ipiiii^ 'It -^ J-'A -.-«.«' .*«»*•' Ul I' i (.ip m The Standard. C. W. Rutl«dg», Editor ds Proper. MARKDALE. JULY 29. 1886. ynmomrow»comevmdemt. Tbe retam miUeh tf bMetwll. between the Fleahertoii end Enseni* tmaa wme pl»yed on the grounds of the Utter m Monday aftM- noon last, rasolting in a Yietory *« "»e tleshertou boys. The acoie stood, Flesher- ton 48, Eugenia 24, with one innings to play fer Flesherton. The picnic to Bell's Lake last Fnday, un- der the auspices of the Masonic fratenuty of this TillaKe. was well patronized by the Ma- sons and their friends. There was a very large turnout from Pleaharton a good num- ber«f the brethren and their friends joined the company at Markdale. The day was very fayorable, just all that could be desired. The company, arriving at the lake, encounter- ed some Uttle difficulty and fatigue for the ladies in reachinj^ a wharf where the rand- some little steamboat (belonging to Moffat Broe. of Markdale) could land, the water m the lake having so Lowered that the I The new British Parliament will meet the 5th of August. Liord Salis- bury is •ndeavoring to form a Codlition Mmistry, wliile the Queen is usmg her personal endeavors to that end. â€" Sir John Macdonald is now in British Columbia. His health is al- ready much improved from his trip, and he is being enthusiastically re _^ ceived. He travelled from Calgaryjnotrunin to^hefiretwharf bunt;^hj •by daylight and describes the scenery ^i--- as the finest he ever witnessed, â€" Important developments were re- •cehtly made in court at the trial ofi Anarchists for rioting in Chicago. A Pinkerton Detective had been put on track, and attended their meeting previously. His testimony was a stunner for the ringleaders. â€" It has been decided to extend theC. P. K. from IngersoU to London. The extension is expected to be complete by the 1st January next. At the Reform Convention held last Saturday, Mr. B. Allen received the unanimous nomination for the Commons. A vote was taken for 5anndidate8 for the Local Legislature resulting in 66 votes for Mr. Alfred ±'ro8t of Owen Sound and 60 for Mr. Jas. Cleland of Meaford. The conv- ention adjourned without deciding the matter. â€"The Crawford â€" Dilke divorce case which has been prominent in the English Courts, having been re-opened on the petition of Su: Charles Dilke in order that he might be given an opprtunity of proving his innocence, was concluded last week, and the for- mer decision confirmed. The leading London papers are unaminous and •severe in condetration of Sir Charles who is now banished from high society and will reside in Paris. €5arr8$ptind.3BX)B* NoTicK. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents Markdale, July 24th, '86. To the Editor of the Standard. Dkab Sir.â€" '-One of the boys" evidently thinks he has "plaid" a strong card against your concert reporter, in the letter that ap- pears last week. He certainly knew who wrote the reportfor yon,else his rapid pro- duction would have been less personal, and more to the point of criticism I made. He etates that the concert was ably" reported and then follows with a denial, spying â€" "the reporter is a pretender, and ignominious fail- ure." The report was fairly given in every way, and no animus displayed to ward anyone, making it more of a success, than "one ol the boys" attempts to spell playei, three different times. So easy to look up the "big" words, but ignorant of words like "played" and ••piccolo." The boy fails to see that, music is not a thing for the eyes, but for the ears ther^ore, the tone, and not the horn is judged. You wonder I was misled by one of the horns, thinking it was a trombone ques- tion, how? By hearing a very discordant "•trombone" tone blown from a baritone horn, which is considered to be bad execution, especially in a hall. The march was played, bt^I admit that it was not at the time men- tioned. "One of the boys" can learn yet, and should aecept so slight a criticism for his profit, thus aiding, the whole organisation. If he wishes, your reporter will give him in- structions ftn the following points, he knows very little about, viz Instrumentation, at- tack, tone, hurmony, time and sight-re»ding. Charges moderate. Also orthography, it de- sired. If "one of the boys" does not improye his tone on the upper notes, he will ere long become a permanent imitation of the calliope he so argumentively refers to. I am thank- ful he refrained from being severe, and extend him my thanks for so pointedly refering to my several abilities when he evidences like characteristics at his future public perform- aiioes,if present, your com. will be glad to ex- tend pleasant reoognisitions of them. Trust- ing he will realize that his letter shows, that I have a parallel point against him, in that, this time he has "over-blown" himself. I remain. In Harmmy, â- W. 'A.' Bbow could ever, after all had been taken on board anflsailed across the beautiful sheet of water aim had landed where a beautiful picnic grove was found and all had satisfied their keen appe- tites, the atiemoon was spent by all in a very happy manner, boating, sailing, Ac, to the entire satisfaction of all. Amonp those in- terested in making all feel happy and enjoy themselves, we could not help but notice the efforts of W. J. McFarland, Esq., of Mark- dale, and E. J, Sproule, of Flesherton, ready aad willing to go at everyone's bidding and do all in their power in the most pleasant manner to please all. We think all returned home well tired but pleased at having enjoyed so pleasant a lay in recreation. Dr. Chrifitoe preached m the Methodist church here on Sunday evening last. Not- withstanding some very unkind, and bitter words from one Norman Boyles, a simpleton, at the beginning of the service, the Dr. de- livered a very interesting discourse. It ap- pears poor Norman holds something in his heart against the Dr. whidi he cannot forgive. When the Dr. rose to open the service, poor Norman's conscientious scruples would not allow him to remain; putting on his hat, started for the door; on his way out, took some very bitter glances at the Dr. and nt tered some very unkind words however, he was soon outside and out of hearing, and no doubt went home feeling very dignant but rather justified that he had not violated conscience. The Dr. knew Norman too well to be at all discomfitted. Special Ordination services are announced for, to be held in the Presbyterian church here on 'abbath afternoon next the Ordination of the members elect to the Eldership in said church. Left fob the West, â€" After a pleasant holiday the Strain Bro's (Joseph and Herbert) sons of our most highly esteemed citizen, Wm. Strain, Esq., left here on Tuesday last for their respective places of -employment. Joseph retnrning to Atchison, Kansas, and Herbert to Pembina. Both young men haye the kindest wish'^s and love of all which was manifested durmg their short stay with us. Onr band serenaded them at their father's residence on the eve of their departure. A large number of our citizens held them- selves in readiness to witness the laci-osse match which was to have been played be- tween the iunior team of Markdale and Flesherton on the grounds of the latter on Tuesday afternoon last, but the visiting team failed to put in an appearance. Onr boys were all on hand in good time, had ordered a sumptuous dinner at A. Munshaw's palace hotel, and waited patiently the arriv al of visitors until the 4 p. m. mail arrived which conveyed, shalll say a note of apology, no, but an ScurrilOi^ letter couched in lang- uage such as could not have been dictated nor written by a gentleman. Our boys do not feelmuchliurt nor think the stream more foul than the source from whence it flows. Church Notes. Qaartely meeting in tho |Cetbodist church next'Snnday* iSie Mdiiodiaiihitrdi of Walkerton haye bouf^ tii6 8t; Faur-Fietobytanan church of thiitj}ituBe for $4,Q00. the chuxoh originally owi $9,000' Bev. ir. James mcmvMI a public reception by^ liii Q«v. oongril^on, Enox Chnrch, AValerton, fasi week. B«T. J. W. Manhood of JMttdalk filled BeV. Mr. Cornish's puipi| last Sondaj veiy acceptftbly. A Midnight Alabh. There is scarcely any fright more alarming to a mother than the ominous sound of croup â€" so liable at the hour of night. When Hagyard's Pectoial Balsam (for the throat and lungs) is at hand, croup and distressing coughs lose half their terrors. It :ures coughs, asthma and bronchitis. ll«tT«* A»wert»ditioiitwa^hg 1»« f^ by Oe Britirii GOTermnaot tod ih* Afflwri- the United! SUte. Senate far J»»^*^^ Ithas long been a mattur of oompliunt among honest people in both eountnMi titot isriminala and seoondrals of vanooB degrees had only to get across the line ««*» the United States or Canada as the oaae might be, and they could snap their fiBjger at the htw. That sneh a stote of afEairs sho^d have been so long tolerated s^ns extraord- inary; but Governments movo slowly, y»» although the need for an extended trta^ has been long talked of, the propoeri had not till now assumed definito nbapb. We see no good rejwon why either conntiy should harbor criminals of any kind, and why uwy arrest and return to the joriadiotion »n«5« the crime was committed should not be facilitated to the utmost (always exoep^ ing offences which are pt^tieia.) and exiBn the proposed treaty does not go far enough, but it is an advance in tho right direction, and we hope liothing will ooonr to iweyent its ratification. It in-dadea d;^- ainiters and embezzlers to the eztet^it of toO, twoolassesit was very desiiable to get at. It has long bCMi a disgrtuto: that cashiers, confidential clerks and others in positions of trust could make off with their thousands and live openly in the oUier country on the proceeds of ^eir embesalements, safe frcMn any punishments; while on the other hand the scoundrels who tried to blow up pnbUo buildings, endangering the lives of hundreds, had only to get off to the States and they were safe. Neither elass are a desirable acquisition to the (Sonntry to which they come, and v« are glad to see that at last a move is being made to give them up. For Dtspepsia and Liver Complaint, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It iieyer fails to cure. For sale by E. L. Stephen, JJruggist, Mark- dale. A Notices ef Births, Mamaget, twetnty five cents. and Death* deaths- Mannâ€" In Markdale, on the 28th July, Mary 3aAe, bdoved wife of Thos. Mann, aged 41 years. The funeial will take place from her late residence on Friday the 30th at 1 o'clock to Christ Church cemetery. i'riends and acquaintance will accept this invitation IN THE MATTEB OP JAMES R. TRIMBLE, Of the Yiilage of Markdale. in the County of Grey, General Stcnrekeeper. The Insolvent has made an assignment of his Estate to the undersigned, in pursuance of an Act respecting Assignments for the benefit of Dreditors, 48 Vie., Chap. 26, and the Creditors are notified to meet at No. 26 Wellington East. Toronto, on 23rd July. 1886, at 3 o'clock p. m.. to receive statements of his affairs, appoint Inspectors, and for the ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. AND NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that after 20th August next, the said Trustee wiU proceed to distribute the assets of the said Debtor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the daims of wlddi NOTICE shall have been given, andthat he will not be liable for the assets, or any part theseof so distributed to any person or persons of whoss debt or claim he shall not then have had notice. E. B. C. OLABK8T0N, Trustee. 26 WelUngton St. East, Toronto, 9th July 1886, I t m I Personals. Mr3.B. IB. Currie is visiting friends at Elera. J. E. Crone retnmeS last week from a visit to Nottawa. D. Dwyrre retuned|from Lampton CO. last week- Mr. Dumbar formerly teacher hi this Vill- age, made Markdale a visit this ireA. Miss. Bamsay is gone home for a short time. I Miss. Clapi -has deen home to Napapeefer three we^s. â- ' -.r Walter Tumor ia visiting his parents this week near Owes Sound. Mr. Andrew !Sffll of Orangeville, formeryl of this plaofti was in town over Sunday, The Misses Wifldnaon of Aurorojare spend- ing a few daysia Mai^dale, Charlie widkra, of Manitoolin, has been visiting friends recently.- Mrs. Luke has hem spending a few weiskB with her friends in tins locality. Miss Luke is spending her holidays in this part. Oscar and Maggie Wright have been at Alleaford thiaweek. Mr. B. Bunting and son, of Piekering have been rusticating with friends in Bnpfaiaaia and returned last week. Miss. Nellie and Bay .Lamb of this plaee started on WaMfisday for Dakota. Mfg. Dodds rf Buffalo is the guest of Mrs. T.McNea. Mrs W. M. Speer has beeo to Tara for some tune. .;- IVEXT VISIT August 7th at the Markdale House. N. WUNINOTON, i. D.. THROAT _LUNG SURGEON- L. C. P. S. 0, Graduate Victoria nniyer sityl872 with honor, also passed the ex- aminations of theColledgeofPhysicans and Surgeons of Ontario the same year, and after having devoted years to the special study of diseases of the Throat and Lungs, is pre- pared to treat nearly all the cases which may come before him successfully. Diseases toeated- Catairh Catarrhal Deaf nese Loss of Voice. Bamoqed Enhirged Tonsihj. Growths nram the Nose also removing Chi-onie Jlronchitis Asthma and Consumption. "The method. Inhalation." *»* -Tte'.Bart'tBr- â- There is'nb prtijpanftiMt befiirl the people to-day-tiiat coQMiai^'flidreiwfldmee amn or meeto wife a lwWto sale 'Aan does pd Flower's Ex jracta of Wild 8trawder riea'i .ia M infallible reiue^y fur all forms of Sqnmwr Cumpiainta. --- ~. .iUtflr ine Uirough y«ar. Miss m«^ii«tott, of ajqiOisH^li^^ been spenaiiy^^ ||pr irnks in liurk- dale. â- '^.;'-^ ;â- ; ':/^' .^ '"' â- â- .'â- ' Mb. Miucs YocHe,.,of Bijrth, in onr village a day this wodL ' Mr. John Hannah ot Welaley, Waterloo Co.. gave liis finendi in MarkdalonMU this week. r i-»j St. ThoiiM. JantSa^ 1886 Tlw'J^^BBAL. W thank â- oigBon, whichhadgreat^temMrfmiiat T««5*dS bigenooi^top... a goo«ilpflSt«S to^^ to «ywo.k ««««... I 90BD^. iJttSS^^"'^-^^^^^ " BliSeierfriima MiaM Jot He vaa oaied B. B. B. to hit great and mnvihe of Us (rionda. 1*7 able vhh to any MassejRS-Agea^ TOMItO A FULL STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT COI«STANTLY ON REPAIRS STRICTLY CASH. 303 T. WILLISCBOFT, Hg, M' M/rl^KDALE imn J II Having erected and fitted np in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac. tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everrtliiiit heing new, I am now prepared to turn oat Sasb, Doors, BMs, Honldings, HoUof Batti^ FUMES, Um, FENCE PICKETS, tc, And everything needed in the bnilding trade, in a manner gecond to DODeio Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, I would now reapectiully solicit pubhc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sises, on hand. Plain and Fancy Taming done. Careful Attentian to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. McNEA. I MASSACRED! â€" Everything marked down to suit the hard times Don't throw away by buying at another man's figures, when yon can save from 10 to 25 per cent, by purchasing your Groceries at â- â- â- i W l ^KMA^^*0 Startling Value in Teas and Sugars, 160 dozen of Canned Sabnon. Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines. Tomatoes, Con Peas, Peats, Plums, Statwberries, Peaches, o., to be sacrificed al coat price. Flour and Baco n Cheap^ a s the Cheapest. A large stock ef Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacas ALiWAXS OM HANDâ€" VEBT CHEAP. A IABOK STOCK.OF Mistake not the fdaoc if you want fiood Boods, flood Saliif action and Low Prieis» ___^ LEWIS KNAPP. m mwm d m to nywoikoiiej _^ *etor and ««-^' ..„ ___ 3«Morri8«t:^a^UaxM.8, ^^' -IN- DUNLOP'S BLOCK. ENVELOPES, -lit â- i-:.; • ' â- .• .1." '•or-:.-' '^.f PJEJIMUSi^ -â- "â- «.• 7, â- â- »^t ig To Ou PeopU of Markdale and tar- HAtiiig t^^felMw Stationery and l^iiM^^lm.t^^ Danlopls Block. 'i^hwelMrHttcttai^iaxBaEpaUic patro- ',1- ^-ii â- » Bof^ flig» oar inierooarse may "^- :,' -t«W^TMtai.tnily; -fhi fan*;.' -i If^Kr^-^ ,. mi^ ted. •act j^AJRffP .»â- •â- • -7 'zO^