â- H MSAV^' â- ^WIW :;**4i3«?s ^i mi a^i!;i ill fl I- â- â- p Si Ill I '1 I. t ^^•****' f:i* BABBISCER, SOIjIOITOR, fcc. OFFICE-^VER McniliLMH^S STME, MABKDALE. jMLoney to Lioaii. 274 HANDS, EGHIIN GARVIN, (SCCCXSSOCS TO liAVDEB UASDs), BA.CEISTERS, Solicitors, Proctors, No- taries, (JouTcyancerii, e. Mouey to oau at lowest rates of iuterest. Offices 16 King Street Eattt. 199-251 ToEONTo. T3AERISTERS, SOLICITORS, c. Offices â€" Owen Soand, in VieXer's Block Poulett St.; Branch office in Markdale, over MeFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday f very week. 57-ly J. Masson, Q. C. S- Masson. W. Massox. N.S. â€" Private Company's funds to invest at from Six to Eight per cent. ti:jiJ'^»Ti' fi. fiOmiHE, Phiti d Ornamental P/asiBr Opposite the Presbyterbn Ghureli lark- iliSe. Arches, GOmices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly aJctended to. fU)H R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conyeyancer, Appraiser, Valuator aad Money Lender. Deeds, Mort- gages, Leases and Wills drawn p and Valuations made on shortest 'olbtice. Gbargefl very low. Apply to B. J.SPBOULE, Money Lender and #•? » .Postmasteri; Fleshertod. â- HACyARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM TBJSEMASTB WORM Ampli RoUer: r.4t Hit liwjfc: Iiitere8t.lownilpB^ini4^t^ie' '^^'V-' ii^AfRMEIW-^HAVlliOifc»."«;, WHEAT ' ' C» W. BtKELEP^" J? «t»* fntentoK floae. fi«nv their own 276 "V §;tarxfUid0fficir.\'beat;caugeiit'bybriiipng*we^^ ' •. " .- â€" x- " â- 'â€" " ' â- 'or more. •â- '"â- â- ' â- â- â- ;*«; ittot4^a. Contain ib^ own Is a -safe, siuer oad etltetaat i^ Cbildrwi ok Adnltfc Alexander Brown.. ISSUEE of Marrifcge Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agenk. (Jommissionei in B. B. e. Conveyancer and Money to loan for~ the County of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made very moderate. Prieeville, Nov. 5th. 1885. 1-y Wm, Browm; JSSTJEB UF MABBIAGELIC£KSES,e Commissioner in B. B. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. IT. B.â€" Money to Lend oa Beal Estate se ourity.- WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale. in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now orecared lo do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Besidance otd stand, opposite Presbtorian Church. 282 ABCH. BOYD. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERI^Y, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate «t low rates. Nov. 5, '85-ly G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBBE of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. IS'Office and residence, E. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 29811 J. P. MARSHALL. L.D.S. DENTIST, GEADUATE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, vrill be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each mquth for the prac tice of his profession. 122-47, ROBERT S. RAE, TAILOR, Syd-enliarn Street. MARKDALE. A«IJ EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FONEML FUMISillHeS supplied on the shortes notice. Jk. Sileiidid. U.esLfse to hire si moderate rates. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. MARKDALE HOUSE â€" ^All iicds of â€" FTJR]VITXJK.E ia Stoek at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMrNC Done ou short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. OWEN SOUND MAfiBLE WORKS UliE BEAZlijjLij.ax jt-jiBBLE SP2C- TAGiiES, manufactured by Frank Lazarus, late of the firm of Lazarus Morris, form- J erly of Hartford County, now of No. 28, Maryland's Eoad, Hanow Boad, London, Epg.. can be had of W. A. Browh, Watchmaker, c., Markdale. Hr. Lazaras would beg to notify his num- erous friiends and patrons, that he has no connection with any other firm i^ the Do- minion, and only his l*ebbles can be procured aa abore. Frank Lazaras, Manu- facturer Optician, 28lryland's Eoad, Har- row Boad, London W., England. 274-6m H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEE OF MARBLE AND GRA ITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONE^, Mantles, Furniture ilarble, dc. Flout ahmys oh Hand ' To KiTe in exchange. "Baker's Patent" and best ifjaflj floor for â- ale. Betail price per hbl. SMQ. Three barrels or more, S4.1U to H.^5. SHORTS, per tpniil'..- ' tf«.W JBBAN. "â- :/ moo ::.A IV. FORD. Victor Il6lt0t Mills, ^ARA^PllALE. Fftrmers are. dziyiog from one to twenty-four miles to the Victor Boiler Mill, and are so higUy pleased with tue resqlts that tliej always come back. f No waitipg, or retnni trip necessary as you get your grist home with you evfiry time. No change made in the Rcale of exchaD(;e from the past. Parties wishing choice flour, be sure and go to Plenes Mill. Good mixed chop, bran and shorts always for siBle. ' Wanted, all the good Spring Wheat in the four townships, for wjiioh. the highest price will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PLEWES- Scale of Gristing: at' BARRHEAD â- :- MILLS. Canidiu GOING NORTH. Toronto.... Leaye^ Orange- Arrive ville [Leave. OrangevUle Jub Svhelburne Dnndalk .."'// Flesherton..! -â- Markdale..""' Berkeley.. .. " Williamsforil '.." Ohatsworth ..' " '•i«a-" OwenSound.".!.' ^23«"«i !9« 1080 1032 loa 11 2j 11 47 1!U 'lo;^ ?^$OUTH STATIONS. Owen Sound. "1 â€" Ohatsworth..!..' ^^ Williamsford. l' " Berkeley... 625» Markdale....".* ^U" Flesherton *f " Dundalk "'2" Shelbnrne ..." '26" OiangeviUe j'nn ' »1 " Orange Arrive..' \l^' ville.. [Leave...: If CardwellJunction... u^" ^«'-*° Arrive.::-.'!.;^:: 2i u 111 WnZAT. 62 lbs. 6J •' 60 " 69 " 58 '• 57 " se •' 55 " 54 " 53 " 52 " 51 " 50 " 49 •• WEIOHINO. 41 flour. 40 •' 39 •• 38 " 87 •• 36 " ' :-?5 •• 34 " 33 •• 32 " 30 " 28 " 26 " 24 •' OFFAI.. 13 Ibff. 13 '• 14 •• 15 •• 16 •' 17 " 18 " 19 " 20 •• 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 •' 20 " Services every Sabbath »tS Prayer Meeting ever3.Wedni2i 80 clock. Rev. A. WiUonpL* Brown, S. S. Superintendent CHBIST CHDBCE Servicee for July 4, ]ft.80a.n.,rih. 11th 7 p. m 18tL. 10.30 and IS So T"wF"'i"r^'"S»'Wt' ^.iO. J. W Ford, Snperintendait MEi'HODIST CHTEffl Services every Sunday at lOj.- 7 p. m. Sunday School at m „ Meeting every Thursday evenagtaS iJible clasp Monday evening from jt Eev. Geo. H. Ctrnish. Pastor; W i{ S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' jUj nection Mrs. T Hill, Secretan. §wwttl piwttoni. JUST RECEIYEP 3 Carloads Fines f Marble Variegated MARKDALE, ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. C MMERClu"]rOTELr PRICEVHjLiE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Kooms, c. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good StSbliug and attentive Hostler's TH03. ATKINSON. Proprietor MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inlorm the travelling public generally, that he has leased the abnve premises for a term of ^ears, and hopes by jateriug to their cnmforjt to merit a sliare of jnblic patronage. Bar and Lardf r well sup- plied. Gl od stabling ami attentive hostler. D. McLEAN, Proprietor, Markdale, Nov. 12, 1885. EUGENIA HOTEL EUGENIA FALLS Out. J. McAleer, -Prop. The public may iev on receiving every necessaiy attention oa to Edialiles. Drink- able and Horse^ Care. 991 l^aseliioiiLa,lle Tailor, OVER MAC FABl. and" S. STOEE. A. PERFECT FIT GUAEANTEED. '^i ISA.4C STI3fSO]«. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vcirk. Estimates given. AH woffk KUVftutoed. Ordats Jiy nuul pvomptly' attended to 329 ]\, -.: fteeideace. MARKDALE. ^^^â- ^'m. BUILDER, CONTRACTOR. A ARCHI- i^cT, Markdale. Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tto, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON. Remember I give ycu all your small wheat home with you. which is considerable. 270 W. J. ROWE. WOOL! WOOL! Hearth MBMV Wealth Db. E. C. West's Nebvx asoBbain Tbeat- HENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralffia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, desay and death. Premature Old Age. Barren- ness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involun-' tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-dxertion of the braiu, self-abuse or over- indulgence. One box will cui-e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment! One dollar a box. or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee sir boxes to cure any caw. With each order received by us ler six boxes, ac- companied with five dollars, we will send the' purchsser our written guarantee to refunl the money if the treatment does not effect a w-.?T.*^®-' Sole Proprietors, 181 183 fHE KEYTONBIU'lir As the season for the new wool is at hand, we would respectfull.y intimate to all those who may want any carding done, tbat we are now prepared to attend to all who may favor us with a call. Having this spring put on some new steel cards, with other necessary improvements, and over thirteen years ex- perience, we are confident that we can turn out om- work in a satisfactory manner. Weaving and -Fulling Cloth done as usual on short notice. All work done at the lowest cash price. Wool taken in exchange for work. Markdale ^Woollen Mill* May 17, 188(8 248 F. J. RITCHIE. MARKDALE, MaNUFACXTBEB of ALL KINDS OF TIT IL/iC 3P CJ. Cylinder, Drop Valve and Cistern Pumps. Iron T»Timps Supplied Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction gaaranteed. Also agent for Sargent's Patent Load Lifter for Glenelg and Bentinck town- ships. Orders by mail promptly at- tended. "â- 219 Markdale C. 0. 0. F. No. 78, meek a alternate rdonday evening at 8 c'c Hall, McDougall's block, "isitirg b welcome. Markdale A. 0. U. W, No. 141 l their Hall, McDougall's block, eTorjl Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Arai brethren of peigbboring lodges soliail Mabkd.u,e L. 0. L. No. 1045 mmii Hall on Friday on or before f month. Thos. Elliott, Master; IT. J. 1 Secretary. Victoria E. B. Preceptoiy, Kil Meets in Lodge Boom of MsrkdileLU No. 1045, first J'riday in each moai 1 ing Sir Knights always welcome. JiiJ W. P.; Thos. Elliott,'Eegistrar. FARMFOUm Lot 8. con. 14. Glenelg, 100 a(*j cleared and under cultiistion, bakwr wood, soil clay loam, well watered ji«« and barn, and an orchard of 235 m* ing trees, Tnk farm is sitwtedSiiiWj Markdale and 4from Berkeley; smb r the best farms in the township- wPi« on reasonable terms. For I apply to GEO. LAMB,)E,ja,ti JAS. LAMB,) 298-310 GlascoePO' IRWIN, V.I J, J. Honomiy Graduate Veterinary Treats all dis- eases of domes- tic animals. Veterinary Medicines Kept '"'" 6 PEE GENT. or Town interest. MoDPy l(.a»iea on Prtrin Prnterty at lowest rates of Apply to ,. ^|W."SPROULE. Pobtnaaster, Fleaberton. Unkdcs all the cIogRiJd"7venue.?tIie JJ^w, Kidneys «ad Ii»«r ^^• off 8«du.lly withSJt â„¢SShe^^S? all the imporiUei and fonlhSnoL^!!!: ieortions at the «ameX ftS^^ Aei^ty of the Stom^ ^?5*^^ â€" TO SCIOOLjrROSTEES. The undersigned is manufaotnring'an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool "F'liMiitiire, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapuess, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalosnetoChatsworthP.O. *^^1 ANDEEW McGHiL. CHAEGBS CALLS PKOMPTLY OFFICE AND INFIRMAW, MILL STREE^. Opposite S^ MAE. Clover Seed, Medium Bedi Lange Bed, White Dutch, A. Bike, liueenne and Pellow. GRASS SEED, ni^t^^ni^^'f' iteafcw Po* TaU. Eng- iSow Oa?^^' ^*«°*"»"^l«e. Bed Top, BLOOD lOe; Foradebyan ^^'VOtU ttflaoMie vj.5*!^'*-*^®^d"*d Garden Seeds to ar- rive Aom Ehgiaiid «d^ in Maialt. inan* Liver Complawt. DfP^e*»»l, Jaundice. Headachc.^^W-,^^ tostiveness, or any d^^tf *» " liver, DR. CHASE sLnn» Md certain '^°l,a£-S BE" vl NATURE ȣwsi The unqualified ^^JdV ^t^m Mandrake and other invaluable compounded ""•â- ^'^oBiiO^' ^yfi Ma^dkake and DAN" Kid??-, otiier inv-aiu»" Kidncj" e.uIe.ecton^ SOtO oronounced t^f^.'j^tlxf^ ,** pronoun itiaie* rUe. and worth t^e»^-^j^ reiedy. i're-' •^^