but WBEH JIY WaU SHOOK MB and called me by name and I could not re- apond by even moving an eyelid, I bscamo aattifisd that I waa in a trance. My mind waa never dearer, and painfully acute. I made effort after effort to throw off the great weight which eeemed to bo holding me down but £ oould not bend a toe or crook a finger. However, It waa only, after tte dootor had prononnood me dead 'that I felt any darm. l7p to ttat time it had.aeemed aa If I oould aoon manage to get rid of the weight. HmL a platol been fiifed in tte room I am euro tte apell would have been Iwokon. After tto dootor'a ultimatam I fdt ttat I ttonld be buried alive. Bat waa I dive AU of a audden ttia query fiaahed aoreaa my brab, and I waa tronblod more than I oaa toll yon. Aa I had never died bd ore how waa I to know tte aenaaHoaa T Ceald tte dead hoar and think 7 Waa the mind d a oorpae in active operation I It waa a problem rooald aotaolvo. ' Not a word waa apokea near me which I did not oatoh aad fa^ nnderatand. Thafe waa a groat ded of weeping, and I failed to aatlafy myaaU aa to tte oaneo. I had died, bat it did net aeem aa If thk waa a aaffioieBt cxooM. When my wife beat over tte ooffia aad grieved aad rdoaed to be com- fortedy I did not fed bad witt hor. Oa tte contruy.heraetieB aaryriaed mo. When tte two other dootava proaoaaoed mo dead I made ap my mlad that I waa dead and that^'**. y THB UTD HAD OOHI, of thtr ifiaad aaeeafdM to haava^ aad that the deidwOrodaad In adadaa wdl aabod^ Ii^?.*"***^^'**P**^ I Idt JadlgBtBfc thatltwaaao. " Aa aiflhatNBOo of tte aontoaaaa of my hearing, lot mo explaia that aftor I war plaood In the coffin tte reoeptaol»waa moved over to an fm wladow ia tto i wheMitjinuaBppott9d oaaawhonei. of my BoIghlMaB te« ante aa a WMorbox mtho^waSritd^foUy 200 feet bwS^. aiid for an hour coavotaad a| my deatt b «rdb »»y abgb dtorward T#o vdoe. I (Ud aot mlw oao the ooBvoraatiaa, aa bott tick of the kitehea olook, aad mooh ef tto eonveraatfaa ef thowoBiea b tte np-atdr "•â- ^ 9? *• ""S" pi*Tioua to the iierd aboot hdf paat 10 o'dook, -aad while tte twomea dttfagup wl»h tte oorpee were rMdbg, I hoard two men climb tto feaoe fate the barnyard, oreeB the yard, and'en- •ddte^Md. Tho two menatolo a herae iSTttT **"^**^"" iS*IIttI!S!It f ^ffli?'***^ «^ ,»a apell. *I* PJSr u.^,^ '^â-  way tochutoh, d«o»ki .mdlrev.l,erJtteX, MdaFrenc?brMri*»'*»*al gU«hwerem»SS\"*^i!j^ Me. They bS^^SillJfj Five yeare aeo Lidaor" TexaB,tellfromaJS.'**»l th«taheh.,not*£\«Jl«ni arniB. She hae ^^ .«UiV fifty fart Lp^wi't" hi torn wlthotatJbiWaJtt.5?*«H gn-ped tte repSnffJlM'**' aafety by hie mSSeriiT|» ' Farmer Underweod .iT!' •ookafinecdfiJrfclJiSl entoaeUtothebtttoWT?*^ edfterdlroad.l5^«^l whiatied diriUy. tTSS" •tout little biUe. Thew' ooalfl aaif tto no one I •«ihiiiSV£» ^^ ^^QMBiAia ^^^H,fa7toK' jitb lu paw.. Vt?A«;^ buUdoge kept right at Zrla up, ran away, and hid ndar SL*| ' Several dayt we Jehn Wrf,w J town, Md., punlibedhhTloloirila a pitehfork. He theughthbldiS' effect, but the dpg wu bidhiiii and when hu mater retonidklJJ a few daya later, he ettiokedZ 3 him down, and WMmuirib»iihriir wa« reaoaed. The enragd dnJiJI Mra Margaret Webbat el CiaZl little Eddie Wood to diinhetS of tteyard. Boy-like ht ttr»i(_ them, and to hia lupite ixtma fineet of the.flpok and killid ft, h\ Mra. Webber became lerr lun, ^1 a atick of wood beat the beji^ k J her feet. The bey did ten dqiiDi,] Webber hat been arreitei Four yeare ago Julia Smith, wkol an old heme b a lenely pltotbitiM] dam and Chester, Cnu,, dU. Bktli her only moanieramoiigieidif,i lived at the henie ever liaot, hm In tte bonee, and no one wuk u I dog la dwaye in the little yud, d j bon aay they r ever lee him go oO, i are ttew who think that JoUi'igUl her fdthfnl our. 1 A train hand in the Salem Rtflmil on a recent hot night beard aciieka' coming from a freight oir. fit wotU among a lot ef $ggi feiuidtn«tliin|ki a chick had stuck its head, Ti» H low was removed and now ttirim i trab hand'a heme. Tnt veitlwhii timea called " het enongh te b; i Thia waa evidently ketawD|kbi chickene. A Detroit tramp, who ferta i been driven from place te pbwbrttiii aaw a little boy M inte the tiM,i once plunged In and nved kia, dl not until tte bey hi hli strogglahdi drowned both. The tramp wuar a polioeman ttat he wenldatbei any more, tte byitaaden piiiiik tto boy thanked hiffl. Heliekili aa he walked away to dry Uinp Tho garden of Albert Smittk J SoduB, N. Y., has been a wd^W" woll-cnltivated patch for »««I*2I| Two weeks age an siea « â- quare feet rose threeinohes « md Burf aoe in a sbgle night, uim more during the day. The so* r* ItwaaBeven Inches abeve the i bad. ThUyeastlikeprooesikMtaj be on until new the spot b twny w ttan the reet ol the ««*« •» Ing. A OomeU pwfeseor bg ' tte eccentric garden snd sxpl»"l ^TliSirye««WBfldg«P»rtJ!li young woman drop her F«ne m • Lda^manpiokltm SJJMI ttat the purse belonged t^«^2* Heeddnothbg. She repesW tion,andhetoldhertosh«t.aJ* odl^ the attentlen rf ««".»"i,. the car to tte case. J^VtfSl apttepurBejhesaldheh.Jj'«Jl TLllt5egirl.tnokteltnntf«l»Jf ed the purse fwf,^^" .Pf tw?*! thesea^andqdttheMr. TMI-1 reatored to its owner. ^^ The lefty wooden •P«*|'Le4i' b Mattooi lU.. J-^'J^JStek" roda of place, by w»'*STii»i foodor?or pla«»f«»»l, the Methodlet "horoh J^PJ^ ,, aightly that a man «««J^pW' ti^bteds. Then bee. J^k°^ wi»U„,„dtoelrbe»^'gf MdamearBtoesteepto. JJ,^ al church eteeple h •«" !JJbgh| I andBoaroBtMptabJ*. of Six awarmad hees«f*J^j0, The •"•«I«»^jS!5i»*!l Indian ahew, now ""a is TvSr York. »"j'Si. ««! oatSbythebdh^^SJgjglJ """ S!J?Tto «*!?*• tied deg «^ i!! ti «il*^'|i tradHNa^^i 0fteBerthaii«wf;j2„i«g,e weekly fa»«»»5,, .rsjV' Bowspapor f""*^' ^itf^Ji aSnlf^*^^" ^bUiedtodevl*" tag. MtiJIiMilSim

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