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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jul 1886, p. 7

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 ior •7 «• » littk iJ • Wh,t 1 i*I iVi i] nyttiog II I I h* barf FOLKS. lie Bee BepubUo. "•^yerea b»nneny with W'*tro?herf.nd.Ut«.. The .Ji»"'"fL^thongh the tatter Kii'if^SyrfcM" ' Bornilae whJe- .5a^'«w«- They ue indefa- l!!^lI.«n»" two-«tery heme. V*^!. the breed ohMnbere, and I **'^? fif.t with etoree for the 'Wfil^"toer.y1.r.-ideno.ol •• A^lhen fill tW" '«' *•»• K»»»k««*- They rimply i'fL'lii MPabllo In OM mum. rfoiii*^ men«ohy like Ilthough there b an unpeiial *i!^topeeeees much governing »*^«ikBi the throne aa toon ai foftt^ooyered with the '"oiJeald.topataoeUamo- ' 00 »long, then another would '".£o. ttd all eeemed rather i^/JSi w«k; bat .tUl there f '^nttoeliMO oenetantly on duty fe,.^t»op.rti«l«b^appM« fTn b«n aii"gn«d the ta'k. The iorcomb-buUdereieeinto ohange lanDtlr whh the heney-gatheren fZS »«• "• hatohlBfr The /zTtJeUM te have a regular taak. IllTibotitto" «»" depoelting eggi Ijh. Shethue ptaoee about two er tZ»i egg" • d*y; -^ ~^*»°? «i RSTto good form b oompoeed of KSftthouiMid bees, and their aver- Iffiemly inm forty to ilxty dayi rTiiiooMtant addition to keep rtoTyearB. The egge «eem all I ylm in»d« " produce workere, or LBqaeeiu,»Bthe colony neminatea. flkui MO Imperfect femalea, the ' «the maleB, while the queene are jHtadfenulei and each Has a cell iin. When a qaeen b wanted the UgtaoeU on both sides of It, and l,billoflnih»ped cell about an inoh F lUi te ouefally guarded and the [tied the richest food, usually the kd flevari mixed with honey and Ssae of the oelU are used aa ma- Jilnnhichto store the queen's food. Lid ol the young queen b called royal I Theqeeeii cells are never dbturbed L aid qaeen dnrhig the swarming aea- l|atb,dnrtog the time when the bees IgHoladedthatthe swarm b getting Lit, ind it is time te divide the family. Ilimf qaeen Is about to be born, the liMUgenenlly organizes anew ooleny, liNitihaTiiig been sent out by her te 1i good location, she departs with her Inn ind guides to the new country. la ligii ceincili of beedem, if it b oonolnd- Lt the colony can again be divided, [htnew qaeen takes off another oel- I If sotttien her first act b te sting liOief the ether queens and put them to y UtweqneenB are hatched at the Jitaeiruig ii formed and they fight liidMth of one of them and the ether I, niemarrisge ceremony of a new J ii psrfermea in mId-aIr,' and after Inddbg the drone husband goea off anA Vudthe qaeen lives a happy widow atefherUfe. kDiw qaeen is full of busineaa. She kettiything in perfect order about the Shi will net keep the drones over â- ibit eemmands the workers to carry â-  Nttedle. The young beea that are U iaperfeot are ImmedUtely dragged pud pat te death. If a foreign tnb- »h tee bnlky to be removed It b lm â€"Mly Demented ever, llitqiatly a iceat comes around the eel- ^bon I neighboring hive. He endea- akdiiceTer the strength of the ooleny. 'tiUnghii chance he will pass tiie sen- imdiiot^ered, and when he oemea ,sk( will have an army at hb back. The itMbtuoe Unmade at the sentry gatee, fm often fi^ce battles occur, many of ^ten beiog kiUed and Injured. If the Pwg patty wfau the battle the conqner- Iwtyhelpe to oarry its own honey home prtcten. They belkve that to the "â- iheloDg the spoils. [iMaf themnt Important facts about the ^â- thit itoannet iting but enoe, and â- "•Bifter. M^Ui Intoleianoe in Bmsia. h leplonble btelerance in religloua \S 1^1^ "thigni«hes Knsslan rule PW ibtained fresh victimsâ€" one named r"J JO In/erier functionary of the M' the ether, Veksdlne, acountry- i " "•" *«w days age summoned 1 „ 5»"rt of Novgorod tor an efienoe "onuedexy, an offence detailed In I iv,T'*»P»Pk of the Penal taw. K i«l°*f °""8ed with the offenoe i^^.^° l»»rd tabor. A great *mSZ^^ oendstlng foftte a 'r « *yBpathiurs wHh tiw defend- Mtnfa2 v*" °' ' ^« Kusslan papera ^*SSt£TV^\ »ka what t£. J3«li^*ff «d Veksdlne,who K;v2 Wal, can think of the ca* ^^â- SE^pStiJtSSLSPa^ ?* '£ ' " «»e Orthedex *»rt!lSr^ T^ o«idd.r«d «nt^ *^ *^* ^« number ef S^KtE^.^^" "« g«l» by i«i |}***u?^' " "i*^ which m»T ba Legandan^ Wespoiui. (Xirfona aa^ bteMing ' "*^ aotnal coaa U e u B tloft Hk lot, -_ are found in aonse of the Vodaaaadlba nMutariea en tha aaolesit wrMnga. The bows wiad in bngth fram tin lenglb af a man'a aim to 4 oabiti er 6 fe«l^ af whkhaa tatter dlmeaaisn waa neniHefad ftha bet. They ware made ef metal, bora, «r wood bat the beat bowa were oeaatraoted from the bamboo eat at the end ef Aatanui, Tha ar- rows aba varied la ki^plh lkD«i 8 feat to 5 or 6. They wore tipped with steel pointa â-¼affams^abaped, aaedla ar taaoe pafaitad, Minlolroalar, dentlfeim, deabla-edgad or jagged ilka a saw, and these fonaa el pafata are ta day to ba f aaad ea the arrawa ef maayafthaabarigiaaltribeaaf India. The â- bafts ^ara grMMed ar teeiatea^ fadlltato tiiair flht bat tiiey aaver appear to hava banpebeaed. Soaia were altogether aiada •f IroB, aad It b parbapa tbeaa to whldh Carfaiak alladai wsa he aaya tiiat some of tb« Indian woben ahot whh airawa whioh war* tea beary to be vary managsaWe. Oaa oharaoteriatio of the arehary at thaaaoieat Hiadaa aaaflu to hava baaa paoallar to th«n aloaa, whioh oaaaiatad la abeoting a aambar of an«W8 at aaoa^ iram faar to aiaa at a a tiflM. Iba awoidii ware, aa |» tater daya, af variaaa abapea and dzsa, aad many looali- tiea ware eradltad with prodaofag tha boat btadaa. ThaM of Beagal aad BaiMr war* prdaed aa toagb aad eapable ef toUag a Site edge. The award oaaaldarad la the Veda of tiia beat alae maat bava baaa a twa- handed weapea, aa it waa 50 Angara laag, with a liilt guarded by aa fam aaMng, probably reaembUng the modem pata, or the long kanda ef the Rajput. Iharo deaa net appear to have been any spedal diatriba- tioa of weapeaa to oombataata of dlflEsreat raaka, thoagh bowa aad arrows, maeaa, javeliiu, aworda, aad aUelda aecm to have oeea the prlaoipial aiau of the ohiefa, who went to battle moaated oa ohariota, whlta their followen oarried la addition apeara aad axea of varloaa forma, and otiier mia- allea of differeat kiada. â-  â-  â-  » 1 â-  dlina; His Brother. In the WUaon oaae, Mentroaa, OoL, the defenoe pat their olbat on the atadd. Ha told hb story In a plain, atralghtfarward way, without emotion, gli^g a mfaiato do- aoriptloa of how the tragedy eooarred. Ha â- aid: **Prentiaawaamy brother. When in a paaalon he waa a manlao. On Sunday he strnok me in the faoe, nearly breakiag my nose. Toward evening he ordered me to get sapper. I told him I did aot feel well, and naked him to get It. I then went la amd laid down en the bed. Soon after Prentba entered with a lighted oandle in one hand and a batoher knife In the other. He asked me If I intended to tell the people what he aaid abon*' hb being a highwayinaa, and atrfting at me with the knife. I jumped and graapod a hammer and hit him over the head, string him again aa he fell ea te the bed. Then I graaped the Winoheater aad fired witiiout iSm, ' ** Ihea all waa quiet, and I reallzad that I had killed my brother. I aaw hb peoket- beek half out of hb breeohee peoket, and I took It. It contained $142. I walked the trail baek and forth all nighl^ net knowing what to do. I did not want oar mother to kaow of It, rnd, to hide the aot frooi all, I dragged the body to the well and baried it, I had beea la Paradox nina moatha, but owing to PTentlaa'a wlah I did net aaaodate wltii any one in foot, I hardly knew any- body there. "On Tneaday meming I went to Mr. Oalloway'a, iateadisg to teU him all about it, bat ho waa aot there, and I returned to the Oabin, teok the boiaoa which father had bought for aa and atartod to leave the oonn- try. I drank liquor in Montroae to drown my grie f." '^rr.lmir' Look-Jaw Cued. That form of look- jaw which b prodnoed by a wound b known to phyaloiaaa aa traa- matia totanna. A New York paper reoantly reported a oase.of thta dbease whioh had baaa treated by Dr. Robert T^^r. The patbntreoovered, and aooerding to the re- porter, the Doctor deotarea that it b "the only oaae ef care oftraamatio tetanaa in the hi atoof the world." la not this atatement erroneoaa I In the London Lanui of Jane 12. 1886, Mr. William Themaa Jaokman of the Royal GellrKe ef Sargeona desoribsis a ease of trau- ma io tetaaaa whioh oame under hb oare in the Mazofa previous. The patieat waa a lad fifteea yiara old. wheae fiagwa had beea oruahed by oegged wheeb, and the lock-jaw waa oom^ete. Chloral bydrato waa ad- minbtered m twenty-grain doaea every three boon for tea daya. The resulte were not satiaf aetoiy, and Mr. Jaokman deter- mined to try ue new hypnotio drag aro- than. The dhloral waa diacontlnned darlag the night, and f oar gralna of arethaa ware given him every two henra from 6 o'clock In the evening to 8 in the morning. "The first olgbt of thb trial showed a marked d^ -eaae in the aeverlty ef the aymptoab, aad the patbnt made gradual and uninterrupted progress until April 20, whsn hb reooyery waa established. •• In the oaae treated by Dr. .Ikyler, mor- pMao appear* to have been the oaly drug Sm^oy^drAny pbysloiaBwho bfwrtmiato eaoaRh to treat thb dbeaaa '"""ISWlyJ" entitled to oredH and ooagratotatlen, bat the BionxTlUo oaao deea aot aoam thaoaly oao whioh baa reaidted fis reoovory. SHOBT SUXMEILBEBMOBB. olav* dbgnt wW do wfrid I aaf «â- *«!*»•â-  AmaBOB who baa ooafeOmled Ua far abaia dta «fe te â- â€¢ f««S'™«^'"»!?L»" SJJiw. aa V blii^ JM-ik5«* -1 â€" Dey bavaat do aaiaimao ^^ STa. -iTMHt to wa^ Day •» toooawari- yto^'affifaSTlt*^ ^••iSt f^oUea. of M^.,J^y.:S?.fr5lL^ -^ â- a.^w ia-^ a n^ 'â-  saa^awHaaaain aaaaB' I ait dawn wid my pipe of aa ea boilaartiBauttoTB'.dowaaB' frow away da alipBimlna. I-ka Hi gaiaia' twa or ttoaa pwada aCfaak a .fj# do lea' tan y'ara^ Whaaifihaiaa 4«aa ketter 7 F^cot a t%bt roof obar,haa4i# a food odiw be- low. -JayOMdd'a M«f amy ba h^i^ aa' bia odhr bigger, ba* w^ahaald I envy bim whea I liava room ^taff! Oa ny table aa 00*8 bao^ "totara, enbbaga^ bread, aa' adder fiaga wbCsh piaaaa my taaia, aatbfy my haagaa aa' pat fat en my riba. Doee aay mlDiaabo do aw' dan eat to pkaao hfaeelff Da paaea ia- aiy wiadawa am aaaall bat olear. I kin laok oat to da eaat, 80*0, senthorweat Do VaadtthOta oaat do any baa may ba laager aa' bat tt deaf k^'oat aay I'sa got a bit of a garden b wbiab Fao growing 'tatoaa, tottoeo, enioaa, beote aa' da like. D« Qaeea ef Eaftand kia bava a bigger garden, bat bar wejgetoblea grow In do aamo way, aa' would better. I'Mgot pleaty of iaol far oold w«»»«, aa' fly aoreeaa to keep oat do daat aa' fliea la aaamiar. De kte^a palaoa am warmed by da aama oaal an' Ma aeraanr aaada tarn da'MBta'wfaM. Iwaaft^^MMr hk^^taor hb 'akeetera. I'aegot goodhealtkaa'a party fa'r job. Dar am ptaaty af adlllonairea who haven't gatao bealth 'tall, and wheae w«ry am bio' tiraaomo dan my tabor. I'ae got a lot an paid far ia da jrava* yard. Saaaaaiea amy bava two, bat Idoan' eavy'OBb Byaa'bynM'a da eld woman will bo bM away ap dikr. By an' Iqr da rioh manan' hb wifawittabobo laid away. Dey may have a aieaament toworin' above oar teakbataaa, bat dey 11 aleap ao aweeter nor awakea aay aeoaer. IMr ocffiaa may bo rieber, bat do aama airdi will briag all te deo^. Do great troabto wId idveraga bamanity, aa I aeo Ik, am do faok dat p aep ta graap far too maish. What waa rIofaM to de laa' gineraahan am jbt naff to make db one db- oontaated. What waa oomfort den am poverty bow. De wagoa of oar graa- fathwa weald hardly buy ap^Nia fw de wtvea of workin' man to-day. We am fall ef frotb an' ahow. Eh^peerioy an' deoelt am part of ear atook m trade. Envy an' jealoasy am driven' oat charity an' oaa- toatvent. Fifty y'ara hcnaa^ if dey ahoald dig down te my oofBa an' fmd dat I had tamed obor, do papeia needn't make any aeniaahan. It am qalte sart'a, o ni eaa a great ohaage takea ptaoe, dat de box. generaahnn will miJKa aa ota dead folka tired. •• 1 Would That I Were Dead r oriea many a wretched hoaaewlfe to-day aa^ weary and dbheartenod, abo foroee herself to perform her dally taak. " It don't seem as If I oaald get through the day. Thb dreadful baok-aohe, these frightful drag- ing-down aenaationa will kill mo 1 la there no relief T" Yee, madam, there la. Dr. Pieroe'a "Favorite Preecrlption" ban an- faillng remedy for the cemptainta to which year sex b liable. It will reatore you to health again. Try it. All draggiato. A so^ind aleeporâ€" One who anorea. Danger Ahead There b danger ahead for yoa If yoa aeg- loot ttie waning whioh nature b givfaig yea of the approaoh ef the fdl-doetroyor â€" ooaaamptlon. Night-aweata, apitting ef blood, leaa of appitlte â€" ^tboM i^mptmna have a terrible meaaing. Yea oaa be oared If yea do not wait antil It b too tate. Dr. Pforoe'a " Qalden Medical Dtseovary," the greatest Uaod parifier known, will roatoN year lest health. As a natritive, It b br superior te cod liver aO. All draggiato. A yoaiw aian aaka: ** How ean 1 gain a coptona TOW of. Jaogaage " We woold an^igoat that he ahom tiy aittiiq; down on â-  â-  DaUoatedbeaaeaof eitiieraax, hawever indaoed, apeedfly and radioally oarod. Addreaa in oenfidenoa, World'a Dfapnaary Medical AaaooiatloB, Ba£Bdo, N. Y. Pretontibae heteb new advertbe " apart- metita" instead of reema- They aba refer tethe dialog room satbo "aalen" aad te the parlor aa the " drawtog room." Dont use aay more nauaeouapurgatlvee eaoh as pub. Baits, fto., when you can get In Dr. Caieon's Stomach Bitters, a medicine ttiat moves the Boweb gentlr. cleanalBR all is pur- ities from the aretem and rendertna the Biood pmeandcooL Oieat Spring Medicina fiBcJts. A reminder: "Well, good-by, old man. We've had a Ugh old lame In dear old Parla, haven't we t To me It all aeema like a dream 1" " So It woold be to me, old man. If yon didn't owe me 13 DR1JNBBNNE88, ohloral, teb aooo, aad A VOtl F#R Opium, morphlno, laiadrtd Aa5s. The medioina may be given in tea or ooffee without the knowledge of the person taking it^ %fu dturtd. Send 6o In atampa. for book aad teatimenlab from Aeae who have been enred. Addreee M. Y. Laboa, 47 Welliag- tmSt. East, Teroato, Ont. Oat tiita oat f or fatore rafaraBoa. When wrMag tien thb paper. M leedpsy. H.I. I UnBIOB nUi AID llobeSlte«etli«:aa S ogwii SEoivDBiri el !aaiir.a /^ AB»lA. l jl f »â- !»â-  fMt OUaMU, riBAUn VAIOLT beaoHi Uaaeati ssBa st sigka sM%lsf|dBebUa* q ^.te1toO.K.«aawaal eati ssBa St sdM; jsni|l| bMii «tf ptabua* ^^BinZr,Agirik f7M?i'S«S Mkvsb a ae alsl m ;wo â-  I aaM-prioa, BUTLaaD^ir BRANTFORD (j OLD WATER BICE STARC H r Nl^\nE!B IRAILS. SOLD EVERYWHERE Hu Boyal fturafiutDriiig Oompaiiy, a. L a WIDEMAM OOh laasUy Aad sB kMs et laaadqr AviflfpM^ iiai.wii|tata« Wo«. immn voB Pbioi Lam, TENTS, FUGS, HAMMOCKS, AND CAMPmO GOODS. 169 T01f«B ST., T«roBto laaJreiroequliyt I I Macnair's, Kiuns, Brf»ak£ftst Bacon. Onr gooda are of the FIneat Qnallty, Fall Flavoor and fiagar-enkad. SOver medala awarded oa for paat aaren yean for axoellenee of cnre. a"-A.©. IP A Tig: as soisr; Headqnartora for Steam Threshing Outfits â- M -^ 'S^^ "â- -- ^BJ^MitTTomiTftf w ^TBr*TMBiiBB^TTrpirirniifi ^3' '--â- ' "' "'""â- * ^^p'-^:^^^ ""â- ' â€" ^^"" I 'â- " J"-^^. /.'.J^: ^3^"":. -.^ »'â-  ' â-  •" mS y.M"-*' ""^^^^J^'^^^v^' ' ' .^_ ^^;:5l^ W^omish the leading SEPARATORS at maanfaa^nrem' prieea, and give a Belt- freeâ€" Send for 1886 eifenlar. ENDLESS THRESHING BELTS, all atylea, kept \sk atook, aoIdtn Uma to responalbleparlea, and guaranteed â€" Send for aamplea. Saw- Mill, Shingle and Wood Working Maohinecy onr apeoialty â€" Send for ciroolar. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO., Brantford, Canada. MAKIJTi^bfnsSBS AND MTTJ.K1M WILL 8AYB:M(H7BY BY USING MoGoll's Lardine Hadie Oil. U oaae and TOB wm us* ao oHMr.^a â-  We aaa aha aoto â- analhetwren irt «Be Ctenaino I«vtlaa« mMJam CyUnder, KoslBe, Wort andr Hamepi Olfa.'Wi McCOLL BROS. C O., TORONTO. VKT ODR CANADIAN OQAL OIL. "BUNUGHT" BRAND. riNXBV m TBB MARKBT. L D. SAWYER CO., HAMILTON ONT., "L. D. S." ENGINES. Awaidsd rmSZ VBIZB. X88S. at Piorlaaial Bslr. to^eai OsBlMl lUr. BamiHoa, aad Hostheas IMi^ trrifcsstea. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" SEPARATORS. «.a,8.iaaa«ifl â- â€¢flaads NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOTH STEEL DO ME HO T.AIR FPRN AOES. â- iilii Jhja'iiiiiiQri--: ^jj. ^^â- â- ^^" *=iij?--"""-°=-"

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