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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Jul 1886, p. 1

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 G.-No. 505. MAKKDAJLE, ONT., JULY 29, 1886. GOPUB or TPB Staiidabp FiTB oaan aob. IffAMPBEN WATCHES. movement.:, wit^i my own name on tliem and get prices ere on Also usual stock oi parciiase Laltham, ELGIN SPRSNGFIELD WATCHES J piofe prices. Two doz. assorted IrLOCKS to select from, spring and lieieut. It piiys to have a large stocK |.,i;,;v'from, as you get styles and 1'ncesBU.all dealers can't give. Practical aud careful watch repair- I n, specialty; Goods and ' work will lie as represented. W, A.. I3rovrii, I J Reliable Jeweller, Markdale. il and Oth ^litems. "m(E '" ""' rolnmiis intended tohenefit \am\mdiml or Socletij icill be charged ten l^'t,(i line fur the first imeHion and Jive \viu aline e'aclt sii7;w;i;?«t insertion. Wm. AVilson of Flesberton is on a •lip to England. Wizai'd Oil for sale at the Meal Hail. A. Tmner Co. JIOO.OOO to loan at low rates of in- terest. Apply to Wm. Jackson, Mark- The Oranseyille AdrertUer Las been riaterially improved of late. Glad to see it. Wanted at once, a good servant dri. Ajiply to Mrs, W. J. Rowe, Barrhead Mills. BEii) Mr. Dinsmore's adv. in another column. He has something inieresting to tell you. The Holstein Creamery Co. have nude their tirst salo of butter for th^ season .at 17 2 cents per lb- j Mt. Forest wants a new $6,000 iiigfa i-cliool building, and will vote on a by-I.uv for lb at purpose shortly. Uarrifd.â€" By Kev. Mr. McLaren, on the 28tli inst",, Mr. J. C. Ceaser to Iss Mmnre A- Young, all of Holland. Two mares for sale, one heavy I least and one light, both in foal. Cash won time cheap. Apply to S. Morrow, Miikdale; Mk. M.^kshall the dentist, and his lady are jroiug up the lakes for a tour, wd he will not be here on his next regular trip, Aug. 4th. Tn ladies of tbePresbytenan cbnrch *illhold a garden party at the Manse on the evening of Wednesday, the 8rd uist. All are invited to attend. Foe Saleâ€" a good pair Colts, two aid throe vears old respectively. "ms, Mi cash, balance in six yrnths.-isbepherd Boyce, Markdale ^•" 305-7 Daiidaik youue men are taking 'teps to establish a reading room and SFmnazium, kc, c. They can put "iebm-DAiiD on their list of gratitous fii^G is done, and an average 2m saved is the result. We "»; a drive m the country this week «iawere aoreebly surprised to see /. ^°^ prospects for a good harvest *^»Pnug crops. I garden party will be given at the ^^ence of Mr. Edward Entledge, 'les south of Markdale. on the J^g of the nth August. A.gorf W.S!^?'"^^'*- and a cordial invita- ""'» exjended to all. Seforv"-^^ efiect of Vest's World Ws cni "^^ Liniment in Ehemnatisml 'renni' â-  " "™«' Scalds and alt â- â€¢Js^C^^'^fâ„¢! appUcations. I. -,XT,!"^«1- Price 25 cents and J' P«.r bottle. Sou by A. Tomer Co *«Wts The Koyal Templars of Temper- ance will hold an International (3amp Meeting at Hamilton, commencing on Sabbath, August 8, and ending on Friday, 13th. We are in receipt of a complimentary ticket. BAROEBons FiT8 are often caused by worms. Freemans Worm Powders destroy worms. Six conple of our young folks had â- a, very pleasant time at Bell's Lakeon Monday afternoon last, and all enjoy- ed the sail on the steam yacht, Fairy Queen. Arrived home about 9 o'clock nearly exhausted from fatigue. Fob NxTTiiBD Bash. SmnmerHeat, Empt- ions and general toilet purpose use Low's Sulphur Soap. The Thombury Neica wisely re- commends, the best man in the riding Mrithout any consideration as to what part of the riding he may happen to reside in, be cho'zen as candidate for the coming parliamentary honors. AliiWell Pleased. â€" The children like Dr* Low's Pleasnt WormSyrap and parents rejoice over its virtues. Shiloh's Catabbh Beuedt â€" a positive cnre for Catarrh, Dipheria ahd Canker Month For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Mark- dale. A Mas. J. L. Wright of Kirkwood, Mo., is visiting her many Canadian friends the past three months, and will remain some months yet. She is looking hale and hearty and has lost none of her cheerful social qualities. Her many Markdale friends were de- lighted to see her. Aeouse The Livee when torpid with Na- tional Fills, a goodant^-billous catartie, sugar- coated. Abe You Made miserable by Indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive, cure. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale, A "Hackmentace." a lasting and fragrant perfamc. Price 25cts and 50 cents. For sale by B. L, Stephen, Druggist, Markdole. A Mr. Wm. Andebson, s well-to-do farmer in Glenelg, dropped ih to our oflBce one day this weisk, threw down a dollar bill for the Standabd for the next twelve months, at the same time saying he wanted the paper stopped Of course we understood him. and will be glad to have others do likewise. Shiloh's Cube wUl immediately relieve croup Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. For sale by;B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale, A On Tuesday morning last between two and three o'clock a freight train going north ran off the track north of Holland Centre demolishing some ten cars loaded with iron, and causing a delay of several hours to the morn- ing express south. The accident is said to have been causen by the break- ing of an axle. Wht Will You cough cough when. Shi- loh's Cnre will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 ctsand SI. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. A Thi garden party at Mr. Leslie's last Friday evening was one of the best this season. The evening was delightful, cool enough to be comfortable and the large crowd of people assembled seeming to partake of the evening and were delightful loo (but not cool) every one went away feeling that they had spent a most enjoyable evening. M« too.- Proceeds, $15.65. Mr. Wilson Benson surprised his friends and neighbors by his return Saturday night, having left on the previous Wednesday for a trip to Irel- and. We expected to procure from him on his return, a "black thorn," but were disappointed. • We under- stand the B. S. on which he purposed sailing left a day earber than he ex- pected consequently he only went as ' far as Toronto. A DiBBCTOSB meeting of Glenelg Agricultural Society was held in Haskett's Hall on Friday last when every director but two were present. This fall attendance shows that a proper interest is being taken to make the coming slww a grand success. TIm nriae list was revised and many im- portant additicms made to the list and changes in the rules. The fair is to be held o^ the SOt^.Bept. and 1st Octdbe^. " ' Th« Ekv. CBie2 Bb«*««, of B«n*en, lad., niys-"9c«h'a9MlfMdwMeweov.livM to SnniaH'g Coasai»BiimC9mL"Fat wte% 'i)na|BMMKv4i^« We have received a neat little pamphlet designed for a guide book of the Dominion published by the de- partment of Agriculture at Ottawa, containing information for intending settlers with numerous illustrations and maps. The book is neatly got- ten up and will prove very conyenient for the purpose for which it is intended. Hon. John Carling, Minister Agri- culture, will except thanks for the copy aent us. A Badicai. Chasge The best eradicator of foul humors of the Blood isBurdock Bloon Bitfers. A few bottles produce a radical change for the .better in health and beauty. It removes the blood taint of Scrofula that terrible disease eo common in this country. Speedy Tbip. â€" Mr. W. J. Ford re- turned last Friday from Winnipeg, Brandon and Wolseley. having made the round trip, twenty six hundred miles, in eleven days, and did his busi ness. Mr. Ford speaks very highly of the comfort and goahead facilities ot the C. P. R.,*having had only four minutes delay on his whcle tnp, trains being sharp on time throughout ac- cept that trifling delay. We expect to give a short account of his trip next week. He Acts Wisely "I am so weak I can hardly move, all run down with a Cbronic Summer Complaint," said one gentleman to another on our street the otlier day. Now, take my advice." re- plied his friend, "go to your Druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Flower's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I have never known it to fail in curing any Summer Complaint. Picnic. â€" The English Chureh Sun- day School annual picnic was held last Thursday afternoon in Mr. S. Cole man's bush, and was well attended, a large number being present from Berkeley and surrounding country. Emd invitations were extended a num- ber of the young people of other de- nominations, most of whom were there to join in and partake of the pleasures that were offered. The usual games on such occasions were entered into with a zest by both young and old in fact a very pleasant time was spent by all. The "spread" was. bountifal and seldom equalled in taste and quality. The ice-cream and lemonade was cool- ing and refreshing. About 8:30 the picnicers dispersed for their homes, well' pleased with their afternoon's enjoyment. "Header," in informing yon of the wonder- ful remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that ;we are doing you a great kindness, as if yon have any of the above complaints, if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Ask for McGregor* Lung Compound. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at B. L. Stephen's, Drug Store, Markdale. 3 The agitation for a change of name has been revived in Orangeville. The Advertiser alleges that "the name Orangeville has been so associated with dynamitism, incendiarism, and scoundrelism, that our inhabitants can not go abroad and make known their residence without being assailed with reproach and treated as a tarred stick," and that, "the name, 'Orange' savouring of sectionalism, 'ville,' of insignibcance, and other matters con- nected with the early history of our town' has long made its name odious to the residents." The name most in favour with the advocates of chahge is Dufferin.bnt many of the old settlers prefer the familiar cc^omen, and others cannot see that Dofferin would have any special terrors for dynamiters and incendiaries which Orangeville may not possess. It will be re- membered that some years ago the old settlers defeated an application to the Legislature for a change of name, and at least some of them do not seem reconciled to the proposed reform. Thk latest remedy for Coughs,. Colda, Group, Whoopii^ Cough, Bronchitis, etc., is McGregor's Lung Compound. There ia no remedy in existence containing uiy oob of the active ingxedientii toinpoaii^ liidlireg- or's Long Compound, ho do act say yoa have taken everything until yon have tried this for your cold or oongb, and your opinion viU be the earn* as all who have used it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in 50e. and $1.00 Ifotdtg by ;B.-L. Stq^ieiir Dn^j^, Markdale. v^ iv; 1 Ghvrcli Re-OpcBing. The Methodist church at Inistioge has been undergoing extensive improvements, and has been vary much beautified and solidified in the changes made. The building has been raised higher, and placed upon a substantial stone foundation, with brick veneering, re- arrangement of seats, choir station, painting, npholsteiing, c., by the ladies, all of «hidi lends grace and strength to the structure. On Sunday, July 25th, the Bev. O. H. Com- ish. Superintendent of the Markdale District, preached morning and evening to large and delighted congregations. The sermons were beautiful expositions of the Word of Grod and were not only I'ltened to with rapt atten- tion, but were doubly welcome by risason of the Heavraiily grace with which they were in- fused. In the aftemoon service, the Bev. W. Ayers, of Flerherton. preached an excellent sermon to a very large congregation. Mr. Ayera' diseourbc upon the reign and triumph of the Messiah's kingdom, the earnest spirit With which it was given and the glowing language employed, all tended to heighten the intensity of the occasion. On Monday, July 26th, a sumptuous tea- meeting was held. A most bountiful repait was provided by the ladies of Inistioge, at which a goodly assembly, sat down and did ample justice to the same. Notwithstanding some down-pouring of lain, a very large nu;^- ber were present from Markdale, Fleaherton, Dundalk, Biverview and vicinity. About 8 o'clock, Bev. Dr. Strongmaa, Pastor, called the meeting to order, and Dr. Christoe, of Flesherton, was called to the chair, which he filled throughout with his accustomed urbanity and good cheer. The following gentlemen addressed the friends present: Messrs. W. A. Brown, Markdale, and M. Bichardson, Flesherton; Bevs. Dr. Strongman, J. W. Mahood. Pastors Bev. Mr. Wright, and Bev. A. Murphy, Church of England clergymen, of Honeywood and Dun dalk; Bev. J. 1U)sb, B, A., Presbyterian, of Dundalk Bev. W. Ayers, of Flesherton. It was the opinion of aU that better speeches were nim heard upon a similar occasion and the trfiole proceedings were mai-ked with the most delightful Christian spirit and fra- ternity. The Dundalk ohoir, both on the Sabbath, and at the tea-meeting, won golden opinions and profound thanks for their effici- ent and exceUent services. Proceedsâ€" ^-Col- lections and tea-meeting, $80 former and present subscriptions, $150. Whole cost, about $.S75. Not the least among the names of thore who have.hastened this work is Bro. W. Hames, who has spent a good portion of his time in furthering this object, â€" Com. A Strange Story, Indeed. Cincinnati, O., July 24. â€" A strange story comes from Bradford Junction concerning a farmer there. Simon Wilcox was formerly an ' enthusiastic church member, but on Tuesday when, he surveyed the ruin of his crops- wrought by a hailstorm he began ta curse God for allowing such destruot-. itr, and vented a tirade of hmrid blasphemy In the midst of his curs- ing he was suddenly stricken with paralysis and could not leave the spot. There his neighbors found him, and their story is that they could not realease him-that he was surrounded by a circle of intense heat, and that they tried to push him outside of it- with a pole he to pole burned off and,, that it was not until towards evening that the mysterious heat d isappeared and he fell down unconscious and was- picked up a raving maniac. Why Employ Dcctobs. Consult a doctor, for a 6 or 8 oz. bottle of medicine $1 â€" consult A. Turner Go. and.- he will giye you a 12 oz. bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cnre for $1 and a valuable Becipe Book free. July MINEBAL POISON. â-  Nothing but pure extra6ts from plants and roots ue used in preparing McQr^or's Lung Compound, the modem and' popular remedy for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma- and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest. All mineral poisons and dangerous substances are avoided, which renders it safe for children or adults. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at B. L. Stephen's, Drug. Store, Markdale. 2 Unknown There is no remedy known to medical 8cience|that can excel Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbeme as a cure for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentrv, or any form of Summer Complaint afflicting children or adults. An Invisible Foe The poisonous germs of disease are lurking in the air we breath and in the water -we drink. The system should be kept carefully purified and all the organs toned to proper action. This can best be done by the regulat- ing, purifying and tonic powers of Burdock Blood Bitters. Wbat Orew from Foot. a IVegro*« It was rather an amusing incident that first brought to the attention of a truck farmer, of Charleston, S. C. the importance of firming the soil. It seems that a gentleman of color having the constitutional weakness for chickens peoular to some of his race got into a hen.roost and helped himself bounitfuUy. In evading the bigh-road,'be struck a bee-line through a new sown turnip field, where he left tracks that led to his detection. But these tracks did more. They showed to Squire Buneome whose chickens bad suffered, that wherever the foot of the lored citizen bad fallen, there ^e had « "stand" of tornips, and nowhere els (for they had been loosely sowed and the weather was dry). The lesson was heeded and has been worth tens of thousands of dollars to the farmers of south Carolina, who, it seems, were never before sufficiently alive to the importance of fii-ming the soil nntil the unfortunate negro show- ed them the way. â€" ^Peteb Henderson iu Amerierme AqricvUuri*t tor August. Saving lry Earth. The cheapest dt«infectant3 is dry earth and a supply should be secured during a dry time. Dry earth does not mean dry sand, but a good, strong^ loam,. No matter how dry the surface of the soil may appear to be, it never becomes perfectly dry, as more or less moisture will come up from below by capillary attraction. To completely dry the earth, a drying platform of old boards should be constructed, upon which the surface soil may be thrown being cut off from all moisture from, below, a few hours exposure to the sun will dry it completely. It should then be run through a sieve or riddle to remove stones and thrash, then the- fine earthj placed in barrels or boxes, and stroed under cover. The use of a road-scraper to draw the earth upon the platform will greatly diminish the labor. Lay in an abundance, lor use in earth closets, privy vaults, hen- houses, or wherever an unpleasant odor is toi be stopped. â€" Ainericae Agri- culturist/or duquat. McGBEGOB'S LUNG COMPOUND. Have you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse- ness, a feeling of Lightness in the Chest, Weak Lupgs, or any similar complaint If so, buy at once a bottle of McGregor's Lung Compound. "It will cureyou." It contains entirdy new specnfics, of which one .does is more dSectual than ajwhole bottle of the old time remedies. It is put up in oOc. and $1.00 bottles. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Druggist. Try it, ^nd you will never have reason to complain. 4 3 "« CONSUMFriON CUBED. An old physician, retired from pnctiee, having had placed in his hands by an East India miBsionaiy the formula of a simple Tflgetable reme^ for the speedy and perman- ent enre.of Consnmptitm, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Affhma and all threat and Lung Afflictions, also a pontive and radical cnre for nervous Debili^ and all Kenons Comphunts, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ol.oaaa8, has Utk it his duty to malte it known to his suffering fdlows. Aetoatodby this motive and a desire to rplisve Unman auff^rin^ I will, send ^^ee of dut(ge'|oaIlwlin'de«i» it, this rs^pe. in German, French or Engb'ah. with fnlTdhrec- tions f(^ prcparmaandnaing. Send by mail .^ addressing v^w atampnaaodng this wper, W. A. VoroB,^ Papfrft Jbloek, Sofhetter ^^B? CHASERS J tMIOELlOH LIVER CURE HAVE YOU liver Complaint. Dyspepsim, Indieettioa, Bnioomen, [anndke. Headache, I»ctiness,.Pun » the Back, or any «!«»«» ari^e from a deranKcd liver. Dr. Grass's Lives Cukk wUl be found a sure and certun remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY The nnqaalified success of Dr. Chase's liver Core in liver Complaint restt solely with the fiu:t that it is comounded from nature's well-known liver rernlators, Mamdraxs AMD Damdelion, combined with many other invatnable roots, borics and herfat, having a powerful tUTect on the Kidneys Stomch, Bowels and Hood../' SO0.0O0 8OLO*alf miOuitw/ Dr. Ckmu's Rtdfe Boots mtiv tM i» Catuutm a/ctu. IV* toatU tvery tuoM, trfasaa mnd ckUd wM» w tromUed mth Liotr C»m- pmmtt0tryiU»exf)eaeiitrtmtdf. SOMETWIullEW. CivDlAWMrFKE WrappedfOnsAcwy bottle of P r Ch ti a' s liver CuW is a valuable Hpartioid Medical Guide and Rec^R Book 84.. I prapowiQed uung 6vA sOo-uaBnil recipes and 4|rngsists asinva}» A Ml Mnlnmnaib as«i p^koak «v A14. t^OBuam- -^ â- â-  '" i f liiiMiiiiiiiilii ygglgglgl^^lg^ ^^ •

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