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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jul 1886, p. 2

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 i: /J ^^^ i^^ M i--^ _,, « ' PiIbm: Wi •Urtod ta • F£0|I.B Ottr of â- atiib i^Mlli i;" to tlM ooMt of Ofiitii|ifid, AoBleFfadsyt' tti« wtU knowa will ipfil li«r8aBn«r halUiyi atktr in Port BtaDby. Oat. Aootrdiag to ft PatIi newtpaper tho Pria- o«M PignatollU b Mr?Iag ai a mitna in a Vlaniia cafo oonont hall. Mn. Gladitsin, It ta raportod, will %ik» as aotfropurtia the oonuBg elaotion oam- pkiftn. in advaaoing her hiunuid's oaaie. Cellli P. Hoatiiigtaii wae onoe a farmer' bey in GooBeollotit. New he ia wortii $40,000,000 Hi is 65 yean eld, and haa a pleasant bat rather DlniF manner. " It ia wonderfol hew the longa weaken when men gat intotiie witaeai box," re- marked Ja^ Btae, of Tarente, a di^ or twe age, ai he exhorted a witneaa to apeak â- P- The EoapreM of Anttria haa gene to Lake Stranberg, Bavaria. She wlU after- wards Tint Gtotein, where oho will re- main aatU the arrival of the Empraaa of Gtermanyr OharlaaOreoker, the San Franolaeo raO- way. mi^iateb ia worth abent |12.000,00a Helanldto be plain, Muible and kind- heuted, and topeaaen marked praotioa aUUty. Jamee Creelman, a New lork leperter, haa made aeveral ef the hi^uat baleen aa- oenaiooaia the Untted Statee, haa travelled 15,000 BiUea ia a oanee. and oaa interview a Chinaman In the heathen'i own language. Mra. Ketohnm of Brentford, Oat., laat week waaohrietoned into the Wolf tribe of Indiana aa "Neoakaletah," othenHie Prairie Hose. The ceremony waa an honorary one, Mra. Katchnm being aapedal friend of aome membera of the tribe. ArcUbald Forbes, who waa married recently to the daughter of General Meigs of the United Statea army, preeented his bride elect with a necklace oempeaed of twelve of the medals given him byEarepean princes for deeds ef valor. Leopold Yon Banke, being once invited to lunch with the King of the ;;Bel- glans, made himself so agreeable at table that the party remained seated JIatoning to hia tolk till they were told to dress for dinner. This is regarded as the greatest triumph on record of ganias over ceart etiquetto. Rav. W. S. Ka'niford, of New York, for- merly ef Toronto, in a apeeoh before the CoDgreaa ef Chnrohea, recently held at Cleveland, Ohio, pleaded for the abolition ef the mlaaion chapel, and ppoke of the werthleaaneaa ef theatre aervioea and tent aeivlcea, compared with a folly manned free chnroh' Sir John Labbeok, the noted British acientiat, exhibited at an Ai^ooiatien meet- ing recently a very atrasga pet. It was a tome waap which had been in hia peaaeaaien fer about three months. It now ate sugar from hia hand, and allowed him to atroke it. The waap had every appearance of health and happineaa and, although it enjoyed, an ' outing " oQcaaionally it readily returned to its bottle, which it seemed to regard aa a home. Chief Gardener Watklns, of the.Horticnl- tnral Gurdena, Toronto, thinka ' there ii special virtoe in rain water for plante. Afsera heavy ahower which aucceeded a prolonged drought laat week, he remarked to a reportor " Yon can use hose and watering can until yon are old and bent, but you oannct do aa much in a month aa auch a ahower can do la ton minntea. Ita the pure quill, freah from the hlllsldea of the clouda, and there ia more plant food in a qaart of it than there ia in a watering cart full of city water. J. P. Jaffray and B. M. Ja£Eray are two Canadian brothers whopabliah n Chicago a weekly j lurnal called the Canadian Ameri can, wluch net only publiahea a gr3at deal ef newa abont Canadians in all parts of the United States, but also ceatoina a complete epitome of newa from all aeotions of the Canadian Dominion. Although living in the United Statea, the Jaffrajs are very enthusi- astic Canadians, land no Canadian news- paper takea a more hopeful view of the future of Canada and the permanency of the Confederation than doea the Canadiaa Am- erican. Francis Jeffrey Dickens, late Ibapector in the North- Weat Mounted Police, whoae death at Meline, IlL, was announced a day or two ago, waa the fourth son of Cliarlea Dickens. He waa 41 years of age, waa edu- oatod at Harrow and Cambridge went to India aa an officer in the Indian polior force. Combg to Canada, through the influence of Lard Doflerin he aecnred an appointment in the North-Weet Mounted Police, and con- tinned in that force until he reaigaed, oa ac- cenat of ill- health." Capt. Dickeas, as of cenrie every one remembers, was in com- mand of Fort Pitt when attacked by the Indians daring the late troubles. Within the past two months Duke Ohariea Theodore, of Bftvaria, aisisted by hia wife, has treated more than 1,000 eye patlente, and performed 132 surgleal eparationa. The Duke is a grandson of Maximilian i King of Bavaria, and a cousin eif MaxamUian II,, father ef the nnfartnnato monarch who has just committed suicide and the Duchees who ably aashte him in his snooesaful medi- cal and snrgioal practice ia aa Lafaata ef Portagal, the Priaoesa MarietJosepha-Baa- trix Jeanne-Eolalle -Leepoldlne • Adelaide • Elizibeth-Caroline-Mlchaele B%phaele-Gab- rielle-Francois d' Assise etde Paolo Inez So- phia-Joaohime -Thereae Banediclto Bema- eine. It is net oompalsery upon her patiento to address her by her fuUname. 4-, OUT OF THE OBDIlftiT. piMt The Boer's Setort. TheTraaavaalersara generally offensive- ly mde to Bnglishnua; bnt^ as a rale, uieLr inanlta lack paint. There io, however, something almost like wit^ la the Boer'a re- tort leoordedby Mr. Aabertia ia hia "Six Bwatiia ia Oape CelM^ and NataL" After a hot wrangle: '*^liat is the use of a handfal ef rude aaimals like yoo," taid aa EagUshmaa, " preteading to beat a omm- try like ears Da yon know ttiat the sua never seta «i tiie Qaaen's Dcmfadeas?" "What of that?" asked the Transvaaler. "Why, It shewB ear enermoas power." **It rather ihewa laaettiBg alaa, la my •plblen." "What may Oat be?" "It shows yaa am aaoh a aat of raaoala Oat Prwrideaoe oaa't trust yea ia tiia iuk " »»ey Mily:y ei^ H eld. Ikwumi plaoas ia Aiksa ao ^Im im tktm ymn. liataiteef mumf Nsw/jMdlpd plaaka taiuM tdtnir tjtm MUlar fm babg froaaa. Aa East ^ordaa, MIoh., auui is aoonsad ef »i"gi'»g oat a alga reading: "Know Syderforaaa*." Aa old man'a p wy r t ha t Ma hwaa shaaM bum was aaawersd after his daatii at Car- ttiage. Teaa., last week. A New York wemaa of social distiaotiea haaeffNredtopayaa aotlMrlf ha wOlaaake her tiie heroiae of aaevel. Miss LUIaa Snlth, of OaUferaia, a yonag lady ef foarteea years, has brokaa 325 glass balls ia annosisieii wl A the rifle, A Ganaaa iavaator la boildiag at a oeat of $125,000, a balleao five haadred feet la laagth, to be opeiatad by ateam. He b vary saogaiae of aaooesa, aad has been off area $150,000 fer his pateat. A medloal janraal tells of a yoong womaa who oeatraoted the habit ef ohewiag oeffae. The haUt grew until she carried the coffee to bed irith her, aad at last she oeasamed half a peoad a day. Glasa pla t es have been mbstitafeed fer oop; par ia the sheathing ef an Italian ahip, the advantage olaimed being exemption from •xidatioa aad iaomatatlea. The glass was oat la plates to fit the halL Aoempoaiter la the Flttabarg Diapatoh effiae whoae aame oeatalas s«vea lettors, ia maklag up hia atrbig found that he had set 77,777 ems in the sevea days of last week. He Is alae a member of T. U. No. 7. The mannfaotare ef solid carbonic add gas has become a settled Industry In Berlin. It ispntnp in small cylinders, and if kept under pressure wUI laat some timeâ€" tiiat is, a cylinder one and one- half laoh in diameter and two inches long will take five hours to melt away into gas. A farmer named Cook, ef Calhoua, Ala., has a curiosity ia the shape ef an egg that is a very rrmarkable freak ef nature. The egg meaaures ten laches la leagth, aad whoa brokea waa found to contain another wdl- developed, fuUyahelled egg. The entor- priaing hen that laid this remarkable egg, did so at the expense of her life. There was an exhibit at the semi-annoal meeting ef the Connecticut Valley Dental Society, in Hartford, of a set of teeth taken from a tomb near the city ef Rome. It is anerted that they had been there at least twenty- five hundred years. The teeth are held in place by a band ef gold, artistically worked in fancy carvings, the figures being ae minute that a magnifying glaas is neoes- aary to bring out their beauty. Every paiaon, it is said, haa Ite antidoto, and the latest discovery claimed by the medisal aoience in this respect is that tlie water-oreaa completely neutralizaa the de- leterieua effeote ef tobasco. Smokera who think that they have ezpwienced injurious effects from the uae of eue weed will haitton to avail themselves of the remedial proper- ties of the other, and in a very abort time we shall undoubtedly find that water-cress has become a fashionable and popular article ef diet.. The latest invention of comfort for tour- iata ia a new traveling cap, made with an air cuahlon In the back. Ordinarily, It ia juat like any other traveling cap, but when you want te reat your head on the aeat back, and don't want, all the hair en the back of your head rubbed off, all you have to do Is to put your mouth down to the opening, blow up the little bag and put In a cark. Then you put your cap on your head, and there you are, with aa nice a cuahion as « man could ask for. It Is the invention of a train boy. POE THE THOUGHTFUL. W ere we as eloquent aa angels, we i hould please seme more by listening than by talking. For dmnkennaai, drink cold wator health, rise earl/ to be happy, be honest to please all, mind your own business. Inquisitive people are the fanerals ef conversation they do not take in aay- thing for their ewa use, but merely to pass It to another. Life, at the greatest Is but a fro ward«hUd that must be humored and coax- ed a little till it falls asleep, and then all the care is over. Wrongdoing is a read that may open fair, but it leads to tronble and daager. Weil-deiag, however rough and thorny at first, surely leads to pleasant places. Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse who- ever makes the fewest perseas aaeasy. Is the best bred maa la oempaay. A wisemaa's heart Is like a broad hearth that keeps the oeals (his paasioas) from burning the house. Good deeds ia ttiis life are coals raked np in embers; to aiake a lire aext day. The chief elemeat la trne growth Is growth ia love ao aiaa is aiakiag permaa- en? growth la character, who is aot grow- ing la sympathy, la pity, ia helpfnlaess, ia all that conneota him with his feUow-men. The world is governed bytivee thingsâ€" wiadom, authority and appearanoe. Wis- don' for thenghtful people, authority far rough people, and appearances for tiie great maaa of superficial paaple who can leek enlv at the oatelde. We are laoliaed to thiak that the Christ- ian character conabto net in great aots, sub- lime deeds, lasphred or lasptring words. It onslsta rather in the spirit ef aoto than aota, rather la the motive ef deeds thaa deeds rather ia the reaaoa of words thaa words. ' Baal Bierit of aay kiad oaanot loag be concealed it will be dlaoevered aad aotUaff oaa depreolato it Irat a man's Thi h^fag g himself. It may net always b« rawudad aa it aogbt; bat it will always be kaowa. The real diffiBraoee hetweea aien ia eaeray A a teeagwill a aetUed parpoae aad iaviad* ble dete rwffn a tl e n ean aooompliah almost aayttiing and ea this Ilea the diatiaotton betweea great bmb aad litfle Irreguluity aad waat ef meHiad an niB. portable ooly ia aea of nsafr laoniagw goaia%wh« are of tea to* fdl to bo •notTaad tharofor* ohaoaa to tluow dawa their Mads iaheaaa before tiie reader ratfiar Oaa be at Oa pdas of sMaging them. EJimiROBlk OB BBS 8T^. akMBK.ttlaB JiB|BI«toB -ty a B«B Vea m » i i â- â€¢*^ BebOTtBobiaaoB, the l#Y«MC.eldf iMsef CoL Jeha Babiasoa, t«a joat «ai at Wadoalma of bydrophaMa. Ia la«t alraafe deg came to 1% kraae fod a*- tacked one el tU yard dega. KobuMeat ta the reieae ef hie dog aad waa bIttsB eo the arm by tlio sttaaga iag, wbioh thaa raa c£ It attaoked Mveral dber doga arblla rnaaiag away bat waa fttally killed. B bert's family feared tiM resnlta of tha blto,r aa all tiie evldenoe indioated that tha dog waa mad, bntselcag a timo elapsed w ittaat avfl aoaacqnaaoai that thdr fean entirilf On Taasdaj last, tin yaoag man waa stnsg by a bee ea tt« ana Irittea by the dog. Babert aaflined great pala. Oa: Sat- urday moralagi wlidaaagaged la eonvarsar tion with his mother, aha observed that Robert had fallen iato a strange aiood, langUag frequently enti^lit aad imnieder- ately witheat appareat oaase. Headadtted' there was aetUag to laagh at, bat that h* oenld aot help It. His father beiag iaf erm- ed ef hbpeoeliaroondlMaa, aadattliesame time disooToriag aanaaal aarveaaaeas In the patieat, adggeatad taking Mm to a phy- sidaa, bat proposed teat to give Bobait a milk toddy to quiet hia aarveo. The 4ght ef the liquid tbrew the yoong maa iato vfo- leat ooBvuloieaa, whi^ oeatiaaed aatil,aev- eial of the phyaidaaa ef Wadesbera and vloinlty arrived. The meat powerful opiates w«PS admlaisteiad, aiad evea th« pro- fuse applioatiea ef ohlorolana foiled to keep him quiet long at a time.. Heioamed at/the mouth, gaasUag hia teeth ia the effort to blM the attondanU abeet the beddda. Ia his ladd iatorvals, althefl|[h brief, the pew victim gave every evideaoe of iatelUgeaoe, talking wMi these aronad liim of hia awfal coaditiea, aad, realizing that be moat die, he expressed a realgaatiea to God's will, and priced that all ethers might be spared the fato that had befaUea hiai. FrichtfU Waste. Consumption oarries off ita thonsaads ef victims every year. Yee, thonsaads of hu- man lives are beiag waated that oilght be saved, for the fact ia aow aatabilshed that oensnmption, in ita early atagrs, is onrable. Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medical Dlsoovery" will. If used in time, effect a peimaaeat oure. It haa ao equal as a remedy for broa- ohitis, cenghs ai|d oolds, Ita effioaoy haa beea proved in thoosanda ef oases. All druggista. Many ostrich tfpi are being used. " Be wise to-day 'tis madness te defer." Djn't neglect your cough. If yon do yiaur fate may be that ef the oenntleas thousands who have done likewise. iJid who to-day fill consumptives' graves. Night- sweata, spit- ting ef blood, weak lunga, aad consumptlen itself if taken ia time can be cured by the use ef Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medloal Dla- oevery." This wonderful preparation has no equal aa a remodyi for lung and threat diaeasea. All druggiste. Tan and dove cajiors are popular. The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills are fast being snperscd^ by Dr. Pierce's " Par^atlve Pelleta." " We must draw the line somewhere," said the vigilenoe ccmmlttee to the' horse tiiief. Don't UM any more nauseouspursattvee such as FiUa, Salts, « when you can get In Dr. Caraon'a Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowels gently, cleanslBsalliirpur- itiea from the ayatem and renderlnsr the Biood piu e and cooL Great Spring Medicine eocte. Anxiety and care can deatrey the healthi- est body fright and fear, even excess of jey, Biay become deadly. A VVRB FOR DRVlfBENNESS, Opium, morphine, ohleral, tebaooo, and Inndred kabtU. The medicine may be given In tea or coffee without the Ijnowledge ef^ the peraon taking It, tfso destrtd. Send 6c In atampa. for beolc and tcstlmenlids from these who have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 WeUioff- ton St. East, Toronto, Ont Out thlSoSt for fntare reference. When writing men- tiea this paper. ' â-  " There are some things as eld aa the Xheyare the valleys betweea 'em, child." aolemnly answered the old Wcslllai HAMiisSroK* T naisT « V TMB I. Avns* d«»»- Haa asaduttsd otw'MO ladiaa la tMalnllcouiie, his adacaf id ever t.00 Full ItoolUa^Htaratuia. laacwiaa, mnsio and art. The lanraal eolleee boOdlactalhaPfOftaea. wmoarneaVMl. 1.1880. Addiaaatha PfloaUMl, A. BUANI. D.D., U. D. I I «PBJrCB dk CO. afllfadllto to ask the tnde let our make of rOas aad Baave. â- o'lMMag a â- vedaUf' Mad for â- MBiltoB. Ontario. m r HrleaBsljjj -nu^u '"*ers Patent fcy, BnsBicci AIM Hue Bojal lall Staanufliipg. •vair Xliuiadari iLaaSte Hwlaad.'Alao ttuuiB all la ia w .v BalllBC dntiia w â- aaHaaBuotaferBeliBdartoUTCfpeoLi QaatoaevatyAaaartar toUvatroot, eaUlas atlio*- ' -^toIaadsaailawaseaaMiMtaCorSaottaBd and vUgaMraaaatatiJohtfB, â- aBMrmoOthi. COmpow Ubm aeU Oarinrwlalai â-  " aadlUadai mr and Moe. aadOlaa Io ana nasi """"j rvnmma, jwaea aaa Bhla: and dariiw aaaaaMr bileai i GlaaoMr i Wot tkelgbt. apply toA^Seb Cnaarda or other toftefaadea jaraOoM Baltimoa; 8. Bslifix Shea K Oo Bfc Jidia^ N. r„ Wm. ThomsoB It COi« St. JOha. N. B. i Allaa a Co., CUoago; Love a Aldmi. New loric; H. Bonriier.TbraBto: AUnaa. BaeaOoM Quebee: Wm. Broekie. PhHadelphia t H. A. Allaa.I^atiaad Bootoa. Moatreal Surprise Tlirefdier. A.F. 288 MKN-THBKK-and two ladlesHW (tovaaaaia CUPBBIOB FILES AND RASPB-WAKRAwm. Oat. C „ 0*BtnlFalta. tare?, HaBiOtaB. iakkMa •â-  Koaaisa wr AddwS iDTHSSSi. mISS A GENTS A. BIBIL tniuinattatloa roB »BW PARALLBL n.MaBdld .poo qnti FAMILT bcanti- $700 â- â€¢i^S!%2r';:?«^ MAeaaNtoM nK.. iS* ~i â- "• **""» Iaadalkâ€" imnm SST? Piaia,Uoenta: 180.000 s i»«rZL.*?i?"**^ *itve ^S." nrkSS J'5S!«*'"_?^ *«* A*S?to2?L5iS2J?» 4 »ooi rd^ rtotaatetab ^3SS%SL?^£ft-SS?'«S^ Ma Inudnd and »» CBCBpUncd I ImsV-* totoaiuoin^ ft The Royal •'«h»t,«^' L U.^V And au kiadi o( U^fcT. ProoJ Wliidow*A7oZ^J*^k Modd.N.kta,..Mm.t3i?'*^t tToik. ^^ • Woik. fSXKIt 0B Pbmb Lm. HaniUH Soh h Mannfaletnred SijraB. HeaateA A VawB Pvwers, 8 dk M Horse, My BpeetolUes. FHee. Ne. 3, Thresher aad Power Ceaiptote, 0a»i ao. 4, do de do 4M No. 5, de de de sao No. 6, do rorsteaai 375 Disconnt for Cash. these maohlBea ate tha fai«eat and Hxliteat mn- Ding, Mid make a better aeparatlon than any other atyle In uae. I Invife ooneapcnidanoe from f armari and threahannen. In wrlUoff maatlon what you want. Deacrlpttve dionlar acnt on applioatlon. Aceata waated. Mention thla p»per. James Sharman STiiATFOKD, ONT. Donnant, Hopper v. Scales for aiiiiaaBdi We mannfaotare all styles of SCALES, *hlch are oneqwlled fotg aocnraoy, durablUtj And elegance of finlab. OSBORNE 00J ELECTRO ST[REOTTPf; -â-  TORONTC. J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVL: 10 King S' East TOiiONTO Hams, Breakfas t Baea dar goods are of the Finest QaaUty, FaU Flavour and Sngucnwi Silver medals awarded oa for past seven years for excellenM of ein. aJ-a.s. i».^kk: t so: ^F zfc^^^^ nr "F o p ARMERS AND THRESHERj Use OB your Machinery only the Well-known PEERLESS SIX GOLD MEDALS have bean awaided it dnrlntr the Urt three y»n. Ttjtktmf IXSS AXU CBBABE for your Wannu ud Eo aannfaotatad at Oaeea City OU Warka, by SAMUEL ROGERS CO., TORC J NEW HARRIS AND STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FUBNA( « I h e t. « a i w»»** J^ aaeettve, Clcaa, Oarajhto aad aeeaemlcal Healera la *• L_^ and TanUUttDg Ohnrthaab Bchoola^ PnbHo Bnfldloga. Storaa and Private R«"»«f., j^,a«- ilea andaaally manag,*, oapaMa of Kivlnr moia kaat with lata oonaumpUea of f»I •W*^ M* Abselately «as *i^t.'« Hsht sisea "Harrla" aad ft"" j^ "" â-  " Oonespondenoe aoUclKA " •Ppantoa. H.^ '"'^•^•'•"wtaBilokorPoBtehlaloim. "'Mi tatotautlon TSb 1. 0. flM£T CO. (Limiteii), w I- D. SAWYER CO., HAMILTfl "-VMravionuaa orâ€" "E.D.S." ENGINES. "Grain Saver" and "Pettrlott" SEPARATORS. my. V.

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