I'-i' ;;f»' S » ihfi Wi\^ Tbe i i. "i JsS^G««m*iT. p«^ Oftj** " The day WM dry and pleanfiir |«ii AieetiM, Aej»ne oC lfr.-9ko«. Sflk THB ISTH IN MABKBALE tbe streets and roads extremeSiy dusty, rendering it most onplaasant to iget abont. By 18 o'eloek ten lodges had arrired and some S.OOO'lpers^C^ The Proton and MeUmctbon diatriota, numbering 15 lodges, were nnable to^ seonre a speciid train, oving to all tbeisoaehes bemg engaged elsewhere, tfaffwby depriving ^em of yisiting Markdale on tiiis occasion as they had^ determined and greatly desired. Lib-' end prdtision was made for the wants of the inner man, and to spare. Abont 2 o'oleak a large number ad* jonmed to Walker's bnsh where sid- dresses, able and ap^priate, were given by Bevs. Cornish, Mclntyre, Wilsen, and Dr. Sproule and John Lyons, Esq. Good order and respec- table oondoet were noticeable and commmdable features ot the day, azid the varioos lodges retomed to their 'difteient homes early in the evening. nnf«etuiiati-*-^* tbftnOTr hridgff 4fi BAND OONCEBT. Evening oo(rf and pleasant. Audi- ence Aurly large, and most all well pleased we jnt^e. Part Ist. â€" Pro- gramme was opened by the band witb a sdectiim which was well recdered, and though old was good. Dr. Sproule M. P., then came forward and assum- ed the onerous position of chairman. He introduced himself in an off-han J little address, with quite appropriate references to the band, its organiza- tion, progress and benefit to the com munity, also some thoughts on the profit of musical culture. Audience sorry Mr. Anderson was not on hand, W. J. hardly filled tbe vacancy. Song, Mrs. Eetchuro, a pretty air, rather difficult, sang with taste and expres sion, voice a light soprano piauo very much against her voice, tho' the ac -companyment was tastily played Duett, Jones Mason, clarionet and comet, pretty, and too short. Song, Miss Addie Armstrong, "When the heart is sad," a very hard song, given in good voice, and correct, but piano was below pitch, and out of tune, so she was at a great disadvantage trubt she will come again when help is more favorable. Song, W.A.Luke, "Ehren on the Bhiue," a descriptive piece nicely sung, and if he had used his guitar for accompaniment would have secured a re-call. This mast not re- flect on Miss Damude as she played her part well, but oh that 'piano. Johny Dundas is an exception to most boys, as a piano placer, and will make his mark yet we hope in musical circles. Song, Miss Lemon, "When the leaves begin to fade," a waltz song splendidly given, words distinct, and every note elear, she earned a re- call, and responded with a sweet ballad, "The Sunshine." We will aU be pleased to hear her again at some future concert, i^art 2nd. â€" ^After a short time to chat, the band started the program again with a quickstep lead good, E. Bass good, all good ex- ceptmg B bass and trombone, at places were over^blown. Song, Miss C. Phillips, a pretty song, with good, voice points in it, which the lady handled very sweetly. Duett, Jones Mason, harder than the first one, and not so well played, especially at the finuh. W. J. is good at the comic and brought down the plaudits so strongly as to come on with an extra piece. Duett, Bussell Bamhouse, "Army Navy," well rendered, and- deserved an encore. Song, Miss Damude did not sing as she always pleases, Mz. /Bamhotrse made a w«iak selection, and phoold not attempt comic when his voiiBe aiid aianner takes better to solid aonga. Sm^. Mr. Eussell, a good song, well sung he itas a ptea rt t u t ' t^or voice, good ex- prefisioh. but prbnni} elation a little faulty. Miss Lemon again plaaaed all by ^ving^a^eajatifpl ifl^ movement. mit-to seutuMuCahvoid^ h^seeponse .piece with alio fltafluiapt, va good. Pie fttriM. "Pete and the Pedlar," was .indeed ^jbute. !tbi9,eoue^tt wonud -^v ^nB.w^wNatitfBal Asthem by tbe ^..^ii-^iiaHdiivM- -, v; i^? " iy4." Sg»AnfeM).gBpt^W25tb. 188S rwirtweii^i^ of fhe s^ flOects ,U} ,vV,' I* lie bert mit ^«*'™« forhuig andthtoattieahln F. 4^ G4S C«)m3ieraial Tttmlia I exit .1 MS £SSnb I " '" daya the fea^i '♦Hf^waj «t the 1?"' â- tn â- « mrm Th55ar.A:Tbgp}^^^'J* settiedoii hia naw.Miaotaab». a^n| week.?â€" Ea. B*] ,,. ;, •. hc-m «? " ii.'.i»? m«wewwtlWJww»'»^WP^i^ SSrST-ys tiuit Mr. «dl« htm do ;daim ^e JSn is B»de '«»«»?»*.•« !,.f!!^ shomii •ai umu-i^ ma tejie^it tii« n^ oi«om fatty wfUtt, e» fontiw puiPflM o« ^7«^ie. A8far»IkBOwMr.Kdta has not aigiiifiad to any one im desire to «1 that poritioa; hut I haw nadoubt that if *« got the nominatibn. aritfaino other event, he iroild •oijept it, alAouj^ hewoald be a* a idarftoable peewflarf- low m so domg. A8toMr.Kell»'olaiiiM*'I*huik ttwy^rAaa good aaany in the ritogfer lst.ha toa a*- wm been tnie and loyal to his party a«ia endeaeed liy his being at Jw present Ate ttie PMsident ot the Couserratiw A8«)eiation for Bast Grey and has been soeh lor some time. tod. He is mi intelligent fam« aa* tharefore oonld be tmrtad to look after the interesU of a large agtioBltnral ndmg snob as East Qr^ is. Thia is a cogent reason., AUiTMWiaw for it if maoh to be deplaied that m sneh a reason SySSSee^ « â- «« «- country as this there are so few farmers w- ^^ torn tS^VSemby ifcij Bordodt pre«aiting Aeinteresteof tbela^test^affej^ g^^^ j^Tj^Sm^ ' --- Bctsmafbwrioldmaniietâ€" that to "ay. blood and Gomplaii^ Indig«*io^ and nnnw tre aae tiling plain laStv^v»lneh J npeo hondreds «a*#eti J^qJhfwhe^ «^«d to peritopt,*ialt^ ly^'-n^;. 2^^ weold^ therefor adin^yoft «t»wfe_^ y«« «»aiabiertofapy«rftl»aJ»TB# give llcG««or'8 Speedy Qoie a t^ ,M|d J» l„w«oed7B ia aold in SOc'and fl-OJ bettleaatB. L. S4ai*W?» P"« Store. » '€1JS*^S5S^"0^^^F*^^ ^^^ CONSTANTLY a likP/liiiti ' atlMQTLY CAW iitwiLuscRm, 4 ?!tS a.oiaX' 3 .b* C; in' 'â- "*.1 a' Jj *» iu^^^iriytiSi»:^TiT sat ad dass of the eommnnity. On all sides we see men of other callings mlifein puliament bnt very few farmers. 8rd. Jfr. Sells has shown, a liTB interest in aU matters pertain- ing to agrienltnre, and is always active in prmaoting any seheme, loct^or otherwise, by idiioh he thinks he ean adraeethe farmer as eraiy farmr knows whoisin the least acqoaint- edwith him. I mi^t go m fortbermd show you at least that Jfr.,Kells has equaUy good rights with any of the aqpihuits named by ttie Thombniy Standard, bnt will refrain tor the present from doing so, and bring my letter to an end, by thanking yon for giving me the spaoa for this letter in your valuable paper. Yoors truly, Faib Plat. "What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, and it is the finest blood purifier in the known world to-day. "Docs it give satisfaction " We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "Where does it have the largest sale " Eight in the City of Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there has been over on thousand dollars' worth sold in the last year retail, and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending it to another. For sale at 50c. and 91.00 per bottle by B. L. Stephen, Druggist. 3 Flesiienoir. upon the bowala. aodtiiveir. the blood and the Kidneys, driving out bad hunier, and regulating every o^Ranie fotietion. CONSUMPrnm COSBP. r An old pbysieiaii. jetiied froni piactiee,^r having had placed in Jus.haiijs by, «» East India missionary the loninla of a simple of a y^etable reine^ for the roeedy and pemaa- ent onidof Con8Qiniition.BK»nehltu, Catarrh, Aathmaand all thro^ and tiuog Affliotions, also a positive and iiadiiBal oiure for neryotia Debility wid all %rvoas Compbunts, after having tested its wondeif^ enrative powers in Ihoaaa^ of oases, has felt it his duty to mJAf it known to his raftering feUows. Actuated by this' inntive 'and a desire to relieve human, suffering. I will send free of charge to all whn desire It, thitf ncifm. in German, French or Englilsh, with ftdl airec- tions for prcparingand nsin^. Send by mml by addressing with stamp naming Yhis paper, W. A. NoTBBSj U9 Potoer'« Block, Soehester N.Y. ' ' ' ear ,* [i jAic'nnf. to â- *â- :*â- =f= 1i J 1.1: Notices of Birtlu, Mamages, and Deatht twetnty fivt cents. BIRTHS. SioTHâ€" In Markdale, on the 11th inst., the wife of T. D. Smith, the barber, of a daught er. MARRIAGES- BuTLEOOE â€" Euaaâ€" At Kingman, Kansas, by. Bev, A. Hoffman, on the 29th June Chas. G. Butledge of Atchison, Kansas, to Lizzie M. Ellis of Kingman, Kas. DEATHS^ SwxENXT â€" In the hosmtal, Toronto, on the 9th inst., Ellen, youngest daugbicr of Mr. Patrick Sweeney of Glenelg. aged 23 years. The body was brought home on Jlfonday, and interred Wednesday, in the Glenelg B. G. conetery. IVEXT VISIT August 6th at the Markdale House. I. WASHIII6T0I, â- . D., THROAT LUNG SURGEON- L. C. P. S. O, Giadnaite Viotoria nniyer Bityl878 with honor, alaa passed tiie ex-l aminations of tbeGolkdgaofPlqE|icans;and Surgeons of Ontario the same yeak) -and ^er having devoted years to the special study of diseases of the Throat and Lungs, is pre- pared to treat nearly all the cacs which may come beforehim suecessfully. Diseases treated- Catairh Catarrhal Deafness Loss of Yoiee. Bemoqed Enlarged TonsUci. Growths from the Noae also Mmeting. Chroaie Branehitis Asthma and Gonsunq^on. "Tbe method. Inhalation " .;j: Â¥rom our own correspondent, A game of baseball, played between the picked nine of Eugenia and Flesberton clubs, was played on the grounils of the latter here on Friday last, resulting in a victory for the visiting tejun. The Flesherton boys were quite out of shape lor a good match, some of their best men being away from home, among others their trusty, fearless backstop, W. Yokes, Esq. Flesherton. the picturesque little town of northern Ontario, ^as now become a famous resort for summer holiday visitors. Among the distinguished visitors at present we might notice J. W. Henderson, Esq., and family of Toronto. Mr. Pratt and wife of Vermont, U. S., tbe guests of Dr. Christoe. Mrs. W. E. Dyer of Oshawa. daughter of Bev. W. Ayers of this place. Mrs. J, D. Clark of Hamilton and Mrs. T. Aikinhead of Toronto, daughters of J. W. Armstrong, Esq.- Mrs. Ansley of Parry Sound, dauf^ter of W. K. Flesher, Epq. C. W. Moorey and wife of Creemore, the guests of Mr. W. NeaL Mi:. Moodey and bride of Buffalo, on their wedding tour, the guests of Mr. Jfunes Brooks. Uios. Bates and wife from Sanlt St. Marie, vioiting with his mothei and relatives hen. Mrs. Brown of Toronto, the guest of Mrs, Thos. Leitoh. Miss Walfdi of Uxbridge, teacher, is spending her bolidays with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin of this place. Mr. Herbert Strain of Pembina, U. S.^ surprised his parents by his arrival home on Saturday evening last. Horbert looks well, and notioea quite a change in our town after an absence of nearly four years. Mr. Strain also expects his eldest son, Joseph, home from Atchisoa, Eamns, this week. Will Keefer and wile are also expected to anive in town daring the present wefik. Mr. and Mrs. Bunt M Chatham, the guests otP. Bunt of thk place, on their way through for Moose Jaw, N. W. T. Your repcnrter took a stroll roand town and jotted the above few parsoaaia. More anoa. The anaonneaaaent has liaen made that the Bey. Mr. D'Azgmt A. Maxwell will ddiver a sermcm to this Masonic fnttsfnity of this place in the Praa^enan ohnm hoe next Sabbath irftenuam at 2:30 p^ n; r Bev. Mr. Ayatsfreach^iiaattaMntojotig men on Sunday even|ng laat «tiilbd"Swocd Bxferdse," .4i«aa.thwdngi^9Mrhand alwe iQ|to.hi8 swerd,^: vary intaaastaii andfsBflf TheUihiil pteoanffibe-iiiol khe qaliiteeaB .^ wU]«rtheJi(»tnn^'|d|ii f)iS|i^^^^«^aanwAe, oraas band, sion. DCPoii'nQlf CoozaiowB. â€" Mrs? ' t nnmber of yean with Indi- LConatipatiao, and was inAioedto I Speedy Cm« and foond it idl It was ahmwt impoaidHa fcr __^ the left palate being eataii«uh.~a hok fageaoat^toy aa a «Me qoai tb»P- nae toaayperaon aimilai^ troaUad. ThiBk «! ?J??^ ??^y-*!?"" "" â€" J aai â- ! invafaiabte noedy ia aold in every part :i^^^*LS;*^"?^"»^ '" atCOe.aiidtl.OQ par battle. Soldatr^^ " " »?l» i»aph aii Xlipiat» H ff « Hainn|fer#»iF aM fitted tp lii every detail a Sash, Boor nd toi:y«.OQilt8mv^i;i^;the latost id most approved macbinery, bauig aeair* I •m itamyeagainiji. to tpm ont Sasli,iDoor8,'BpMs^I(nildiiigs, Hollof Bii ' flMES; UTH, FENCE PICKETS, tc, And everytlitfig needed XQ tbe bnilding trade, in a manner cecnnd i Canada, and: baying engaged superior mecbanics m every depi • '-r-' would now Ipespecttnlly solicit public patronage^ Every Effort Made to fill Orders Progip PINC LUMBER Dressed and Undr Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tomingi Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. McNEAl 1 MASSACRED!^ Ev^Bryihinfif tnu^ed'dciwn to suit the hard times Don't tbrow mji by haying at another mail's figures, when you can save fromlCviS • », per cent, by purchasing your Groceries »t ♦iH-5^ Startling Value in Teas and Suga 160 dozen of Canned Salmon, Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardines. Tomttoes,' Peas, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Peaches, c., to be sacrificed si c(«F Flour ahd Baco n Cheap a s the Cheapest A large stock of Confectionery/ Fruits, Cigars and W AtiWAXfi ON HANIâ€" VEBY CHEAP. A LABOI STOCK OF IffiiliRke udt the place if yon want liad liadt^ iaoliSafisfaetiaii and UwM» 'm.:-'i LEWIS KNiB| ulW PS~BLOCK MarkdaU and W- picm^ and a viaik thia snmaMr frantta ter^-iUn Haittg^ ahalaaa. Wesfa Paia |Cag In the remedy to Isaap. Alwmyares^ for» sndden atta Ftiee 25 eents, field bgr A. Turner sad Co Drngipsta. ed a Stotiooery Store in Dnntep's Block- it a^share of public pat«" Iba* ovx iBtoicourse niay nleaaHil and profitable,! ;.5-^.,.;^i3bam, voiirs.lrwy). fitllEl tba^laat «f aaeh iiaiia. HEAD OlrnCBS-MSTaiiM st. TtrnmL 85 Kuril at Ba ». g*^ â- **• ^^""HV^^ Did llSfW' ;!ii iit^-!! tftit not t laaS" Wh; %,;.-i ;^»- S' .Kunm aiw !»• MA r^' fc^^,: :::.i:^v»..*iaitafei^^.ii...i^sBMak tfitfai â- -^' •â-